Example #1
def load_phong_mesh(file, shader, light_position):
    """ load resources from file using assimp, return list of ColorMesh """
        pp = assimpcy.aiPostProcessSteps
        flags = pp.aiProcess_Triangulate | pp.aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals
        scene = assimpcy.aiImportFile(file, flags)
    except assimpcy.all.AssimpError as exception:
        print('ERROR loading', file + ': ', exception.args[0].decode())
        return []

    # prepare mesh nodes
    meshes = []
    for mesh in scene.mMeshes:
        mat = scene.mMaterials[mesh.mMaterialIndex].properties
        mesh = PhongMesh(shader, [mesh.mVertices, mesh.mNormals],
                         k_d=mat.get('COLOR_DIFFUSE', (1, 1, 1)),
                         k_s=mat.get('COLOR_SPECULAR', (1, 1, 1)),
                         k_a=mat.get('COLOR_AMBIENT', (0, 0, 0)),
                         s=mat.get('SHININESS', 16.),

    size = sum((mesh.mNumFaces for mesh in scene.mMeshes))
    print('Loaded %s\t(%d meshes, %d faces)' % (file, len(meshes), size))
    return meshes
Example #2
def load_skybox(file, shader, tex_files=None):
    """ load resources from file using assimp, return list of TexturedMesh """
        pp = assimpcy.aiPostProcessSteps
        flags = pp.aiProcess_Triangulate | pp.aiProcess_FlipUVs
        scene = assimpcy.aiImportFile(file, flags)
    except assimpcy.all.AssimpError as exception:
        print('ERROR loading', file + ': ', exception.args[0].decode())
        return []

    # Note: embedded textures not supported at the moment
    path = os.path.dirname(file) if os.path.dirname(file) != '' else './'
    for mat in scene.mMaterials:
        if not tex_files and 'TEXTURE_BASE' in mat.properties:  # texture token
            name = os.path.basename(mat.properties['TEXTURE_BASE'])
        if tex_files:
            mat.properties['diffuse_map'] = SkyboxTexture(tex_files)

    # prepare textured mesh
    meshes = []
    for mesh in scene.mMeshes:
        mat = scene.mMaterials[mesh.mMaterialIndex].properties
        assert mat['diffuse_map'], "Trying to map using a textureless material"
        attributes = [mesh.mVertices, mesh.mTextureCoords[0]]
        mesh = TexturedCubeMapMesh(shader, mat['diffuse_map'], attributes,

    size = sum((mesh.mNumFaces for mesh in scene.mMeshes))
    print('Loaded %s\t(%d meshes, %d faces)' % (file, len(meshes), size))
    return meshes
Example #3
    def setUp(self):
        flags = pp.aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices | pp.aiProcess_Triangulate | pp.aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace | \
                pp.aiProcess_OptimizeGraph | pp.aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes | pp.aiProcess_FixInfacingNormals | \
                pp.aiProcess_GenUVCoords | pp.aiProcess_LimitBoneWeights | pp.aiProcess_SortByPType | \

        self.scene = aiImportFile(EXAMPLE_FILE_PATH, flags)
Example #4
def doImport():
    global path, scene
    flags = pp.aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices | pp.aiProcess_Triangulate | pp.aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace | \
            pp.aiProcess_OptimizeGraph | pp.aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes | \
            pp.aiProcess_FixInfacingNormals | pp.aiProcess_GenUVCoords | \
            pp.aiProcess_LimitBoneWeights | pp.aiProcess_SortByPType | pp.aiProcess_RemoveRedundantMaterials

    scene = aiImportFile(pt.join(home, path), flags)
Example #5
def doImport():
    global path, scene
    flags = pp.aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices | pp.aiProcess_Triangulate | pp.aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace | \
            pp.aiProcess_OptimizeGraph | pp.aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes | \
            pp.aiProcess_FixInfacingNormals | pp.aiProcess_GenUVCoords | \
            pp.aiProcess_LimitBoneWeights | pp.aiProcess_SortByPType | pp.aiProcess_RemoveRedundantMaterials

