def addwenss(aipsname, indisk, ra, dec, maxoff, pmin, pmax, w_max=1000., incl='IMAP'): if have_astLib: wenss = np.load('wenss2000.npy') wenss = wenss[wenss[:, 2] < 2] # only single or centre of multiple wenss = wenss[wenss[:, 3] > w_max] # only sources >w_max mJy a = correlate(np.array([[ra, dec]]), 0, 1, wenss, 0, 1, maxoff) fo = open('starsfile', 'w') for i in a: idx = int(i[1]) sra = astCoords.decimal2hms(wenss[idx, 0], ' ') sdec = astCoords.decimal2dms(wenss[idx, 1], ' ') fo.write('%s %s\n' % (sra, sdec)) fo.close() stars(aipsname, incl, indisk, intext='./starsfile', logfiledir=logfiledir) greys(aipsname, incl, indisk, pmin, pmax, 5, 1, logfiledir=logfiledir) lwpla(aipsname, incl, indisk, './' + aipsname + '', logfiledir=logfiledir) AIPSImage(aipsname, incl, indisk, 1).zap() os.system('rm starsfile')
def read_secat(catfile, fitsfile, logfile=False, wcs=False): patchtable = [[] for dummy in xrange(3)] #ra, dec, NHI #Must catch empty catalog file: try: #Call will fail if the catalog file is empty or does not have the expected format catalog = se_catalog(catfile, readfile=True, preserve_case=False) except: print "Warning: no clumps found. Creating empty entry." patchtable[0].append(0), patchtable[1].append(0) patchtable[2].append(0) return patchtable records = len(catalog.alphapeak_j2000) header, image = open_image(fitsfile) for n in range(records): a, d = catalog.alphapeak_j2000[n], catalog.deltapeak_j2000[n] x, y = header.wcs2pix(a, d) x = int(np.round(x)) y = int(np.round(y)) maxHI = image[y, x] print "a,d: ", a, d, "x,y: ", x, y, "value: ", maxHI #no offset? Verify!! patchtable[0].append(astCoords.decimal2hms(a, " ")) patchtable[1].append(astCoords.decimal2dms(d, " ")) patchtable[2].append(maxHI) #patchtable[3].append(0.1) #error now calculated after calling this routine #print "Warning: hardcoding sNHI at 0.1" logdump(logfile, "{} {} {}\n".format(a, d, maxHI)) return patchtable #calling function administrates PDRID
def _outputMinima(self): """ Outputs the results to a file and also to the screen if debugging was turned on. """ if 'chi' in self.fitting['method']: str = '{0:.2f}\t{1:.0f}\t{2:.0f}\t{3:.0f}\t{4:.0f}\t{5:.2f}\t\t{6:.2f}\n'.format(self.result['rotation'], self.result['xcenter'], self.result['ycenter'], self.result['x'], self.result['y'], self.result[ 'minimaPosition'][3], self.result[ 'minimaPosition'][4]) elif 'corr' in self.fitting['method']: str = '{0:.2f}\t{1:.0f}\t{2:.0f}\t{3:.0f}\t{4:.0f}\t{5:.5f}\n'.format(self.result['rotation'], self.result['xcenter'], self.result['ycenter'], self.result['x'], self.result['y'], self.result['minimaPosition'][6]) else: raise NotImplementedError, 'This minimization method has not yet been implemented...' fh1 = open('min.txt', 'a') fh1.write(str) fh1.close() if self.debug: if 'chi' in self.fitting['method']: print '\n\nr \t x \t y \txoff \tyoff \tchi**2 reduced chi**2' elif 'corr' in self.fitting['method']: print '\n\nr \t x \t y \txoff \tyoff \tcorrelation coefficient' else: raise NotImplementedError, 'This minimization method has not yet been implemented...' print str print '\nInitial RA and DEC (of the centre of the centre slit)' print astCoords.decimal2hms(self.result['RAinit'], ':'), astCoords.decimal2dms(self.result['DECinit'], ':') print '\nFinal RA and DEC (of the centre of the centre slit)' print astCoords.decimal2hms(self.result['RA'], ':'), astCoords.decimal2dms(self.result['DEC'], ':') print '\nDistance on the sky (in arcseconds)' print astCoords.calcAngSepDeg(self.result['RAinit'], self.result['DECinit'], self.result['RA'], self.result['DEC']) * 3600
def work(outpath, ra, dec, name): ra_sex = decimal2hms(ra, ':') dec_sex = decimal2dms(dec, ':') cmd = 'panstamps --width=40 --filters grizy ' cmd += f'--downloadFolder={outpath}/{name} stack {ra_sex} {dec_sex}' print(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd)) p.wait()
def info(self,showHeader=False): """ @brief pretty print informstion sbout the litMap """ arcmin = 180*60./np.pi print "Dimensions (Ny,Nx) = (%d,%d)"%(self.Ny,self.Nx) print "Pixel Scales: (%f,%f) arcmins. "%(self.pixScaleY*arcmin,self.pixScaleX*arcmin) print "Map Bounds: [(x0,y0), (x1,y1)]: [(%f,%f),(%f,%f)] (degrees)"%(self.x0,self.y0,self.x1,self.y1) print "Map Bounds: [(x0,y0), (x1,y1)]: [(%s,%s),(%s,%s)]"%\ (astCoords.decimal2hms(self.x0,':'),\ astCoords.decimal2dms(self.y0,':'),\ astCoords.decimal2hms(self.x1,':'),\ astCoords.decimal2dms(self.y1,':')) print "Map area = %f sq. degrees."%(self.area) print "Map mean = %f"%( print "Map std = %f"%( if showHeader: print "Map header \n %s"%(self.header)
def writeDS9(nodes,regionfile): f = open(regionfile,'w') f.write('# Region file format: DS9 version 4.1\n') f.write('global color=green dashlist=8 3 width=1 font="helvetica 10 normal roman" select=1 highlite=1 dash=0 fixed=0 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 source=1\n') f.write('fk5\n') for i in range(0,len(nodes)): ra = nodes[i][0] dec = nodes[i][1] ra_hms = ac.decimal2hms(ra,delimiter=':') dec_dms = ac.decimal2dms(dec,delimiter=':') f.write('circle('+ra_hms+','+dec_dms+',1.0)\n') f.close()
