Example #1
 def __init__(self, bot):
     self.bot = bot
     self.astral = astral.Astral()
     self.zodiac = (
         (120, '\N{CAPRICORN}'),
         (218, '\N{AQUARIUS}'),
         (320, '\N{PISCES}'),
         (420, '\N{ARIES}'),
         (521, '\N{TAURUS}'),
         (621, '\N{GEMINI}'),
         (722, '\N{CANCER}'),
         (823, '\N{LEO}'),
         (923, '\N{VIRGO}'),
         (1023, '\N{LIBRA}'),
         (1122, '\N{SCORPIUS}'),
         (1222, '\N{SAGITTARIUS}'),
         (1231, '\N{CAPRICORN}'),
     self.moon_phases = (
         (0, '\N{NEW MOON SYMBOL}'),
         (7, '\N{FIRST QUARTER MOON SYMBOL}'),
         (11, '\N{WAXING GIBBOUS MOON SYMBOL}'),
         (14, '\N{FULL MOON SYMBOL}'),
         (18, '\N{WANING GIBBOUS MOON SYMBOL}'),
         (21, '\N{LAST QUARTER MOON SYMBOL}'),
Example #2
 def __init__(self, *args, location=None):
     """An object inheriting from dict, storing solar hours for a location.
     location : astral.Location or tuple, optional
         Allows you to provide a location, allowing an automatic
         getting of solar hours. Must be an 'astral.Location' object
         or a tuple like '(latitude, longitude, timezone_name, elevation)'.
         None default, meaning it relies only on manual settings.
         Although this is mostly intended for manual testing, you can
         also use one of the capital/city names supported by Astral,
         like "London" or "Copenhagen".
     location : astral.Location or None
         The location for which to get solar hours.
     To manually set solar hours for the present day, do the following:
     >>> solar_hours[datetime.date.today()] = {...}
     if isinstance(location, astral.Location):
         self.location = location
     elif isinstance(location, tuple):
         self.location = astral.Location(["Location", "Region", *location])
     elif isinstance(location, str):
         self.location = astral.Astral()[location]
         self.location = None
    def __init__(self, dt):

        Creates a new Forecast object, and instantiates Weather objects to
        display the current weather along with daily and hourly forecasts, as
        well objects to display the news and advertisements.

            dt (datetime.datetime): the current datetime, i.e.
        self.dt = dt
        self.astral = astral.Astral()
        self.astral_city = 'Chicago'

        self.current_weather = CurrentWeather(dt)

        self.daily = []
        d = self.current_weather.dt.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0)
        for i in range(1, 7):
            self.daily.append(DailyWeather(d + datetime.timedelta(days=i)))

        self.hourly = []
        d = self.current_weather.dt.replace(minute=0, second=0)
        for i in range(1, 25):
            self.hourly.append(HourlyWeather(d + datetime.timedelta(hours=i)))

        self.news = News()
Example #4
    def checkTime(self):
        use google to check the sun position time of day
        # check only if neccessary
        if self.checked and self.checked == time.strftime("%j"):
            return self.checked

            a = astral.Astral(astral.GoogleGeocoder)
            a.solar_depression = 'civil'

            city = a[self.place]

            self.dawn    = int(city.sun(date=datetime.date.today(), local=True)['dawn'].strftime('%s'))
            self.sunrise = int(city.sun(date=datetime.date.today(), local=True)['sunrise'].strftime('%s'))
            self.sunset  = int(city.sun(date=datetime.date.today(), local=True)['sunset'].strftime('%s'))
            self.dusk    = int(city.sun(date=datetime.date.today(), local=True)['dusk'].strftime('%s'))

        except Exception as err:
            self.checked = None
            self.checked = str(err)
            self.dawn = 1
            self.dusk = 2
            self.sunrise = 3
            self.sunset = 4

            self.checked = time.strftime("%j")

