Example #1
    def max(self, state, a, b, table):

        util = -999
        possActs = state.actions()
        best = None

        #if state in table:
        #      return best;

        #checks if the current state is terminal
        if (state.is_terminal()):

            return state.utility(currPly)

        #if there are no possible actions with this board
        if not (possActs):
            #set the next state to be the same board,
            #but with the opponents row
            nextState = State(state.board, state.opponent_row, state.player)
            #and run it
            util = self.min(nextState, a, b, table)

            if (util >= b):
                return util

            if (util > a):
                a = util

        #if theres no already best set action
        if best is None:

            #if there are possible actions
            while (possActs):
                #get the next possible action
                curr = possActs.pop(0)

                #get the state that results from the current action
                nextState = state.result(curr)
                #get the utility
                nextUtil = self.min(nextState, a, b, table)

                #if the utility is greater reassign the current utility
                #and add the move a the current best move into the table
                if (nextUtil > util):
                    util = nextUtil
                    best = curr
                    table[state.ser] = (best, util)

        #compare the utility with alpha and beta
                if (util >= b):
                    return util
                elif (util > a):
                    a = util

        #return the utility
        return util
Example #2
	def minmax(self, state, num):
		#starts off by getting all possible actions

		global action
		if (state.is_terminal()):
			table[state.ser] = None
			return state.utility(currPly)
		#checks if the game reached a terminal state
		#and if it did it return the utility

		#sets the util based on current player
		if(currPly.row == state.player_row):
			util =-1;
			util =1;
			#if there are no possible actions available
		if not(posActs):
			nextState = State(state.board, state.opponent_row, state.player)
			util = self.minmax(nextState, False)
			table[state.ser] = None
			return util
			currentAction =posActs.pop()
			nextState = state.result(currentAction)
			nextUtility = self.minmax(nextState, False)
			if (currPly.row == state.player_row):
				if (util <= nextUtility):
					util = nextUtility;
					table[state.ser] = currentAction
				 if (util >= nextUtility):
					util = nextUtility
					table[state.ser] = currentAction


		return util
Example #3
    def minValue(self, state, depth):

        global transpositionTable
        ''' state key '''
		stateString = ""
		for i in state.board:
			stateString += str(i)
			stateString += ","
		stateString += str(state.player_row)
        stateString = state.ser()
        ''' 1. Terminal test '''
        if (state.is_terminal()):
            utility = state.utility(player)
            transpositionTable[stateString] = (None, utility)
            return utility
        ''' 2. Initialize utility to positive infinite (effectively) '''
        utility = 2
        ''' Process actions '''
        actions = state.actions()

        # No actions available
        if not (actions):
            nextState = State(state.board, state.opponent_row, state.player)
            utility = self.maxValue(nextState, depth + 1)
            transpositionTable[stateString] = (None, utility)
            return utility

            while (actions):

                currentAction = actions.pop(0)
                nextState = state.result(currentAction)

                utilityTmp = self.maxValue(nextState, depth + 1)

                # Get the max utility
                if (utility > utilityTmp):
                    utility = utilityTmp
                    transpositionTable[stateString] = (currentAction, utility)

            return utility
Example #4
    def min(self, state, a, b, table):

        best = None
        util = 999
        possActs = state.actions()

        if (state.is_terminal()):
            return state.utility(currPly)

        #if state in table:
        #   return best;

        if not (possActs):
            nextState = State(state.board, state.opponent_row, state.player)
            util = self.max(nextState, a, b, table)

            if (util <= a):
                return util

            if (b > util):
                b = util

        if best is None:

            while (possActs):
                curr = possActs.pop(0)
                nextState = state.result(curr)

                nextUtil = self.max(nextState, a, b, table)
                if (util > nextUtil):
                    util = nextUtil
                    best = curr
                    table[state.ser] = (best, util)

                if (util <= a):
                    return util

                if (util < b):
                    b = util

        return util
Example #5
    def maxValue(self, state, alpha, beta, depth):

        global depth_limit
        global transpositionTableForMax
        global search_is_complete
        global max_depth_reached

        if (depth >= max_depth_reached):
            max_depth_reached = depth
        ''' state key '''
		stateString = ""
		for i in state.board:
			stateString += str(i)
			stateString += ","
        stateString = state.ser()
        ''' Check the time '''

        if (self.is_time_up()):
            if (state.is_terminal()):
                value = state.utility(player)

                value = self.evaluate(state, player.row, depth)
                search_is_complete = False