def create_lobos_ms (infile='',ra='',dec='',nP=3,radius=2.5): infile='L401323_SB349_uv.dppp.MS' ra,dec,radius,nP='13:40:00','55:00:00',2.5,3 try: # ra, dec input can either be decimal or hh:mm:ss, dd:mm:ss ra, dec = 1.0*ra, 1.0*dec hexra = astCoords.decimal2hms(ra,':') hexdec = astCoords.decimal2dms(dec,':') except: hexra, hexdec = ra, dec ra = astCoords.hms2decimal(ra,':') dec = astCoords.dms2decimal(dec,':') if not os.path.isfile ('lobos_stats.sum'): os.system ('wget') lobos = np.loadtxt('lobos_stats.sum',dtype='S') for l in lobos: new = np.array([astCoords.hms2decimal(l[1],':'),\ astCoords.dms2decimal(l[2],':')]) try: lobos_coord = np.vstack((lobos_coord,new)) except: lobos_coord = np.copy(new) a = correlate(np.array([[ra,dec]]),0,1,lobos_coord,0,1,radius) nlobos = 0 os.system('rm lshift_*') for i in np.asarray(a[:,1],dtype='int'): if lobos[i][5].count('P')>=nP: oroot = infile.replace('uv.dppp.MS','') namera = lobos[i,1].replace(':','').split('.')[0] namedec = lobos[i,2].replace(':','').split('.')[0] dpppra = lobos[i,1].replace(':','h',1).replace(':','m',1)+'s' dpppdec = lobos[i,2].replace(':','d',1).replace(':','m',1)+'s' hemisphere = '-' if '-' in hexdec else '+' f = open('lshift_%03d'%nlobos, 'w') f.write('msin = '+infile+'\n') f.write('msout = '+oroot+namera+hemisphere+namedec+'.ms\n') f.write('msin.datacolumn = DATA\n') f.write('steps = [shift,adder,filter,avg]\n') f.write('shift.type = \'phaseshift\'\n') f.write('shift.phasecenter = [\''+dpppra+'\',\''+dpppdec+'\']\n') f.write('adder.type = \'stationadder\'\n') f.write('adder.stations = {TS001:\'CS*\'}\n') f.write('filter.type = \'filter\'\n') f.write('filter.baseline = \'!CS*&*\'\n') f.write('avg.type = average\n') f.write('avg.freqstep = 16\n') f.write('avg.timestep = 20\n') f.close() nlobos+=1 lshift_thread.parallel = parallel_function(lshift_thread) k = range(nlobos) parallel_result = lshift_thread.parallel(k)
def addwenss (aipsname,indisk,ra,dec,maxoff,pmin,pmax,w_max=1000.,incl='IMAP'): if have_astLib: wenss = np.load('wenss2000.npy') wenss = wenss[wenss[:,2]<2] # only single or centre of multiple wenss = wenss[wenss[:,3]>w_max] # only sources >w_max mJy a = correlate (np.array([[ra,dec]]),0,1,wenss,0,1,maxoff) fo = open('starsfile','w') for i in a: idx = int(i[1]) sra = astCoords.decimal2hms(wenss[idx,0],' ') sdec = astCoords.decimal2dms(wenss[idx,1],' ') fo.write('%s %s\n' % (sra,sdec)) fo.close() stars (aipsname,incl,indisk,intext='./starsfile',logfiledir=logfiledir) greys (aipsname,incl,indisk,pmin,pmax,5,1,logfiledir=logfiledir) lwpla (aipsname,incl,indisk,'./'+aipsname+'',logfiledir=logfiledir) AIPSImage(aipsname,incl,indisk,1).zap() os.system('rm starsfile')
def first_download (ra,dec,outfile='',gif=0,fits=1,imsize=2.0,\ imserver=''): format = 'hms' try: if np.isreal(ra): format = 'decimal' except: pass if format=='decimal': ra=astCoords.decimal2hms(ra,' ') dec=astCoords.decimal2dms(dec,' ') if outfile=='': outfile=ra.replace(' ','')+dec.replace(' ','') outfile=outfile + ('.fits' if fits==1 else '.gif') ra=ra.split() dec=dec.split() command = ('wget -O %s "http://%s/cgi-bin/firstimage?RA=%s%%20%s%%20%s%%20%s%%20%s%%20%s&Dec=&Equinox=J2000&ImageSize=%.1f&MaxInt=10&GIF=%d&FITS=%d&Download=1"'%(outfile,imserver,ra[0],ra[1],ra[2],dec[0],dec[1],dec[2],imsize,gif,fits)) print (command) os.system(command)
def wcslabels(wcs, xlim, ylim, xsep='00:00:01', ysep='00:00:15', ax=None, label_color='k', rotate_x=0, rotate_y=90): """ Get WCS ticklabels Parameters ---------- wcs : astWCS.WCS instance the wcs of the image to be shown xlim : sequence of length 2 the minimum and maximum values of the x axis ylim : sequence of length 2 the minimum and maximum values of the y axis xsep : string separation of right ascension ticks in the x axis, in colon-separated hms format xsep : string separation of declination ticks in the y axis, in colon-separated dms format ax : matplotlib.Axes instance (optional) if provided, the ticks will be displayed on it label_color : string or matplotlib color color with which the tick labels will be displayed, if ax is provided rotate_x : float by how much to rotate the x tick labels if ax is provided rotate_y : float by how much to rotate the y tick labels if ax is provided Returns ------- [xticks, xticklabels] : lists containing the positions and labels for right ascension hms labels [yticks, yticklabels] : lists containing the positions and labels for declination dms labels """ def format_wcs(x): """ replace the 60's for 0's and change other values consistently, and add 0's at the beginning of single-digit values """ x = x.split(':') x[2] = round(float(x[2]), 0) x[2] = '{0:.0f}'.format(x[2]) if x[2] >= 10 \ else '0{0:.0f}'.format(x[2]) for i in (1, 0): if x[i+1] == '60': if x[0][0] == '-': if i == 0: x[i] = '-{0}'.format(str(int(x[i]) - 1)) else: x[i] = str(int(x[i]) - 1) else: x[i] = str(int(x[i]) + 1) x[i+1] = '00' for i in xrange(len(x)): if 0 <= int(x[i]) < 10: x[i] = '0{:.0f}'.format(int(x[i])) elif -10 < int(x[i]) < 0: x[i] = '-0{:.0f}'.format(-int(x[i])) return ':'.join(x) left, right = xlim bottom, top = ylim wcslim = [wcs.pix2wcs(left, bottom), wcs.pix2wcs(right, top)] ralim, declim = numpy.transpose(wcslim) rasep = astCoords.hms2decimal(xsep, ':') decsep = astCoords.dms2decimal(ysep, ':') raticks = numpy.arange(0, max(ralim), rasep) raticks = raticks[raticks > min(ralim)] decticks = numpy.arange(-90, max(declim), decsep) decticks = decticks[decticks > min(declim)] # this assumes that the rotation angle of the image is 0/90/180/270 # degrees xticks = [wcs.wcs2pix(x, declim[0])[0] for x in raticks] yticks = [wcs.wcs2pix(ralim[0], y)[0] for y in decticks] xticklabels = [astCoords.decimal2hms(t, ':') for t in raticks] yticklabels = [astCoords.decimal2dms(t, ':').replace('+', '') for t in decticks] # format properly (remove 60's and add 0's) xticklabels = [format_wcs(xt) for xt in xticklabels] yticklabels = [format_wcs(yt) for yt in yticklabels] # get tick positions for rounded labels raticks = [astCoords.hms2decimal(xt, ':') for xt in xticklabels] decticks = [astCoords.dms2decimal(yt, ':') for yt in yticklabels] xticks = [wcs.wcs2pix(x, declim[0])[0] for x in raticks] yticks = [wcs.wcs2pix(ralim[0], y)[1] for y in decticks] # display? if ax: ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_yticks(yticks) ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels, color=label_color, rotation=rotate_x) ax.set_yticklabels(yticklabels, color=label_color, rotation=rotate_y) return [xticks, xticklabels], [yticks, yticklabels]
def main(): __version_info__ = (0,0,1) __version__ = ".".join( map(str,__version_info__) ) for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv): if (arg[0] == '-') and arg[1].isdigit(): sys.argv[i] = ' ' + arg parser = ArgumentParser(description='Image based stacking tool S Makhathini <*****@*****.**>') add = parser.add_argument add("-v","--version", action='version',version='{:s} version {:s}'.format(parser.prog, __version__)) add("-i", "--image", help="FITS image name") add("-c", "--catalog", metavar="CATALOG_NAME:DELIMITER", help="Catalog name. Default delimiter is a comma. Format: 'ra,dec,freq' ") add("-p", "--prefix", default="gota_stackem_all", help="Prefix for output products.") add("-w", "--width", type=float, default=0, help="For line stacking: Band width [MHz] to sample across frequency (for line stacking). Default is 1." "For continuum stacking: Width (in beams) of subregion to stack. Default is 10 beams") add("-vbl", "--vebosity-level", dest="vbl", choices=["0", "1", "2", "3"], default="0", help="Verbosity level. 0-> INFO, 1-> DEBUG, 2-> ERROR, 3-> CRITICAL. Default is 0") add("-b", "--beam", metavar="BMIN[:BMIN:BPA]", help="PSF (a.k.a dirty beam) FWHM in degrees. No default") add("-b2p", "--beam2pix", action="store_true", help="Do Jy/beam to Jy/pixel conversion") add("-L", "--line", action="store_true", help="Do line stacking") add("-C", "--cont", action="store_true", help="Do continuum stacking") add("-mc", "--monte-carlo", metavar="SAMPLES:START:FINISH:N", default=False, help="Do a monte carlo analysis of the noise. That is, " "stack on START random positions NSAMPLES times. " "Repeat this N times with (FINISH-START)/N increments." "if set -mc/--mont-carlo=yes, default is '400:1000:8000:7'") args = parser.parse_args() if args.catalog: catalog_string = args.catalog.split(":") if len(catalog_string)>1: catalgname, delimiter = catalog_string else: catalogname, delimiter = catalog_string[0], "," if args.beam: beam = args.beam.split(":") if len(beam)==1: beam = float(beam[0]) elif len(beam)==2: beam = map(float, beam) + [0] else: beam = map(float, beam) else: beam = None pylab.clf() prefix = args.prefix or "stackem_default" pylab.figure(figsize=(15,10)) if args.line: from Stackem import LineStacker stack = LineStacker.load(args.image, catalogname, delimiter=delimiter, beam=beam, width=args.width, beam2pix=args.beam2pix, verbosity=args.vbl) stacked_line = stack.stack()*1e6 # convert to uJy peak, nu, sigma = gfit_params = stack.fit_gaussian(stacked_line) gfit = utils.gauss(range(stack.width), *gfit_params) freqs = (numpy.linspace(-stack.width/2, stack.width/2, stack.width)*stack.dfreq - stack.freq0)*1e-9 # convert to GHz # plot profile pylab.plot(freqs, stacked_line, "r.", label="stacked profile") pylab.plot(freqs, gfit, "k-", label="Gaussian fit") pylab.grid() pylab.xlim(freqs[0], freqs[-1]) pylab.xlabel("Frequency [GHz]") pylab.ylabel("Flux density [mJy/{:s}]".format("beam" if args.beam2pix else "pixel")) pylab.legend(loc=1) pylab.savefig(prefix+"-line.png") pylab.clf() # save numpy.savetxt(prefix+"-line.txt", stacked_line, delimiter=",") with open(prefix+"-line_stats.txt", "w") as info: tot = sigma*peak*math.sqrt(2*math.pi)"Gaussian Fit parameters.") info.write("Gaussian