def testQueryRdfDataAsk(self): class testOptions(object): verbose = False rdf_data = ["test1.rdf", "test2.rdf"] prefix = None format_rdf_in = None options = testOptions() prefixes = asqc.getPrefixes(options)+"PREFIX ex: <>\n" bindings = ( { "head": { "vars": ["s", "p", "o"] } , "results": { "bindings": [ { 's': rdflib.URIRef("") } , { 's': rdflib.URIRef("") , 'o': rdflib.URIRef("") } , { 's': rdflib.URIRef("") , 'p': rdflib.URIRef("") } ] } }) query = "ASK { ?s ?p ?o }" (status,result) = asqc.queryRdfData("test", options, prefixes, query, bindings) assert status == 0, "queryRdfData ASK with data status" assert result == {'head': {}, 'boolean': True} query = "ASK { ex:nonesuch ?p ?o }" (status,result) = asqc.queryRdfData("test", options, prefixes, query, bindings) assert status == 1, "queryRdfData ASK with no data status" assert result == {'head': {}, 'boolean': False} return
def testQueryRdfDataConstruct(self): class testOptions(object): verbose = False rdf_data = ["test1.rdf", "test2.rdf"] prefix = None format_rdf_in = None options = testOptions() prefixes = asqc.getPrefixes(options)+"PREFIX ex: <>\n" bindings = ( { "head": { "vars": ["s", "p", "o"] } , "results": { "bindings": [ { 's': rdflib.URIRef("") } , { 's': rdflib.URIRef("") , 'o': rdflib.URIRef("") } , { 's': rdflib.URIRef("") , 'p': rdflib.URIRef("") } ] } }) query = "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }" (status,result) = asqc.queryRdfData("test", options, prefixes, query, bindings) assert status == 0, "queryRdfData CONSTRUCT with data status" assert len(result) == 4, "queryRdfData triple count" assert ( rdflib.URIRef(""), rdflib.URIRef(""), rdflib.URIRef("") ) in result query = "CONSTRUCT { <> ?p ?o } WHERE { <> ?p ?o }" (status,result) = asqc.queryRdfData("test", options, prefixes, query, bindings) assert status == 1, "queryRdfData CONSTRUCT with no data status" assert len(result) == 0, "queryRdfData triple count" return
def testQueryRdfDataSelect(self): class testOptions(object): verbose = False rdf_data = ["test1.rdf", "test2.rdf"] prefix = None format_rdf_in = None options = testOptions() prefixes = asqc.getPrefixes(options)+"PREFIX ex: <>\n" bindings = ( { "head": { "vars": ["s", "p", "o"] } , "results": { "bindings": [ { 's': rdflib.URIRef("") } , { 's': rdflib.URIRef("") , 'o': rdflib.URIRef("") } , { 's': rdflib.URIRef("") , 'p': rdflib.URIRef("") } ] } }) query = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }" (status,result) = asqc.queryRdfData("test", options, prefixes, query, bindings) assert status == 0, "queryRdfData SELECT with data status" assert len(result["results"]["bindings"]) == 4, "queryRdfData result count" assert { 's': { 'type': "uri", 'value': "" } , 'p': { 'type': "uri", 'value': "" } , 'o': { 'type': "uri", 'value': "" } } in result["results"]["bindings"], "queryRdfData result 1" assert { 's': { 'type': "uri", 'value': "" } , 'p': { 'type': "uri", 'value': "" } , 'o': { 'type': "uri", 'value': "" } } in result["results"]["bindings"], "queryRdfData result 2" assert { 's': { 'type': "uri", 'value': "" } , 'p': { 'type': "uri", 'value': "" } , 'o': { 'type': "uri", 'value': "" } } in result["results"]["bindings"], "queryRdfData result 3" assert { 's': { 'type': "uri", 'value': "" } , 'p': { 'type': "uri", 'value': "" } , 'o': { 'type': "uri", 'value': "" } } in result["results"]["bindings"], "queryRdfData result 4" query = "SELECT * WHERE { <> ?p ?o }" (status,result) = asqc.queryRdfData("test", options, prefixes, query, bindings) assert status == 1, "queryRdfData SELECT with no data status" assert len(result["results"]["bindings"]) == 0, "queryRdfData result count" return