            #transpositionTableForMax[stateString] = (None, value, depth)
            return value
        ''' Check the depth '''

        if (depth >= depth_limit):
            if (state.is_terminal()):
                value = state.utility(player)

                value = self.evaluate(state, player.row, depth)
                search_is_complete = False

            #transpositionTableForMax[stateString] = (None, value, depth)
            return value
        ''' 1. Terminal test '''
        if (state.is_terminal()):
            value = state.utility(player)
            #transpositionTableForMax[stateString] = (None, value, depth)
            return value
        ''' 2. Initialize value to negative infinite (effectively) '''
        value = -2
        ''' Process actions '''
        actions = state.actions()

        # No actions available
        if not (actions):
            nextState = State(state.board, state.opponent_row, state.player)
            value = self.minValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)
            #transpositionTableForMax[stateString] = (None, value, depth)

            # Prune if possible
			if (value >= beta):
				return value
			if (value > alpha):
				alpha = value
            return value

            bestAction = transpositionTableForMax.get(stateString, None)
            if not (bestAction is None):
                currentAction = bestAction[0]
                #print "BEST ACTION AT MAX" + stateString + " " + str(currentAction.index)
                #print str(state.board)
                nextState = state.result(currentAction)

                valueTmp = self.minValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)

                # Get the max value
                if (value < valueTmp):
                    value = valueTmp
                    #print "Storing for max, at " + stateString + " " + str(currentAction.index)
                    transpositionTableForMax[stateString] = (currentAction,
                                                             value, depth)

                # Prune if possible
                if (value >= beta):
                    return value
                if (value > alpha):
                    alpha = value

                while (actions):

                    currentAction = actions.pop(0)
                    if not (currentAction == bestAction[0]):
                        nextState = state.result(currentAction)

                        valueTmp = self.minValue(nextState, alpha, beta,
                                                 depth + 1)

                        #if (depth == 0):
                        #	print str(nextState.board) + " " + str(valueTmp)

                        # Get the max value
                        if (value < valueTmp):
                            value = valueTmp
                            #print "Storing for max, at " + stateString + " " + str(currentAction.index)
                            transpositionTableForMax[stateString] = (
                                currentAction, value, depth)

                        # TIEBREAKER
                        if (value == valueTmp):
                            if (currentAction.index < (bestAction[0]).index):
                                transpositionTableForMax[stateString] = (
                                    currentAction, value, depth)

                        # Prune if possible
                        if (value > beta):
                            return value
                        if (value > alpha):
                            alpha = value
                while (actions):

                    currentAction = actions.pop(0)
                    nextState = state.result(currentAction)

                    valueTmp = self.minValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)

                    #if (depth == 0):
                    #	print str(nextState.board) + " " + str(valueTmp)

                    # Get the max value
                    if (value < valueTmp):
                        value = valueTmp
                        #print "Storing for max, at " + stateString + " " + str(currentAction.index)
                        transpositionTableForMax[stateString] = (currentAction,
                                                                 value, depth)

                    # Prune if possible
                    if (value >= beta):
                        return value
                    if (value > alpha):
                        alpha = value

            return value
Example #6
 def __init__(self, M, N, K, player_classes, timeout=None):
     self.players = Player.create_players(player_classes)
     self.state = State.initial(M, N, K, self.players[0])
     self.timeout = timeout
Example #7
    def maxValue(self, state, alpha, beta, depth):
        #print "maxValue executes at depth " + str(depth)
        stateString = ""
        for i in state.board:
            stateString += str(i)
        stateString += str(state.player_row)

        #print stateString

        global changed

        #print("MAX VALUE CALLED")
        global depth_limit

        # Check the time, start exiting
        if (self.is_time_up == True):
            print("TIME IS UP")

            return self.evaluate(state, state.player_row)

