Example #1
def _ParseAndMakeTypes(schema_path, root):
    module = asdl.parse(schema_path)

    app_types = {
        'identifier': asdl.UserType(Identifier),
        'bytes': asdl.UserType(Bytes),
        'object': asdl.UserType(PyObject),
        'constant': asdl.UserType(Constant),
        'singleton': asdl.UserType(Singleton),

    # Check for type errors
    if not asdl.check(module, app_types):
        raise AssertionError('ASDL file is invalid')
    py_meta.MakeTypes(module, root, app_types)
Example #2
def main(argv):
        action = argv[1]
    except IndexError:
        raise RuntimeError('Action required')

        schema_path = argv[2]
    except IndexError:
        raise RuntimeError('Schema path required')

    # To avoid circular dependencies, don't load Id for types.asdl.
    if os.path.basename(schema_path) == 'types.asdl':
        app_types = {}
        from osh.meta import Id
        app_types = {'id': asdl.UserType(Id)}

    if action == 'c':  # Generate C code for the lexer
        with open(schema_path) as f:
            schema_ast, _ = front_end.LoadSchema(f, app_types)

        v = gen_cpp.CEnumVisitor(sys.stdout)

    elif action == 'py':  # Generate Python code so we don't depend on ASDL schemas
        pickle_out_path = argv[3]

        with open(schema_path) as f:
            schema_ast, type_lookup = front_end.LoadSchema(f, app_types)

        f = sys.stdout

from asdl import asdl_ as asdl
from asdl import const  # For const.NO_INTEGER
from asdl import py_meta
from asdl import unpickle

from core import util

f = util.GetResourceLoader().open('%s')
TYPE_LOOKUP = unpickle.load_v2_subset(f)
""" % pickle_out_path)

        v = gen_python.GenClassesVisitor(f)

        if pickle_out_path:
            # Pickle version 2 is better.  (Pickle version 0 uses
            # s.decode('string-escape')! )
            # In version 2, now I have 16 opcodes + STOP.
            with open(pickle_out_path, 'w') as f:
                pickle.dump(type_lookup, f, protocol=2)
            from core.util import log
            log('Wrote %s', pickle_out_path)

        raise RuntimeError('Invalid action %r' % action)
Example #3
def main(argv):
    action = argv[1]
  except IndexError:
    raise RuntimeError('Action required')

  if action == 'py':  # Prints the module
    # Called by asdl/run.sh py-cpp

    schema_path = argv[2]
    app_types = {'id': asdl.UserType('id_kind_asdl', 'Id_t')}
    with open(schema_path) as f:
      schema_ast, type_lookup = front_end.LoadSchema(f, app_types)

    root = sys.modules[__name__]
    # NOTE: We shouldn't pass in app_types for arith.asdl, but this is just a
    # demo.
    py_meta.MakeTypes(schema_ast, root, type_lookup)

    log('AST for this ASDL schema:')
    schema_ast.Print(sys.stdout, 0)

    log('Dynamically created a Python module with these types:')
    for name in dir(root):
      print('\t' + name)

    if 1:
      # NOTE: It can be pickled, but not marshaled
      import marshal
      import cPickle
      out_path = schema_path + '.pickle'
      with open(out_path, 'w') as f:
        #marshal.dump(type_lookup, f)
        # Version 2 is the highest protocol for Python 2.7.
        cPickle.dump(type_lookup.runtime_type_lookup, f, protocol=2)

      for name, desc in type_lookup.runtime_type_lookup.items():
      print('Wrote %s' % out_path)

  elif action == 'arith-format':  # pretty printing
    expr = argv[2]

    obj = typed_arith_parse.ParseShell(expr)
    tree = obj.PrettyTree()
    #treee= ['hi', 'there', ['a', 'b'], 'c']
    f = fmt.DetectConsoleOutput(sys.stdout)
    fmt.PrintTree(tree, f)

    # Might need to print the output?
    # out.WriteToFile?

    raise RuntimeError('Invalid action %r' % action)
Example #4
def main(argv):
    action = argv[1]
  except IndexError:
    raise RuntimeError('Action required')

  if action == 'py':  # Prints the module
    schema_path = argv[2]

    with open(schema_path) as f:
      module = asdl.parse(f)

    app_types = {'id': asdl.UserType(Id)}
    type_lookup = asdl.ResolveTypes(module, app_types)

