Example #1
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    global exp_mod, exp_sim
    #Define the rhs
    def f(t,y):
        ydot = -y[0]
        return N.array([ydot])
    #Define an Assimulo problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f, y0=4)
    exp_mod.name = 'Simple CVode Example'
    #Define an explicit solver
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod) #Create a CVode solver
    #Sets the parameters
    exp_sim.iter  = 'Newton' #Default 'FixedPoint'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF' #Default 'Adams'
    exp_sim.atol = [1e-4] #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-4 #Default 1e-6

    t1, y1 = exp_sim.simulate(5,100) #Simulate 5 seconds
    t2, y2 = exp_sim.simulate(7) #Simulate 2 seconds more
    #Basic test
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y2[-1], 0.00347746, 5)
Example #2
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    global exp_mod, exp_sim

    #Define the rhs
    def f(t, y):
        ydot = -y[0]
        return N.array([ydot])

    #Define an Assimulo problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f, y0=4)
    exp_mod.name = 'Simple CVode Example'

    #Define an explicit solver
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)  #Create a CVode solver

    #Sets the parameters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'  #Default 'FixedPoint'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'  #Default 'Adams'
    exp_sim.atol = [1e-4]  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-4  #Default 1e-6

    t1, y1 = exp_sim.simulate(5, 100)  #Simulate 5 seconds
    t2, y2 = exp_sim.simulate(7)  #Simulate 2 seconds more

    #Basic test
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y2[-1], 0.00347746, 5)
    def simulate(self, Tend, nIntervals, gridWidth):

        problem = Explicit_Problem(self.rhs, self.y0)
        problem.name = 'RK34'
        problem.handle_result = self.handle_result
        problem.handle_event = self.handle_event
        problem.time_events = self.time_events
        problem.finalize = self.finalize

        if hasattr(self, 'state_events'):
            print 'Warning: state_event function in RK34 is not supported and will be ignored!'

        simulation = RungeKutta34(problem)

        # Sets additional parameters
        simulation.atol = self.atol
        simulation.rtol = self.rtol
        simulation.verbosity = self.verbosity
        if hasattr(simulation, 'continuous_output'):
            simulation.continuous_output = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used
        elif hasattr(simulation, 'report_continuously'):
            simulation.report_continuously = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used
        simulation.inith = self.inith

        # Calculate nOutputIntervals:
        if gridWidth <> None:
            nOutputIntervals = int((Tend - self.t0) / gridWidth)
            nOutputIntervals = nIntervals
        # Check for feasible input parameters
        if nOutputIntervals == 0:
            print 'Error: gridWidth too high or nIntervals set to 0! Continue with nIntervals=1'
            nOutputIntervals = 1
        # Perform simulation
        simulation.simulate(Tend, nOutputIntervals)  # to get the values: t_new, y_new = simulation.simulate
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    Example for the use of the implicit Euler method to solve
    Van der Pol's equation
    .. math::
        \dot y_1 &= y_2 \\
        \dot y_2 &= \mu ((1.-y_1^2) y_2-y_1)

    with :math:`\mu= 10^6`.

    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance


    #Define the rhs
    def f(t, y):
        eps = 1.e-6
        my = 1. / eps
        yd_0 = y[1]
        yd_1 = my * ((1. - y[0]**2) * y[1] - y[0])

        return N.array([yd_0, yd_1])

    y0 = [2.0, -0.6]  #Initial conditions

    #Define an Assimulo problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f, y0)
    exp_mod.name = 'Van der Pol (explicit)'

    #Define an explicit solver
    exp_sim = Radau5ODE(exp_mod)  #Create a Radau5 solver

    #Sets the parameters
    exp_sim.atol = 1e-4  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-4  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.inith = 1.e-4  #Initial step-size

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(2.)  #Simulate 2 seconds

    if with_plots:
        import pylab as P
        P.plot(t, y[:, 0])  #, marker='o')

    #Basic test
    x1 = y[:, 0]
    assert N.abs(x1[-1] - 1.706168035) < 1e-3  #For test purpose

    return exp_mod, exp_sim
Example #5
def run_example(with_plots=True):

    #Defines the rhs
    def f(t, y):
        ydot = -y[0]
        return N.array([ydot])

    #Define an Assimulo problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f, 4.0)
    exp_mod.name = 'Simple Explicit Example'

    #Explicit Euler
    exp_sim = ExplicitEuler(exp_mod)  #Create a explicit Euler solver
    exp_sim.options["continuous_output"] = True

    t1, y1 = exp_sim.simulate(3)  #Simulate 3 seconds
    t2, y2 = exp_sim.simulate(5, 100)  #Simulate 2 second more

    #Basic test
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y2[-1], 0.02628193)

    if with_plots:
        P.plot(t1, y1, color="b")
        P.plot(t2, y2, color="b")
Example #6
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    #Defines the rhs
    def f(t,y):
        ydot = -y[0]
        return N.array([ydot])

    #Define an Assimulo problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f, 4.0)
    exp_mod.name = 'Simple Explicit Example'
    #Explicit Euler
    exp_sim = ExplicitEuler(exp_mod) #Create a explicit Euler solver
    exp_sim.options["continuous_output"] = True
    t1, y1 = exp_sim.simulate(3) #Simulate 3 seconds
    t2, y2 = exp_sim.simulate(5,100) #Simulate 2 second more

    #Basic test
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y2[-1], 0.02628193)
    if with_plots:
        P.plot(t1, y1, color="b")
        P.plot(t2, y2, color="b")
Example #7
    def simulate(self, Tend, nIntervals, gridWidth):

        problem = Explicit_Problem(self.rhs, self.y0)
        problem.name = 'RK34'
        problem.handle_result = self.handle_result
        problem.handle_event = self.handle_event
        problem.time_events = self.time_events
        problem.finalize = self.finalize

        if hasattr(self, 'state_events'):
            print 'Warning: state_event function in RK34 is not supported and will be ignored!'

        simulation = RungeKutta34(problem)