        #print("TIME IS NOT UP")

        # Check the depth:
        if (depth >= depth_limit):
            #print ("REACHED THE LIMIT")
            return self.evaluate(state, state.player_row)

        #print ("PAST THE CHECK")
        # Check if best action exists

        bestAction = transposition_table.get(stateString, None)

        value = (state.M * state.N + 1) * -1
        if (stateString == "020700180"):
            print str(value) + " BWAEfORE"

        # Best Action Exists
        # Expand best node first
        if not (bestAction is None):

            # Terminal test, exit
            if (state.is_terminal()):
                return bestAction[1]

            nextState = state.result(bestAction[0])
            valueTmp = self.minValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)

            # Update value
            if (value > valueTmp):
                value = valueTmp

            # Prune if able to
            if (value >= beta):
                return value

            # Update alpha
            if (value > alpha):
                alpha = value
				# Terminal test
				if (state.is_terminal()): 
					return state.utility(player)

				# Past lowest possible utility, effectively negative infinite
				utility = 2

            ### Change best action ###
            print "MAX" + stateString
            changed = True

        # Terminal test, exit
        if (state.is_terminal()):
            #print ("TERMINAL STATE")
            value = self.evaluate(state, state.player_row)
            transposition_table[stateString] = (None, value)
            return self.evaluate(state, state.player_row)

        # Then expand OTHER nodes
        # Get the actions from this state
        actions = state.actions()

        # No available actions, repeat state but switch players
        if not (actions):
            #print "NO ACTIONS FOR MAX"
            nextState = State(state.board, state.opponent_row, state.player)
            value = self.minValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)
            transposition_table[stateString] = (None, value)

            if (value >= beta):
                return value

            if (value > alpha):
                alpha = value

        # Actions available
        if (stateString == "020700180"):
            print str(value) + " BEfORE"
        while (actions):
            currentAction = actions.pop(0)

            # Check only nodes that aren't the previous best action
            if not (bestAction == None):
                if not (currentAction == bestAction[0]):

                    nextState = state.result(currentAction)

                    valueTmp = self.minValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)
                    if (valueTmp > value):
                        value = valueTmp
                        newBestAction = currentAction

                        #if (stateString == "1011101"):
                        #	print "WHAT?"
                        transposition_table[stateString] = (newBestAction,

                        # tie break
						if (utility == utilityTmp):
							bestAction = alphabetatranspositionTable.get(stateString, None)
							index = bestAction[0].index
							if (currentAction.index < index):
								print "tiebreaking"
								bestAction = currentAction
								alphabetatranspositionTable[stateString] = (bestAction, utility)'''

                    # Prune if able
                    if (value >= beta):
                        return value

                    # Update alpha
                    if (value > alpha):
                        alpha = value


                #print "NO BEST ACTION CHECKING ALL from " + stateString + " with intial value: " + str(value)
                nextState = state.result(currentAction)

                valueTmp = self.minValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)
                print str(value)
                if (valueTmp > value):
                    if (stateString == "020700180"):
                        print "ACTION available"
                    value = valueTmp
                    newBestAction = currentAction

                    transposition_table[stateString] = (newBestAction, value)

                    # tie break
					if (utility == utilityTmp):
						bestAction = alphabetatranspositionTable.get(stateString, None)
						index = bestAction[0].index
						if (currentAction.index < index):
							print "tiebreaking"
							bestAction = currentAction
							alphabetatranspositionTable[stateString] = (bestAction, utility)'''

                # Prune if able
                if (value >= beta):
                    return value

                # Update alpha
                if (value > alpha):
                    alpha = value

        return value
Example #8
    def minValue(self, state, alpha, beta, depth):

        #print "minValue executes at depth " + str(depth)
        stateString = ""
        for i in state.board:
            stateString += str(i)
        stateString += str(state.player_row)

        #print stateString

        global changed

        global depth_limit
        #print "MIN VALUE VALLED"
        # Check the time, start exiting
        if (self.is_time_up == True):
            print "TIME US UP"
            return self.evaluate(state, state.player_row)

        #print "TIME US NOT UP"
		# Terminal test, exit
		if (state.is_terminal()):

