Example #1
def test_add_and_remove_independent_variable():

    mg = ModelGetter()
    m = mg.model

    # Create an independent variable
    independent_variable = IndependentVariable("time", 1.0, u.s)

    # Try to add it

    # Try to remove it

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):

        m.add_independent_variable(Parameter("time", 1.0))

    # Try to add it twice, which shouldn't fail

    # Try to display it just to make sure it works


    # Now try to use it
    link_law = Powerlaw()

    link_law.K.value = 1.0
    link_law.index.value = -1.0

    n_free_before_link = len(m.free_parameters)

    m.link(m.one.spectrum.main.Powerlaw.K, independent_variable, link_law)

    # The power law adds two parameters, but the link removes one, so
    assert len(m.free_parameters) - 1 == n_free_before_link

    # Now see if it works

    for t in np.linspace(0, 10, 100):

        independent_variable.value = t

        assert m.one.spectrum.main.Powerlaw.K.value == link_law(t)
Example #2
def test_time_domain_integration():

    po = Powerlaw()

    default_powerlaw = Powerlaw()

    src = PointSource("test", ra=0.0, dec=0.0, spectral_shape=po)

    m = Model(src)  # type: model.Model

    # Add time independent variable
    time = IndependentVariable("time", 0.0, u.s)


    # Now link one of the parameters with a simple line law
    line = Line()

    line.a = 0.0

    m.link(po.index, time, line)

    # Test the display just to make sure it doesn't crash

    # Now test the average with the integral

    energies = np.linspace(1, 10, 10)

    results = m.get_point_source_fluxes(0, energies,
                                        tag=(time, 0, 10))  # type: np.ndarray

    assert np.all(results == 1.0)

    # Now test the linking of the normalization, first with a constant then with a line with a certain
    # angular coefficient


    po.index.value = default_powerlaw.index.value

    line2 = Line()

    line2.a = 0.0
    line2.b = 1.0

    m.link(po.K, time, line2)

    time.value = 1.0

    results = m.get_point_source_fluxes(0, energies, tag=(time, 0, 10))

    assert np.allclose(results, default_powerlaw(energies))

    # Now make something actually happen
    line2.a = 1.0
    line2.b = 1.0

    results = m.get_point_source_fluxes(0, energies,
                                        tag=(time, 0, 10))  # type: np.ndarray

    # Compare with analytical result
    def F(x):
        return line2.a.value / 2.0 * x**2 + line2.b.value * x

    effective_norm = (F(10) - F(0)) / 10.0

    expected_results = default_powerlaw(
        energies) * effective_norm  # type: np.ndarray

    assert np.allclose(expected_results, results)