Example #1
    def test_distance(self):

        # http://www.astronomycafe.net/qadir/q1890.html (Sten Odenwald)
        coords1 = Coordinates(100.2, -16.58)
        coords2 = Coordinates(87.5, 7.38)
        distance = coords1.distance(coords2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(distance, 27.054384870767787)

        # http://www.skythisweek.info/angsep.pdf (David Oesper)
        coords3 = Coordinates(165.458, 56.3825)
        coords4 = Coordinates(165.933, 61.7511)
        distance = coords3.distance(coords4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(distance, 5.374111607543190)
Example #2
    def test_distance(self):

        # http://www.astronomycafe.net/qadir/q1890.html (Sten Odenwald)
        coords1 = Coordinates(100.2, -16.58)
        coords2 = Coordinates(87.5, 7.38)
        distance = coords1.distance(coords2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(distance, 27.054384870767787)

        # http://www.skythisweek.info/angsep.pdf (David Oesper)
        coords3 = Coordinates(165.458, 56.3825)
        coords4 = Coordinates(165.933, 61.7511)
        distance = coords3.distance(coords4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(distance, 5.374111607543190)
Example #3
    def random(cls):
        """ Return a random Coordinates object """

        ra = random.uniform(*cls.RIGHT_ASCENSION_RANGE)
        dec = random.uniform(*cls.DECLINATION_RANGE)

        # Use None for both 'pm_ra' and 'pm_dec' or none of them. If does not
        # make much sense to know the proper motion in declination but not in
        # right ascension, or vice versa.
        if random.choice([True, False]):
            pm_ra = cls.get_random_pm(cls.PM_RA_RANGE)
            pm_dec = cls.get_random_pm(cls.PM_DEC_RANGE)
            pm_ra = pm_dec = None

        return Coordinates(ra, dec, pm_ra, pm_dec)
Example #4
class LoadCoordinatesTest(unittest.TestCase):

    # A series of two-element tuples, one per line. The first element is a
    # string containing the name of an astronomical object. The second is a
    # four-element tuple with the right ascension, declination and proper
    # motions. Nones are used if the proper motions are not known.
    TEST_DATA_DIR = "./test/test_data/SIMBAD_objects"

    # Parse the SIMBAD file and map each astronomical object (a string) to
    # its right ascension and declination (an astromatic.Coordinates object)
    with open(TEST_DATA_DIR, "rt") as fd:
        for line in fd:
            line = line.strip()
            if line and not line.startswith("#"):
                object_, coords = eval(line)
                COORDINATES[object_] = Coordinates(*coords)

    NCOORDS = (1, len(COORDINATES))  # number of objects in each file
    NEMPTY = (1, 50)  # minimum and maximum number of empty lines
    NCOMMENTS = (1, 50)  # minimum and maximum number of comment lines
    COMMENT_PROB = 0.35  # probability of inline comments
    SEPS = [" ", "\t"]  # separators randomly added to the coords file
    MAX_SEPS = 5  # maximum number of consecutive separators

    def get_seps(cls, minimum):
        """Return a string containing a random number of separators.

        The separators are randomly chosen from cls.SEPS. The returned string
        contains N of them, where N is a random integer such that: minimum <=
        N <= cls.MAX_SEPS.


        n = random.randint(minimum, cls.MAX_SEPS)
        return "".join(random.choice(cls.SEPS) for _ in range(n))

    def get_comment(cls):
        """ Return a random string that starts with '#'. """

        # Use the name of one of the SIMBAD objects
        object_ = random.choice(cls.COORDINATES.keys())
        sep1 = cls.get_seps(0)
        sep2 = cls.get_seps(0)
        return "#" + sep1 + object_ + sep2

    def get_coords_data(cls, coords):
        """Format 'coords' as the contents of a coordinates file.

