Example #1
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     self.stdout.write("==== Fetching Arecibo targets %s ====" % (datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')))
     radar_targets = fetch_arecibo_targets()
     if radar_targets:
         for obj_id in radar_targets:
             self.stdout.write("Reading Arecibo target %s" % obj_id)
             update_MPC_orbit(obj_id, origin='A')
             # Wait between 10 and 20 seconds
             delay = random_delay(10, 20)
             self.stdout.write("Slept for %d seconds" % delay)
         self.stdout.write("Found no Arecibo targets to update")
Example #2
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        if options['target']:
            obj_id = str(options['target']).replace('_', ' ')
            bodies = Body.objects.filter(name=obj_id)
            bodies = get_characterization_targets()
        i = f = 0
        for body in bodies:
            self.stdout.write("{} ==== Updating {} ==== ({} of {}) ".format(datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), body.current_name(), i+1, len(bodies)))

            # measures = SourceMeasurement.objects.filter(body=body)
            # for measure in measures:
            #     print(measure.astrometric_catalog)
            # Get new observations from MPC
            obslines = self.get_mpc_obs(body.current_name())
            if obslines:
                measures = self.update_source_measurements(obslines)

            # add random 10-20s delay to keep MPC happy
            if len(bodies) > 1:
            i += 1
        self.stdout.write("{} ==== Updating Complete: {} of {} Objects Updated ====".format(datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), f, i))
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     usage = 'Incorrect usage. Usage must include: --origin ' + origin_help
     origin_choices = [x[0] for x in ORIGINS]
     if options['origin'] not in origin_choices:
         raise CommandError(usage)
     self.stdout.write("==== Fetching New Targets %s ====" %
                       (datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')))
     list_targets = fetch_list_targets(options['list_targets'])
     for obj_id in list_targets:
         self.stdout.write("Reading New Target %s" % obj_id)
         update_MPC_orbit(obj_id, origin=options['origin'])
         # Wait between 10 and 20 seconds
         delay = random_delay(10, 20)
         self.stdout.write("Slept for %d seconds" % delay)
Example #4
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        username = os.environ.get('NEOX_EMAIL_USERNAME', '')
        password = os.environ.get('NEOX_EMAIL_PASSWORD', '')
        if username != '' and password != '':
            self.stdout.write("==== Fetching NASA targets %s ====" %
                              (datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')))
            mailbox = imap_login(username, password)
            if mailbox:
                NASA_targets = fetch_NASA_targets(mailbox, folder="NASA-ARM")
                for obj_id in NASA_targets:
                    self.stdout.write("Reading NASA target %s" % obj_id)
                    update_MPC_orbit(obj_id, origin='N')
                    # Wait between 10 and 20 seconds
                    delay = random_delay(10, 20)
                    self.stdout.write("Slept for %d seconds" % delay)

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        self.stdout.write("==== Fetching Yarkovsky targets %s ====" % (datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')))

        targets = []
        yark_targets = []
        if options['targetlist'] is not None:
            if options['targetlist'] == 'FTP':
                targets = None
            elif options['targetlist'].startswith('ftp://'):
                targets = options['targetlist']
                with open(expanduser(options['targetlist'])) as f:
                    targets = f.readlines()

            yark_targets = fetch_yarkovsky_targets(targets)
        yark_targets += options['yark_targets']
        for obj_id in yark_targets:
            self.stdout.write("Reading Yarkovsky target %s" % obj_id)
            update_MPC_orbit(obj_id, origin='Y')
            # Wait between 10 and 20 seconds
            delay = random_delay(10, 20)
            self.stdout.write("Slept for %d seconds" % delay)
Example #6
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        if options['target']:
            obj_id = str(options['target']).replace('_', ' ')
            bodies = Body.objects.filter(name=obj_id)
            bodies = get_characterization_targets()

        if type(options['date']) != datetime:
                start_date = datetime.strptime(options['date'], '%Y%m%d')
                start_date += timedelta(seconds=12*3600)
            except ValueError:
                raise CommandError(usage)
            start_date = options['date']
        i = f = 0
        for body in bodies:
            self.stdout.write("{} ==== Updating {} ==== ({} of {}) ".format(datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), body.current_name(), i+1, len(bodies)))

            # Get new observations from MPC
            measures = update_MPC_obs(body.current_name())

            # If we have no new measures, or previously flagged as fast
            # Check if close, change 'fast_moving' flag accordingly
            if not measures or body.fast_moving:
                body_elements = model_to_dict(body)
                eph = compute_ephem(datetime.now(), body_elements, 500, perturb=False)
                speed = eph['sky_motion']
                delta = eph['mag']
                if speed >= 5 or delta <= 0.1:
                    fast_flag = {'fast_moving': True}
                    fast_flag = {'fast_moving': False}
                if body.fast_moving != fast_flag['fast_moving']:
                    updated = save_and_make_revision(body, fast_flag)
                    if updated:
                        self.stdout.write("Set 'Fast_moving' to {} for {}.".format(body.fast_moving, body.current_name()))

            # If new observations, use them to refit elements with findorb.
            # Will update epoch to date of most recent obs.
            # Will only update if new epoch closer to present than previous.
            # Don't refit Body's with MPC_COMET element type as this seems to misbehave.
            if ((measures or body.fast_moving) and body.elements_type != 'MPC_COMET') or options['target']:
                refit_with_findorb(body.id, 500, start_date)
                f += 1
                self.stdout.write("Not refitting with find_orb")

            # If new obs pull most recent orbit from MPC
            # Updated infrequently for most targets
            # Will not overwrite later elements
            if measures or abs(body.epochofel-datetime.now()) >= timedelta(days=200):
                update_MPC_orbit(body.current_name(), origin=body.origin)

            # add random 10-20s delay to keep MPC happy
            i += 1
        self.stdout.write("{} ==== Updating Complete: {} of {} Objects Updated ====".format(datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), f, i))