Example #1
    def setUp(self):
        def line_count(path):
            count = 0
            for _ in open(path).xreadlines():
                count += 1
            return count

        # Disable the log check if not running locally:
        if not self._base_url().startswith("http://localhost"):
            self.messages_logged = mock.MagicMock()
            self.messages_logged.assert_changed_by_total = lambda x: None
            self.messages_logged = TestFunctionDelta(
                lambda: line_count(self._get_log_file_path()), self, 0.1)
    def setUp(self):
        def line_count(path):
            count = 0
            for _ in open(path).xreadlines():
                count += 1
            return count

        # Disable the log check if not running locally:
        if not self._base_url().startswith("http://localhost"):
            self.messages_logged = mock.MagicMock()
            self.messages_logged.assert_changed_by_total = lambda x: None
            self.messages_logged = TestFunctionDelta(
                lambda: line_count(self._get_log_file_path()), self, 0.1)
Example #3
class RestApiTestCase(BaseRestTest):
    def _base_url(self):
        return "http://testarteria1:10800/api/1.0"

    # NOTE: Also tests log files, so currently needs to run from the server
    # itself, and the log files being tested against are assumed to be small
    # These tests are intended to be full integration tests, mocking nothing
    def setUp(self):
        self.messages_logged = TestFunctionDelta(
            lambda: line_count('/var/log/arteria/runfolder.log'), self, 0.1)

    def test_can_change_log_level(self):
        self.put("./admin/log_level", {"log_level": "DEBUG"})
        resp = self.get("./admin/log_level")
        self.assertEqual(resp.body_obj["log_level"], "DEBUG")

        # For the rest of the test, and by default, we should have log level WARNING
        self.put("./admin/log_level", {"log_level": "WARNING"})

    def test_basic_smoke_test(self):

    def test_not_monitored_path_returns_400(self):
        self.get("./runfolders/path/notmonitored/dir/", expect=400)
        # Tornado currently writes two entries for 400, for tornado.general and tornado.access

    def test_can_create_and_update_state(self):
        # First, we want to make sure it's not there now, resulting in 404 warn log:
        file_postfix = int(1000 * time.time())
        # Ensure that we can create a random runfolder at one of the mountpoints
        path = "/data/testarteria1/mon1/runfolder_inttest_{0}".format(

        self.get("./runfolders/path{0}".format(path), expect=404)

        # Now, create the folder

        # Create the complete marker

        # The runfolder should show up in /runfolders
        resp = self.get("./runfolders")
        matching = [
            runfolder for runfolder in resp.body_obj
            if runfolder["path"] == path
        self.assertEqual(len(matching), 1)

        # TODO: Change state to "processing" and ensure it doesn't show up in /runfolders
class RestApiTestCase(BaseRestTest):
    def _base_url(self):
        return "http://testarteria1:10800/api/1.0"

    # NOTE: Also tests log files, so currently needs to run from the server
    # itself, and the log files being tested against are assumed to be small
    # These tests are intended to be full integration tests, mocking nothing
    def setUp(self):
        self.messages_logged = TestFunctionDelta(
            lambda: line_count('/var/log/arteria/runfolder.log'), self, 0.1)

    def test_can_change_log_level(self):
        self.put("./admin/log_level", {"log_level": "DEBUG"})
        resp = self.get("./admin/log_level")
        self.assertEqual(resp.body_obj["log_level"], "DEBUG")

        # For the rest of the test, and by default, we should have log level WARNING
        self.put("./admin/log_level", {"log_level": "WARNING"})

    def test_basic_smoke_test(self):

    def test_not_monitored_path_returns_400(self):
        self.get("./runfolders/path/notmonitored/dir/", expect=400)
        # Tornado currently writes two entries for 400, for tornado.general and tornado.access

    def test_can_create_and_update_state(self):
        # First, we want to make sure it's not there now, resulting in 404 warn log:
        file_postfix = int(1000 * time.time())
        # Ensure that we can create a random runfolder at one of the mountpoints
        path = "/data/testarteria1/mon1/runfolder_inttest_{0}".format(file_postfix)

        self.get("./runfolders/path{0}".format(path), expect=404)

        # Now, create the folder

        # Create the complete marker

        # The runfolder should show up in /runfolders
        resp = self.get("./runfolders")
        matching = [runfolder for runfolder in resp.body_obj if runfolder["path"] == path]
        self.assertEqual(len(matching), 1)