        Return a string that contains a line for each astronomical object in
        'coords', an iterable argument, listing their right ascensions and
        declinations in two columns and, if available, their proper motions
        in two additional columns, surrounded by brackets. For example:

          269.466450 4.705625 [0.0036] [-.0064]

        These columns and brackets are surrounded by a random number (up to the
        value of the MAX_SEPS class attribute) or random separators (SEPS class
        attribute). The returned string, after written to disk, is expected to
        be successfully parsed by load_coorinates().


        lines = []
        for ra, dec, pm_ra, pm_dec in coords:

            sep0 = cls.get_seps(0)
            sep1 = cls.get_seps(1)
            sep2 = cls.get_seps(0)
            line = "%s%.8f%s%.8f%s" % (sep0, ra, sep1, dec, sep2)

            if None not in (pm_ra, pm_dec):

                sep3 = cls.get_seps(0)
                sep4 = cls.get_seps(0)
                pm_ra_column = "[%s%.6f%s]" % (sep3, pm_ra, sep4)

                sep5 = cls.get_seps(0)
                sep6 = cls.get_seps(0)
                pm_dec_column = "[%s%.6f%s]" % (sep5, pm_dec, sep6)

                sep7 = cls.get_seps(1)
                sep8 = cls.get_seps(1)
                sep9 = cls.get_seps(0)
                line += sep7 + pm_ra_column + sep8 + pm_dec_column + sep9


        return "\n".join(lines)

    def test_load_coordinates(self):

        for _ in xrange(NITERS):

            # Randomly choose some of the SIMBAD astronomical objects and write
            # them to a temporary file, formatting their coordinates and proper
            # motions in four columns (or just two, if the proper motions are
            # not known) and inserting a random number of separators before,
            # between and after the columns and brackets. Then make sure that
            # load_coordinates() returns the same astronomical objects, in the
            # same order and with the same coordinates that we wrote.

            n = random.randint(*self.NCOORDS)
            objects = random.sample(self.COORDINATES.values(), n)
            data = self.get_coords_data(objects)
            with tempinput(data) as path:
                coordinates = load_coordinates(path)
                for coords, expected in zip(coordinates, objects):
                    self.assertEqual(coords, expected)

    def test_load_coordinates_scientific_notation(self):

        # For some datasets that generate coords so close to zero that they end up in scientific notation

        data = "7.9720694373e-05 44.6352243008"
        with tempinput(data) as path:
            coordinates = load_coordinates(path)
            coords_list = list(coordinates)
            self.assertEqual(len(coords_list), 1)
            ra, dec, pm_ra, pm_dec = coords_list[0]
            self.assertAlmostEqual(ra, 7.9720694373e-05)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(dec, 44.6352243008)

    def test_load_coordinates_scientific_notation_with_propper_motion(self):

        data = "7.9720694373e-05 44.6352243008 [0.00123] [0.0000432]"
        with tempinput(data) as path:
            coordinates = load_coordinates(path)
            coords_list = list(coordinates)
            self.assertEqual(len(coords_list), 1)
            ra, dec, pm_ra, pm_dec = coords_list[0]
            self.assertAlmostEqual(ra, 7.9720694373e-05)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(dec, 44.6352243008)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(pm_ra, 0.00123)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(pm_dec, 4.32e-05)

    def test_load_coordinates_empty_lines_and_comments(self):

        # The same as test_load_coordinates(), but randomly inserting a few
        # empty and comment lines, as well as inline comments, all of which
        # must be ignored by load_coordinates().

        for _ in xrange(NITERS):
            n = random.randint(*self.NCOORDS)
            objects = random.sample(self.COORDINATES.values(), n)
            data = self.get_coords_data(objects)

            lines = data.split("\n")

            # Randomly insert inline comments
            for index in range(len(lines)):
                if random.random() < self.COMMENT_PROB:
                    sep = self.get_seps(0)
                    comment = self.get_comment()
                    lines[index] += sep + comment

            # Randomly insert empty lines
            for _ in range(random.randint(*self.NEMPTY)):
                index = random.randint(0, len(lines))
                empty = self.get_seps(0)
                lines.insert(index, empty)

            # Randomly insert comment lines
            for _ in range(random.randint(*self.NCOMMENTS)):
                index = random.randint(0, len(lines))
                sep = self.get_seps(0)
                comment = self.get_comment()
                lines.insert(index, sep + comment)

            data = "\n".join(lines)

            with tempinput(data) as path:
                coordinates = load_coordinates(path)
                for coords, expected in zip(coordinates, objects):
                    self.assertEqual(coords, expected)

    def test_load_coordinates_empty_file(self):
        # If the file is empty, nothing is returned
        with tempinput("") as path:
            self.assertEqual([], list(load_coordinates(path)))

    def test_load_coordinates_invalid_data(self):
        def check_raise(data, exception, regexp):
            """Make sure that load_coordinates() raises 'exception'
            when a file containing 'data' is parsed. 'regexp' is the regular
            expression that must be matched by the string representation of
            the raised exception"""

            with tempinput(data) as path:
                with self.assertRaisesRegexp(exception, regexp):

        def get_coords():
            """ Return an element from COORDINATES with known proper motions """

            coords = []
            for c in self.COORDINATES.itervalues():
                if None not in (c.pm_ra, c.pm_dec):
            return random.choice(coords)

