Example #1
    def gen_edge_dislocation(self):
        screw_slab_unit = BodyCenteredCubic(directions = [self.x, self.y, self.z],
                                            size = (1,1,1), symbol='Fe', pbc=(1,1,1),
                                            latticeconstant = 2.83)
        screw_slab_unit = Atoms(screw_slab_unit)

        n_x = int(self.l_x/screw_slab_unit.get_cell()[0,0])
        n_y = int(self.l_y/screw_slab_unit.get_cell()[1,1])
        n_z = 1

        screw_slab_super = supercell(screw_slab_unit, n_x, n_y, n_z)

        b = screw_slab_unit.get_cell()[0,0]
        brg_vec = b*np.array([1,0,0])

        vacuum = 70.
        screw_slab_super.lattice[1,1] += vacuum

        disloc_l = np.array([0,0,1])
        screw_slab_super.set_lattice(screw_slab_super.get_cell(), scale_positions=False)
        super_slab = screw_slab_super.copy()

        L_x  = screw_slab_super.lattice[0,0]
        L_y  = screw_slab_super.lattice[1,1]
        L_z  = screw_slab_super.lattice[2,2]
#Maintain Periodicity along x and z for an edge dislocation:
        core =  np.array([(L_x)/2., (L_y-vacuum)/2., (L_z)/2.])

        disloc_noam(screw_slab_super, core, disloc_l, brg_vec)
        screw_slab_super.info['core'] = core
Example #2
    def gen_screw_dislocation_quad(self):
        # Easy core
        screw_slab_unit = BodyCenteredCubic(directions = [self.x, self.y, self.z],
                                            size = (1,1,1), symbol='Fe', pbc=(1,1,1),
                                            latticeconstant = alat)
        screw_slab_unit = Atoms(screw_slab_unit)
# set the supercell:
        n_x = int(18.0/screw_slab_unit.get_cell()[0,0])
        n_y = int(18.0/screw_slab_unit.get_cell()[1,1])
        n_z = 2

        ref_slab = screw_slab_unit*(n_x,n_y,n_z)
        screw_slab_super = supercell(screw_slab_unit, n_x, n_y, n_z)
        b = screw_slab_unit.get_cell()[2,2]
        brg_vec = b*np.array([0,0,1])
        disloc_l = np.array([0,0,1])
        super_slab = screw_slab_super.copy()
        L_x  = screw_slab_super.lattice[0,0]
        L_y  = screw_slab_super.lattice[1,1]
        L_z  = screw_slab_super.lattice[2,2]
        core = [(np.array([(L_x)/2., (L_y)/2., L_z/2.]), brg_vec),
                 np.array([(L_x)/2., (L_y)/2., L_z/2.]),
                 np.array([(L_x)/2., (L_y)/2., L_z/2.]),
                 np.array([(L_x)/2., (L_y)/2., L_z/2.])]
Example #3
def gen_impurity(symbol='H', tetrahedral=True, sup_cell=[5, 5, 5]):
    Add an element of type symbol to a supercell defined by the size sup_cell.
    If tetrahedral is true the element is initially placed in a tetrahedral position
    otherwise it is placed in an octahedral position.
    #Molybdenum is 42!!!
    alat = 2.82893
    atomic_number_dict = {'H': 1, 'B': 5, 'C': 6, 'P': 15, 'Mn': 25, 'Mo': 42}

    tetra_pos = alat * np.array([0.5, 0.0, 0.75])
    octa_pos = alat * np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.0])
    ats = BodyCenteredCubic(directions=[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]],
                            size=(sup_cell[0], sup_cell[1], sup_cell[2]),
                            pbc=(1, 1, 1),

    mid_point = 0.5 * (np.diag(ats.get_cell()))
    mid_point = [((sup_cell[0] - 1) / 2.) * alat for sp in sup_cell]