        # Sets additional parameters
        simulation.atol = self.atol
        simulation.rtol = self.rtol
        simulation.verbosity = self.verbosity
        if hasattr(simulation, 'continuous_output'):
            simulation.continuous_output = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used
        elif hasattr(simulation, 'report_continuously'):
            simulation.report_continuously = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used
        simulation.inith = self.inith

        # Calculate nOutputIntervals:
        if gridWidth <> None:
            nOutputIntervals = int((Tend - self.t0) / gridWidth)
            nOutputIntervals = nIntervals
        # Check for feasible input parameters
        if nOutputIntervals == 0:
            print 'Error: gridWidth too high or nIntervals set to 0! Continue with nIntervals=1'
            nOutputIntervals = 1
        # Perform simulation
        simulation.simulate(Tend, nOutputIntervals)  # to get the values: t_new, y_new = simulation.simulate
def ode_sim(t_final):
    y0 = get_initial()  # initial conditions from Parameter.py
    t0 = 0.0
    param = new_param()

    ecoli_ode = lambda t, x: rhs(t, x, param)
    model = Explicit_Problem(ecoli_ode, y0, t0)  # Create an Assimulo problem
    model.name = 'E Coli ODE'
    sim = CVode(model)  # Create the solver CVode

    sim.rtol = 1e-8
    sim.atol = 1e-8
#    pdb.set_trace()
    t, y = sim.simulate(t_final)  # Use the .simulate method to simulate and provide the final time

    # Plot
    met_labels = ["ACCOA", "ACEx", "ACO", "ACP", "ADP", "AKG", "AMP", "ASP", "ATP", "BPG", "CAMP", "CIT", "COA", "CYS",
                  "DAP", "E4P", "ei", "eiia", "eiiaP", "eiicb", "eiicbP", "eiP", "F6P", "FDP", "FUM", "G6P", "GAP",
                  "GL6P", "GLCx", "GLX", "HCO3", "hpr", "hprP", "icd", "icdP", "ICIT", "KDPG", "MAL", "MG", "MN", "NAD",
                  "NADH", "NADP", "NADPH", "OAA", "P", "PEP", "PGA2", "PGA3", "PGN", "PYR", "PYRx", "Q", "QH2", "R5P",
                  "RU5P", "S7P", "SUC", "SUCCOA", "SUCx", "tal", "talC3", "tkt", "tktC2", "X5P", "Px", "Pp", "GLCp",
                  "ACEp", "ACE", "Hc", "Hp", "FAD", "FADH2", "O2", "FEED"]

    for i in y:
        if i.any() < 0:
            print i

    plt.plot([t, t], [y[:, i] for i in [4, 9]], label=["ADP", "ATP"])
    plt.title('Metabolite Concentrations Over Time')

    return model, sim
    def simulate(self, Tend, nIntervals, gridWidth):

        problem = Explicit_Problem(self.rhs, self.y0)
        problem.name = 'CVode'
        # solver.rhs = self.right_hand_side
        problem.handle_result = self.handle_result
        problem.state_events = self.state_events
        problem.handle_event = self.handle_event
        problem.time_events = self.time_events
        problem.finalize = self.finalize

        simulation = CVode(problem)

        # Change multistep method: 'adams' or 'VDF'
        if self.discr == 'Adams':
            simulation.discr = 'Adams'
            simulation.maxord = 12
            simulation.discr = 'BDF'
            simulation.maxord = 5
        # Change iteration algorithm: functional(FixedPoint) or newton
        if self.iter == 'FixedPoint':
            simulation.iter = 'FixedPoint'
            simulation.iter = 'Newton'

        # Sets additional parameters
        simulation.atol = self.atol
        simulation.rtol = self.rtol
        simulation.verbosity = self.verbosity
        if hasattr(simulation, 'continuous_output'):
            simulation.continuous_output = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used
        elif hasattr(simulation, 'report_continuously'):
            simulation.report_continuously = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used

        # '''Initialize problem '''
        # self.t_cur = self.t0
        # self.y_cur = self.y0

        # Calculate nOutputIntervals:
        if gridWidth <> None:
            nOutputIntervals = int((Tend - self.t0) / gridWidth)
            nOutputIntervals = nIntervals
        # Check for feasible input parameters
        if nOutputIntervals == 0:
            print 'Error: gridWidth too high or nIntervals set to 0! Continue with nIntervals=1'
            nOutputIntervals = 1
        # Perform simulation
            Tend, nOutputIntervals
        )  # to get the values: t_new, y_new = simulation.simulate
Example #10
    def simulate(self, Tend, nIntervals, gridWidth):

        problem = Explicit_Problem(self.rhs, self.y0)
        problem.name = 'CVode'
        # solver.rhs = self.right_hand_side
        problem.handle_result = self.handle_result
        problem.state_events = self.state_events
        problem.handle_event = self.handle_event
        problem.time_events = self.time_events
        problem.finalize = self.finalize

        simulation = CVode(problem)

        # Change multistep method: 'adams' or 'VDF'
        if self.discr == 'Adams':
            simulation.discr = 'Adams'
            simulation.maxord = 12
            simulation.discr = 'BDF'
            simulation.maxord = 5
        # Change iteration algorithm: functional(FixedPoint) or newton
        if self.iter == 'FixedPoint':
            simulation.iter = 'FixedPoint'
            simulation.iter = 'Newton'

        # Sets additional parameters
        simulation.atol = self.atol
        simulation.rtol = self.rtol
        simulation.verbosity = self.verbosity
        if hasattr(simulation, 'continuous_output'):
            simulation.continuous_output = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used
        elif hasattr(simulation, 'report_continuously'):
            simulation.report_continuously = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used

        # '''Initialize problem '''
        # self.t_cur = self.t0
        # self.y_cur = self.y0

        # Calculate nOutputIntervals:
        if gridWidth <> None:
            nOutputIntervals = int((Tend - self.t0) / gridWidth)
            nOutputIntervals = nIntervals
        # Check for feasible input parameters
        if nOutputIntervals == 0:
            print 'Error: gridWidth too high or nIntervals set to 0! Continue with nIntervals=1'
            nOutputIntervals = 1
        # Perform simulation
        simulation.simulate(Tend, nOutputIntervals)  # to get the values: t_new, y_new = simulation.simulate
Example #11
def run_example(with_plots=True):

