def io_test2_write(fname, nevts=1000, sz=1000, dtype='i'): """testing writing 1000 evts with arrays of (variable length) 1000- ints """ f = ROOT.TFile.Open(fname, 'RECREATE') t = ROOT.TTree('t', 't') nevts = nevts imax = sz n = carray('i', [0]) data = carray(dtype, imax * [0]) t.Branch('sz', n, 'sz/I') t.Branch('data', data, 'data[sz]/%s' % _py_dtype_to_root[dtype]) from random import randint fill = t.Fill for i in range(nevts): jmax = randint(1, sz) n[0] = jmax for j in range(jmax): data[j] = randint(0, sz) fill() f.Write() f.Close() return
def passes(self, event): for el in event.electrons: tracketa = el.trackParticle().eta() pt = el.caloCluster().e() / cosh(tracketa) if pt <= 15 * GeV: continue if not ((abs(tracketa) < 1.37) or (1.52 < abs(tracketa) < 2.47)): continue if not in (1, 3): continue if not abs(el.charge()) == 1: continue if el.passSelection(self.el_sel) != 1: continue from array import array as carray mask = carray('I', [ROOT.xAOD.EgammaParameters.BADCLUSELECTRON]) if not el.isGoodOQ(mask[0]): continue return False return True
def passes(self, event): # set the event weights if self.datatype == datasets.MC: truth_event = event.TruthEvent[0] self.tree.mc_weight = event.EventInfo.mcEventWeight() val_i = ROOT.Long(0) if truth_event.pdfInfoParameter(val_i, truth_event.PDFID1): self.tree.mcevent_pdf_id1_0 = val_i if truth_event.pdfInfoParameter(val_i, truth_event.PDFID2): self.tree.mcevent_pdf_id2_0 = val_i val_f = carray('f', [0.]) if truth_event.pdfInfoParameter(val_f, truth_event.X1): self.tree.mcevent_pdf_x1_0 = val_f[0] if truth_event.pdfInfoParameter(val_f, truth_event.X2): self.tree.mcevent_pdf_x2_0 = val_f[0] if truth_event.pdfInfoParameter(val_f, truth_event.scalePDF): self.tree.mcevent_pdf_scale_0 = val_f[0] elif self.datatype == datasets.EMBED: self.tree.mc_weight = event.EventInfo.mcEventWeight() return True
def io_test1_write(fname, nevts=1000, sz=1000, dtype='i'): """testing writing 1000 evts with arrays of 1000- integers """ f = ROOT.TFile.Open(fname, 'RECREATE') t = ROOT.TTree('t', 't') nevts = nevts imax = sz data = carray(dtype, imax * [0]) #t.Branch( 'mynum', n, 'mynum/I' ) t.Branch('i', data, 'data[%d]/%s' % (imax, _py_dtype_to_root[dtype])) from random import randint fill = t.Fill for i in range(nevts): for j in range(sz): data[j] = randint(0, sz) fill() f.Write() f.Close() return
# Copyright ©2017 The go-hep Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. from array import array as carray import ROOT f = ROOT.TFile.Open("gauss-h1.root","RECREATE") histos = [] for t in [ (ROOT.TH1D, "h1d", (10,-4,4)), (ROOT.TH1F, "h1f", (10,-4,4)), (ROOT.TH1F, "h1d-var", (10, carray("d", [ -4.0, -3.2, -2.4, -1.6, -0.8, 0, +0.8, +1.6, +2.4, +3.2, +4.0 ]))), (ROOT.TH1F, "h1f-var", (10, carray("f", [ -4.0, -3.2, -2.4, -1.6, -0.8, 0, +0.8, +1.6, +2.4, +3.2, +4.0 ]))) ]: cls, name, args = t if len(args) == 3: h = cls(name, name, args[0], args[1], args[2]) elif len(args) == 2: h = cls(name, name, args[0], args[1]) else: raise ValueError("invalid number of arguments %d" % len(args)) h.StatOverflows(True) h.Sumw2() with open("gauss-1d-data.dat") as ff:
# Copyright ©2017 The go-hep Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. from array import array as carray import ROOT f = ROOT.TFile.Open("gauss-h2.root", "RECREATE") for t in [(ROOT.TH2F, "h2f", (3, 0, 3, 3, 0, 3)), (ROOT.TH2D, "h2d", (3, 0, 3, 3, 0, 3)), (ROOT.TH2F, "h2f-var", ((3, carray("f", [0.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0])), (3, carray("f", [0.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0])))), (ROOT.TH2D, "h2d-var", ((3, carray("d", [0.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0])), (3, carray("d", [0.