    if tetrahedral:
        tetra_pos += mid_point
        ats.append(Atom(position=tetra_pos, symbol=symbol))
        octa_pos += mid_point
        ats.append(Atom(position=octa_pos, symbol=symbol))
    return ats
Example #4
  def build_tilt_sym_frac(self, bp=[-1,1,12], v=[1,1,0], c_space=None):
    bpxv = [(bp[1]*v[2]-v[1]*bp[2]),(bp[2]*v[0]-bp[0]*v[2]),(bp[0]*v[1]- v[0]*bp[1])]
    grain_a = BodyCenteredCubic(directions = [bpxv, bp, v],
                              size = (1,1,1), symbol='Fe', pbc=(1,1,1),
                              latticeconstant = 2.85)
    n_grain_unit = len(grain_a)
    n = 2
# Slightly different from slabmaker since in the fracture
# Simulations we want the grainboundary plane to be normal to y.
    while(grain_a.get_cell()[1,1] < 120.0):
      grain_a = BodyCenteredCubic(directions = [bpxv, bp, v],
                           size = (1,n,2), symbol='Fe', pbc=(1,1,1),
                           latticeconstant = 2.85)
      n += 1
    print '\t {0} repeats in z direction'.format(n)
    grain_b = grain_a.copy()
    grain_c = grain_a.copy()
    print '\t', '{0} {1} {2}'.format(v[0],v[1],v[2])
    print '\t', '{0} {1} {2}'.format(bpxv[0],bpxv[1],bpxv[2])
    print '\t', '{0} {1} {2}'.format(bp[0], bp[1], bp[2])
    if c_space==None:
      s1 = surface('Fe', (map(int, bp)), n)
      c_space = s1.get_cell()[2,2]/float(n) #-s1.positions[:,2].max()
      s2 = surface('Fe', (map(int, v)), 1)
      x_space = s2.get_cell()[0,0] #-s1.positions[:,2].max()
      s3 = surface('Fe', (map(int, bpxv)), 1)
      y_space = s3.get_cell()[1,1] #-s1.positions[:,2].max()
    print '\t Interplanar spacing: ', x_space.round(2), y_space.round(2), c_space.round(2), 'A'
	# Reflect grain b in z-axis (across mirror plane):
    print grain_a.get_cell()[1,1]-grain_a.positions[:,1].max()
    grain_b.positions[:,1]  = -1.0*grain_b.positions[:,1]
    grain_c.set_cell([grain_c.get_cell()[0,0], 2*grain_c.get_cell()[1,1], grain_c.get_cell()[2,2]])
    grain_c.positions[:,1] += abs(grain_c.positions[:,1].min())
    pos = [grain.position for grain in grain_c]
    pos = sorted(pos, key= lambda x: x[2])
    dups = get_duplicate_atoms(grain_c)
 #  now center fracture cell with plenty of vacuum
    return grain_c
Example #5
    def gen_screw_dislocation(self):
        screw_slab_unit = BodyCenteredCubic(directions = [self.x, self.y, self.z],
                                            size = (1,1,1), symbol='Fe', pbc=(1,1,1),
                                            latticeconstant = 2.83)
        screw_slab_unit = Atoms(screw_slab_unit)

# set the supercell:
        n_x = int(self.l_x/screw_slab_unit.get_cell()[0,0])
        n_y = int(self.l_y/screw_slab_unit.get_cell()[1,1])
        n_z = 2

        screw_slab_super = supercell(screw_slab_unit, n_x, n_y, n_z)
        ref_slab = screw_slab_unit*(n_x,n_y,n_z)
#Burgers vector modulus:
        b = screw_slab_unit.get_cell()[2,2]
        brg_vec = b*np.array([0,0,1])
        print b

        vacuum = 70.
        screw_slab_super.lattice[0,0] += vacuum
        screw_slab_super.lattice[1,1] += vacuum

        disloc_l   = np.array([0,0,1])
        screw_slab_super.set_lattice(screw_slab_super.get_cell(), scale_positions=False)
        super_slab = screw_slab_super.copy()

        L_x  = screw_slab_super.lattice[0,0]
        L_y  = screw_slab_super.lattice[1,1]
        L_z  = screw_slab_super.lattice[2,2]
        core =  np.array([(L_x-vacuum)/2., (L_y-vacuum)/2., L_z/2.])

        disloc_noam(screw_slab_super, core, disloc_l, brg_vec)
        screw_slab_super.info['core'] = core
Example #6
 def build_surface(self, bp=[-1,1,12], v=[1,1,0]):
   Build Surface unit cell
   bpxv = [(bp[1]*v[2]-v[1]*bp[2]), (bp[2]*v[0]-bp[0]*v[2]), (bp[0]*v[1]- v[0]*bp[1])]
   surf_cell = BodyCenteredCubic(directions = [v, bpxv, bp],
                                 size = (1,1,1), symbol='Fe', pbc=(1,1,1),
                                 latticeconstant = 2.85)
   n = 2
   while(surf_cell.get_cell()[2,2]< 20.0 ):
     surf_cell = BodyCenteredCubic(directions = [v, bpxv, bp],
                   size = (1,1,n), symbol='Fe', pbc=(1,1,1),
                   latticeconstant = 2.85)
     n += 1
   surf_cell.center(vacuum=20.0, axis=2)
   return surf_cell
Example #7
    # use one of the routines from utilities module to relax the initial
    # unit cell and atomic positions
    bulk = relax_atoms_cell(bulk, tol=fmax, traj_file=None)
    bulk = model.bulk_reference.copy()

a0 = bulk.cell[0,0] # get lattice constant from relaxed bulk
bulk = Diamond(symbol="Si", latticeconstant=a0, directions=[[1,-1,0],[0,0,1],[1,1,0]])

# set up supercell
bulk *= (1, 1, 10)
# flip coord system for ASE (precon minim?)
c = bulk.get_cell()
t_v = c[0,:].copy()
c[0,:] = c[1,:]
c[1,:] = t_v

ase.io.write(sys.stdout, bulk, format='extxyz')

def surface_energy(bulk, z_offset):
    Nat = bulk.get_number_of_atoms()