    #Defines the rhs
    def f(t, y):
        yd_0 = y[1]
        yd_1 = -9.82

        return N.array([yd_0, yd_1])

    #Defines the jacobian*vector product
    def jacv(t, y, fy, v):
        j = N.array([[0, 1.], [0, 0]])
        return N.dot(j, v)

    y0 = [1.0, 0.0]  #Initial conditions

    #Defines an Assimulo explicit problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f, y0)

    exp_mod.jacv = jacv  #Sets the jacobian
    exp_mod.name = 'Example using the Jacobian Vector product'

    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)  #Create a CVode solver

    #Set the parameters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'  #Default 'FixedPoint'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'  #Default 'Adams'
    exp_sim.atol = 1e-5  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-5  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.linear_solver = 'SPGMR'  #Change linear solver
    #exp_sim.options["usejac"] = False

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(
        5, 1000)  #Simulate 5 seconds with 1000 communication points

    #Basic tests
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][0], -121.75000000, 4)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][1], -49.100000000)

    if with_plots:
        P.plot(t, y)
Example #12
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    global t, y

    #Defines the rhs
    def f(t, y):
        yd_0 = y[1]
        yd_1 = -9.82
        #print y, yd_0, yd_1
        return N.array([yd_0, yd_1])

    #Defines the jacobian
    def jac(t, y):
        j = N.array([[0, 1.], [0, 0]])
        return j

    #Defines an Assimulo explicit problem
    y0 = [1.0, 0.0]  #Initial conditions

    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f, y0)

    exp_mod.jac = jac  #Sets the jacobian
    exp_mod.name = 'Example using Jacobian'

    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)  #Create a CVode solver

    #Set the parameters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'  #Default 'FixedPoint'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'  #Default 'Adams'
    exp_sim.atol = 1e-5  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-5  #Default 1e-6

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(
        5, 1000)  #Simulate 5 seconds with 1000 communication points

    #Basic tests
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][0], -121.75000000, 4)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][1], -49.100000000)

    if with_plots:
        P.plot(t, y, linestyle="dashed", marker="o")  #Plot the solution
Example #13
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    #Defines the rhs
    def f(t,y):
        yd_0 = y[1]
        yd_1 = -9.82

        return N.array([yd_0,yd_1])
    #Defines the jacobian*vector product
    def jacv(t,y,fy,v):
        j = N.array([[0,1.],[0,0]])
        return N.dot(j,v)
    y0 = [1.0,0.0] #Initial conditions
    #Defines an Assimulo explicit problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f,y0)
    exp_mod.jacv = jacv #Sets the jacobian
    exp_mod.name = 'Example using the Jacobian Vector product'
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod) #Create a CVode solver
    #Set the parameters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton' #Default 'FixedPoint'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF' #Default 'Adams'
    exp_sim.atol = 1e-5 #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-5 #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.linear_solver = 'SPGMR' #Change linear solver
    #exp_sim.options["usejac"] = False
    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(5, 1000) #Simulate 5 seconds with 1000 communication points
    #Basic tests
    if with_plots:
Example #14
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    global t,y
    #Defines the rhs
    def f(t,y):
        yd_0 = y[1]
        yd_1 = -9.82
        #print y, yd_0, yd_1
        return N.array([yd_0,yd_1])
    #Defines the jacobian
    def jac(t,y):
        j = N.array([[0,1.],[0,0]])
        return j
    #Defines an Assimulo explicit problem
    y0 = [1.0,0.0] #Initial conditions

    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f,y0)
    exp_mod.jac = jac #Sets the jacobian
    exp_mod.name = 'Example using Jacobian'

    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod) #Create a CVode solver
    #Set the parameters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton' #Default 'FixedPoint'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF' #Default 'Adams'
    exp_sim.atol = 1e-5 #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-5 #Default 1e-6
    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(5, 1000) #Simulate 5 seconds with 1000 communication points
    #Basic tests
    if with_plots:
        P.plot(t,y,linestyle="dashed",marker="o") #Plot the solution
Example #15
def run_example(with_plots=True):

    #Defines the rhs
    def f(t, y):
        ydot = -y[0]
        return N.array([ydot])

    #Define an Assimulo problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f, 4.0)
    exp_mod.name = 'Simple Explicit Example'

    exp_sim = RungeKutta4(exp_mod)  #Create a RungeKutta4 solver

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(5, 100)  #Simulate 5 seconds

    #Basic test
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1], 0.02695179)

    if with_plots:
        P.plot(t, y)
Example #16
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    #Defines the rhs
    def f(t,y):
        ydot = -y[0]
        return N.array([ydot])

    #Define an Assimulo problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f, 4.0)
    exp_mod.name = 'Simple Explicit Example'
    exp_sim = RungeKutta4(exp_mod) #Create a RungeKutta4 solver
    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(5, 100) #Simulate 5 seconds
    #Basic test
    if with_plots:
Example #17
def run_example():

    def rhs(t,y):
        A =N.array([[0,1],[-2,-1]])
        return yd
    model = Explicit_Problem(rhs,y0,t0) #Create an Assimulo problem
    model.name = 'Linear Test ODE'

    sim = CVode(model) #Create the solver CVode

    tfinal = 10.0 #Specify the final time
    t,y = sim.simulate(tfinal) #Use the .simulate method to simulate and provide the final time
Example #18
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    #Define the rhs
    def f(t,y):
        eps = 1.e-6
        my = 1./eps
        yd_0 = y[1]
        yd_1 = my*((1.-y[0]**2)*y[1]-y[0])
        return N.array([yd_0,yd_1])
    y0 = [2.0,-0.6] #Initial conditions
    #Define an Assimulo problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f,y0)
    exp_mod.name = 'Van der Pol (explicit)'
    #Define an explicit solver
    exp_sim = Radau5ODE(exp_mod) #Create a Radau5 solver
    #Sets the parameters
    exp_sim.atol = 1e-4 #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-4 #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.inith = 1.e-4 #Initial step-size
    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(2.) #Simulate 2 seconds
    if with_plots:
        P.plot(t,y[:,0], marker='o')
    #Basic test
    x1 = y[:,0]
    assert N.abs(x1[-1]-1.706168035) < 1e-3 #For test purpose
Example #19
            solver.y[1] = -0.9*solver.y[1] #Change the velocity and lose energy

        solver.sw[0] = not solver.sw[0] #Change event function
#Initial values
y0 = [N.pi/2.0, 0.0] #Initial states
t0 = 0.0             #Initial time
switches0 = [True]   #Initial switches

