Example #1
def rewrite_source_file(inputfile, outputfile, reachable_functions, syscalls, interfaceResolver, classrefs):
	Parse inputfile, rewrite the AST, save the result to outputfile. All paths should be absolute.
	This function performs rewrites for the HLS hardware design 
	def is_funcdef_in_reachable_list(funcdef):
		for r in reachable_functions:
			if r.coord.file == inputfile and r.decl.name == funcdef.decl.name:
				return True
		return False
	ast = astcache.get(inputfile)

	outf = open(outputfile, "w")
	outf.write('#include "jamaica.h"\n')
	outf.write('#include "jni.h"\n')
	outf.write('#include "jbi.h"\n')
	outf.write('#include "Main__.h"\n')
	generator = pycparser.c_generator.CGenerator()
	for c in ast.children():
		if isinstance(c[1], c_ast.FuncDef):
			if reachable_functions == None or is_funcdef_in_reachable_list(c[1]):
				class_references.replace_class_references(c[1], classrefs)
				rewrite_syscall_calls(c[1], syscalls)

Example #2
def c_name_of_java_method(sig, c_output_base):
	Find the name of the C method into which the given method signature was translated.
	This is only partly deterministic so we need to search the AST.
	sig = sig.strip()
	filetoparse = c_filename_of_java_method_sig(sig, c_output_base)
	ast = astcache.get(filetoparse)
	names = get_java_names_of_C_fns(ast)
	return names[sig]
Example #3
def c_decl_node_of_java_sig(sig, c_output_base):
	Given a Java signature, get the decl node in the AST of the C function which implements it.
	Note that this function performs a complete AST traversal of the target file. It is wasteful to 
	call this to resolve a large number of signatures in the same package so the results are cached.
	If code is being morphed, javanames_cache should be cleared to force a re-parse.
	filename = c_filename_of_java_method_sig(sig, c_output_base)
	if not astcache.get(filename) in javanames_cache:
		javanames_cache[astcache.get(filename)] = get_java_names_of_C_fns(astcache.get(filename))
	names = javanames_cache[astcache.get(filename)]
	if not sig in names:
		raise CaicosError("There is no method with the signature " + str(sig) + " in file " + str(filename))
	node = names[sig][1]
	declnode = node.children()[0][1]
	if not isinstance(declnode, c_ast.Decl):
		raise CaicosError("Unexpected function declaration format in file " + str(filename) + " for signature " + str(sig))
	return declnode
Example #4
def get_funcdecl_of_system_funccall(call):
	Given a FuncCall to a Jamaica system call (or just the string of its name), return the corresponding FuncDecl node.
	ast = astcache.get(project_path("projectfiles", "include", "jamaica.h"))
	fdecs = functions_declared_in_ast(ast)
	if isinstance(call, c_ast.FuncCall):
		call = call.name.name
	for dec in fdecs:
		if dec.parent.name == call:
			return dec
	raise CaicosError("Cannot find the definition of system function: " + str(call))
Example #5
		def parse_files(callname):
			Parse all the .c files provided looking for a suitable function definition.
			Relies on ASTCache to avoid reparsing the same files again and again. 
			log().info("Resolving call to: " + callname)
			for srcfile in self.filestosearch:
				ast = astcache.get(srcfile)
				fns = functions_defined_in_ast(ast)
				for fn in fns:
					if fn.decl.name == callname:
						return fn
			return None