			#print "TERMINAL"
			return self.evaluate(state, state.player_row) * -1


        # Check the depth:
        if (depth >= depth_limit):
            #print self.evaluate(state, state.player_row) * -1
            return self.evaluate(state, state.player_row)

        # Check if best action exists
        bestAction = transposition_table.get(stateString, None)

        value = state.M * state.N + 1

        # Best Action Exists
        # Expand best node first
        if not (bestAction is None):

            #print "best action exists"

            # Terminal test, exit
            if (state.is_terminal()):
                return bestAction[1]

            nextState = state.result(bestAction[0])
            valueTmp = self.maxValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)

            # Update value
            if (value > valueTmp):
                value = valueTmp

            # Prune if able to
            if (value <= alpha):
                return value

            # Update beta
            if (value < beta):
                beta = value
				# Terminal test
				if (state.is_terminal()): 
					return state.utility(player)

				# Past lowest possible utility, effectively negative infinite
				utility = 2

            #print "best action does not exist"
            ### Change best action ###
            print stateString
            changed = True
        #print "must print"

        # Terminal test, exit
        if (state.is_terminal()):
            #print (stateString + "TERMINAL STATE")
            value = self.evaluate(state, state.player_row)
            transposition_table[stateString] = (None, value)
            return self.evaluate(state, state.player_row)

        # Then expand OTHER nodes
        # Get the actions from this state
        actions = state.actions()

        # No available actions, repeat state but switch players
        if not (actions):
            #print "NO ACTIONS FOR MIN"
            nextState = State(state.board, state.opponent_row, state.player)
            value = self.maxValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)
            transposition_table[stateString] = (None, value)

            if (value <= alpha):
                return value

            if (value < beta):
                beta = value

        # Actions available
        while (actions):
            currentAction = actions.pop(0)

            if not (bestAction == None):

                # Check only nodes that aren't the previous best action
                if not (currentAction == bestAction[0]):

                    nextState = state.result(currentAction)

                    valueTmp = self.maxValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)
                    if (value > valueTmp):
                        value = valueTmp
                        newBestAction = currentAction
                        transposition_table[stateString] = (newBestAction,

                        # tie break
						if (utility == utilityTmp):
							bestAction = alphabetatranspositionTable.get(stateString, None)
							index = bestAction[0].index
							if (currentAction.index < index):
								print "tiebreaking"
								bestAction = currentAction
								alphabetatranspositionTable[stateString] = (bestAction, utility)'''

                    # Prune if able
                    if (value <= alpha):
                        return value

                    # Update beta
                    if (value < beta):
                        beta = value

                nextState = state.result(currentAction)

                valueTmp = self.maxValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)
                if (value > valueTmp):
                    value = valueTmp
                    newBestAction = currentAction

                    transposition_table[stateString] = (newBestAction, value)

                    # tie break
					if (utility == utilityTmp):
						bestAction = alphabetatranspositionTable.get(stateString, None)
						index = bestAction[0].index
						if (currentAction.index < index):
							print "tiebreaking"
							bestAction = currentAction
							alphabetatranspositionTable[stateString] = (bestAction, utility)'''

                # Prune if able
                if (value <= alpha):
                    return value

                # Update beta
                if (value < beta):
                    beta = value

        return value
Example #9
 def __init__(self, M, N, K, player_classes, timeout=None):
     self.players = Player.create_players(player_classes)
     self.state = State.initial(M, N, K, self.players[0])
     self.timeout = timeout
Example #10
    def maxValue(self, state, alpha, beta, depth):

        global transpositionTableForMax
        ''' state key '''
		stateString = ""
		for i in state.board:
			stateString += str(i)
			stateString += ","
        stateString = state.ser()
        ''' Check to see if we've already encountered this state '''
		action = transpositionTableForMax.get(stateString, None)
		if not(action is None):
			return action[1]
        ''' 1. Terminal test '''
        if (state.is_terminal()):
            utility = state.utility(player)
            #transpositionTableForMax[stateString] = (None, utility, depth)
            return utility
        ''' 2. Initialize utility to negative infinite (effectively) '''
        utility = -2
        ''' Process actions '''
        actions = state.actions()