#Create an Assimulo Problem
mod = Explicit_Problem(pendulum, y0, t0, sw0=switches0)

mod.state_events = state_events #Sets the state events to the problem
mod.handle_event = handle_event #Sets the event handling to the problem
mod.name = 'Pendulum with events'   #Sets the name of the problem

#Create an Assimulo solver (CVode)
sim = CVode(mod)

#Specifies options
sim.discr = 'Adams'     #Sets the discretization method
sim.iter = 'FixedPoint' #Sets the iteration method
sim.rtol = 1.e-8        #Sets the relative tolerance
sim.atol = 1.e-6        #Sets the absolute tolerance

ncp = 200     #Number of communication points
tfinal = 10.0 #Final time
Example #20
    def simulate(self, Tend, nIntervals, gridWidth):

        # define assimulo problem:(has to be done here because of the starting value in Explicit_Problem
        solver = Explicit_Problem(self.rhs, self.y0)
        ''' *******DELETE LATER '''''''''
#        problem.handle_event = handle_event
#        problem.state_events = state_events
#        problem.init_mode = init_mode

        solver.handle_result = self.handle_result

        solver.name = 'Simple Explicit Example'
        simulation = CVode(solver)  # Create a RungeKutta34 solver
        # simulation.inith = 0.1 #Sets the initial step, default = 0.01

        # Change multistep method: 'adams' or 'VDF'
        if self.discr == 'Adams':
            simulation.discr = 'Adams'
            simulation.maxord = 12
            simulation.discr = 'BDF'
            simulation.maxord = 5

        # Change iteration algorithm: functional(FixedPoint) or newton
        if self.iter == 'FixedPoint':
            simulation.iter = 'FixedPoint'
            simulation.iter = 'Newton'

        # Sets additional parameters
        simulation.atol = self.atol
        simulation.rtol = self.rtol
        simulation.verbosity = 0
        if hasattr(simulation, 'continuous_output'):
            simulation.continuous_output = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used
        elif hasattr(simulation, 'report_continuously'):
            simulation.report_continuously = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used

        # Create Solver and set settings
#        noRootFunctions = np.size(self.state_events(self.t0, np.array(self.y0)))

#        solver = sundials.CVodeSolver(RHS = self.f, ROOT = self.rootf, SW = [False]*noRootFunctions,
#                       abstol = self.atol, reltol = self.rtol)
        # solver.settings.JAC = None   #Add user-dependent jacobian here

        '''Initialize problem '''
#        solver.init(self.t0, self.y0)
        self.handle_result(self.t0, self.y0)
        nextTimeEvent = self.time_events(self.t0, self.y0)
        self.t_cur = self.t0
        self.y_cur = self.y0
        state_event = False
        if gridWidth <> None:
            nOutputIntervals = int((Tend - self.t0) / gridWidth)
            nOutputIntervals = nIntervals
        # Define step length depending on if gridWidth or nIntervals has been chosen
        if nOutputIntervals > 0:
            # Last point on grid (does not have to be Tend:)
            if(gridWidth <> None):
                dOutput = gridWidth
                dOutput = (Tend - self.t0) / nIntervals
            dOutput = Tend

        outputStepCounter = long(1)
        nextOutputPoint = min(self.t0 + dOutput, Tend)

        while self.t_cur < Tend:

            # Time-Event detection and step time adjustment
            if nextTimeEvent is None or nextOutputPoint < nextTimeEvent:
                time_event = False
                self.t_cur = nextOutputPoint
                time_event = True
                self.t_cur = nextTimeEvent

#                #Integrator step
#                self.y_cur = solver.step(self.t_cur)
#                self.y_cur = np.array(self.y_cur)
#                state_event = False
                # Simulate

                # take a step to next output point:
                t_new, y_new = simulation.simulate(self.t_cur)  # 5, 10) #5, 10  self.t_cur self.t_cur  2. argument nsteps Simulate 5 seconds
                # t_new, y_new are both vectors of the time and states at t_cur and all intermediate
                # points before it! So take last values:
                self.t_cur = t_new[-1]
                self.y_cur = y_new[-1]
                state_event = False

                import sys
                print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
#            except CVodeRootException, info:
#                self.t_cur = info.t
#                self.y_cur = info.y
#                self.y_cur = np.array(self.y_cur)
#                time_event = False
#                state_event = True
            # Depending on events have been detected do different tasks
            if time_event or state_event:
                event_info = [state_event, time_event]
                if not self.handle_event(self, event_info):
                solver.init(self.t_cur, self.y_cur)

                nextTimeEvent = self.time_events(self.t_cur, self.y_cur)
                # If no timeEvent happens:
                if nextTimeEvent <= self.t_cur:
                    nextTimeEvent = None

            if self.t_cur == nextOutputPoint:
                # Write output if not happened before:
                if not time_event and not state_event:
                    self.handle_result(nextOutputPoint, self.y_cur)
                outputStepCounter += 1
                nextOutputPoint = min(self.t0 + outputStepCounter * dOutput, Tend)

Example #21
#Define rhs
def rhs(t, y):
    lamb = lambda y1, y2: k * (N.sqrt(y1**2 + y2**2) - 1) / N.sqrt(y1**2 + y2**
    ydot = N.zeros(y.shape)
    ydot[0] = y[2]
    ydot[1] = y[3]
    ydot[2] = -y[0] * lamb(y[0], y[1])
    ydot[3] = -y[1] * lamb(y[0], y[1]) - 1

    return ydot

#Create Assimulo problem model
mod_pen = Explicit_Problem(rhs, y0, t0)
mod_pen.name = 'Elastic Pendulum with CVode'
Run simulation
#Create solver object
sim_pen = CVode(mod_pen)

#Simulation parameters
#atol = 1.e-6*ones(shape(y0))
atol = rtol * N.array([1, 1, 1, 1])  #default 1e-06
sim_pen.atol = atol
sim_pen.rtol = rtol
sim_pen.maxh = hmax
sim_pen.maxord = maxord
sim_pen.inith = h0
Example #22
def create_model():
    def pendulum(t, X, sw):
        The ODE to be simulated. The parameter sw should be fixed during
        the simulation and only be changed during the event handling.

