Example #1
def get_participant(request, restrict=True):
    """Given a Request, raise Response or return Participant.

    If user is not None then we'll restrict access to owners and admins.

    user = request.context['user']
    participant_id = request.line.uri.path['participant_id']

    if restrict:
        if user.ANON:
            request.redirect(u'/%s/' % participant_id)

    participant = Participant.query.get(participant_id)

    if participant is None:
        raise Response(404)

    elif participant.claimed_time is None:

        # This is a stub participant record for someone on another platform who
        # hasn't actually registered with Gittip yet. Let's bounce the viewer
        # over to the appropriate platform page.

        to = participant.resolve_unclaimed()
        if to is None:
            raise Response(404)

    if restrict:
        if participant != user:
            if not user.ADMIN:
                raise Response(403)

    return participant
Example #2
def get_user_info(username):
    """Get the given user's information from the DB or failing that, bitbucket.

    :param username:
        A unicode string representing a username in bitbucket.

        A dictionary containing bitbucket specific information for the user.
    typecheck(username, unicode)
    rec = gittip.db.fetchone(
        "SELECT user_info FROM elsewhere "
        "WHERE platform='bitbucket' "
        "AND user_info->'username' = %s", (username, ))
    if rec is not None:
        user_info = rec['user_info']
        url = "%s/users/%s?pagelen=100"
        user_info = requests.get(url % (BASE_API_URL, username))
        status = user_info.status_code
        content = user_info.content
        if status == 200:
            user_info = json.loads(content)['user']
        elif status == 404:
            raise Response(
                404, "Bitbucket identity '{0}' not found.".format(username))
            log("Bitbucket api responded with {0}: {1}".format(
                status, content),
            raise Response(502, "Bitbucket lookup failed with %d." % status)

    return user_info
Example #3
def cast(path_part, state):
    """This is an Aspen typecaster. Given a slug and a state dict, raise
    Response or return Team.
    redirect = state['website'].redirect
    request = state['request']
    user = state['user']
    slug = path_part
    qs = request.line.uri.querystring

        team = Team.from_slug(slug)
        raise Response(400, 'bad slug')

    if team is None:
        # Try to redirect to a Participant.
        from gratipay.models.participant import Participant  # avoid circular import
        participant = Participant.from_username(slug)
        if participant is not None:
            qs = '?' + request.qs.raw if request.qs.raw else ''
            redirect('/~' + request.path.raw[1:] + qs)
        raise Response(404)

    canonicalize(redirect, request.line.uri.path.raw, '/', team.slug, slug, qs)

    if team.is_closed and not user.ADMIN:
        raise Response(410)

    return team
def get_account_elsewhere(website, state, api_lookup=True):
    _ = state['_']
    path = state['request'].line.uri.path

    platform = getattr(website.platforms, path['platform'], None)
    if platform is None:
        raise Response(404)

    uid = path['user_name']
    if "\t" in uid or "\r" in uid or "\n" in uid:
        raise Response(400,
                       _("Invalid character in elsewhere account username."))
    if uid[:1] == '~':
        key = 'user_id'
        uid = uid[1:]
        key = 'user_name'
        account = AccountElsewhere._from_thing(key, platform.name, uid)
    except UnknownAccountElsewhere:
        account = None
    if not account:
        if not api_lookup:
            raise Response(404)
            user_info = platform.get_user_info(key, uid)
        except Response as r:
            if r.code == 404:
                err = _("Account not found on {0}.", platform.display_name)
                raise Response(404, err)
        account = AccountElsewhere.upsert(user_info)
    return platform, account
Example #5
def try_to_serve_304(dispatch_result, request, etag):
    """Try to serve a 304 for static resources.
    if not etag:
        # This is a request for a dynamic resource.

    qs_etag = request.line.uri.querystring.get('etag')
    if qs_etag and qs_etag != etag:
        # Don't serve one version of a file as if it were another.
        raise Response(410)

    headers_etag = request.headers.get('If-None-Match')
    if not headers_etag:
        # This client doesn't want a 304.

    if headers_etag != etag:
        # Cache miss, the client sent an old or invalid etag.

