Example #1
    av.AnimalID = a.ID
    av.VaccinationID = int(row["vacc"].strip())
    print av

# tblreceiptentry.csv
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "tblreceiptentry.csv"):
    od = asm.OwnerDonation()
    od.DonationTypeID = 1
    pm = getsbpaymentmethod(row["paymentmethod"])
    od.DonationPaymentID = 1
    if pm.find("Check") != -1: od.DonationPaymentID = 2
    if pm.find("Credit Card") != -1: od.DonationPaymentID = 3
    if pm.find("Debit Card") != -1: od.DonationPaymentID = 4
    od.Date = getdate(row["receiptdate"])
    od.OwnerID = findowner(row["recnum"]).ID
    od.Donation = asm.get_currency(row["Amount"])
    comments = "Check No: " + row["chequeno"]
    comments += "\nMethod: " + pm
    comments += "\n" + row["NotesToPrint"]
    od.Comments = comments
    print od

# Now that everything else is done, output stored records
print "DELETE FROM primarykey;"
print "DELETE FROM configuration WHERE ItemName Like 'VariableAnimalDataUpdated';"
for a in animals:
    print a
for o in owners:
    print o
for m in movements:
    print m
Example #2
            asm.animal_regimen_single(a.ID, startdate, treatmentname, dosage,

# tblreceiptentry.csv
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "tblreceiptentry.csv"):
    od = asm.OwnerDonation()
    od.DonationTypeID = 1
    pm = getsbpaymentmethod(row["dep_paymentMethod"])
    od.DonationPaymentID = 1
    if pm.find("Check") != -1: od.DonationPaymentID = 2
    if pm.find("Credit Card") != -1: od.DonationPaymentID = 3
    if pm.find("Debit Card") != -1: od.DonationPaymentID = 4
    od.Date = getdate(row["receiptdate"])
    od.OwnerID = findowner(row["recnum"]).ID
    od.Donation = asm.get_currency(row["dep_amount"])
    comments = "Check No: " + row["dep_chequeNo"]
    comments += "\nMethod: " + pm
    comments += "\n" + row["NotesToPrint"]
    od.Comments = comments
# Used to populate an additional field called Tag with any SB tag number set
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "tbltaghistory.csv"):
    a = findanimal(row["animalId"])
    if a is not None: 
        asm.additional_field("Tag", 2, a.ID, row["tagNumber"])

# Now that everything else is done, output stored records
print "DELETE FROM primarykey;"
Example #3
    m.ReturnDate = asm.getdate_mmddyy(d["ReturnDate"])
    if d["ReasonForReturn"] != "":
        m.Comments += " " + d["ReasonForReturn"]
    a.Archived = 1
    a.ActiveMovementID = m.ID
    a.ActiveMovementType = 1
    a.LastChangedDate = m.MovementDate
    if d["AdoptionFeePd"] == "1":
        od = asm.OwnerDonation()
        od.OwnerID = o.ID
        od.AnimalID = a.ID
        od.MovementID = m.ID
        od.Date = m.MovementDate
        od.Donation = asm.get_currency(d["AdoptionFeeAmount"])
        od.DonationTypeID = 2 # Adoption Fee

    # Get the current image for this animal from PetFinder if it is on shelter
    if a.Archived == 0 and PETFINDER_ID != "" and pf != "":
        asm.petfinder_image(pf, a.ID, a.AnimalName)

for d in creceipts:
    if not owners.has_key(d["PerID"]): continue
    o = owners[d["PerID"]]
    od = asm.OwnerDonation()
    od.OwnerID = o.ID
    od.AnimalID = 0
    od.MovementID = 0
    od.Date = asm.getdate_mmddyy(d["Date"])
Example #4
    """ Parses one of their dispatch dates """
    if s.strip() == "": return None
    return asm.getdate_mmddyyyy(s[:s.find(" ")])

