Example #1
def get_function_hash_filename(fcn, argname_argvalue_list, create_dir_if_not = False):
    args_code = compute_fixed_hash(argname_argvalue_list)
    # TODO: Include function path in hash?  Or module path, which would allow memos to be shareable.
    full_path = os.path.join(get_memo_dir(fcn), '{}.pkl'.format(args_code, ))
    if create_dir_if_not:
    return full_path
Example #2
 def save_result(self, result):
     file_path = get_local_experiment_path(
         os.path.join(self._experiment_directory, 'result.pkl'))
     with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
         pickle.dump(result, f, protocol=2)
         print 'Saving Result for Experiment "%s"' % (self.get_id(), )
Example #3
def get_file(relative_name=None, url = None, use_cache = True, data_transformation = None):
    Get a file and return the full local path to that file.

    :param relative_name: The name of the local file, relative to the FILE_ROOT (by default, FILE_ROOT is ~/.artemis)
        Or if None, and a URL is specified, we give the file a temporary name.
    :param url: Optionally, a url to fetch this file from if it doesn't exist locally.
    :param use_cache: If the file exists locally and a URL is specified, use the local version.
    :param data_transformation: Optionally a function that takes the downloaded data (from response.read) and outputs
        binary data that is be written into the file.

    assert (relative_name is not None) or (url is not None), 'You must provide a local name and/or a URL to fetch from.'

    full_filename = get_file_path(relative_name=relative_name, url=url)

    if (not os.path.exists(full_filename)) or (not use_cache):
        assert url is not None, "No local copy of '%s' was found, and you didn't provide a URL to fetch it from" % (full_filename, )

        print('Downloading file from url: "%s"...' % (url, ))
        response = urlopen(url)
        data = response.read()

        if data_transformation is not None:
            print('Processing downloaded data...')
            data = data_transformation(data)
        with open(full_filename, 'wb') as f:
    return full_filename
Example #4
def get_function_hash_filename(fcn, argname_argvalue_list, create_dir_if_not = False):
    args_code = compute_fixed_hash(argname_argvalue_list)
    # TODO: Include function path in hash?  Or module path, which would allow memos to be shareable.
    full_path = os.path.join(get_memo_dir(fcn), '{}.pkl'.format(args_code, ))
    if create_dir_if_not:
    return full_path
Example #5
    def check_memos(*args, **kwargs):

        if disable_on_tests and is_test_mode():
            return fcn(*args, **kwargs)

        result_computed = False
        full_args = infer_arg_values(fcn, *args, **kwargs)
        filepath = get_function_hash_filename(fcn, full_args)
        # The filepath is used as the unique identifier, for both the local path and the disk-path
        # It may be more efficient to use the built-in hashability of certain types for the local cash, and just have special
        # ways of dealing with non-hashables like lists and numpy arrays - it's a bit dangerous because we need to check
        # that no object or subobjects have been changed.
            if local_cache:
                # local_cache_signature = get_local_cache_signature(args, kwargs)
                if filepath in cached_local_results:
                    if not suppress_info:
                            'Reading disk-memo from local cache for function %s'
                            % (fcn.__name__, ))
                    return cached_local_results[filepath]
            if os.path.exists(filepath):
                with open(filepath) as f:
                        if not suppress_info:
                            LOGGER.info('Reading memo for function %s' %
                                        (fcn.__name__, ))
                        result = pickle.load(f)
                    except (ValueError, ImportError) as err:
                        if isinstance(err, ValueError) and not suppress_info:
                                'Memo-file "%s" was corrupt.  (%s: %s).  Recomputing.'
                                % (filepath, err.__class__.__name__, str(err)))
                        elif isinstance(err,
                                        ImportError) and not suppress_info:
                                'Memo-file "{}" was tried to reference an old class and got ImportError: {}.  Recomputing.'
                                .format(filepath, str(err)))
                        result_computed = True
                        result = fcn(*args, **kwargs)
                result_computed = True
                result = fcn(*args, **kwargs)
            result_computed = True
            result = fcn(*args, **kwargs)

        if MEMO_WRITE_ENABLED and result is not None:  # We assume result of None means you haven't done coding your function.
            if local_cache:
                cached_local_results[filepath] = result
            if result_computed:  # Result was computed, so write it down
                filepath = get_function_hash_filename(fcn, full_args)
                with open(filepath, 'w') as f:
                    if not suppress_info:
                        LOGGER.info('Writing disk-memo for function %s' %
                                    (fcn.__name__, ))
                    pickle.dump(result, f, protocol=2)

        return result
Example #6
def save_figure(fig, path, ext=None, default_ext = '.pdf'):
    :param fig: The figure to show
    :param path: The absolute path to the figure.
    :param default_ext: The default extension to use, if none is specified.