    # Huzzah!
    # =======
    # We can serve a 304! :D

    raise Response(304)
Example #6
def get_account_elsewhere(website, state, api_lookup=True):
    path = state['request'].line.uri.path
    platform = getattr(website.platforms, path['platform'], None)
    if platform is None:
        raise Response(404)
    uid = path['user_name']
    if uid[:1] == '~':
        key = 'user_id'
        uid = uid[1:]
        key = 'user_name'
        account = AccountElsewhere._from_thing(key, platform.name, uid)
    except UnknownAccountElsewhere:
        account = None
    if not account:
        if not api_lookup:
            raise Response(404)
            user_info = platform.get_user_info(key, uid)
        except Response as r:
            if r.code == 404:
                _ = state['_']
                err = _("There doesn't seem to be a user named {0} on {1}.",
                        uid, platform.display_name)
                raise Response(404, err)
        account = AccountElsewhere.upsert(user_info)
    return platform, account
Example #7
    def change_username(self, suggested):
        """Raise Response or return None.

        We want to be pretty loose with usernames. Unicode is allowed--XXX
        aspen bug :(. So are spaces.Control characters aren't. We also limit to
        32 characters in length.

        for i, c in enumerate(suggested):
            if i == 32:
                raise Response(413)  # Request Entity Too Large (more or less)
            elif ord(c) < 128 and c not in ASCII_ALLOWED_IN_USERNAME:
                raise Response(400)  # Yeah, no.
            elif c not in ASCII_ALLOWED_IN_USERNAME:
                raise Response(400)  # XXX Burned by an Aspen bug. :`-(
                # https://github.com/whit537/aspen/issues/102

        if suggested in gittip.RESTRICTED_USERNAMES:
            raise Response(400)

        if suggested != self.username:
            # Will raise IntegrityError if the desired username is taken.
            rec = gittip.db.fetchone(
                "UPDATE participants "
                "SET username=%s WHERE username=%s "
                "RETURNING username", (suggested, self.username))

            assert rec is not None  # sanity check
            assert suggested == rec['username']  # sanity check
            self.username = suggested
Example #8
def get_team(state):
    """Given a Request, raise Response or return Team.
    redirect = state['website'].redirect
    request = state['request']
    user = state['user']
    slug = request.line.uri.path['team']
    qs = request.line.uri.querystring

    from gratipay.models.team import Team  # avoid circular import
    team = Team.from_slug(slug)

    if team is None:
        # Try to redirect to a Participant.
        from gratipay.models.participant import Participant  # avoid circular import
        participant = Participant.from_username(slug)
        if participant is not None:
            qs = '?' + request.qs.raw if request.qs.raw else ''
            redirect('/~' + request.path.raw[1:] + qs)
        raise Response(404)

    canonicalize(redirect, request.line.uri.path.raw, '/', team.slug, slug, qs)

    if team.is_closed and not user.ADMIN:
        raise Response(410)

    return team
Example #9
def change_participant_id(website, old, suggested):
    """Raise response return None.

    We want to be pretty loose with usernames. Unicode is allowed. So are
    spaces.  Control characters aren't. We also limit to 32 characters in

    for i, c in enumerate(suggested):
        if i == 32:
            raise Response(413)  # Request Entity Too Large (more or less)
        elif ord(c) < 128 and c not in ALLOWED_ASCII:
            raise Response(400)  # Yeah, no.
        elif c not in ALLOWED_ASCII:
            raise Response(400)  # XXX Burned by an Aspen bug. :`-(
            # https://github.com/whit537/aspen/issues/102

    if website is not None and suggested in os.listdir(website.www_root):
        raise Response(400)

    if suggested != old:
        rec = db.fetchone( "UPDATE participants SET id=%s WHERE id=%s " \
                           "RETURNING id", (suggested, old))
        # May raise IntegrityError
        assert rec is not None  # sanity check
        assert suggested == rec['id']  # sanity check
Example #10
def get_community(state, restrict=False):
    request, response = state['request'], state['response']
    user = state['user']
    name = request.path['name']

    c = Community.from_name(name)
    if request.method in ('GET', 'HEAD'):
        if not c:
            response.redirect('/for/new?name=' + urlquote(name))
        if c.name != name:
            response.redirect('/for/' + c.name +
                              request.line.uri[5 + len(name):])
    elif not c:
        raise Response(404)
    elif user.ANON:
        raise AuthRequired

    if restrict:
        if user.ANON:
            raise AuthRequired
        if user.id != c.creator and not user.is_admin:
            _ = state['_']
            raise Response(403,
                           _("You are not authorized to access this page."))