    # shift so cut is through shuffle plane
    bulk.positions[:,2] += z_offset

    # relax atom positions, holding cell fixed
Example #8
POT_DIR = os.environ['POTDIR']
eam_pot = os.path.join(POT_DIR, 'PotBH.xml')
r_scale = 1.00894848312
pot = Potential('IP EAM_ErcolAd do_rescale_r=T r_scale={0}'.format(r_scale), param_filename=eam_pot)
#alat = 2.82893
#could just use the proper one as well....
alat = 2.837666

sup_cell = args.supercellsize
tetra_pos = alat*np.array([0.5, 0.0, 0.75])
octa_pos = alat*np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.0])
gb = BodyCenteredCubic(directions = [[1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1]],
                       size = (sup_cell[0],sup_cell[1],sup_cell[2]), symbol='Fe', pbc=(1,1,1),
                       latticeconstant = alat)
mid_point = 0.5*(np.diag(gb.get_cell()))
mid_point = [((sup_cell[0]-1)/2.)*alat for sp in sup_cell]
gb = Atoms(gb)
if args.tetra:
    print 'Tetrahedral Defect'
    tetra_pos += mid_point
    gb.add_atoms(tetra_pos, 1)
elif args.octa:
    print 'Octahedral Defect'
    octa_pos += mid_point
    gb.add_atoms(octa_pos, 1)
Example #9
  print '\tDislocation Type: ',   dis_type, ' dislocation.'
  print '\tCalculate Dynamics: ', run_dyn
  print '\tCalculate Nye Tensor: ', calc_nye
  print '\tInput File: ', input_file
  print '\tPotential: ',  pot_type

  if pot_type == 'EAM':
    global potdir
    potdir   = os.environ['POTDIR']
    eam_pot  = os.path.join(potdir, 'PotBH.xml')
    r_scale  = 1.00894848312
    pot      = Potential('IP EAM_ErcolAd do_rescale_r=T r_scale={0}'.format(r_scale), param_filename=eam_pot)
  elif pot_type == 'TB':
    tb = TightBindingPot(alat= 1.00, nk=12)
    screw_slab_unit = Atoms(screw_slab_unit)
    center_cell = np.diag(screw_slab_unit.get_cell())/2.
    #screw_slab_unit.add_atoms(center_cell*0.76, 6)

    print len(screw_slab_unit)
    tb.write_control_file('ctrl.fe', screw_slab_unit)
    pot = Potential('IP LMTO_TBE', param_str="""
      <LMTO_TBE_params n_types="2" control_file="ctrl.fe">
        <per_type_data type="1" atomic_num="26"/>
        <per_type_data type="2" atomic_num="1"/>
#If there is an initial strain energy increment that here:
Example #10
    print '\tCalculate Nye Tensor: ', calc_nye
    print '\tInput File: ', input_file
    print '\tPotential: ', pot_type

    if pot_type == 'EAM':
        global potdir
        potdir = os.environ['POTDIR']
        eam_pot = os.path.join(potdir, 'PotBH.xml')
        r_scale = 1.00894848312
        pot = Potential(
            'IP EAM_ErcolAd do_rescale_r=T r_scale={0}'.format(r_scale),
    elif pot_type == 'TB':
        tb = TightBindingPot(alat=1.00, nk=12)
        screw_slab_unit = Atoms(screw_slab_unit)
        center_cell = np.diag(screw_slab_unit.get_cell()) / 2.
        screw_slab_unit.add_atoms(center_cell, 1)
        #screw_slab_unit.add_atoms(center_cell*0.76, 6)

        print len(screw_slab_unit)
        tb.write_control_file('ctrl.fe', screw_slab_unit)
        pot = Potential('IP LMTO_TBE',
      <LMTO_TBE_params n_types="2" control_file="ctrl.fe">
        <per_type_data type="1" atomic_num="26"/>
        <per_type_data type="2" atomic_num="1"/>
#If there is an initial strain energy increment that here:
Example #11
from ase.utils.eos import EquationOfState
from ase.lattice.cubic import BodyCenteredCubic
from ase import Atom

a = 2.87

cell = [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]
bcc = BodyCenteredCubic('Fe', directions=cell)

carbon = Atom('C', position=(0,0.5*a,0.5*a), charge=0.4)

bcc = bcc*(2,2,2) + carbon
#atoms = atoms*(2,2,2)
constraint = FixAtoms(indices=[5,7,8,10,12,13,14,15,16])



def save( filename, arg ):
    f = open(filename, 'a+t')
    f.write('{0} \n'.format(arg))

os.system('mkdir result')

print bcc.get_cell()

Example #12
def screw_cyl_octahedral(alat, C11, C12, C44,
                         center=(0., 0., 0.)):
    """Generates a set of octahedral positions with `scan_r` radius.
       Applies the screw dislocation displacement for creating an initial guess
       for the H positions at dislocation core.

    alat : float
        Lattice constant of the material.
    C11 : float
        C11 elastic constant of the material.
    C12 : float
        C12 elastic constant of the material.
    C44 : float
        C44 elastic constant of the material.
    symbol : string
        Symbol of the element to pass to ase.lattuce.cubic.SimpleCubicFactory
        default is "W" for tungsten
    imp_symbol : string
        Symbol of the elemnt to pass creat Atoms object
        default is "H" for hydrogen
    symbol : string
        Symbol of the elemnt to pass creat Atoms object
    hard_core : float
        Type of the dislocatino core if True then -u
        (sign of displacement is flipped) is applied.
        Default is False i.e. soft core is created.
    center : tuple of floats
        Coordinates of dislocation core (center) (x, y, z).
        Default is (0., 0., 0.)

    ase.Atoms object
        Atoms object with predicted tetrahedral
        positions around dislocation core.