Fit parameters\n") info.write("Peak Flux : {:.4g} uJy\n".format(peak))"Peak Flux : {:.4g} uJy".format(peak)) info.write("Integrated Flux : {:.4g} uJy\n".format(tot))"Integrated Flux : {:.4g} uJy".format(tot)) info.write("Profile width : {:.4g} MHz \n".format(sigma*stack.dfreq))"Profile width : {:.4g} kHz".format(sigma*stack.dfreq*1e-3))"Line stacking ran successfully. Find your outputs at {:s}-line*".format(prefix)) if args.cont: pylab.figure(figsize=(20, 20)) from Stackem import ContStacker stack = ContStacker.load(args.image, catalogname, delimiter=delimiter, beam=beam, beam2pix=args.beam2pix, width=int(args.width), verbosity=args.vbl) stacked = stack.stack() mask = utils.elliptical_mask(stacked, stack.bmajPix/2., stack.bminPix/2., stack.bpa) flux = utils.gauss_weights(stacked, stack.bmajPix/2., stack.bmajPix/2., mask=mask) flux = flux.sum() rms = utils.negnoise(stacked) with open(prefix+"-cont.txt", "w") as cont:"Stacked flux: {:.3g} +/- {:.3g} uJy".format(flux*1e6, rms*1e6)) cont.write("Stacked flux: {:.3g} +/- {:.3g} uJy/beam".format(flux*1e6, rms*1e6)) # Plot stacked image, and cross-sections rotated = numpy.rot90(stacked.T) import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios = [4,1], height_ratios = [1,4]) gs.update(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) ax1 = pylab.subplot(gs[2]) ax2 = pylab.subplot(gs[0], sharex=ax1) ax3 = pylab.subplot(gs[3], sharey=ax1) pylab.setp(ax3.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) pylab.setp(ax3.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90) pylab.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax1.imshow(stacked, interpolation="nearest") ax1.set_aspect("auto") ra0, dec0 = stack.wcs.getCentreWCSCoords() ras = numpy.linspace(stack.width/2, -stack.width/2, stack.width)*stack.cell - ra0 decs = numpy.linspace(-stack.width/2, stack.width/2, stack.width)*stack.cell - dec0 ax1.set_xticklabels( map(lambda x: coords.decimal2hms(x, ":"), ras) ) ax1.set_yticklabels( map(lambda x: coords.decimal2dms(x, ":"), decs) ) ax1.set_xlabel("RA [hms]") ax1.set_ylabel("DEC [dms]") pylab.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90) ax2.plot(rotated[:, stack.width/2]*1e6) ax3.plot(rotated[stack.width/2,:][::-1]*1e6, range(stack.width)) ax3.set_ylim(0, stack.width-1) ax2.set_xlim(0, stack.width-1) ax2.set_ylabel("Flux density [uJy/beam]") ax3.set_xlabel("Flux density [uJy/beam]") pylab.savefig(prefix+"-cont.png") # save stacked image as fits hdr = stack.hdr hdr["crpix1"] = stack.width/2 hdr["crpix2"] = stack.width/2 pyfits.writeto(prefix+"-cont.fits", stacked, hdr, clobber=True)"Continuum stacking ran successfully. Find your outputs at {:s}-line*".format(prefix)) if args.monte_carlo: if args.monte_carlo in ["yes", "1", "True", "true"]: runs, stacks = 400, xrange(1000, 8000, 1000) else: a, b, c, d = map(int, args.monte_carlo.split(":")) runs, stacks = a, xrange(b, c, (c-b)/d) from Stackem import ContStacker noise = ContStacker.mc_noise_stack(args.image, runs=runs, stacks=stacks, beam=beam, beam2pix=args.beam2pix, width=args.width, verbosity=args.vbl) pylab.clf() pylab.loglog(stacks, noise) pylab.grid() pylab.ylabel("Log (Noise [Jy/beam])") pylab.xlabel("Log (Random Stacks). {:d} Samples".format(runs)) pylab.savefig(prefix+"-cont_mc.png") pylab.clf()
def update_data_object(args): import pickle as p from astLib import astCoords from glob import glob ### ALL QSOs observed and added to the web: allQSOs = glob('/Users/krogager/Sites/redQSOs/images/*.png') observedQSOs = [] for qso in allQSOs: name = qso.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] observedQSOs.append(name) SDSS = p.load(open('/Users/krogager/Projects/redQSOs/OptNIR/SDSS_phot.p')) metaData = np.genfromtxt( '/Users/krogager/Projects/redQSOs/QSO_sampleData.txt', delimiter='\t', dtype={ 'names': [ 'name', 'z', 'Ab', 'IR', 'BAL', 'nored', 'SMC', 'other', 'noabs', 'narrow', 'strong', 'weak', 'intervening' ], 'formats': ['S11', 'f8', 'f8'] + ['i8' for i in range(10)] }) js_out = [] for id, objID, ra, dec, type, u, e_u, g, e_g, r, e_r, i, e_i, z, e_z, specObjID, redshift, primTarget in SDSS: ra_hex = astCoords.decimal2hms(ra, ':') dec_hex = astCoords.decimal2dms(dec, ':') if id in observedQSOs: obs = 1 else: obs = 0 if id in metaData['name']: ij = metaData['name'].tolist().index(id) spec_z = metaData['z'][ij] Ab = metaData['Ab'][ij] BAL = int(metaData['BAL'][ij]) nored = int(metaData['nored'][ij]) SMC = int(metaData['SMC'][ij]) other = int(metaData['other'][ij]) noabs = int(metaData['noabs'][ij]) narrow = int(metaData['narrow'][ij]) strong = int(metaData['strong'][ij]) weak = int(metaData['weak'][ij]) DLA = int(metaData['intervening'][ij]) else: spec_z = -1 Ab = -1 BAL = 0 nored = 0 SMC = 0 other = 0 noabs = 0 narrow = 0 strong = 0 weak = 0 DLA = 0 js_out.append("'%s': {id:%d, sid:%d, ra:%f, dec:%f, ra_hex:'%s', dec_hex:'%s', redshift:%s,\ u:%.2f, g:%.2f, r:%.2f, i:%.2f, z:%.2f, obs:%i, spec_z:%.2f, Ab:%.2f, BAL:%i,nored:%i,SMC:%i,other:%i,\ noabs:%i,narrow:%i,strong:%i,weak:%i,DLA:%i}" \ %(id,objID,specObjID,ra,dec,ra_hex,dec_hex,redshift,u,g,r,i,z,obs,spec_z,Ab,BAL,nored,SMC,other,\ noabs,narrow,strong,weak,DLA) ) js = open('/Users/krogager/Sites/redQSOs/redQSOs_data.js', 'w') now = js.write("//Last update:\n") js.write("var last_update='" + now.strftime("%B %d %Y") + "';\n\n") js.write("var observedQSOs=['") js.write("','".join(observedQSOs)) js.write("'];\n") js.write("\n") js.write("var redQSOs={\n") js.write(',\n'.join(js_out)) js.write("};\n") js.close() if not args.quiet: print "\n [OK] Successfully updated redQSOs_data.js \n"
