Example #1
owners = []
ownerdonations = []
donationtypes = []
ppo = {}
ppt = {}

asm.setid("owner", 100)
asm.setid("ownerdonation", 100)
asm.setid("donationtype", 100)

print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM ownerdonation WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM donationtype WHERE ID >= 100;"

# customers.csv
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "customers.csv"):
    if ppo.has_key(row["id"]): continue
    o = asm.Owner()
    ppo[row["id"]] = o
    o.OwnerForeNames = row["First"]
    o.OwnerSurname = row["Last"]
    o.OwnerName = o.OwnerForeNames + " " + o.OwnerSurname
    o.OwnerAddress = row["Address"]
    o.OwnerTown = row["City"]
    o.OwnerCounty = row["State"]
    o.OwnerPostcode = row["Zip"]
    o.HomeTelephone = row["Phone"]
    o.CreatedDate = asm.getdate_ddmmyyyy(row["DateAdd"])
    o.Comments = row["Notes"]
Example #2
print "DELETE FROM animalmedicaltreatment WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM animalvaccination WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM ownerdonation WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM vaccinationtype;"

to = asm.Owner()
to.OwnerSurname = "Unknown Transfer Owner"

ro = asm.Owner()
ro.OwnerSurname = "Unknown Reclaim Owner"

# people.csv
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "people.csv"):
    o = asm.Owner()
    ppo[row["id"]] = o
    o.OwnerForeNames = row["first name"]
    o.OwnerSurname = row["last name"]
    o.HomeTelephone = row["home phone"]
    o.WorkTelephone = row["work phone"]
    o.MobileTelephone = row["cell phone"]
    o.EmailAddress = row["primary email"]
    o.OwnerAddress = row["address"] + " " + row["second address line"]
    o.OwnerTown = row["city"]
    o.OwnerCounty = row["region/state"]
    o.OwnerPostcode = row["postalCode"]
    o.Comments = "%s %s %s" % (row["general comments"], row["hidden comments"], row["banned comments"])
    if row["banned date"] != "": o.IsBanned = 1
Example #3

import asm, datetime

def findin(d, k, v, k2):
    Finds the value for k2 in list d where k = v
    for a in d:
        if a[k] == v:
            return a[k2]
    return ""

canimal = asm.csv_to_list("data/hs0701_ac/Animal.xlsx.csv")
cacat = asm.csv_to_list("data/hs0701_ac/aCat.xlsx.csv")
cadog = asm.csv_to_list("data/hs0701_ac/aDog.xlsx.csv")
caother = asm.csv_to_list("data/hs0701_ac/aOther.xlsx.csv")
canimalnote = asm.csv_to_list("data/hs0701_ac/Animal_Note.xlsx.csv")
ccustomeranimallink = asm.csv_to_list(
ccustomer = asm.csv_to_list("data/hs0701_ac/Customer.xlsx.csv")
ccustomernote = asm.csv_to_list("data/hs0701_ac/Customer_Note.xlsx.csv")
cdisposition = asm.csv_to_list("data/hs0701_ac/Disposition.xlsx.csv")
cintake = asm.csv_to_list("data/hs0701_ac/Intake.xlsx.csv")
cmicrochip = asm.csv_to_list("data/hs0701_ac/Microchip.xlsx.csv")
cnote = asm.csv_to_list("data/hs0701_ac/Note.xlsx.csv")

cadoptions = asm.csv_to_list("data/hs0701_ac/dAdoption.xlsx.csv")
cdied = asm.csv_to_list("data/hs0701_ac/dDiedInCare.xlsx.csv")
Example #4
print "DELETE FROM animalmedical WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM animalmedicaltreatment WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM dbfs WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM media WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM ownerdonation WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM log WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID

uo = asm.Owner()
uo.OwnerSurname = "Unknown"
uo.OwnerName = "Unknown"

# load lookups into memory
cnotes = asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "dbo_tblNotes.csv")
cspecies = asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "dbo_tblSpecies.csv")
cbreeds = asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "dbo_tblAnimalBreeds.csv")
ctypes = asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "dbo_AnimalType.csv")
cpaymentmethods = asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "dbo_tblPaymentTypes.csv")
clocations = asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "dbo_tblPhysicalLocation.csv")

# tblDocument.csv
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "dbo_tblDocument.csv"):
    if row["objectypeid"] == "0" and row["extension"] == "jpg" and row[
            "isDefault"] == "-1":
        documents[row["objectid"]] = PATH + "images/doc_%s.jpg" % row["docID"]

# tblNotes
for r in cnotes:
    if r["fieldText"] != "":
Example #5
asm.setid("owner", 100)
asm.setid("adoption", 100)

owners = []
movements = []
animals = []
animalvaccinations = []
animalmedicals = []

# List of trackids we've seen for animals so far
ppa = {}

# List of trackids we've seen for people so far
ppo = {}

for d in asm.csv_to_list("%s/animals.csv" % PATH):

    # New animal record if we haven't seen this trackid before
    trackid = d["TrackID"].strip()
    if not trackid in ppa:
        extradata = ""
        a = asm.Animal()
        ppa[trackid] = a
        a.AnimalName = d["Name"]
        a.AnimalTypeID = gettype(d["Type"])
        a.SpeciesID = getspecies(d["Type"])
        if d["Entry Date"].strip() != "": 
            a.DateBroughtIn = getdate(d["Entry Date"])
        a.Neutuered = d["Spay"].strip() == "Y" and 1 or 0
        a.CombiTested = 1
        a.FLVResult = d["Fel Leuk"].strip() == "Y" and 0 or 1
Example #6
print("DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= %s AND LastChangedBy = 'conversion';" %
print("DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= %s AND LastChangedBy = 'conversion';" %

