Example #1
def getNextBlock(f):   
   global blkCounter
   blkSize = binary_to_int(f.read(BLOCK_SIZE_LENGTH), LITTLEENDIAN)
   result = None
   if blkSize > 0:
      binunpack = BinaryUnpacker(f.read(blkSize))
      blkHdrBinary = binunpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, HEADER_LENGTH)
      blkHdr = parseBlockHeader(blkHdrBinary)
      blkCounter += 1
      txCount = binunpack.get(VAR_INT)
      txBinary = binunpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, binunpack.getRemainingSize())
      txOffsetList = getTxOffsetList(txBinary, txCount)
      txList = []
      for i in range(len(txOffsetList)):
         tx = txBinary[txOffsetList[i]:txOffsetList[i+1] if i < len(txOffsetList) - 1 else len(txBinary)]
         txList.append(getTx(tx, blkCounter))
      result = Block(blkCounter, blkSize,
   return result
 def testBinaryUnpacker(self):
    ts = '\xff\xff\xff'
    bu = BinaryUnpacker(ts)
    self.assertEqual(bu.getSize(), len(ts))
    self.assertEqual(bu.getRemainingSize(), len(ts)-1)
    self.assertEqual(bu.getBinaryString(), ts)
    self.assertEqual(bu.getRemainingString(), ts[1:])
    self.assertEqual(bu.getRemainingSize(), len(ts))
    self.assertEqual(bu.getRemainingSize(), len(ts) - 2)
    self.assertEqual(bu.getPosition(), 2)
    self.assertEqual(bu.getRemainingSize(), len(ts))
    self.assertEqual(bu.getPosition(), 0)
    self.assertEqual(bu.getBinaryString(), ts + ts)
 def testBinaryUnpacker(self):
     ts = '\xff\xff\xff'
     bu = BinaryUnpacker(ts)
     self.assertEqual(bu.getSize(), len(ts))
     self.assertEqual(bu.getRemainingSize(), len(ts) - 1)
     self.assertEqual(bu.getBinaryString(), ts)
     self.assertEqual(bu.getRemainingString(), ts[1:])
     self.assertEqual(bu.getRemainingSize(), len(ts))
     self.assertEqual(bu.getRemainingSize(), len(ts) - 2)
     self.assertEqual(bu.getPosition(), 2)
     self.assertEqual(bu.getRemainingSize(), len(ts))
     self.assertEqual(bu.getPosition(), 0)
     self.assertEqual(bu.getBinaryString(), ts + ts)
def processTxOutScr(txOutScr, blkHash, blkPos, txIdx, txOutIdx):
    '''Function processing a TxOut script.'''
    # Proceed only if there's data to read.
    retVal = txOutScr
    txOutScrUnpack = BinaryUnpacker(txOutScr)
    txOutAddress = BinaryPacker()
    txType = TxType.unknownTx
    txOutScrSize = txOutScrUnpack.getRemainingSize()

    if(txOutScrSize > 0):
        # Read the initial byte and determine what TxOut type it is.
        initByte = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)

        # 0x21/0x41 = Pay2PubKey
        if(initByte == '\x21' or initByte == '\x41'):
            # Make sure it's a valid pub key before declaring it valid.
            pkLen = isPubKey(txOutScrUnpack)
            if(pkLen != 0):
                # Save the pub key.
                txOutKey = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, pkLen)
                txOutAddress.put(BINARY_CHUNK, txOutKey)
                txType = TxType.p2pKey

        # OP_DUP = Pay2PubKeyHash
        elif(initByte == OP_DUP):
            # HACK ALERT: Some bright bulb has created OP_* TxOuts that have
            # nothing but the OP_* code. Check the remaining size upfront.
            # (Checking after every read is more robust, really. I'm just lazy
            # and don't want to retrofit this chunk of code. :) )
            if(txOutScrUnpack.getRemainingSize() > 0):
                hashByte = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
                if(hashByte == OP_HASH160):
                    hashSize = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
                    hashRemSize = txOutScrUnpack.getRemainingSize()
                    if(hashSize == '\x14' and \
                       hashRemSize >= binary_to_int(hashSize)):
                        txOutHash = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, \
                        # Save the hash.
                        txOutAddress.put(BINARY_CHUNK, txOutHash)
                        eqVerByte = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
                        if(eqVerByte == OP_EQUALVERIFY):
                            checkSigByte = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
                            if(checkSigByte == OP_CHECKSIG):
                                txType = TxType.p2pHash