    return c
Example #11
    def respond(self, request):
        """Given a Request, return a Response.
        request.allow('GET', 'POST')

        if self.state == 0:  # The client wants confirmation.
            response = Response(200, "1:::")
            self.state = 1

        elif request.line.method == 'POST':  # The client is sending us data.
            response = Response(200)

        elif request.line.method == 'GET':  # The client is asking for data.
            bytes_iter = iter([""])
            timeout = time.time() + self.timeout
            while time.time() < timeout:
                _bytes_iter = self.socket._recv()
                if _bytes_iter is not None:
                    bytes_iter = _bytes_iter
            response = Response(200, bytes_iter)

        return response
Example #12
def get_participant(state,
    """Given a Request, raise Response or return Participant.

    If restrict is True then we'll restrict access to owners and admins.

    request = state['request']
    user = state['user']
    slug = request.line.uri.path['username']
    _ = state['_']

    if restrict and user.ANON:
        raise AuthRequired

    if slug.startswith('~'):
        thing = 'id'
        value = slug[1:]
        participant = user if user and str(user.id) == value else None
        thing = 'lower(username)'
        value = slug.lower()
        participant = user if user and user.username.lower() == value else None

    if participant is None:
        from liberapay.models.participant import Participant  # avoid circular import
        participant = Participant._from_thing(thing, value) if value else None
        if participant is None or participant.kind == 'community':
            raise Response(404)

    if request.method in ('GET', 'HEAD'):
        if slug != participant.username:
            canon = '/' + participant.username + request.line.uri[len(slug) +
            raise Response(302, headers={'Location': canon})

    status = participant.status
    if status == 'closed':
        if user.is_admin:
            return participant
        raise Response(410)
    elif status == 'stub':
        if redirect_stub:
            to = participant.resolve_stub()
            assert to
            raise Response(302, headers={'Location': to})

    if restrict:
        if participant != user:
            if allow_member and participant.kind == 'group' and user.member_of(
            elif not user.is_admin:
                raise Response(
                    403, _("You are not authorized to access this page."))

    return participant
Example #13
def get_csrf_token_from_request(request):
    """Given a Request object, reject it if it's a forgery.
    if request.line.uri.startswith('/assets/'): return
    if request.line.uri.startswith('/callbacks/'): return

        csrf_token = _sanitize_token(
    except KeyError:
        csrf_token = None

    request.context['csrf_token'] = csrf_token or _get_new_csrf_key()

    # Assume that anything not defined as 'safe' by RC2616 needs protection
    if request.line.method not in ('GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE'):

        if _is_secure(request):
            # Suppose user visits http://example.com/
            # An active network attacker (man-in-the-middle, MITM) sends a
            # POST form that targets https://example.com/detonate-bomb/ and
            # submits it via JavaScript.
            # The attacker will need to provide a CSRF cookie and token, but
            # that's no problem for a MITM and the session-independent
            # nonce we're using. So the MITM can circumvent the CSRF
            # protection. This is true for any HTTP connection, but anyone
            # using HTTPS expects better! For this reason, for
            # https://example.com/ we need additional protection that treats
            # http://example.com/ as completely untrusted. Under HTTPS,
            # Barth et al. found that the Referer header is missing for
            # same-domain requests in only about 0.2% of cases or less, so
            # we can use strict Referer checking.
            referer = request.headers.get('Referer')
            if referer is None:
                raise Response(403, REASON_NO_REFERER)

            good_referer = 'https://%s/' % _get_host(request)
            if not same_origin(referer, good_referer):
                reason = REASON_BAD_REFERER % (referer, good_referer)
                raise Response(403, reason)

        if csrf_token is None:
            raise Response(403, REASON_NO_CSRF_COOKIE)

        # Check non-cookie token for match.
        request_csrf_token = ""
        if request.line.method == "POST":
            if isinstance(request.body, dict):
                request_csrf_token = request.body.get('csrf_token', '')

        if request_csrf_token == "":
            # Fall back to X-CSRF-TOKEN, to make things easier for AJAX,
            # and possible for PUT/DELETE.
            request_csrf_token = request.headers.get('X-CSRF-TOKEN', '')

        if not constant_time_compare(request_csrf_token, csrf_token):
            raise Response(403, REASON_BAD_TOKEN)
def cast(path_part, state):
    """This is an Aspen typecaster. Given an id and a state dict, raise
    Response or return PaymentForOpenSource.
        pfos = PaymentForOpenSource.from_id(path_part)
        raise Response(404)
    if pfos is None:
        raise Response(404)
    return pfos
def test_get_response_doesnt_reset_content_type_when_negotiating(mk):
    mk(('index.spt', NEGOTIATED_RESOURCE))
    request = StubRequest.from_fs('index.spt')
    request.headers['Accept'] = 'text/html'
    response = Response()
    response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'never/mind'
    actual = get_response(request, response).headers['Content-Type']
    response = Response()
    response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'never/mind'
    actual = get_response(request, response).headers['Content-Type']
    assert actual == "never/mind"
Example #16
    def api_get(self, path, sess=None, **kw):
        Given a `path` (e.g. /users/foo), this function sends a GET request to
        the platform's API (e.g. https://api.github.com/users/foo).

        The response is returned, after checking its status code and ratelimit
        url = self.api_url + path
        is_user_session = bool(sess)
        if not sess:
            sess = self.get_auth_session()
            if self.name == 'github':
                url += '?' if '?' not in url else '&'
                url += 'client_id=%s&client_secret=%s' % (self.api_key,
        response = sess.get(url, **kw)

        limit, remaining, reset = self.get_ratelimit_headers(response)
        if not is_user_session:
            self.log_ratelimit_headers(limit, remaining, reset)

        # Check response status
        status = response.status_code
        if status == 401 and isinstance(self, PlatformOAuth1):
            # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5849#section-3.2
            if is_user_session:
                raise TokenExpiredError
            raise Response(500)
        if status == 404:
            raise Response(404, response.text)
        if status == 429 and is_user_session:

            def msg(_, to_age):
                if remaining == 0 and reset:
                    return _(
                        "You've consumed your quota of requests, you can try again in {0}.",
                    return _(
                        "You're making requests too fast, please try again later."

            raise LazyResponse(status, msg)
        if status != 200:
            log('{} api responded with {}:\n{}'.format(self.name, status,
            msg = lambda _: _("{0} returned an error, please try again later.",
            raise LazyResponse(502, msg)

        return response
Example #17
 def check_api_response_status(self, response):
     """Pass through any 404, convert any other non-200 into a 500.
     status = response.status_code
     if status == 404:
         raise Response(404, response.text)
     elif status != 200:
         log('{} api responded with {}:\n{}'.format(self.name, status,
         raise Response(
             500, '{} lookup failed with {}'.format(self.name, status))
Example #18
    def api_get(self, path, sess=None, **kw):
        Given a `path` (e.g. /users/foo), this function sends a GET request to
        the platform's API (e.g. https://api.github.com/users/foo).

        The response is returned, after checking its status code and ratelimit
        if not sess:
            sess = self.get_auth_session()
        response = sess.get(self.api_url + path, **kw)

        # Check status
        status = response.status_code
        if status == 404:
            raise Response(404)
        elif status != 200:
            log('{} api responded with {}:\n{}'.format(self.name, status,
            raise Response(
                500, '{} lookup failed with {}'.format(self.name, status))

        # Check ratelimit headers
        prefix = getattr(self, 'ratelimit_headers_prefix', None)
        if prefix:
            limit = response.headers[prefix + 'limit']
            remaining = response.headers[prefix + 'remaining']
            reset = response.headers[prefix + 'reset']
                limit, remaining, reset = int(limit), int(remaining), int(
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                d = dict(limit=limit, remaining=remaining, reset=reset)
                log('Got weird rate headers from %s: %s' % (self.name, d))
                percent_remaining = remaining / limit
                if percent_remaining < 0.5:
                    reset = to_age(datetime.fromtimestamp(reset, tz=utc))
                    log_msg = (
                        '{0} API: {1:.1%} of ratelimit has been consumed, '
                        '{2} requests remaining, resets {3}.').format(
                            self.name, 1 - percent_remaining, remaining, reset)
                    log_lvl = logging.WARNING
                    if percent_remaining < 0.2:
                        log_lvl = logging.ERROR
                    elif percent_remaining < 0.05:
                        log_lvl = logging.CRITICAL
                    log(log_msg, log_lvl)

        return response
Example #19
def get_participant(state, restrict=True, resolve_unclaimed=True):
    """Given a Request, raise Response or return Participant.