# print("DELETE FROM media;")

# Create an unknown owner
uo = asm.Owner()
uo.OwnerSurname = "Unknown Owner"
uo.OwnerName = uo.OwnerSurname

# Deal with people first
for d in asm.csv_to_list(PERSON_FILENAME, remove_non_ascii=True):
    # Each row contains a person
    o = asm.Owner()
    ppo[d["People_Ctr"]] = o
    o.OwnerForeNames = d["PERSONFIRSTNAME"]
    o.OwnerSurname = d["PERSONLASTNAME"]
    o.OwnerName = o.OwnerForeNames + " " + o.OwnerSurname
    o.OwnerAddress = d["PERSONADDRESS"]
    o.OwnerTown = d["PERSONCITY"]
    o.OwnerCounty = d["PERSONSTATE"]
    o.OwnerPostcode = d["PERSONZIPCODE"]
    o.EmailAddress = d["PERSONEMAIL"]
    o.WorkTelephone = d["PERSONWORKPHONE"]
    o.MobileTelephone = d["PERSONCELLPHONE"]
    o.IsBanned = asm.iif(d["PERSONFLAGS"].find("Banned") != -1, 1, 0)
Example #7
print "DELETE FROM animalmedicaltreatment WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM animalvaccination WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM ownerdonation WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM vaccinationtype;"

to = asm.Owner()
to.OwnerSurname = "Unknown Transfer Owner"

ro = asm.Owner()
ro.OwnerSurname = "Unknown Reclaim Owner"

# people.csv
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "people.csv"):
    o = asm.Owner()
    ppo[row["id"]] = o
    o.OwnerForeNames = row["first name"]
    o.OwnerSurname = row["last name"]
    o.HomeTelephone = row["home phone"]
    o.WorkTelephone = row["work phone"]
    o.MobileTelephone = row["cell phone"]
    o.EmailAddress = row["primary email"]
    o.OwnerAddress = row["address"] + " " + row["second address line"]
    o.OwnerTown = row["city"]
    o.OwnerCounty = row["region/state"]
    o.OwnerPostcode = row["postalCode"]
    o.Comments = "%s %s %s" % (row["general comments"], row["hidden comments"],
                               row["banned comments"])
Example #8
asm.setid("owner", 100)
asm.setid("ownerdonation", 100)
asm.setid("adoption", 100)
asm.setid("media", 100)
asm.setid("dbfs", 300)

print "\\set ON_ERROR_STOP\nBEGIN;"
print "DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM media WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM dbfs WHERE ID >= 200;"
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM ownerdonation WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM animalvaccination WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= 100;"

cadoptions = asm.csv_to_list("data/kc0748_almosthome/adoptions.csv")
ccats = asm.csv_to_list("data/kc0748_almosthome/cats.csv")
cdonors = asm.csv_to_list("data/kc0748_almosthome/donordatabase.csv")
cpeople = asm.csv_to_list("data/kc0748_almosthome/people.csv")
creceipts = asm.csv_to_list("data/kc0748_almosthome/receipts.csv")
cvolunteers = asm.csv_to_list("data/kc0748_almosthome/volunteers.csv")

vaccmap = {
    "Leuk": 12,
    "ombo": 9,
    "all": 9,
    "All": 9,
    "fvrcp": 9,
    "FVCC": 9,
    "FVRC": 9,
    "FVRCP": 9,
Example #9
#uo.OwnerName = "Unknown Owner"
#uo.Comments = "Catchall for adopted animal data from ShelterLuv"

print("\\set ON_ERROR_STOP\nBEGIN;")
print("DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID)
print("DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID)
print("DELETE FROM animalmedical WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID)
print("DELETE FROM animalmedicaltreatment WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID)
print("DELETE FROM animaltest WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID)
print("DELETE FROM animalvaccination WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID)
print("DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID)
print("DELETE FROM ownerdonation WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID)
print("DELETE FROM testtype WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID)
print("DELETE FROM vaccinationtype WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID)

for d in asm.csv_to_list("%s/people.csv" % PATH):
    if d["Name"] == "Name": continue  # skip repeated header rows
    if d["Name"] in ppo: continue  # skip repeated rows
    # Each row contains a person
    o = asm.Owner()
    ppo[d["Name"]] = o
    # ppo[d["Person ID"]] = o # Never seen one in a person file so have to use name
    o.OwnerAddress = d["Street"]
    o.OwnerTown = d["City"]
    o.OwnerCounty = d["State"]
    o.OwnerPostcode = d["Zip Code"]
    o.EmailAddress = d["Primary Email"]
    o.HomeTelephone = d["Phone"]
    # Last file I saw had repeated "Comments" columns, so need to be renumbered manually
Example #10
asm.setid("animalvaccination", START_ID)
asm.setid("animalmedical", START_ID)
asm.setid("animalmedicaltreatment", START_ID)

print "DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM animalvaccination WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM animalmedical WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM animalmedicaltreatment WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM dbfs WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM media WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM ownerdonation WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID

# load lookups into memory
cnotes = asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "tblNotes.csv")
cspecies = asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "tblSpecies.csv")
cbreeds = asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "tblAnimalBreeds.csv")
ctypes = asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "AnimalType.csv")
cpaymentmethods = asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "tblPaymentTypes.csv")

# tblDocument.csv
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "tblDocument.csv"):
    if row["objectypeid"] == "0" and row["extension"] == "jpg" and row[
            "isDefault"] == "-1":
        documents[row["objectid"]] = PATH + "images/doc_%s.jpg" % row["docID"]

# tblNotes
for r in cnotes:
    if r["fieldText"] != "":
        animalnotes[r["animalID"]] = r["fieldText"]
Example #11
ppo = {}
ppa = {}
numused = {}

asm.setid("owner", 100)
asm.setid("ownerlicence", 100)
asm.setid("animal", 100)

# Remove existing
print "\\set ON_ERROR_STOP\nBEGIN;"
print "DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM ownerlicence WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100;"

# Load up data files
cfile = asm.csv_to_list(PATH, unicodehtml=True)

# Each row contains a person, animal and licence
for row in cfile:

    # person first
    personkey = row["Surname"] + row["Forename"] + row["Address #"]
    if ppo.has_key(personkey):
        o = ppo[personkey]
        o = asm.Owner()
        ppo[personkey] = o
        o.OwnerForeNames = row["Forename"]
        o.OwnerSurname = row["Surname"]
        o.OwnerName = o.OwnerForeNames + " " + o.OwnerSurname
Example #12
owners = []
movements = []
animals = []
ppa = {}
ppo = {}

asm.setid("animal", 100)
asm.setid("owner", 100)
asm.setid("adoption", 100)

print "\\set ON_ERROR_STOP\nBEGIN;"
print "DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= 100 AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';"
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100 AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';"
print "DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= 100 AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';"

cadoptions = asm.csv_to_list("data/sz1242_access/adoptions.csv", unicodehtml=True)
ccatinfo = asm.csv_to_list("data/sz1242_access/catinfo.csv", unicodehtml=True)
creturns = asm.csv_to_list("data/sz1242_access/returns.csv", unicodehtml=True)

for d in ccatinfo:
    a = asm.Animal()
    ppa[d["CatName"]] = a
    a.AnimalTypeID = 12 # stray cat
    if d["AcquiredType"].startswith("County"):
        a.AnimalTypeID = 44 # county shelter cat
        a.TransferIn = 1
    a.SpeciesID = 2
    a.AnimalName = d["CatName"]
    if a.AnimalName.strip() == "":
        a.AnimalName = "(unknown)"
Example #13
nextmovementid = 100
startanimalid = 100
startanimalcontrolid = 100
startownerdonationid = 100
startownerid = 100
startmovementid = 100

asm.setid("donationtype", 100)

unknown = asm.Owner(nextownerid)
nextownerid += 1
unknown.OwnerSurname = "Unknown"
unknown.OwnerName = unknown.OwnerSurname

for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "list1.csv", strip=True):
    o = asm.Owner(nextownerid)
    nextownerid += 1
    o.ExtraID = row["MasterID"]
    o.OwnerTitle = row["TITLE"]
    o.OwnerForeNames = row["FIRSTNAME"]
    o.OwnerSurname = row["LASTNAME"]
    if o.OwnerSurname == "": o.OwnerSurname = "(blank)"
    o.OwnerName = o.OwnerForeNames + " " + o.OwnerSurname
    o.OwnerAddress = row["ADD1"]
    o.OwnerTown = row["CITY"]
    o.OwnerCounty = row["STATE"]
    o.OwnerPostcode = row["ZIP"]
    o.HomeTelephone = row["PHONENUMB"]
    o.WorkTelephone = row["BPHONE"]
Example #14
asm.setid("animal", 100)
asm.setid("owner", 100)
asm.setid("ownerdonation", 100)
asm.setid("ownerlicence", 100)
asm.setid("adoption", 100)
asm.setid("animalcontrol", 100)

print "\\set ON_ERROR_STOP\nBEGIN;"
print "DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= 100 AND ID < 49999;"
print "DELETE FROM animalcontrol WHERE ID >= 100 AND ID < 49999;"
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100 AND ID < 49999;"
print "DELETE FROM ownerdonation WHERE ID >= 100 AND ID < 49999;"
print "DELETE FROM ownerlicence WHERE ID >= 100 AND ID < 49999;"
print "DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= 100 AND ID < 49999;"

for p in asm.csv_to_list("%s/NAMES.csv" % PATH):
    o = asm.Owner()
    ppo[p["ID"]] = o
    o.OwnerForeNames = p["F_NAME"]
    o.OwnerSurname = p["L_NAME"]
    o.OwnerAddress = "%s %s\n%s" % (p["ADR_ST_NUM"], p["ADR_ST_NAM"],
    o.OwnerTown = p["CITY"]
    o.OwnerCounty = p["STATE"]
    o.OwnerPostcode = p["ZIP"]
    o.HomeTelephone = p["H_PHONE"]
    o.WorkTelephone = p["W_PHONE"]
    comments = "ID: %s" % p["ID"]
    comments += "\n%s" % asm.nulltostr(p["NAMES_TXT"])
    o.Comments = comments
Example #15
# Create a transfer owner
to = asm.Owner()
to.OwnerSurname = "Other Shelter"
to.OwnerName = to.OwnerSurname