        return self.checked
 def _create_solar_context(self,forecast_days, solar_file, w_forcast_err, city):
     solar_panel_config = {'voltage_t': 7.32, 'area_j': 0.0165, 'efficiency_j': 0.15}
     dfx = pd.read_csv(solar_file, index_col=0,parse_dates=True)
     a = astral.Astral()
     location = a[city]
     lat = location.latitude
     lon = location.longitude
     dfx['zenith'] =dfx.index.to_series().apply(lambda timestamp: a.solar_zenith(timestamp, lat, lon))
     dfx['zenith']= (dfx['zenith'] - dfx['zenith'].mean())/dfx['zenith'].std()
     dfx['azimuth'] =dfx.index.to_series().apply(lambda timestamp: a.solar_azimuth(timestamp, lat, lon))
     dfx['azimuth']= (dfx['azimuth'] - dfx['azimuth'].mean())/dfx['azimuth'].std()
     dfx.loc[dfx.index[0]-pd.to_timedelta(1, unit='h')] = dfx.loc[dfx.index[-1]]
     dfx = dfx.sort_index()[:-1]
     area = solar_panel_config['area_j']
     efficiency = solar_panel_config['efficiency_j']
     dfx['e_harvest'] = dfx['a']*area*1E9*efficiency/(60*60)
     dfx['w_forecast'] = np.random.uniform(low=(dfx['a']-(dfx['a']*w_forcast_err)), high=(dfx['a']+(dfx['a']*w_forcast_err)))
     dfx['w_forecast'] = dfx['w_forecast']*area*1E9*efficiency/(60*60)
     dfx.drop('a', axis=1, inplace=True)
     forecast_day= dfx['w_forecast'].resample('D').sum()
     daterange = forecast_day.index
     for i in range(forecast_days):
         forecast_day.loc[forecast_day.index[-1]+1*daterange.freq]= forecast_day.loc[forecast_day.index[i]]
     forecast= forecast_day.rolling(str(forecast_days)+'D').sum().shift(-(forecast_days-1))[:-forecast_days]
     return {'dataframe': dfx, 'w_forecast': forecast}
Example #6
    def make_nightsky(self):
        a = astral.Astral()

        tomorrow = self.dt + timedelta(days = 1)
        yesterday = self.dt - timedelta(days = 1)

        if self.dt > self.loc.sunset(self.dt.date()):
            moon_phase = a.moon_phase(self.dt.date())
            night_length = self.loc.sunrise(tomorrow) - self.loc.sunset(self.dt.date())
            night_so_far = self.dt - self.loc.sunset(self.dt.date())
        elif self.dt < self.loc.sunrise(self.dt.date()):
            moon_phase = a.moon_phase(yesterday.date())
            night_length = self.loc.sunrise(self.dt.date()) - self.loc.sunset(yesterday)
            night_so_far = self.dt - self.loc.sunset(yesterday)

        if moon_phase == 0:
            moon = MOONS[0] 
        elif moon_phase < 7:
            moon = MOONS[1]
        elif moon_phase < 14:
            moon = MOONS[2]
        elif moon_phase == 14:
            moon = MOONS[3]
        elif moon_phase < 21:
            moon = MOONS[4]
            moon = MOONS[5]

        moon_placement = 14 - int((night_so_far.seconds/night_length.seconds) * 15)

        for _ in range(moon_placement):
            self.sky += u"\u2800"
        self.sky += moon + u"\uFE0F"
Example #7
    def sunset_sunrise(time, lat, lon):
        Uses the Astral package to find sunset and sunrise times.
        The times are returned rather than day or night indicies.
        More flexible for quenching corrections.

        ast = astral.Astral()

        df = pd.DataFrame.from_items([
            ('time', time),
            ('lat', lat),
            ('lon', lon),
        # set days as index
        df = df.set_index(df.time.values.astype('datetime64[D]'))

        # groupby days and find sunrise for unique days
        grp = df.groupby(df.index).mean()
        date = grp.index.to_pydatetime()

        grp['sunrise'] = list(map(ast.sunrise_utc, date, df.lat, df.lon))
        grp['sunset'] = list(map(ast.sunset_utc, date, df.lat, df.lon))

