def test_calculate_affine_matrices(angle, scale, xoffset, yoffset): m = ((models.Scale(scale) & models.Scale(scale)) | models.Rotation2D(angle) | (models.Shift(xoffset) & models.Shift(yoffset))) affine = adwcs.calculate_affine_matrices(m, (100, 100)) assert_allclose(affine.offset, (yoffset, xoffset), atol=1e-10) angle = math.radians(angle) assert_allclose(affine.matrix, ((scale * math.cos(angle), scale * math.sin(angle)), (-scale * math.sin(angle), scale * math.cos(angle))), atol=1e-10)
def align_images_from_wcs(adinput, adref, cull_sources=False, transform=None, min_sources=1, search_radius=10, match_radius=2, rotate=False, scale=False, full_wcs=False, brute=True, return_matches=False): """ This function takes two images (an input image, and a reference image) and works out the modifications needed to the WCS of the input images so that the world coordinates of its OBJCAT sources match the world coordinates of the OBJCAT sources in the reference image. This is done by modifying the WCS of the input image and mapping the reference image sources to pixels in the input image via the reference image WCS (fixed) and the input image WCS. As such, in the nomenclature of the fitting routines, the pixel positions of the input image's OBJCAT become the "reference" sources, while the converted positions of the reference image's OBJCAT are the "input" sources. Parameters ---------- adinput: AstroData input AD whose pixel shift is requested adref: AstroData reference AD image transform: Transform/None existing transformation (if None, will do brute search) cull_sources: bool limit matched sources to "good" (i.e., stellar) objects min_sources: int minimum number of sources to use for cross-correlation search_radius: float size of search box (in pixels) match_radius: float matching radius for objects (in pixels) rotate: bool add a rotation to the alignment transform? scale: bool add a magnification to the alignment transform? full_wcs: bool use the two images' WCSs to reproject the reference image's coordinates onto the input image's pixel plane, rather than just align the OBJCAT coordinates? brute: bool perform brute (landscape) search first? return_matches: bool return a list of matched objects as well as the Transform? Returns ------- matches: 2 lists OBJCAT sources in input and reference that are matched WCS: new WCS for input image """ log = logutils.get_logger(__name__) if len(adinput) * len(adref) != 1: log.warning('Can only match single-extension images') return None try: input_objcat = adinput[0].OBJCAT ref_objcat = adref[0].OBJCAT except AttributeError: log.warning('Both input images must have object catalogs') return None if len(input_objcat) < min_sources or len(ref_objcat) < min_sources: log.warning("Too few sources in one or both images. Cannot align.") return None largest_dimension = max(*adinput[0].shape, *adref[0].shape) # Values larger than these result in errors of >1 pixel mag_threshold = 1. / largest_dimension rot_threshold = np.degrees(mag_threshold) # OK, we can proceed incoords = (input_objcat['X_IMAGE'].data - 1, input_objcat['Y_IMAGE'].data - 1) refcoords = (ref_objcat['X_IMAGE'].data - 1, ref_objcat['Y_IMAGE'].data - 1) if cull_sources: good_src1 = gt.clip_sources(adinput)[0] good_src2 = gt.clip_sources(adref)[0] if len(good_src1) < min_sources or len(good_src2) < min_sources: log.warning("Too few sources in culled list, using full set " "of sources") else: incoords = (good_src1["x"] - 1, good_src1["y"] - 1) refcoords = (good_src2["x"] - 1, good_src2["y"] - 1) # Set up the initial model magnification, rotation = 1, 0 # May be overridden later try: t = adref[0].wcs.forward_transform | adinput[0].wcs.backward_transform except AttributeError: # for cases with no defined WCS t = None if full_wcs: log.warning( "Cannot determine WCS information: setting full_wcs=False") full_wcs = False if full_wcs: refcoords = t(*refcoords) elif transform is None and t is not