Example #1
def _rotate_polygon(lon, lat, lon0, lat0):
    Given a polygon with vertices defined by (lon, lat), rotate the polygon
    such that the North pole of the spherical coordinates is now at (lon0,
    lat0). Therefore, to end up with a polygon centered on (lon0, lat0), the
    polygon should initially be drawn around the North pole.

    # Create a representation object
    polygon = UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon=lon, lat=lat)

    # Determine rotation matrix to make it so that the circle is centered
    # on the correct longitude/latitude.
    m1 = rotation_matrix(-(0.5 * np.pi * u.radian - lat0), axis='y')
    m2 = rotation_matrix(-lon0, axis='z')
    transform_matrix = m2 * m1

    # Apply 3D rotation
    polygon = polygon.to_cartesian()

        polygon = polygon.transform(transform_matrix)
    except:  # TODO: remove once Astropy 1.1 is no longer supported
        polygon = _transform_cartesian(polygon, transform_matrix)

    polygon = UnitSphericalRepresentation.from_cartesian(polygon)

    return polygon.lon, polygon.lat
def align_particles(ws, ix=-1):
    # assumes ws[:,0] is the "progenitor" orbit
    new_cen_x = ws[:,0,:3].copy()
    new_cen_v = ws[:,0,3:].copy()

    end_w = ws[ix]

    # put endpoint on x axis in x-z plane

    # first about y
    theta = np.arctan2(new_cen_x[ix,2],new_cen_x[ix,0]) * u.radian
    R1 = rotation_matrix(-theta, 'y')
    new_cen_x = R1.dot(new_cen_x.T).T
    new_cen_v = R1.dot(new_cen_v.T).T

    # then about z
    theta = np.arctan2(new_cen_x[ix,1],new_cen_x[ix,0]) * u.radian
    R2 = rotation_matrix(theta, 'z')
    new_cen_x = R2.dot(new_cen_x.T).T
    new_cen_v = R2.dot(new_cen_v.T).T

    # now align L
    L = np.cross(new_cen_x[ix], new_cen_v[ix])[0]
    theta = np.arccos(L[2] / np.sqrt(np.sum(L**2))) * u.radian
    R3 = rotation_matrix(-theta, 'x')
    new_cen_x = np.array(R3.dot(new_cen_x.T).T)

    R = R3*R2*R1

    new_end_ptcl_x = np.array(R.dot(end_w[:,:3].T).T)
    return new_cen_x, new_end_ptcl_x
Example #3
def _rotate_polygon(lon, lat, lon0, lat0):
    Given a polygon with vertices defined by (lon, lat), rotate the polygon
    such that the North pole of the spherical coordinates is now at (lon0,
    lat0). Therefore, to end up with a polygon centered on (lon0, lat0), the
    polygon should initially be drawn around the North pole.

    # Create a representation object
    polygon = UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon=lon, lat=lat)

    # Determine rotation matrix to make it so that the circle is centered
    # on the correct longitude/latitude.
    m1 = rotation_matrix(-(0.5 * np.pi * u.radian - lat0), axis='y')
    m2 = rotation_matrix(-lon0, axis='z')
    transform_matrix = m2 * m1

    # Apply 3D rotation
    polygon = polygon.to_cartesian()

        polygon = polygon.transform(transform_matrix)
    except:  # TODO: remove once Astropy 1.1 is no longer supported
        polygon = _transform_cartesian(polygon, transform_matrix)

    polygon = UnitSphericalRepresentation.from_cartesian(polygon)

    return polygon.lon, polygon.lat
Example #4
def rotate_w(w, phi, theta):
    w = np.atleast_1d(w)
    if w.ndim > 1:
        raise ValueError("w must be 1D")

    R_alt = rotation_matrix(theta-90.*u.deg, "y")
    R_azi = rotation_matrix(phi, "z")

    r = w[:w.size//2]
    v = w[w.size//2:]
    r_rot = np.array(r.dot(R_alt).dot(R_azi))
    v_rot = np.array(v.dot(R_alt.T).dot(R_azi.T))
    return np.hstack((r_rot, v_rot)).squeeze()
Example #5
def icrs_to_astrometric(icrs_coord, astrometric_frame):
    """Convert an ICRS coordinate to an Astrometric frame."""
    # Define rotation matricies along the position angle vector, and
    # relative to the origin.
    mat2 = rotation_matrix(-astrometric_frame.origin.dec, 'y')
    mat3 = rotation_matrix(astrometric_frame.origin.ra, 'z')
    R = mat2 * mat3
    xyz = icrs_coord.cartesian.xyz
    orig_shape = xyz.shape
    xyz = R.dot(xyz.reshape(xyz.shape[0], np.prod(xyz.shape[1:]))).reshape(orig_shape)
    representation = CartesianRepresentation(xyz)
    return astrometric_frame.realize_frame(representation)
Example #6
def compute_stream_rotation_matrix(coordinate, wxyz0=None, align_lon='mean'):
    Compute the rotation matrix to go from the frame of the input
    coordinate to closely align the equator with the stream.

    coordinate : :class:`astropy.coordinate.SkyCoord`, :class:`astropy.coordinate.BaseCoordinateFrame`
        The coordinates of the stream stars.
    wxyz0 : array_like (optional)
        Initial guess for the quaternion vector that represents the rotation.
    align_lon : str, int (optional)
        Can specify either 'min', 'max', or an integer index. This picks the
        'pirvot' star, whose longitude is set to 0.