        # reindex days to original dataframe as night
        df[['sunrise', 'sunset']] = grp[['sunrise',

        # set time as index again
        df = df.set_index('time', drop=False)
        cols = ['time', 'sunset', 'sunrise']
        return df[cols]
Example #8
def get_moon_phase(date):
    Get Moon Phase.
    ast = astral.Astral()
    phase_int = int(ast.moon_phase(date))
    if phase_int == 0:
        phase = "New moon"
    elif phase_int <= 7:
        phase = "Waxing crescent"
    elif phase_int == 7:
        phase = "First quarter"
    elif 7 < phase_int < 14:
        phase = "Waxing gibbous"
    elif phase_int == 14:
        phase = "Full moon"
    elif 14 < phase_int < 21:
        phase = "Waning gibbous"
    elif phase_int == 21:
        phase = "Last quarter"
    elif 21 < phase_int < 28:
        phase = "Waning crescent"
        phase = "New moon"
    return phase
Example #9
 def getMoonPhase(self, cityName="Bangkok"):
     #0 = New moon, 7 = First quarter, 14 = Full moon, 21 = Last quarter
     a = astral.Astral()
     a.solar_depression = 'civil'
     city = a[cityName]
     return city.moon_phase(date=datetime.datetime.now(
Example #10
def get_google_geo():
    # Use this to get google co-ords and elevation
    from astral.astral import GoogleGeocoder
    a = astral.Astral(astral.GoogleGeocoder)
    geo = a.geocoder
    loc = geo['Tel-Aviv']
    print(loc, loc.elevation)
Example #11
def stars_out(date=None, degrees=None):
    if not date:
        date = datetime.datetime.now()
    geo = astral.Astral(astral.AstralGeocoder).geocoder[LOCATION]
    if degrees is not None:
        geo.solar_depression = degrees
    dusk = geo.dusk(local=True, date=date)
    return dusk
Example #12
 def __init__(self, step=1, year=None):
     self.__a = astral.Astral()
     self.__sec_in_min = 60
     self.__step = step
     self.__year = datetime.datetime.today().year if year is None else year
     self.__current_date = self.today()
     self.__current_date_copy = self.__current_date
     self.__ax = None
Example #13
def sunSet(lat, lon, dayOffset=0):
    t = datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=dayOffset)

    a = astral.Astral()
    utc = a.sunset_utc(t, lat, lon)

    # Convert the UTC datetime to a UNIX time stamp.
    return calendar.timegm(utc.timetuple())
Example #14
File: plot.py Project: jkyrouac/ACT
    def day_night_background(self, dsname=None, subplot_index=(0, )):
        Colorcodes the background according to sunrise/sunset

        dsname: None or str
            If there is more than one datastream in the display object the
            name of the datastream needs to be specified. If set to None and
            there is only one datastream then ACT will use the sole datastream
            in the object.
        subplot_index: 1 or 2D tuple, list, or array
            The index to the subplot to place the day and night background in.


        if dsname is None and len(self._arm.keys()) > 1:
            raise ValueError(("You must choose a datastream to derive the " +
                              "information needed for the day and night " +
                              "background when 2 or more datasets are in " +
                              "the display object."))
        elif dsname is None:
            dsname = self._arm.keys()[0]

        # Get File Dates
        file_dates = self._arm[dsname].act.file_dates
        if len(file_dates) == 0:
            sdate = dt_utils.numpy_to_arm_date(self._arm[dsname].time.values[0])
            edate = dt_utils.numpy_to_arm_date(self._arm[dsname].time.values[-1])
            file_dates = [sdate, edate]

        all_dates = dt_utils.dates_between(file_dates[0], file_dates[-1])

        if self.axes is None:
            raise RuntimeError("day_night_background requires the plot to be displayed.")

        ax = self.axes[subplot_index]