# our info table['RA'] = nan table['DEC'] = nan table['Dist'] = nan table['z'] = m['zBCG_boada'] table['Mag Lim'] = m['Cmag_i'] #table['N'] = nan # extern info table['RA EX'] = m['RA_y'] table['DEC EX'] = m['DEC_y'] table['Dist EX'] = nan table['z EX'] = m['z_extern'] #table['N EX'] = m['R'] table['Flag'] = m['Flag'] table['Ref'] = m['REDSHIFT_SOURCE'] fixed1 = m.loc[pd.notnull(m['RAJ2000']), 'RAJ2000'].apply(lambda x: astCoords.decimal2hms(x, ':')) fixed2 = m.loc[pd.notnull(m['DEJ2000']), 'DEJ2000'].apply(lambda x: astCoords.decimal2dms(x, ':')) table.loc[fixed1.index, 'RA EX'] = fixed1 table.loc[fixed2.index, 'DEC EX'] = fixed2 for i, row in table.iterrows(): table.loc[i, 'Dist EX'] = astCoords.calcAngSepDeg( row['RA PSZ'], row['DEC PSZ'], row['RA EX'], row['DEC EX']) * 60 print('done')
def testdecimal2dms(self): for dec, result in self.decimal2dms: answer = astCoords.decimal2dms(dec, ':') self.assertEqual(result, answer)
def dms(self): dms_orig = '12:34:56.78' decimal = astCoords.dms2decimal(dms_orig, ':') dms_new = astCoords.decimal2dms(decimal, ':') self.assertEqual(dms_new, dms_orig)
def wds9reg(self, regfile=None, color='red', circlesize=10, width=1, xcol='X_IMAGE', ycol='Y_IMAGE', textcol=None, criteria=None): """ write sources to a ds9 region file. circlesize may be a scalar or an array with one size for each object in the catalog. Criteria can now be used to only write certian regions to the file from the catelog. criteria is a tuple with values (colname,comparison_operator,value). Eg. criteria = ('EXT_IMAGE','==',1) """ import numpy as np import os #import exceptions if (xcol not in self.colnames or ycol not in self.colnames): print("ERROR: cannot make a ds9 region file without %s,%s" % (xcol, ycol)) return (-1) xcolname = xcol.lower() convertRADEC = False if ('alpha' in xcolname) or ('ra' in xcolname) or ( 'r.a.' in xcolname) or ('world' in xcolname): if isinstance(self.coldata[xcol][0], float): try: from astLib import astCoords print( "Converting RA,DEC from decimal degrees to hh:mm:ss,dd:mm:ss" ) convertRADEC = True except: print("Can't load astLib for RA,DEC conversion!") return (-1) if not regfile: regfile = os.path.splitext(self.filename)[0] + '.reg' fout = open(regfile, 'w') print >> fout, "# Region file format: DS9 version 5.4" print >> fout, """global color=%s font="times 16 bold" select=1 edit=1 move=0 delete=1 include=1 fixed=0 width=%i""" % ( color, width) for irow in range(self.nrows): if np.iterable(circlesize): cs = circlesize[irow] else: cs = circlesize textstr = '' if textcol: # textcol may be a comma-sep'd list of col names. textvals = [] for tc in textcol.split(','): tval = self.coldata[tc][irow] if type(tval) in [ int,, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.int8, np.int_ ]: textvals.append('%i' % tval) elif type(tval) in [ float, np.float, np.float32, np.float64, np.float128, np.float_ ]: textvals.append('%.2f' % tval) else: textvals.append(str(tval)) textstr = '# text={%s}' % ':'.join(textvals) #Only write the line to the file if it passes the criteria passed to this function. #This allows us to separate extensions for makeing flt region files in the fakes if criteria is None: write_line = True else: write_line = eval("self.coldata['%s'][irow] %s %s" % criteria) if write_line: cstr = '%.1f' % cs x, y = self.coldata[xcol][irow], self.coldata[ycol][irow] if isinstance(x, float): xstr, ystr = '%.8f' % x, '%.8f' % y if convertRADEC: xstr = astCoords.decimal2hms(x, delimiter=':') ystr = astCoords.decimal2dms(y, delimiter=':') if cs > 1: cs = min(0.75, cs * 0.06) cstr = '%.3f"' % (cs) print >> fout, 'circle(%s,%s,%s)%s' % (xstr, ystr, cstr, textstr) fout.close() return (regfile)
def dms(dec): try: return astCoords.decimal2dms(dec, ':') except UnboundLocalError: return 'NaN'
