Example #1
def test_headers_one_gets_first_value():
    headers = Headers("Foo: Bar\r\nFoo: Baz")
    expected = "Bar"
    actual = headers.one('Foo')
    assert actual == expected, actual
Example #2
def test_headers_one_is_case_insensitive():
    headers = Headers("Foo: Bar")
    expected = "Bar"
    actual = headers.one('foo')
    assert actual == expected, actual
Example #3
class Request(object):
    """Represent an HTTP Request message. Attributes:


    def hydrate(self):
        """Populate a number of attributes on self based on primitives.
        self.body = WwwForm(self.raw_body)
        self.headers = Headers(self.raw_headers)
        self.cookie = SimpleCookie()
            self.cookie.load(self.headers.one('Cookie', ''))
        except CookieError:

        urlparts = urlparse.urlparse(self.raw_url)
        self.path = Path(urlparts[2])  # populated by Website
        self.raw_querystring = urlparts[4]
        self.qs = WwwForm(self.raw_querystring)
        self.url = self.rebuild_url()  # needs things above
        self.urlparts = urlparse.urlparse(self.url)

        self.transport = None  # set by Website for *.sock files
        self.session_id = None  # set by Website for *.sock files
        self.root = ''  # set by Website
        self.fs = ''  # set by Website
        self.namespace = {}  # populated by user in inbound hooks

    def from_diesel(cls, request):
        """Set primitives from a diesel request.
        self = cls()
        self._diesel_request = request
        self.method = request.method
        self.version = request.version
        self.raw_headers = request.headers and request.headers.format() or ''
        self.raw_body = request.body and request.body or ''
        self.remote_addr = request.remote_addr and request.remote_addr or ''
        self.raw_url = request.url

        return self

    def __str__(self):
        return "<%s %s>" % (self.method, self.path)

    __repr__ = __str__

    def allow(self, *methods):
        """Given a list of methods, raise 405 if we don't meet the requirement.
        methods = [x.upper() for x in methods]
        if self.method not in methods:
            raise Response(405, headers={'Allow': ', '.join(methods)})

    def rebuild_url(self):
        """Return a full URL for this request, per PEP 333:


        This function is kind of naive.

        # http://docs.python.org/library/wsgiref.html#wsgiref.util.guess_scheme
        scheme = self.headers.one('HTTPS') and 'https' or 'http'
        url = scheme
        url += '://'

        if 'X-Forwarded-Host' in self.headers:
            url += self.headers.one('X-Forwarded-Host')
        elif 'Host' in self.headers:
            url += self.headers.one('Host')
            # per spec, return 400 if no Host header given
            raise Response(400)

        url += urllib.quote(self.path.raw)
        # screw params, fragment?
        if self.raw_querystring:
            url += '?' + self.raw_querystring
        return url
Example #4
class Response(Exception):
    """Represent an HTTP Response message.

    def __init__(self, code=200, body='', headers=None):
        """Takes an int, a string, and a dict (or list of tuples).

            - code      an HTTP response code, e.g., 404
            - body      the message body as a string
            - headers   a Headers instance
            - cookie    a Cookie.SimpleCookie instance

        Code is first because when you're raising your own Responses, they're
        usually error conditions. Body is second because one more often wants
        to specify a body without headers, than a header without a body.

        if not isinstance(code, int):
            raise TypeError("'code' must be an integer")
        elif not isinstance(body, basestring):
            raise TypeError("'body' must be a string")
        elif headers is not None and not isinstance(headers, (dict, list)):
            raise TypeError("'headers' must be a dictionary or a list of " +

        self.code = code
        self.body = body
        self.headers = Headers('')
        if headers:
            if isinstance(headers, dict):
                headers = headers.items()
            for k, v in headers:
                self.headers.add(k, v)
        self.cookie = SimpleCookie()
            self.cookie.load(self.headers.one('Cookie', ''))
        except CookieError:

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        wsgi_status = str(self)
        for morsel in self.cookie.values():
            self.headers.add('Set-Cookie', morsel.OutputString())
        wsgi_headers = []
        for k, vals in self.headers._dict.items():
            for v in vals:
                wsgi_headers.append((k, v))
        start_response(wsgi_status, wsgi_headers)
        return [self.body]