        # initialize the plot to a gray background for total darkness
        rect = ax.patch

        # Initiate Astral Instance
        a = astral.Astral()
        if self._arm[dsname].lat.data.size > 1:
            lat = self._arm[dsname].lat.data[0]
            lon = self._arm[dsname].lon.data[0]
            lat = float(self._arm[dsname].lat.data)
            lon = float(self._arm[dsname].lon.data)

        for f in all_dates:
            sun = a.sun_utc(f, lat, lon)
            # add yellow background for specified time period
            ax.axvspan(sun['sunrise'], sun['sunset'], facecolor='#FFFFCC')

            # add local solar noon line
            ax.axvline(x=sun['noon'], linestyle='--', color='y')
Example #15
 def __init__(self, location):
         location: String
     self.location = geocoder.google(location)
     self.elevation = geocoder.google(self.location.latlng,
     self.astral = astral.Astral()
def binary_daytime(samples_dt):
    city_name = 'Paris'
    a = astral.Astral()
    a.solar_depression = 'civil'
    city = a[city_name]
    sun = pd.DataFrame(
        list(map(lambda dd: city.sun(date=dd, local=False),
                 samples_dt.date)))  # This takes a lot of time !!!
    daylights = np.logical_and(
        samples_dt > sun['sunrise'],
        samples_dt < sun['sunset'],
    return daylights
Example #17
    def sundata(self):
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        if (self.suncache is not None):
            if (self.suncache.day >= now.day):

        self.suncache = now
        a = astral.Astral()
        a.solar_depression = 'civil'
        sun = a['Copenhagen'].sun(now, local=True)
        self.dusk = sun['dusk']
        self.dawn = sun['dawn']
        self.sunrise = sun['sunrise']
        self.sunset = sun['sunset']
Example #18
    def _updateSunAndMoon(self):
        now                = datetime.datetime.now()
        a                  = astral.Astral()
        a.solar_depression = 'civil'
        city               = a[self._LOCATION]
        sun                = city.sun(date=datetime.date.today(), local=False)
        dawn               = sun['dawn'].replace(tzinfo=None)    + datetime.timedelta(hours=self._OFFSET)
        sunrise            = sun['sunrise'].replace(tzinfo=None) + datetime.timedelta(hours=self._OFFSET)
        sunset             = sun['sunset'].replace(tzinfo=None)  + datetime.timedelta(hours=self._OFFSET)
        dusk               = sun['dusk'].replace(tzinfo=None)    + datetime.timedelta(hours=self._OFFSET)
        moon_phase         = city.moon_phase(date=datetime.datetime.now(tz=pytz.timezone('Europe/Berlin')))
        observer           = ephem.Observer()
        observer.lon       = self._LOGITUDE
        observer.lat       = self._LATITUDE
        observer.elevation = self._ELEVATION
        observer.date      = datetime.datetime.now(tz=pytz.timezone('Europe/Berlin'))
        moon               = ephem.Moon(observer)
        moon_elevation     = moon.alt * (180 / math.pi)

        if dawn < now < sunrise:
            duration             = sunrise - dawn
            done                 = now - dawn
            self._day_state      = DAWN
            self._sun_percentage = int((done.total_seconds() / duration.total_seconds()) * 100)

        elif sunrise < now < sunset:
            self._day_state      = DAY
            self._sun_percentage = 100

        elif sunset < now < dusk:
            duration              = dusk - sunset
            done                  = now - sunset
            self._day_state       = SUNSET
            self._sun_percentage  = int((1.0 - (done.total_seconds() / duration.total_seconds())) * 100)

            self._day_state       = NIGHT
            self._sun_percentage  = 0

        if 0 <= moon_phase <= 14:
            moon_phase_percentage = 1.0 - ( (14.0 - (moon_phase       ) ) / 14.0)
            moon_phase_percentage =       ( (14.0 - (moon_phase - 14.0) ) / 14.0)