    R : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        A 3 by 3 rotation matrix (has shape ``(3,3)``) to convert heliocentric,
        Cartesian coordinates in the input coordinate frame to stream coordinates.
    if wxyz0 is None:
        wxyz0 = Quaternion.random().wxyz

    res = minimize(_rotation_opt_func, x0=wxyz0, args=(coordinate.cartesian.xyz,))
    R = Quaternion(res.x).rotation_matrix

    new_xyz = R.dot(coordinate.cartesian.xyz.value)
    lon = np.arctan2(new_xyz[1], new_xyz[0])
    if align_lon == 'mean':
        _lon = np.mean(lon)
        R3 = 1.
    elif align_lon == 'min':
        ix = lon.argmin()
        _lon = lon[ix]
        R3 = 1.
    elif align_lon == 'max':
        ix = lon.argmax()
        _lon = lon[ix]
        R3 = rotation_matrix(np.pi*u.radian, 'x')
        ix = int(align_lon)
        _lon = lon[ix]
        R3 = 1.
    R2 = rotation_matrix(_lon*u.radian, 'z')
    R = R3*R2*R

    return R
Example #7
def astrometric_to_icrs(astrometric_coord, icrs_frame):
    """Convert an OSIRIS frame coordinaate to an ICRS"""
    # Define rotation matricies along the position angle vector, and
    # relative to the origin.
    mat2 = rotation_matrix(-astrometric_coord.origin.dec, 'y')
    mat3 = rotation_matrix(astrometric_coord.origin.ra, 'z')
    R = mat2 * mat3
    Rinv = np.linalg.inv(R)
    xyz = astrometric_coord.cartesian.xyz
    orig_shape = xyz.shape
    xyz = Rinv.dot(xyz.reshape(xyz.shape[0], np.prod(xyz.shape[1:]))).reshape(orig_shape)
    representation = CartesianRepresentation(xyz)
    return icrs_frame.realize_frame(representation)
Example #8
def main(plot=False):
    all_data = OphiuchusData() # stars from both 2015a and 2015b
    data = OphiuchusData(expr="source == 'Sesar2015a'") # just use the original BHB stars

    # compute the rotation matrix to go from Galacic to Stream coordinates, first without
    #   an extra rotation to put the center at lon=0
    R1 = orbitfit.compute_stream_rotation_matrix(data.coord)

    if plot:
        # rotate all data to plot
        rot_rep = orbitfit.rotate_sph_coordinate(all_data.coord, R1)
        pl.suptitle("Before rotating in longitude", fontsize=18)
        pl.plot(rot_rep.lon.wrap_at(180*u.deg).degree, rot_rep.lat.degree, ls='none', marker='o', ms=5.)

    rot_rep = orbitfit.rotate_sph_coordinate(data.coord, R1)

    # now rotate by the median longitude to put the 'center' of the stream at lon=0
    extra_rot = np.median(rot_rep.lon.wrap_at(180*u.deg))
    R2 = rotation_matrix(extra_rot, 'z')
    R = np.asarray(R2*R1)

    print("Rotation matrix:")
    for i in range(3):
        print("{:>20.15f} {:>20.15f} {:>20.15f}".format(*R[i]))

    all_rot_rep = orbitfit.rotate_sph_coordinate(all_data.coord, R)
    if plot:
        pl.suptitle("After rotating in longitude", fontsize=18)
        pl.plot(all_rot_rep.lon.wrap_at(180*u.deg).degree, all_rot_rep.lat.degree,
                ls='none', marker='o', ms=5.)

Example #9
def compute_align_matrix(w):
    Given a single phase-space position, compute the rotation matrix that
    orients the angular momentum with the z axis and places the point
    along the x axis.

    w : array_like
        The point to transform.

    R : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        A 2D numpy array (rotation matrix).

    w = _validate_nd_array(w, expected_ndim=1)

    x = w[:3].copy()
    v = w[3:].copy()

    # first rotate about z to put on x-z plane
    theta = np.arctan2(x[1], x[0]) * u.radian
    R1 = rotation_matrix(theta, 'z')
    x = np.asarray(R1.dot(x))[0]
    v = np.asarray(R1.dot(v))[0]

    # now rotate about y to put on x axis
    theta = np.arctan2(x[2], x[0]) * u.radian
    R2 = rotation_matrix(-theta, 'y')
    x = np.asarray(R2.dot(x))[0]
    v = np.asarray(R2.dot(v))[0]

    # now align L with z axis
    # theta = np.arccos(L[2] / np.sqrt(np.sum(L**2))) * u.radian
    L = np.cross(x, v)
    theta = np.arctan2(L[2], L[1]) * u.radian
    R3 = rotation_matrix(theta - 90*u.deg, 'x')
    x = np.asarray(R3.dot(x))[0]
    v = np.asarray(R3.dot(v))[0]

    return R3*R2*R1
Example #10
File: core.py Project: abonaca/gary
def _icrs_gctc_velocity_matrix(galactocentric_frame):
    """ Construct a transformation matrix to go from heliocentric ICRS to a galactocentric
        frame. This is just a rotation and tilt which makes it approximately the same
        as transforming to Galactic coordinates. This only works for velocity because there
        is no shift due to the position of the Sun.

    # define rotation matrix to align x(ICRS) with the vector to the Galactic center
    M1 = rotation_matrix(-galactocentric_frame.galcen_dec, 'y')
    M2 = rotation_matrix(galactocentric_frame.galcen_ra, 'z')

    # extra roll away from the Galactic x-z plane
    M3 = rotation_matrix(ROLL0 - galactocentric_frame.roll, 'x')

    # rotate about y' to account for tilt due to Sun's height above the plane
    z_d = (galactocentric_frame.z_sun / galactocentric_frame.galcen_distance).decompose()
    M4 = rotation_matrix(-np.arcsin(z_d), 'y')

    return M4*M3*M1*M2  # this is right: 4,3,1,2
Example #11
def _icrs_gctc_velocity_matrix(galactocentric_frame):
    """ Construct a transformation matrix to go from heliocentric ICRS to a galactocentric
        frame. This is just a rotation and tilt which makes it approximately the same
        as transforming to Galactic coordinates. This only works for velocity because there
        is no shift due to the position of the Sun.

    # define rotation matrix to align x(ICRS) with the vector to the Galactic center
    M1 = rotation_matrix(-galactocentric_frame.galcen_dec, 'y')
    M2 = rotation_matrix(galactocentric_frame.galcen_ra, 'z')

    # extra roll away from the Galactic x-z plane
    M3 = rotation_matrix(ROLL0 - galactocentric_frame.roll, 'x')

    # rotate about y' to account for tilt due to Sun's height above the plane
    z_d = (galactocentric_frame.z_sun /
    M4 = rotation_matrix(-np.arcsin(z_d), 'y')

    return M4 * M3 * M1 * M2  # this is right: 4,3,1,2
Example #12
def rotate(vector, angle, axis='z', unit=None):
    """Rotates a vector around axis a right-handed positive angle.