    scene = aiImportFile(pt.join(home, path), flags)
Example #6
    def setUp(self):
        flags = pp.aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices | pp.aiProcess_Triangulate | pp.aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace | \
                pp.aiProcess_OptimizeGraph | pp.aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes | pp.aiProcess_FixInfacingNormals | \
                pp.aiProcess_GenUVCoords | pp.aiProcess_LimitBoneWeights | pp.aiProcess_SortByPType | \

        self.scene = aiImportFile(
            path.join(path.dirname(__file__), path.pardir, 'examples',
                      'models', 'cil', 'cil.x'), flags)
Example #7
    def __init__(self, file, shader):
        self.file = file
        self.shader = shader

            pp = assimpcy.aiPostProcessSteps
            flags = pp.aiProcess_Triangulate | pp.aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals
            self.scene = assimpcy.aiImportFile(file, flags)
        except assimpcy.all.AssimpError as exception:
            print('ERROR loading', file + ': ', exception.args[0].decode())
Example #8
def load(file, shader):
    """ load resources from file using assimp, return list of Mesh """
        pp = assimpcy.aiPostProcessSteps
        flags = pp.aiProcess_Triangulate | pp.aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals
        scene = assimpcy.aiImportFile(file, flags)
    except assimpcy.all.AssimpError as exception:
        print('ERROR loading', file + ': ', exception.args[0].decode())
        return []

    meshes = [Mesh(shader, [m.mVertices, m.mNormals], m.mFaces)
              for m in scene.mMeshes]
    size = sum((mesh.mNumFaces for mesh in scene.mMeshes))
    print('Loaded %s\t(%d meshes, %d faces)' % (file, len(meshes), size))
    return meshes
Example #9
    def LoadMeshes(file):
        """ load resources from file using assimp, return a mesh list """
            pp = assimp.aiPostProcessSteps
            flags = pp.aiProcess_Triangulate
            scene = assimp.aiImportFile(file, flags)
        except assimp.all.AssimpError as exception:
            print('ERROR loading', file + ': ', exception.args[0].decode())
            return []

        meshes = [
                 indexes=m.mFaces) for m in scene.mMeshes
        return meshes
Example #10
def load_phong_tex_mesh(file, shader, tex_file, light_dir):
    """ load resources from file using assimp, return list of ColorMesh """
        pp = assimpcy.aiPostProcessSteps
        flags = pp.aiProcess_Triangulate | pp.aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals | pp.aiProcess_FlipUVs
        scene = assimpcy.aiImportFile(file, flags)
    except assimpcy.all.AssimpError as exception:
        print('ERROR loading', file + ': ', exception.args[0].decode())
        return []

    # Note: embedded textures not supported at the moment
    path = os.path.dirname(file) if os.path.dirname(file) != '' else './'
    for mat in scene.mMaterials:
        if not tex_file and 'TEXTURE_BASE' in mat.properties:  # texture token
            name = os.path.basename(mat.properties['TEXTURE_BASE'])
            # search texture in file's whole subdir since path often screwed up
            paths = os.walk(path, followlinks=True)
            found = [
                os.path.join(d, f) for d, _, n in paths for f in n
                if name.startswith(f) or f.startswith(name)
            assert found, 'Cannot find texture %s in %s subtree' % (name, path)
            tex_file = found[0]
        if tex_file:
            mat.properties['diffuse_map'] = Texture(tex_file)

    # prepare mesh nodes
    meshes = []
    for mesh in scene.mMeshes:
        mat = scene.mMaterials[mesh.mMaterialIndex].properties
        assert mat['diffuse_map'], "Trying to map using a textureless material"
        attributes = [mesh.mVertices, mesh.mNormals, mesh.mTextureCoords[0]]
        mesh = TexturedPhongMesh(shader,
                                 k_d=mat.get('COLOR_DIFFUSE', (1, 1, 1)),
                                 k_s=mat.get('COLOR_SPECULAR', (1, 1, 1)),
                                 k_a=mat.get('COLOR_AMBIENT', (0, 0, 0)),
                                 s=mat.get('SHININESS', 16.),

    size = sum((mesh.mNumFaces for mesh in scene.mMeshes))
    print('Loaded %s\t(%d meshes, %d faces)' % (file, len(meshes), size))
    return meshes
Example #11
def load_skinned(file, shader, light_dir, tex_file=None):
    """load resources from file using assimp, return node hierarchy """
        pp = assimpcy.aiPostProcessSteps
        flags = pp.aiProcess_Triangulate | pp.aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals
        scene = assimpcy.aiImportFile(file, flags)
    except assimpcy.all.AssimpError as exception:
        print('ERROR loading', file + ': ', exception.args[0].decode())
        return []

