Example #1
def test_label(nlp: BertPipeline):
    # We add the pattern recognizer to the pipeline.
    pattern_recognizer = AttentionPatternRecognizer()
    nlp.pattern_recognizer = pattern_recognizer

    text_1 = ("We are great fans of Slack, but we wish the subscriptions "
              "were more accessible to small startups.")
    text_2 = "The Slack often has bugs."
    text_3 = "best of all is the warm vibe"
    aspect = "slack"
    examples = [
        Example(text_1, aspect),
        Example(text_2, aspect),
        Example(text_3, aspect)

    tokenized_examples = nlp.tokenize(examples)
    input_batch = nlp.encode(tokenized_examples)
    output_batch = nlp.predict(input_batch)
    labeled_examples = nlp.label(tokenized_examples, output_batch)
    labeled_examples = list(labeled_examples)
    labeled_1, labeled_2, labeled_3 = labeled_examples
    assert labeled_1.sentiment == Sentiment.positive
    assert labeled_2.sentiment == Sentiment.negative
    assert isinstance(labeled_1.scores, list)
    assert np.argmax(labeled_1.aspect_representation.look_at) == 5
    assert np.argmax(labeled_2.aspect_representation.look_at) == 1

    # We need to calibrate the model. The prediction should be neutral.
    # In fact, the model does not recognize the aspect correctly.
    assert labeled_3.sentiment == Sentiment.positive
    assert np.allclose(labeled_3.aspect_representation.look_at,
                       [1.0, 0.16, 0.50, 0.54, 0.34, 0.39, 0.12],
Example #2
def test_get_completed_task(nlp: BertPipeline):
    text = ("We are great fans of Slack.\n"
            "The Slack often has bugs.\n"
            "best of all is the warm vibe")
    # Make sure we have defined a text_splitter, even naive.
    nlp.text_splitter = lambda text: text.split('\n')

    task = nlp.preprocess(text, aspects=['slack', 'price'])
    tokenized_examples = task.batch
    input_batch = nlp.encode(tokenized_examples)
    output_batch = nlp.predict(input_batch)
    aspect_span_labeled = nlp.label(tokenized_examples, output_batch)

    completed_task = nlp.get_completed_task(task, aspect_span_labeled)
    assert len(completed_task.batch) == 6
    assert completed_task.indices == [(0, 3), (3, 6)]

    slack, price = completed_task
    assert slack.text == price.text == text
    # The sentiment among fragments are different. We normalize scores.
    assert np.allclose(slack.scores, [0.06, 0.46, 0.48], atol=0.01)
    # Please note once gain that there is a problem
    # with the neutral sentiment, model is over-fitted.
    assert np.allclose(price.scores, [0.06, 0.42, 0.52], atol=0.01)