def __init__(self, queue, signal_queue, vbox, window, rotations="", show_unit_cell=True, show_bonds=False): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.image_queue = queue self.signal_queue = signal_queue self.configured = False self.ui = FakeUI.__init__(self) self.images = Images() self.images.initialize([ase.atoms.Atoms()]) self.killed = False self.paused = False self.vbox = vbox self.window = window self.vbox.connect("scroll-event", self.scroll_event) self.window.connect("key-press-event", self.on_key_press) View.__init__(self, self.vbox, rotations) Status.__init__(self, self.vbox) if == "posix": self.live_plot = True else: self.live_plot = False self.drawing_area.realize() self.scale = 10.0 = np.array([8, 8, 8]) self.set_colors() self.set_coordinates(0) = np.array([0, 0, 0]) self.tofs = get_tof_names() # history tracking arrays self.times = [] self.tof_hist = [] self.occupation_hist = [] # prepare diagrams self.data_plot = plt.figure() # plt.xlabel('$t$ in s') self.tof_diagram = self.data_plot.add_subplot(211) self.tof_diagram.set_yscale("log") # self.tof_diagram.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_powerlimits( # (3, 3)) self.tof_plots = [] for tof in self.tofs: self.tof_plots.append(self.tof_diagram.plot([], [], label=tof)[0]) self.tof_diagram.legend(loc="lower left") self.tof_diagram.set_ylabel("TOF in $\mathrm{s}^{-1}\mathrm{site}^{-1}$") self.occupation_plots = [] self.occupation_diagram = self.data_plot.add_subplot(212) for species in sorted(settings.representations): self.occupation_plots.append(self.occupation_diagram.plot([], [], label=species)[0]) self.occupation_diagram.legend(loc=2) self.occupation_diagram.set_xlabel("$t$ in s") self.occupation_diagram.set_ylabel("Coverage")
def __init__(self, images=None, rotations='', show_bonds=False, expr=None): if not isinstance(images, Images): images = Images(images) self.images = images self.observers = [] self.config = read_defaults() if show_bonds: self.config['show_bonds'] = True menu = self.get_menu_data() self.window = ui.ASEGUIWindow(close=self.exit, menu=menu, config=self.config, scroll=self.scroll, scroll_event=self.scroll_event,, move=self.move, release=self.release, resize=self.resize) View.__init__(self, rotations) Status.__init__(self) self.subprocesses = [] # list of external processes self.movie_window = None self.vulnerable_windows = [] self.simulation = {} # Used by modules on Calculate menu. self.module_state = {} # Used by modules to store their state. self.arrowkey_mode = self.ARROWKEY_SCAN self.move_atoms_mask = None self.set_frame(len(self.images) - 1, focus=True) # Used to move the structure with the mouse self.prev_pos = None self.last_scroll_time = time() self.orig_scale = self.scale if len(self.images) > 1: if expr is None: expr = self.config['gui_graphs_string'] if expr is not None and expr != '' and len(self.images) > 1: self.plot_graphs(expr=expr, ignore_if_nan=True)
def __init__(self, images=None, rotations='', show_unit_cell=True, show_bonds=False): # Try to change into directory of file you are viewing try: os.chdir(os.path.split(sys.argv[1])[0]) # This will fail sometimes (e.g. for starting a new session) except: pass if not images: images = Images() images.initialize([Atoms()]) self.images = images self.config = read_defaults() menu = self.get_menu_data(show_unit_cell, show_bonds) self.window = ui.ASEGUIWindow(close=self.exit, menu=menu, config=self.config, scroll=self.scroll, scroll_event=self.scroll_event,, move=self.move, release=self.release, resize=self.resize) View.__init__(self, rotations) Status.__init__(self) self.graphs = [] # list of matplotlib processes self.graph_wref = [] # list of weakrefs to Graph objects self.movie_window = None self.vulnerable_windows = [] self.simulation = {} # Used by modules on Calculate menu. self.module_state = {} # Used by modules to store their state. self.arrowkey_mode = self.ARROWKEY_SCAN self.move_atoms_mask = None