def main(round=3): ''' This creates a simple latex table with the results using the columns specified below. A few things will need to be done by hand after this is created. The corrected errors to redshifts, and corrected Ngals will need to be manually added by looking at the results images. The cluster finder doesn't save those columns by default. ''' # the confirmed = True gets the 12 confirmed clusters results = loadClusters(round=round, confirmed=True) # load the master spreadsheet t_ss ='../catalogs/PSZ2_unconfirmed_catalog - current.csv') df_ss = t_ss.to_pandas() observed = df_ss.loc[~df_ss['MOSAIC Imaging'].isnull()] confirmed = observed.merge(results, left_on='Name', right_on='Cluster', how='left') # load the PSZ1 catalog t_1 ='../catalogs/PSZ1v2.1.fits') df1 = t_1.to_pandas() # now we add all of the extra info # Berrena paper Bpaper ='../papers/1803.05764/Barrena_tbl3.csv') df_paper = Bpaper.to_pandas() complete = confirmed.merge(df_paper, left_on='Name', right_on='Planck Name', how='left') # tack on the PSZ1 catalog complete = complete.merge(df1, left_on='PSZ1 Indx', right_on='INDEX', how='left') # combine some columns to get extra info complete['z_extern'] = complete['PSZ1 Redshift'].fillna(complete['z_cl']) complete['S/N'] = complete['SNR_PSZ2'].fillna(complete['SNR_PSZ1']) # get the columns we want cols = ['Name', 'PSZ1 Indx', 'PSZ2 Indx', 'S/N', 'RA_SEX', 'DEC_SEX', 'dist_BCG', 'z_cl_boada', 'z_clerr_boada', 'Ngal_c_boada', 'Cmag_i', 'z_extern', 'REDSHIFT_SOURCE', 'BCG_boada'] c = complete.loc[:, cols] c.loc[:, ('RA_SEX', 'DEC_SEX')] = nan c.loc[(~c['z_extern'].isnull()) & (c['REDSHIFT_SOURCE'] == -1.0), 'REDSHIFT_SOURCE'] = 99 # let's the the RA/DEC of our BCGs m = c.loc[c['BCG_boada'].notnull()] for i, row in m.iterrows(): mems = loadMembers('boada', row['Name'], round=round) try: ra = mems.loc[mems['ID'] == row['BCG_boada'], 'RA'].values[0] except IndexError: continue dec = mems.loc[mems['ID'] == row['BCG_boada'], 'DEC'].values[0] # convert to sexigesimal ra_sex = astCoords.decimal2hms(ra, ':') dec_sex = astCoords.decimal2dms(dec, ':') # compute the distance to the PSZ position psz_ra = complete.iloc[i]['RA_x'] psz_dec = complete.iloc[i]['DEC_x'] m.loc[i, 'dist_BCG'] = astCoords.calcAngSepDeg(psz_ra, psz_dec, ra, dec) * 60 # write it back into the main frame m.loc[i, 'RA_SEX'] = ra_sex m.loc[i, 'DEC_SEX'] = dec_sex return m
reader = open(inFile, "r") lines = reader.readlines() reader.close() writer = open(outFile, "w") for row in lines: if len(row)>1: if "#" not in row[:1]: rowBits = row.split("\t") if way == "to_decimal": RADeg = astCoords.hms2decimal(rowBits[RACol], delimiter) decDeg = astCoords.dms2decimal(rowBits[decCol], delimiter) if way == "to_hmsdms": RADeg = astCoords.decimal2hms(float(rowBits[RACol]), delimiter) decDeg = astCoords.decimal2dms(float(rowBits[decCol]), delimiter) writeString = "" for i in range(len(rowBits)): if i == RACol: writeString = writeString+str(RADeg)+"\t" elif i == decCol: writeString = writeString+str(decDeg)+"\t" elif rowBits[i].find("\n") != -1: writeString = writeString+str(rowBits[i]) else: writeString = writeString+str(rowBits[i])+"\t" # new line character already included writer.write(writeString.replace("\n", "").replace("\t", colDelim)+"\n") else: writer.write(row.replace("\t", colDelim))
def testRandomizer(): #calculate a test case conversion = 0.000277777778 # degree to arcsecond #random distance between z = 0 and 5 z = np.random.rand() * 5.0 #random separation of the main galaxy and the subhalo physical_distance = np.random.rand() * 1e3 #in kpc #get the angular diameter distance to the galaxy dd1 = cosmocalc(z, 71.0, 0.28)['PS_kpc'] #in kpc / arc seconds dd = (physical_distance / dd1) * conversion # to degrees # RA and DEC of the main galaxy, first one in GOODS south ra_main = 52.904892 #in degrees dec_main = -27.757082 #in degrees # get the random position rds = rand.randomUnitSphere(points=1) # convert the position to Cartesian coord # when dd is the radius of the sphere coordinates # the dd is in units of degrees here so the results # are also in degrees. rd = conv.convertSphericalToCartesian(dd, rds['theta'], rds['phi']) # Make the assumption that x is towards the observer # z is north and y is west. Now if we assume that our z and y # are Standard Coordinates, i.e., the projection of the RA and DEC # of an object onto the tangent plane of the sky. We can now # assume that the y coordinate is aligned with RA and the z coordinate # is aligned with DEC. The origin of this system is at the tangent point # in the dark matter halo. # Poor man's solution to the problem would be: new_ra = ra_main - (rd['y'][0] / np.cos(rd['z'][0])) new_dec = dec_main + rd['z'][0] # However, this only works if one is away from the pole. # More general solution can be derived using spherical geometry: data = {} data['CD'] = np.matrix('-1 0; 0 1') data['RA'] = ra_main data['DEC'] = dec_main data['X'] = rd['y'][0] data['Y'] = rd['z'][0] result = conv.RAandDECfromStandardCoordinates(data) #print the output print 'Redshift of the galaxy is %.3f while the subhaloes distance is %0.2f kpc' % (z, physical_distance) print '\nCoordinates of the main halo galaxy are (RA and DEC):' print '%.7f %.7f' % (ra_main, dec_main) print astCoords.decimal2hms(ra_main, ':'), astCoords.decimal2dms(dec_main, ':') print '\nCoordinates for the subhalo galaxy are (RA and DEC):' print '%.7f %.7f' % (new_ra, new_dec) print astCoords.decimal2hms(new_ra, ':'), astCoords.decimal2dms(new_dec, ':') print 'or when using more accurate technique' print '%.7f %.7f' % (result['RA'], result['DEC']) print astCoords.decimal2hms(result['RA'], ':'), astCoords.decimal2dms(result['DEC'], ':') #print 'Shift in RA and DEC [degrees]:' #print rd['y'][0], (rd['z'][0]/np.cos(rd['z'][0])) print '\nShift in RA and DEC [seconds]:' print -rd['y'][0] / np.cos(rd['z'][0]) / conversion, rd['z'][0] / conversion print 'or again with the better method:' print (result['RA'] - ra_main) / conversion, (result['DEC'] - dec_main) / conversion
