Example #1
    def test_convolve_1D_kernels(self):
        Check if convolving two kernels with each other works correctly.
        gauss_1 = Gaussian1DKernel(3)
        gauss_2 = Gaussian1DKernel(4)
        test_gauss_3 = Gaussian1DKernel(5)

        with pytest.warns(AstropyUserWarning, match=r'Both array and kernel '
                          r'are Kernel instances'):
            gauss_3 = convolve(gauss_1, gauss_2)

        assert np.all(np.abs((gauss_3 - test_gauss_3).array) < 0.01)
Example #2
 def test_kernel1d_int_size(self):
     Test that an error is raised if ``Kernel1D`` ``x_size`` is not
     an integer.
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         Gaussian1DKernel(3, x_size=1.2)
Example #3
 def test_multiply_kernel1d_kernel2d(self):
     Test that multiplying a 1D kernel with a 2D kernel raises an
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         Gaussian1DKernel(3) * Gaussian2DKernel(3)
Example #4
 def test_rmultiply_scalar_type(self, number):
     Check if multiplying a kernel with a scalar works correctly.
     gauss = Gaussian1DKernel(3)
     gauss_new = gauss * number
     assert type(gauss_new) is Gaussian1DKernel
Example #5
 def test_multiply_scalar(self, number):
     Check if multiplying a kernel with a scalar works correctly.
     gauss = Gaussian1DKernel(3)
     gauss_new = number * gauss
     assert_almost_equal(gauss_new.array, gauss.array * number, decimal=12)
Example #6
def smooth1d(data, fwhm):
    Convolve data with 1d Gaussian kernel and return.
    For cube data, the convolution applies only to velocity axis.

        data : ndarray (1d or 3d array)
        fwhm : float
            FWHM size of 1d Gaussian kernel.

        ndarray (smoothed data)
    if float(fwhm) == 0.:
        return data
    kernel = Gaussian1DKernel(fwhm/_f2s)
    kl = len(kernel.array)
    data = np.r_[data[kl-1:0:-1], data, data[-2:-kl-1:-1]]
    if len(data.shape) == 1:
        return convolve(data, kernel, boundary=None)[kl-1:-kl+1]
    elif len(data.shape) == 2:
        raise TypeError('1D-smoothing can not be applied to 2D-array.')
    elif len(data.shape) == 3:
        smodata = np.full(data.shape, np.nan)
        for i in range(data.shape[1]):
            for j in range(data.shape[2]):
                smodata[:, i, j] = convolve(data[:, i, j], kernel, boundary=None)
        return smodata[kl-1:-kl+1]
Example #7
 def test_model_1D_kernel(self):
     Check Model1DKernel against Gaussian1Dkernel
     stddev = 5.
     gauss = Gaussian1D(1. / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * stddev**2), 0, stddev)
     model_gauss_kernel = Model1DKernel(gauss, x_size=21)
     gauss_kernel = Gaussian1DKernel(stddev, x_size=21)
     assert_almost_equal(model_gauss_kernel.array, gauss_kernel.array,
Example #8
    def test_scipy_filter_gaussian(self, width):
        Test GaussianKernel against SciPy ndimage gaussian filter.
        gauss_kernel_1D = Gaussian1DKernel(width)
        gauss_kernel_2D = Gaussian2DKernel(width)

        astropy_1D = convolve(delta_pulse_1D, gauss_kernel_1D, boundary='fill')
        astropy_2D = convolve(delta_pulse_2D, gauss_kernel_2D, boundary='fill')

        scipy_1D = filters.gaussian_filter(delta_pulse_1D, width)
        scipy_2D = filters.gaussian_filter(delta_pulse_2D, width)