    # TODO: Make one function for impurities and pass factory to it:
    # TODO: i.e. octahedral or terahedral

    axes = np.array([[1, 1, -2],
                     [-1, 1, 0],
                     [1, 1, 1]])

    unit_cell = BodyCenteredCubic(directions=axes.tolist(),
                                  size=(1, 1, 1), symbol=symbol,
                                  pbc=(False, False, True),

    BCCOctas = BodyCenteredCubicOctahedralFactory()

    impurities = BCCOctas(directions=axes.tolist(),
                          size=(1, 1, 1), symbol=imp_symbol,
                          pbc=(False, False, True),

    impurities = impurities[impurities.positions.T[2] < alat*1.2]

    disloCenterY = alat * np.sqrt(2.)/6.0
    disloCenterX = alat * np.sqrt(6.)/6.0

    impurities.positions[:, 0] -= disloCenterX
    impurities.positions[:, 1] -= disloCenterY

    L = int(round(2.0*scan_r/(alat*np.sqrt(2.)))) + 1

    bulk_octa = impurities * (L, L, 1)

    # make 0, 0, at the center
    bulk_octa.positions[:, 0] -= L * alat * np.sqrt(6.)/2. - center[0]
    bulk_octa.positions[:, 1] -= L * alat * np.sqrt(2.)/2. - center[1]

    x, y, z = bulk_octa.positions.T

    radius_x_y_zero = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
    mask_zero = radius_x_y_zero < scan_r

    radius_x_y_center = np.sqrt((x - center[0])**2 + (y - center[1])**2)
    mask_center = radius_x_y_center < scan_r

    final_mask = mask_center | mask_zero
    # leave only atoms inside the cylinder
    bulk_octa = bulk_octa[final_mask]

    # Create a Stroh ojbect with junk data
    stroh = am.defect.Stroh(am.ElasticConstants(C11=141, C12=110, C44=98),
                            np.array([0, 0, 1]))

    c = am.ElasticConstants(C11=C11, C12=C12, C44=C44)
    burgers = alat * np.array([1., 1., 1.])/2.

    # Solving a new problem with Stroh.solve
    stroh.solve(c, burgers, axes=axes)

    dislo_octa = bulk_octa.copy()

    impurities_u = stroh.displacement(bulk_octa.positions - center)
    impurities_u = -impurities_u if hard_core else impurities_u

    dislo_octa.positions += impurities_u

    return dislo_octa
Example #13
from numpy import *
from ase.utils.eos import EquationOfState
from ase.lattice.cubic import BodyCenteredCubic
from ase import Atom

a = 2.87

cell = [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]
bcc = BodyCenteredCubic('Fe', directions=cell)

carbon = Atom('C', position=(0,0.5*a,0.75*a), charge=0.4)

bcc = bcc*(2,2,2) + carbon
#atoms = atoms*(2,2,2)
constraint = FixAtoms(indices=[5,7,8,10,12,13,14,15,16])



def save( filename, arg ):
    f = open(filename, 'a+t')
    f.write('{0} \n'.format(arg))

os.system('mkdir result')

print bcc.get_cell()

Example #14
    n_sup_z = 8

    pot_file  = os.path.join(pot_dir, 'PotBH.xml')
    pot       = Potential('IP EAM_ErcolAd', param_filename=pot_file)
    #Set paths for phonon band structures:
    #paths = [np.array([0,0,-0.5]), np.array([0,0,0]), np.array([0,0,0.5]), np.array([0,0.5,0.5])]
    b1        = 1.0
    #Nice plot for phonon:
    paths     = [np.array([0,0,0.0]), np.array([b1/2.0, b1/2.0, 0.0]), np.array([b1/2.0,b1/2.0,b1])]
    paths     = calc_band_paths(paths)
    unit_cell = BodyCenteredCubic(directions = [[1,0,0], [0,1,0],[0,0,1]],
                                  size = (1,1,1), symbol='Fe', pbc=(1,1,1),
                                  latticeconstant = 2.83)

    symbols          = unit_cell.get_chemical_symbols()
    cell             = unit_cell.get_cell()
    scaled_positions = unit_cell.get_scaled_positions()

    THZ_to_mev = 4.135665538536
    unit_cell  = PhonopyAtoms(symbols=symbols, cell=cell, scaled_positions=scaled_positions)
    phonon     = Phonopy(unit_cell, [[n_sup_x,0,0],[0,n_sup_y,0],[0,0,n_sup_z]])
    supercells = phonon.get_supercells_with_displacements()