    # ----- load animations
    def conv(assimp_keys, ticks_per_second):
        """ Conversion from assimp key struct to our dict representation """
        return {key.mTime / ticks_per_second: key.mValue for key in assimp_keys}

    # load first animation in scene file (could be a loop over all animations)
    transform_keyframes = {}
    if scene.mAnimations:
        anim = scene.mAnimations[0]
        for channel in anim.mChannels:
            # for each animation bone, store TRS dict with {times: transforms}
            transform_keyframes[channel.mNodeName] = (
                conv(channel.mPositionKeys, anim.mTicksPerSecond),
                conv(channel.mRotationKeys, anim.mTicksPerSecond),
                conv(channel.mScalingKeys, anim.mTicksPerSecond)

    # ---- prepare scene graph nodes
    # create SkinningControlNode for each assimp node.
    # node creation needs to happen first as SkinnedMeshes store an array of
    # these nodes that represent their bone transforms
    nodes = {}                                       # nodes name -> node lookup
    nodes_per_mesh_id = [[] for _ in scene.mMeshes]  # nodes holding a mesh_id

    def make_nodes(assimp_node):
        """ Recursively builds nodes for our graph, matching assimp nodes """
        trs_keyframes = transform_keyframes.get(assimp_node.mName, (None,))
        skin_node = SkinningControlNode(*trs_keyframes,
        nodes[assimp_node.mName] = skin_node
        for mesh_index in assimp_node.mMeshes:
        skin_node.add(*(make_nodes(child) for child in assimp_node.mChildren))
        return skin_node

    path = os.path.dirname(file) if os.path.dirname(file) != '' else './'
    for mat in scene.mMaterials:
        if not tex_file and 'TEXTURE_BASE' in mat.properties:  # texture token
            name = os.path.basename(mat.properties['TEXTURE_BASE'])
            # search texture in file's whole subdir since path often screwed up
            paths = os.walk(path, followlinks=True)
            found = [os.path.join(d, f) for d, _, n in paths for f in n
                     if name.startswith(f) or f.startswith(name)]
            assert found, 'Cannot find texture %s in %s subtree' % (name, path)
            tex_file = found[0]
        if tex_file:
            mat.properties['diffuse_map'] = Texture(tex_file=tex_file)

    root_node = make_nodes(scene.mRootNode)

    # ---- create SkinnedMesh objects
    for mesh_id, mesh in enumerate(scene.mMeshes):
        # -- skinned mesh: weights given per bone => convert per vertex for GPU
        # first, populate an array with MAX_BONES entries per vertex
        v_bone = np.array([[(0, 0)]*MAX_BONES] * mesh.mNumVertices,
                          dtype=[('weight', 'f4'), ('id', 'u4')])
        for bone_id, bone in enumerate(mesh.mBones[:MAX_BONES]):
            for entry in bone.mWeights:  # weight,id pairs necessary for sorting
                v_bone[entry.mVertexId][bone_id] = (entry.mWeight, bone_id)

        v_bone.sort(order='weight')             # sort rows, high weights last
        v_bone = v_bone[:, -MAX_VERTEX_BONES:]  # limit bone size, keep highest

        # prepare bone lookup array & offset matrix, indexed by bone index (id)
        bone_nodes = [nodes[bone.mName] for bone in mesh.mBones]
        bone_offsets = [bone.mOffsetMatrix for bone in mesh.mBones]

        mat = scene.mMaterials[mesh.mMaterialIndex].properties
        assert mat['diffuse_map'], "Trying to map using a textureless material"