        assert_almost_equal(astropy_1D, scipy_1D, decimal=12)
        assert_almost_equal(astropy_2D, scipy_2D, decimal=12)
Example #9
 def test_array_keyword_not_allowed(self):
     Regression test for issue #10439
     x = np.ones([10, 10])
     with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r".* allowed .*"):
         AiryDisk2DKernel(2, array=x)
         Box1DKernel(2, array=x)
         Box2DKernel(2, array=x)
         Gaussian1DKernel(2, array=x)
         Gaussian2DKernel(2, array=x)
         RickerWavelet1DKernel(2, array=x)
         RickerWavelet2DKernel(2, array=x)
         Model1DKernel(Gaussian1D(1, 0, 2), array=x)
         Model2DKernel(Gaussian2D(1, 0, 0, 2, 2), array=x)
         Ring2DKernel(9, 8, array=x)
         Tophat2DKernel(2, array=x)
         Trapezoid1DKernel(2, array=x)
         Trapezoid1DKernel(2, array=x)
Example #10
def run_final(model, scale_factor, center_ego_params, center_dist_params,
              allo_params, speed_params, Xe, Xd, Xa, Xs, spike_train):
    ''' run the model and collect the results '''

    if model != 'uniform':

        u = np.zeros(len(spike_train))

        if 'center_ego' in model:
            u += Xe * center_ego_params
        if 'center_dist' in model:
            u += Xd * center_dist_params
        if 'allo' in model:
            u += Xa * allo_params
        if 'speed' in model:
            u += Xs * speed_params

        rate = np.exp(u)


        rate = np.mean(spike_train)

    f = -np.sum(rate * scale_factor -
                spike_train * np.log(rate * scale_factor))

    lgammas = np.zeros(len(spike_train))
    for h in range(len(spike_train)):
        lgammas[h] = np.log(math.gamma(spike_train[h] + 1))

    f -= np.sum(lgammas)

    #change from nats to bits
    f = f / np.log(2)

    llps = f / np.sum(spike_train)

    #calculate pearson r between the estimated spike train and
    #actual spike train, first smoothing with a gaussian filter
    smoothed_spikes = convolve(spike_train,
                               Gaussian1DKernel(stddev=2, x_size=11))

    r, p = pearsonr(smoothed_spikes, rate * scale_factor)
    if np.isnan(r):
        r = 0

    #now calculate the percent of variance explained by the model estimates
    mean_fr = np.mean(smoothed_spikes)
    explained_var = 1 - np.nansum(
        (smoothed_spikes - rate * scale_factor)**2) / np.sum(
            (smoothed_spikes - mean_fr)**2)

    pseudo_r2 = 1 - np.nansum(spike_train * np.log(spike_train /
                                                   (rate * scale_factor)) -
                              (spike_train - rate * scale_factor)) / np.nansum(
                                  spike_train *
                                  np.log(spike_train / np.mean(spike_train)))
    uniform_r2 = 0

    pseudo_r2 = pseudo_r2 - uniform_r2

    print(' ')
    print('scale_factor: %f' % scale_factor)
    print('log-likelihood: %f' % f)
    print('llps: %f' % llps)
    print('correlation: %f' % r)
    print('explained_var: %f' % explained_var)
    print('pseudo_r2: %f' % pseudo_r2)
    print(' ')

    cdict = {}
    #add relevant variables to the appropriate dictionary
    cdict['ll'] = f
    if np.sum(spike_train) > 0:
        cdict['llps'] = float(f / np.sum(spike_train))
        cdict['llps'] = f
    cdict['lambda'] = rate * scale_factor
    cdict['corr_r'] = r
    cdict['pseudo_r2'] = pseudo_r2
    cdict['explained_var'] = explained_var
    cdict['test_spikes'] = spike_train
    cdict['tot_spikes'] = np.sum(spike_train)
    cdict['scale_factor'] = scale_factor

    return cdict
Example #11
 def test_Gaussian1DKernel_even_size(self):
     Check if even size for GaussianKernel works.
     gauss = Gaussian1DKernel(3, x_size=10)
     assert gauss.array.size == 10
Example #12
 def test_add_kernel_scalar(self):
     """Test that adding a scalar to a kernel raises an exception."""
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         Gaussian1DKernel(3) + 1
Example #13
 def test_multiply_kernel1d(self):
     """Test that multiplying two 1D kernels raises an exception."""
     gauss = Gaussian1DKernel(3)
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         gauss * gauss