        # No actions available
        if not (actions):
            nextState = State(state.board, state.opponent_row, state.player)
            utility = self.minValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)
            #transpositionTableForMax[stateString] = (None, utility, depth)

            # Prune if possible
			if (utility >= beta):
				return utility
			if (utility > alpha):
				alpha = utility
            return utility

            bestAction = transpositionTableForMax.get(stateString, None)
            if not (bestAction is None):
                currentAction = bestAction[0]
                nextState = state.result(currentAction)

                utilityTmp = self.minValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)

                # Get the max utility
                if (utility < utilityTmp):
                    utility = utilityTmp
                    transpositionTableForMax[stateString] = (currentAction,
                                                             utility, depth)

                # Prune if possible
                if (utility >= beta):
                    return utility
                if (utility > alpha):
                    alpha = utility

                while (actions):

                    currentAction = actions.pop(0)
                    if not (currentAction == bestAction[0]):
                        nextState = state.result(currentAction)

                        utilityTmp = self.minValue(nextState, alpha, beta,
                                                   depth + 1)

                        # Get the max utility
                        if (utility < utilityTmp):
                            utility = utilityTmp
                            transpositionTableForMax[stateString] = (
                                currentAction, utility, depth)

                        # Prune if possible
                        if (utility >= beta):
                            return utility
                        if (utility > alpha):
                            alpha = utility
                while (actions):

                    currentAction = actions.pop(0)
                    nextState = state.result(currentAction)

                    utilityTmp = self.minValue(nextState, alpha, beta,
                                               depth + 1)

                    # Get the max utility
                    if (utility < utilityTmp):
                        utility = utilityTmp
                        transpositionTableForMax[stateString] = (currentAction,

                    # Prune if possible
                    if (utility > beta):
                        return utility
                    if (utility > alpha):
                        alpha = utility

            return utility
Example #11
    def minimax(self, state, first):
        global action

        actionIndex = state.M * 2 + 2

        actions = state.actions()

        # Reached terminal state
        if (state.is_terminal()):

            # Return the state's utility
            utility = state.utility(player)
            #print "TERMINAL " + str(state.board) + " " + str(utility)
            return utility

        # max
        if (state.player_row == player.row):
            utility = -2

            if not (actions):
                # no actions available
                nextState = State(state.board, state.opponent_row,
                utility = self.minimax(nextState, first + 1)

            bestAction = None
            while (actions):
                currentAction = actions.pop(0)
                nextState = state.result(currentAction)

                utilityTmp = self.minimax(nextState, first + 1)

                if (utility <= utilityTmp):
                    utility = utilityTmp

                    # first move
                    if (first == 1):
                        action = currentAction
                        actionIndex = currentAction.index

                # first move
				if (utility == utilityTmp):
					if (first == 1):
						if (currentAction.index < actionIndex):
							print "tiebreaking"
							action = currentAction
							actionIndex = currentAction.index'''

        # min
        if (state.player_row != player.row):
            utility = 2

            if not (actions):
                # no actions available
                nextState = State(state.board, state.opponent_row,
                utility = self.minimax(nextState, first + 1)

            while (actions):
                currentAction = actions.pop(0)
                nextState = state.result(currentAction)

                utilityTmp = self.minimax(nextState, first + 1)

                if (utility > utilityTmp):
                    utility = utilityTmp

                    # first move
                    if (first == 1):
                        action = currentAction
                        actionIndex = currentAction.index

        return utility
Example #12
    def maxValue(self, state, alpha, beta, depth):
		global maxDepth
		if depth > maxDepth:
			maxDepth = depth

        stateString = ""
        for i in state.board:
            stateString += str(i)
        stateString += str(state.player_row)

        bestAction = alphabetatranspositionTable.get(stateString, None)
        if bestAction is None:

            # Terminal test
            if (state.is_terminal()):
                utility = state.utility(player)
                print "TERMINAL " + stateString + " " + str(utility)
                alphabetatranspositionTable[stateString] = (None, utility,
                return utility