    #We need to get the forces on these atoms...
    forces = []
    print 'There are', len(supercells), 'displacement patterns'
    for sc in supercells:
        cell = aseAtoms(symbols=sc.get_chemical_symbols(), scaled_positions=sc.get_scaled_positions(),
                        cell=sc.get_cell(), pbc=(1,1,1))
        cell = Atoms(cell)
Example #15
from ase.lattice.cubic import BodyCenteredCubic
import numpy as np
bulk = BodyCenteredCubic(directions=[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]],
                         size=(2, 2, 2),
newbasis = 2.87 * np.array([[-0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, -0.5, 0.5],
                            [0.5, 0.5, -0.5]])
pos = bulk.get_positions()
s = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(newbasis.T), pos.T).T
print 'atom positions in primitive basis'
print s
#let us see the unit cell in terms of the primitive basis too
print 'unit cell in terms of the primitive basis'
print np.dot(np.linalg.inv(newbasis.T), bulk.get_cell().T).T
Example #16
cell = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
atoms = BodyCenteredCubic('Fe', directions=cell)
atoms.set_initial_magnetic_moments([5, 5])
atoms.set_cell([a, a, a], scale_atoms=True)

carbon = Atom('C', position=(0, 0.5 * a, 0.75 * a), charge=0.4)
atoms = atoms * (2, 2, 2) + carbon

constraint = FixAtoms(indices=[8, 10, 12, 14, 16])


atoms[-1].position = [0, 0.5 * a, 0.75 * a]
init = atoms.copy()

atoms[-1].position = [0, 0.75 * a, 0.5 * a]
final = atoms.copy()
# view(final)

def save(filename, arg):
    f = open(filename, 'a+t')
    f.write('{0} \n'.format(arg))

os.system('mkdir result')

print atoms.get_cell()
Example #17
            'forcing': 'Concentration',
            'calc_method': 'LAMMPS',
            'keep_Lammps_files': True,
            'ase_min': False,
            'lammps_min': mincomd,
            'lammps_min_style': 'cg\nmin_modify line quadratic',
            'genealogy': True,
            'output_format': 'FormationEnergyPerInt',
            'bestindslist': True,
            'parallel' : True,
            'algorithm_type' : 'lambda+mu',
    bsfe = BCC('Fe', size=parameters['supercell'])
	rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
	if rank==0:
    A = Optimizer(parameters)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Example #18
from ase.lattice.cubic import BodyCenteredCubic
import numpy as np
bulk = BodyCenteredCubic(directions=[[1,0,0],
newbasis = 2.87*np.array([[-0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
                          [0.5, -0.5, 0.5],
                          [0.5, 0.5, -0.5]])
pos = bulk.get_positions()
s = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(newbasis.T), pos.T).T
print('atom positions in primitive basis')
# let us see the unit cell in terms of the primitive basis too
print('unit cell in terms of the primitive basis')
print(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(newbasis.T), bulk.get_cell().T).T)
Example #19
def calc_bulk_dissolution(args):
    """Calculate the bulk dissolution energy for hydrogen
    in a tetrahedral position in bcc iron.
      args(list): determine applied strain to unit cell.
    POT_DIR = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'potentials')
    eam_pot = os.path.join(POT_DIR, 'PotBH.xml')
    r_scale = 1.00894848312
    pot = Potential(
        'IP EAM_ErcolAd do_rescale_r=T r_scale={0}'.format(r_scale),
    alat = 2.83

    gb = BodyCenteredCubic(directions=[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]],
                           size=(6, 6, 6),
                           pbc=(1, 1, 1),
    cell = gb.get_cell()
    print 'Fe Cell', cell

    e1 = np.array([1, 0, 0])
    e2 = np.array([0, 1, 0])
    e3 = np.array([0, 0, 1])

    if args.hydrostatic != 0.0:
        strain_tensor = np.eye(3) + args.hydrostatic * np.eye(3)
        cell = cell * strain_tensor
        gb.set_cell(cell, scale_atoms=True)
        print 'Hydrostatic strain', args.hydrostatic
        print 'strain tensor', strain_tensor
        print gb.get_cell()
    elif args.stretch != 0.0:
        strain_tensor = np.tensordot(e2, e2, axes=0)
        strain_tensor = np.eye(3) + args.stretch * strain_tensor
        cell = strain_tensor * cell
        print 'Stretch strain'
        print 'Cell:', cell
        gb.set_cell(cell, scale_atoms=True)
    elif args.shear != 0.0:
        strain_tensor = np.tensordot(e1, e2, axes=0)
        strain_tensor = np.eye(3) + args.shear * strain_tensor
        cell = strain_tensor.dot(cell)
        print 'Shear Strain', strain_tensor
        print 'Cell:', cell
        gb.set_cell(cell, scale_atoms=True)
        print 'No strain applied.'

    tetra_pos = alat * np.array([0.25, 0.0, 0.5])
    h2 = aseAtoms('H2', positions=[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.7]])
    h2 = Atoms(h2)

    gb = Atoms(gb)
    gb_h = gb.copy()
    gb_h.add_atoms(tetra_pos, 1)


    #Calc Hydrogen molecule energy
    opt = BFGS(h2)
    E_h2 = h2.get_potential_energy()