# Create an unknown owner
uo = asm.Owner()
uo.OwnerSurname = "Unknown Owner"
uo.OwnerName = uo.OwnerSurname

# Load up data files
caddress = asm.csv_to_list("%s/address.csv" % PATH,
caddrlink = asm.csv_to_list("%s/addrlink.csv" % PATH,
canimal = asm.csv_to_list("%s/animal.csv" % PATH,
clicense = asm.csv_to_list("%s/license.csv" % PATH,
cperson = asm.csv_to_list("%s/person.csv" % PATH,
cshelter = asm.csv_to_list("%s/shelter.csv" % PATH,
Example #16
print "DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM animalvaccination WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM ownerlicence WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM media WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM dbfs WHERE ID >= 300;"

# Create a transfer owner
o = asm.Owner()
o.OwnerSurname = "Other Shelter"
o.OwnerName = o.OwnerSurname

# Load up data files
caddress = asm.csv_to_list("%s/address.csv" % PATH, uppercasekeys=True, strip=True)
caddrlink = asm.csv_to_list("%s/addrlink.csv" % PATH, uppercasekeys=True, strip=True)
canimal = asm.csv_to_list("%s/animal.csv" % PATH, uppercasekeys=True, strip=True)
clicense = asm.csv_to_list("%s/license.csv" % PATH, uppercasekeys=True, strip=True)
cperson = asm.csv_to_list("%s/person.csv" % PATH, uppercasekeys=True, strip=True)
cshelter = asm.csv_to_list("%s/shelter.csv" % PATH, uppercasekeys=True, strip=True)
cvacc = asm.csv_to_list("%s/vacc.csv" % PATH, uppercasekeys=True, strip=True)

# Start with animals
for row in canimal:
    a = asm.Animal()
    ppa[row["ANIMALKEY"]] = a
    a.AnimalTypeID = gettype(row["ANIMLDES"])
    a.SpeciesID = asm.species_id_for_name(row["ANIMLDES"].split(" ")[0])
    a.AnimalName = row["PETNAME"]
Example #17
print "DELETE FROM animalvaccination WHERE ID >= %d AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';" % START_ID

# Create a transfer owner
to = asm.Owner()
to.OwnerSurname = "Other Shelter"
to.OwnerName = to.OwnerSurname

# Create an unknown owner
uo = asm.Owner()
uo.OwnerSurname = "Unknown Owner"
uo.OwnerName = uo.OwnerSurname

# Load up data files
cadopt = asm.csv_to_list("%s/adoption_list.csv" % PATH, uppercasekeys=True)
cdisp = asm.csv_to_list("%s/disposition.csv" % PATH, uppercasekeys=True)
cmed = asm.csv_to_list("%s/medication_usage.csv" % PATH,

# Dispositions/animals
for row in cdisp:
    if row["ANIMALUID"] in ppa:
        a = ppa[row["ANIMALUID"]]
        a = asm.Animal()
        ppa[row["ANIMALUID"]] = a
    a.SpeciesID = asm.species_id_for_name(row["SPECIES"])
    if a.SpeciesID == 1 and row["INTAKE"].startswith("Stray"):
Example #18
owners = []
movements = []
animals = []

asm.setid("animal", 100)
asm.setid("owner", 100)
asm.setid("adoption", 100)
asm.nextyearcode = 16

print "\\set ON_ERROR_STOP\nBEGIN;"
print "DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= 100 AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';"
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100 AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';"
print "DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= 100 AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';"

# Customers first
for d in asm.csv_to_list("%s/customers.csv" % PATH):
    o = asm.Owner()
    ppo[d["CustID"]] = o
    o.OwnerForeNames = ("%s %s" % (d["FName"], d["MName"])).strip()
    o.OwnerSurname = d["LName"]
    o.OwnerName = o.OwnerForeNames + " " + o.OwnerSurname
    o.OwnerAddress = "%s %s" % (d["Address1"], d["Address2"])
    o.OwnerTown = d["City"]
    o.OwnerCounty = d["State"]
    o.OwnerPostcode = d["ZipCode"]
    o.HomeTelephone = d["HPhone"]
    o.MobileTelephone = d["BPhone"]
    o.Comments = d["Notes"]

typemap = {
Example #19
print "DELETE FROM animalvaccination WHERE ID >= 50000;"
print "DELETE FROM log WHERE ID >= 50000;"
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 50000;"
print "DELETE FROM ownerlicence WHERE ID >= 50000;"
print "DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= 50000;"
print "DELETE FROM media WHERE ID >= 50000;"
print "DELETE FROM dbfs WHERE ID >= 50000;"

# Create a transfer owner
to = asm.Owner()
to.OwnerSurname = "Other Shelter"
to.OwnerName = to.OwnerSurname

# Load up data files
canimaldispo = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysAnimalDispositionChoices.csv" % PATH)
canimalrectypes = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysAnimalReceivedTypes.csv" % PATH)
canimalstatuses = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysAnimalStatusChoices.csv" % PATH)
cbreeds = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysBreeds.csv" % PATH)
ccolors = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysCoatColors.csv" % PATH)
cgenders = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysGenderChoices.csv" % PATH)
cpens = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysPens.csv" % PATH)
cshelterareas = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysShelterAreas.csv" % PATH)
cspecies = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysSpecies.csv" % PATH)
cvacctype = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysVaccinations.csv" % PATH)
cadoptions = asm.csv_to_list("%s/tblAdoptions.csv" % PATH)
canimalguardians = asm.csv_to_list("%s/tblAnimalGuardians.csv" % PATH)
canimals = asm.csv_to_list("%s/tblAnimals.csv" % PATH)
canimalids = asm.csv_to_list("%s/tblAnimalIDs.csv" % PATH)
canimalimages = asm.csv_to_list("%s/tblAnimalImages.csv" % PATH)
canimalintakes = asm.csv_to_list("%s/tblAnimalIntakesDispositions.csv" % PATH)
Example #20
asm.setid("animal", START_ID)
asm.setid("owner", START_ID)
asm.setid("adoption", START_ID)

print "\\set ON_ERROR_STOP\nBEGIN;"
print "DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= %s AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= %s AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= %s AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';" % START_ID

