Example #1
def test_eloc_attributes():
    from astropy.coordinates import AltAz, ITRS, GCRS, EarthLocation

    el = EarthLocation(lon=12.3*u.deg, lat=45.6*u.deg, height=1*u.km)
    it = ITRS(r.SphericalRepresentation(lon=12.3*u.deg, lat=45.6*u.deg, distance=1*u.km))
    gc = GCRS(ra=12.3*u.deg, dec=45.6*u.deg, distance=6375*u.km)

    el1 = AltAz(location=el).location
    assert isinstance(el1, EarthLocation)
    # these should match *exactly* because the EarthLocation
    assert el1.lat == el.lat
    assert el1.lon == el.lon
    assert el1.height == el.height

    el2 = AltAz(location=it).location
    assert isinstance(el2, EarthLocation)
    # these should *not* match because giving something in Spherical ITRS is
    # *not* the same as giving it as an EarthLocation: EarthLocation is on an
    # elliptical geoid. So the longitude should match (because flattening is
    # only along the z-axis), but latitude should not. Also, height is relative
    # to the *surface* in EarthLocation, but the ITRS distance is relative to
    # the center of the Earth
    assert not allclose(el2.lat, it.spherical.lat)
    assert allclose(el2.lon, it.spherical.lon)
    assert el2.height < -6000*u.km

    el3 = AltAz(location=gc).location
    # GCRS inputs implicitly get transformed to ITRS and then onto
    # EarthLocation's elliptical geoid. So both lat and lon shouldn't match
    assert isinstance(el3, EarthLocation)
    assert not allclose(el3.lat, gc.dec)
    assert not allclose(el3.lon, gc.ra)
    assert np.abs(el3.height) < 500*u.km
Example #2
def test_equivalent_frames():
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS, FK4, FK5, AltAz

    i = ICRS()
    i2 = ICRS(1*u.deg, 2*u.deg)
    assert i.is_equivalent_frame(i)
    assert i.is_equivalent_frame(i2)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        assert i.is_equivalent_frame(10)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        assert i2.is_equivalent_frame(SkyCoord(i2))

    f0 = FK5()  # this J2000 is TT
    f1 = FK5(equinox='J2000')
    f2 = FK5(1*u.deg, 2*u.deg, equinox='J2000')
    f3 = FK5(equinox='J2010')
    f4 = FK4(equinox='J2010')

    assert f1.is_equivalent_frame(f1)
    assert not i.is_equivalent_frame(f1)
    assert f0.is_equivalent_frame(f1)
    assert f1.is_equivalent_frame(f2)
    assert not f1.is_equivalent_frame(f3)
    assert not f3.is_equivalent_frame(f4)

    aa1 = AltAz()
    aa2 = AltAz(obstime='J2010')

    assert aa2.is_equivalent_frame(aa2)
    assert not aa1.is_equivalent_frame(i)
    assert not aa1.is_equivalent_frame(aa2)
def test_altaz_attribute_transforms():
    """Test transforms between AltAz frames with different attributes."""
    el1 = EarthLocation(0 * u.deg, 0 * u.deg, 0 * u.m)
    origin1 = AltAz(0 * u.deg,
                    0 * u.deg,
    frame1 = SkyOffsetFrame(origin=origin1)
    coo1 = SkyCoord(1 * u.deg, 1 * u.deg, frame=frame1)

    el2 = EarthLocation(0 * u.deg, 0 * u.deg, 0 * u.m)
    origin2 = AltAz(0 * u.deg,
                    0 * u.deg,
    frame2 = SkyOffsetFrame(origin=origin2)
    coo2 = coo1.transform_to(frame2)
    coo2_expected = [1.22522446, 0.70624298] * u.deg
    assert_allclose([coo2.lon.wrap_at(180 * u.deg), coo2.lat],

    el3 = EarthLocation(0 * u.deg, 90 * u.deg, 0 * u.m)
    origin3 = AltAz(0 * u.deg,
                    90 * u.deg,
    frame3 = SkyOffsetFrame(origin=origin3)
    coo3 = coo2.transform_to(frame3)
    assert_allclose([coo3.lon.wrap_at(180 * u.deg), coo3.lat],
                    [1 * u.deg, 1 * u.deg],
Example #4
def test_vel_transformation_obstime_err():
    # TODO: replace after a final decision on PR #6280
    from astropy.coordinates.sites import get_builtin_sites

    diff = r.CartesianDifferential([.1, .2, .3]*u.km/u.s)
    rep = r.CartesianRepresentation([1, 2, 3]*u.au, differentials=diff)

    loc = get_builtin_sites()['example_site']

    aaf = AltAz(obstime='J2010', location=loc)
    aaf2 = AltAz(obstime=aaf.obstime + 3*u.day, location=loc)
    aaf3 = AltAz(obstime=aaf.obstime + np.arange(3)*u.day, location=loc)
    aaf4 = AltAz(obstime=aaf.obstime, location=loc)

    aa = aaf.realize_frame(rep)