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Response: %s>" % str(self)

    def __str__(self):
        return "%d %s" % (self.code, self._status())

    def _status(self):
        return status_strings.get(self.code, 'Unknown HTTP status')

    def _to_http(self, version):
        """Given a version string like 1.1, return an HTTP message, a string.
        status_line = "HTTP/%s" % version
        headers = self.headers.to_http()
        body = self.body
        if self.headers.one('Content-Type', '').startswith('text/'):
            body = body.replace('\n', '\r\n')
            body = body.replace('\r\r', '\r')
        return '\r\n'.join([status_line, headers, '', body])
Example #5
class Response(Exception):
    """Represent an HTTP Response message.

    def __init__(self, code=200, body='', headers=None):
        """Takes an int, a string, and a dict (or list of tuples).

            - code      an HTTP response code, e.g., 404
            - body      the message body as a string
            - headers   a Headers instance
            - cookie    a Cookie.SimpleCookie instance

        Code is first because when you're raising your own Responses, they're
        usually error conditions. Body is second because one more often wants
        to specify a body without headers, than a header without a body.

        if not isinstance(code, int):
            raise TypeError("'code' must be an integer")
        elif not isinstance(body, basestring):
            raise TypeError("'body' must be a string")
        elif headers is not None and not isinstance(headers, (dict, list)):
            raise TypeError("'headers' must be a dictionary or a list of " +

        self.code = code
        self.body = body
        self.headers = Headers('')
        if headers:
            if isinstance(headers, dict):
                headers = headers.items()
            for k, v in headers:
                self.headers.add(k, v)
        self.cookie = SimpleCookie()
            self.cookie.load(self.headers.one('Cookie', ''))
        except CookieError:

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Response: %s>" % str(self)

    def __str__(self):
        return "%d %s" % (self.code, self._status())

    def _status(self):
        return status_strings.get(self.code, ('???','Unknown HTTP status'))

    def _to_diesel(self, _diesel_request):
        """This actually sends bits over the wire(!).
        for morsel in self.cookie.values():
            self.headers.add('Set-Cookie', morsel.OutputString())
        self.headers._diesel_headers._headers = self.headers._dict
        return DieselResponse( _diesel_request
                             , self.code
                             , self.headers._diesel_headers
                             , self.body

    def _to_http(self, version):
        status_line = "HTTP/%s" % version
        headers = self.headers.to_http()
        body = self.body
        if self.headers.one('Content-Type', '').startswith('text/'):
            body = body.replace('\n', '\r\n')
            body = body.replace('\r\r', '\r')
        return '\r\n'.join([status_line, headers, '', body])
Example #6
class Request(object):
    """Represent an HTTP Request message. Attributes:


    def hydrate(self):
        """Populate a number of attributes on self based on primitives.
        self.body = WwwForm(self.raw_body)
        self.headers = Headers(self.raw_headers)
        self.cookie = SimpleCookie()
            self.cookie.load(self.headers.one('Cookie', ''))
        except CookieError:

        urlparts = urlparse.urlparse(self.raw_url)
        self.path = Path(urlparts[2]) # populated by Website
        self.raw_querystring = urlparts[4]
        self.qs = WwwForm(self.raw_querystring)
        self.url = self.rebuild_url() # needs things above
        self.urlparts = urlparse.urlparse(self.url)

        self.transport = None # set by Website for *.sock files
        self.session_id = None # set by Website for *.sock files
        self.root = '' # set by Website
        self.fs = '' # set by Website
        self.namespace = {} # populated by user in inbound hooks

    def from_diesel(cls, request):
        """Set primitives from a diesel request.
        self = cls()
        self._diesel_request = request
        self.method = request.method
        self.version = request.version
        self.raw_headers = request.headers and request.headers.format() or ''
        self.raw_body = request.body and request.body or ''
        self.remote_addr = request.remote_addr and request.remote_addr or ''
        self.raw_url = request.url

        return self

    def __str__(self):
        return "<%s %s>" % (self.method, self.path)
    __repr__ = __str__

    def allow(self, *methods):
        """Given a list of methods, raise 405 if we don't meet the requirement.
        methods = [x.upper() for x in methods]
        if self.method not in methods:
            raise Response(405, headers={'Allow': ', '.join(methods)})

    def rebuild_url(self):
        """Return a full URL for this request, per PEP 333:


        This function is kind of naive.