def __init__(self, images=None, rotations='', show_unit_cell=True, show_bonds=False): # Try to change into directory of file you are viewing try: os.chdir(os.path.split(sys.argv[1])[0]) # This will fail sometimes (e.g. for starting a new session) except: pass if not images: images = Images() images.initialize([Atoms()]) self.images = images self.config = read_defaults() menu = self.get_menu_data(show_unit_cell, show_bonds) self.window = ui.ASEGUIWindow(self.exit, menu, self.config, self.scroll, self.scroll_event,, self.move, self.release, self.resize) View.__init__(self, rotations) Status.__init__(self) self.graphs = [] # list of matplotlib processes self.graph_wref = [] # list of weakrefs to Graph objects self.movie_window = None self.vulnerable_windows = [] self.simulation = {} # Used by modules on Calculate menu. self.module_state = {} # Used by modules to store their state. self.moving = False self.move_atoms_mask = None
def __init__(self, queue, signal_queue, vbox, window, rotations='', show_unit_cell=True, show_bonds=False): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.image_queue = queue self.signal_queue = signal_queue self.configured = False self.ui = FakeUI.__init__(self) self.images = Images() self.aseGui = GUI() #self.aseGui.images.initialize([ase.atoms.Atoms()]) self.images.initialize([ase.atoms.Atoms()]) self.killed = False self.paused = False self.vbox = vbox self.window = window self.vbox.connect('scroll-event', self.scroll_event) self.window.connect('key-press-event', self.on_key_press) rotations = '0.0x,0.0y,0.0z' #[3,3,3]#np.zeros(3) self.config = { 'force_vector_scale': None, 'velocity_vector_scale': None, 'swap_mouse': False } View.__init__(self, rotations) Status.__init__(self) if == 'posix': self.live_plot = True else: self.live_plot = False #self.drawing_area.realize() self.scaleA = 3.0 = np.array([8, 8, 8]) #self.set_colors() #self.set_coordinates(0) = np.array([0, 0, 0]) self.tofs = get_tof_names() # history tracking arrays self.times = [] self.tof_hist = [] self.occupation_hist = [] # prepare diagrams self.data_plot = plt.figure() #plt.xlabel('$t$ in s') self.tof_diagram = self.data_plot.add_subplot(211) self.tof_diagram.set_yscale('log') #self.tof_diagram.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_powerlimits( #(3, 3)) self.tof_plots = [] for tof in self.tofs: self.tof_plots.append(self.tof_diagram.plot([], [], label=tof)[0]) self.tof_diagram.legend(loc='lower left') self.tof_diagram.set_ylabel( 'TOF in $\mathrm{s}^{-1}\mathrm{site}^{-1}$') self.occupation_plots = [] self.occupation_diagram = self.data_plot.add_subplot(212) for species in sorted(settings.representations): self.occupation_plots.append( self.occupation_diagram.plot([], [], label=species)[0], ) self.occupation_diagram.legend(loc=2) self.occupation_diagram.set_xlabel('$t$ in s') self.occupation_diagram.set_ylabel('Coverage')
def __init__(self, images, rotations='', show_unit_cell=True, show_bonds=False): # Try to change into directory of file you are viewing try: os.chdir(os.path.split(sys.argv[1])[0]) # This will fail sometimes (e.g. for starting a new session) except: pass self.images = images self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) # self.window.set_icon(gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file('guiase.png')) self.window.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) # self.window.connect("destroy", lambda w: gtk.main_quit()) self.window.connect('delete_event', self.exit) vbox = gtk.VBox() self.window.add(vbox) if gtk.pygtk_version < (2, 12): self.set_tip = gtk.Tooltips().set_tip actions = gtk.ActionGroup("Actions") actions.add_actions([ ('FileMenu', None, _('_File')), ('EditMenu', None, _('_Edit')), ('ViewMenu', None, _('_View')), ('ToolsMenu', None, _('_Tools')), # TRANSLATORS: Set up (i.e. build) surfaces, nanoparticles, ... ('SetupMenu', None, _('_Setup')), ('CalculateMenu', None, _('_Calculate')), ('HelpMenu', None, _('_Help')), ('Open', gtk.STOCK_OPEN, _('_Open'), '<control>O', _('Create a new file'),, ('New', gtk.STOCK_NEW, _('_New'), '<control>N', _('New ase.gui window'), lambda widget: os.system('ase-gui &')), ('Save', gtk.STOCK_SAVE, _('_Save'), '<control>S', _('Save current file'), lambda x: save_dialog(self)), ('Quit', gtk.STOCK_QUIT, _('_Quit'), '<control>Q', _('Quit'), self.exit), ('SelectAll', None, _('Select _all'), None, '', self.select_all), ('Invert', None, _('_Invert selection'), None, '', self.invert_selection), ('SelectConstrained', None, _('Select _constrained atoms'), None, '', self.select_constrained_atoms), ('SelectImmobile', None, _('Select _immobile atoms'), '<control>I', '', self.select_immobile_atoms), ('Copy', None, _('_Copy'), '<control>C', _('Copy current selection and its orientation to clipboard'), self.copy_atoms), ('Paste', None, _('_Paste'), '<control>V', _('Insert current clipboard selection'), self.paste_atoms), ('Modify', None, _('_Modify'), '<control>Y', _('Change tags, moments and atom types of the selected atoms'), self.modify_atoms), ('AddAtoms', None, _('_Add atoms'), '<control>A', _('Insert or import atoms and molecules'), self.add_atoms), ('DeleteAtoms', None, _('_Delete selected atoms'), 'BackSpace', _('Delete the selected atoms'), self.delete_selected_atoms), ('First', gtk.STOCK_GOTO_FIRST, _('_First image'), 'Home', '', self.step), ('Previous', gtk.STOCK_GO_BACK, _('_Previous image'), 'Page_Up', '', self.step), ('Next', gtk.STOCK_GO_FORWARD, _('_Next image'), 'Page_Down', '', self.step), ('Last', gtk.STOCK_GOTO_LAST, _('_Last image'), 'End', '', self.step), ('ShowLabels', None, _('Show _Labels')), ('HideAtoms', None, _('Hide selected atoms'), None, '', self.hide_selected), ('ShowAtoms', None, _('Show selected atoms'), None, '', self.show_selected), ('QuickInfo', None, _('Quick Info ...'), None, '', self.quick_info_window), ('Repeat', None, _('Repeat ...'), None, '', self.repeat_window), ('Rotate', None, _('Rotate ...'), None, '', self.rotate_window), ('Colors', None, _('Colors ...'), 'C', '', self.colors_window), # TRANSLATORS: verb ('Focus', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_FIT, _('Focus'), 'F', '', self.focus), ('ZoomIn', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_IN, _('Zoom in'), 'plus', '', self.zoom), ('ZoomOut', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, _('Zoom out'), 'minus', '', self.zoom), ('ChangeView', None, _('Change View')), ('ResetView', None, _('Reset View'), 'equal', '', self.reset_view), ('xyPlane', None, _('\'xy\' Plane'), 'z', '', self.set_view), ('yzPlane', None, _('\'yz\' Plane'), 'x', '', self.set_view), ('zxPlane', None, _('\'zx\' Plane'), 'y', '', self.set_view), ('yxPlane', None, _('\'yx\' Plane'), '<alt>z', '', self.set_view), ('zyPlane', None, _('\'zy\' Plane'), '<alt>x', '', self.set_view), ('xzPlane', None, _('\'xz\' Plane'), '<alt>y', '', self.set_view), ('a2a3Plane', None, _('\'a2 a3\' Plane'), '1', '', self.set_view), ('a3a1Plane', None, _('\'a3 a1\' Plane'), '2', '', self.set_view), ('a1a2Plane', None, _('\'a1 a2\' Plane'), '3', '', self.set_view), ('a3a2Plane', None, _('\'a3 a2\' Plane'), '<alt>1', '', self.set_view), ('a1a3Plane', None, _('\'a1 a3\' Plane'), '<alt>2', '', self.set_view), ('a2a1Plane', None, _('\'a2 a1\' Plane'), '<alt>3', '', self.set_view), ('Settings', gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES, _('Settings ...'), None, '', self.settings), ('VMD', None, _('VMD'), None, '', self.external_viewer), ('RasMol', None, _('RasMol'), None, '', self.external_viewer), ('XMakeMol', None, _('xmakemol'), None, '', self.external_viewer), ('Avogadro', None, _('avogadro'), None, '', self.external_viewer), ('Graphs', None, _('Graphs ...'), None, '', self.plot_graphs), ('Movie', None, _('Movie ...'), None, '',, ('EModify', None, _('Expert mode ...'), '<control>E', '', self.execute), ('Constraints', None, _('Constraints ...'), None, '', self.constraints_window), ('RenderScene', None, _('Render scene ...'), None, '', self.render_window), ('NEB', None, _('NE_B'), None, '', self.NEB), ('BulkModulus', None, _('B_ulk Modulus'), None, '', self.bulk_modulus), ('Bulk', None, _('_Bulk Crystal'), None, _("Create a bulk crystal with arbitrary orientation"), self.bulk_window), ('Surface', None, _('_Surface slab'), None, _("Create the most common surfaces"), self.surface_window), ('Nanoparticle', None, _('_Nanoparticle'), None, _("Create a crystalline nanoparticle"), self.nanoparticle_window), ('Nanotube', None, _('Nano_tube'), None, _("Create a nanotube"), self.nanotube_window), ('Graphene', None, _('Graphene'), None, _("Create a graphene sheet or nanoribbon"), self.graphene_window), ('SetCalculator', None, _('Set _Calculator'), None, _("Set