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0]))))]: cls, name, args = t if len(args) == 6: h = cls(name, name, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]) elif len(args) == 2: h = cls(name, name, args[0][0], args[0][1], args[1][0], args[1][1]) else: raise ValueError("invalid number of arguments %d" % len(args)) h.StatOverflows(True) h.Sumw2() with open("gauss-2d-data.dat") as ff: for l in ff.readlines(): x, y, w = l.split() h.Fill(float(x), float(y), float(w)) pass pass h.Fill(+5, +5, 101) # NE
def main(): fname = "test-small.root" compress = True netopt = 0 splitlevel = 32 bufsiz = 32000 f = ROOT.TFile.Open(fname, "recreate", "small event file", compress, netopt) if not f: raise SystemError() t = ROOT.TTree("tree", "my tree title", splitlevel) i32 = carray("i", [0]) i64 = carray("l", [0]) u32 = carray("I", [0]) u64 = carray("L", [0]) f32 = carray("f", [0.]) f64 = carray("d", [0.]) s06 = carray("b", [0] * 7) arr_i32 = carray("i", [0] * ARRAYSZ) arr_i64 = carray("l", [0] * ARRAYSZ) arr_u32 = carray("I", [0] * ARRAYSZ) arr_u64 = carray("L", [0] * ARRAYSZ) arr_f32 = carray("f", [0] * ARRAYSZ) arr_f64 = carray("d", [0] * ARRAYSZ) n = carray("i", [0]) sli_i32 = carray("i", [0] * ARRAYSZ) sli_i64 = carray("l", [0] * ARRAYSZ) sli_u32 = carray("I", [0] * ARRAYSZ) sli_u64 = carray("L", [0] * ARRAYSZ) sli_f32 = carray("f", [0] * ARRAYSZ) sli_f64 = carray("d", [0] * ARRAYSZ) t.Branch("Int32", i32, "Int32/I") t.Branch("Int64", i64, "Int64/L") t.Branch("UInt32", u32, "UInt32/i") t.Branch("UInt64", u64, "UInt64/l") t.Branch("Float32", f32, "Float32/F") t.Branch("Float64", f64, "Float64/D") t.Branch("Str", s06, "Str/C") t.Branch("ArrayInt32", arr_i32, "ArrayInt32[10]/I") t.Branch("ArrayInt64", arr_i64, "ArrayInt64[10]/L") t.Branch("ArrayUInt32", arr_u32, "ArrayInt32[10]/i") t.Branch("ArrayUInt64", arr_u64, "ArrayInt64[10]/l") t.Branch("ArrayFloat32", arr_f32, "ArrayFloat32[10]/F") t.Branch("ArrayFloat64", arr_f64, "ArrayFloat64[10]/D") t.Branch("N", n, "N/I") t.Branch("SliceInt32", sli_i32, "SliceInt32[N]/I") t.Branch("SliceInt64", sli_i64, "SliceInt64[N]/L") t.Branch("SliceUInt32", sli_u32, "SliceInt32[N]/i") t.Branch("SliceUInt64", sli_u64, "SliceInt64[N]/l") t.Branch("SliceFloat32", sli_f32, "SliceFloat32[N]/F") t.Branch("SliceFloat64", sli_f64, "SliceFloat64[N]/D") for i in range(EVTMAX): #print ">>>",i i32[0] = i i64[0] = i u32[0] = i u64[0] = i f32[0] = i f64[0] = i for ii, vv in enumerate(bytes("evt-%03d" % i, "ascii")): s06[ii] = vv pass for jj in range(ARRAYSZ): arr_i32[jj] = i arr_i64[jj] = i arr_u32[jj] = i arr_u64[jj] = i arr_f32[jj] = i arr_f64[jj] = i n[0] = i % 10 for jj in range(ARRAYSZ): sli_i32[jj] = i sli_i64[jj] = i sli_u32[jj] = i sli_u64[jj] = i sli_f32[jj] = i sli_f64[jj] = i t.Fill() pass f.Write() f.Close()
def main(): fname = "test-small.root" compress = True netopt = 0 splitlevel = 32 bufsiz = 32000 f = ROOT.TFile.Open(fname, "recreate", "small event file", compress, netopt) if not f: raise SystemError() t = ROOT.TTree("tree", "my tree title", splitlevel) i32 = carray("i", [0]) i64 = carray("l", [0]) u32 = carray("I", [0]) u64 = carray("L", [0]) f32 = carray("f", [0.]) f64 = carray("d", [0.]) arr_i32 = carray("i", [0] * ARRAYSZ) arr_i64 = carray("l", [0] * ARRAYSZ) arr_u32 = carray("I", [0] * ARRAYSZ) arr_u64 = carray("L", [0] * ARRAYSZ) arr_f32 = carray("f", [0] * ARRAYSZ) arr_f64 = carray("d", [0] * ARRAYSZ) t.Branch("Int32", i32, "Int32/I") t.Branch("Int64", i64, "Int64/L") t.Branch("UInt32", u32, "UInt32/i") t.Branch("UInt64", u64, "UInt64/l") t.Branch("Float32", f32, "Float32/F") t.Branch("Float64", f64, "Float64/D") t.Branch("ArrayInt32", arr_i32, "Int32[10]/I") t.Branch("ArrayInt64", arr_i64, "Int64[10]/L") t.Branch("ArrayUInt32", arr_u32, "Int32[10]/i") t.Branch("ArrayUInt64", arr_u64, "Int64[10]/l") t.Branch("ArrayFloat32", arr_f32, "Float32[10]/F") t.Branch("ArrayFloat64", arr_f64, "Float64[10]/D") for i in xrange(EVTMAX): #print ">>>",i i32[0] = i i64[0] = i u32[0] = i u64[0] = i f32[0] = i f64[0] = i for jj in range(ARRAYSZ): arr_i32[jj] = i arr_i64[jj] = i arr_u32[jj] = i arr_u64[jj] = i arr_f32[jj] = i arr_f64[jj] = i t.Fill() pass f.Write() f.Close()