    This is just a convenience function around

    vector : array_like
        Dimension 3 vector.
    angle : convertible to Angle
        Angle of rotation.
    axis : str or 3-sequence
        Either 'x','y', 'z', or a (x,y,z) specifying an axis to rotate
        about. If 'x','y', or 'z', the rotation sense is
        counterclockwise looking down the + axis (e.g. positive
        rotations obey left-hand-rule).
    unit : UnitBase, optional
        If `angle` does not have associated units, they are in this
        unit.  If neither are provided, it is assumed to be degrees.

    This is just a convenience function around
    This performs a so-called *active* or *alibi* transformation: rotates the
    vector while the coordinate system remains unchanged. To do the opposite
    operation (*passive* or *alias* transformation) call the function as
    ``rotate(vec, ax, -angle, unit)`` or use the convenience function
    :py:func:`transform`, see [1].

    .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix#Ambiguities

    rot = np.asarray(angles.rotation_matrix(-angle, axis, unit))
    return np.dot(rot, vector)
Example #13
    def lonangle(self):
        return self.Lambda

    def latangle(self):
        return self.Beta

# Define the Euler angles (from Law & Majewski 2010)
phi = radians(180+3.75)
theta = radians(90-13.46)
psi = radians(180+14.111534)

# Generate the rotation matrix using the x-convention (see Goldstein)
D = rotation_matrix(phi, "z", degrees=False)
C = rotation_matrix(theta, "x", degrees=False)
B = rotation_matrix(psi, "z", degrees=False)
sgr_matrix = np.array(B.dot(C).dot(D))

# Galactic to Sgr coordinates
@transformations.transform_function(coord.GalacticCoordinates, SgrCoordinates)
def galactic_to_sgr(galactic_coord):
    """ Compute the transformation from Galactic spherical to Sgr coordinates. 

    l = galactic_coord.l.radians
    b = galactic_coord.b.radians

    X = cos(b)*cos(l)
    Y = cos(b)*sin(l)
# In this case we override the names in the spherical representations but don't
# do anything with other representations like cartesian or cylindrical.
# Next we have to define the transformation from this coordinate system to some
# other built-in coordinate system; we will use Galactic coordinates. We can do
# this by defining functions that return transformation matrices, or by simply
# defining a function that accepts a coordinate and returns a new coordinate in
# the new system. We'll start by constructing the rotation matrix, using the
# ``rotation_matrix`` helper function:

SGR_PHI = np.radians(180 + 3.75)  # Euler angles (from Law & Majewski 2010)
SGR_THETA = np.radians(90 - 13.46)
SGR_PSI = np.radians(180 + 14.111534)

# Generate the rotation matrix using the x-convention (see Goldstein)
D = rotation_matrix(SGR_PHI, "z", unit=u.radian)
C = rotation_matrix(SGR_THETA, "x", unit=u.radian)
B = rotation_matrix(SGR_PSI, "z", unit=u.radian)
SGR_MATRIX = np.array(B.dot(C).dot(D))

# This is done at the module level, since it will be used by both the
# transformation from Sgr to Galactic as well as the inverse from Galactic to
# Sgr. Now we can define our first transformation function:

@frame_transform_graph.transform(coord.FunctionTransform, coord.Galactic,
def galactic_to_sgr(gal_coord, sgr_frame):
    """ Compute the transformation from Galactic spherical to
        heliocentric Sgr coordinates.
Example #15
def _rotation_opt_func(th, xyz):
    if th < -1. or th > 1.:
        return np.inf
    R = rotation_matrix(np.arccos(th)*u.radian, 'x')
    xyz2 = coord.CartesianRepresentation(R.dot(xyz)*u.one).xyz
    return np.sum(xyz2[2]**2).value
Example #16
def compute_stream_rotation_matrix(coords, zero_pt='mean'):
    Compute the rotation matrix to go from the frame of the input
    coordinate to closely align the equator with the stream.

    .. note::

        if using zero_pt='mean' or 'median, the coordinates in the new system
        might not hit (0,0) because the mean / median is taken across each
        dimension separately.

    coords : :class:`astropy.coordinate.SkyCoord`, :class:`astropy.coordinate.BaseCoordinateFrame`
        The coordinates of the stream stars.
    zero_pt : str,:class:`astropy.coordinate.SkyCoord`, :class:`astropy.coordinate.BaseCoordinateFrame`
        The origin of the new coordinates in the old coordinates.

    R : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        A 3 by 3 rotation matrix (has shape ``(3,3)``) to convert heliocentric,
        Cartesian coordinates in the input coordinate frame to stream coordinates.

    if hasattr(coords, 'spherical'):
        sph = coords.spherical
        sph = coords

    if zero_pt == 'mean' or zero_pt == 'median':
        lon = sph.lon.wrap_at(360*u.degree)
        lat = sph.lat.wrap_at(90*u.degree)

        if np.any(lon < 10*u.degree) and np.any(lon > 350*u.degree): # it's wrapping
            lon = lon.wrap_at(180*u.degree)

        if np.any(lat < -80*u.degree) and np.any(lat > 80*u.degree): # it's wrapping
            lat = lat.wrap_at(180*u.degree)

        zero_pt = coord.UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon=getattr(np, zero_pt)(lon),
                                                    lat=getattr(np, zero_pt)(lat))

    elif hasattr(zero_pt, 'spherical'):
        zero_pt = zero_pt.spherical

    # first determine rotation matrix to put zero_pt at (0,0)
    R1 = rotation_matrix(zero_pt.lon, 'z')
    R2 = rotation_matrix(-zero_pt.lat, 'y')

    xyz2 = (R2*R1).dot(sph.represent_as(coord.CartesianRepresentation).xyz)