        #X = X.copy()
        g = 9.81
        x = X[0]
        vx = X[2]
        vy = X[3]

        return np.array([vx, vy, -(np.pi**2) * x, -g, 1.0])

    def state_events(t, X, sw):
        This is our function that keep track of our events, when the sign
        of any of the events has changed, we have an event.
        x = X[0]
        y = X[1]

        return [x - y]
        #return np.array([x - y])

    def handle_event(solver, event_info):
        Event handling. This functions is called when Assimulo finds an event as
        specified by the event functions.
        state_info = event_info[
            0]  #We are only interested in state events info

        if state_info[
                0] != 0:  #Check if the first event function have been triggered

            if solver.sw[0]:  #If the switch is True the pendulum bounces
                X = solver.y
                X[1] = X[0] + 1e-3
                X[3] = 0.9 * (X[2] - X[3])

            #solver.sw[0] = not solver.sw[0] #Change event function

    #Initial values
    phi = 1.0241592
    Y0 = -13.0666666
    A = 2.0003417
    w = np.pi
    y0 = [
        A * np.sin(phi), 1 + A * np.sin(phi), A * w * np.cos(phi),
        Y0 - A * w * np.cos(phi) - 1, 0
    ]  #Initial states
    t0 = 0.0  #Initial time
    switches0 = [True]  #Initial switches

    #Create an Assimulo Problem
    mod = Explicit_Problem(pendulum, y0, t0, sw0=switches0)

    mod.state_events = state_events  #Sets the state events to the problem
    mod.handle_event = handle_event  #Sets the event handling to the problem
    mod.name = 'Bouncing Ball on Sonusoidal Platform'  #Sets the name of the problem

    #Create an Assimulo solver (CVode)
    sim = CVode(mod)
    #sim = LSODAR(mod)
    sim.options['verbosity'] = 40

    #Specifies options
    sim.discr = 'Adams'  #Sets the discretization method
    sim.iter = 'FixedPoint'  #Sets the iteration method
    sim.rtol = 1.e-8  #Sets the relative tolerance
    sim.atol = 1.e-6  #Sets the absolute tolerance

    return sim
Example #23
def create_model():
    def pendulum(t, X, sw):
        The ODE to be simulated. The parameter sw should be fixed during
        the simulation and only be changed during the event handling.

        X = X.copy()
        X[0] = X[1]
        X[1] = -1 + 0.04 * (X[1]**2) * np.sin(X[1])
        X[2] = 1

        return X

    def state_events(t, X, sw):
        This is our function that keep track of our events, when the sign
        of any of the events has changed, we have an event.
        return [X[0] - np.sin(X[2])]

    def handle_event(solver, event_info):
        Event handling. This functions is called when Assimulo finds an event as
        specified by the event functions.
        state_info = event_info[0] #We are only interested in state events info

        if state_info[0] != 0: #Check if the first event function have been triggered

            if solver.sw[0]: #If the switch is True the pendulum bounces
                X = solver.y
                if X[1] - np.cos(X[2]) < 0:
                    X[1] = -0.9*X[1] + 1.9*np.cos(X[2])

            #solver.sw[0] = not solver.sw[0] #Change event function

    #Initial values
    y0 = [0, 0, 0] #Initial states
    t0 = 0.0             #Initial time
    switches0 = [True]   #Initial switches

    #Create an Assimulo Problem
    mod = Explicit_Problem(pendulum, y0, t0, sw0=switches0)

    mod.state_events = state_events #Sets the state events to the problem
    mod.handle_event = handle_event #Sets the event handling to the problem
    mod.name = 'Bouncing Ball on Sonusoidal Platform'   #Sets the name of the problem

    #Create an Assimulo solver (CVode)
    sim = CVode(mod)
    #sim = LSODAR(mod)
    #sim.options['verbosity'] = 20 #LOUD
    sim.options['verbosity'] = 40 #WHISPER
    #sim.options['minh'] = 1e-4
    #sim.options['rtol'] = 1e-3

    #Specifies options
    sim.discr = 'Adams'     #Sets the discretization method
    sim.iter = 'FixedPoint' #Sets the iteration method
    sim.rtol = 1.e-8        #Sets the relative tolerance
    sim.atol = 1.e-6        #Sets the absolute tolerance

    return sim
Example #24
def create_model():
    def pendulum(t, X, sw):
        The ODE to be simulated. The parameter sw should be fixed during
        the simulation and only be changed during the event handling.

        #X = X.copy()
        g = 9.81
        x = X[0]
        vx = X[2]
        vy = X[3]

        return np.array([vx, vy, -(np.pi**2)*x, -g, 1.0])

    def state_events(t, X, sw):
        This is our function that keep track of our events, when the sign
        of any of the events has changed, we have an event.
        x = X[0]
        y = X[1]

        return [x - y]
        #return np.array([x - y])

    def handle_event(solver, event_info):
        Event handling. This functions is called when Assimulo finds an event as
        specified by the event functions.
        state_info = event_info[0] #We are only interested in state events info

        if state_info[0] != 0: #Check if the first event function have been triggered

            if solver.sw[0]: #If the switch is True the pendulum bounces
                X = solver.y
                X[1] = X[0] + 1e-3
                X[3] = 0.9*(X[2] - X[3])

            #solver.sw[0] = not solver.sw[0] #Change event function

    #Initial values
    phi = 1.0241592; Y0 = -13.0666666; A = 2.0003417; w = np.pi
    y0 = [A*np.sin(phi), 1+A*np.sin(phi), A*w*np.cos(phi), Y0 - A*w*np.cos(phi)-1, 0] #Initial states
    t0 = 0.0             #Initial time
    switches0 = [True]   #Initial switches