# People and licenses first
for d in asm.csv_to_list("%s/licenses.csv" % PATH, strip=True):
    if d["Animal People"].strip() == "":
        continue  # Can't do anything without person
    o = get_owner(d["Animal People"].strip())
    ol = asm.OwnerLicence()
    ol.OwnerID = o.ID
    ol.LicenceTypeID = 1
    ol.LicenceNumber = d["ID Number"]
    ol.LicenceFee = asm.get_currency(d["License Fee"])
    ol.IssueDate = getdate(d["Issue Date"])
    ol.ExpiryDate = getdate(d["End Date"])
    ol.CreatedBy = "conversion/%s" % d["Issued By"]
    if ol.ExpiryDate is None: ol.ExpiryDate = asm.add_days(ol.IssueDate, 3650)
    ol.Comments = "Item: %s\nAnimal: %s\nReceipt: %s" % (
        d["Fee Item"], d["Animal Name"], d["Receipt #"])

# People and microchips next
for d in asm.csv_to_list("%s/microchips.csv" % PATH, strip=True):
    if d["Associated people"].strip() == "":
        continue  # Can't do anything without person
    if d["Microchip"].strip() == "":
        continue  # Pointless without an actual microchip
    o = get_owner(d["Associated people"].strip())
    # Bare minimum non-shelter animal record for the microchip
Example #5
    m = asm.Movement(nextmovementid)
    nextmovementid += 1
    m.AnimalID = a.ID
    m.OwnerID = o.ID
    m.MovementType = 1
    m.MovementDate = evtdate
    a.Archived = 1
    a.ActiveMovementDate = evtdate
    a.ActiveMovementID = m.ID
    a.ActiveMovementType = 1

for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "appeals.csv", strip=True):

    # Skip junk data
    if asm.get_currency(row["Amount"]) == 0: continue

    o = findowner(masterid = row["SponsorID"])
    if o is None: continue

    od = asm.OwnerDonation(nextownerdonationid)
    nextownerdonationid += 1
    od.OwnerID = o.ID
    od.AnimalID = 0
    od.MovementID = 0
    od.Date = asm.getdate_mmddyy(row["AppealDate"])
    od.Donation = asm.get_currency(row["Amount"])
    od.DonationTypeID = asm.donationtype_id_for_name(row["AppealType"], True)
    od.DonationPaymentID = getpaymentmethod(row["Paymethod"])
    od.Comments = row["Anotes"]
Example #6
            m.MovementType = 1
            m.MovementDate = asm.todatetime(d["DATE_DISPO"])
            if d["RECLAIMED"] == "X": 
                m.MovementType = 5
            m.LastChangedDate = m.MovementDate
            a.Archived = 1
            a.ActiveMovementType = m.MovementType
            a.ActiveMovementDate = m.MovementDate

for p in DBF("%s/PAYMENTS.DBF" % PATH):
    od = asm.OwnerDonation()
    if p["PMNT_ID"] in ppo:
        o = ppo[p["PMNT_ID"]]
        od.OwnerID = o.ID
        od.Donation = asm.get_currency(p["AMOUNT"])
        od.Date = p["PMNT_DATE"]
        od.DonationTypeID = 4 # Surrender
        if p["PMNT_CODE"] == "ADP":
            od.DonationTypeID = 2

for l in DBF("%s/LICENSE.DBF" % PATH):
    ol = asm.OwnerLicence()
    if l["OWNER_ID"] in ppo:
        o = ppo[l["OWNER_ID"]]
        ol.OwnerID = o.ID
        ol.LicenceTypeID = 1
        ol.LicenceNumber = l["LIC_NUM"]
        if "FEE" in l: ol.LicenceFee = asm.get_currency(l["FEE"])
        ol.IssueDate = l["LIC_DATE"]
Example #7
 m.OwnerID = get_asm_ownerid(d["ID"])
 activeowner = m.OwnerID
 m.MovementType = 1
 m.MovementDate = getdate(d["DateAdopted"])
 a.Archived = 1
 a.ActiveMovementID = m.ID
 a.ActiveMovementType = 1
 a.LastChangedDate = m.MovementDate
 if d["AdoptionFee"] != "":
     od = asm.OwnerDonation()
     od.DonationTypeID = 2  # adoption fee
     od.DonationPaymentID = 1
     od.Date = m.MovementDate
     od.OwnerID = m.OwnerID
     od.Donation = asm.get_currency(d["AdoptionFee"])
 if d["SpayNeuterAmt"] != "":
     od = asm.OwnerDonation()
     od.DonationTypeID = 1  # donation
     od.DonationPaymentID = 1
     od.Date = a.DateBroughtIn
     od.OwnerID = m.OwnerID
     od.Donation = asm.get_currency(d["SpayNeuterAmt"])
     od.Comments = "Spay/Neuter fee"
 if d["MicrochipFee"] != "":
     od = asm.OwnerDonation()
     od.DonationTypeID = 1  # donation
     od.DonationPaymentID = 1
     od.Date = a.DateBroughtIn
Example #8
        if oname in ppo: o = ppo[oname]
        a = None
        if d["Animal ID"] in ppa: a = ppa[d["Animal ID"]]
        if o and a:
            m = asm.Movement()
            m.AnimalID = a.ID
            m.OwnerID = o.ID
            m.MovementType = 1
            m.MovementDate = getdate(d["Date"])
            a.Archived = 1
            a.ActiveMovementID = m.ID
            a.ActiveMovementDate = m.MovementDate
            a.ActiveMovementType = 1
            a.LastChangedDate = m.MovementDate
            fee = asm.get_currency(d["Fee Paid"])
            if fee > 0:
                od = asm.OwnerDonation()
                od.DonationTypeID = 1
                od.DonationPaymentID = 1
                od.Date = m.MovementDate
                od.OwnerID = o.ID
                od.Donation = fee

