def test_tags(self): q = Question.create( author_id=self.user._id, title='How to patch KDE on FreeBSD?', body="subjxxxxxx", tags=["kde", "freebsd", "anime"], ) self.run_tasks() cnt = 0 for tag in Tag.find(): cnt += 1 self.assertEqual(tag.questions_count, 1) self.assertEqual(cnt, len(q.tags)) q2 = Question.create( author_id=self.user._id, title='TCPDump on FreeBSD', body="Does FreeBSD has a linux-like tcpdump or it's been as usual", tags=["freebsd", "tcpdump"], ) self.run_tasks() t = Tag.get("freebsd") self.assertEqual(t.questions_count, 2) q2.destroy() q.destroy() self.run_tasks() self.assertEqual(Tag.find().count(), 4) # tags are not deleted automatically anymore
def test_create_question(self): attrs = { "title": "a real question", "body": "what is the meaning of life and everything", "tags": ["guide"] } resp ="/api/v1/questions/", json=attrs) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 401) resp ="/api/v1/questions/", json=attrs, user=self.user1) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) self.run_tasks() data = resp.json q = Question.get(data["data"]["_id"]) self.assertEqual(q.body, attrs["body"]) self.assertEqual(q.title, attrs["title"]) self.assertCountEqual(q.tags, attrs["tags"]) t: Tag = Tag.get("guide") self.assertIsNotNone(t) self.assertEqual(t.questions_count, 1)
def unsubscribe(tagname): Tag.get(tagname, "tag not found") user: User = get_user_from_app_context() user.unsubscribe_from_tag(tagname) return json_response({"data": user.tag_subscription.to_dict()})
def show(tagname): tag = Tag.get(tagname, "tag not found") return json_response({"data": tag.to_dict()})