    # determine initial guess for angle with some math trickery
    _r = np.sqrt(xyz2[1]**2 + xyz2[2]**2)
    ix = _r.argmin()
    if ix == 0:
        ix += 1
    elif ix == (xyz2[1].size-1):
        ix -= 1

    guess = 180*u.degree - np.arctan2(xyz2[2][ix+1]-xyz2[2][ix], xyz2[1][ix+1]-xyz2[1][ix]).to(u.degree)
    res = minimize(_rotation_opt_func, x0=np.cos(guess), args=(xyz2,), method="powell")

    if not res.success:
        raise ValueError("Failed to compute final alignment angle.")

    if np.allclose(np.abs(res.x), 1., atol=1E-5):
        guess = 180*u.degree - guess
        res = minimize(_rotation_opt_func, x0=np.cos(guess), args=(xyz2,), method="powell")

    R3 = rotation_matrix(np.arccos(res.x)*u.radian, 'x')
    R = R3*R2*R1

    return R
Example #17
def compute_stream_rotation_matrix(coords, zero_pt='mean'):
    Compute the rotation matrix to go from the frame of the input
    coordinate to closely align the equator with the stream.

    .. note::

        if using zero_pt='mean' or 'median, the coordinates in the new system
        might not hit (0,0) because the mean / median is taken across each
        dimension separately.

    coords : :class:`astropy.coordinate.SkyCoord`, :class:`astropy.coordinate.BaseCoordinateFrame`
        The coordinates of the stream stars.
    zero_pt : str,:class:`astropy.coordinate.SkyCoord`, :class:`astropy.coordinate.BaseCoordinateFrame`
        The origin of the new coordinates in the old coordinates.

    R : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        A 3 by 3 rotation matrix (has shape ``(3,3)``) to convert heliocentric,
        Cartesian coordinates in the input coordinate frame to stream coordinates.

    if hasattr(coords, 'spherical'):
        sph = coords.spherical
        sph = coords

    if zero_pt == 'mean' or zero_pt == 'median':
        lon = sph.lon.wrap_at(360 * u.degree)
        lat = sph.lat.wrap_at(90 * u.degree)

        if np.any(lon < 10 * u.degree) and np.any(
                lon > 350 * u.degree):  # it's wrapping
            lon = lon.wrap_at(180 * u.degree)

        if np.any(lat < -80 * u.degree) and np.any(
                lat > 80 * u.degree):  # it's wrapping
            lat = lat.wrap_at(180 * u.degree)

        zero_pt = coord.UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon=getattr(np,

    elif hasattr(zero_pt, 'spherical'):
        zero_pt = zero_pt.spherical

    # first determine rotation matrix to put zero_pt at (0,0)
    R1 = rotation_matrix(zero_pt.lon, 'z')
    R2 = rotation_matrix(-zero_pt.lat, 'y')

    xyz2 = (R2 * R1).dot(sph.represent_as(coord.CartesianRepresentation).xyz)

    # determine initial guess for angle with some math trickery
    _r = np.sqrt(xyz2[1]**2 + xyz2[2]**2)
    ix = _r.argmin()
    if ix == 0:
        ix += 1
    elif ix == (xyz2[1].size - 1):
        ix -= 1

    guess = 180 * u.degree - np.arctan2(xyz2[2][ix + 1] - xyz2[2][ix],
                                        xyz2[1][ix + 1] - xyz2[1][ix]).to(
    res = minimize(_rotation_opt_func,
                   args=(xyz2, ),

    if not res.success:
        raise ValueError("Failed to compute final alignment angle.")

    if np.allclose(np.abs(res.x), 1., atol=1E-5):
        guess = 180 * u.degree - guess
        res = minimize(_rotation_opt_func,
                       args=(xyz2, ),

    R3 = rotation_matrix(np.arccos(res.x) * u.radian, 'x')
    R = R3 * R2 * R1

    return R
Example #18
    def lonangle(self):
        return self.Lambda

    def latangle(self):
        return self.Beta

# Define the Euler angles (from Law & Majewski 2010)
phi = radians(180 + 3.75)
theta = radians(90 - 13.46)
psi = radians(180 + 14.111534)

# Generate the rotation matrix using the x-convention (see Goldstein)
D = rotation_matrix(phi, "z", degrees=False)
C = rotation_matrix(theta, "x", degrees=False)
B = rotation_matrix(psi, "z", degrees=False)
sgr_matrix = np.array(B.dot(C).dot(D))

# Galactic to Sgr coordinates
@transformations.transform_function(coord.GalacticCoordinates, SgrCoordinates)
def galactic_to_sgr(galactic_coord):
    """ Compute the transformation from Galactic spherical to Sgr coordinates. 

    l = galactic_coord.l.radians
    b = galactic_coord.b.radians

    X = cos(b) * cos(l)
Example #19
def _rotation_opt_func(th, xyz):
    if th < -1. or th > 1.:
        return np.inf
    R = rotation_matrix(np.arccos(th) * u.radian, 'x')
    xyz2 = coord.CartesianRepresentation(R.dot(xyz) * u.one).xyz
    return np.sum(xyz2[2]**2).value
Example #20
 def tomin(ang, inrep=rep[hostidx], axis=rep[targetidx].xyz, target=galactic_center.icrs):
     newr = rotate_repr(inrep, rotation_matrix(ang[0]*u.deg, axis))
     return ICRS(newr).separation(target).radian
Example #21
def _ecliptic_rotation_matrix_pulsar(obl):
    """Here we only do the obliquity angle rotation. Astropy will add the
    precession-nutation correction.
    return rotation_matrix(obl, 'x')
# In this case we override the names in the spherical representations but don't
# do anything with other representations like cartesian or cylindrical.
# Next we have to define the transformation from this coordinate system to some
# other built-in coordinate system; we will use Galactic coordinates. We can do
# this by defining functions that return transformation matrices, or by simply
# defining a function that accepts a coordinate and returns a new coordinate in
# the new system. We'll start by constructing the rotation matrix, using the
# ``rotation_matrix`` helper function:

SGR_PHI = np.radians(180+3.75) # Euler angles (from Law & Majewski 2010)
SGR_THETA = np.radians(90-13.46)
SGR_PSI = np.radians(180+14.111534)

# Generate the rotation matrix using the x-convention (see Goldstein)
D = rotation_matrix(SGR_PHI, "z", unit=u.radian)
C = rotation_matrix(SGR_THETA, "x", unit=u.radian)
B = rotation_matrix(SGR_PSI, "z", unit=u.radian)
SGR_MATRIX = np.array(B.dot(C).dot(D))

# This is done at the module level, since it will be used by both the
# transformation from Sgr to Galactic as well as the inverse from Galactic to
# Sgr. Now we can define our first transformation function:

@frame_transform_graph.transform(coord.FunctionTransform, coord.Galactic, Sagittarius)
def galactic_to_sgr(gal_coord, sgr_frame):
    """ Compute the transformation from Galactic spherical to
        heliocentric Sgr coordinates.
Example #23
    default_representation = coord.SphericalRepresentation

    _frame_specific_representation_info = {
        'spherical': {'names': ('Lambda', 'Beta', 'distance'),
                      'units': (u.degree, u.degree, None)},
        'unitspherical': {'names': ('Lambda', 'Beta'),
                          'units': (u.degree, u.degree)}}

# Define the Euler angles (from Law & Majewski 2010)
phi = np.radians(180+3.75)
theta = np.radians(90-13.46)
psi = np.radians(180+14.111534)

# Generate the rotation matrix using the x-convention (see Goldstein)
D = rotation_matrix(phi, "z", unit=u.radian)
C = rotation_matrix(theta, "x", unit=u.radian)
B = rotation_matrix(psi, "z", unit=u.radian)
sgr_matrix = np.array(B.dot(C).dot(D))

# Galactic to Sgr coordinates
@frame_transform_graph.transform(coord.FunctionTransform, coord.Galactic, Sagittarius)
def galactic_to_sgr(gal_coord, sgr_frame):
    """ Compute the transformation from Galactic spherical to
        heliocentric Sgr coordinates.

    l = np.atleast_1d(gal_coord.l.radian)
    b = np.atleast_1d(gal_coord.b.radian)
Example #24
 def tomin(ang,
     newr = rotate_repr(inrep, rotation_matrix(ang[0] * u.deg, axis))
     return ICRS(newr).separation(target).radian
Example #25
def main(progenitor_mass, n_stars, seed=42):

    _path, _ = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    top_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(_path, ".."))
    output_path = os.path.join(top_path, "output", "simulations")

    if not os.path.exists(output_path):

    for potential_name, potential in potentials.items():
        logger.info("Potential: {}".format(potential_name))

        this_output_path = os.path.join(output_path, potential_name)
        this_plot_path = os.path.join(this_output_path, 'plots')
        if not os.path.exists(this_output_path):
        if not os.path.exists(this_plot_path):

        with h5py.File(os.path.join(this_output_path, "mock_stream_data.h5"),
                       "w") as f:
            for i, (per, apo) in enumerate(per_apo):
                g = f.create_group(str(i))
                g.attrs['apocenter'] = apo
                g.attrs['pericenter'] = per

                # get random initial conditions for given pericenter, apocenter
                w0, T = peri_apo_to_random_w0(per,

                # integration time
                t1 = T / 2 * 0.9
                n_steps = 10000
                dt = t1 / n_steps
                g.attrs['n_steps'] = n_steps
                g.attrs['dt'] = dt
                logger.debug("dt: {:.2f}, N steps: {}".format(dt, n_steps))

                # integrate orbit
                prog_orbit = potential.integrate_orbit(w0,
                sph, _ = prog_orbit.represent_as(coord.SphericalRepresentation)
                logger.debug("Data distance min,max = {}, {}".format(
                    sph.distance.min(), sph.distance.max()))

                m = progenitor_mass * u.Msun
                rtide = (m / potential.mass_enclosed(w0.pos))**(
                    1 / 3.) * np.sqrt(np.sum(w0.pos**2))
                vdisp = np.sqrt(G * m / (2 * rtide)).to(u.km / u.s)
                logger.debug("rtide, vdisp: {}, {}".format(rtide, vdisp))

                # Option 1: generate mock stream
                # stream = mockstream.fardal_stream(potential, prog_orbit=prog_orbit,
                #                                   prog_mass=m, release_every=1,
                #                                   Integrator=gi.DOPRI853Integrator)

                # Option 2: integrate a ball of test particle orbits
                # std = gd.CartesianPhaseSpacePosition(pos=[rtide.value]*3*u.kpc,
                #                                      vel=[vdisp.value]*3*u.km/u.s)

                # ball_w = w0.w(galactic)[:,0]
                # ball_std = std.w(galactic)[:,0]
                # ball_w0 = np.random.normal(ball_w, ball_std, size=(n_stars,6))
                # ball_w0 = gd.CartesianPhaseSpacePosition.from_w(ball_w0.T, units=galactic)

                # stream_orbits = potential.integrate_orbit(ball_w0, dt=1., nsteps=n_steps)
                # stream = stream_orbits[-1]

                # Option 3: just take single orbit, convolve with uncertainties
                prog_orbit = prog_orbit[-n_steps::2]
                stream = gd.CartesianPhaseSpacePosition(pos=prog_orbit.pos,

                # save simulated stream data
                g.attrs['mass'] = progenitor_mass

                g['pos'].attrs['unit'] = 'kpc'

                g['vel'].attrs['unit'] = 'kpc/Myr'

                # plot the orbit in cartesian coords
                fig = prog_orbit.plot(color='lightblue', alpha=0.5)
                fig = stream.plot(axes=fig.axes, marker='.', alpha=0.5)
                for ax in fig.axes:
                    ax.set_xlim(-apo - 10, apo + 10)
                    ax.set_ylim(-apo - 10, apo + 10)
                    os.path.join(this_plot_path, "orbit-{}.png".format(i)))

