Example #1
def test_read_fdf():
    dct = read_fdf(StringIO(sample_fdf))
    # This is a "raw" parser, no type conversion is done.
    ref = dict(potatoes=['5'],
               spam=[['1', '2.5', 'hello']])
    assert dct == ref
Example #2
    def get_pseudo_wave_function(self, band=0, kpt=0, spin=None):
        """Return pseudo-wave-function array.

        The method is limited to the gamma point, and is implemented
        as a wrapper to denchar (a tool shipped with siesta);
        denchar must be available in the command path.

        When retrieving a p_w_f from a non-spin-polarized calculation,
        spin must be None (default), and for spin-polarized
        calculations, spin must be set to either 0 (up) or 1 (down).

        As long as the necessary files are present and named
        correctly, old p_w_fs can be read as long as the
        calculator label is set. E.g.

        >>> c = Siesta(label='name_of_old_calculation')
        >>> pwf = c.get_pseudo_wave_function()

        The broadcast and pad options are not implemented.

        # Not implemented: kpt=0, broadcast=True, pad=True
        # kpoint must be Gamma
        assert kpt == 0, (
            "siesta.get_pseudo_wave_function is unfortunately limited " "to the gamma point only. kpt must be 0."

        # In denchar, band numbering starts from 1
        assert type(band) is int and band >= 0
        band = band + 1

        if spin is None:
            spin_name = ""
        elif spin == 0:
            spin_name = ".UP"
        elif spin == 1:
            spin_name = ".DOWN"

        label = self.label
        # If <label>.WF<band>.cube already exist and is newer than <label>.fdf,
        # just return it
        fn_wf = label + (".WF%i%s.cube" % (band, spin_name))
        fn_fdf = label + ".fdf"
        if isfile(fn_wf) and isfile(fn_fdf) and (getmtime(fn_wf) > getmtime(fn_fdf)):
            x, _ = read_cube_data(fn_wf)
            return x

        if not isfile(fn_fdf):
            raise RuntimeError("Could not find the fdf-file. It is required as " "part of the input for denchar.")

        fdf_mtime = getmtime(fn_fdf)
        for suf in [".WFS", ".PLD", ".DM", ".DIM"]:
            if not isfile(label + suf):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Could not find file "%s%s" which is required '
                    "when extracting wave functions "
                    '(make sure the fdf options "WriteDenchar" is '
                    'True, and WaveFuncKpoints is [0.0 0.0 0.0]")' % (label, suf)
            if not getmtime(label + suf) > fdf_mtime:
                # This should be handled in a better way, e.g. by implementing
                # a "calculation_required() and calculate()"
                raise RuntimeError("The calculation is not up to date.")

        # Simply read the old fdf-file and pick some meta info from there.
        # However, strictly it's not always neccesary
        fdf = read_fdf(fn_fdf)
        if "latticeconstant" in fdf:
            const = float(fdf["latticeconstant"][0])
            unit = fdf["latticeconstant"][1]
            const = 1.0
            unit = "Ang"

        if "latticevectors" in fdf:
            cell = np.array(fdf["latticevectors"], dtype="d")
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to find the lattice vectors in the fdf-file.")

        if "spinpolarized" in fdf and fdf["spinpolarized"][0].lower() in ["yes", "true", ".true.", "T", ""]:
            if spin is None:
                raise RuntimeError("The calculation was spin polarized, pick either " "spin=0 or 1.")
            if not spin is None:
                raise RuntimeError("The calculation was not spin polarized, " "spin argument must be None.")

        denc_fdf = open(fn_fdf).readlines()
        denc_fdf.append("Denchar.TypeOfRun 3D\n")
        denc_fdf.append("Denchar.PlotWaveFunctions T\n")
        for dim, dir in zip(cell.transpose(), ["X", "Y", "Z"]):
            # Naive square box limits to denchar
            denc_fdf.append("Denchar.Min%s %f %s\n" % (dir, const * dim.min(), unit))
            denc_fdf.append("Denchar.Max%s %f %s\n" % (dir, const * dim.max(), unit))

        # denchar rewinds stdin and fails if stdin is a pipe
        denc_fdf_file = open(label + ".denchar.fdf", "w")

            from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

            p = Popen(
                "denchar", shell=True, stdin=open(label + ".denchar.fdf"), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True
            exitcode = p.wait()
        except ImportError:
            raise RuntimeError("get_pseudo_wave_function implemented only with subprocess.")

        if exitcode == 0:
            if not isfile(fn_wf):
                raise RuntimeError("Could not find the requested file (%s)" % fn_wf)
            x, _ = read_cube_data(fn_wf)
            return x
        elif exitcode == 127:
            raise RuntimeError("No denchar executable found. Make sure it is in the path.")
            import sys

            print >> sys.stderr, "".join(p.stderr.readlines())
            raise RuntimeError("Execution of denchar failed!")
Example #3
    def get_pseudo_wave_function(self, band=0, kpt=0, spin=None):
        """Return pseudo-wave-function array.