# Allow shelter animals to have their chips registered
for a in animals:
    if a.Archived == 0:
        a.IsNotForRegistration = 0

# Now that everything else is done, output stored records
Example #9
    o.OwnerTown = row["City"]
    o.OwnerCounty = row["State"]
    o.OwnerPostcode = row["Zip"]
    o.HomeTelephone = row["Phone"]
    o.CreatedDate = asm.getdate_ddmmyyyy(row["DateAdd"])
    o.Comments = row["Notes"]

# items.csv
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "items.csv"):
    if ppt.has_key(row["Item"]): continue
    dt = asm.DonationType()
    ppt[row["Item"]] = dt
    dt.Name = "%s - %s" % (row["Item"], row["Desc"])
    dt.Description = row["Desc"]
    dt.DefaultCost = asm.get_currency(row["Amount"])

# invoices.csv
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "invoices.csv"):
    if not ppt.has_key(row["Item"]): continue
    if not ppo.has_key(row["custid"]): continue
    od = asm.OwnerDonation()
    dt = ppt[row["Item"]]
    o = ppo[row["custid"]]
    od.OwnerID = o.ID
    od.DonationTypeID = dt.ID
    od.Date = asm.getdate_ddmmyyyy(row["Date"])
    od.Donation = asm.get_currency(row["Amount"])
    od.Quantity = asm.cint(row["Qty"])
Example #10
     m.OwnerID = o.ID
     m.MovementType = 1
     m.MovementDate = exitdate
     a.Archived = 1
     a.ActiveMovementDate = exitdate
     a.ActiveMovementID = m.ID
     a.ActiveMovementType = 1
     if amount != "0":
         od = asm.OwnerDonation()
         od.OwnerID = o.ID
         od.AnimalID = a.ID
         od.MovementID = m.ID
         od.Date = exitdate
         od.Donation = asm.get_currency(amount)
         od.DonationTypeID = 2
         od.DonationPaymentID = 1
 elif cd["dispositionType"] == "R":
     customerid = findin(credemption, "dispRecID", cd["recID"],
     amount = findin(cadoptions, "dispRecID", cd["recID"],
     o = owners[customerid]
     m = asm.Movement()
     m.AnimalID = a.ID
     m.OwnerID = o.ID
     m.MovementType = 5
     m.MovementDate = exitdate
     a.Archived = 1
     a.ActiveMovementDate = exitdate
Example #11
    o.OwnerTown = row["City"]
    o.OwnerCounty = row["State"]
    o.OwnerPostcode = row["Zip"]
    o.HomeTelephone = row["Phone"]
    o.CreatedDate = asm.getdate_ddmmyyyy(row["DateAdd"])
    o.Comments = row["Notes"]

# items.csv
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "items.csv"):
    if ppt.has_key(row["Item"]): continue
    dt = asm.DonationType()
    ppt[row["Item"]] = dt
    dt.Name = "%s - %s" % (row["Item"], row["Desc"])
    dt.Description = row["Desc"]
    dt.DefaultCost = asm.get_currency(row["Amount"])