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc:
    assert 'cannot transform' in exc.value.args[0]

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc:
    assert 'cannot transform' in exc.value.args[0]


Example #5
def test_no_data_nonscalar_frames():
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import AltAz
    from astropy.time import Time
    a1 = AltAz(obstime=Time('2012-01-01') + np.arange(10.) * u.day,
               temperature=np.ones((3, 1)) * u.deg_C)
    assert a1.obstime.shape == (3, 10)
    assert a1.temperature.shape == (3, 10)
    assert a1.shape == (3, 10)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
        AltAz(obstime=Time('2012-01-01') + np.arange(10.) * u.day,
              temperature=np.ones((3, )) * u.deg_C)
    assert 'inconsistent shapes' in str(exc.value)
Example #6
def test_altaz_attributes():
    from astropy.time import Time
    from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation, AltAz

    aa = AltAz(1*u.deg, 2*u.deg)
    assert aa.obstime is None
    assert aa.location is None

    aa2 = AltAz(1*u.deg, 2*u.deg, obstime='J2000')
    assert aa2.obstime == Time('J2000')

    aa3 = AltAz(1*u.deg, 2*u.deg, location=EarthLocation(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg, 0*u.m))
    assert isinstance(aa3.location, EarthLocation)
Example #7
def test_against_jpl_horizons():
    """Check that Astropy gives consistent results with the JPL Horizons example.

    The input parameters and reference results are taken from this page:
    (from the first row of the Results table at the bottom of that page)
    print('NASA JPL')
    obstime = Time('1998-07-28 03:00')
    location = EarthLocation(lon=Angle('248.405300d'),
                             height=2.06 * u.km)
    # No atmosphere
    altaz_frame = AltAz(obstime=obstime, location=location)

    altaz = SkyCoord('143.2970d 2.6223d', frame=altaz_frame)
    radec_actual = altaz.transform_to('icrs')
    print('Astropy: ', radec_actual)
    radec_expected = SkyCoord('19h24m55.01s -40d56m28.9s', frame='icrs')
    print('Source:  ', radec_expected)
    distance = radec_actual.separation(radec_expected).to('arcsec')
    #assert distance < 1 * u.arcsec

    # SAPPHiRE
    longitude = 248.405300
    latitude = 31.9585
    utc = datetime.datetime(1998, 7, 28, 3, 0)
    elevation = np.radians(2.6223)
    azi = np.radians(143.2970)
    gps = clock.utc_to_gps(calendar.timegm(utc.utctimetuple()))
    zenith, azimuth = celestial.horizontal_to_zenithazimuth(elevation, azi)
    ra, dec = celestial.zenithazimuth_to_equatorial(longitude, latitude, gps,
                                                    zenith, azimuth)

    print('SAPPHiRE: ra=%f, dec=%f' % (np.degrees(ra), np.degrees(dec)))
Example #8
def test_altaz_diffs():
    time = Time('J2015') + np.linspace(-1, 1, 1000) * u.day
    loc = get_builtin_sites()['greenwich']
    aa = AltAz(obstime=time, location=loc)

    icoo = ICRS(np.zeros_like(time) * u.deg,
                10 * u.deg,
                100 * u.au,
                pm_ra_cosdec=np.zeros_like(time) * u.marcsec / u.yr,
                pm_dec=0 * u.marcsec / u.yr,
                radial_velocity=0 * u.km / u.s)

    acoo = icoo.transform_to(aa)