    if ext is None:
        _, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
        if ext == '':
            path += default_ext
            assert ext in _supported_filetypes, "We inferred the extension '{}' from your filename, but it was not in the list of supported extensions: {}" \
                .format(ext, _supported_filetypes)
        path += ext if ext.startswith('.') else '.'+ext

    if '%L' in path:
        path = path.replace('%L', fig.get_label() if fig.get_label() is not '' else 'unnamed')
    path = format_filename(path)

    if ext=='.pkl':
        with open(path, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(fig, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    ARTEMIS_LOGGER.info('Saved Figure: %s' % path)
    return path
Example #7
def smart_file(location, use_cache = False, make_dir = False):
    :param location: Specifies where the file is.
        If it's formatted as a url, it's downloaded.
        If it begins with a "/", it's assumed to be a local path.
        Otherwise, it is assumed to be referenced relative to the data directory.
    :param use_cache: If True, and the location is a url, make a local cache of the file for future use (note: if the
        file at this url changes, the cached file will not).
    :param make_dir: Make the directory for this file, if it does not exist.
    :yield: The local path to the file.
    its_a_url = is_url(location)
    if its_a_url:
        assert not make_dir, "We cannot 'make the directory' for a URL"
        local_path = get_file(url=location, use_cache=use_cache)

        local_path = get_artemis_data_path(location)
        if make_dir:

    yield local_path

    if its_a_url and not use_cache:
Example #8
def save_figure(fig, path, ext=None, default_ext='.pdf'):
    :param fig: The figure to show
    :param path: The absolute path to the figure.
    :param default_ext: The default extension to use, if none is specified.

    if ext is None:
        _, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
        if ext == '':
            path += default_ext
            assert ext in _supported_filetypes, "We inferred the extension '{}' from your filename, but it was not in the list of supported extensions: {}" \
                .format(ext, _supported_filetypes)
        path += ext if ext.startswith('.') else '.' + ext

    if '%L' in path:
        path = path.replace(
            fig.get_label() if fig.get_label() is not '' else 'unnamed')
    path = format_filename(path)

    if ext == '.pkl':
        with open(path, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(fig, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    ARTEMIS_LOGGER.info('Saved Figure: %s' % path)
    return path
Example #9
def smart_file(location, use_cache=False, make_dir=False):
    :param location: Specifies where the file is.
        If it's formatted as a url, it's downloaded.
        If it begins with a "/", it's assumed to be a local path.
        Otherwise, it is assumed to be referenced relative to the data directory.
    :param use_cache: If True, and the location is a url, make a local cache of the file for future use (note: if the
        file at this url changes, the cached file will not).
    :param make_dir: Make the directory for this file, if it does not exist.
    :yield: The local path to the file.
    its_a_url = is_url(location)
    if its_a_url:
        assert not make_dir, "We cannot 'make the directory' for a URL"
        local_path = get_file(url=location, use_cache=use_cache)

        local_path = get_artemis_data_path(location)
        if make_dir:

    yield local_path

    if its_a_url and not use_cache:
Example #10
 def save_result(self, result):
     file_path = get_local_experiment_path(
         os.path.join(self._experiment_directory, 'result.pkl'))
     with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:
         pickle.dump(result, f, protocol=2)
         ARTEMIS_LOGGER.info('Saving Result for Experiment "{}"'.format(
             self.get_id(), ))
Example #11
def get_archive(relative_path, url, force_extract=False, archive_type = None, force_download = False):
    Download a compressed archive and extract it into a folder.