def main(): __version_info__ = (0, 0, 1) __version__ = ".".join(map(str, __version_info__)) for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv): if (arg[0] == '-') and arg[1].isdigit(): sys.argv[i] = ' ' + arg parser = ArgumentParser( description= 'Image based stacking tool S Makhathini <*****@*****.**>') add = parser.add_argument add("-v", "--version", action='version', version='{:s} version {:s}'.format(parser.prog, __version__)) add("-i", "--image", help="FITS image name") add("-c", "--catalog", metavar="CATALOG_NAME:DELIMITER", help= "Catalog name. Default delimiter is a comma. Format: 'ra,dec,freq' ") add("-p", "--prefix", default="gota_stackem_all", help="Prefix for output products.") add("-w", "--width", type=float, default=0, help= "For line stacking: Band width [MHz] to sample across frequency (for line stacking). Default is 1." "For continuum stacking: Width (in beams) of subregion to stack. Default is 10 beams" ) add("-vbl", "--vebosity-level", dest="vbl", choices=["0", "1", "2", "3"], default="0", help= "Verbosity level. 0-> INFO, 1-> DEBUG, 2-> ERROR, 3-> CRITICAL. Default is 0" ) add("-b", "--beam", metavar="BMIN[:BMIN:BPA]", help="PSF (a.k.a dirty beam) FWHM in degrees. No default") add("-b2p", "--beam2pix", action="store_true", help="Do Jy/beam to Jy/pixel conversion") add("-L", "--line", action="store_true", help="Do line stacking") add("-C", "--cont", action="store_true", help="Do continuum stacking") add("-mc", "--monte-carlo", metavar="SAMPLES:START:FINISH:N", default=False, help="Do a monte carlo analysis of the noise. That is, " "stack on START random positions NSAMPLES times. " "Repeat this N times with (FINISH-START)/N increments." "if set -mc/--mont-carlo=yes, default is '400:1000:8000:7'") args = parser.parse_args() if args.catalog: catalog_string = args.catalog.split(":") if len(catalog_string) > 1: catalgname, delimiter = catalog_string else: catalogname, delimiter = catalog_string[0], "," if args.beam: beam = args.beam.split(":") if len(beam) == 1: beam = float(beam[0]) elif len(beam) == 2: beam = map(float, beam) + [0] else: beam = map(float, beam) else: beam = None pylab.clf() prefix = args.prefix or "stackem_default" pylab.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) if args.line: from Stackem import LineStacker stack = LineStacker.load(args.image, catalogname, delimiter=delimiter, beam=beam, width=args.width, beam2pix=args.beam2pix, verbosity=args.vbl) stacked_line = stack.stack() * 1e6 # convert to uJy peak, nu, sigma = gfit_params = stack.fit_gaussian(stacked_line) gfit = utils.gauss(range(stack.width), *gfit_params) freqs = (numpy.linspace(-stack.width / 2, stack.width / 2, stack.width) * stack.dfreq - stack.freq0) * 1e-9 # convert to GHz # plot profile pylab.plot(freqs, stacked_line, "r.", label="stacked profile") pylab.plot(freqs, gfit, "k-", label="Gaussian fit") pylab.grid() pylab.xlim(freqs[0], freqs[-1]) pylab.xlabel("Frequency [GHz]") pylab.ylabel("Flux density [mJy/{:s}]".format( "beam" if args.beam2pix else "pixel")) pylab.legend(loc=1) pylab.savefig(prefix + "-line.png") pylab.clf() # save numpy.savetxt(prefix + "-line.txt", stacked_line, delimiter=",") with open(prefix + "-line_stats.txt", "w") as info: tot = sigma * peak * math.sqrt(2 * math.pi)"Gaussian Fit parameters.") info.write("Gaussian Fit parameters\n") info.write("Peak Flux : {:.4g} uJy\n".format(peak))"Peak Flux : {:.4g} uJy".format(peak)) info.write("Integrated Flux : {:.4g} uJy\n".format(tot))"Integrated Flux : {:.4g} uJy".format(tot)) info.write("Profile width : {:.4g} MHz \n".format(sigma * stack.dfreq))"Profile width : {:.4g} kHz".format( sigma * stack.dfreq * 1e-3)) "Line stacking ran successfully. Find your outputs at {:s}-line*". format(prefix)) if args.cont: pylab.figure(figsize=(20, 20)) from Stackem import ContStacker stack = ContStacker.load(args.image, catalogname, delimiter=delimiter, beam=beam, beam2pix=args.beam2pix, width=int(args.width), verbosity=args.vbl) stacked = stack.stack() mask = utils.elliptical_mask(stacked, stack.bmajPix / 2., stack.bminPix / 2., stack.bpa) flux = utils.gauss_weights(stacked, stack.bmajPix / 2., stack.bmajPix / 2., mask=mask) flux = flux.sum() rms = utils.negnoise(stacked) with open(prefix + "-cont.txt", "w") as cont:"Stacked flux: {:.3g} +/- {:.3g} uJy".format( flux * 1e6, rms * 1e6)) cont.write("Stacked flux: {:.3g} +/- {:.3g} uJy/beam".format( flux * 1e6, rms * 1e6)) # Plot stacked image, and cross-sections rotated = numpy.rot90(stacked.T) import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[4, 1], height_ratios=[1, 4]) gs.update(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) ax1 = pylab.subplot(gs[2]) ax2 = pylab.subplot(gs[0], sharex=ax1) ax3 = pylab.subplot(gs[3], sharey=ax1) pylab.setp(ax3.