        if moon_elevation > 0:
            self._moon_percentage = int(moon_phase_percentage * (moon_elevation / 90.0) * 100)
            self._moon_percentage = 0
Example #19
 def getSunTimes(self, cityName="Bangkok", offset=11):
     a = astral.Astral()
     a.solar_depression = 'civil'
     city = a[cityName]
     sun = city.sun(date=datetime.date.today(), local=False)
     dawn = sun['dawn'].replace(tzinfo=None) + datetime.timedelta(
     sunrise = sun['sunrise'].replace(tzinfo=None) + datetime.timedelta(
     noon = sun['noon'].replace(tzinfo=None) + datetime.timedelta(
     sunset = sun['sunset'].replace(tzinfo=None) + datetime.timedelta(
     dusk = sun['dusk'].replace(tzinfo=None) + datetime.timedelta(
     return dawn, sunrise, noon, sunset, dusk
Example #20
def GetSunriseTime(day):
    a = astral.Astral()
    a.solar_depression = 'civil'

    l = astral.Location()
    l.name = '9WGJ+42 Mountain View California'
    l.region = 'USA'
    l.latitude = 37.375313
    l.longitude = -122.069938
    l.timezone = 'US/Pacific'
    l.elevation = 42.865

    # Finding the next sunrise.
    sun = l.sun(day, local=True)

    return sun['sunrise']
Example #21
def getSunRiseSet():
    a = astral.Astral()
    brum = a['Birmingham']
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    sun = brum.sun(date=now)
    if sun['sunrise'].replace(tzinfo=None) < now:
        sunrise = sun['sunrise']
        if sun['sunset'].replace(tzinfo=None) < now:
            sunset = sun['sunset']
            sun = brum.sun(date=(now - datetime.timedelta(hours=24)))
            sunset = sun['sunset']
        sun = brum.sun(date=(now - datetime.timedelta(hours=24)))
        sunrise = sun['sunrise']
        sunset = sun['sunset']
    return time.mktime(sunrise.timetuple()), time.mktime(sunset.timetuple())
Example #22
    def day_night_background(self, subplot_index=(0, )):
        Colorcodes the background according to sunrise/sunset

        subplot_index: 1 or 2D tuple, list, or array
            The index to the subplot to place the day and night background in.

        # Get File Dates
        file_dates = self._arm.act.file_dates
        if len(file_dates) == 0:
            sdate = dt_utils.numpy_to_arm_date(self._arm.time.values[0])
            edate = dt_utils.numpy_to_arm_date(self._arm.time.values[-1])
            file_dates = [sdate, edate]

        all_dates = dt_utils.dates_between(file_dates[0], file_dates[-1])

        if self.axes is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "day_night_background requires the plot to be displayed.")

        ax = self.axes[subplot_index]

        # initialize the plot to a gray background for total darkness
        rect = ax.patch

        # Initiate Astral Instance
        a = astral.Astral()
        if self._arm.lat.data.size > 1:
            lat = self._arm.lat.data[0]
            lon = self._arm.lon.data[0]
            lat = float(self._arm.lat.data)
            lon = float(self._arm.lon.data)

        for f in all_dates:
            sun = a.sun_utc(f, lat, lon)
            # add yellow background for specified time period
            ax.axvspan(sun['sunrise'], sun['sunset'], facecolor='#FFFFCC')

            # add local solar noon line
            ax.axvline(x=sun['noon'], linestyle='--', color='y')
Example #23
    def _astral(self):
        print('Dawn:    %s' % str(sun['dawn']))
        print('Sunrise: %s' % str(sun['sunrise']))
        print('Noon:    %s' % str(sun['noon']))
        print('Sunset:  %s' % str(sun['sunset']))
        print('Dusk:    %s' % str(sun['dusk']))