                # convert to sky coordinates and compute the stream rotation matrix
                stream_c, stream_v = stream.to_frame(coord.Galactic, **FRAME)
                R = compute_stream_rotation_matrix(stream_c,
                stream_rot = rotate_sph_coordinate(stream_c, R)

                if stream_rot.lon.wrap_at(180 * u.degree).degree[-1] < 0:
                    logger.debug("flipping stream...")
                    flip = rotation_matrix(180 * u.degree, 'x')
                    stream_rot = rotate_sph_coordinate(stream_rot, flip)
                    R = flip * R

                g['R'] = R

                # plot the orbit on the sky in galactic and in stream coordinates
                fig_gal, _ = plot_stream_obs(stream_c, stream_v)
                fig_rot, _ = plot_stream_obs(stream_rot, stream_v)

Example #26
def add_oriented_radecs(elvis_tab,
                        target_coord=SkyCoord(0 * u.deg, 0 * u.deg),
                        earth_distance=8.5 * u.kpc,
                        earth_vrot=220 * u.km / u.s,
                        roll_angle=0 * u.deg):
    Computes a spherical coordinate system centered on the `hostidx` halo,
    re-oriented so that `targetidx` is at the `target_coord` coordinate

    Note that this adds columns 'host<n>_*' to
    `elvis_tab`, and will *overwrite* them if  they already exist.
    if hasattr(target_coord, 'spherical'):
        target_lat = target_coord.spherical.lat
        target_lon = target_coord.spherical.lon
        target_lat = target_coord.lat
        target_lon = target_coord.lon

    def offset_repr(rep, vector, newrep=None):
        if newrep is None:
            newrep = rep.__class__
        newxyz = rep.to_cartesian().xyz + vector.reshape(3, 1)
        return CartesianRepresentation(newxyz).represent_as(newrep)

    def rotate_repr(rep, matrix, newrep=None):
        if newrep is None:
            newrep = rep.__class__
        newxyz = np.dot(matrix.view(np.ndarray), rep.to_cartesian().xyz)
        return CartesianRepresentation(newxyz).represent_as(newrep)

    rep = CartesianRepresentation(elvis_tab['X'], elvis_tab['Y'],
    # first we offset the catalog to have its origin at host
    rep = offset_repr(rep, -rep.xyz[:, hostidx])

    # now rotate so that host1 is along the z-axis, and apply the arbitrary roll angle
    usph = rep.represent_as(UnitSphericalRepresentation)
    M1 = rotation_matrix(usph.lon[targetidx], 'z')
    M2 = rotation_matrix(90 * u.deg - usph.lat[targetidx], 'y')
    M3 = rotation_matrix(roll_angle, 'z')
    Mfirst = M3 * M2 * M1
    rep = rotate_repr(rep, Mfirst)

    # now determine the location of the earth in this system
    # need diagram to explain this, but it uses SSA formula
    theta = target_coord.separation(galactic_center)  # target to GC angle
    D = rep.z[targetidx]  # distance to the target host
    R = earth_distance
    # srho = (R/D) * np.sin(theta)
    # sdelta_p = (srho * np.cos(theta) + (1 - srho**2)**0.5)
    # sdelta_m = (srho * np.cos(theta) - (1 - srho**2)**0.5)
    d1, d2 = R * np.cos(theta), (D**2 - (R * np.sin(theta))**2)**0.5
    dp, dm = d1 + d2, d1 - d2
    sdelta = (dp / D) * np.sin(theta)

    x = R * sdelta
    z = R * (1 - sdelta**2)**0.5
    earth_location = u.Quantity([x, 0 * u.kpc, z])

    # now offset to put earth at the origin
    rep = offset_repr(rep, -earth_location)
    sph = rep.represent_as(SphericalRepresentation)

    # rotate to put the target at its correct spot
    # first sent the target host to 0,0
    M1 = rotation_matrix(sph[targetidx].lon, 'z')
    M2 = rotation_matrix(-sph[targetidx].lat, 'y')
    # now rotate from origin to target lat,lon
    M3 = rotation_matrix(target_lat, 'y')
    M4 = rotation_matrix(-target_lon, 'z')
    Mmiddle = M4 * M3 * M2 * M1
    rep = rotate_repr(rep, Mmiddle)

    # now one more rotation about the target to stick the GC in the right place
    def tomin(ang,
        newr = rotate_repr(inrep, rotation_matrix(ang[0] * u.deg, axis))
        return ICRS(newr).separation(target).radian

    rot_angle = optimize.minimize(tomin,
    Mlast = rotation_matrix(rot_angle * u.deg, rep[targetidx].xyz)
    rep = rotate_repr(rep, Mlast)

    sph = rep.represent_as(SphericalRepresentation)
    elvis_tab['host{}_lat'.format(hostidx)] = sph.lat.to(u.deg)
    elvis_tab['host{}_lon'.format(hostidx)] = sph.lon.to(u.deg)
    elvis_tab['host{}_dist'.format(hostidx)] = sph.distance

    # now compute  velocities
    # host galactocentric
    dvxg = u.Quantity((elvis_tab['Vx']) - elvis_tab['Vx'][hostidx])
    dvyg = u.Quantity((elvis_tab['Vy']) - elvis_tab['Vy'][hostidx])
    dvzg = u.Quantity((elvis_tab['Vz']) - elvis_tab['Vz'][hostidx])

    earth_location_in_xyz = np.dot(Mfirst.T, earth_location)
    dxg = elvis_tab['X'] - elvis_tab['X'][0] - earth_location_in_xyz[0]
    dyg = elvis_tab['Y'] - elvis_tab['Y'][0] - earth_location_in_xyz[0]
    dzg = elvis_tab['Z'] - elvis_tab['Z'][0] - earth_location_in_xyz[0]
    vrg = (dvxg * dxg + dvyg * dyg + dvzg * dzg) * (dxg**2 + dyg**2 +
    elvis_tab['host{}_galvr'.format(hostidx)] = vrg.to(u.km / u.s)

    # "vLSR-like"
    # first figure out the rotation direction
    earth_rotdir = SkyCoord(90 * u.deg, 0 * u.deg, frame='galactic').icrs