            # Past lowest possible utility, effectively negative infinite
            utility = -2

            # Get the actions from this state
            actions = state.actions()

            # No available actions, repeat state but switch players
            if not (actions):
                nextState = State(state.board, state.opponent_row,
                utility = self.minValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)
                alphabetatranspositionTable[stateString] = (None, utility,

                if (utility >= beta):
                    return utility

                if (utility > alpha):
                    alpha = utility

            # Actions available
            while (actions):

                currentAction = actions.pop(0)
                nextState = state.result(currentAction)

                utilityTmp = self.minValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)
                if (depth == 0):
                    print str(nextState.board) + " " + str(utilityTmp)

                if (utility < utilityTmp):

                    utility = utilityTmp
                    bestAction = currentAction
                    alphabetatranspositionTable[stateString] = (bestAction,
                                                                utility, depth)

                if (utility >= beta):
                    return utility

                if (utility > alpha):
                    alpha = utility

            return utility

            return bestAction[1]
Example #13
    def maxValue(self, state, alpha, beta, depth):

        global maxDepth
        if (depth > maxDepth):
            maxDepth = depth
        global nonTerminal
        stateString = ""
        for i in state.board:
            stateString += str(i)
        stateString += str(state.player_row)

        #if (stateString == "11110111100"):
        #if not(transposition_table):
        #print "GOOD"

        #if (depth_limit == 35 or depth_limit == 36):
        #print stateString

        # If we're at the depth limit, stop
        # Apply utility function if we're at terminal node, apply evaluation function if we're not
        if (depth >= depth_limit):
            # Terminal test
            if (state.is_terminal()):
                #print "Applying utility"
                utility = state.utility(player)
                "Applying utility for " + stateString + " " + str(utility)
                transposition_table[stateString] = (None, utility, depth)
                return utility

                #print "Applying evaluation"
                #changed = True
                value = self.evaluate(state, player.row)
                "Applying valuefor " + stateString + " " + str(value)
                transposition_table[stateString] = (None, value, depth)
                nonTerminal = True
                return value

        # We're not at the depth limit, handle terminality anyways
        # Terminal test
        if (state.is_terminal()):

            utility = state.utility(player)
            "Applying utility not at depth limit for " + stateString + " " + str(
            transposition_table[stateString] = (None, utility, depth)
            return utility

        # Otherwise we expand the node

        # Past lowest possible utility, effectively negative infinite
        utility = -2

        # Get the actions from this state
        actions = state.actions()

        # No best action yet, will be set recursively on the way up
        bestAction = None

        # No available actions, repeat state but switch players
        if not (actions):
            nextState = State(state.board, state.opponent_row, state.player)
            utility = self.minValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)
            transposition_table[stateString] = (None, utility, depth)

            if (utility >= beta):
                return utility

            if (utility > alpha):
                alpha = utility

        # Actions available, start from low to high index, find the best one

        bestAction = transposition_table.get(stateString, None)
        if (bestAction is None):
            while (actions):

                currentAction = actions.pop(0)
                nextState = state.result(currentAction)

                utilityTmp = self.minValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)

                #if (stateString == "11110111100"):
                #	print str(utilityTmp)
                if (utilityTmp > utility):

                    #	if (stateString == "11110111100"):
                    #		print "WHOANELLY"
                    utility = utilityTmp
                    bestAction = currentAction
                    transposition_table[stateString] = (bestAction, utility,
				# tie break
				if (utility == utilityTmp):
					bestAction = transposition_table.get(stateString, None)
					index = bestAction[0].index
					if (currentAction.index < index):
						print "tiebreaking"
						bestAction = currentAction
						transposition_table[stateString] = (bestAction, utility)'''

                if (utility >= beta):
                    return utility

                if (utility > alpha):
                    alpha = utility

            return utility

            if (depth < bestAction[2]):
                #print "REEXPLORING at " + stateString
                while (actions):
                    currentAction = actions.pop(0)
                    nextState = state.result(currentAction)

                    utilityTmp = self.minValue(nextState, alpha, beta,
                                               depth + 1)
                    if (utilityTmp > utility):
                        utility = utilityTmp
                        bestAction = currentAction
                        #if (nonTerminal == True):
                        #print "UPDATING"
                        #print "REUPDATING at " + stateString
                        transposition_table[stateString] = (bestAction,
                                                            utility, depth)

