Example #1
def process_image(fn, ext, nom, sfd, opt, obs, tiles):
    db = opt.db
    print('Reading', fn)

    if sfd is None:
        sfd = gSFD

    # Read primary FITS header
    phdr = fitsio.read_header(fn)

    obstype = phdr.get('OBSTYPE','').strip()
    print('obstype:', obstype)
    exptime = phdr.get('EXPTIME', 0)
    expnum = phdr.get('EXPNUM', 0)

    filt = phdr.get('FILTER', None)
    if filt is not None:
        filt = filt.strip()
        filt = filt.split()[0]
    if filt is None:
        filt = ''

    airmass = phdr.get('AIRMASS', 0.)
    ra  = hmsstring2ra (phdr.get('RA', '0'))
    dec = dmsstring2dec(phdr.get('DEC', '0'))
    # Write QA plots to files named by the exposure number
    print('Exposure number:', expnum)

    skip = False
    if obstype in ['zero', 'focus', 'dome flat', '']:
        print('Skipping obstype =', obstype)
        skip = True
    if exptime == 0:
        print('Exposure time EXPTIME in header =', exptime)
        skip = True
    if expnum == '':
        print('No expnum in header')
        skip = True
    if filt == 'solid':
        print('Solid (block) filter.')
        skip = True

    if skip and not db:
        return None

    if db:
        import obsdb
        if ext is None:
            ext = get_default_extension(fn)
        m,created = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.get_or_create(
            filename=fn, extension=ext)
        m.obstype = obstype
        m.camera  = camera_name(phdr)
        m.expnum  = expnum
        m.exptime = exptime
        m.mjd_obs = phdr.get('MJD-OBS', 0.)
        m.airmass = airmass
        m.rabore  = ra
        m.decbore = dec
        m.band = filt
        m.bad_pixcnt = ('PIXCNT1' in phdr)
        m.readtime = phdr.get('READTIME', 0.)

    if opt.focus and obstype == 'focus' and m.camera == 'mosaic3':
        from mosaic_focus import Mosaic3FocusMeas
        show_plot = opt.show
        if show_plot:
            import pylab as plt
            plt.figure(2, figsize=(8,10))
        if ext is None:
            ext = get_default_extension(fn)
        meas = Mosaic3FocusMeas(fn, ext, nom)
        focusfn = 'focus.png'
        meas.run(ps=None, plotfn=focusfn)
        print('Wrote', focusfn)
        if show_plot:
    if skip:
        return None
    if opt.doplots:
        from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence
        ps = PlotSequence('qa-%i' % expnum)
        ps.printfn = False
        ps = None

    # Measure the new image
    kwa = {}
    if ext is not None:
    if opt.n_fwhm is not None:
    M = measure_raw(fn, ps=ps, **kwa)

    if opt.doplots:
        from glob import glob
        # Gather all the QAplots into a single pdf and clean them up.
        qafile = 'qa-%i.pdf' % expnum
        pnglist = sorted(glob('qa-%i-??.png' % expnum))
        cmd = 'convert {} {}'.format(' '.join(pnglist), qafile)
        print('Writing out {}'.format(qafile))
        if not opt.keep_plots:
            [os.remove(png) for png in pnglist]

    # (example results for testig)
    #M = {'seeing': 1.4890481099577366, 'airmass': 1.34,
    #'skybright': 18.383479116033314, 'transparency': 0.94488537276869045,
    #'band': 'z', 'zp': 26.442847814941093}