    :param relative_path: Local name for the extracted folder.  (Zip file will be named this with the appropriate zip extension)
    :param url: Url of the archive to download
    :param force_extract: Force the zip file to re-extract (rather than just reusing the extracted folder)
    :return: The full path to the extracted folder on your system.

    local_folder_path = get_artemis_data_path(relative_path)

    assert archive_type in ('.tar.gz', '.zip', None)

    if force_download:

    if not os.path.exists(local_folder_path) or force_download:  # If the folder does not exist, download zip and extract.
        # (We also check force download here to avoid a race condition)
        response = urllib2.urlopen(url)

        # Need to infer
        if archive_type is None:
            if url.endswith('.tar.gz'):
                archive_type = '.tar.gz'
            elif url.endswith('.zip'):
                archive_type = '.zip'
                info = response.info()
                    header = next(x for x in info.headers if x.startswith('Content-Disposition'))
                    original_file_name = next(x for x in header.split(';') if x.startswith('filename')).split('=')[-1].lstrip('"\'').rstrip('"\'')
                    archive_type = '.tar.gz' if original_file_name.endswith('.tar.gz') else '.zip' if original_file_name.endswith('.zip') else \
                        bad_value(original_file_name, 'Filename "%s" does not end with a familiar zip extension like .zip or .tar.gz' % (original_file_name, ))
                except StopIteration:
                    raise Exception("Could not infer archive type from user argument, url-name, or file-header.  Please specify archive type as either '.zip' or '.tar.gz'.")
        print 'Downloading archive from url: "%s"...' % (url, )
        data = response.read()
        print '...Done.'

        local_zip_path = local_folder_path + archive_type
        with open(local_zip_path, 'w') as f:

        force_extract = True

    if force_extract:
        if archive_type == '.tar.gz':
            with tarfile.open(local_zip_path) as f:
        elif archive_type == '.zip':
            with ZipFile(local_zip_path) as f:
            raise Exception()

    return local_folder_path
Example #12
def record_experiment(identifier='%T-%N', name = 'unnamed', info = '', print_to_console = True, show_figs = None,
            save_figs = True, saved_figure_ext = '.pdf', use_temp_dir = False):
    :param identifier: The string that uniquely identifies this experiment record.  Convention is that it should be in
        the format
    :param name: Base-name of the experiment
    :param print_to_console: If True, print statements still go to console - if False, they're just rerouted to file.
    :param show_figs: Show figures when the experiment produces them.  Can be:
        'hang': Show and hang
        'draw': Show but keep on going
        False: Don't show figures
    # Note: matplotlib imports are internal in order to avoid trouble for people who may import this module without having
    # a working matplotlib (which can occasionally be tricky to install).

    identifier = format_filename(file_string = identifier, base_name=name, current_time = datetime.now())

    if show_figs is None:
        show_figs = 'draw' if is_test_mode() else 'hang'

    assert show_figs in ('hang', 'draw', False)

    if use_temp_dir:
        experiment_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        atexit.register(lambda: shutil.rmtree(experiment_directory))
        experiment_directory = get_local_path('experiments/{identifier}'.format(identifier=identifier))

    log_file_name = os.path.join(experiment_directory, 'output.txt')
    log_capture_context = PrintAndStoreLogger(log_file_path = log_file_name, print_to_console = print_to_console)
    from artemis.plotting.manage_plotting import WhatToDoOnShow
    blocking_show_context = WhatToDoOnShow(show_figs)
    if save_figs:
        from artemis.plotting.saving_plots import SaveFiguresOnShow
        figure_save_context = SaveFiguresOnShow(path = os.path.join(experiment_directory, 'fig-%T-%L'+saved_figure_ext))

    _register_current_experiment(name, identifier)

    _CURRENT_EXPERIMENT_RECORD = ExperimentRecord(experiment_directory)
    _CURRENT_EXPERIMENT_RECORD.add_info('Name: %s' % (name, ))
    _CURRENT_EXPERIMENT_RECORD.add_info('Identifier: %s' % (identifier, ))
    _CURRENT_EXPERIMENT_RECORD.add_info('Directory: %s' % (_CURRENT_EXPERIMENT_RECORD.get_dir(), ))

    blocking_show_context.__exit__(None, None, None)
    log_capture_context.__exit__(None, None, None)
    if save_figs:
        figure_save_context.__exit__(None, None, None)