        :return: sun
        a = astral.Astral()
        a.solar_depression = 'nautical'
        city = astral.Location(('Home', None, 54, 83, 'Asia/Novosibirsk', 0))
        # print('Information for %s/%s\n' % ('Novosibirsk', city.region))
        # print('Timezone: %s' % city.timezone)
        # print('Latitude: %.02f; Longitude: %.02f\n' % (city.latitude, city.longitude))
        sun = city.sun(date=datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=1),
        return sun
Example #24
    def get_moon():
        a = astral.Astral()
        moon_phase = a.moon_phase(utcdt, rtype=float)
        lunation = moon_phase / 27.99

        PRECISION = 0.05
        NEW = 0 / 4.0
        FIRST = 1 / 4.0
        FULL = 2 / 4.0
        LAST = 3 / 4.0
        NEXTNEW = 4 / 4.0

        phase_strings = ((NEW + PRECISION, "🌑"), (FIRST - PRECISION, "🌒"),
                         (FIRST + PRECISION, "🌓"), (FULL - PRECISION, "🌔"),
                         (FULL + PRECISION, "🌕"), (LAST - PRECISION, "🌖"),
                         (LAST + PRECISION, "🌗"), (NEXTNEW - PRECISION, "🌘"),
                         (NEXTNEW + PRECISION, "🌑"))

        i = bisect.bisect([a[0] for a in phase_strings], lunation)
        return phase_strings[i][1]
 def sundata(self):
     a = astral.Astral()
     a.solar_depression = 'civil'
     sun = a['Copenhagen'].sun(datetime.datetime.now(), local=True)
     dusk = sun['dusk']
     dawn = sun['dawn']
     sunrise = sun['sunrise']
     sunset = sun['sunset']
     dusks = int(
         abs((dusk - dusk.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0,
     dawns = int(
         abs((dawn - dawn.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0,
     sunss = int(
         abs((sunset - sunset.replace(
             hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)).total_seconds()))
     sunrs = int(
         abs((sunrise - sunrise.replace(
             hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)).total_seconds()))
     return sunrs, sunss, dusks, dawns
Example #26
def _moon_phase(date_range: DatetimeIndex) -> Series:
    almanac = astral.Astral()

    return Series([almanac.moon_phase(date) for date in date_range],
Example #27
import datetime
import astral
import pytz
import time
import motor
from twilio.rest import Client
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

account_sid = 'mytwiliosid'
auth_token = 'mytwiliotoken'
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)

a = astral.Astral()
city_name = 'Omaha'
city = a[city_name]
timezone = city.timezone
sun = city.sun(date=datetime.date.today(), local=True)
dt = datetime.datetime.now(tz=pytz.UTC)
dt_central_now = dt.astimezone(pytz.timezone('US/Central'))
delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=20)
test_sunset = dt_central_now + delta

##print('sunrise is: ', sunrise, 'today.')
##print('sunset is: ', sunset, 'today.')

##print(dt_central_now - sunrise)

    mode = 1
    evening_message = 0
    morning_message = 0
Example #28
    def day_night_background(self, dsname=None, subplot_index=(0, )):
        Colorcodes the background according to sunrise/sunset.

        dsname: None or str
            If there is more than one datastream in the display object the
            name of the datastream needs to be specified. If set to None and
            there is only one datastream then ACT will use the sole datastream
            in the object.
        subplot_index: 1 or 2D tuple, list, or array
            The index to the subplot to place the day and night background in.

        if dsname is None and len(self._arm.keys()) > 1:
            raise ValueError(("You must choose a datastream to derive the " +
                              "information needed for the day and night " +
                              "background when 2 or more datasets are in " +
                              "the display object."))
        elif dsname is None:
            dsname = list(self._arm.keys())[0]

        # Get File Dates
        file_dates = self._arm[dsname].act.file_dates
        if len(file_dates) == 0:
            sdate = dt_utils.numpy_to_arm_date(
            edate = dt_utils.numpy_to_arm_date(
            file_dates = [sdate, edate]

        all_dates = dt_utils.dates_between(file_dates[0], file_dates[-1])

        if self.axes is None:
            raise RuntimeError("day_night_background requires the plot to "
                               "be displayed.")