    #strain_mask  = [1,1,1,0,0,0]
    strain_mask = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    ucf = UnitCellFilter(gb_h, strain_mask)

    #opt = BFGS(gb_h)
    opt = FIRE(ucf)
    E_gb = gb.get_potential_energy()
    E_gbh = gb_h.get_potential_energy()
    E_dis = E_gbh - E_gb - 0.5 * E_h2

    print 'E_gb', E_gb
    print 'E_gbh', E_gbh
    print 'H2 Formation Energy', E_h2
    print 'Dissolution Energy', E_dis
Example #20
def make_screw_quadrupole(alat,
    """Generates a screw dislocation dipole configuration
       for effective quadrupole arrangement. Works for BCC systems.

    alat : float
        Lattice parameter of the system in Angstrom.
    left_shift : float, optional
        Shift of the left dislocation core in number of dsitances to next
        equivalent disocation core positions needed for creation for final
        configuration for NEB. Default is 0.
    right_shift : float, optional
        shift of the right dislocation core in number of dsitances to next
        equivalent disocation core positions needed for creation for final
        configuration for NEB. Default is 0.
    n1u : int, odd number
        odd number! length of the cell a doubled distance between core along x.
        Main parameter to calculate cell vectors
    symbol : string
        Symbol of the element to pass to ase.lattuce.cubic.SimpleCubicFactory
        default is "W" for tungsten

    disloc_quadrupole : ase.Atoms
        Resulting quadrupole configuration.
    W_bulk : ase.Atoms
        Perfect system.
    dislo_coord_left : list of float
        Coodrinates of left dislocation core [x, y]
    dislo_coord_right : list of float
        Coodrinates of right dislocation core [x, y]


    Calculation of cell vectors
    From [1]_ we take:

    - Unit vectors for the cell are:

    .. math::

        u = \frac{1}{3}[1 \bar{2} 1];

    .. math::

        v = \frac{1}{3}[2 \bar{1} \bar{1}];

    .. math::

        z = b = \frac{1}{2}[1 1 1];

    - Cell vectors are:

    .. math::

        C_1 = n^u_1 u + n^v_1 v + C^z_1 z;

    .. math::

        C_2 = n^u_2 u + n^v_2 v + C^z_2 z;

    .. math::

        C_3 = z

    - For quadrupole arrangement n1u needs to be odd number,
      for 135 atoms cell we take n1u=5

    - To have quadrupole as as close as possible to a square one has to take:
    .. math::

        2 n^u_2 + n^v_2 = n^u_1

    .. math::

        n^v_2 \approx \frac{n^u_1}{\sqrt{3}}

    - for n1u = 5:

    .. math::

        n^v_2 \approx \frac{n^u_1}{\sqrt{3}} = 2.89 \approx 3.0

    .. math::

        n^u_2 = \frac{1}{2} (n^u_1 - n^v_2) \approx \frac{1}{2} (5-3)=1

    - Following [2]_ cell geometry is optimized by ading tilt compomemts
    Cz1 and Cz2 for our case of n1u = 3n - 1:

    Easy core

    .. math::

        C^z_1 = + \frac{1}{3}

    .. math::

        C^z_2 = + \frac{1}{6}

    Hard core

    .. math::

        C^z_1 = + \frac{1}{3}

    .. math::

        C^z_2 = + \frac{1}{6}

    may be typo in the paper check the original!


    .. [1] Ventelon, L. & Willaime, F. J 'Core structure and Peierls potential
       of screw dislocations in alpha-Fe from first principles: cluster versus
       dipole approaches' Computer-Aided Mater Des (2007) 14(Suppl 1): 85.

    .. [2] Cai W. (2005) Modeling Dislocations Using a Periodic Cell.
       In: Yip S. (eds) Handbook of Materials Modeling. Springer, Dordrecht


    unit_cell = BodyCenteredCubic(directions=[[1, -2, 1],
                                      [2, -1, -1],
                                      [1, 1, 1]],
                                  pbc=(True, True, True),
                                  latticeconstant=alat, debug=0)

    unit_cell_u, unit_cell_v, unit_cell_z = unit_cell.get_cell()

    # calculate the cell vectors according to the Ventelon paper
    # the real configrution depends on rounding check it here

    n2v = int(np.rint(n1u/np.sqrt(3.0)))
    # when the n1u - n2v difference is odd it is impossible to have
    # perfect arrangemt of translation along x with C2 equal to 0.5*n1u
    # choice of rounding between np.ceil() and np.trunc() makes a different
    # configuration but of same quality of arrangement of quadrupoles (test)
    n2u = np.ceil((n1u - n2v) / 2.)
    n1v = 0

    print("Not rounded values of C2 componets: ")
    print("n2u: %.2f,  n2v: %.2f" % ((n1u - n2v) / 2., n1u/np.sqrt(3.0)))
    print("Calculated cell vectors from n1u = %i" % n1u)
    print("n1v = %i" % n1v)
    print("n2u = %i" % n2u)
    print("n2v = %i" % n2v)

    bulk = unit_cell.copy()*[n1u, n2v, 1]