    # Make sure the change in radial velocity over ~2 days isn't too much
    # more than the rotation speed of the Earth - some excess is expected
    # because the orbit also shifts the RV, but it should be pretty small
    # over this short a time.
    assert np.ptp(acoo.radial_velocity) / 2 < (2 * np.pi * constants.R_earth /
                                               u.day) * 1.2  # MAGIC NUMBER

    cdiff = acoo.data.differentials['s'].represent_as(CartesianDifferential,

    # The "total" velocity should be > c, because the *tangential* velocity
    # isn't a True velocity, but rather an induced velocity due to the Earth's
    # rotation at a distance of 100 AU
    assert np.all(np.sum(cdiff.d_xyz**2, axis=0)**0.5 > constants.c)
Example #9
def test_future_altaz():
    While this does test the full stack, it is mostly meant to check that a
    warning is raised when attempting to get to AltAz in the future (beyond
    IERS tables)
    from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning

    # this is an ugly hack to get the warning to show up even if it has already
    # appeared
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import utils
    if hasattr(utils, '__warningregistry__'):

    location = EarthLocation(lat=0 * u.deg, lon=0 * u.deg)
    t = Time('J2161')

    # check that these message(s) appear among any other warnings.  If tests are run with
    # --remote-data then the IERS table will be an instance of IERS_Auto which is
    # assured of being "fresh".  In this case getting times outside the range of the
    # table does not raise an exception.  Only if using IERS_B (which happens without
    # --remote-data, i.e. for all CI testing) do we expect another warning.
    with pytest.warns(AstropyWarning,
                      match=r"Tried to get polar motions for "
                      "times after IERS data is valid.*") as found_warnings:
        SkyCoord(1 * u.deg,
                 2 * u.deg).transform_to(AltAz(location=location, obstime=t))

    if isinstance(iers.earth_orientation_table.get(), iers.IERS_B):
        messages_found = [
            "(some) times are outside of range covered by IERS "
            "table." in str(w.message) for w in found_warnings
        assert any(messages_found)
Example #10
def test_against_pyephem():
    """Check that Astropy gives consistent results with one PyEphem example.

    PyEphem: http://rhodesmill.org/pyephem/

    See example input and output here:
    obstime = Time('2011-09-18 08:50:00')
    location = EarthLocation(lon=Angle('-109d24m53.1s'),
                             height=30000. * u.m)
    # We are using the default pressure and temperature in PyEphem
    # relative_humidity = ?
    # obswl = ?
    altaz_frame = AltAz(obstime=obstime, location=location,
                        temperature=15 * u.deg_C, pressure=1.010 * u.bar)

    altaz = SkyCoord('6.8927d -60.7665d', frame=altaz_frame)
    radec_actual = altaz.transform_to('icrs')

    radec_expected = SkyCoord('196.497518d -4.569323d', frame='icrs')  # EPHEM
    # radec_expected = SkyCoord('196.496220d -4.569390d', frame='icrs')  # HORIZON
    distance = radec_actual.separation(radec_expected).to('arcsec')
    # TODO: why is this difference so large?
    # It currently is: 31.45187984720655 arcsec
    assert distance < 1e3 * u.arcsec

    # Add assert on current Astropy result so that we notice if something changes
    radec_expected = SkyCoord('196.495372d -4.560694d', frame='icrs')
    distance = radec_actual.separation(radec_expected).to('arcsec')
    # Current value: 0.0031402822944751997 arcsec
    assert distance < 1 * u.arcsec
Example #11
def fullstack_fiducial_altaz(fullstack_icrs):
    altazframe = AltAz(location=EarthLocation(lat=0*u.deg, lon=0*u.deg, height=0*u.m),
    with warnings.catch_warnings():  # Ignore remote_data warning
        result = fullstack_icrs.transform_to(altazframe)
    return result
Example #12
def test_fk5_equinox_and_epoch_j2000_0_to_topocentric_observed():
    # Observatory position for `kpno` from here:
    # http://idlastro.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftp/pro/astro/observatory.pro
    location = EarthLocation(lon=Angle('-111.598333d'),
                             height=2093.093 * u.m)  # TODO: height correct?

    obstime = Time('2010-01-01 12:00:00')
    # relative_humidity = ?
    # obswl = ?
    altaz_frame = AltAz(obstime=obstime, location=location,
                        temperature=0 * u.deg_C, pressure=0.781 * u.bar)

    radec = SkyCoord('12h22m54.899s 15d49m20.57s', frame='fk5')

    altaz_actual = radec.transform_to(altaz_frame)

    altaz_expected = SkyCoord('264d55m06s 37d54m41s', frame='altaz')
    # altaz_expected = SkyCoord('343.586827647d 15.7683070508d', frame='altaz')
    # altaz_expected = SkyCoord('133.498195532d 22.0162383595d', frame='altaz')
    distance = altaz_actual.separation(altaz_expected)
    # print(altaz_actual)
    # print(altaz_expected)
    # print(distance)
    """TODO: Current output is completely incorrect ... xfailing this test for now.