    #now apply the component from that everywhere
    offset_angle = earth_rotdir.separation(ICRS(sph))
    vrlsr = vrg - earth_vrot * np.cos(offset_angle)

    elvis_tab['host{}_vrlsr'.format(hostidx)] = vrlsr.to(u.km / u.s)
Example #27
    def lonangle(self):
        return self.Lambda

    def latangle(self):
        return self.Beta

# Define the Euler angles (from Law & Majewski 2010)
phi = radians(180 + 3.75)
theta = radians(90 - 13.46)
psi = radians(180 + 14.111534)

# Generate the rotation matrix using the x-convention (see Goldstein)
D = rotation_matrix(phi, "z", unit=u.radian)
C = rotation_matrix(theta, "x", unit=u.radian)
B = rotation_matrix(psi, "z", unit=u.radian)
sgr_matrix = np.array(B.dot(C).dot(D))

# Galactic to Sgr coordinates
@transformations.transform_function(coord.GalacticCoordinates, SgrCoordinates)
def galactic_to_sgr(galactic_coord):
    """ Compute the transformation from Galactic spherical to Sgr coordinates.

    l = galactic_coord.l.radian
    b = galactic_coord.b.radian

    X = cos(b) * cos(l)
Example #28
def main(progenitor_mass, n_stars, seed=42):

    _path,_ = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    top_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(_path, ".."))
    output_path = os.path.join(top_path, "output", "simulations")

    if not os.path.exists(output_path):

    for potential_name,potential in potentials.items():
        logger.info("Potential: {}".format(potential_name))

        this_output_path = os.path.join(output_path, potential_name)
        this_plot_path = os.path.join(this_output_path, 'plots')
        if not os.path.exists(this_output_path):
        if not os.path.exists(this_plot_path):

        with h5py.File(os.path.join(this_output_path, "mock_stream_data.h5"), "w") as f:
            for i,(per,apo) in enumerate(per_apo):
                g = f.create_group(str(i))
                g.attrs['apocenter'] = apo
                g.attrs['pericenter'] = per

                # get random initial conditions for given pericenter, apocenter
                w0,T = peri_apo_to_random_w0(per, apo, potential, frac_r_start=0.1)

                # integration time
                t1 = T/2*0.9
                n_steps = 10000
                dt = t1/n_steps
                g.attrs['n_steps'] = n_steps
                g.attrs['dt'] = dt
                logger.debug("dt: {:.2f}, N steps: {}".format(dt, n_steps))

                # integrate orbit
                prog_orbit = potential.integrate_orbit(w0, dt=dt, nsteps=n_steps)
                sph,_ = prog_orbit.represent_as(coord.SphericalRepresentation)
                logger.debug("Data distance min,max = {}, {}".format(sph.distance.min(),

                m = progenitor_mass*u.Msun
                rtide = (m/potential.mass_enclosed(w0.pos))**(1/3.) * np.sqrt(np.sum(w0.pos**2))
                vdisp = np.sqrt(G*m/(2*rtide)).to(u.km/u.s)
                logger.debug("rtide, vdisp: {}, {}".format(rtide, vdisp))

                # Option 1: generate mock stream
                # stream = mockstream.fardal_stream(potential, prog_orbit=prog_orbit,
                #                                   prog_mass=m, release_every=1,
                #                                   Integrator=gi.DOPRI853Integrator)

                # Option 2: integrate a ball of test particle orbits
                # std = gd.CartesianPhaseSpacePosition(pos=[rtide.value]*3*u.kpc,
                #                                      vel=[vdisp.value]*3*u.km/u.s)

                # ball_w = w0.w(galactic)[:,0]
                # ball_std = std.w(galactic)[:,0]
                # ball_w0 = np.random.normal(ball_w, ball_std, size=(n_stars,6))
                # ball_w0 = gd.CartesianPhaseSpacePosition.from_w(ball_w0.T, units=galactic)

                # stream_orbits = potential.integrate_orbit(ball_w0, dt=1., nsteps=n_steps)
                # stream = stream_orbits[-1]

                # Option 3: just take single orbit, convolve with uncertainties
                prog_orbit = prog_orbit[-n_steps::2]
                stream = gd.CartesianPhaseSpacePosition(pos=prog_orbit.pos, vel=prog_orbit.vel)

                # save simulated stream data
                g.attrs['mass'] = progenitor_mass

                g.create_dataset('pos', shape=stream.pos.shape, dtype=np.float64,
                g['pos'].attrs['unit'] = 'kpc'

                g.create_dataset('vel', shape=stream.vel.shape, dtype=np.float64,
                g['vel'].attrs['unit'] = 'kpc/Myr'

                # plot the orbit in cartesian coords
                fig = prog_orbit.plot(color='lightblue', alpha=0.5)
                fig = stream.plot(axes=fig.axes, marker='.', alpha=0.5)
                for ax in fig.axes:
                    ax.set_xlim(-apo-10, apo+10)
                    ax.set_ylim(-apo-10, apo+10)
                fig.savefig(os.path.join(this_plot_path, "orbit-{}.png".format(i)))

                # convert to sky coordinates and compute the stream rotation matrix
                stream_c,stream_v = stream.to_frame(coord.Galactic, **FRAME)
                R = compute_stream_rotation_matrix(stream_c, zero_pt=stream_c[0])
                stream_rot = rotate_sph_coordinate(stream_c, R)

                if stream_rot.lon.wrap_at(180*u.degree).degree[-1] < 0:
                    logger.debug("flipping stream...")
                    flip = rotation_matrix(180*u.degree, 'x')
                    stream_rot = rotate_sph_coordinate(stream_rot, flip)
                    R = flip*R

                g['R'] = R

                # plot the orbit on the sky in galactic and in stream coordinates
                fig_gal,_ = plot_stream_obs(stream_c, stream_v)
                fig_rot,_ = plot_stream_obs(stream_rot, stream_v)
                fig_gal.savefig(os.path.join(this_plot_path, "stream-{}-gal.png".format(i)))
                fig_rot.savefig(os.path.join(this_plot_path, "stream-{}-rot.png".format(i)))