    # add another periodic shift in x direction to c2 vector
    # for proper periodicity (n^u_2=1) of the effective quadrupole arrangement

    bulk.cell[1] += n2u * unit_cell_u

    C1_quadrupole, C2_quadrupole, C3_quadrupole = bulk.get_cell()

    # calulation of dislocation cores positions
    # distance between centers of triangles along x
    # move to odd/even number -> get to upward/downward triangle
    x_core_dist = alat * np.sqrt(6.)/6.0

    # distance between centers of triangles along y
    y_core_dist = alat * np.sqrt(2.)/6.0

    # separation of the cores in a 1ux1v cell
    nx_left = 2
    nx_right = 5

    if n2v % 2 == 0:  # check if the number of cells in y direction is even
        # Even: then introduce cores between two equal halfes of the cell
        ny_left = -2
        ny_right = -1

    else:  # Odd: introduce cores between two equal halfes of the cell
        ny_left = 4
        ny_right = 5

    nx_left += 2.0 * left_shift
    nx_right += 2.0 * right_shift

    dislo_coord_left = np.array([nx_left * x_core_dist,
                                 ny_left * y_core_dist,

    dislo_coord_right = np.array([nx_right * x_core_dist,
                                  ny_right * y_core_dist,

    # caclulation of the shifts of the inital cores coordinates for the final
    # quadrupole arrangements

    # different x centering preferences for odd and even values
    if n2v % 2 == 0:  # check if the number of cells in y direction is even
        # Even:
        dislo_coord_left += (n2u - 1) * unit_cell_u
        dislo_coord_right += (n2u - 1 + np.trunc(n1u/2.0)) * unit_cell_u

    else:  # Odd:
        dislo_coord_left += n2u * unit_cell_u
        dislo_coord_right += (n2u + np.trunc(n1u/2.0)) * unit_cell_u

    dislo_coord_left += np.trunc(n2v/2.0) * unit_cell_v
    dislo_coord_right += np.trunc(n2v/2.0) * unit_cell_v

    u_quadrupole = dipole_displacement_angle(bulk,

    # get the image contribution from the dipoles around
    # (default value of N images to scan n_img=10)
    u_img = get_u_img(bulk,

    u_sum = u_quadrupole + u_img

    # calculate the field of neghbouring cell to estimate
    # linear u_err along C1 and C2 (see. Cai paper)

    # u_err along C2

    n1_shift = 0
    n2_shift = 1

    shift = n1_shift*C1_quadrupole + n2_shift*C2_quadrupole

    u_quadrupole_shifted = dipole_displacement_angle(bulk,
                                                     dislo_coord_left + shift,
                                                     dislo_coord_right + shift,

    u_img_shifted = get_u_img(bulk,
                              n1_shift=n1_shift, n2_shift=n2_shift)

    u_sum_shifted = u_quadrupole_shifted + u_img_shifted

    delta_u = u_sum - u_sum_shifted

    delta_u_C2 = delta_u.T[2].mean()
    print("delta u c2: %.2f " % delta_u_C2)

    # u_err along C1

    n1_shift = 1
    n2_shift = 0

    shift = n1_shift*C1_quadrupole + n2_shift*C2_quadrupole

    u_quadrupole_shifted = dipole_displacement_angle(bulk,
                                                     dislo_coord_left + shift,
                                                     dislo_coord_right + shift,

    u_img_shifted = get_u_img(bulk,
                              n1_shift=n1_shift, n2_shift=n2_shift)

    u_sum_shifted = u_quadrupole_shifted + u_img_shifted

    delta_u = u_sum - u_sum_shifted

    delta_u_C1 = delta_u.T[2].mean()
    print("delta u c1: %.3f" % delta_u_C1)

    x_scaled, y_scaled, __ = bulk.get_scaled_positions(wrap=False).T

    u_err_C2 = (y_scaled - 0.5)*delta_u_C2

    u_err_C1 = delta_u_C1*(x_scaled - 0.5)

    u_err = u_err_C1 + u_err_C2

    # Calculate the u_tilt to accomodate the stress (see. Cai paper)

    burgers = bulk.cell[2][2]

    u_tilt = 0.5 * burgers * (y_scaled - 0.5)

    final_u = u_sum
    final_u.T[2] += u_err - u_tilt

    disloc_quadrupole = bulk.copy()
    disloc_quadrupole.positions += final_u
    # tilt the cell according to the u_tilt
    disloc_quadrupole.cell[1][2] -= burgers/2.0
    bulk.cell[1][2] -= burgers/2.0

    return disloc_quadrupole, bulk, dislo_coord_left, dislo_coord_right
Example #21
cell = [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]
atoms = BodyCenteredCubic('Fe', directions=cell)
atoms.set_cell([a, a, a], scale_atoms=True)

carbon = Atom('C', position=(0,0.5*a,0.75*a), charge=0.4)
atoms = atoms*(2,2,2) + carbon

constraint = FixAtoms(indices=[8,10,12,14,16])


atoms[-1].position = [0, 0.5*a, 0.75*a]
init = atoms.copy()
# view(init)

atoms[-1].position = [0, 0.75*a, 0.5*a]
final = atoms.copy()
# view(final)

def save( filename, arg ):
    f = open(filename, 'a+t')
    f.write('{0} \n'.format(arg))

os.system('mkdir result')

print atoms.get_cell()

