Example #1
def collect_missing_options(options_dict):
    options_dict['secret_key'] = generate_random_key()
    if options_dict['database_engine'] == '2':#sqlite
        while True:
            value = console.simple_dialog(
                            'Please enter database file name'
            database_file_name = None
            if os.path.isfile(value):
                message = 'file %s exists, use it anyway?' % value
                if console.get_yes_or_no(message) == 'yes':
                    database_file_name = value
            elif os.path.isdir(value):
                print '%s is a directory, choose another name' % value
            elif value in path_utils.FILES_TO_CREATE:
                print 'name %s cannot be used for the database name' % value
            elif value == path_utils.LOG_DIR_NAME:
                print 'name %s cannot be used for the database name' % value
                database_file_name = value

            if database_file_name:
                options_dict['database_name'] = database_file_name
                return options_dict

        for key in ('database_name', 'database_user', 'database_password'): 
            if options_dict[key] is None:
                key_name = key.replace('_', ' ')
                value = console.simple_dialog(
                    '\nPlease enter %s' % key_name,
                options_dict[key] = value
        return options_dict
def check_user_answer_limit():
    """Checks if LIMIT_ONE_ANSWER_PER_USER is True, if so, warn the user
    and give them an option to turn it off temporarily for the import.

    The import is really messy if we don't allow multiple answers for a user
    when translating from Zendesk to Askbot. If the user opts to turn this 
    off at the beginning of the import it will be turned on automatically when 
    we're done.
    if not askbot_settings.LIMIT_ONE_ANSWER_PER_USER:
        print "*"*64
        print "* WARNING"
        print "*"*64
        print "* Your settings are currently limiting users to a single"
        print "* answer per question. Zendesk doesn't translate well to"
        print "* this. It's highly recommended you let us switch this"
        print "* off temporarily while the import proceeds. We'll switch"
        print "* it back on when we're done."
        print "*"
        print "* If you choose not to do this, each additional post on"
        print "* a forum topic or additional comment on a ticket will be"
        print "* appended as a comment on to the first answer by the user."
        print "*" * 64
        prompt = "Okay to turn off the LIMIT_ONE_ANSWER_PER_USER setting?"
        response = console.get_yes_or_no(prompt, 'yes')
        if response == 'yes':
            return True
Example #3
def collect_missing_options(options_dict):
    options_dict['secret_key'] = '' if options_dict['no_secret_key'] else generate_random_key()
    if options_dict['database_engine'] == '2':#sqlite
        if options_dict['database_name']:
            return options_dict
        while True:
            value = console.simple_dialog(
                            'Please enter database file name'
            database_file_name = None
            if os.path.isfile(value):
                message = 'file %s exists, use it anyway?' % value
                if console.get_yes_or_no(message) == 'yes':
                    database_file_name = value
            elif os.path.isdir(value):
                print('%s is a directory, choose another name' % value)
            elif value in path_utils.FILES_TO_CREATE:
                print('name %s cannot be used for the database name' % value)
            elif value == path_utils.LOG_DIR_NAME:
                print('name %s cannot be used for the database name' % value)
                database_file_name = value

            if database_file_name:
                options_dict['database_name'] = database_file_name
                return options_dict

        db_keys = OrderedDict([
            ('database_name', True),
            ('database_user', True),
            ('database_password', True),
            ('database_host', False),
            ('database_port', False)
        for key, required in list(db_keys.items()):
            if options_dict[key] is None:
                key_name = key.replace('_', ' ')
                fmt_string = '\nPlease enter %s'
                if not required:
                    fmt_string += ' (press "Enter" to use the default value)'

                value = console.simple_dialog(
                    fmt_string % key_name,

                options_dict[key] = value
        return options_dict
Example #4
def collect_missing_options(options_dict):
    options_dict['secret_key'] = generate_random_key()
    if options_dict['database_engine'] == '2':#sqlite
        if options_dict['database_name']:
            return options_dict
        while True:
            value = console.simple_dialog(
                            'Please enter database file name'
            database_file_name = None
            if os.path.isfile(value):
                message = 'file %s exists, use it anyway?' % value
                if console.get_yes_or_no(message) == 'yes':
                    database_file_name = value
            elif os.path.isdir(value):
                print('%s is a directory, choose another name' % value)
            elif value in path_utils.FILES_TO_CREATE:
                print('name %s cannot be used for the database name' % value)
            elif value == path_utils.LOG_DIR_NAME:
                print('name %s cannot be used for the database name' % value)
                database_file_name = value

            if database_file_name:
                options_dict['database_name'] = database_file_name
                return options_dict

        db_keys = OrderedDict([
            ('database_name', True),
            ('database_user', True),
            ('database_password', True),
            ('database_host', False),
            ('database_port', False)
        for key, required in db_keys.items():
            if options_dict[key] is None:
                key_name = key.replace('_', ' ')
                fmt_string = '\nPlease enter %s'
                if not required:
                    fmt_string += ' (press "Enter" to use the default value)'

                value = console.simple_dialog(
                    fmt_string % key_name,

                options_dict[key] = value
        return options_dict