None: transform = t.inverse if transform is None: transform = models.Identity(2) # We always refactor the transform (if provided) in a prescribed way so # as to ensure it's fittable and not overly weird affine = adwcs.calculate_affine_matrices(transform, adinput[0].shape) m_init = models.Shift(affine.offset[1]) & models.Shift(affine.offset[0]) # This is approximate since the affine matrix might have differential # scaling and a shear magnification = np.sqrt(abs(np.linalg.det(affine.matrix))) rotation = np.degrees( np.arctan2(affine.matrix[1, 0] - affine.matrix[0, 1], affine.matrix[0, 0] + affine.matrix[1, 1])) m_init.offset_0.bounds = (m_init.offset_0 - search_radius, m_init.offset_0 + search_radius) m_init.offset_1.bounds = (m_init.offset_1 - search_radius, m_init.offset_1 + search_radius) m_rotate = Rotate2D(rotation) if rotate: m_rotate.angle.bounds = (rotation - 5, rotation + 5) m_init = m_rotate | m_init elif abs(rotation) > rot_threshold: m_rotate.angle.fixed = True m_init = m_rotate | m_init log.warning("A rotation of {:.3f} degrees is expected but the " "rotation is fixed".format(rotation)) m_magnify = Scale2D(magnification) if scale: m_magnify.factor.bounds = (magnification - 0.05, magnification + 0.05) m_init = m_magnify | m_init elif abs(magnification - 1) > mag_threshold: m_magnify.factor.fixed = True m_init = m_magnify | m_init log.warning("A magnification of {:.4f} is expected but the " "magnification is fixed".format(magnification)) # Perform the fit m_final = fit_model(m_init, incoords, refcoords, sigma=10, brute=brute) if return_matches: matched = match_sources(m_final(*incoords), refcoords, radius=match_radius) ind2 = np.where(matched >= 0) ind1 = matched[ind2] obj_list = [[], []] if len(ind1) < 1 else [ np.array(list(zip(*incoords)))[ind2], np.array(list(zip(*refcoords)))[ind1] ] return obj_list, m_final return m_final
def create_polynomial_transform(transform, in_coords, ref_coords, order=3, max_iters=5, match_radius=0.1, clip=True, log=None): """ This function maps a set of 2D input coordinates to a set of 2D reference coordiantes using a pair of Polynomial2D object (one for each ordinate), given an initial transforming model. Parameters ---------- transform : astropy.models.Model the initial guess of the transform between coordinate frames in_coords : 2-tuple of sequences input coordinates being mapped to reference ref_coords : 2-tuple of sequences reference coordinates order : int order of polynomial fit in each ordinate max_iters : int maximum number of iterations to perform match_radius : float matching radius for sources (in units of the reference coords) clip : bool sigma-clip sources after matching? log : logging object Returns ------- transform : Model a model (and its inverse) to map in_coords to ref_coords matched: ndarray matched incoord for each refcoord """ affine = adwcs.calculate_affine_matrices(transform, shape=(100, 100)) num_params = [ len(models.Polynomial2D(degree=i).parameters) for i in range(order + 1) ] orig_order = last_order = order xref, yref = ref_coords xin, yin = in_coords if clip: fit_it = fitting.FittingWithOutlierRemoval(fitting.LinearLSQFitter(), sigma_clip, sigma=3) else: fit_it = fitting.LinearLSQFitter() matched = match_sources((xref, yref), transform(xin, yin), radius=match_radius) num_matched = np.sum(matched >= 0) niter = 0 while True: # No point trying to compute a more complex model if it will # be insufficiently constrained order = min(np.searchsorted(num_params, num_matched, side="right"), orig_order) if order < last_order: log.warning(f"Downgrading fit to order {order} due to " "limited number of matches.") elif order > last_order: log.stdinfo(f"Upgrading fit to order {order} due to " "increased number of matches.") xmodel = models.Polynomial2D(degree=order, c0_0=affine.offset[1], c1_0=affine.matrix[1, 1], c0_1=affine.matrix[1, 0]) ymodel = models.Polynomial2D(degree=order, c0_0=affine.offset[0], c1_0=affine.matrix[0, 1], c0_1=affine.matrix[0, 0]) old_num_matched = num_matched xobj_matched, yobj_matched = [], [] xref_matched, yref_matched = [], [] for i, m in enumerate(matched): if m >= 0: xref_matched.append(xref[i]) yref_matched.append(yref[i]) xobj_matched.append(xin[m]) yobj_matched.append(yin[m]) xmodel = fit_it(xmodel, np.array(xobj_matched), np.array(yobj_matched), xref_matched) ymodel = fit_it(ymodel, np.array(xobj_matched), np.array(yobj_matched), yref_matched) if clip: xmodel, ymodel = xmodel[0], ymodel[0] transform = models.Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1)) | (xmodel & ymodel) matched = match_sources((xref, yref), transform(xin, yin), radius=match_radius) num_matched = np.sum(matched >= 0) last_order = order niter += 1 log.debug(f"Iteration {niter}: Matched {num_matched} objects") if num_matched == old_num_matched or niter > max_iters: break xmodel_inv = fit_it(xmodel, np.array(xref_matched), np.array(yref_matched), xobj_matched) ymodel_inv = fit_it(ymodel, np.array(xref_matched), np.array(yref_matched), yobj_matched) if clip: xmodel_inv, ymodel_inv = xmodel_inv[0], ymodel_inv[0] transform.inverse = models.Mapping( (0, 1, 0, 1)) | (xmodel_inv & ymodel_inv) return transform, matched
def find_alignment_transform(incoords, refcoords, transform=None, shape=None, search_radius=10, match_radius=2, rotate=False, scale=False, brute=True, sigma=5, factor=None, return_matches=False): """ This function computes a transform that maps one set of coordinates to another. By default, only a shift is used, by a rotation and magnification can also be applied if requested. An initial transform may be supplied and, if so, its affine approximation will be used as a starting point. Parameters ---------- incoords: tuple x-coords and y-coords of objects in input image refcoords: tuple x-coords and y-coords of objects in reference image transform: Transform/None existing transformation (if None, will do brute search) shape: 2-tuple/None shape (standard python order, y-first) search_radius: float size of search box (in pixels) match_radius: float matching radius for objects (in pixels) rotate: bool add a rotation to the alignment transform? scale: bool add a magnification to the alignment transform? brute: bool perform brute (landscape) search first? sigma: float scale-length for source matching factor: float/None scaling factor to convert coordinates to pixels in the BruteLandscapeFitter() return_matches: bool return a list of matched objects as well as the Transform? Returns ------- Model: alignment transform matches: 2 lists (optional) OBJCAT sources in input and reference that are matched """ log = logutils.get_logger(__name__) if shape is None: shape = tuple(max(c) - min(c) for c in incoords) largest_dimension = max(*shape) # Values larger than these result in errors of >1 pixel mag_threshold = 1. / largest_dimension rot_threshold = np.degrees(mag_threshold) # Set up the initial model if transform is None: transform = models.Identity(2) # We always refactor the transform (if provided) in a prescribed way so # as to ensure it's fittable and not overly weird affine = adwcs.calculate_affine_matrices(transform, shape) m_init = models.Shift(affine.offset[1]) & models.Shift(affine.offset[0]) # This is approximate since the affine matrix might have differential # scaling and a shear magnification = np.sqrt(abs(np.linalg.det(affine.matrix))) rotation = np.degrees( np.arctan2(affine.matrix[0, 1] - affine.matrix[1, 0], affine.matrix[0, 0] + affine.matrix[1, 1])) m_init.offset_0.bounds = (m_init.offset_0 - search_radius, m_init.offset_0 + search_radius) m_init.offset_1.bounds = (m_init.offset_1 - search_radius, m_init.offset_1 + search_radius) m_rotate = Rotate2D(rotation) if rotate: m_rotate.angle.bounds = (rotation - 5, rotation + 5) m_init = m_rotate | m_init elif abs(rotation) > rot_threshold: m_rotate.angle.fixed = True m_init = m_rotate | m_init log.warning("A