#!/usr/bin/env python3 # unit_test/cisco/nxos/unit_test_nxos_bgp_neighbor.py our_version = 104 from ask.common.playbook import Playbook from ask.common.log import Log from ask.cisco.nxos.nxos_bgp_neighbor import NxosBgpNeighbor ansible_module = 'nxos_bgp_neighbor' ansible_host = 'dc-101' # must be in ansible inventory log = Log('unit_test_{}'.format(ansible_module), 'INFO', 'DEBUG') def playbook(): pb = Playbook(log) pb.profile_nxos() pb.ansible_password = '******' pb.file = '/tmp/{}.yaml'.format(ansible_module) pb.name = '{} task'.format(ansible_module) pb.add_host(ansible_host) return pb def add_task_name(task): task.append_to_task_name('v.{}'.format(our_version)) task.append_to_task_name(ansible_host) for key in sorted(task.properties_set): task.append_to_task_name(key) def ipv4_neighbor(pb): task = NxosBgpNeighbor(log) task.asn = '12000.0' task.neighbor = ''
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # unit_test/cisco/nxos/unit_test_nxos_vpc.py our_version = 105 from ask.common.playbook import Playbook from ask.common.log import Log from ask.cisco.nxos.nxos_vpc import NxosVpc ansible_module = 'nxos_vpc' ansible_host = 'dc-101' # must be in ansible inventory log = Log('unit_test_{}'.format(ansible_module), 'INFO', 'DEBUG') def playbook(): pb = Playbook(log) pb.ansible_connection = 'httpapi' # httpapi, network_cli pb.ansible_password = '******' pb.file = '/tmp/{}.yaml'.format(ansible_module) pb.name = '{} task'.format(ansible_module) pb.add_host(ansible_host) return pb def add_task_name(task): task.append_to_task_name('v{}, {}'.format(our_version, ansible_host)) for key in sorted(task.scriptkit_properties): task.append_to_task_name(key) def add_task(pb): task = NxosVpc(log) task.auto_recovery_reload_delay = 120
def task_vtp_password_add(pb): task = NxosVtpPassword(log) task.vtp_password = '******' task.state = 'present' add_task_name(task) task.commit() pb.add_task(task) def task_vtp_password_remove(pb): task = NxosVtpPassword(log) task.state = 'absent' add_task_name(task) task.commit() pb.add_task(task) ansible_module = 'nxos_vtp_password' ansible_host = 'dc-101' # must be in ansible inventory log_level_console = 'INFO' log_level_file = 'DEBUG' log = Log('unit_test_{}'.format(ansible_module), log_level_console, log_level_file) pb = playbook() task_vtp_password_add(pb) #task_vtp_password_remove(pb) pb.append_playbook() pb.write_playbook() print('wrote playbook {}'.format(pb.file))
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # unit_test/cisco/nxos/unit_test_nxos_gir_profile_management.py # Status = BETA our_version = 100 from ask.common.playbook import Playbook from ask.common.log import Log from ask.cisco.nxos.nxos_gir_profile_management import NxosGirProfileManagement log_level_console = 'INFO' log_level_file = 'DEBUG' log = Log('my_log', log_level_console, log_level_file) pb = Playbook(log) pb.profile_nxos() pb.ansible_password = '******' pb.name = 'nxos_gir_profile_management example' pb.add_host('dc-101') pb.file = '/tmp/nxos_gir_profile_management.yaml' commands = list() commands.append('router ospf 1') commands.append('isolate') task = NxosGirProfileManagement(log) task.commands = commands task.mode = 'maintenance' task.state = 'present' task.task_name = 'gir mode {} state {}'.format(task.mode, task.state) task.commit() pb.add_task(task) pb.append_playbook()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # unit_test/cisco/nxos/unit_test_nxos_interfaces.py our_version = 105 from ask.common.playbook import Playbook from ask.common.log import Log from ask.cisco.nxos.nxos_interfaces import NxosInterfaces ansible_module = 'nxos_interfaces' ansible_host = 'dc-101' # must be in ansible inventory log_level_console = 'INFO' log_level_file = 'DEBUG' log = Log('unit_test_{}'.format(ansible_module), log_level_console, log_level_file) def playbook(): pb = Playbook(log) pb.profile_nxos() pb.ansible_password = '******' pb.file = '/tmp/{}.yaml'.format(ansible_module) pb.name = '{} 5 ethernet and 5 SVI interfaces'.format(ansible_module) pb.add_host(ansible_host) return pb def add_ethernet_interfaces(task): for port in range(1,6): task.name = 'Ethernet1/{}'.format(port) task.description = '{} Vlan{} hosts'.format(task.name, port + 220) task.mtu = 9216 task.mode = 'layer2' task.speed = 100000 task.duplex = 'auto'
task.add_interface() task.state = 'merged' task.commit() pb.add_task(task) def task_nxos_bfd_interfaces(pb): task = NxosBfdInterfaces(log) task.name = 'Ethernet1/49' task.echo = 'enable' task.add_interface() task.state = 'merged' task.task_name = 'enable bfd echo on {}'.format(task.name) task.commit() pb.add_task(task) log = Log('test_playbook', 'INFO', 'DEBUG') pb = Playbook(log) pb.profile_nxos() # commonly used NXOS settings pb.ansible_connection = 'network_cli' # profile_nxos() sets this to httpapi pb.ansible_password = '******' # write the playbook to a file pb.file = '/tmp/playbook.yaml' # Creates a single playbook with two tasks task_nxos_interfaces(pb) task_nxos_bfd_interfaces(pb) pb.add_host('t301') # host in Ansible inventory pb.add_environment('no_proxy', '*') pb.add_vars('my_var1', 'my_var_value1') pb.add_vars('my_var2', 'my_var_value2') pb.append_playbook() pb.write_playbook()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # common/unit_test/common_set_none.py our_version = 100 from ask.common.playbook import Playbook from ask.cisco.nxos.nxos_aaa_server import NxosAaaServer from ask.common.log import Log log = Log('test_common_set_none', 'INFO', 'DEBUG') def nxos_aaa_server(pb): task = NxosAaaServer(log) task.directed_request = 'enabled' log.info('BEFORE: task.directed request {}'.format(task.directed_request)) task.directed_request = None # verifies that Common().set_none() is working log.info('AFTER: task.directed request {}'.format(task.directed_request)) if task.directed_request != None: log.error('FAIL: task.directed_request = None') exit(1) task.server_type = 'tacacs' task.state = 'present' task.update() pb.add_task(task) pb = Playbook(log) pb.file = '/tmp/unit_test_common_set_none.yaml' pb.add_host('dc-101') # host in Ansible inventory nxos_aaa_server(pb) pb.append_playbook() pb.write_playbook() log.info('wrote {}'.format(pb.file))