def test_plotting_server(): config = get_artemis_config() if config.get('plotting', 'backend') != 'matplotlib-web': setup_web_plotting() for i in xrange(5): dbplot(np.random.randn(10, 10, 3), 'noise') dbplot(np.random.randn(20, 2), 'lines') plt.pause(0.1)
from artemis.config import get_artemis_config __author__ = 'peter' config = get_artemis_config() BACKEND = config.get('plotting', 'backend') assert BACKEND in ( 'matplotlib', 'matplotlib-web', 'bokeh' ), 'Your config file ~/.artimisrc lists "%s" as the backend. Valid backends are "matplotlib" and "bokeh". Change the file.' % ( BACKEND, ) if BACKEND in ('matplotlib', 'matplotlib-web'): from matplotlib.pyplot import * from artemis.plotting.matplotlib_backend import * elif BACKEND == 'bokeh': from artemis.plotting.bokeh_backend import *