    # Note this is a big tree.  But we really want a graph of pointers to
    # instances.
    # Type(name, Product(...))
    # Type(name, Sum([Constructor(...), ...]))

    root = sys.modules[__name__]
    # NOTE: We shouldn't pass in app_types for arith.asdl, but this is just a
    # demo.
    py_meta.MakeTypes(module, root, type_lookup)

    print('Dynamically created a Python module with these types:')
    for name in dir(root):
      print('\t' + name)

  elif action == 'arith-encode':  # oheap encoding
    expr = argv[2]
    out_path = argv[3]

    obj = arith_parse.ParseShell(expr)
    print('Encoding %r into binary:' % expr)

    enc = encode.Params()
    with open(out_path, 'wb') as f:
      out = encode.BinOutput(f)
      encode.EncodeRoot(obj, enc, out)

  elif action == 'arith-format':  # pretty printing
    expr = argv[2]

    obj = arith_parse.ParseShell(expr)
    #out = fmt.TextOutput(sys.stdout)
    tree = fmt.MakeTree(obj)
    #treee= ['hi', 'there', ['a', 'b'], 'c']
    f = fmt.DetectConsoleOutput(sys.stdout)
    fmt.PrintTree(tree, f)

    # Might need to print the output?
    # out.WriteToFile?

    raise RuntimeError('Invalid action %r' % action)
Example #5
def _ParseAndMakeTypes(f, root):
    module = asdl.parse(f)

    app_types = {'id': asdl.UserType(Id)}

    # Check for type errors
    if not asdl.check(module, app_types):
        raise AssertionError('ASDL file is invalid')
    py_meta.MakeTypes(module, root, app_types)
Example #6
def _LoadSchema(f):
    module = asdl.parse(f)

    app_types = {'id': asdl.UserType(Id)}
    type_lookup = asdl.ResolveTypes(module, app_types)

    # Check for type errors
    if not asdl.check(module, app_types):
        raise AssertionError('ASDL file is invalid')
    return module, type_lookup
Example #7
def main(argv):
    #print lex_mode_e
    #print dir(lex_mode_e)

    app_types = {'id': asdl.UserType(Id)}
    with open('osh/types.asdl') as f:
        asdl_module, _ = asdl.LoadSchema(f, app_types)

    v = gen_cpp.CEnumVisitor(sys.stdout)
Example #8
def LoadSchema(f):
    app_types = {'id': asdl.UserType(Id)}

    asdl_module = asdl.parse(f)

    if not asdl.check(asdl_module, app_types):
        raise AssertionError('ASDL file is invalid')

    type_lookup = asdl.ResolveTypes(asdl_module, app_types)
    return asdl_module, type_lookup
Example #9
def _ParseAndMakeTypes(f, root):
  # TODO: A better syntax for this might be:
  #     id = external
  # in osh.asdl.  Then we can show an error if it's not provided.
  app_types = {'id': asdl.UserType(Id)}

  module = asdl.parse(f)

  # Check for type errors
  if not asdl.check(module, app_types):
    raise AssertionError('ASDL file is invalid')
  py_meta.MakeTypes(module, root, app_types)
Example #10
def main(argv):
        action = argv[1]
    except IndexError:
        raise RuntimeError('Action required')

    if action == 'py':
        schema_path = argv[2]

        module = asdl.parse(schema_path)
        root = sys.modules[__name__]
        # NOTE: We shouldn't pass in app_types for arith.asdl, but this is just a
        # demo.
        py_meta.MakeTypes(module, root, app_types={'id': asdl.UserType(Id)})

    elif action == 'arith-encode':
        expr = argv[2]
        out_path = argv[3]

        obj = arith_parse.ParseShell(expr)
        print('Encoding %r into binary:' % expr)

        enc = encode.Params()
        with open(out_path, 'wb') as f:
            out = encode.BinOutput(f)
            encode.EncodeRoot(obj, enc, out)

    elif action == 'arith-format':
        expr = argv[2]

        obj = arith_parse.ParseShell(expr)
        #out = fmt.TextOutput(sys.stdout)
        tree = fmt.MakeTree(obj)
        #treee= ['hi', 'there', ['a', 'b'], 'c']
        fmt.PrintTree(tree, sys.stdout)