    <SkyCoord (AltAz: obstime=2010-01-01 12:00:00.000, location=(-1994497.7199061865, -5037954.447348028, 3357437.2294832403) m, pressure=781.0 hPa, temperature=0.0 deg_C, relative_humidity=0, obswl=1.0 micron):00:00.000, location=(-1994497.7199061865, -5037954.447348028, 3357437.2294832403) m, pressure=781.0 hPa, temperature=0.0 deg_C, relative_humidity=0, obswl=1.0 micron): az=133.4869896371561 deg, alt=67.97857990957701 deg>
    <SkyCoord (AltAz: obstime=None, location=None, pressure=0.0 hPa, temperature=0.0 deg_C, relative_humidity=0, obswl=1.0 micron): az=264.91833333333335 deg, alt=37.91138888888889 deg>

    assert distance < 1 * u.arcsec
Example #13
def test_against_pyephem():
    """Check that Astropy gives consistent results with one PyEphem example.

    PyEphem: https://rhodesmill.org/pyephem/

    See example input and output here:
    obstime = Time('2011-09-18 08:50:00')
    location = EarthLocation(lon=Angle('-109d24m53.1s'),
                             height=300. * u.m)
    # We are using the default pressure and temperature in PyEphem
    # relative_humidity = ?
    # obswl = ?
    altaz_frame = AltAz(obstime=obstime,
                        temperature=15 * u.deg_C,
                        pressure=1.010 * u.bar)

    altaz = SkyCoord('6.8927d +60.7665d', frame=altaz_frame)
    radec_actual = altaz.transform_to('icrs')

    radec_expected = SkyCoord('27.107480889479397d +62.512687777362046d',
    distance_ephem = radec_actual.separation(radec_expected).to('arcsec')
    # 2021-04-06: 2.42 arcsec
    assert distance_ephem < 3 * u.arcsec

    # Add assert on current Astropy result so that we notice if something changes
    radec_expected = SkyCoord('27.10602683d +62.51275391d', frame='icrs')
    distance_astropy = radec_actual.separation(radec_expected).to('arcsec')
    # 2021-04-06: 5e-6 arcsec (erfa 1.7.2 vs erfa 1.7.1).
    assert distance_astropy < 0.1 * u.arcsec
Example #14
def test_equivalent_frames():
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS, FK4, FK5, AltAz

    i = ICRS()
    i2 = ICRS(1 * u.deg, 2 * u.deg)
    assert i.is_equivalent_frame(i)
    assert i.is_equivalent_frame(i2)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        assert i.is_equivalent_frame(10)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        assert i2.is_equivalent_frame(SkyCoord(i2))

    f0 = FK5()  # this J2000 is TT
    f1 = FK5(equinox='J2000')
    f2 = FK5(1 * u.deg, 2 * u.deg, equinox='J2000')
    f3 = FK5(equinox='J2010')
    f4 = FK4(equinox='J2010')

    assert f1.is_equivalent_frame(f1)
    assert not i.is_equivalent_frame(f1)
    assert f0.is_equivalent_frame(f1)
    assert f1.is_equivalent_frame(f2)
    assert not f1.is_equivalent_frame(f3)
    assert not f3.is_equivalent_frame(f4)

    aa1 = AltAz()
    aa2 = AltAz(obstime='J2010')

    assert aa2.is_equivalent_frame(aa2)
    assert not aa1.is_equivalent_frame(i)
    assert not aa1.is_equivalent_frame(aa2)
Example #15
def test_against_hor2eq():
    """Check that Astropy gives consistent results with an IDL hor2eq example.

    See EXAMPLE input and output here:
    print('IDL hor2eq')
    # Observatory position for `kpno` from here:
    # http://idlastro.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftp/pro/astro/observatory.pro
    location = EarthLocation(lon=Angle('-111d36.0m'),
                             height=2120. * u.m)

    # obstime = Time('2041-12-26 05:00:00')
    obstime = Time(2466879.7083333, format='jd')
    # obstime += TimeDelta(-2, format='sec')

    altaz_frame = AltAz(obstime=obstime, location=location)
    altaz = SkyCoord('264d55m06s 37d54m41s', frame=altaz_frame)

    radec_frame = 'icrs'