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) pylab.setp(ax3.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90) pylab.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax1.imshow(stacked, interpolation="nearest") ax1.set_aspect("auto") ra0, dec0 = stack.wcs.getCentreWCSCoords() ras = numpy.linspace(stack.width / 2, -stack.width / 2, stack.width) * stack.cell - ra0 decs = numpy.linspace(-stack.width / 2, stack.width / 2, stack.width) * stack.cell - dec0 ax1.set_xticklabels(map(lambda x: coords.decimal2hms(x, ":"), ras)) ax1.set_yticklabels(map(lambda x: coords.decimal2dms(x, ":"), decs)) ax1.set_xlabel("RA [hms]") ax1.set_ylabel("DEC [dms]") pylab.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90) ax2.plot(rotated[:, stack.width / 2] * 1e6) ax3.plot(rotated[stack.width / 2, :][::-1] * 1e6, range(stack.width)) ax3.set_ylim(0, stack.width - 1) ax2.set_xlim(0, stack.width - 1) ax2.set_ylabel("Flux density [uJy/beam]") ax3.set_xlabel("Flux density [uJy/beam]") pylab.savefig(prefix + "-cont.png") # save stacked image as fits hdr = stack.hdr hdr["crpix1"] = stack.width / 2 hdr["crpix2"] = stack.width / 2 pyfits.writeto(prefix + "-cont.fits", stacked, hdr, clobber=True) "Continuum stacking ran successfully. Find your outputs at {:s}-line*" .format(prefix)) if args.monte_carlo: if args.monte_carlo in ["yes", "1", "True", "true"]: runs, stacks = 400, xrange(1000, 8000, 1000) else: a, b, c, d = map(int, args.monte_carlo.split(":")) runs, stacks = a, xrange(b, c, (c - b) / d) from Stackem import ContStacker noise = ContStacker.mc_noise_stack(args.image, runs=runs, stacks=stacks, beam=beam, beam2pix=args.beam2pix, width=args.width, verbosity=args.vbl) pylab.clf() pylab.loglog(stacks, noise) pylab.grid() pylab.ylabel("Log (Noise [Jy/beam])") pylab.xlabel("Log (Random Stacks). {:d} Samples".format(runs)) pylab.savefig(prefix + "-cont_mc.png") pylab.clf()
def testRandomizer(): #calculate a test case conversion = 0.000277777778 # degree to arcsecond #random distance between z = 0 and 5 z = np.random.rand() * 5.0 #random separation of the main galaxy and the subhalo physical_distance = np.random.rand() * 1e3 #in kpc #get the angular diameter distance to the galaxy dd1 = cosmocalc(z, 71.0, 0.28)['PS_kpc'] #in kpc / arc seconds dd = (physical_distance / dd1) * conversion # to degrees # RA and DEC of the main galaxy, first one in GOODS south ra_main = 52.904892 #in degrees dec_main = -27.757082 #in degrees # get the random position rds = rand.randomUnitSphere(points=1) # convert the position to Cartesian coord # when dd is the radius of the sphere coordinates # the dd is in units of degrees here so the results # are also in degrees. rd = conv.convertSphericalToCartesian(dd, rds['theta'], rds['phi']) # Make the assumption that x is towards the observer # z is north and y is west. Now if we assume that our z and y # are Standard Coordinates, i.e., the projection of the RA and DEC # of an object onto the tangent plane of the sky. We can now # assume that the y coordinate is aligned with RA and the z coordinate # is aligned with DEC. The origin of this system is at the tangent point # in the dark matter halo. # Poor man's solution to the problem would be: new_ra = ra_main - (rd['y'][0] / np.cos(rd['z'][0])) new_dec = dec_main + rd['z'][0] # However, this only works if one is away from the pole. # More general solution can be derived using spherical geometry: data = {} data['CD'] = np.matrix('-1 0; 0 1') data['RA'] = ra_main data['DEC'] = dec_main data['X'] = rd['y'][0] data['Y'] = rd['z'][0] result = conv.RAandDECfromStandardCoordinates(data) #print the output print 'Redshift of the galaxy is %.3f while the subhaloes distance is %0.2f kpc' % ( z, physical_distance) print '\nCoordinates of the main halo galaxy are (RA and DEC):' print '%.7f %.7f' % (ra_main, dec_main) print astCoords.decimal2hms(ra_main, ':'), astCoords.decimal2dms(dec_main, ':') print '\nCoordinates for the subhalo galaxy are (RA and DEC):' print '%.7f %.7f' % (new_ra, new_dec) print astCoords.decimal2hms(new_ra, ':'), astCoords.decimal2dms(new_dec, ':') print 'or when using more accurate technique' print '%.7f %.7f' % (result['RA'], result['DEC']) print astCoords.decimal2hms(result['RA'], ':'), astCoords.decimal2dms( result['DEC'], ':') #print 'Shift in RA and DEC [degrees]:' #print rd['y'][0], (rd['z'][0]/np.cos(rd['z'][0])) print '\nShift in RA and DEC [seconds]:' print -rd['y'][0] / np.cos( rd['z'][0]) / conversion, rd['z'][0] / conversion print 'or again with the better method:' print(result['RA'] - ra_main) / conversion, (result['DEC'] - dec_main) / conversion