# invoices.csv
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "invoices.csv"):
    if not ppt.has_key(row["Item"]): continue
    if not ppo.has_key(row["custid"]): continue
    od = asm.OwnerDonation()
    dt = ppt[row["Item"]]
    o = ppo[row["custid"]]
    od.OwnerID = o.ID
    od.DonationTypeID = dt.ID
    od.Date = asm.getdate_ddmmyyyy(row["Date"])
    od.Donation = asm.get_currency(row["Amount"])
    od.Quantity = asm.cint(row["Qty"])
Example #12
    m.MovementType = 1
    m.Comments = row["Comments"]
    a.Archived = 1
    a.ActiveMovementDate = m.MovementDate
    a.ActiveMovementType = 1
    a.ActiveMovementID = m.ID
    if row["Fee"] != "":
        od = asm.OwnerDonation()
        od.DonationTypeID = 2
        od.DonationPaymentID = 1
        od.Date = m.MovementDate
        od.OwnerID = o.ID
        od.AnimalID = a.ID
        od.MovementID = m.ID
        od.Donation = asm.get_currency(row["Fee"])

# releases.csv
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "releases.csv", remove_non_ascii=True):
    a = None
    if ppa.has_key(row["Animal Id"]): a = ppa[row["Animal Id"]]
    if a is None: continue
    m = asm.Movement()
    m.OwnerID = 0
    m.AnimalID = a.ID
    m.MovementDate = asm.getdate_iso(row["Date Released"])
    m.MovementType = 7  # Released to wild
    a.ActiveMovementType = 7
    if row["Type"] == "Transfer":
        m.OwnerID = to.ID
Example #13
    m.ReturnDate = asm.getdate_mmddyy(d["ReturnDate"])
    if d["ReasonForReturn"] != "":
        m.Comments += " " + d["ReasonForReturn"]
    a.Archived = 1
    a.ActiveMovementID = m.ID
    a.ActiveMovementType = 1
    a.LastChangedDate = m.MovementDate
    if d["AdoptionFeePd"] == "1":
        od = asm.OwnerDonation()
        od.OwnerID = o.ID
        od.AnimalID = a.ID
        od.MovementID = m.ID
        od.Date = m.MovementDate
        od.Donation = asm.get_currency(d["AdoptionFeeAmount"])
        od.DonationTypeID = 2  # Adoption Fee

    # Get the current image for this animal from PetFinder if it is on shelter
    if a.Archived == 0 and PETFINDER_ID != "" and pf != "":
        asm.petfinder_image(pf, a.ID, a.AnimalName)

for d in creceipts:
    if not owners.has_key(d["PerID"]): continue
    o = owners[d["PerID"]]
    od = asm.OwnerDonation()
    od.OwnerID = o.ID
    od.AnimalID = 0
    od.MovementID = 0
    od.Date = asm.getdate_mmddyy(d["Date"])
Example #14
    # the licence
    ol = asm.OwnerLicence()
    lt = row["Licence Type"]
    ol.OwnerID = o.ID
    ol.AnimalID = a.ID
    ol.LicenceTypeID = asm.licencetype_from_db(lt)
    licnum = "%s%s-%s" % (lt[0:3].upper(), lt[len(lt) - 2:],
                          row["Licence Number"])
    if numused.has_key(licnum):
        licnum = licnum + "-2"
    if numused.has_key(licnum) and licnum.endswith("-2"):
        licnum = licnum[0:len(licnum) - 2] + "-3"
    ol.LicenceNumber = licnum
    numused[licnum] = "X"
    ol.LicenceFee = asm.get_currency(row["Fee"])
    ol.IssueDate = asm.getdate_ddmmyyyy(row["Issued"])
    ol.ExpiryDate = asm.getdate_ddmmyyyy(row["Expired"])
    if ol.IssueDate is None: ol.IssueDate = asm.today()
    if ol.ExpiryDate is None: ol.ExpiryDate = asm.today()
    ol.Comments = row["Comments"]

# Now that everything else is done, output stored records
for a in animals:
    print a
for o in owners:
    print o
for ol in ownerlicences:
    print ol

asm.stderr_summary(animals=animals, ownerlicences=ownerlicences, owners=owners)