Example #29
def _ecliptic_rotation_matrix_pulsar(obl):
    """Here we only do the obliquity angle rotation. Astropy will add the
    precession-nutation correction.
    return rotation_matrix(obl, 'x')
Example #30
def add_oriented_radecs(elvis_tab, hostidx=0, targetidx=1,
                        target_coord=SkyCoord(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg),
                        earth_distance=8.5*u.kpc, earth_vrot=220*u.km/u.s,
    Computes a spherical coordinate system centered on the `hostidx` halo,
    re-oriented so that `targetidx` is at the `target_coord` coordinate

    Note that this adds columns 'host<n>_*' to
    `elvis_tab`, and will *overwrite* them if  they already exist.
    if hasattr(target_coord, 'spherical'):
        target_lat = target_coord.spherical.lat
        target_lon = target_coord.spherical.lon
        target_lat = target_coord.lat
        target_lon = target_coord.lon

    def offset_repr(rep, vector, newrep=None):
        if newrep is None:
            newrep = rep.__class__
        newxyz = rep.to_cartesian().xyz + vector.reshape(3, 1)
        return CartesianRepresentation(newxyz).represent_as(newrep)

    def rotate_repr(rep, matrix, newrep=None):
        if newrep is None:
            newrep = rep.__class__
        newxyz = np.dot(matrix.view(np.ndarray), rep.to_cartesian().xyz)
        return CartesianRepresentation(newxyz).represent_as(newrep)

    rep = CartesianRepresentation(elvis_tab['X'], elvis_tab['Y'], elvis_tab['Z'])
    # first we offset the catalog to have its origin at host
    rep = offset_repr(rep, -rep.xyz[:, hostidx])

    # now rotate so that host1 is along the z-axis, and apply the arbitrary roll angle
    usph = rep.represent_as(UnitSphericalRepresentation)
    M1 = rotation_matrix(usph.lon[targetidx], 'z')
    M2 = rotation_matrix(90*u.deg-usph.lat[targetidx], 'y')
    M3 = rotation_matrix(roll_angle, 'z')
    Mfirst = M3*M2*M1
    rep = rotate_repr(rep, Mfirst)

    # now determine the location of the earth in this system
    # need diagram to explain this, but it uses SSA formula
    theta = target_coord.separation(galactic_center)  # target to GC angle
    D = rep.z[targetidx]  # distance to the target host
    R = earth_distance
    # srho = (R/D) * np.sin(theta)
    # sdelta_p = (srho * np.cos(theta) + (1 - srho**2)**0.5)
    # sdelta_m = (srho * np.cos(theta) - (1 - srho**2)**0.5)
    d1, d2 = R * np.cos(theta), (D**2 - (R * np.sin(theta))**2)**0.5
    dp, dm = d1 + d2, d1 - d2
    sdelta = (dp/D) * np.sin(theta)

    x = R * sdelta
    z = R * (1-sdelta**2)**0.5
    earth_location = u.Quantity([x, 0*u.kpc, z])

    # now offset to put earth at the origin
    rep = offset_repr(rep, -earth_location)
    sph = rep.represent_as(SphericalRepresentation)

    # rotate to put the target at its correct spot
    # first sent the target host to 0,0
    M1 = rotation_matrix(sph[targetidx].lon, 'z')
    M2 = rotation_matrix(-sph[targetidx].lat, 'y')
    # now rotate from origin to target lat,lon
    M3 = rotation_matrix(target_lat, 'y')
    M4 = rotation_matrix(-target_lon, 'z')
    Mmiddle = M4*M3*M2*M1
    rep = rotate_repr(rep, Mmiddle)

    # now one more rotation about the target to stick the GC in the right place
    def tomin(ang, inrep=rep[hostidx], axis=rep[targetidx].xyz, target=galactic_center.icrs):
        newr = rotate_repr(inrep, rotation_matrix(ang[0]*u.deg, axis))
        return ICRS(newr).separation(target).radian
    rot_angle = optimize.minimize(tomin, np.array(0).ravel(), method='Nelder-Mead')['x'][0]
    Mlast = rotation_matrix(rot_angle*u.deg, rep[targetidx].xyz)
    rep = rotate_repr(rep, Mlast)

    sph = rep.represent_as(SphericalRepresentation)
    elvis_tab['host{}_lat'.format(hostidx)] = sph.lat.to(u.deg)
    elvis_tab['host{}_lon'.format(hostidx)] = sph.lon.to(u.deg)
    elvis_tab['host{}_dist'.format(hostidx)] = sph.distance

    # now compute  velocities
    # host galactocentric
    dvxg = u.Quantity((elvis_tab['Vx'])-elvis_tab['Vx'][hostidx])
    dvyg = u.Quantity((elvis_tab['Vy'])-elvis_tab['Vy'][hostidx])
    dvzg = u.Quantity((elvis_tab['Vz'])-elvis_tab['Vz'][hostidx])

    earth_location_in_xyz = np.dot(Mfirst.T, earth_location)
    dxg = elvis_tab['X'] - elvis_tab['X'][0] - earth_location_in_xyz[0]
    dyg = elvis_tab['Y'] - elvis_tab['Y'][0] - earth_location_in_xyz[0]
    dzg = elvis_tab['Z'] - elvis_tab['Z'][0] - earth_location_in_xyz[0]
    vrg = (dvxg*dxg + dvyg*dyg + dvzg*dzg) * (dxg**2+dyg**2+dzg**2)**-0.5
    elvis_tab['host{}_galvr'.format(hostidx)] = vrg.to(u.km/u.s)

    # "vLSR-like"
    # first figure out the rotation direction
    earth_rotdir = SkyCoord(90*u.deg, 0*u.deg, frame='galactic').icrs

    #now apply the component from that everywhere
    offset_angle = earth_rotdir.separation(ICRS(sph))
    vrlsr = vrg - earth_vrot*np.cos(offset_angle)

    elvis_tab['host{}_vrlsr'.format(hostidx)] = vrlsr.to(u.km/u.s)