# Create an unknown owner
uo = asm.Owner()
uo.OwnerSurname = "Unknown Owner"
uo.OwnerName = uo.OwnerSurname

for d in asm.csv_to_list("%s/animals.csv" % PATH):
    a = asm.Animal()
    ppa[d["ID"]] = a
    if d["Species"] == "Cat":
        a.AnimalTypeID = 11 # Unwanted Cat
    elif d["Species"] == "Dog":
        a.AnimalTypeID = 2 # Unwanted Dog
        a.AnimalTypeID = 40 # Misc
    a.SpeciesID = asm.species_id_for_name(d["Species"])
    a.AnimalName = d["Name"]
    if a.AnimalName.strip() == "":
        a.AnimalName = "(unknown)"
    a.DateBroughtIn = getdate(d["Date of Well Check"]) or getdate(d["Adopted Date"]) or getdate(d["Birthday"]) or asm.today()
    a.DateOfBirth = getdate(d["Birthday"]) or a.DateBroughtIn
Example #21
uo = asm.Owner()
uo.OwnerSurname = "Unknown Owner"
uo.OwnerName = uo.OwnerSurname

pf = ""
if PETFINDER_ID != "":
    asm.setid("media", START_ID)
    asm.setid("dbfs", START_ID)
    print "DELETE FROM media WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
    print "DELETE FROM dbfs WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
    pf = asm.petfinder_get_adoptable(PETFINDER_ID)

# Deal with people first (if set)
if PERSON_FILENAME != "" and asm.file_exists(PERSON_FILENAME):
    for d in asm.csv_to_list(PERSON_FILENAME):
        # Ignore repeated headers
        if d["Person ID"] == "Person ID": continue
        # Each row contains a person
        o = asm.Owner()
        ppo[d["Person ID"]] = o
        o.OwnerForeNames = d["Name First"]
        o.OwnerSurname = d["Name Last"]
        o.OwnerName = o.OwnerForeNames + " " + o.OwnerSurname
        o.OwnerAddress = d["Street Address"]
        o.OwnerTown = d["City"]
        o.OwnerCounty = d["Province"]
        o.OwnerPostcode = d["Postal Code"]
        o.EmailAddress = d["Email"]
        o.HomeTelephone = d["Phone Number"]
Example #22
owners = []
ownerdonations = []
donationtypes = []
ppo = {}
ppt = {}

asm.setid("owner", 100)
asm.setid("ownerdonation", 100)
asm.setid("donationtype", 100)

print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM ownerdonation WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM donationtype WHERE ID >= 100;"

# customers.csv
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "customers.csv"):
    if ppo.has_key(row["id"]): continue
    o = asm.Owner()
    ppo[row["id"]] = o
    o.OwnerForeNames = row["First"]
    o.OwnerSurname = row["Last"]
    o.OwnerName = o.OwnerForeNames + " " + o.OwnerSurname
    o.OwnerAddress = row["Address"]
    o.OwnerTown = row["City"]
    o.OwnerCounty = row["State"]
    o.OwnerPostcode = row["Zip"]
    o.HomeTelephone = row["Phone"]
    o.CreatedDate = asm.getdate_ddmmyyyy(row["DateAdd"])
    o.Comments = row["Notes"]
Example #23
print "DELETE FROM dbfs WHERE ID >= %d;" % START_ID

# Create a transfer owner
to = asm.Owner()
to.OwnerSurname = "Other Shelter"
to.OwnerName = to.OwnerSurname

# And an unknown owner
uo = asm.Owner()
uo.OwnerSurname = "Unknown Owner"
uo.OwnerName = uo.OwnerSurname

# Load up data files
canimaldispo = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysAnimalDispositionChoices.csv" % PATH)
canimalrectypes = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysAnimalReceivedTypes.csv" % PATH)
canimalstatuses = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysAnimalStatusChoices.csv" % PATH)
cbreeds = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysBreeds.csv" % PATH)
ccolors = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysCoatColors.csv" % PATH)
cgenders = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysGenderChoices.csv" % PATH)
cpens = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysPens.csv" % PATH)
cshelterareas = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysShelterAreas.csv" % PATH)
cspecies = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysSpecies.csv" % PATH)
cvacctype = asm.csv_to_list("%s/sysVaccinations.csv" % PATH)
cadoptions = asm.csv_to_list("%s/tblAdoptions.csv" % PATH)
canimalguardians = asm.csv_to_list("%s/tblAnimalGuardians.csv" % PATH)
canimals = asm.csv_to_list("%s/tblAnimals.csv" % PATH)
canimalids = asm.csv_to_list("%s/tblAnimalIDs.csv" % PATH)
canimalimages = asm.csv_to_list("%s/tblAnimalImages.csv" % PATH)
canimalintakes = asm.csv_to_list("%s/tblAnimalIntakesDispositions.csv" % PATH)
Example #24
uo.OwnerName = "Unknown Owner"
uo.Comments = "Catchall for adopted animal data from RescueGroups"