    # The following transformation throws a warning about precision problems
    # because the observation date is in the future
    with catch_warnings() as _:
        radec_actual = altaz.transform_to(radec_frame)
    print('Astropy: ', radec_actual)

    radec_expected = SkyCoord('00h13m14.1s  +15d11m0.3s', frame=radec_frame)
    print('Source:  ', radec_expected)
    distance = radec_actual.separation(radec_expected).to('arcsec')
    # print(distance)

    # TODO: why is there a difference of 2.6 arcsec currently?
    # radec_expected = ra=3.30875 deg, dec=15.183416666666666 deg
    # radec_actual = ra=3.3094193224314625 deg, dec=15.183757021354532 deg
    # distance = 2.6285 arcsec
    #     assert distance < 5 * u.arcsec

    # SAPPHiRE
    longitude = -111.6
    latitude = 31.9633
    jd = 2466879.7083333
    elevation = (37, 54, 41)
    azi = (264, 55, 6)
    # lst = clock.gmst_to_lst(clock.juliandate_to_gmst(jd), longitude)
    # Matches  LAST = +03 53 53.6  in the hor2eq.pro
    gps = clock.utc_to_gps(
    zenith, azimuth = celestial.horizontal_to_zenithazimuth(
    ra, dec = celestial.zenithazimuth_to_equatorial(longitude, latitude, gps,
                                                    zenith, azimuth)

    print('SAPPHiRE: ra=%f, dec=%f' % (np.degrees(ra), np.degrees(dec)))
Example #16
def test_vel_transformation_obstime_err():
    # TODO: replace after a final decision on PR #6280
    from astropy.coordinates.sites import get_builtin_sites

    diff = r.CartesianDifferential([.1, .2, .3]*u.km/u.s)
    rep = r.CartesianRepresentation([1, 2, 3]*u.au, differentials=diff)

    loc = get_builtin_sites()['example_site']

    aaf = AltAz(obstime='J2010', location=loc)
    aaf2 = AltAz(obstime=aaf.obstime + 3*u.day, location=loc)
    aaf3 = AltAz(obstime=aaf.obstime + np.arange(3)*u.day, location=loc)
    aaf4 = AltAz(obstime=aaf.obstime, location=loc)

    aa = aaf.realize_frame(rep)

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc:
    assert 'cannot transform' in exc.value.args[0]

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc:
    assert 'cannot transform' in exc.value.args[0]


 def setup(self):
     # For these tests, we set up frames and coordinates using copy=False,
     # so we can check that broadcasting is handled correctly.
     lon = Longitude(np.arange(0, 24, 4), u.hourangle)
     lat = Latitude(np.arange(-90, 91, 30), u.deg)
     # With same-sized arrays, no attributes.
     self.s0 = ICRS(lon[:, np.newaxis] * np.ones(lat.shape),
                    lat * np.ones(lon.shape)[:, np.newaxis], copy=False)
     # Make an AltAz frame since that has many types of attributes.
     # Match one axis with times.
     self.obstime = (Time('2012-01-01') +
                     np.arange(len(lon))[:, np.newaxis] * u.s)
     # And another with location.
     self.location = EarthLocation(20.*u.deg, lat, 100*u.m)
     # Ensure we have a quantity scalar.
     self.pressure = 1000 * u.hPa
     # As well as an array.
     self.temperature = np.random.uniform(
         0., 20., size=(lon.size, lat.size)) * u.deg_C
     self.s1 = AltAz(az=lon[:, np.newaxis], alt=lat,
                     temperature=self.temperature, copy=False)
     # For some tests, also try a GCRS, since that has representation
     # attributes.  We match the second dimension (via the location)
     self.obsgeoloc, self.obsgeovel = self.location.get_gcrs_posvel(
         self.obstime[0, 0])
     self.s2 = GCRS(ra=lon[:, np.newaxis], dec=lat,
                    obsgeovel=self.obsgeovel, copy=False)
     # For completeness, also some tests on an empty frame.
     self.s3 = GCRS(obstime=self.obstime,
                    obsgeovel=self.obsgeovel, copy=False)
     # And make a SkyCoord
     self.sc = SkyCoord(ra=lon[:, np.newaxis], dec=lat, frame=self.s3,
Example #18
def test_replicating():
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS, AltAz
    from astropy.time import Time

    i = ICRS(ra=[1] * u.deg, dec=[2] * u.deg)

