Example #1
 def __init__(self, fn, callback=None):
     warnings.warn("deprecated", DeprecationWarning)
     precondition(hasattr(fn, 'im_self'),
                  "fn is required to be a bound method.")
     self._cleanupcallback = callback
     self._obj = ref(fn.im_self, self.call_cleanup_cb)
     self._meth = fn.im_func
Example #2
 def next(self):
     if self.i is self.c.ts:
         raise StopIteration
     precondition(self.c.d.has_key(self.i), "The iterated LRUCache doesn't have the next key.  Most likely this is because someone altered the contents of the LRUCache while the iteration was in progress.", self.i, self.c)
     (v, p, n,) = self.c.d[self.i]
     self.i = n
     return v
Example #3
def measure_ref_leakage(f, numsamples=2**7, iterspersample=2**4, *args, **kwargs):
    The idea is we are going to use sys.gettotalrefcount() to see how many
    references are extant, and keep track of that number with respect to how
    many times we've invoked f(), and return the slope of the best linear

    @param numsamples: recommended: 2**7

    @param iterspersample: how many times f() should be invoked per sample;
                           Basically, choose iterspersample such that
                           iterspersample * numsamples *
                           how-long-it-takes-to-compute-f() is slightly less
                           than how long you are willing to wait for this
                           leak test.

    @return: the slope of the best linear fit, which can be interpreted as 'the
             approximate number of Python references created and not
             nullified per invocation of f()'
    precondition(numsamples > 0, "numsamples is required to be positive.", numsamples)
    precondition(iterspersample > 0, "iterspersample is required to be positive.", iterspersample)

    except AttributeError, le:
        raise AttributeError(le, "Probably this is not a debug build of Python, so it doesn't have a sys.gettotalrefcount function.")
Example #4
 def next(self):
     precondition(self.i <= len(self.c._lru), "The iterated SmallLRUCache doesn't have this many elements.  Most likely this is because someone altered the contents of the LRUCache while the iteration was in progress.", self.i, self.c)
     precondition(dict.has_key(self.c, self.c._lru[self.i]), "The iterated SmallLRUCache doesn't have this key.  Most likely this is because someone altered the contents of the LRUCache while the iteration was in progress.", self.i, self.c._lru[self.i], self.c)
     if self.i == len(self.c._lru):
         raise StopIteration
     k = self.i
     self.i += 1
     return dict.__getitem__(self.c, k)
Example #5
 def next(self):
     if self.i is self.c.hs:
         raise StopIteration
     k = self.i
     precondition(self.c.d.has_key(k), "The iterated OrderedDict doesn't have the next key.  Most likely this is because someone altered the contents of the OrderedDict while the iteration was in progress.", k, self.c)
     (v, p, n,) = self.c.d[k]
     self.i = p
     return k
Example #6
 def next(self):
     if self.i is self.c.hs:
         raise StopIteration
     k = self.i
     precondition(self.c.d.has_key(k), "The iterated OrderedDict doesn't have the next key.  Most likely this is because someone altered the contents of the OrderedDict while the iteration was in progress.", k, self.c)
     (v, p, n,) = self.c.d[k]
     self.i = p
     return k
Example #7
    def __init__(self, initialdata={}, maxsize=128):
        precondition(maxsize > 0)
        self.m = maxsize+2 # The +2 is for the head and tail nodes.
        self.d = {} # k: k, v: [v, prev, next,] # the dict
        self.hs = LRUCache.Sentinel("hs")
        self.ts = LRUCache.Sentinel("ts")
        self.d[self.hs] = [None, self.hs, self.ts,] # This allows us to use sentinels as normal nodes.
        self.d[self.ts] = [None, self.hs, self.ts,] # This allows us to use sentinels as normal nodes.

        assert self._assert_invariants()
Example #8
def measure_mem_leakage(f,
    This does the same thing as measure_obj_leakage() but instead of using
    count_all_objects() it uses get_mem_usage(), which is currently
    implemented for Linux and barely implemented for Mac OS X.

    @param numsamples: recommended: 2**7

    @param iterspersample: how many times `f()' should be invoked per sample;
                           Basically, choose `iterspersample' such that
                           (iterspersample * numsamples *
                           how-long-it-takes-to-compute-`f()') is slightly
                           less than how long you are willing to wait for
                           this leak test.

    @return: the slope of the best linear fit, which can be interpreted as
             'the approximate number of system bytes allocated and not freed
             per invocation of f()'
    precondition(numsamples > 0, "numsamples is required to be positive.",
    precondition(iterspersample > 0,
                 "iterspersample is required to be positive.", iterspersample)

    resiters = [None] * numsamples  # values: iters
    resmemusage = [None] * numsamples  # values: memusage

    totaliters = 0
    for i in range(numsamples):
        for j in range(iterspersample):
            f(*args, **kwargs)
        totaliters = totaliters + iterspersample
        resiters[i] = totaliters
        resmemusage[i] = get_mem_used_res()
        # print "totaliters: %s, numobjs: %s" % (resiters[-1], resmemusage[-1],)

    avex = float(reduce(operator.__add__, resiters)) / len(resiters)
    avey = float(reduce(operator.__add__, resmemusage)) / len(resmemusage)
    sxy = reduce(
        map(lambda a, avex=avex, avey=avey: (a[0] - avex) * (a[1] - avey),
            zip(resiters, resmemusage)))
    sxx = reduce(operator.__add__,
                 map(lambda a, avex=avex: (a - avex)**2, resiters))
    if sxx == 0:
        return None
    return sxy / sxx
Example #9
def measure_obj_leakage(f,
    The idea is we are going to use count_all_objects() to see how many
    objects are in use, and keep track of that number with respect to how
    many times we've invoked f(), and return the slope of the best linear

    @param numsamples: recommended: 2**7

    @param iterspersample: how many times f() should be invoked per sample;
                           Basically, choose iterspersample such that
                           iterspersample * numsamples *
                           how-long-it-takes-to-compute-f() is slightly less
                           than how long you are willing to wait for this
                           leak test.