    #print('Measurements:', M)

    trans = M.get('transparency', 0)
    band = M['band']
    # Look up E(B-V) in SFD map
    ebv = sfd.ebv(ra, dec)[0]
    print('E(B-V): %.3f' % ebv)

    if trans > 0:

        fid = nom.fiducial_exptime(band)

        expfactor = exposure_factor(fid, nom,
                                    airmass, ebv, M['seeing'], M['skybright'],
        print('Exposure factor:              %6.3f' % expfactor)
        t_exptime = expfactor * fid.exptime
        print('Target exposure time:         %6.1f' % t_exptime)
        t_exptime = np.clip(t_exptime, fid.exptime_min, fid.exptime_max)
        print('Clipped exposure time:        %6.1f' % t_exptime)
        if band == 'z':
            t_sat = nom.saturation_time(band, M['skybright'])
            if t_exptime > t_sat:
                t_exptime = t_sat
                print('Reduced exposure time to avoid z-band saturation: %.1f' % t_exptime)


        print('Actual exposure time taken:   %6.1f' % exptime)
        print('Depth (exposure time) factor: %6.3f' % (exptime / t_exptime))
        # If you were going to re-plan, you would run with these args:
        plandict = dict(seeing=M['seeing'], transparency=trans)
        # Assume the sky is as much brighter than canonical in each band... unlikely
        dsky = M['skybright'] - nom.sky(M['band'])
        for b in 'grz':
            plandict['sb'+b] = nom.sky(b) + dsky
        # Note that nightlystrategy.py takes UTC dates.
        start = datenow()
        # Start the strategy 5 minutes from now.
        start += datetime.timedelta(0, 5*60)
        d = start.date()
        plandict['startdate'] = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % (d.year, d.month, d.day)
        t = start.time()
        plandict['starttime'] = t.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
        # Make an hour-long plan
        end = start + datetime.timedelta(0, 3600)
        d = end.date()
        plandict['enddate'] = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % (d.year, d.month, d.day)
        t = end.time()
        plandict['endtime'] = t.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
        # Set "--date" to be the UTC date at previous sunset.
        # (nightlystrategy will ask for the next setting of the sun below
        # -18-degrees from that date to define the sn_18).  We could
        # probably also get away with subtracting, like, 12 hours from
        # now()...
        sun = ephem.Sun()
        obs.date = datenow()
        # not the proper horizon, but this doesn't matter -- just need it to
        # be before -18-degree twilight.
        obs.horizon = 0.
        sunset = obs.previous_setting(sun)
        # pyephem's Date.tuple() splits a date into y,m,d,h,m,s
        d = sunset.tuple()
        #print('Date at sunset, UTC:', d)
        year,month,day = d[:3]
        plandict['date'] = '%04i-%02i-%02i' % (year, month, day)
        # Decide the pass.
        goodseeing = plandict['seeing'] < 1.3
        photometric = plandict['transparency'] > 0.9
        if goodseeing and photometric:
            passnum = 1
        elif goodseeing or photometric:
            passnum = 2
            passnum = 3
        plandict['pass'] = passnum
        ## ??
        plandict['portion'] = 1.0
        print('Replan command:')
        print('python2.7 nightlystrategy.py --seeg %(seeing).3f --seer %(seeing).3f --seez %(seeing).3f --sbg %(sbg).3f --sbr %(sbr).3f --sbz %(sbz).3f --transparency %(transparency).3f --start-date %(startdate)s --start-time %(starttime)s --end-date %(enddate)s --end-time %(endtime)s --date %(date)s --portion %(portion)f --pass %(pass)i' % plandict) 
        plandict = None
        expfactor = 0.

    rtn = (M, plandict, expnum)
    if not db:
        return rtn

    m.racenter  = M['ra_ccd']
    m.deccenter = M['dec_ccd']
    m.ebv  = ebv
    zp = M.get('zp', 0.)
    if zp is None:
        zp = 0.
    m.zeropoint = zp
    m.transparency = trans
    m.seeing = M.get('seeing', 0.)
    m.sky = M['skybright']
    m.expfactor = expfactor
    m.dx = M.get('dx', 0)
    m.dy = M.get('dy', 0)
    m.nmatched = M.get('nmatched',0)

    img = fitsio.read(fn, ext=1)
    cheaphash = np.sum(img)
    # cheaphash becomes an int64.
    m.md5sum = cheaphash

    set_tile_fields(m, phdr, tiles)


    return rtn