    icopy = i.replicate(copy=True)
    irepl = i.replicate(copy=False)
    i.data._lat[:] = 0 * u.deg
    assert np.all(i.data.lat == irepl.data.lat)
    assert np.all(i.data.lat != icopy.data.lat)

    iclone = i.replicate_without_data()
    assert i.has_data
    assert not iclone.has_data

    aa = AltAz(alt=1 * u.deg, az=2 * u.deg, obstime=Time('J2000'))
    aaclone = aa.replicate_without_data(obstime=Time('J2001'))
    assert not aaclone.has_data
    assert aa.obstime != aaclone.obstime
    assert aa.pressure == aaclone.pressure
    assert aa.obswl == aaclone.obswl
Example #19
def test_replicating():
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS, AltAz
    from astropy.time import Time

    i = ICRS(ra=[1]*u.deg, dec=[2]*u.deg)

    icopy = i.replicate(copy=True)
    irepl = i.replicate(copy=False)
    i.data._lat[:] = 0*u.deg
    assert np.all(i.data.lat == irepl.data.lat)
    assert np.all(i.data.lat != icopy.data.lat)

    iclone = i.replicate_without_data()
    assert i.has_data
    assert not iclone.has_data

    aa = AltAz(alt=1*u.deg, az=2*u.deg, obstime=Time('J2000'))
    aaclone = aa.replicate_without_data(obstime=Time('J2001'))
    assert not aaclone.has_data
    assert aa.obstime != aaclone.obstime
    assert aa.pressure == aaclone.pressure
    assert aa.obswl == aaclone.obswl
Example #20
def test_against_pyephem():
    """Check that Astropy gives consistent results with one PyEphem example.

    PyEphem: http://rhodesmill.org/pyephem/

    See example input and output here:
    obstime = Time('2011-09-18 08:50:00')
    location = EarthLocation(lon=Angle('-109d24m53.1s'),
                             height=0. * u.m)
    # We are using the default pressure and temperature in PyEphem
    altaz_frame = AltAz(obstime=obstime, location=location)

    altaz = SkyCoord('6.8927d -60.7665d', frame=altaz_frame)
    radec_actual = altaz.transform_to('icrs')
    print('Astropy: ', radec_actual)

    radec_expected = SkyCoord('196.497518d -4.569323d', frame='icrs')  # EPHEM
    print('Source:  ', radec_expected)
    # radec_expected = SkyCoord('196.496220d -4.569390d', frame='icrs')  # HORIZON
    distance = radec_actual.separation(radec_expected).to('arcsec')
    # TODO: why is this difference so large?
    # It currently is: 31.45187984720655 arcsec
    assert distance < 1e3 * u.arcsec

    # Add assert on current Astropy result so that we notice if something changes
    radec_expected = SkyCoord('196.495372d -4.560694d', frame='icrs')
    distance = radec_actual.separation(radec_expected).to('arcsec')
    # Current value: 0.0031402822944751997 arcsec
    #assert distance < 1 * u.arcsec

    # SAPPHiRE
    longitude = base.sexagesimal_to_decimal(-109, -24, -53.1)
    latitude = base.sexagesimal_to_decimal(33, 41, 46.0)
    utc = datetime.datetime(2011, 9, 18, 8, 50, 00)
    elevation = np.radians(-60.7665)
    azi = np.radians(6.8927)
    gps = clock.utc_to_gps(calendar.timegm(utc.utctimetuple()))
    zenith, azimuth = celestial.horizontal_to_zenithazimuth(elevation, azi)
    ra, dec = celestial.zenithazimuth_to_equatorial(longitude, latitude, gps,
                                                    zenith, azimuth)

    print('SAPPHiRE: ra=%f, dec=%f' % (np.degrees(ra), np.degrees(dec)))
Example #21
def calc_astropy():
    """Caclulate coordinates using AstroPy

    Code from the test code for AzAlt in AstroPy

    obstime = Time(UTC, format='unix')
    location = EarthLocation(lon=Angle('%fd' % LONGITUDE),
                             lat=Angle('%fd' % LATITUDE),
                             height=ALTITUDE * u.m)
    altaz_frame = AltAz(obstime=obstime, location=location)
    altaz = SkyCoord('%fd %fd' %
                     (np.degrees(H_AZIMUTH), np.degrees(H_ALTITUDE)),
    radec = altaz.transform_to('icrs')
    print 'Astropy:   %10.6f %10.6f' % (radec.frame.ra.deg,
Example #22
def test_against_jpl_horizons():
    """Check that Astropy gives consistent results with the JPL Horizons example.