        # TODO: Change state to "processing" and ensure it doesn't show up in /runfolders
Example #5
 def setUp(self):
     self.messages_logged = TestFunctionDelta(
         lambda: line_count('/var/log/arteria/runfolder.log'), self, 0.1)
class RestApiTestCase(BaseRestTest):
    def _base_url(self):
        # TODO: It would be clearer to share these settings via a config file
        if key in os.environ:
            return os.environ[key]
            return "http://localhost:10800/api/1.0"

    def _get_monitored_dir(self):
        if key in os.environ:
            return os.environ[key]
            path_to_test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
            return "{0}/monitored".format(path_to_test_dir)

    def _get_log_file_path(self):
        if key in os.environ:
            return os.environ[key]
            return "./runfolder.log"

    # NOTE: Also tests log files, so currently needs to run from the server
    # itself, and the log files being tested against are assumed to be small
    # These tests are intended to be full integration tests, mocking nothing
    def setUp(self):
        def line_count(path):
            count = 0
            for _ in open(path).xreadlines():
                count += 1
            return count

        # Disable the log check if not running locally:
        if not self._base_url().startswith("http://localhost"):
            self.messages_logged = mock.MagicMock()
            self.messages_logged.assert_changed_by_total = lambda x: None
            self.messages_logged = TestFunctionDelta(
                lambda: line_count(self._get_log_file_path()), self, 0.1)

    def test_can_change_log_level(self):
        self.put("./admin/log_level", {"log_level": "DEBUG"})
        resp = self.get("./admin/log_level")
        self.assertEqual(resp.body_obj["log_level"], "DEBUG")

        # For the rest of the test, and by default, we should have log level WARNING
        self.put("./admin/log_level", {"log_level": "WARNING"})

    def test_not_monitored_path_returns_400(self):
        self.get("./runfolders/path/notmonitored/dir/", expect=400)
        # Tornado currently writes two entries for 400, for tornado.general and tornado.access

    def test_can_create_and_update_state(self):
        # First, we want to make sure it's not there now, resulting in 404 warn log:
        file_postfix = int(1000 * time.time())
        # Ensure that we can create a random runfolder at one of the mountpoints
        path = "{0}/runfolder_inttest_{1}".format(self._get_monitored_dir(), file_postfix)

        self.get("./runfolders/path{0}".format(path), expect=404)

        # Now, create the folder
        self.put("./runfolders/path{0}".format(path), expect=201)
        # Create the complete marker

        # The runfolder should show up in /runfolders
        resp = self.get("./runfolders")
        runfolders = resp.body_obj["runfolders"]
        matching = [runfolder for runfolder in runfolders if runfolder["path"] == path]
        self.assertEqual(len(matching), 1)

        # Remove the path created, so it does not interfere with other tests

        # TODO: Change state to "processing" and ensure it doesn't show up in /runfolders

    def test_updating_state_removes_runfolder_from_candidates(self):
        Gets a list of runfolders ready for processing, fetches the
        runfolder that should be processed next, marks it as ready
        and then ensures that the runfolder doesn't show up in the
        list of all runfolders
        path = self._create_ready_runfolder()
        # Mark the folder as processing
        self.post("./runfolders/path{}".format(path), {"state": State.STARTED}, expect=200)
        # Ensure that the folder is not listed anymore:
        # Remove the path created, so it does not interfere with other tests

    def test_invalid_state_is_not_accepted(self):
        path = self._create_ready_runfolder()
        self.post("./runfolders/path{}".format(path), {"state": "NOT-AVAILABLE"}, expect=400)
        # Remove the path created, so it does not interfere with other tests

    def test_pickup_runfolder(self):
        path = self._create_ready_runfolder()
        response = self.get("./runfolders/pickup", expect=200)
        response_json = jsonpickle.loads(response.text)
        self.assertEqual(response_json["path"], path)
        self.assertEqual(response_json["state"], State.PENDING)
        # Remove the path created, so it does not interfere with other tests

    def test_next_runfolder(self):
        path = self._create_ready_runfolder()
        response = self.get("./runfolders/next", expect=200)
        response_json = jsonpickle.loads(response.text)
        self.assertEqual(response_json["path"], path)
        self.assertEqual(response_json["state"], State.READY)
        # Remove the path created, so it does not interfere with other tests

    def _exists(self, path):
        resp = self.get("./runfolders")
        runfolders = resp.body_obj["runfolders"]
        matching = len([runfolder for runfolder in runfolders if runfolder["path"] == path]) == 1
        return matching

    def _create_ready_runfolder(self):
        file_postfix = int(1000 * time.time())
        path = "{0}/runfolder_inttest_{1}".format(self._get_monitored_dir(), file_postfix)
        self.put("./runfolders/path{0}".format(path), expect=201)
        return path

    def post(self, relative_url, obj, expect=200):
        # TODO: Add to base object
        full_url = self._get_full_url(relative_url)
        json = jsonpickle.encode(obj)
        resp = requests.post(full_url, json)
        self._validate_response(resp, expect)
Example #7
class RestApiTestCase(BaseRestTest):
    def _base_url(self):
        # TODO: It would be clearer to share these settings via a config file
        if key in os.environ:
            return os.environ[key]
            return "http://localhost:10800/api/1.0"

    def _get_monitored_dir(self):
        if key in os.environ:
            return os.environ[key]
            path_to_test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
            return "{0}/monitored".format(path_to_test_dir)

    def _get_log_file_path(self):
        if key in os.environ:
            return os.environ[key]
            return "./runfolder.log"

