def test_healpix_nuniq(): hpix_file = os.path.join(resource_filename('astropath', 'tests'), 'files', 'FRB201123_hpix_uniform.fits.gz') hpix = header =[1].header nside = 2**header['MOCORDER'] localiz = dict(type='healpix', healpix_data=hpix, healpix_nside=nside, healpix_ordering='NUNIQ', healpix_coord='C') assert localization.vet_localization(localiz) # L_wx cent_ra = 263.6671241047224 cent_dec = -50.76756723228885 # Calculate L_wx box_hwidth = 60. step_size = 1. ngrid = int(np.round(2 * box_hwidth / step_size)) x = np.linspace(-box_hwidth, box_hwidth, ngrid) xcoord, ycoord = np.meshgrid(x, x) ra = cent_ra + xcoord / 3600. / np.cos(cent_dec * units.deg).value dec = cent_dec + ycoord / 3600. L_wx = localization.calc_LWx(ra, dec, localiz)
def localization_from_hpfile(hpix_file:str) -> dict: """ Generate a localization dict from a healpix file Args: hpix_file (str): Returns: dict: localization dict - type (str) - healpix_data (np.ndarray) : probability density values - healpix_nside (int) : NSIDE - healpix_ordering (str) : healpix ordering - healpix_coord (str) : ?? """ # Read hpix = header =[1].header nside = 2**header['MOCORDER'] localiz = dict(type='healpix', healpix_data=hpix, healpix_nside=nside, healpix_ordering='NUNIQ', healpix_coord='C') # Vet assert localization.vet_localization(localiz) return localiz
def test_wcs(): # Load up the localization lfile = os.path.join(resource_filename('astropath', 'tests'), 'files', 'mask_frb201123_localization.fits.gz') hdul = data = hdul[0].data header = hdul[0].header wcs = WCS(header) # Normalize data /= np.sum(data) localiz = dict(type='wcs', wcs_data=data, wcs_WCS=wcs) assert localization.vet_localization(localiz) # Approx center in_region = np.where(data > 0.) coord = wcs.pixel_to_world(in_region[1], in_region[0]) cent_ra = np.mean(coord.ra.deg) cent_dec = np.mean(coord.dec.deg) # Calculate L_wx box_hwidth = 60. step_size = 1. ngrid = int(np.round(2 * box_hwidth / step_size)) x = np.linspace(-box_hwidth, box_hwidth, ngrid) xcoord, ycoord = np.meshgrid(x, x) ra = cent_ra + xcoord / 3600. / np.cos(cent_dec * units.deg).value dec = cent_dec + ycoord / 3600. L_wx = localization.calc_LWx(ra, dec, localiz)
def init_localization(self, ltype: str, **kwargs): """Ingets the localization information Args: ltype (str): Localization type [eelipse, wcs, healpix] kwargs: Other parameters definig the localization Depends on the ltype. See """ self.localiz = dict(type=ltype) self.localiz.update(kwargs) # Vet assert localization.vet_localization( self.localiz), 'Bad candidate prior input'"Localization is ready!")
def test_error_ellipse(): # This follows the FRB example Notebook # Set up localization frb_coord = SkyCoord('21h44m25.255s -40d54m00.10s', frame='icrs') eellipse = dict(a=0.1, b=0.1, theta=0.) localiz = dict(type='eellipse', center_coord=frb_coord, eellipse=eellipse) assert localization.vet_localization(localiz) # Candidates cand_file = os.path.join(resource_filename('astropath', 'data'), 'frb_example', 'frb180924_candidates.csv') candidates = pandas.read_csv(cand_file, index_col=0) c_coords = SkyCoord(ra=candidates.ra, dec=candidates.dec, unit='deg') # Priors theta_prior = dict(PDF='exp', max=6., scale=1.) cand_prior = dict(P_O_method='inverse', P_U=0., name='Adopted') assert priors.vet_theta_prior(theta_prior) assert priors.vet_cand_prior(cand_prior, candidates) # Raw priors raw_prior_Oi = priors.raw_prior_Oi(cand_prior['P_O_method'], candidates.half_light.values, mag=candidates.VLT_FORS2_g.values) candidates['P_O_raw'] = raw_prior_Oi # Normalize candidates['P_O'] = priors.renorm_priors(candidates.P_O_raw.values, cand_prior['P_U']) # P(x|O) p_xOi = bayesian.px_Oi_fixedgrid( 30., # box radius for grid, in arcsec localiz, c_coords, candidates.half_light.values, theta_prior, step_size=0.02) candidates['p_xO'] = p_xOi # p(x) p_x = np.sum(candidates.P_O * candidates.p_xO) # Posteriors P_Oix = candidates.P_O * p_xOi / p_x candidates['P_Ox'] = P_Oix # Test assert np.isclose(candidates['P_Ox'].max(), 0.98951951218604)