    The input parameters and reference results are taken from this page:
    (from the first row of the Results table at the bottom of that page)
    obstime = Time('1998-07-28 03:00')
    location = EarthLocation(lon=Angle('248.405300d'),
                             height=2.06 * u.km)
    # No atmosphere
    altaz_frame = AltAz(obstime=obstime, location=location)

    altaz = SkyCoord('143.2970d 2.6223d', frame=altaz_frame)
    radec_actual = altaz.transform_to('icrs')
    radec_expected = SkyCoord('19h24m55.01s -40d56m28.9s', frame='icrs')
    distance = radec_actual.separation(radec_expected).to('arcsec')
    # Current value: 0.238111 arcsec
    assert distance < 1 * u.arcsec
Example #23
def test_future_altaz():
    While this does test the full stack, it is mostly meant to check that a
    warning is raised when attempting to get to AltAz in the future (beyond
    IERS tables)
    from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning

    # this is an ugly hack to get the warning to show up even if it has already
    # appeared
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import utils
    if hasattr(utils, '__warningregistry__'):

    with catch_warnings() as found_warnings:

        location = EarthLocation(lat=0 * u.deg, lon=0 * u.deg)
        t = Time('J2161')

        SkyCoord(1 * u.deg,
                 2 * u.deg).transform_to(AltAz(location=location, obstime=t))

    # check that these message(s) appear among any other warnings.  If tests are run with
    # --remote-data then the IERS table will be an instance of IERS_Auto which is
    # assured of being "fresh".  In this case getting times outside the range of the
    # table does not raise an exception.  Only if using IERS_B (which happens without
    # --remote-data, i.e. for all CI testing) do we expect another warning.
    messages_to_find = [
        "Tried to get polar motions for times after IERS data is valid."
    if isinstance(iers.IERS_Auto.iers_table, iers.IERS_B):
            "(some) times are outside of range covered by IERS table.")

    messages_found = [False for _ in messages_to_find]
    for w in found_warnings:
        if issubclass(w.category, AstropyWarning):
            for i, message_to_find in enumerate(messages_to_find):
                if message_to_find in str(w.message):
                    messages_found[i] = True
    assert all(messages_found)
def test_skyoffset_two_frames_interfering():
    """Regression test for gh-11277, where it turned out that the
    origin argument validation from one SkyOffsetFrame could interfere
    with that of another.

    Note that this example brought out a different bug than that at the
    top of gh-11277, viz., that an attempt was made to set origin on a SkyCoord
    when it should just be stay as part of the SkyOffsetFrame.
    # Example adapted from @bmerry's minimal example at
    # https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/11277#issuecomment-825492335
    altaz_frame = AltAz(obstime=Time('2020-04-22T13:00:00Z'),
                        location=EarthLocation(18, -30))
    target = SkyCoord(alt=70*u.deg, az=150*u.deg, frame=altaz_frame)
    dirs_altaz_offset = SkyCoord(lon=[-0.02, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * u.rad,
                                 lat=[0.0, 0.2, 0.0, -0.3, 0.1] * u.rad,
    dirs_altaz = dirs_altaz_offset.transform_to(altaz_frame)
    dirs_icrs = dirs_altaz.transform_to(ICRS())
    target_icrs = target.transform_to(ICRS())
    # The line below was almost guaranteed to fail.
Example #25
def test_create_orderered_data():
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS, Galactic, AltAz

    TOL = 1e-10 * u.deg

    i = ICRS(1 * u.deg, 2 * u.deg)
    assert (i.ra - 1 * u.deg) < TOL
    assert (i.dec - 2 * u.deg) < TOL

    g = Galactic(1 * u.deg, 2 * u.deg)
    assert (g.l - 1 * u.deg) < TOL
    assert (g.b - 2 * u.deg) < TOL

    a = AltAz(1 * u.deg, 2 * u.deg)
    assert (a.az - 1 * u.deg) < TOL
    assert (a.alt - 2 * u.deg) < TOL