    # NOTE: Also tests log files, so currently needs to run from the server
    # itself, and the log files being tested against are assumed to be small
    # These tests are intended to be full integration tests, mocking nothing
    def setUp(self):
        def line_count(path):
            count = 0
            for _ in open(path).xreadlines():
                count += 1
            return count

        # Disable the log check if not running locally:
        if not self._base_url().startswith("http://localhost"):
            self.messages_logged = mock.MagicMock()
            self.messages_logged.assert_changed_by_total = lambda x: None
            self.messages_logged = TestFunctionDelta(
                lambda: line_count(self._get_log_file_path()), self, 0.1)

    def test_can_change_log_level(self):
        self.put("./admin/log_level", {"log_level": "DEBUG"})
        resp = self.get("./admin/log_level")
        self.assertEqual(resp.body_obj["log_level"], "DEBUG")

        # For the rest of the test, and by default, we should have log level WARNING
        self.put("./admin/log_level", {"log_level": "WARNING"})

    def test_not_monitored_path_returns_400(self):
        self.get("./runfolders/path/notmonitored/dir/", expect=400)
        # Tornado currently writes two entries for 400, for tornado.general and tornado.access

    def test_can_create_and_update_state(self):
        # First, we want to make sure it's not there now, resulting in 404 warn log:
        file_postfix = int(1000 * time.time())
        # Ensure that we can create a random runfolder at one of the mountpoints
        path = "{0}/runfolder_inttest_{1}".format(self._get_monitored_dir(),

        self.get("./runfolders/path{0}".format(path), expect=404)

        # Now, create the folder
        self.put("./runfolders/path{0}".format(path), expect=201)
        # Create the complete marker

        # The runfolder should show up in /runfolders
        resp = self.get("./runfolders")
        runfolders = resp.body_obj["runfolders"]
        matching = [
            runfolder for runfolder in runfolders if runfolder["path"] == path
        self.assertEqual(len(matching), 1)

        # Remove the path created, so it does not interfere with other tests

        # TODO: Change state to "processing" and ensure it doesn't show up in /runfolders

    def test_updating_state_removes_runfolder_from_candidates(self):
        Gets a list of runfolders ready for processing, fetches the
        runfolder that should be processed next, marks it as ready
        and then ensures that the runfolder doesn't show up in the
        list of all runfolders
        path = self._create_ready_runfolder()
        # Mark the folder as processing
        self.post("./runfolders/path{}".format(path), {"state": State.STARTED},
        # Ensure that the folder is not listed anymore:
        # Remove the path created, so it does not interfere with other tests

    def test_invalid_state_is_not_accepted(self):
        path = self._create_ready_runfolder()
                  {"state": "NOT-AVAILABLE"},
        # Remove the path created, so it does not interfere with other tests

    def test_pickup_runfolder(self):
        path = self._create_ready_runfolder()
        response = self.get("./runfolders/pickup", expect=200)
        response_json = jsonpickle.loads(response.text)
        self.assertEqual(response_json["path"], path)
        self.assertEqual(response_json["state"], State.PENDING)
        # Remove the path created, so it does not interfere with other tests

    def test_next_runfolder(self):
        path = self._create_ready_runfolder()
        response = self.get("./runfolders/next", expect=200)
        response_json = jsonpickle.loads(response.text)
        self.assertEqual(response_json["path"], path)
        self.assertEqual(response_json["state"], State.READY)
        # Remove the path created, so it does not interfere with other tests

    def _exists(self, path):
        resp = self.get("./runfolders")
        runfolders = resp.body_obj["runfolders"]
        matching = len([
            runfolder for runfolder in runfolders if runfolder["path"] == path
        ]) == 1
        return matching

    def _create_ready_runfolder(self):
        file_postfix = int(1000 * time.time())
        path = "{0}/runfolder_inttest_{1}".format(self._get_monitored_dir(),
        self.put("./runfolders/path{0}".format(path), expect=201)
        return path

    def post(self, relative_url, obj, expect=200):
        # TODO: Add to base object
        full_url = self._get_full_url(relative_url)
        json = jsonpickle.encode(obj)
        resp = requests.post(full_url, json)
        self._validate_response(resp, expect)
 def setUp(self):
     self.messages_logged = TestFunctionDelta(
         lambda: line_count('/var/log/arteria/runfolder.log'), self, 0.1)