        # http://docs.python.org/library/wsgiref.html#wsgiref.util.guess_scheme
        scheme = self.headers.one('HTTPS') and 'https' or 'http'
        url = scheme
        url += '://'

        if 'X-Forwarded-Host' in self.headers:
            url += self.headers.one('X-Forwarded-Host')
        elif 'Host' in self.headers:
            url += self.headers.one('Host')
            # per spec, return 400 if no Host header given
            raise Response(400)

        url += urllib.quote(self.path.raw)
        # screw params, fragment?
        if self.raw_querystring:
            url += '?' + self.raw_querystring
        return url
Example #7
def test_headers_are_case_insensitive():
    headers = Headers('Foo: bar')
    expected = 'bar'
    actual = headers.one('foo')
    assert actual == expected, actual
Example #8
class Request(object):
    """Represent an HTTP Request message. Attributes:


    def hydrate(self):
        """Populate a number of attributes on self based on primitives.
        self.body = WwwForm(self.raw_body)
        self.headers = Headers(self.raw_headers)
        self.cookie = SimpleCookie()
            self.cookie.load(self.headers.one('Cookie', ''))
        except CookieError:

        urlparts = urlparse.urlparse(self.raw_url)
        self.path = Path(urlparts[2]) # populated by Website
        self.raw_querystring = urlparts[4]
        self.qs = WwwForm(self.raw_querystring)
        self.url = self.rebuild_url() # needs things above
        self.urlparts = urlparse.urlparse(self.url)

        self.transport = None # set by Website for *.sock files
        self.session_id = None # set by Website for *.sock files
        self.root = '' # set by Website
        self.fs = '' # set by Website
        self.namespace = {} # populated by user in inbound hooks

    def from_wsgi(cls, environ):
        """Set primitives from a WSGI environ.
        self = cls()

        self.method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD']
        self.version = environ['SERVER_PROTOCOL']
        self.remote_addr = environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', None) # relaxed for Pants
        self.raw_url = environ['PATH_INFO']

        # Headers
        # =======

        raw_headers = []
        for k, v in environ.items():
            if k.startswith('HTTP_'):
                k = k[len('HTTP_'):]
                raw_headers.append(': '.join([k, v]))
        raw_headers = '\r\n'.join(raw_headers)
        self.raw_headers = raw_headers

        # Body
        # ====
        if not environ.get('SERVER_SOFTWARE', '').startswith('Rocket'):
            # normal case
            self.raw_body = environ['wsgi.input'].read()
            # rocket engine

            # Email from Rocket guy: While HTTP stipulates that you shouldn't
            # read a socket unless you are specifically expecting data to be
            # there, WSGI allows (but doesn't require) for that
            # (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3333/#id25).  I've started
            # support for this (if you feel like reading the code, its in the
            # connection class) but this feature is not yet production ready
            # (it works but it way too slow on cPython).
            # The hacky solution is to grab the socket from the stream and
            # manually set the timeout to 0 and set it back when you get your
            # data (or not).
            # If you're curious, those HTTP conditions are (it's better to do
            # this anyway to avoid unnecessary and slow OS calls):
            # - You can assume that there will be content in the body if the
            #   request type is "POST" or "PUT"
            # - You can figure how much to read by the "CONTENT_LENGTH" header
            #   existence with a valid integer value
            #   - alternatively "CONTENT_TYPE" can be set with no length and
            #     you can read based on the body content ("content-encoding" =
            #     "chunked" is a good example).
            # Here's the "hacky solution":

            _tmp = environ['wsgi.input']._sock.timeout
            environ['wsgi.input']._sock.settimeout(0) # equiv. to non-blocking
                self.raw_body = environ['wsgi.input'].read()
            except Exception, exc:
                if exc.errno != 35:
                self.raw_body = ""

        return self
Example #9
def test_headers_one_gets_a_value():
    headers = Headers("Foo: Bar")
    expected = "Bar"
    actual = headers.one("Foo")
    assert actual == expected, actual