Example #22
class System():
    def __init__(self, setting):
        self.setting = setting

        self.elsProps = []         # elements properties
        self.setting['nAt'] = []   # number of atoms per specie
        self.px = self.setting['period'][0]
        self.py = self.setting['period'][1]
        self.pz = self.setting['period'][2]
        self.a0 =  self.setting['a']

        self.box =[[0, self.px*self.a0],\



        if self.setting['positions'] == 'rnd':


    def setNumbers(self):
        self.numbers = []
        for e in  self.t1_:
            self.numbers.append( self.elsProps[e - 1]['number'])

    def setElsProps(self):
        for e in self.setting['elements']:
            a = ase.Atom(e)
            mass = a.mass / _Nav
            number = a.number

            form = pt.formula(a.symbol)
            e_ = form.structure[0][1]
            crys = e_.crystal_structure['symmetry'] 
            a_ = e_.crystal_structure['a'] 
            self.elsProps.append({'ase':a, 'mass': mass, 'structure': crys,
                'a':a_ , 'number':number})

    def setCrystal(self):
        crys = self.setting['structure']
        if crys == 'rnd':
            print 'rnd implemented'
            d = 1.104  # N2 bondlength
            formula =  'Cu'+str(len(self.pos))
            cell =[(self.px*self.a0,0,0),(0,self.py*self.a0,0),(0,0,self.pz*self.a0)] 
            self.bulk = ase.Atoms(formula, self.pos, pbc=True, cell=cell)

        if crys == 'fcc':
            print 'fcc implemented'
            from ase.lattice.cubic import FaceCenteredCubic
            self.bulk = FaceCenteredCubic(directions=[[1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1]],
                                        size=(self.px,self.py,self.pz), symbol='Cu',
                    pbc=(1,1,1), latticeconstant=self.a0)

        if crys == 'bcc':
            print 'bcc implemented'
            from ase.lattice.cubic import BodyCenteredCubic
            self.bulk = BodyCenteredCubic(directions=[[1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1]],
                                        size=(self.px,self.py,self.pz), symbol='Cu',
                    pbc=(1,1,1), latticeconstant=self.a0)

        if self.setting['structure'] == 'hcp':
            print 'hcp no implemented'

        self.setting['nAtoms'] =  self.bulk.get_number_of_atoms()
        self.pos = self.bulk.get_positions()

    def update (self):
        cell  = self.bulk.get_cell()
        self.box =[[0, cell[0][0]],[0, cell[1][1]],[0, cell[2][2]]]
        self.pos = self.bulk.get_positions()

    def genStructure(self):
        self.t1_ = []
        for i,e in enumerate(self.setting['nAt']):
            [self.t1_.append(i+1) for j in range(e)]

    def setRandomStructure(self):
        x = [int(random.random()*len(self.t1_)) for i in range(len(self.t1_))]

        for i in range(len(x) - 1):
            t1 = self.t1_[x[i]]
            t2 = self.t1_[x[i+1]]

            self.t1_[x[i]] = t2
            self.t1_[x[i+1]] = t1
        return self.pos, self.t1_, self.box

    def genRandomPositions(self):
        Lx = self.box[0][1]
        Ly = self.box[1][1]
        Lz = self.box[2][1]

        self.pos =[]
        for i in range(self.setting['nAtoms']):
            x = random.random() * Lx
            y = random.random() * Ly
            z = random.random() * Lz

    def getAtoms(self):
        return self.elsProps

    def Interaction (self):
        if self.setting['pot'] == 'lj':
            ljp = ljParameters.LjParameters()
            str_ = ljp.lammpsInteraction(self.elsProps)
        if self.setting['pot'] == 'zhou':
            gz = zhou.calcPotentials(self.setting['elements'])
            str_ = gz.lammpsZhouEam()

        return str_

    def calcAtoms2(self):
        nAt = []

        sum_ = 0
        sumpc = 0.0000001
        len_elements = len(self.setting['elements'])
        len_pca = len(self.setting['pca'])

        print 'calcAtom2', len_pca, len_elements

        if len_elements != len_pca + 1:
            print 'error len'

        for p in self.setting['pca']:
            sumpc +=p

        if sumpc >= 100 or sumpc <= 0:
            print 'error pc'

        sumpc = 0

        for i in range(len(self.setting['elements']) - 1):
            p = self.setting['pca'][i]
            sumpc +=p
            t = int(p * self.setting['nAtoms'] / 100.0)
            sum_ +=t

        nAt.append(self.setting['nAtoms'] - sum_)

        self.setting['nAtoms'] = 0
        for e in nAt: 
            self.setting['nAtoms'] +=e

        print 'pca', self.setting['pca']
        self.setting['nAt'] =  nAt 

    def getMasess(self):
        str_ =''
        i = 1
        for e in self.elsProps:
            str_ += 'mass ' + str(i) + ' ' +str(e['mass']) + '\n'
        return  str_