    #Create an Assimulo Problem
    mod = Explicit_Problem(pendulum, y0, t0, sw0=switches0)

    mod.state_events = state_events #Sets the state events to the problem
    mod.handle_event = handle_event #Sets the event handling to the problem
    mod.name = 'Bouncing Ball on Sonusoidal Platform'   #Sets the name of the problem

    #Create an Assimulo solver (CVode)
    sim = CVode(mod)
    #sim = LSODAR(mod)
    sim.options['verbosity'] = 40

    #Specifies options
    sim.discr = 'Adams'     #Sets the discretization method
    sim.iter = 'FixedPoint' #Sets the iteration method
    sim.rtol = 1.e-8        #Sets the relative tolerance
    sim.atol = 1.e-6        #Sets the absolute tolerance

    return sim
Example #25
def create_model():
    def pendulum(t, X, sw):
        The ODE to be simulated. The parameter sw should be fixed during
        the simulation and only be changed during the event handling.
        g = 1

        Y = X.copy()
        Y[0] = X[2]     #x_dot
        Y[1] = X[3]     #y_dot
        Y[2] = 0        #vx_dot
        Y[3] = -g       #vy_dot
        return Y

    def state_events(t, X, sw):
        This is our function that keep track of our events, when the sign
        of any of the events has changed, we have an event.
        return [X[1]] # y == 0

    def handle_event(solver, event_info):
        Event handling. This functions is called when Assimulo finds an event as
        specified by the event functions.
        state_info = event_info[0] #We are only interested in state events info

        if state_info[0] != 0: #Check if the first event function have been triggered
            if solver.sw[0]:
                X = solver.y
                if X[3] < 0: # if the ball is falling (vy < 0)
                    # bounce!
                    X[1] = 1e-5
                    X[3] = -0.75*X[3]

            #solver.sw[0] = not solver.sw[0] #Change event function

    #Initial values
    y0 = [0., 0., 0., 0.] #Initial states
    t0 = 0.0             #Initial time
    switches0 = [True]   #Initial switches

    #Create an Assimulo Problem
    mod = Explicit_Problem(pendulum, y0, t0, sw0=switches0)

    mod.state_events = state_events #Sets the state events to the problem
    mod.handle_event = handle_event #Sets the event handling to the problem
    mod.name = 'Bouncing Ball in X-Y'   #Sets the name of the problem

    #Create an Assimulo solver (CVode)
    sim = CVode(mod)
    #sim = LSODAR(mod)
    #sim = RungeKutta34(mod)
    #sim.options['verbosity'] = 20 #LOUD
    sim.verbosity = 40 #WHISPER
    #sim.display_progress = True
    #sim.options['minh'] = 1e-4
    #sim.options['rtol'] = 1e-3

#     #Specifies options
#     sim.discr = 'Adams'     #Sets the discretization method
#     sim.iter = 'FixedPoint' #Sets the iteration method
#     sim.rtol = 1.e-8        #Sets the relative tolerance
#     sim.atol = 1.e-6        #Sets the absolute tolerance

    return sim
    def simulate(self, Tend, nIntervals, gridWidth):

        # define assimulo problem:(has to be done here because of the starting value in Explicit_Problem
        solver = Explicit_Problem(self.rhs, self.y0)
        ''' *******DELETE LATER '''''''''
#        problem.handle_event = handle_event
#        problem.state_events = state_events
#        problem.init_mode = init_mode

        solver.handle_result = self.handle_result

        solver.name = 'Simple Explicit Example'
        simulation = CVode(solver)  # Create a RungeKutta34 solver
        # simulation.inith = 0.1 #Sets the initial step, default = 0.01

        # Change multistep method: 'adams' or 'VDF'
        if self.discr == 'Adams':
            simulation.discr = 'Adams'
            simulation.maxord = 12
            simulation.discr = 'BDF'
            simulation.maxord = 5

        # Change iteration algorithm: functional(FixedPoint) or newton
        if self.iter == 'FixedPoint':
            simulation.iter = 'FixedPoint'
            simulation.iter = 'Newton'

        # Sets additional parameters
        simulation.atol = self.atol
        simulation.rtol = self.rtol
        simulation.verbosity = 0
        if hasattr(simulation, 'continuous_output'):
            simulation.continuous_output = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used
        elif hasattr(simulation, 'report_continuously'):
            simulation.report_continuously = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used

        # Create Solver and set settings
#        noRootFunctions = np.size(self.state_events(self.t0, np.array(self.y0)))

#        solver = sundials.CVodeSolver(RHS = self.f, ROOT = self.rootf, SW = [False]*noRootFunctions,
#                       abstol = self.atol, reltol = self.rtol)
        # solver.settings.JAC = None   #Add user-dependent jacobian here

        '''Initialize problem '''
#        solver.init(self.t0, self.y0)
        self.handle_result(self.t0, self.y0)
        nextTimeEvent = self.time_events(self.t0, self.y0)
        self.t_cur = self.t0
        self.y_cur = self.y0
        state_event = False
        if gridWidth <> None:
            nOutputIntervals = int((Tend - self.t0) / gridWidth)
            nOutputIntervals = nIntervals
        # Define step length depending on if gridWidth or nIntervals has been chosen
        if nOutputIntervals > 0:
            # Last point on grid (does not have to be Tend:)
            if(gridWidth <> None):
                dOutput = gridWidth
                dOutput = (Tend - self.t0) / nIntervals
            dOutput = Tend

        outputStepCounter = long(1)
        nextOutputPoint = min(self.t0 + dOutput, Tend)

        while self.t_cur < Tend:

            # Time-Event detection and step time adjustment
            if nextTimeEvent is None or nextOutputPoint < nextTimeEvent:
                time_event = False
                self.t_cur = nextOutputPoint
                time_event = True
                self.t_cur = nextTimeEvent

#                #Integrator step
#                self.y_cur = solver.step(self.t_cur)
#                self.y_cur = np.array(self.y_cur)
#                state_event = False
                # Simulate