a calculator used in all calculation modules"), self.calculator_window), ('EnergyForces', None, _('_Energy and Forces'), None, _("Calculate energy and forces"), self.energy_window), ('Minimize', None, _('Energy _Minimization'), None, _("Minimize the energy"), self.energy_minimize_window), ('Scaling', None, _('Scale system'), None, _("Deform system by scaling it"), self.scaling_window), ('About', None, _('_About'), None, None, self.about), ('Webpage', gtk.STOCK_HELP, _('Webpage ...'), None, None, webpage), ('Debug', None, _('Debug ...'), None, None, self.debug) ]) actions.add_toggle_actions([ ('ShowUnitCell', None, _('Show _unit cell'), '<control>U', 'Bold', self.toggle_show_unit_cell, show_unit_cell > 0), ('ShowAxes', None, _('Show _axes'), None, 'Bold', self.toggle_show_axes, True), ('ShowBonds', None, _('Show _bonds'), '<control>B', 'Bold', self.toggle_show_bonds, show_bonds), ('ShowVelocities', None, _('Show _velocities'), '<control>G', 'Bold', self.toggle_show_velocities, False), ('ShowForces', None, _('Show _forces'), '<control>F', 'Bold', self.toggle_show_forces, False), ('MoveAtoms', None, _('_Move atoms'), '<control>M', 'Bold', self.toggle_move_mode, False), ('RotateAtoms', None, _('_Rotate atoms'), '<control>R', 'Bold', self.toggle_rotate_mode, False), ('OrientAtoms', None, _('Orien_t atoms'), '<control>T', 'Bold', self.toggle_orient_mode, False) ]) actions.add_radio_actions( (('NoLabel', None, _('_None'), None, None, 0), ('AtomIndex', None, _('Atom _Index'), None, None, 1), ('MagMom', None, _('_Magnetic Moments'), None, None, 2), ('Element', None, _('_Element Symbol'), None, None, 3)), 0, self.show_labels) self.ui = ui = gtk.UIManager() ui.insert_action_group(actions, 0) self.window.add_accel_group(ui.get_accel_group()) ui.add_ui_from_string(ui_info) vbox.pack_start(ui.get_widget('/MenuBar'), False, False, 0) View.__init__(self, vbox, rotations) Status.__init__(self, vbox) # self.window.set_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) self.window.connect('key-press-event', self.scroll) self.window.connect('scroll_event', self.scroll_event) self.graphs = [] # list of matplotlib processes self.graph_wref = [] # list of weakrefs to Graph objects self.movie_window = None self.vulnerable_windows = [] self.simulation = {} # Used by modules on Calculate menu. self.module_state = {} # Used by modules to store their state.
def __init__(self, config, images=None, element_colors=None): """Initialise the GUI. Parameters ---------- config: ViewConfig initial configuration settings images : ase.gui.images.Images list of ase.Atoms, with some settings for visualisations (mainly radii) element_colors: list[tuple] hex colour for each atomic number (defaults to 'jmol' scheme) """ if not isinstance(images, Images): images = Images(images) self.images = images self.observers = [] self.config = attr.asdict(config) # aliases required by ui.ASEGUIWindow self.config["gui_foreground_color"] = self.config["canvas_color_foreground"] self.config["gui_background_color"] = self.config["canvas_color_background"] self.config["swap_mouse"] = self.config["gui_swap_mouse"] menu = self.get_menu_data() self.window = ui.ASEGUIWindow( close=self.exit, menu=menu, config=self.config, scroll=self.scroll, scroll_event=self.scroll_event,, move=self.move, release=self.release, resize=self.resize, ) # used by ``View.update_labels`` label_sites = {"index": 1, "magmom": 2, "element": 3, "charge": 4}.get( self.config["atom_label_by"], 0 ) if not self.config["atom_show_label"]: label_sites = 0 self.window["show-labels"] = label_sites View.__init__(self, self.config["rotations"]) if element_colors: self.colors = dict(enumerate(element_colors)) self.subprocesses = [] # list of external processes self.movie_window = None self.vulnerable_windows = [] self.simulation = {} # Used by modules on Calculate menu. self.module_state = {} # Used by modules to store their state. self.arrowkey_mode = self.ARROWKEY_SCAN self.move_atoms_mask = None self.set_frame(len(self.images) - 1, focus=True) # Used to move the structure with the mouse self.prev_pos = None self.last_scroll_time = self.t0 = time() self.orig_scale = self.scale self.xy = None if len(self.images) > 1: