Example #1
def test_wer_5():
    ref = 'all the morning they trudged up the mountain path and at noon unc and ojo sat on a fallen tree trunk and ' \
          'ate the last of the bread which the old munchkin had placed in his pocket'
    hyp = 'all the morning they trudged up the mountain path and at noon unc in ojo sat on a fallen tree trunk and ate'\
          ' the last of the bread which the old munchkin had placed in his pocket'
    word_error_rate = error_rate.wer(ref, hyp)
    assert np.allclose(word_error_rate, 0.027027027)
Example #2
def test_wer_3():
    ref = 'the lieutenant governor lilburn w boggs afterward governor was a pronounced mormon hater and throughout the'\
          ' period of the troubles he manifested sympathy with the persecutors'
    hyp = 'the lieutenant governor little bit how bags afterward governor was a pronounced warman hater and '\
          'throughout the period of th troubles he manifests sympathy with the persecutors'
    word_error_rate = error_rate.wer(ref, hyp)
    assert np.allclose(word_error_rate, 0.2692307692)
Example #3
def evaluate(args):
    filepath = args.file
    lang = args.lang

    with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
        data = json.load(f)

    total_wer = {}
    total_cer = {}
    num_tokens = {}
    num_chars = {}
    for utterance in tqdm(data):
        ref = _parse_numbers(data[utterance]['ref'].lower(), lang)

        for api in set(data[utterance].keys()).difference(set(['ref'])):
            total_wer.setdefault(api, 0)
            total_cer.setdefault(api, 0)
            num_tokens.setdefault(api, 0)
            num_chars.setdefault(api, 0)

            transcript = _parse_numbers(data[utterance][api].lower(), lang)

            wer_inst = wer(transcript, ref)
            cer_inst = cer(transcript, ref)

            total_wer[api] += wer_inst
            total_cer[api] += cer_inst
            num_tokens[api] += len(ref.split())
            num_chars[api] += len(ref)

    for api in set(total_wer.keys()):
        print("{} - WER: {:.02f}% CER: {:.02f}%".format(
            api, (float(total_wer[api]) / num_tokens[api]) * 100,
            (float(total_cer[api]) / num_chars[api]) * 100))
Example #4
def test_wer_1():
    ref = 'i UM the PHONE IS i LEFT THE portable PHONE UPSTAIRS last night'
    hyp = 'i GOT IT TO the FULLEST i LOVE TO portable FROM OF STORES last night'
    word_error_rate = error_rate.wer(ref, hyp)

    assert np.allclose(word_error_rate, 0.769230769231)
Example #5
def test_wer_7():
    ref = ' '
    hyp = 'Hypothesis sentence'
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        error_rate.wer(ref, hyp)
Example #6
def test_wer_6():
    ref = 'i UM the PHONE IS i LEFT THE portable PHONE UPSTAIRS last night'
    word_error_rate = error_rate.wer(ref, ref)
    assert word_error_rate == 0.0
Example #7
def test_wer_4():
    ref = 'the wood flamed up splendidly under the large brewing copper and it sighed so deeply'
    hyp = 'the wood flame do splendidly under the large brewing copper and its side so deeply'
    word_error_rate = error_rate.wer(ref, hyp)
    assert np.allclose(word_error_rate, 0.2666666667)
Example #8
def test_wer_2():
    ref = 'as any in england i would say said gamewell proudly that is in his day'
    hyp = 'as any in england i would say said came well proudly that is in his day'
    word_error_rate = error_rate.wer(ref, hyp)
    assert np.allclose(word_error_rate, 0.1333333)