Example #13
 def __init__(self, log_file_path=None, print_to_console=True):
     self._print_to_console = print_to_console
     if log_file_path is not None:
         # self._log_file_path = os.path.join(base_dir, log_file_path.replace('%T', now))
         self.log = open(log_file_path, 'w')
         self.log = StringIO()
     self._log_file_path = log_file_path
     self.terminal = _ORIGINAL_STDOUT
Example #14
def save_figures_on_close(dir, prefix='', default_ext = 'pdf', close_after =False):

    old_fignums = plt.get_fignums()


    new_figs = [fig for fig in plt.get_fignums() if fig ]

    for fig_no in new_figs:
Example #15
    def check_memos(*args, **kwargs):

        if disable_on_tests and is_test_mode():
            return fcn(*args, **kwargs)

        result_computed = False
        full_args = infer_arg_values(fcn, args, kwargs)
        filepath = get_function_hash_filename(fcn, full_args)
        # The filepath is used as the unique identifier, for both the local path and the disk-path
        # It may be more efficient to use the built-in hashability of certain types for the local cash, and just have special
        # ways of dealing with non-hashables like lists and numpy arrays - it's a bit dangerous because we need to check
        # that no object or subobjects have been changed.
            if local_cache:
                # local_cache_signature = get_local_cache_signature(args, kwargs)
                if filepath in cached_local_results:
                    if not suppress_info:
                        LOGGER.info('Reading disk-memo from local cache for function {}'.format(fcn.__name__, ))
                    return cached_local_results[filepath]
            if os.path.exists(filepath):
                with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
                        if not suppress_info:
                            LOGGER.info('Reading memo for function {}'.format(fcn.__name__, ))
                        result = pickle.load(f)
                    except (ValueError, ImportError, EOFError) as err:
                        if isinstance(err, (ValueError, EOFError)) and not suppress_info:
                            LOGGER.warn('Memo-file "{}" was corrupt.  ({}: {}).  Recomputing.'.format(filepath, err.__class__.__name__, str(err)))
                        elif isinstance(err, ImportError) and not suppress_info:
                            LOGGER.warn('Memo-file "{}" was tried to reference an old class and got ImportError: {}.  Recomputing.'.format(filepath, str(err)))
                        result_computed = True
                        result = fcn(*args, **kwargs)
                result_computed = True
                result = fcn(*args, **kwargs)
            result_computed = True
            result = fcn(*args, **kwargs)

        if MEMO_WRITE_ENABLED and result is not None:  # We assume result of None means you haven't done coding your function.
            if local_cache:
                cached_local_results[filepath] = result
            if result_computed:  # Result was computed, so write it down
                filepath = get_function_hash_filename(fcn, full_args, create_dir_if_not=True)
                with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
                    if not suppress_info:
                        LOGGER.info('Writing disk-memo for function {}'.format(fcn.__name__, ))
                    pickle.dump(result, f, protocol=2)

        return result
Example #16
 def __init__(self, log_file_path = None, print_to_console = True):
     :param log_file_path: The path to save the records, or None if you just want to keep it in memory
     :param print_to_console:
     self._print_to_console = print_to_console
     if log_file_path is not None:
         # self._log_file_path = os.path.join(base_dir, log_file_path.replace('%T', now))
         self.log = open(log_file_path, 'w')
         self.log = StringIO()
     self._log_file_path = log_file_path
     self.terminal = _ORIGINAL_STDOUT
Example #17
 def __init__(self, log_file_path = None, print_to_console = True, prefix = None):
     :param log_file_path: The path to save the records, or None if you just want to keep it in memory
     :param print_to_console:
     self._print_to_console = print_to_console
     if log_file_path is not None:
         # self._log_file_path = os.path.join(base_dir, log_file_path.replace('%T', now))
         self.log = open(log_file_path, 'w')
         self.log = StringIO()
     self._log_file_path = log_file_path
     self.old_stdout = _ORIGINAL_STDOUT
     self.prefix = None if prefix is None else prefix
Example #18
    def open_file(self, filename, *args, **kwargs):
        Open a file within the experiment record folder.
        Example Usage:

            with record.open_file('filename.txt') as f:
                txt = f.read()

        :param filename: Path within experiment directory (it can include subdirectories)
        :param args, kwargs: Forwarded to python's "open" function
        :return: A file object
        full_path = os.path.join(self._experiment_directory, filename)
        make_file_dir(full_path)  # Make the path if it does not yet exist
        return open(full_path, *args, **kwargs)
Example #19
    def open_file(self, filename, *args, **kwargs):
        Open a file within the experiment record folder.
        Example Usage:

            with record.open_file('filename.txt') as f:
                txt = f.read()

        :param filename: Path within experiment directory (it can include subdirectories)
        :param args, kwargs: Forwarded to python's "open" function
        :return: A file object
        full_path = os.path.join(self._experiment_directory, filename)
        make_file_dir(full_path)  # Make the path if it does not yet exist
        return open(full_path, *args, **kwargs)
Example #20
def get_file(relative_name=None,
    Get a file and return the full local path to that file.