    @return: the slope of the best linear fit, which can be interpreted as 'the
             approximate number of Python objects created and not destroyed
             per invocation of f()'
    precondition(numsamples > 0, "numsamples is required to be positive.",
    precondition(iterspersample > 0,
                 "iterspersample is required to be positive.", iterspersample)

    resiters = [None] * numsamples  # values: iters
    resnumobjs = [None] * numsamples  # values: numobjs

    totaliters = 0
    for i in range(numsamples):
        for j in range(iterspersample):
            f(*args, **kwargs)
        totaliters = totaliters + iterspersample
        resiters[i] = totaliters
        resnumobjs[i] = count_all_objects()
        # print "totaliters: %s, numobjs: %s" % (resiters[-1], resnumobjs[-1],)

    avex = float(reduce(operator.__add__, resiters)) / len(resiters)
    avey = float(reduce(operator.__add__, resnumobjs)) / len(resnumobjs)
    sxy = reduce(
        map(lambda a, avex=avex, avey=avey: (a[0] - avex) * (a[1] - avey),
            zip(resiters, resnumobjs)))
    sxx = reduce(operator.__add__,
                 map(lambda a, avex=avex: (a - avex)**2, resiters))
    return sxy / sxx
Example #10
def measure_mem_leakage(f, numsamples=2**7, iterspersample=2**4, *args, **kwargs):
    This does the same thing as measure_obj_leakage() but instead of using
    count_all_objects() it uses get_mem_usage(), which is currently
    implemented for Linux and barely implemented for Mac OS X.

    @param numsamples: recommended: 2**7

    @param iterspersample: how many times `f()' should be invoked per sample;
                           Basically, choose `iterspersample' such that
                           (iterspersample * numsamples *
                           how-long-it-takes-to-compute-`f()') is slightly
                           less than how long you are willing to wait for
                           this leak test.

    @return: the slope of the best linear fit, which can be interpreted as
             'the approximate number of system bytes allocated and not freed
             per invocation of f()'
    precondition(numsamples > 0, "numsamples is required to be positive.", numsamples)
    precondition(iterspersample > 0, "iterspersample is required to be positive.", iterspersample)

    resiters = [None]*numsamples # values: iters
    resmemusage = [None]*numsamples # values: memusage

    totaliters = 0
    for i in range(numsamples):
        for j in range(iterspersample):
            f(*args, **kwargs)
        totaliters = totaliters + iterspersample
        resiters[i] = totaliters
        resmemusage[i] = get_mem_used_res()
        # print "totaliters: %s, numobjs: %s" % (resiters[-1], resmemusage[-1],)

    avex = float(reduce(operator.__add__, resiters)) / len(resiters)
    avey = float(reduce(operator.__add__, resmemusage)) / len(resmemusage)
    sxy = reduce(operator.__add__, map(lambda a, avex=avex, avey=avey: (a[0] - avex) * (a[1] - avey), zip(resiters, resmemusage)))
    sxx = reduce(operator.__add__, map(lambda a, avex=avex: (a - avex) ** 2, resiters))
    if sxx == 0:
        return None
    return sxy / sxx
Example #11
def measure_obj_leakage(f, numsamples=2**7, iterspersample=2**4, *args, **kwargs):
    The idea is we are going to use count_all_objects() to see how many
    objects are in use, and keep track of that number with respect to how
    many times we've invoked f(), and return the slope of the best linear

    @param numsamples: recommended: 2**7

    @param iterspersample: how many times f() should be invoked per sample;
                           Basically, choose iterspersample such that
                           iterspersample * numsamples *
                           how-long-it-takes-to-compute-f() is slightly less
                           than how long you are willing to wait for this
                           leak test.

    @return: the slope of the best linear fit, which can be interpreted as 'the
             approximate number of Python objects created and not destroyed
             per invocation of f()'
    precondition(numsamples > 0, "numsamples is required to be positive.", numsamples)
    precondition(iterspersample > 0, "iterspersample is required to be positive.", iterspersample)

    resiters = [None]*numsamples # values: iters
    resnumobjs = [None]*numsamples # values: numobjs

    totaliters = 0
    for i in range(numsamples):
        for j in range(iterspersample):
            f(*args, **kwargs)
        totaliters = totaliters + iterspersample
        resiters[i] = totaliters
        resnumobjs[i] = count_all_objects()
        # print "totaliters: %s, numobjs: %s" % (resiters[-1], resnumobjs[-1],)

    avex = float(reduce(operator.__add__, resiters)) / len(resiters)
    avey = float(reduce(operator.__add__, resnumobjs)) / len(resnumobjs)
    sxy = reduce(operator.__add__, map(lambda a, avex=avex, avey=avey: (a[0] - avex) * (a[1] - avey), zip(resiters, resnumobjs)))
    sxx = reduce(operator.__add__, map(lambda a, avex=avex: (a - avex) ** 2, resiters))
    return sxy / sxx
Example #12
 def __init__(self, fn, callback=None):
     warnings.warn("deprecated", DeprecationWarning)
     precondition(hasattr(fn, "im_self"), "fn is required to be a bound method.")
     self._cleanupcallback = callback
     self._obj = ref(fn.im_self, self.call_cleanup_cb)
     self._meth = fn.im_func