        ax = self.axes[subplot_index]

        # initialize the plot to a gray background for total darkness
        rect = ax.patch

        # Find variable names for latitude and longitude
        variables = list(self._arm[dsname].data_vars)
        lat_name = [var for var in ['lat', 'latitude'] if var in variables]
        lon_name = [var for var in ['lon', 'longitude'] if var in variables]
        if len(lat_name) == 0:
            lat_name = None
            lat_name = lat_name[0]

        if len(lon_name) == 0:
            lon_name = None
            lon_name = lon_name[0]

        # Variable name does not match, look for standard_name declaration
        if lat_name is None or lon_name is None:
            for var in variables:
                    if self._arm[dsname][var].attrs['standard_name'] == 'latitude':
                        lat_name = var
                except KeyError:

                    if self._arm[dsname][var].attrs['standard_name'] == 'longitude':
                        lon_name = var
                except KeyError:

                if lat_name is not None and lon_name is not None:

        if lat_name is None or lon_name is None:

            if self._arm[dsname].lat.data.size > 1:
                lat = self._arm[dsname][lat_name].data[0]
                lon = self._arm[dsname][lon_name].data[0]
                lat = float(self._arm[dsname][lat_name].data)
                lon = float(self._arm[dsname][lon_name].data)
        except AttributeError:

        # Initiate Astral Instance
        a = astral.Astral()
        # Set the the number of degrees the sun must be below the horizon
        # for the dawn/dusk calculation. Need to do this so when the calculation
        # sends an error it is not going to be an inacurate switch to setting
        # the full day.
        a.solar_depression = 0

        for f in all_dates:
            # Loop over previous, current and following days to cover all overlaps
            # due to local vs UTC times.
            for ii in [-1, 0, 1]:
                    new_time = f + dt.timedelta(days=ii)
                    sun = a.sun_utc(new_time, lat, lon)

                    # add yellow background for specified time period
                    ax.axvspan(sun['sunrise'], sun['sunset'], facecolor='#FFFFCC', zorder=0)

                    # add local solar noon line
                    ax.axvline(x=sun['noon'], linestyle='--', color='y', zorder=1)

                except astral.AstralError:
                    # Error for all day and all night is the same. Check to see
                    # if sun is above horizon at solar noon. If so plot.
                    if a.solar_elevation(new_time, lat, lon) > 0:
                        # Make whole background yellow for when sun does not reach
                        # horizon. Use in high latitude locations.
                        ax.axvspan(dt.datetime(f.year, f.month, f.day, hour=0,
                                               minute=0, second=0),
                                   dt.datetime(f.year, f.month, f.day, hour=23,
                                               minute=59, second=59),

                        # add local solar noon line
                        ax.axvline(x=a.solar_noon_utc(f, lon), linestyle='--', color='y')
Example #29
def test_Location_WithUnicodeLiteral():
    a = astral.Astral()
    _l = a['London']
Example #30
# ----- External Display support -----
# Set to True if you want to display METAR conditions to a small external display
DISPLAY_ROTATION_SPEED = 6.0			# Float in seconds, e.g 2.0 for two seconds

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------END OF CONFIGURATION-------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

print("Running metar.py at " + datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M'))

# Figure out sunrise/sunset times if astral is being used
if astral is not None and USE_SUNRISE_SUNSET:
        # For older clients running python 3.5 which are using Astral 1.10.1
        ast = astral.Astral()
            city = ast[LOCATION]
        except KeyError:
                "Error: Location not recognized, please check list of supported cities and reconfigure")
            sun = city.sun(date=datetime.datetime.now().date(), local=True)
            BRIGHT_TIME_START = sun['sunrise'].time()
            DIM_TIME_START = sun['sunset'].time()
    except AttributeError:
        # newer Raspberry Pi versions using Python 3.6+ using Astral 2.2
        import astral.geocoder
        import astral.sun