                    # tie break
                    if (utility == utilityTmp):
                        bestAction = transposition_table.get(stateString, None)
                        index = bestAction[0].index
                        if (currentAction.index < index):
                            print "tiebreaking"
                            bestAction = currentAction
                            transposition_table[stateString] = (bestAction,
                                                                utility, depth)

                    if (utility >= beta):
                        return utility

                    if (utility > alpha):
                        alpha = utility

                #print "utility " + str(utility) + "bestaction 1: " + str(bestAction[1])
                return utility
                return bestAction[1]

            return bestAction[1]
Example #14
    def minValue(self, state, alpha, beta, depth):
        global maxDepth
        if (depth > maxDepth):
            maxDepth = depth
        global nonTerminal

        stateString = ""
        for i in state.board:
            stateString += str(i)

        stateString += str(state.player_row)

        if (depth >= depth_limit):

            # Terminal test
            if (state.is_terminal()):

                utility = state.utility(player)
                print "Applying utiltiy for " + stateString + " " + str(
                transposition_table[stateString] = (None, utility, depth)
                return utility


                nonTerminal = True
                value = self.evaluate(state, player.row)
                print "Applying evaluation for " + stateString + " " + str(
                transposition_table[stateString] = (None, value, depth)
                return value

        bestAction = transposition_table.get(stateString, None)
        #if bestAction is None:
        #	changed = True

        # Terminal test
        if (state.is_terminal()):

            utility = state.utility(player)
            "Applying utility not at depth limit for " + stateString + " " + str(
            transposition_table[stateString] = (None, utility, depth)
            return utility
        # Past lowest possible utility, effectively negative infinite
        utility = 2

        # Get the actions from this state
        actions = state.actions()

        # No available actions, repeat state but switch players
        if not (actions):
            nextState = State(state.board, state.opponent_row, state.player)
            utility = self.maxValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)
            transposition_table[stateString] = (None, utility, depth)

            if (utility <= alpha):
                return utility

            if (beta > utility):
                beta = utility

        if (bestAction is None):
            # Actions available
            while (actions):
                currentAction = actions.pop(0)
                nextState = state.result(currentAction)

                utilityTmp = self.maxValue(nextState, alpha, beta, depth + 1)
                if (utility > utilityTmp):
                    utility = utilityTmp
                    bestAction = currentAction
                    transposition_table[stateString] = (bestAction, utility,

                # tie break
				if (utility == utilityTmp):
					bestAction = transposition_table.get(stateString, None)
					index = bestAction[0].index
					if (currentAction.index < index):
						print "tiebreaking"
						bestAction = currentAction
						transposition_table[stateString] = (bestAction, utility)'''

                if (utility <= alpha):
                    return utility

                if (utility < beta):
                    beta = utility

            return utility

            # If we're at a higher depth than the depth we last saw this state, we will explore

            if (depth < bestAction[2]):

                #print "REEXPLORING at " + stateString
                while (actions):
                    currentAction = actions.pop(0)
                    nextState = state.result(currentAction)

                    utilityTmp = self.maxValue(nextState, alpha, beta,
                                               depth + 1)
                    if (utility > utilityTmp):
                        utility = utilityTmp
                        bestAction = currentAction
                        #if (nonTerminal == True):
                        #	print "UPDATING"
                        #print "Updating at " + stateString
                        transposition_table[stateString] = (bestAction,
                                                            utility, depth)

                    # tie break

                    if (utility == utilityTmp):
                        bestAction = transposition_table.get(stateString, None)
                        index = bestAction[0].index
                        if (currentAction.index < index):
                            print "tiebreaking"
                            bestAction = currentAction
                            transposition_table[stateString] = (bestAction,
                                                                utility, depth)

                    if (utility <= alpha):
                        return utility

                    if (utility < beta):
                        beta = utility

                #print "utility " + str(utility) + "bestaction 1: " + str(bestAction[1])
                return utility
                return bestAction[1]

            return bestAction[1]