print("\\set ON_ERROR_STOP\nBEGIN;")
print("DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= 100;")
print("DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= 100;")
print("DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100;")
print("DELETE FROM ownerdonation WHERE ID >= 100;")
    print("DELETE FROM media WHERE ID >= 100;")
    print("DELETE FROM dbfs WHERE ID >= 300;")
pfpage = ""
if PETFINDER_ID != "":
    pfpage = asm.petfinder_get_adoptable(PETFINDER_ID)

for d in asm.csv_to_list("%s/Animals.csv" % PATH):
    if d["Status"] == "Deleted": continue
    a = asm.Animal()
    if d["Species"] == "Cat":
        animaltype = 11
        animalletter = "U"
        animaltype = 2
        animalletter = "D"
    a.AnimalTypeID = animaltype
    a.SpeciesID = asm.species_id_for_name(d["Species"])
    if "Animal ID" in d:
        a.ShortCode = "RG%s" % d["Animal ID"]
        a.ShelterCode = "%s %s" % (a.ShortCode, a.ID)
        ppa[d["Animal ID"]] = a
Example #25
asm.setid("owner", 100)
asm.setid("adoption", 100)

print "\\set ON_ERROR_STOP\nBEGIN;"
print "DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= 100 AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';"
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100 AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';"
print "DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= 100 AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';"

# Create an unknown owner
uo = asm.Owner()
uo.OwnerSurname = "Unknown Owner"
uo.OwnerName = uo.OwnerSurname

# Each row contains an animal with possible adoption and owner info
for d in asm.csv_to_list(FILENAME):

    a = asm.Animal()
    # ACC Number
    if d["ACC Number"].strip() != "":
        asm.additional_field("accno", 2, a.ID, d["ACC Number"])
    # animaltype is upstairs or downstairs, upstairs = 42, downstairs = 43
    if d["Cat Cafe Down (Y/N)"] == "Y":
        a.AnimalTypeID = 43
        a.AnimalTypeID = 42
    # all cats
    a.SpeciesID = 2
Example #26
        a.Archived = 1
        a.ActiveMovementID = m.ID
        a.ActiveMovementType = 5
        a.LastChangedDate = m.MovementDate

# Process licence files
    "20082009", "20102011", "20122013", "20142015", "2016", "2018", "2019"
    fname = PATH + s + ".csv"
    fdate = asm.getdate_yyyymmdd("%s/01/01" % s[:4])
    asm.stderr("%s / %s" % (fname, fdate))
    for d in asm.csv_to_list(fname):
        process_licence(d, fdate)

# Process impound files
IMPOUND_FILES = ["impound2017", "impound2018", "impound2019"]
    fname = PATH + s + ".csv"
    fdate = asm.getdate_yyyymmdd("%s/01/01" % s[7:])
    asm.stderr("%s / %s" % (fname, fdate))
    for d in asm.csv_to_list(fname):
        process_impound(d, fdate)

# Now that everything else is done, output stored records
for a in animals:
    print a
for m in movements:
Example #27
ppo = {}

asm.setid("animal", 100)
asm.setid("animalvaccination", 100)
asm.setid("owner", 100)
asm.setid("adoption", 100)

# Remove existing
print "\\set ON_ERROR_STOP\nBEGIN;"
print "DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM animalvaccination WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= 100;"

# Load up data files
cowner = asm.csv_to_list("%s/tblOwnerDetails.csv" % PATH)
canimal = asm.csv_to_list("%s/tblPetDetails.csv" % PATH)
csurr = asm.csv_to_list("%s/tblSurrenderDetails.csv" % PATH)

# People first
for row in cowner:
    o = asm.Owner()
    ppo[row["OwnerId"]] = o
    o.OwnerTitle = row["Title"]
    o.OwnerForeNames = row["FirstName"]
    o.OwnerSurname = row["Surname"]
    o.OwnerName = o.OwnerTitle + " " + o.OwnerForeNames + " " + o.OwnerSurname
    o.OwnerAddress = row["Street"]
    o.OwnerTown = row["Suburb"]
    o.OwnerCounty = row["State"]
Example #28
uo = asm.Owner()
uo.OwnerSurname = "Unknown Owner"
uo.OwnerName = uo.OwnerSurname

pf = ""
if PETFINDER_ID != "":
    asm.setid("media", START_ID)
    asm.setid("dbfs", START_ID)
    print "DELETE FROM media WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
    print "DELETE FROM dbfs WHERE ID >= %s;" % START_ID
    pf = asm.petfinder_get_adoptable(PETFINDER_ID)