    :param relative_name: The name of the local file, relative to the FILE_ROOT (by default, FILE_ROOT is ~/.artemis)
        Or if None, and a URL is specified, we give the file a temporary name.
    :param url: Optionally, a url to fetch this file from if it doesn't exist locally.
    :param use_cache: If the file exists locally and a URL is specified, use the local version.
    :param data_transformation: Optionally a function that takes the downloaded data (from response.read) and outputs
        binary data that is be written into the file.

    assert (relative_name is not None) or (
        url is not None
    ), 'You must provide a local name and/or a URL to fetch from.'

    full_filename = get_file_path(relative_name=relative_name, url=url)

    if (not os.path.exists(full_filename)) or (not use_cache):
        assert url is not None, "No local copy of '%s' was found, and you didn't provide a URL to fetch it from" % (
            full_filename, )

        print('Downloading file from url: "%s"...' % (url, ))
        response = urlopen(url)
        data = response.read()

        if data_transformation is not None:
            print('Processing downloaded data...')
            data = data_transformation(data)
        with open(full_filename, 'wb') as f:
    return full_filename
Example #21
def save_figure(fig, path, default_ext='.pdf'):
    :param fig: The figure to show
    :param path: The absolute path to the figure.
    :param default_ext: The default extension to use, if none is specified.

    _, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
    if ext == '':
        path += default_ext

    if '%L' in path:
        path = path.replace(
            fig.get_label() if fig.get_label() is not '' else 'unnamed')
    path = format_filename(path)


    ARTEMIS_LOGGER.info('Saved Figure: %s' % path)
    return path
Example #22
def get_archive(url, relative_path=None, force_extract=False, archive_type = None, use_cache=True):
    Download a compressed archive and extract it into a folder.

    :param relative_path: Local name for the extracted folder.  (Zip file will be named this with the appropriate zip extension)
    :param url: Url of the archive to download
    :param force_extract: Force the zip file to re-extract (rather than just reusing the extracted folder)
    :return: The full path to the extracted folder on your system.

    if relative_path is None:
        relative_path = get_unnamed_file_hash(url)

    local_folder_path, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(FILE_ROOT, relative_path))

    assert archive_type in ('.tar.gz', '.zip', None)

    if (not os.path.exists(local_folder_path)) or (not use_cache):  # If the folder does not exist, download zip and extract.
        # (We also check force download here to avoid a race condition)

        if not use_cache and os.path.exists(local_folder_path):

        response = urlopen(url)

        # Need to infer
        if archive_type is None:
            if url.endswith('.tar.gz'):
                archive_type = '.tar.gz'
            elif url.endswith('.zip'):
                archive_type = '.zip'
                # info = response.info()
                    # header = next(x for x in info.headers if x.startswith('Content-Disposition'))
                    header = response.headers['content-disposition']
                    original_file_name = next(x for x in header.split(';') if x.startswith('filename')).split('=')[-1].lstrip('"\'').rstrip('"\'')
                    archive_type = '.tar.gz' if original_file_name.endswith('.tar.gz') else '.zip' if original_file_name.endswith('.zip') else \
                        bad_value(original_file_name, 'Filename "%s" does not end with a familiar zip extension like .zip or .tar.gz' % (original_file_name, ))
                except StopIteration:
                    raise Exception("Could not infer archive type from user argument, url-name, or file-header.  Please specify archive type as either '.zip' or '.tar.gz'.")
        print('Downloading archive from url: "%s"...' % (url, ))
        data = response.read()

        local_zip_path = local_folder_path + archive_type
        if os.path.exists(local_zip_path):
            if os.path.isdir(local_zip_path): # This shouldnt happen but may by accident.
        with open(local_zip_path, 'wb') as f:

        force_extract = True

    if force_extract:
        if archive_type == '.tar.gz':
            with tarfile.open(local_zip_path) as f:
        elif archive_type == '.zip':
            with ZipFile(local_zip_path) as f:
            raise Exception()

    return local_folder_path
Example #23
 def save_result(self, result):
     file_path = get_local_experiment_path(os.path.join(self._experiment_directory, 'result.pkl'))
     with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:
         pickle.dump(result, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
         ARTEMIS_LOGGER.info('Saving Result for Experiment "{}"'.format(self.get_id(),))
 def close(self):
     with open(self.file_path, 'wb') as f:
         pickle.dump(list(self.items()), f, protocol=self.pickle_protocol)