        # initialize skinned mesh and store in assimp mesh for node addition
        attrib = [mesh.mVertices, mesh.mNormals, v_bone['id'], v_bone['weight'], mesh.mTextureCoords[0]]
        mesh = SkinnedMesh(shader, mat['diffuse_map'], attrib, bone_nodes, bone_offsets,
                           mesh.mFaces, k_d=mat.get('COLOR_DIFFUSE', (1, 1, 1)),
                           k_s=mat.get('COLOR_SPECULAR', (1, 1, 1)),
                           k_a=mat.get('COLOR_AMBIENT', (0, 0, 0)),
                           s=mat.get('SHININESS', 16.),
        for node in nodes_per_mesh_id[mesh_id]:

    nb_triangles = sum((mesh.mNumFaces for mesh in scene.mMeshes))
    print('Loaded', file, '\t(%d meshes, %d faces, %d nodes, %d animations)' %
          (scene.mNumMeshes, nb_triangles, len(nodes), scene.mNumAnimations))
    return [root_node]
Example #12
def doImport():
    global path, scene
    scene = aiImportFile(path, flags1)
Example #13
def doImport():
    global path, scene
    scene = aiImportFile(path, flags1)
Example #14
def main(args):
    pp = assimpcy.aiPostProcessSteps
    flags = pp.aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices | pp.aiProcess_FlipUVs
    flags |= pp.aiProcess_Triangulate | pp.aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals
    for f in args.files:
        scene = assimpcy.aiImportFile(f, flags)

        # the model we load
        print("MODEL:", f)

        # write some statistics
        print("  meshes:", scene.mNumMeshes)
        print("  materials:", scene.mNumMaterials)
        print("  textures:", scene.mNumTextures)
        print("  animations:", scene.mNumAnimations)
        print("  lights:", scene.mNumLights)
        print("  cameras:", scene.mNumCameras)

        for index, mesh in enumerate(scene.mMeshes):
            print("  MESH", index + 1)
            print("    material:", mesh.mMaterialIndex + 1)
            print("    vertices:", len(mesh.mVertices))
            print("    first:", [list(v) for v in mesh.mVertices[:3]], '...')
            print("    normals:", len(mesh.mNormals))
            print("    first:", [list(n) for n in mesh.mNormals[:3]], '...')
            print("    colors:", len(mesh.mColors))
            for i, tex in enumerate(mesh.mTextureCoords):
                if tex is not None:
                    print("    texture-coords " + str(i) + ", first:",
                          [list(t) for t in tex[:3]], '...')

            print("    uv-component-count:", mesh.mNumUVComponents)
            print("    faces:", len(mesh.mFaces), "first:",
                  [list(f) for f in mesh.mFaces[:3]], '...')
            print("    bones:", len(mesh.mBones), "first:",
                  [b.mName[2:-1] for b in mesh.mBones[:3]])

        for index, material in enumerate(scene.mMaterials):
            print("  MATERIAL " + str(index + 1))
            for key, value in material.properties.items():
                print("    %s: %s" % (key, value))

        for index, anim in enumerate(scene.mAnimations):
            print("  ANIMATION", index + 1, ": ", anim.mName[2:-1])
            print("    duration:", anim.mDuration)
            print("    tickspersecond:", anim.mTicksPerSecond)
            print("    nummeshchannels:", len(anim.mChannels))
            for idx, chan in enumerate(anim.mChannels):
                print("    CHANNEL", idx, chan.mNodeName[2:-1])
                lenpos = len(chan.mPositionKeys)
                lenrot = len(chan.mRotationKeys)
                lenscl = len(chan.mScalingKeys)
                print("      pos keys", lenpos, keys(chan.mPositionKeys),
                print("      rot keys", lenrot, keys(chan.mRotationKeys),
                print("      scl keys", lenscl, keys(chan.mScalingKeys), '...')


        if scene.mNumTextures:
            for index, texture in enumerate(scene.mTextures):
                print("  TEXTURE", index + 1)
                print("    width:", texture.mWidth)
                print("    height:", texture.mHeight)
                print("    hint:", texture.AchFormatHint)
                print("    data (size):", texture.mWidth * texture.mHeight)