        # Might need to print the output?
        # out.WriteToFile?
        raise RuntimeError('Invalid action %r' % action)
Example #11
def main(argv):
    action = argv[1]
  except IndexError:
    raise RuntimeError('Action required')

  # TODO: Also generate a switch/static_cast<> pretty printer in C++!  For
  # debugging.  Might need to detect cycles though.
  if action == 'cpp':
    schema_path = argv[2]

    # NOTE: This import can't be at the top level osh/asdl_gen.py depends on
    # this gen_cpp.py module.  We should move all the main() functions out of
    # asdl/ and into command line tools.

    from osh.meta import Id
    app_types = {'id': asdl.UserType(Id)}
    with open(schema_path) as input_f:
      module, type_lookup = front_end.LoadSchema(input_f, app_types)

    # TODO: gen_cpp.py should be a library and the application should add Id?
    # Or we should enable ASDL metaprogramming, and let Id be a metaprogrammed
    # simple sum type.

    f = sys.stdout

    # How do mutation of strings, arrays, etc.  work?  Are they like C++
    # containers, or their own?  I think they mirror the oil language
    # semantics.
    # Every node should have a mirror.  MutableObj.  MutableRef (pointer).
    # MutableArithVar -- has std::string.  The mirrors are heap allocated.
    # All the mutable ones should support Dump()/Encode()?
    # You can just write more at the end... don't need to disturb existing
    # nodes?  Rewrite pointers.

    alignment = 4
    enc = encode.Params(alignment)
    d = {'pointer_type': enc.pointer_type}

#include <cstdint>

class Obj {
  // Decode a 3 byte integer from little endian
  inline int Int(int n) const;

  inline const Obj& Ref(const %(pointer_type)s* base, int n) const;

  inline const Obj* Optional(const %(pointer_type)s* base, int n) const;

  // NUL-terminated
  inline const char* Str(const %(pointer_type)s* base, int n) const;

  uint8_t bytes_[1];  // first is ID; rest are a payload

""" % d)

    # Id should be treated as an enum.
    c = ChainOfVisitors(
        ClassDefVisitor(f, enc, type_lookup, enum_types=['Id']))

inline int Obj::Int(int n) const {
  return bytes_[n] + (bytes_[n+1] << 8) + (bytes_[n+2] << 16);

inline const Obj& Obj::Ref(const %(pointer_type)s* base, int n) const {
  int offset = Int(n);
  return reinterpret_cast<const Obj&>(base[offset]);

inline const Obj* Obj::Optional(const %(pointer_type)s* base, int n) const {
  int offset = Int(n);
  if (offset) {
    return reinterpret_cast<const Obj*>(base + offset);
  } else {
    return nullptr;

inline const char* Obj::Str(const %(pointer_type)s* base, int n) const {
  int offset = Int(n);
  return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(base + offset);
""" % d)
  # uint32_t* and char*/Obj* aren't related, so we need to use
  # reinterpret_cast<>.
  # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10151834/why-cant-i-static-cast-between-char-and-unsigned-char

    raise RuntimeError('Invalid action %r' % action)
Example #12
# Instantiate the spec

ID_SPEC = id_kind.IdSpec(Id, Kind, _ID_NAMES, _ID_INSTANCES, _ID_TO_KIND,

id_kind.AddBoolKinds(ID_SPEC, Id, types.bool_arg_type_e)  # must come second
id_kind.SetupTestBuiltin(Id, Kind, ID_SPEC, TEST_UNARY_LOOKUP,
                         TEST_BINARY_LOOKUP, TEST_OTHER_LOOKUP,

# Debug
_kind_sizes = ID_SPEC.kind_sizes

APP_TYPES = {'id': asdl.UserType(Id)}

# Instantiate osh/osh.asdl

f = util.GetResourceLoader().open('osh/osh.asdl')
_asdl_module, _type_lookup = asdl.LoadSchema(f, APP_TYPES)

ast = _AsdlModule()
if 0:
    py_meta.MakeTypes(_asdl_module, ast, _type_lookup)
    # Exported for the generated code to use
    OSH_TYPE_LOOKUP = _type_lookup