Example #1
def _build_manifest_helper(static_dir, src_paths, static_url_prefix, manifest):
    assert isinstance(src_paths, (list, tuple))
    for src_path in src_paths:
        # Make sure every source path at least has the skeleton entry
        rel_src_path = make_relative_static_path(static_dir, src_path)
        logging.info('_build_manifest_helper %s (crrent %s)', src_path, manifest.assets.get(rel_src_path))
        manifest.assets.setdefault(rel_src_path, empty_asset_entry())
        for dep_path in iter_deps(static_dir, src_path, static_url_prefix):
            logging.info('%s > dependency %s', src_path, dep_path)
            rel_path = make_relative_static_path(static_dir, dep_path)
            _build_manifest_helper(static_dir, [dep_path], static_url_prefix, manifest)
Example #2
def _build_manifest_helper(static_dir, src_paths, static_url_prefix, manifest):
    assert isinstance(src_paths, (list, tuple))
    for src_path in src_paths:
        # Make sure every source path at least has the skeleton entry
        rel_src_path = make_relative_static_path(static_dir, src_path)
        logging.info('_build_manifest_helper %s (crrent %s)', src_path,
        manifest.assets.setdefault(rel_src_path, empty_asset_entry())
        for dep_path in iter_deps(static_dir, src_path, static_url_prefix):
            logging.info('%s > dependency %s', src_path, dep_path)
            rel_path = make_relative_static_path(static_dir, dep_path)
            _build_manifest_helper(static_dir, [dep_path], static_url_prefix,
Example #3
 def get_current_content_hash(self, manifest):
     """Gets the md5 hash for each of the files in this manager's list of assets."""
     h = hashlib.md5()
     for path in self.get_paths():
         relative_path = make_relative_static_path(self.settings['static_dir'], path)
         assert relative_path in manifest.assets, relative_path
     return h.hexdigest()
Example #4
 def replacer(match):
     prefix, rel_path = match.groups()
     path = make_relative_static_path(static_dir, rel_path)
     if path in manifest.assets:
         versioned_path = manifest.assets[path]['versioned_path']
         if isinstance(replacement_prefix, (list, tuple)):
             prefix = get_shard_from_list(replacement_prefix, versioned_path)
             prefix = replacement_prefix
         return prefix.rstrip('/') + '/' + versioned_path.lstrip('/')
     logging.warn('Missing path %s in manifest, using %s', path, match.group(0))
     return match.group(0)
Example #5
 def replacer(match):
     prefix, rel_path = match.groups()
     path = make_relative_static_path(static_dir, rel_path)
     if path in manifest.assets:
         versioned_path = manifest.assets[path]['versioned_path']
         if isinstance(replacement_prefix, (list, tuple)):
             prefix = get_shard_from_list(replacement_prefix, versioned_path)
             prefix = replacement_prefix
         replacement_link = prefix.rstrip('/') + '/' + versioned_path.lstrip('/')
         logging.info('replacing %s -> %s', path, replacement_link)
         return replacement_link
     logging.warn('Missing path %s in manifest, using %s', path, match.group(0))
     return match.group(0)
Example #6
def build_manifest(tornado_paths, django_paths, settings):
    """Recursively builds the dependency manifest for the given list of source
    assert isinstance(tornado_paths, (list, tuple))
    assert isinstance(django_paths, (list, tuple))

    paths = list(set(tornado_paths).union(set(django_paths)))
    # First, parse each template to build a list of AssetCompiler instances
    path_infos = [(x, 'tornado_template') for x in tornado_paths]
    path_infos += [(x, 'django_template') for x in django_paths]
    compilers = build_compilers(path_infos, settings)

    # Add each AssetCompiler's paths to our set of paths to search for deps
    paths = set(paths)
    for compiler in compilers:
        new_paths = compiler.get_paths()
        if settings.get('verbose'):
            print compiler, new_paths
    paths = list(paths)

    # Start building the new manifest
    manifest = Manifest(settings)
    _build_manifest_helper(settings['static_dir'], paths,
                           settings['static_url_prefix'], manifest)
    assert all(
        make_relative_static_path(settings['static_dir'], path) in
        manifest.assets for path in paths)

    # Next, calculate the version hash for each entry in the manifest
    for src_path in manifest.assets:
        version_dependency(src_path, manifest)

    # Normalize and validate the manifest

    # Update the 'blocks' section of the manifest for each asset block
    for compiler in compilers:
        name_hash = compiler.get_hash()
        content_hash = compiler.get_current_content_hash(manifest)
        manifest.blocks[name_hash] = {
            'version': content_hash,
            'versioned_path': content_hash + '.' + compiler.get_ext(),

    return manifest, compilers
Example #7
def build_manifest(tornado_paths, django_paths, settings):
    """Recursively builds the dependency manifest for the given list of source
    assert isinstance(tornado_paths, (list, tuple))
    assert isinstance(django_paths, (list, tuple))

    paths = list(set(tornado_paths).union(set(django_paths)))
    # First, parse each template to build a list of AssetCompiler instances
    path_infos = [(x, 'tornado_template') for x in tornado_paths]
    path_infos += [(x, 'django_template') for x in django_paths]
    compilers = build_compilers(path_infos, settings)

    # Add each AssetCompiler's paths to our set of paths to search for deps
    paths = set(paths)
    for compiler in compilers:
        new_paths = compiler.get_paths()
        if settings.get('verbose'):
            print compiler, new_paths
    paths = list(paths)

    # Start building the new manifest
    manifest = Manifest(settings)
    _build_manifest_helper(settings['static_dir'], paths, settings['static_url_prefix'], manifest)
    assert all(make_relative_static_path(settings['static_dir'], path) in manifest.assets for path in paths)

    # Next, calculate the version hash for each entry in the manifest
    for src_path in manifest.assets:
        version_dependency(src_path, manifest)

    # Normalize and validate the manifest

    # Update the 'blocks' section of the manifest for each asset block
    for compiler in compilers:
        name_hash = compiler.get_hash()
        content_hash = compiler.get_current_content_hash(manifest)
        manifest.blocks[name_hash] = {
            'version': content_hash,
            'versioned_path': content_hash + '.' + compiler.get_ext(),

    return manifest, compilers