        # OP_HASH160 = Pay2ScriptHash
        elif(initByte == OP_HASH160):
            hashSize = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
            hashRemSize = txOutScrUnpack.getRemainingSize()
            if(hashSize == '\x14' and hashRemSize >= binary_to_int(hashSize)):
                txOutHash = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, \
                # Save the hash.
                txOutAddress.put(BINARY_CHUNK, txOutHash)
                eqByte = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
                if(eqByte == OP_EQUAL):
                    txType = TxType.p2sh

        # OP_1/2/3 = MultiSig
        elif(initByte == OP_1 or initByte == OP_2 or initByte == OP_3):
            validKeys = True
            readByte = 0
            numKeys = 0

            # HACK ALERT 1: Some scripts are weird and initially appear to be
            # multi-sig but really aren't. We should compensate. One particular
            # way is to require at least 36 bytes (assume 1-of-1 w/ compressed
            # key) beyond the initial byte.
            # HACK ALERT 2: There are some multisig TxOuts that, for unknown
            # reasons have things like compressed keys that where the first byte
            # is 0x00, not 0x02 or 0x03. For now, we just mark them as unknown
            # Tx and move on.
            if(txOutScrUnpack.getRemainingSize() >= 36):
                readByte = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
                while((readByte == '\x21' or readByte == '\x41') and numKeys < 3
                       and validKeys == True):
                    pkLen = isPubKey(txOutScrUnpack)
                    if(pkLen != 0):
                        txOutKey = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, pkLen)
                        # Save the key.
                        txOutAddress.put(BINARY_CHUNK, txOutKey)
                        numKeys += 1
                        readByte = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
                        validKeys = False
                validKeys = False
            if(validKeys == True):
                if((readByte == OP_1 or readByte == OP_2 or readByte == OP_3) \
                    and binary_to_int(initByte) <= binary_to_int(readByte)):
                    cmsByte = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
                    if(cmsByte == OP_CHECKMULTISIG):
                        txType = TxType.multiSig

        # OP_RETURN = Arbitrary data attached to a Tx.
        # Official as of BC-Core 0.9. https://bitcoinfoundation.org/blog/?p=290
        # and https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/2738 have the details of
        # the initial commit, with https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/3737
        # having the revision down to 40 bytes.
        elif(initByte == OP_RETURN):
            # If the 1st byte is OP_RETURN, as of BC-Core v0.9, there can be
            # arbitrary data placed afterwards. This makes the TxOut immediately
            # prunable, meaning it can never be used as a TxIn. (It can still be
            # spent, mind you.) The final BC-Core 0.9 only accepts <=40 bytes,
            # but preview versions accepted <=80. In theory, any amount of data
            # is valid, but miners won't accept non-standard amounts by default.
            # Anyway, since it's arbitrary, we don't care what's present and
            # just assume it's valid. Save all the data as the TxOut address.
            opRetData = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, \
            # Save the data.
            txOutAddress.put(BINARY_CHUNK, opRetData)
            txType = TxType.opReturn

        # Everything else isn't standard. For now, we'll do nothing.
        # else:
        #     print("DEBUG: 1st BYTE (TxOut) IS TOTALLY UNKNOWN!!! BYTE={0}".format(binary_to_hex(initByte)))

    # Could it be that there is no TxOut script? Is this legal? Let's take a
    # peek and write some debug code.
        print("DEBUG: At block {0}, we have an empty TxOut script!".format(blkPos))

    # If we have a known TxOut type, we'll return an address instead of the
    # entire TxOut script. Note that it's unlikely but possible that an address
    # value for, say, OP_RETURN could match a pub key hash. In production code,
    # we'd want to add extra data to ensure that no collisions have occurred
    # (e.g., 2 different addresses are sharing a common balance), or possibly
    # use a different approach altogether.
    if(txType != TxType.unknownTx):
        retVal = txOutAddress.getBinaryString()
        if(txType == TxType.p2pKey):
            step1 = hash160(retVal)
            step2 = hash160_to_addrStr(step1)
            retVal = base58_to_binary(step2)
        elif(txType == TxType.p2pHash):
            step1 = hash160_to_addrStr(retVal)
            retVal = base58_to_binary(step1)

    return retVal
def processTxInScr(txInScr, blkHash, blkPos, txIdx, txInIdx, txInFile):
    '''Function processing a TxIn script.'''
    # Proceed only if there's data to read.
    txInScrUnpack = BinaryUnpacker(txInScr)
    retVal = TxType.unknownTx
    txInScrSize = txInScrUnpack.getRemainingSize()
    if(txInScrSize > 0):
        # Read the initial byte and determine what TxOut type it is.
        initByte = txInScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)