        # (1) Lines with other than (a) two floating-point numbers (right
        # ascension and declination) or (b) four floating-point numbers (alpha,
        # delta and proper motions, the last two surrounded by brackets).

        c = get_coords()
        unparseable_data = [
            # The names of three objects, no coordinates
            "\n".join(["NGC 4494", "11 Com b", "TrES-1"]),
            # String + float
            "foo %.8f" % c.dec,
            # Three floating-point numbers
            ("%.8f " * 3) % c[:3],
            # Proper motions not in brackets
            ("%.8f " * 4) % c,
            # Missing declination proper motion
            (("%.8f " * 2) + "[%.6f]") % c[:-1],
            # Three proper motions
            (("%.8f " * 2) + ("[%.6f] " * 3)) % (c + (c.pm_dec, )),

        regexp = "Unable to parse line"
        for data in unparseable_data:
            check_raise(data, ValueError, regexp)

        # (2) An object with right ascension out of range
        c = get_coords()
        regexp = "Right ascension .* not in range"
        fmt = "%.8f %.8f [%.6f] [%.6f]"
        c = c._replace(ra=-24.19933)
        data1 = fmt % c  # RA < 0
        check_raise(data1, ValueError, regexp)
        data2 = "%.8f %.8f" % (360, c.dec)  # RA >= 360
        check_raise(data2, ValueError, regexp)
        data3 = "%.8f %.8f" % (417.993, c.dec)  # RA >= 360
        check_raise(data3, ValueError, regexp)

        # (3) An object with declination out of range
        c = get_coords()
        regexp = "Declination .* not in range"
        c = c._replace(dec=-90.21)
        data1 = fmt % c  # DEC < -90
        check_raise(data1, ValueError, regexp)
        data2 = "%.8f %.8f" % (c.ra, 113.93)  # DEC > +90
        check_raise(data2, ValueError, regexp)
Example #5
    def test_get_exact_coordinates(self):

        # Barnard's Star (J2000): -798.58 10328.12 (mas/yr)
        barnard = Coordinates(269.452075, 4.693391, -0.79858, 10.32812)

        # year = epoch, so coordinates do not change
        coords = barnard.get_exact_coordinates(2000)
        self.assertEqual(coords.ra, barnard.ra)
        self.assertEqual(coords.dec, barnard.dec)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_ra, None)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_dec, None)

        # 2005 - 2000 = 5 years
        # 269.452075 + (-0.79858 * 5) / 3600 = 269.450965861
        #   4.693391 + (10.32812 * 5) / 3600 =   4.707735611
        coords = barnard.get_exact_coordinates(2005)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.ra, 269.450965861)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.dec, 4.707735611)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_ra, None)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_dec, None)

        # 2014.5 = July 3, 2014
        # 2014.5 - 2000 = 14.5 years
        # 269.452075 + (-0.79858 * 14.5) / 3600 = 269.448858497
        #   4.693391 + (10.32812 * 14.5) / 3600 =   4.734990372
        coords = barnard.get_exact_coordinates(2014.5)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.ra, 269.448858497)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.dec, 4.734990372)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_ra, None)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_dec, None)

        # 1975.35 = May 9, 1975
        # 1975.35 - 2000 = -24.65 years
        # 269.452075 + (-0.79858 * -24.65) / 3600 = 269.457543055
        #   4.693391 + (10.32812 * -24.65) / 3600 =   4.622672067
        coords = barnard.get_exact_coordinates(1975.35)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.ra, 269.457543055)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.dec, 4.622672067)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_ra, None)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_dec, None)

        # Kapteyn's Star (J1950): 6505.08 -5730.84 (mas/yr)
        kapteyn = Coordinates(77.791453, -44.938748, 6.50508, -5.73084)