    If restrict is True then we'll restrict access to owners and admins.

    redirect = state['website'].redirect
    request = state['request']
    user = state['user']
    slug = request.line.uri.path['username']
    qs = request.line.uri.querystring
    _ = state['_']

    if restrict:
        if user.ANON:
            raise Response(401, _("You need to log in to access this page."))

    from gratipay.models.participant import Participant  # avoid circular import
    participant = Participant.from_username(slug)

    if participant is None:
        raise Response(404)

    canonicalize(redirect, request.line.uri.path.raw, '/~/',
                 participant.username, slug, qs)

    if participant.is_closed:
        if user.ADMIN:
            return participant
        raise Response(410)

    if participant.claimed_time is None and resolve_unclaimed:
        to = participant.resolve_unclaimed()
        if to:
            # This is a stub account (someone on another platform who hasn't
            # actually registered with Gratipay yet)
            # This is an archived account (result of take_over)
            if user.ADMIN:
                return participant
            raise Response(404)

    if restrict:
        if participant != user.participant:
            if not user.ADMIN:
                raise Response(
                    403, _("You are not authorized to access this page."))

    return participant
Example #20
def export_history(participant,
    db = participant.db
    params = dict(username=participant.username, year=year)
    out = {}

    out['given'] = lambda: db.all("""
        SELECT CONCAT('~', tippee) as tippee, sum(amount) AS amount
          FROM transfers
         WHERE tipper = %(username)s
           AND extract(year from timestamp) = %(year)s
      GROUP BY tippee


        SELECT team as tippee, sum(amount) AS amount
          FROM payments
         WHERE participant = %(username)s
           AND direction = 'to-team'
           AND extract(year from timestamp) = %(year)s
      GROUP BY tippee

    # FIXME: Include values from the `payments` table
    out['taken'] = lambda: db.all("""
        SELECT tipper AS team, sum(amount) AS amount
          FROM transfers
         WHERE tippee = %(username)s
           AND context = 'take'
           AND extract(year from timestamp) = %(year)s
      GROUP BY tipper

    if key:
            return out[key]()
        except KeyError:
            raise Response(400, "bad key `%s`" % key)
    elif require_key:
        raise Response(400, "missing `key` parameter")
        return {k: v() for k, v in out.items()}
Example #21
def _typecast(key, value):
    """Given two strings, return a string, and an int or string.
    if key.endswith('.int'):    # you can typecast to int
        key = key[:-4]
            value = int(value)
        except ValueError:
            raise Response(404)
    else:                       # otherwise it's ASCII
            value = value.decode('ASCII')
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            raise Response(400)
    return key, value
Example #22
def sign_in_with_form_data(body, state):
    p = None
    _, website = state['_'], state['website']

    if body.get('log-in.id'):
        id = body.pop('log-in.id')
        k = 'email' if '@' in id else 'username'
        p = Participant.authenticate(k, 'password', id,
        if not p:
            state['sign-in.error'] = _("Bad username or password.")
        if p and p.status == 'closed':

    elif body.get('sign-in.username'):
        if body.pop('sign-in.terms') != 'agree':
            raise Response(400, 'you have to agree to the terms')
        kind = body.pop('sign-in.kind')
        if kind not in ('individual', 'organization'):
            raise Response(400, 'bad kind')
        with website.db.get_cursor() as c:
            p = Participant.make_active(body.pop('sign-in.username'),
            p.add_email(body.pop('sign-in.email'), cursor=c)
        p.authenticated = True

    elif body.get('email-login.email'):
        email = body.pop('email-login.email')
        p = Participant._from_thing('email', email)
        if p:
            qs = {'log-in.id': p.id, 'log-in.token': p.session_token}
                link=p.url('settings/', qs),
            state['email-login.sent-to'] = email
            state['sign-in.error'] = _(
                "We didn't find any account whose primary email address is {0}.",
        p = None