        # Except for multisig and possibly OP_RETURN, all should start with a
        # sig.
        if(initByte >= '\x43' and initByte <= '\x4b'):
            # Make sure it's a valid pub key before declaring it valid.
            # CATCH: We'll rewind because the first byte of the sig isn't
            # repeated, meaning the stack uses the first byte of the sig to push
            # the rest of the sig onto the stack. The rewind isn't necessary but
            # I'd like to keep the sig verification whole.
            sigLen = isSigShell(txInScrUnpack, False)
            if(sigLen != 0):
                if(txInScrUnpack.getRemainingSize() == 0):
                    retVal = TxType.p2pKey
                    readByte = txInScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
                    if(readByte == '\x21' or readByte == '\x41'):
                        pkLen = isPubKey(txInScrUnpack)
                        if(pkLen != 0):
                            retVal = TxType.p2pHash

        # OP_0 = P2SH or MultiSig
        elif(initByte == OP_0):
            numBytesAdv = isSigShell(txInScrUnpack, True)

            # Proceed only if there was at least 1 valid sig.
            if(numBytesAdv != 0):
                numBytesRem = txInScrUnpack.getRemainingSize()
                if(numBytesRem != 0):
                    # Confirm that the remaining bytes are a standard script
                    # before marking this as a P2SH script. (There are P2SH
                    # scripts that aren't standard, so we'll mark the entire
                    # script as unknown and save it.) In a fully robust system,
                    # we'd Hash160 and compare against the Hash160 in the
                    # ref'd TxOut to confirm that this is valid.
                    # NB: In the real world, it looks like all scripts don't
                    # match the normal TxOut types! Just mark this as P2SH and
                    # write it out anyway.
#                    p2shScript = txInScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, numBytesRem)
#                    if(processTxOutScr(p2shScript, blkHash, blkPos, txIdx, \
#                                       txOutIdx, txOutFile) != TxType.unknownTx):
#                        retVal = TxType.p2sh
#                        print("HEY, WE GOT A GOOD SCRIPT! {0}".format(binary_to_hex(p2shScript)))
#                    else:
#                        print("OH NO, WE HAVE A BAD SCRIPT! {0}".format(binary_to_hex(p2shScript)))
                    retVal = TxType.p2sh
                    # We have multi-sig.
                    retVal = TxType.multiSig

        # We have an unknown script type. We'll report it. There's a chance it
        # refers to an OP_RETURN TxOut script but we'll ignore that possibility
        # for now in order to keep things simple.
            print("DEBUG: Block {0}: 1st BYTE (TxIn) IS TOTALLY UNKNOWN!!! " \
                  "BYTE={1}".format(blkPos, binary_to_hex(initByte)))

    # If a script is unknown or is P2SH, write it out here.
    # NB: After running this code several times, it appears that the multisig
    # code uses keys with invalid first bytes. I'm not sure what's going on. The
    # scripts seem valid otherwise.
#    if(retVal == TxType.unknownTx or retVal == TxType.p2sh):
#        if(retVal == TxType.p2sh):
#            print("P2SH script")
#        else:
#            print("Unknown TxIn script")
    if retVal == TxType.unknownTx:
        print("TxIn:         {0}".format(binary_to_hex(txInScr)), \
        print("Block Number: {0}".format(blkPos), file=txInFile)
        print("Block Hash:   {0}".format(binary_to_hex(blkHash)), \
        print("Tx Hash:     {0}", binary_to_hex(curTxHash, endOut=BIGENDIAN), \
        print("Tx Index:     {0}", txIdx, file=txInFile)
        print("TxIn Index:   {0}", txInIdx, file=txInFile)
        print("---------------------------------------", file=txInFile)

    return retVal
def processTxOutScr(txOutScr, blkHash, blkPos, txIdx, txOutIdx, txOutFile):
    '''Function processing a TxOut script.'''
    # Proceed only if there's data to read.
    txOutScrUnpack = BinaryUnpacker(txOutScr)
    retVal = TxType.unknownTx
    txOutScrSize = txOutScrUnpack.getRemainingSize()
    if(txOutScrSize > 0):
        # Read the initial byte and determine what TxOut type it is.
        initByte = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)

        # 0x21/0x41 = Pay2PubKey
        if(initByte == '\x21' or initByte == '\x41'):
            # Make sure it's a valid pub key before declaring it valid.
            pkLen = isPubKey(txOutScrUnpack)
            if(pkLen != 0):
                retVal = TxType.p2pKey