        # 2008 - 1950 = 58 years
        # 77.791453  + ( 6.50508 * 58) / 3600 =  77.896257067
        # -44.938748 + (-5.73084 * 58) / 3600 = -45.0310782
        coords = kapteyn.get_exact_coordinates(2008, epoch=1950)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.ra, 77.896257067)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.dec, -45.0310782)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_ra, None)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_dec, None)

        # 1905.49180328 = June 30, 1905
        # 1905.49180328 - 1950 = -44.50819672
        # 77.791453  + ( 6.50508 * -44.50819672) / 3600 =  77.711028172
        # -44.938748 + (-5.73084 * -44.50819672) / 3600 = -44.867895402
        coords = kapteyn.get_exact_coordinates(1905.49180328, epoch=1950)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.ra, 77.711028172)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.dec, -44.867895402)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_ra, None)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_dec, None)

        # IOK 1 (z = 6.96, 12.88 Gly)
        # No proper motion; object does not move
        iok1 = Coordinates(200.999170, 27.415500)
        coords = iok1.get_exact_coordinates(2061)
        self.assertEqual(coords.ra, iok1.ra)
        self.assertEqual(coords.dec, iok1.dec)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_ra, None)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_dec, None)
Example #6
    def test_get_exact_coordinates(self):

        # Barnard's Star (J2000): -798.58 10328.12 (mas/yr)
        barnard = Coordinates(269.452075, 4.693391, -0.79858, 10.32812)

        # year = epoch, so coordinates do not change
        coords = barnard.get_exact_coordinates(2000)
        self.assertEqual(coords.ra,  barnard.ra)
        self.assertEqual(coords.dec, barnard.dec)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_ra,  None)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_dec, None)

        # 2005 - 2000 = 5 years
        # 269.452075 + (-0.79858 * 5) / 3600 = 269.450965861
        #   4.693391 + (10.32812 * 5) / 3600 =   4.707735611
        coords = barnard.get_exact_coordinates(2005)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.ra, 269.450965861)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.dec,  4.707735611)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_ra,  None)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_dec, None)

        # 2014.5 = July 3, 2014
        # 2014.5 - 2000 = 14.5 years
        # 269.452075 + (-0.79858 * 14.5) / 3600 = 269.448858497
        #   4.693391 + (10.32812 * 14.5) / 3600 =   4.734990372
        coords = barnard.get_exact_coordinates(2014.5)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.ra, 269.448858497)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.dec,  4.734990372)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_ra,  None)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_dec, None)

        # 1975.35 = May 9, 1975
        # 1975.35 - 2000 = -24.65 years
        # 269.452075 + (-0.79858 * -24.65) / 3600 = 269.457543055
        #   4.693391 + (10.32812 * -24.65) / 3600 =   4.622672067
        coords = barnard.get_exact_coordinates(1975.35)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.ra, 269.457543055)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.dec,  4.622672067)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_ra,  None)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_dec, None)

        # Kapteyn's Star (J1950): 6505.08 -5730.84 (mas/yr)
        kapteyn = Coordinates(77.791453, -44.938748, 6.50508, -5.73084)

        # 2008 - 1950 = 58 years
        # 77.791453  + ( 6.50508 * 58) / 3600 =  77.896257067
        # -44.938748 + (-5.73084 * 58) / 3600 = -45.0310782
        coords = kapteyn.get_exact_coordinates(2008, epoch = 1950)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.ra,   77.896257067)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.dec, -45.0310782)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_ra,  None)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_dec, None)

        # 1905.49180328 = June 30, 1905
        # 1905.49180328 - 1950 = -44.50819672
        # 77.791453  + ( 6.50508 * -44.50819672) / 3600 =  77.711028172
        # -44.938748 + (-5.73084 * -44.50819672) / 3600 = -44.867895402
        coords = kapteyn.get_exact_coordinates(1905.49180328, epoch = 1950)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.ra,   77.711028172)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(coords.dec, -44.867895402)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_ra,  None)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_dec, None)

        # IOK 1 (z = 6.96, 12.88 Gly)
        # No proper motion; object does not move
        iok1 = Coordinates(200.999170, 27.415500)
        coords = iok1.get_exact_coordinates(2061)
        self.assertEqual(coords.ra,  iok1.ra)
        self.assertEqual(coords.dec, iok1.dec)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_ra,  None)
        self.assertIs(coords.pm_dec, None)