Example #1
        if ret == -1:
            print('人脸检测失败:', ret)

        # 5.显示检测结果,这时face_detect()返回的是faces
        faces = ret
        for i in range(0, faces.faceNum):
            ra = faces.faceRect[i]

            ft = fun.getSingleFace(faces, i)  # 从faces集中,提取第0个人的特征
            # print("ft:", ft.faceRect.left1, ft.faceRect.top1, ft.faceRect.right1, ft.faceRect.bottom1, ft.faceOrient)
            ret, fea = fun.Feature_extract(im, ft)  # 返回tuple,(标识, 特征)
            if ret != 0:
            pred_name, pred_score = fun.asf_compare_embadding(fea, asf_dataset_emb, asf_name_list)    # 识别标签,分数
            # print("pred_name===pred_score", pred_name, pred_score)
            # 这里在图上画框标记
            if pred_name is not None:    # 标签不为空,说明识别到了
                cv2.rectangle(im.data, (ra.left1, ra.top1), (ra.right1, ra.bottom1), (255, 0, 0), 2)

                showInfo = pred_name + ": " + str(pred_score)[:5]    # 分数只保留小数点后3位置
                zh_cn_nums = general_util.get_zhcn_number(showInfo)  # 中文的字数(一个中文字20个像素宽,一个英文字10个像素宽)
                t_size = (20 * zh_cn_nums + 10 * (len(showInfo) - zh_cn_nums), 22)
                c2 = ra.left1 + t_size[0], ra.top1 - t_size[1] - 3  # 纵坐标,多减3目的是字上方稍留空
                cv2.rectangle(im.data, (ra.left1, ra.top1), c2, (0, 0, 255), -1)  # filled
                # print("t_size:", t_size, " c1:", c1, " c2:", c2)

                # Draw a label with a name below the face
                # cv2.rectangle(im0, c1, c2, (0, 0, 255), cv2.FILLED)
                font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX
Example #2
                box = bboxes[i]

                # ft = fun.getSingleFace(faces, i)  # 从faces集中,提取第0个人的特征
                # print("ft:", ft.faceRect.left1, ft.faceRect.top1, ft.faceRect.right1, ft.faceRect.bottom1, ft.faceOrient)
                ft = face_class.ASF_SingleFaceInfo()  # 单个人的信息
                ft.faceRect.left1 = c_int32(box[0])
                ft.faceRect.top1 = c_int32(box[1])
                ft.faceRect.right1 = c_int32(box[2])
                ft.faceRect.bottom1 = c_int32(box[3])
                ft.faceOrient = c_int32(1)  # 方向随便写个

                ret, fea = fun.Feature_extract(im, ft)  # 返回tuple,(标识, 特征)
                if ret == 0:  # 特征提取成功
                    pred_name, pred_score = fun.asf_compare_embadding(
                        threshold=0.8)  # 识别标签,分数
                    # print(pred_name, pred_score)
                    if pred_name == name:  # 如果识别姓名和标记姓名相同,则认为识别正确
                        correct_nums += 1
                    reco_result.append((file, name, pred_name, pred_score,
                                        box))  # 文件名,标注名,识别名,置信度,人脸框
                else:  # 同一帧图片有多个人脸的情况,“特征提取失败”会打印多次
                    # 这时报错81925,表示人脸特征检测结果置信度低,说明mtcnn认为是人脸,而asf不认为这是人脸,提取特征的置信度低
                    log.logger.warn("特征提取失败:%s,%s,人脸个数:%d,失败点:%s" %
                                    (ret, file, len(bboxes), box))
                    feature_failed_result.append((file, name, box))

    # 8.测评完成
    log.logger.info("EVAL finished! Accuracy: %.3f %%" %