    return p
def test_get_response_406_gives_list_of_acceptable_types(mk):
    mk(('index.spt', NEGOTIATED_RESOURCE))
    request = StubRequest.from_fs('index.spt')
    request.headers['Accept'] = 'cheese/head'
    actual = raises(Response, get_response, request, Response()).value.body
    expected = "The following media types are available: text/plain, text/html."
    assert actual == expected
Example #24
    def api_error_handler(self, response, is_user_session):
        status = response.status_code
        if status == 404:
            raise Response(404, response.text)
        if status == 429 and is_user_session:
            limit, remaining, reset = self.get_ratelimit_headers(response)

            def msg(_, to_age):
                if remaining == 0 and reset:
                    return _(
                        "You've consumed your quota of requests, you can try again in {0}.",
                    return _(
                        "You're making requests too fast, please try again later."

            raise LazyResponse(status, msg)
        if status != 200:
            log('{} api responded with {}:\n{}'.format(self.name, status,
            msg = lambda _: _("{0} returned an error, please try again later.",
            raise LazyResponse(502, msg)
Example #25
 def get_query_id(self, querystring):
     token = querystring['access_token']
     i = token.rfind('.')
     data, data_hash = token[:i], token[i + 1:]
     if data_hash != hashlib.md5(data + '.' + self.api_secret).hexdigest():
         raise Response(400, 'Invalid hash in access_token')
     return querystring['query_id']
Example #26
def test_response_headers_protect_against_crlf_injection():
    response = Response()

    def inject():
        response.headers['Location'] = 'foo\r\nbar'

    raises(CRLFInjection, inject)
def outbound(response):
    from gittip import db
    session = {}
    if 'user' in response.request.context:
        user = response.request.context['user']
        if not isinstance(user, User):
            raise Response(
                400, "If you define 'user' in a simplate it has to "
                "be a User instance.")
        session = user.session
    if not session:  # user is anonymous
        if 'session' not in response.request.headers.cookie:
            # no cookie in the request, don't set one on response
            # expired cookie in the request, instruct browser to delete it
            response.headers.cookie['session'] = ''
            expires = 0
    else:  # user is authenticated
        response.headers['Expires'] = BEGINNING_OF_EPOCH  # don't cache
        response.headers.cookie['session'] = session['session_token']
        expires = session['session_expires'] = time.time() + TIMEOUT
        SQL = """
            UPDATE participants SET session_expires=%s WHERE session_token=%s
        db.execute(SQL, (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(expires),

    cookie = response.headers.cookie['session']
    # I am not setting domain, because it is supposed to default to what we
    # want: the domain of the object requested.
    cookie['path'] = '/'
    cookie['expires'] = rfc822.formatdate(expires)
    cookie['httponly'] = "Yes, please."
def test_handles_busted_accept(mk):
    mk(('index.spt', NEGOTIATED_RESOURCE))
    request = StubRequest.from_fs('index.spt')
    # Set an invalid Accept header so it will return default (text/plain)
    request.headers['Accept'] = 'text/html;'
    actual = get_response(request, Response()).body
    assert actual == "Greetings, program!\n"
Example #29
    def rebuild_url(self):
        """Return a full URL for this request, per PEP 333:


        This function is kind of naive.

        # http://docs.python.org/library/wsgiref.html#wsgiref.util.guess_scheme
        scheme = self.headers.one('HTTPS') and 'https' or 'http'
        url = scheme
        url += '://'

        if 'X-Forwarded-Host' in self.headers:
            url += self.headers.one('X-Forwarded-Host')
        elif 'Host' in self.headers:
            url += self.headers.one('Host')
            # per spec, return 400 if no Host header given
            raise Response(400)

        url += urllib.quote(self.path.raw)
        # screw params, fragment?
        if self.raw_querystring:
            url += '?' + self.raw_querystring
        return url
def test_can_override_default_renderer_entirely(mk):
    mk(('.aspen/configure-aspen.py', OVERRIDE_SIMPLATE),
       ('index.spt', NEGOTIATED_RESOURCE))
    request = StubRequest.from_fs('index.spt')
    request.headers['Accept'] = 'text/plain'
    actual = get_response(request, Response()).body
    assert actual == "glubber"