# Deal with people first (if set)
    for d in asm.csv_to_list(PERSON_FILENAME):
        # Each row contains a person
        o = asm.Owner()
        ppo[d["Person ID"]] = o
        o.OwnerForeNames = d["Name First"]
        o.OwnerSurname = d["Name Last"]
        o.OwnerName = o.OwnerForeNames + " " + o.OwnerSurname
        o.OwnerAddress = "%s %s %s %s" % (d["Street Number"], d["Street Name"],
                                          d["Street Type"],
                                          d["Street Direction"])
        o.OwnerTown = d["City"]
        o.OwnerCounty = d["Province"]
        o.OwnerPostcode = d["Postal Code"]
        o.EmailAddress = d["Email"]
        o.HomeTelephone = d["Phone Number"]
Example #29
asm.setid("owner", 100)
asm.setid("ownerdonation", 100)
asm.setid("adoption", 100)
asm.setid("media", 100)
asm.setid("dbfs", 300)

print "\\set ON_ERROR_STOP\nBEGIN;"
print "DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM media WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM dbfs WHERE ID >= 200;"
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM ownerdonation WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM animalvaccination WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= 100;"

cadoptions = asm.csv_to_list("data/kc0748_almosthome/adoptions.csv")
ccats = asm.csv_to_list("data/kc0748_almosthome/cats.csv")
cdonors = asm.csv_to_list("data/kc0748_almosthome/donordatabase.csv")
cpeople = asm.csv_to_list("data/kc0748_almosthome/people.csv")
creceipts = asm.csv_to_list("data/kc0748_almosthome/receipts.csv")
cvolunteers = asm.csv_to_list("data/kc0748_almosthome/volunteers.csv")

vaccmap = {
    "Leuk": 12,
    "ombo": 9,
    "all": 9,
    "All": 9,
    "fvrcp": 9,
    "FVCC": 9,
    "FVRC": 9,
    "FVRCP": 9,
Example #30
animalvaccinations = []

asm.setid("animal", 100)
asm.setid("animaltest", 100)
asm.setid("animalvaccination", 100)
asm.setid("owner", 100)
asm.setid("adoption", 100)

print "\\set ON_ERROR_STOP\nBEGIN;"
print "DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= 100 AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';"
print "DELETE FROM animaltest WHERE ID >= 100 AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';"
print "DELETE FROM animalvaccination WHERE ID >= 100 AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';"
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100 AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';"
print "DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= 100 AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';"

for d in asm.csv_to_list("data/kw1533_excel.csv"):
    a = asm.Animal()
    a.AnimalTypeID = "COALESCE((SELECT ID FROM animaltype WHERE AnimalType LIKE '%s%%' LIMIT 1), 11)" % d[
    a.EntryReasonID = 17  # Surrender
    if d["Entry Category"] == "Stray": a.EntryReasonID = 7  # Stray
    a.SpeciesID = asm.species_id_for_name(d["Species"])
    a.AcceptanceNumber = d["Litter"]
    a.AnimalName = d["Name"]
    if a.AnimalName.strip() == "":
        a.AnimalName = "(unknown)"
    a.DateBroughtIn = getdate(d["Date brought in"])
    if a.DateBroughtIn is None:
        a.DateBroughtIn = asm.today()
    if "Date Of Birth" in d and d["Date of Birth"].strip() != "":
Example #31
asm.setid("adoption", 100)

print "\\set ON_ERROR_STOP\nBEGIN;"
print "DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= 100 AND CreatedBy LIKE '%conversion';"
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100 AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';"
print "DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= 100 AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';"

pf = ""
if PETFINDER_ID != "":
    asm.setid("media", 100)
    asm.setid("dbfs", 200)
    print "DELETE FROM media WHERE ID >= 100;"
    print "DELETE FROM dbfs WHERE ID >= 200;"
    pf = asm.petfinder_get_adoptable(PETFINDER_ID)

data = asm.csv_to_list(PATH)

uo = asm.Owner()
uo.OwnerSurname = "Unknown Owner"
uo.OwnerName = uo.OwnerSurname

for d in data:
    a = asm.Animal()
    a.AnimalTypeID = asm.iif(d["Pet Type"] == "Cat", 11, 2)
    if a.AnimalTypeID == 11 and d["Intake Type"] == "Stray":
        a.AnimalTypeID = 12
    a.SpeciesID = asm.species_id_for_name(d["Pet Type"])
    a.AnimalName = d["Pet Name"]
    if a.AnimalName.strip() == "":
Example #32
asm.setid("animal", 100)
asm.setid("owner", 100)
asm.setid("ownerdonation", 100)
asm.setid("ownerlicence", 100)
asm.setid("adoption", 100)
asm.setid("animalcontrol", 100)

print "\\set ON_ERROR_STOP\nBEGIN;"
print "DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= 100 AND ID < 49999;"
print "DELETE FROM animalcontrol WHERE ID >= 100 AND ID < 49999;"
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100 AND ID < 49999;"
print "DELETE FROM ownerdonation WHERE ID >= 100 AND ID < 49999;"
print "DELETE FROM ownerlicence WHERE ID >= 100 AND ID < 49999;"
print "DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= 100 AND ID < 49999;"

for p in asm.csv_to_list("%s/NAMES.csv" % PATH):
    o = asm.Owner()
    ppo[p["ID"]] = o
    o.OwnerForeNames = p["F_NAME"]
    o.OwnerSurname = p["L_NAME"]
    o.OwnerAddress = "%s %s\n%s" % (p["ADR_ST_NUM"], p["ADR_ST_NAM"], p["ADR_LINE2"])
    o.OwnerTown = p["CITY"]
    o.OwnerCounty = p["STATE"]
    o.OwnerPostcode = p["ZIP"]
    o.HomeTelephone = p["H_PHONE"]
    o.WorkTelephone = p["W_PHONE"]
    comments = "ID: %s" % p["ID"]
    comments += "\n%s" % asm.nulltostr(p["NAMES_TXT"])
    o.Comments = comments
asm.setid("animal", 100)
asm.setid("owner", 100)
asm.setid("adoption", 100)
asm.setid("animalmedical", 100)
asm.setid("animalmedicaltreatment", 100)
asm.setid("animalvaccination", 100)