        # OP_DUP = Pay2PubKeyHash
        elif(initByte == OP_DUP):
            # HACK ALERT: Some bright bulb has created OP_* TxOuts that have
            # nothing but the OP_* code. Check the remaining size upfront.
            # (Checking after every read is more robust, really. I'm just lazy
            # and don't want to retrofit this chunk of code. :) )
            if(txOutScrUnpack.getRemainingSize() > 0):
               hashByte = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
               if(hashByte == OP_HASH160):
                   hashSize = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
                   hashRemSize = txOutScrUnpack.getRemainingSize()
                   if(hashSize == '\x14' and hashRemSize >= binary_to_int(hashSize)):
                       eqVerByte = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
                       if(eqVerByte == OP_EQUALVERIFY):
                           checkSigByte = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
                           if(checkSigByte == OP_CHECKSIG):
                              retVal = TxType.p2pHash

        # OP_HASH160 = Pay2ScriptHash
        elif(initByte == OP_HASH160):
            hashSize = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
            hashRemSize = txOutScrUnpack.getRemainingSize()
            if(hashSize == '\x14' and hashRemSize >= binary_to_int(hashSize)):
               eqByte = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
               if(eqByte == OP_EQUAL):
                  retVal = TxType.p2sh

        # OP_1/2/3 = MultiSig
        elif(initByte == OP_1 or initByte == OP_2 or initByte == OP_3):
            validKeys = True
            readByte = 0
            numKeys = 0

            # HACK ALERT 1: Some scripts are weird and initially appear to be
            # multi-sig but really aren't. We should compensate. One particular
            # way is to require at least 36 bytes (assume 1-of-1 w/ compressed
            # key) beyond the initial byte.
            # HACK ALERT 2: There are some multisig TxOuts that, for unknown
            # reasons have things like compressed keys that where the first byte
            # is 0x00, not 0x02 or 0x03. For now, we just mark them as unknown
            # Tx and move on.
            if(txOutScrUnpack.getRemainingSize() >= 36):
                readByte = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
                while((readByte == '\x21' or readByte == '\x41') and numKeys < 3
                       and validKeys == True):
                    pkLen = isPubKey(txOutScrUnpack)
                    if(pkLen != 0):
                        numKeys += 1
                        readByte = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
                        validKeys = False
                validKeys = False
            if(validKeys == True):
                if((readByte == OP_1 or readByte == OP_2 or readByte == OP_3) \
                    and binary_to_int(initByte) <= binary_to_int(readByte)):
                    cmsByte = txOutScrUnpack.get(BINARY_CHUNK, 1)
                    if(cmsByte == OP_CHECKMULTISIG):
                        retVal = TxType.multiSig

        # OP_RETURN = Arbitrary data attached to a Tx.
        # Official as of BC-Core 0.9. https://bitcoinfoundation.org/blog/?p=290
        # and https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/2738 have the details of
        # the initial commit, with https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/3737
        # having the revision down to 40 bytes.
        elif(initByte == OP_RETURN):
            # If the 1st byte is OP_RETURN, as of BC-Core v0.9, there can be
            # arbitrary data placed afterwards. This makes the TxOut immediately
            # prunable, meaning it can never be used as a TxIn. (It can still be
            # spent, mind you.) The final BC-Core 0.9 only accepts <=40 bytes,
            # but preview versions accepted <=80. In theory, any amount of data
            # is valid, but miners won't accept non-standard amounts by default.
            # Anyway, since it's arbitrary, we don't care what's present and
            # just assume it's valid.
            retVal = TxType.opReturn

        # Everything else is weird and should be reported.
            print("DEBUG: Block {0} - Tx Hash {1}: 1st BYTE (TxOut) IS " \
                  "TOTALLY UNKNOWN!!! BYTE={2}".format(blkPos, \
                  binary_to_hex(curTxHash, endOut=BIGENDIAN), \

    # Write the script to the file if necessary.
    if(retVal == TxType.unknownTx):
        print("TxOut:        {0}".format(binary_to_hex(txOutScr)), \
        print("Block Number: {0}".format(blkPos), file=txOutFile)
        print("Block Hash:   {0}".format(binary_to_hex(blkHash)), \
        print("Tx Hash:     {0}", binary_to_hex(curTxHash, endOut=BIGENDIAN), \
        print("Tx Index:     {0}", txIdx, file=txOutFile)
        print("TxOut Index:  {0}", txOutIdx, file=txOutFile)
        print("---------------------------------------", file=txOutFile)

    return retVal