                # take a step to next output point:
                t_new, y_new = simulation.simulate(self.t_cur)  # 5, 10) #5, 10  self.t_cur self.t_cur  2. argument nsteps Simulate 5 seconds
                # t_new, y_new are both vectors of the time and states at t_cur and all intermediate
                # points before it! So take last values:
                self.t_cur = t_new[-1]
                self.y_cur = y_new[-1]
                state_event = False

                import sys
                print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
#            except CVodeRootException, info:
#                self.t_cur = info.t
#                self.y_cur = info.y
#                self.y_cur = np.array(self.y_cur)
#                time_event = False
#                state_event = True
            # Depending on events have been detected do different tasks
            if time_event or state_event:
                event_info = [state_event, time_event]
                if not self.handle_event(self, event_info):
                solver.init(self.t_cur, self.y_cur)

                nextTimeEvent = self.time_events(self.t_cur, self.y_cur)
                # If no timeEvent happens:
                if nextTimeEvent <= self.t_cur:
                    nextTimeEvent = None

            if self.t_cur == nextOutputPoint:
                # Write output if not happened before:
                if not time_event and not state_event:
                    self.handle_result(nextOutputPoint, self.y_cur)
                outputStepCounter += 1
                nextOutputPoint = min(self.t0 + outputStepCounter * dOutput, Tend)

Example #27
def run_example():

    def pendulum(t,y,sw):
        The ODE to be simulated. The parameter sw should be fixed during 
        the simulation and only be changed during the event handling.
        yd_0 = y[1]
        yd_1 = -g/l*N.sin(y[0])
        return N.array([yd_0, yd_1])

    def state_events(t,y,sw):
        This is our function that keep track of our events, when the sign
        of any of the events has changed, we have an event.
        if sw[0]:
            e_0 = y[0]+N.pi/4.
            e_0 = y[0]

        return N.array([e_0])

    def handle_event(solver, event_info):
        Event handling. This functions is called when Assimulo finds an event as
        specified by the event functions.
        state_info = event_info[0] #We are only interested in state events info

        if state_info[0] != 0: #Check if the first event function have been triggered
            if solver.sw[0]: #If the switch is True the pendulum bounces
                solver.y[1] = -0.9*solver.y[1] #Change the velocity and lose energy
            solver.sw[0] = not solver.sw[0] #Change event function

    #Initial values
    y0 = [N.pi/2.0, 0.0] #Initial states
    t0 = 0.0             #Initial time
    switches0 = [True]   #Initial switches

    #Create an Assimulo Problem
    mod = Explicit_Problem(pendulum, y0, t0, sw0=switches0)
    mod.state_events = state_events #Sets the state events to the problem
    mod.handle_event = handle_event #Sets the event handling to the problem
    mod.name = 'Pendulum with events'   #Sets the name of the problem

    #Create an Assimulo solver (CVode)
    sim = CVode(mod)
    #Specifies options 
    sim.discr = 'Adams'     #Sets the discretization method
    sim.iter = 'FixedPoint' #Sets the iteration method
    sim.rtol = 1.e-8        #Sets the relative tolerance
    sim.atol = 1.e-6        #Sets the absolute tolerance
    ncp = 200     #Number of communication points
    tfinal = 10.0 #Final time
    t,y = sim.simulate(tfinal, ncp) #Simulate
    #Print event information
Example #28
    yd = np.dot(A, y) + b

    return yd

#def rhs(t,y):
#    A =np.array([[0, 1],[-2, -1]])
#    yd=np.dot(A, y)
#    return yd

def L(y, k):
    norm = ln.norm(y[0:2])
    return k * (norm - 1) / norm

y0 = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
t0 = 0.0

model = Explicit_Problem(rhs, y0, t0)  # Create an Assimulo problem
model.name = 'Linear Test ODE'  # Specifies the name of problem

sim = CVode(model)

tfinal = 100.0  #Specify the final time

t, y = sim.simulate(
    tfinal)  #Use the .simulate method to simulate and provide the final time
Example #29
import numpy
import math
from assimulo.problem import Explicit_Problem
from assimulo.solvers import CVode
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def rhs(t,y):
    k = 1000 
    L = k*(math.sqrt(y[0]**2+y[1]**2)-1)/math.sqrt(y[0]**2+y[1]**2)
    result = numpy.array([y[2],y[3],-y[0]*L,-y[1]*L-1])
    return result
t0 = 0
y0 = numpy.array([0.8,-0.8,0,0])

model = Explicit_Problem(rhs,y0,t0)
model.name = 'task1'

sim = CVode(model)

tfinal = 70

(t,y) = sim.simulate(tfinal)

Example #30
def create_model():
    def nav(t, X, sw):
        The ODE to be simulated. The parameter sw should be fixed during
        the simulation and only be changed during the event handling.
        A, b = get_dyn(sw2mode(sw))
        return np.dot(A, X) + b

    def state_events(t, X, sw):
        This is our function that keep track of our events, when the sign
        of any of the events has changed, we have an event.
        #TODO: is this the best way?
        mode = sw2mode(sw)
        g = get_guard_vals(X, mode)
        G = [g[0], g[1], g[2], g[3]]  # y == 0
        if debug:
            print('G =', G)
        return G

    def handle_event(solver, event_info):
        Event handling. This functions is called when Assimulo finds an event as
        specified by the event functions.
        state_info = event_info[
            0]  #We are only interested in state events info
        if debug:
            print('############### EVENT DETECTED')
        g = state_info
        if g[0] <= 0 or g[1] <= 0 or g[2] <= 0 or g[3] <= 0:
            mode = sw2mode(solver.sw)
            mode_ = new_mode(g, mode)
            if debug:
                print('############### new_mode =', mode_)
            solver.sw = mode2sw(mode_)

    #Initial values
    y0 = [0., 0., 0., 0.]  #Initial states
    t0 = 5.0  #Initial time
    switches0 = [False] * NUM_MODES  #Initial switches
    # Without the below statemment, it hits an error
    switches0[79] = True

    #Create an Assimulo Problem
    mod = Explicit_Problem(nav, y0, t0, sw0=switches0)

    mod.state_events = state_events  #Sets the state events to the problem
    mod.handle_event = handle_event  #Sets the event handling to the problem
    mod.name = 'nav30'  #Sets the name of the problem