rotation of {:.3f} degrees is expected but the " "rotation is fixed".format(rotation)) m_magnify = Scale2D(magnification) if scale: m_magnify.factor.bounds = (magnification - 0.05, magnification + 0.05) m_init = m_magnify | m_init elif abs(magnification - 1) > mag_threshold: m_magnify.factor.fixed = True m_init = m_magnify | m_init log.warning("A magnification of {:.4f} is expected but the " "magnification is fixed".format(magnification)) # Tolerance here aims to achieve <0.1 pixel differences in the tests m_final = fit_model(m_init, incoords, refcoords, sigma=sigma, scale=factor, brute=brute, tolerance=sigma * 1e-5) if return_matches: matched = match_sources(m_final(*incoords), refcoords, radius=match_radius) ind2 = np.where(matched >= 0) ind1 = matched[ind2] obj_list = [[], []] if len(ind1) < 1 else [ np.array(list(zip(*incoords)))[ind2], np.array(list(zip(*refcoords)))[ind1] ] return m_final, obj_list return m_final
def resampleToCommonFrame(self, adinputs=None, **params): """ This primitive applies the transformation encoded in the input images WCSs to align them with a reference image, in reference image pixel coordinates. The reference image is taken to be the first image in the input list if not explicitly provided as a parameter. By default, the transformation into the reference frame is done via interpolation. The variance plane, if present, is transformed in the same way as the science data. The data quality plane, if present, is handled in a bitwise manner with each bit of each pixel in the output image being set it it has >1% influence from that bit of a bad pixel. The transformed masks are then added back together to generate the transformed DQ plane. The WCS objects of the output images are updated to reflect the transformation. Parameters ---------- suffix : str suffix to be added to output files order : int (0-5) order of interpolation (0=nearest, 1=linear, etc.) trim_data : bool trim image to size of reference image? clean_data : bool replace bad pixels with a ring median of their values to avoid ringing if using a high-order interpolation? conserve : bool conserve flux when resampling to a different pixel scale? force_affine : bool convert the true resampling transformation to an affine approximation? This speeds up the calculation and has a negligible effect for instruments lacking significant distortion reference : str/AstroData/None reference image for resampling (if not provided, the first image in the list will be used) """ log = self.log log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", self.myself(), "starting")) timestamp_key = self.timestamp_keys[self.myself()] sfx = params.pop("suffix") reference = params.pop("reference") trim_data = params.pop("trim_data") force_affine = params.pop("force_affine") # These two parameters are only for GSAOI and will help to define # the output WCS if there's no reference image pixel_scale = params.pop("pixel_scale", None) position_angle = params.pop("pa", None) # TODO: Can we make it so that we don't need to mosaic detectors # before doing this? That would mean we only do one interpolation, # not two, and that's definitely better! if not all(len(ad) == 1 or ad.instrument() == "GSAOI" for ad in adinputs): raise OSError("All input images must have only one extension.") if isinstance(reference, str): reference = elif reference is None and pixel_scale is None: # Reference image will be the first AD, so we need 2+ if len(adinputs) < 2: log.warning("No alignment will be performed, since at least " "two input AstroData objects are required for " "resampleToCommonFrame") return adinputs if reference is None and pixel_scale: # This must be GSAOI projecting to the requested geometry ad0 = adinputs[0] ra, dec = ad0.target_ra(), ad0.target_dec() # using SkyCoord facilitates formatting the log center = SkyCoord(ra * u.deg, dec * u.deg) ra_str = center.ra.to_string(u.hour, precision=3) dec_str = center.dec.to_string(u.deg, precision=2, alwayssign=True) log.stdinfo(f"Projecting with center {ra_str} {dec_str}\n" f"at PA={position_angle} with pixel scale={pixel_scale}") pixel_scale /= 3600 new_wcs = (models.Scale(-pixel_scale) & models.Scale(pixel_scale) | models.Rotation2D(position_angle) | models.Pix2Sky_TAN() | models.RotateNative2Celestial(ra, dec, 180)) ref_wcs = gWCS([(ad0[0].wcs.input_frame, new_wcs), (ad0[0].wcs.output_frame, None)]) if trim_data: log.warning("Setting trim_data=False as required when no " "reference imagevis provided.") trim_data = False else: if reference is None: reference = adinputs[0] else: log.stdinfo(f"Using {reference.filename} as reference image") if not trim_data: log.warning("Setting trim_data=True to trim to size of the " "reference image.") trim_data = True if len(reference) != 1: raise OSError("Reference image must have only one extension.") ref_wcs = reference[0].wcs if trim_data: params.update({'origin': (0,) * len(reference[0].shape), 'output_shape': reference[0].shape}) # No transform for the reference AD for ad in adinputs: transforms = [] if reference is ad: transforms.append(models.Identity(len(ad[0].shape))) else: for ext in ad: t_align = ext.wcs.forward_transform | ref_wcs.backward_transform if force_affine: affine = adwcs.calculate_affine_matrices(t_align, ext.shape) t_align = models.AffineTransformation2D(matrix=affine.matrix[::-1, ::-1], translation=affine.offset[::-1]) transforms.append(t_align) for ext, t_align in zip(ad, transforms): resampled_frame = copy(ext.wcs.input_frame) = "resampled" ext.wcs = gWCS([(ext.wcs.input_frame, t_align), (resampled_frame, ref_wcs.pipeline[0].transform)] + ref_wcs.pipeline[1:]) adoutputs = self._resample_to_new_frame(adinputs, frame="resampled", process_objcat=False, **params) for ad in adoutputs: try: trans_data = ad.nddata[0].meta.pop('transform') except KeyError: pass else: corners = np.array(trans_data['corners'][0]) ncorners = len(corners) ad.hdr["AREATYPE"] = (f"P{ncorners}", f"Region with {ncorners} vertices") for i, corner in enumerate(zip(*corners), start=1): for axis, value in enumerate(reversed(corner), start=1): key_name = f"AREA{i}_{axis}" key_comment = f"Vertex {i}, dimension {axis}" ad.hdr[key_name] = (value + 1, key_comment) jfactor = trans_data['jfactors'][0] ad.hdr["JFACTOR"] = (jfactor, "J-factor in resampling") ad.update_filename(suffix=sfx, strip=True) gt.mark_history(ad, primname=self.myself(), keyword=timestamp_key) return adoutputs
def applyStackedObjectMask(self, adinputs=None, **params): """ This primitive takes an image with an OBJMASK and transforms that OBJMASK onto the pixel planes of the input images, using their WCS information. If the first image is a stack, this allows us to mask fainter objects than can be detected in the individual input images. Parameters ---------- suffix: str suffix to be added to output files source: str name of stream containing single stacked image order: int (0-5) order of interpolation threshold: float threshold above which an interpolated pixel should be flagged """ log = self.log log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", self.myself(), "starting")) source = params["source"] order = params["order"] threshold = params["threshold"] sfx = params["suffix"] force_affine = True try: source_stream = self.streams[source] except KeyError: try: ad_source = except: log.warning(f"Cannot find stream or file named {source}. Continuing.") return adinputs else: if len(source_stream) != 1: log.warning(f"Stream {source} does not contain single " "AstroData object. Continuing.") return adinputs ad_source = source_stream[0] # There's no reason why we can't handle multiple extensions if any(len(ad) != len(ad_source) for ad in adinputs): log.warning("At least one AstroData input has a different number " "of extensions to the reference. Continuing.") return adinputs for ad in adinputs: for ext, source_ext in zip(ad, ad_source): if