        The method is limited to the gamma point, and is implemented 
        as a wrapper to denchar (a tool shipped with siesta);
        denchar must be available in the command path.

        When retrieving a p_w_f from a non-spin-polarized calculation, 
        spin must be None (default), and for spin-polarized 
        calculations, spin must be set to either 0 (up) or 1 (down).

        As long as the necessary files are present and named
        correctly, old p_w_fs can be read as long as the 
        calculator label is set. E.g.

        >>> c = Siesta(label='name_of_old_calculation')
        >>> pwf = c.get_pseudo_wave_function()

        The broadcast and pad options are not implemented.

        # Not implemented: kpt=0, broadcast=True, pad=True
        # kpoint must be Gamma
        assert kpt == 0, \
            "siesta.get_pseudo_wave_function is unfortunately limited " \
            "to the gamma point only. kpt must be 0."

        # In denchar, band numbering starts from 1
        assert type(band) is int and band >= 0
        band = band + 1

        if spin is None:
            spin_name = ""
        elif spin == 0:
            spin_name = ".UP"
        elif spin == 1:
            spin_name = ".DOWN"

        label = self.label
        # If <label>.WF<band>.cube already exist and is newer than <label>.fdf,
        # just return it
        fn_wf = label + ('.WF%i%s.cube' % (band, spin_name))
        fn_fdf = label + '.fdf'
        if isfile(fn_wf) and isfile(fn_fdf) and (getmtime(fn_wf) >
            x, _ = read_cube_data(fn_wf)
            return x

        if not isfile(fn_fdf):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Could not find the fdf-file. It is required as '
                'part of the input for denchar.')

        fdf_mtime = getmtime(fn_fdf)
        for suf in ['.WFS', '.PLD', '.DM', '.DIM']:
            if not isfile(label + suf):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Could not find file "%s%s" which is required '
                    'when extracting wave functions '
                    '(make sure the fdf options "WriteDenchar" is '
                    'True, and WaveFuncKpoints is [0.0 0.0 0.0]")' %
                    (label, suf))
            if not getmtime(label + suf) > fdf_mtime:
                # This should be handled in a better way, e.g. by implementing
                # a "calculation_required() and calculate()"
                raise RuntimeError('The calculation is not up to date.')

        # Simply read the old fdf-file and pick some meta info from there.
        # However, strictly it's not always neccesary
        fdf = read_fdf(fn_fdf)
        if 'latticeconstant' in fdf:
            const = float(fdf['latticeconstant'][0])
            unit = fdf['latticeconstant'][1]
            const = 1.0
            unit = 'Ang'

        if 'latticevectors' in fdf:
            cell = np.array(fdf['latticevectors'], dtype='d')
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Failed to find the lattice vectors in the fdf-file.')

        if 'spinpolarized' in fdf and \
                fdf['spinpolarized'][0].lower() in ['yes', 'true', '.true.', 'T', '']:
            if spin is None:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'The calculation was spin polarized, pick either '
                    'spin=0 or 1.')
            if not spin is None:
                raise RuntimeError('The calculation was not spin polarized, '
                                   'spin argument must be None.')

        denc_fdf = open(fn_fdf).readlines()
        denc_fdf.append('Denchar.TypeOfRun 3D\n')
        denc_fdf.append('Denchar.PlotWaveFunctions T\n')
        for dim, dir in zip(cell.transpose(), ['X', 'Y', 'Z']):
            # Naive square box limits to denchar
            denc_fdf.append('Denchar.Min%s %f %s\n' %
                            (dir, const * dim.min(), unit))
            denc_fdf.append('Denchar.Max%s %f %s\n' %
                            (dir, const * dim.max(), unit))

        # denchar rewinds stdin and fails if stdin is a pipe
        denc_fdf_file = open(label + '.denchar.fdf', 'w')

        p = Popen('denchar',
                  stdin=open(label + '.denchar.fdf'),
        exitcode = p.wait()

        if exitcode == 0:
            if not isfile(fn_wf):
                raise RuntimeError('Could not find the requested file (%s)' %
            x, _ = read_cube_data(fn_wf)
            return x
        elif exitcode == 127:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'No denchar executable found. Make sure it is in the path.')
            import sys
            print >> sys.stderr, ''.join(p.stderr.readlines())
            raise RuntimeError('Execution of denchar failed!')