    #Create an Assimulo solver (CVode)
    sim = CVode(mod)
    #sim = LSODAR(mod)
    #sim = RungeKutta34(mod)
    #sim.options['verbosity'] = 20 #LOUD
    #sim.options['verbosity'] = 40 #WHISPER
    sim.verbosity = 40  #WHISPER
    #sim.display_progress = True
    #sim.options['minh'] = 1e-4
    #sim.options['rtol'] = 1e-3

    #     #Specifies options
    #     sim.discr = 'Adams'     #Sets the discretization method
    #     sim.iter = 'FixedPoint' #Sets the iteration method
    #     sim.rtol = 1.e-8        #Sets the relative tolerance
    #     sim.atol = 1.e-6        #Sets the absolute tolerance

    return sim
Example #31
def create_model():
    def pendulum(t, X, sw):
        The ODE to be simulated. The parameter sw should be fixed during
        the simulation and only be changed during the event handling.
        g = 1

        Y = X.copy()
        Y[0] = X[2]  #x_dot
        Y[1] = X[3]  #y_dot
        Y[2] = 0  #vx_dot
        Y[3] = -g  #vy_dot
        return Y

    def state_events(t, X, sw):
        This is our function that keep track of our events, when the sign
        of any of the events has changed, we have an event.
        return [X[1]]  # y == 0

    def handle_event(solver, event_info):
        Event handling. This functions is called when Assimulo finds an event as
        specified by the event functions.
        state_info = event_info[
            0]  #We are only interested in state events info

        if state_info[
                0] != 0:  #Check if the first event function have been triggered
            if solver.sw[0]:
                X = solver.y
                if X[3] < 0:  # if the ball is falling (vy < 0)
                    # bounce!
                    #X[1] = 1e-5 # used with CVode
                    X[1] = 1e-3  # gives better results with Dopri
                    X[3] = -0.75 * X[3]

            #solver.sw[0] = not solver.sw[0] #Change event function

    #Initial values
    y0 = [0., 0., 0., 0.]  #Initial states
    t0 = 0.0  #Initial time
    switches0 = [True]  #Initial switches

    #Create an Assimulo Problem
    mod = Explicit_Problem(pendulum, y0, t0, sw0=switches0)

    mod.state_events = state_events  #Sets the state events to the problem
    mod.handle_event = handle_event  #Sets the event handling to the problem
    mod.name = 'Bouncing Ball in X-Y'  #Sets the name of the problem

    #Create an Assimulo solver (CVode)

    # leaks memory!!
    #sim = CVode(mod)

    # hands and possibly leaks memory
    #sim = LSODAR(mod)

    #sim = RungeKutta34(mod)
    sim = Dopri5(mod)

    #sim.options['verbosity'] = 20 #LOUD
    sim.verbosity = 40  #WHISPER
    #sim.display_progress = False
    #sim.options['minh'] = 1e-4
    #sim.options['rtol'] = 1e-3
    # What is time_limit?
    sim.time_limit = 1

    #     #Specifies options
    #     sim.discr = 'Adams'     #Sets the discretization method
    #     sim.iter = 'FixedPoint' #Sets the iteration method
    #     sim.rtol = 1.e-8        #Sets the relative tolerance
    #     sim.atol = 1.e-6        #Sets the absolute tolerance

    return sim
import numpy as N
import pylab as P
from assimulo.problem import Explicit_Problem  #Imports the problem formulation from Assimulo
from assimulo.solvers.sundials import CVode #Imports the solver CVode from Assimulo

def rhs(t,y):
    A =N.array([[0,1],[-2,-1]])

    return yd


model = Explicit_Problem(rhs, y0, t0) #Create an Assimulo problem
model.name = 'Linear Test ODE'        #Specifies the name of problem (optional)

sim = CVode(model)

tfinal = 10.0        #Specify the final time

t, y = sim.simulate(tfinal) #Use the .simulate method to simulate and provide the final time

#Plots the result
Example #33
def create_model():
    def pendulum(t, X, sw):
        The ODE to be simulated. The parameter sw should be fixed during
        the simulation and only be changed during the event handling.

        X = X.copy()
        X[0] = X[1]
        X[1] = -1 + 0.04 * (X[1]**2) * np.sin(X[1])
        X[2] = 1

        return X

    def state_events(t, X, sw):
        This is our function that keep track of our events, when the sign
        of any of the events has changed, we have an event.
        return [X[0] - np.sin(X[2])]

    def handle_event(solver, event_info):
        Event handling. This functions is called when Assimulo finds an event as
        specified by the event functions.
        state_info = event_info[
            0]  #We are only interested in state events info

        if state_info[
                0] != 0:  #Check if the first event function have been triggered

            if solver.sw[0]:  #If the switch is True the pendulum bounces
                X = solver.y
                if X[1] - np.cos(X[2]) < 0:
                    X[1] = -0.9 * X[1] + 1.9 * np.cos(X[2])

            #solver.sw[0] = not solver.sw[0] #Change event function

    #Initial values
    y0 = [0, 0, 0]  #Initial states
    t0 = 0.0  #Initial time
    switches0 = [True]  #Initial switches

    #Create an Assimulo Problem
    mod = Explicit_Problem(pendulum, y0, t0, sw0=switches0)

    mod.state_events = state_events  #Sets the state events to the problem
    mod.handle_event = handle_event  #Sets the event handling to the problem
    mod.name = 'Bouncing Ball on Sonusoidal Platform'  #Sets the name of the problem

    #Create an Assimulo solver (CVode)
    sim = CVode(mod)
    #sim = LSODAR(mod)
    #sim.options['verbosity'] = 20 #LOUD
    sim.options['verbosity'] = 40  #WHISPER
    #sim.options['minh'] = 1e-4
    #sim.options['rtol'] = 1e-3

    #Specifies options
    sim.discr = 'Adams'  #Sets the discretization method
    sim.iter = 'FixedPoint'  #Sets the iteration method
    sim.rtol = 1.e-8  #Sets the relative tolerance
    sim.atol = 1.e-6  #Sets the absolute tolerance

    return sim