getattr(ext, 'OBJMASK') is not None: t_align = source_ext.wcs.forward_transform | ext.wcs.backward_transform if force_affine: affine = adwcs.calculate_affine_matrices(t_align.inverse, ad[0].shape) objmask = affine_transform(source_ext.OBJMASK.astype(np.float32), affine.matrix, affine.offset, output_shape=ext.shape, order=order, cval=0) else: objmask = transform.Transform(t_align).apply(source_ext.OBJMASK.astype(np.float32), output_shape=ext.shape, order=order, cval=0) ext.OBJMASK = np.where(abs(objmask) > threshold, 1, 0).astype(np.uint8) # We will deliberately keep the input image's OBJCAT (if it # exists) since this will be required for aligning the inputs. ad.update_filename(suffix=sfx, strip=True) return adinputs
def resampleToCommonFrame(self, adinputs=None, **params): """ This primitive applies the transformation encoded in the input images WCSs to align them with a reference image, in reference image pixel coordinates. The reference image is taken to be the first image in the input list. By default, the transformation into the reference frame is done via interpolation. The variance plane, if present, is transformed in the same way as the science data. The data quality plane, if present, is handled in a bitwise manner with each bit of each pixel in the output image being set it it has >1% influence from that bit of a bad pixel. The transformed masks are then added back together to generate the transformed DQ plane. The WCS keywords in the headers of the output images are updated to reflect the transformation. Parameters ---------- suffix: str suffix to be added to output files order: int (0-5) order of interpolation (0=nearest, 1=linear, etc.) trim_data: bool trim image to size of reference image? clean_data: bool replace bad pixels with a ring median of their values to avoid ringing if using a high-order interpolation? """ log = self.log log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", self.myself(), "starting")) timestamp_key = self.timestamp_keys[self.myself()] sfx = params.pop("suffix") force_affine = True if len(adinputs) < 2: log.warning("No alignment will be performed, since at least two " "input AstroData objects are required for " "resampleToCommonFrame") return adinputs # TODO: Can we make it so that we don't need to mosaic detectors # before doing this? That would mean we only do one interpolation, # not two, and that's definitely better! if not all(len(ad) == 1 for ad in adinputs): raise OSError("All input images must have only one extension.") ad_ref = adinputs[0] ndim = len(ad_ref[0].shape) # No transform for the reference AD for i_ad, ad in enumerate(adinputs): if i_ad == 0: ref_wcs = ad[0].wcs t_align = models.Identity(ndim) else: t_align = ad[0].wcs.forward_transform | ref_wcs.backward_transform if force_affine: affine = adwcs.calculate_affine_matrices(t_align, ad[0].shape) t_align = models.AffineTransformation2D(matrix=affine.matrix[::-1, ::-1], translation=affine.offset[::-1]) resampled_frame = copy(ad[0].wcs.input_frame) = "resampled" ad[0].wcs = gWCS([(ad[0].wcs.input_frame, t_align), (resampled_frame, ref_wcs.pipeline[0].transform)] + ref_wcs.pipeline[1:]) adoutputs = self._resample_to_new_frame(adinputs, frame="resampled", process_objcat=False, **params) for ad in adoutputs: try: trans_data = ad.nddata[0].meta.pop('transform') except KeyError: pass else: corners = np.array(trans_data['corners'][0]) ncorners = len(corners) ad.hdr["AREATYPE"] = (f"P{ncorners}", f"Region with {ncorners} vertices") for i, corner in enumerate(zip(*corners), start=1): for axis, value in enumerate(reversed(corner), start=1): key_name = f"AREA{i}_{axis}" key_comment = f"Vertex {i}, dimension {axis}" ad.hdr[key_name] = (value + 1, key_comment) jfactor = trans_data['jfactors'][0] ad.hdr["JFACTOR"] = (jfactor, "J-factor in resampling") ad.update_filename(suffix=sfx, strip=True) gt.mark_history(ad, primname=self.myself(), keyword=timestamp_key) return adoutputs