print "DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM animalmedical WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM animalmedicaltreatment WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM animalvaccination WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= 100;"

canimals = asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "animals.csv")
cvacc = asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "vacc.csv")

for row in canimals:
    a = asm.Animal()
    ppa[row["Animal ID"]] = a
    a.AnimalName = row["Name"]
    if a.AnimalName.strip() == "":
        a.AnimalName = "(unknown)"
    typecol = row["Type"]
    breedcol = row["Breed"]
    breed2col = row["Secondary Breed"]
    a.AnimalTypeID = asm.type_id_for_name(typecol)
    a.SpeciesID = asm.species_id_for_name(typecol)
Example #34
#print "DELETE FROM dbfs WHERE ID >= 300;"

# Create a transfer owner
o = asm.Owner()
o.OwnerSurname = "Other Shelter"
o.OwnerName = o.OwnerSurname

# Create an unknown adopter
uo = asm.Owner()
uo.OwnerSurname = "Unknown"
uo.OwnerName = o.OwnerSurname

# Load up data files
caddress = asm.csv_to_list("%s/address.csv" % PATH, remove_control=True)
caddrlink = asm.csv_to_list("%s/addrlink.csv" % PATH, remove_control=True)
canimal = asm.csv_to_list("%s/animal.csv" % PATH, remove_control=True)
clicense = asm.csv_to_list("%s/license.csv" % PATH, remove_control=True)
cperson = asm.csv_to_list("%s/person.csv" % PATH, remove_control=True)
cshelter = asm.csv_to_list("%s/shelter.csv" % PATH, remove_control=True)
cvacc = asm.csv_to_list("%s/vacc.csv" % PATH, remove_control=True)

# Next, addresses
for row in caddress:
    addresses[row["ADDRESSKEY"]] = {
        "address": row["ADDRESSSTR"] + " " + row["ADDRESSST2"] + " " + row["ADDRESSST3"],
        "city": row["ADDRESSCIT"],
        "state": row["ADDRESSSTA"],
        "zip": row["ADDRESSPOS"]
Example #35

ro = asm.Owner()
ro.OwnerSurname = "Unknown Reclaim Owner"

fo = asm.Owner()
fo.OwnerSurname = "Unknown Foster Owner"

uo = asm.Owner()
uo.OwnerSurname = "Unknown Adopter"

# people.csv
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "people.csv", remove_non_ascii=True):
    if row["last name"] is None: continue
    o = asm.Owner()
    ppo[row["id"]] = o
    o.OwnerForeNames = row["first name"]
    o.OwnerSurname = row["last name"]
    o.HomeTelephone = row["home phone"]
    o.WorkTelephone = row["work phone"]
    o.MobileTelephone = row["cell phone"]
    o.EmailAddress = row["primary email"]
    o.OwnerAddress = "%s %s" % (row["address"], row["second address line"])
    o.OwnerTown = row["city"]
    o.OwnerCounty = row["region/state"]
    o.OwnerPostcode = row["postalCode"]
    o.Comments = "%s %s %s" % (row["general comments"], row["hidden comments"],
Example #36
asm.setid("media", 100)
asm.setid("owner", 100)
asm.setid("ownerdonation", 100)
asm.setid("adoption", 100)
asm.setid("animalvaccination", 100)

print "DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM animalvaccination WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM dbfs WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM media WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM ownerdonation WHERE ID >= 100;"
print "DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= 100;"

# load lookups into memory
cnotes = asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "tblnotes.csv")
cspecies = asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "tblspecies.csv")
cbreeds = asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "tblanimalbreeds.csv")
ctypes = asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "animaltype.csv")
cpaymentmethods = asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "tblpaymenttypes.csv")

# parse a fast version of the document table where we can lookup
# the image name for an animal's preferred picture
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "tbldocument.csv"):
    if row["objectypeid"] == "0" and row["extension"] == "jpg" and row["isDefault"] == "-1":
        documents[row["objectid"]] = PATH + "images/doc_%s.jpg" % row["docID"]

# tblsuburblist.csv
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "tblsuburblist.csv"):
    s = SBSuburb()
    s.id = row["ID"].strip()
Example #37
if PICTURE_IMPORT: asm.setid("dbfs", START_ID)

print "\\set ON_ERROR_STOP\nBEGIN;"
print "DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= %s AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID >= %s AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';" % START_ID
print "DELETE FROM adoption WHERE ID >= %s AND CreatedBy = 'conversion';" % START_ID

# Create an unknown owner
uo = asm.Owner()
uo.OwnerSurname = "Unknown Owner"
uo.OwnerName = uo.OwnerSurname

for d in asm.csv_to_list(ANIMALS, strip=True, remove_non_ascii=True):
    a = asm.Animal()
    if d["Species"] == "Cat":
        a.AnimalTypeID = 11  # Unwanted Cat
        if d["Entry Category"] == "Stray":
            a.AnimalTypeID = 12  # Stray Cat
    elif d["Species"] == "Dog":
        a.AnimalTypeID = 2  # Unwanted Dog
        if d["Entry Category"] == "Stray":
            a.AnimalTypeID = 10  # Stray Dog
        a.AnimalTypeID = 40  # Misc
    a.SpeciesID = asm.species_id_for_name(d["Species"])
    a.AnimalName = d["Animal name"]
    if a.AnimalName.strip() == "":