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        ICRS(1 * u.deg, 2 * u.deg, 1 * u.deg, 2 * u.deg)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        sph = r.SphericalRepresentation(1 * u.deg, 2 * u.deg, 3 * u.kpc)
        ICRS(sph, 1 * u.deg, 2 * u.deg)
Example #26
 def setup(self):
     lon = Longitude(np.arange(0, 24, 4), u.hourangle)
     lat = Latitude(np.arange(-90, 91, 30), u.deg)
     # With same-sized arrays, no attributes
     self.s0 = ICRS(lon[:, np.newaxis] * np.ones(lat.shape),
                    lat * np.ones(lon.shape)[:, np.newaxis])
     # Make an AltAz frame since that has many types of attributes.
     # Match one axis with times.
     self.obstime = (Time('2012-01-01') +
                     np.arange(len(lon))[:, np.newaxis] * u.s)
     # And another with location.
     self.location = EarthLocation(20.*u.deg, lat, 100*u.m)
     # Ensure we have a quantity scalar.
     self.pressure = 1000 * u.hPa
     # As well as an array.
     self.temperature = np.random.uniform(
         0., 20., size=(lon.size, lat.size)) * u.deg_C
     self.s1 = AltAz(az=lon[:, np.newaxis], alt=lat,
     # For some tests, also try a GCRS, since that has representation
     # attributes.  We match the second dimension (via the location)
     self.obsgeoloc, self.obsgeovel = self.location.get_gcrs_posvel(
         self.obstime[0, 0])
     self.s2 = GCRS(ra=lon[:, np.newaxis], dec=lat,
     # For completeness, also some tests on an empty frame.
     self.s3 = GCRS(obstime=self.obstime,
     # And make a SkyCoord
     self.sc = SkyCoord(ra=lon[:, np.newaxis], dec=lat, frame=self.s3)
Example #27
def test_iau_fullstack(fullstack_icrs, fullstack_fiducial_altaz,
                       fullstack_times, fullstack_locations,
    Test the full transform from ICRS <-> AltAz

    # create the altaz frame
    altazframe = AltAz(obstime=fullstack_times,

    aacoo = fullstack_icrs.transform_to(altazframe)

    # compare aacoo to the fiducial AltAz - should always be different
    assert np.all(
        np.abs(aacoo.alt - fullstack_fiducial_altaz.alt) > 50 *
    assert np.all(
        np.abs(aacoo.az - fullstack_fiducial_altaz.az) > 50 * u.milliarcsecond)

    # if the refraction correction is included, we *only* do the comparisons
    # where altitude >5 degrees.  The SOFA guides imply that below 5 is where
    # where accuracy gets more problematic, and testing reveals that alt<~0
    # gives garbage round-tripping, and <10 can give ~1 arcsec uncertainty
    if fullstack_obsconditions[0].value == 0:
        # but if there is no refraction correction, check everything
        msk = slice(None)
        tol = 5 * u.microarcsecond
        msk = aacoo.alt > 5 * u.deg
        # most of them aren't this bad, but some of those at low alt are offset
        # this much.  For alt > 10, this is always better than 100 masec
        tol = 750 * u.milliarcsecond

    # now make sure the full stack round-tripping works
    icrs2 = aacoo.transform_to(ICRS)

    adras = np.abs(fullstack_icrs.ra - icrs2.ra)[msk]
    addecs = np.abs(fullstack_icrs.dec - icrs2.dec)[msk]
    assert np.all(adras < tol), 'largest RA change is {} mas, > {}'.format(
        np.max(adras.arcsec * 1000), tol)
    assert np.all(addecs < tol), 'largest Dec change is {} mas, > {}'.format(
        np.max(addecs.arcsec * 1000), tol)

    # check that we're consistent with the ERFA alt/az result
    iers_tab = iers.earth_orientation_table.get()
    xp, yp = u.Quantity(iers_tab.pm_xy(fullstack_times)).to_value(u.radian)
    lon = fullstack_locations.geodetic[0].to_value(u.radian)
    lat = fullstack_locations.geodetic[1].to_value(u.radian)
    height = fullstack_locations.geodetic[2].to_value(u.m)
    jd1, jd2 = get_jd12(fullstack_times, 'utc')
    pressure = fullstack_obsconditions[0].to_value(u.hPa)
    temperature = fullstack_obsconditions[1].to_value(u.deg_C)
    # Relative humidity can be a quantity or a number.
    relative_humidity = u.Quantity(fullstack_obsconditions[2], u.one).value
    obswl = fullstack_obsconditions[3].to_value(u.micron)
    astrom, eo = erfa.apco13(jd1, jd2, fullstack_times.delta_ut1_utc, lon, lat,
                             height, xp, yp, pressure, temperature,
                             relative_humidity, obswl)
    erfadct = _erfa_check(fullstack_icrs.ra.rad, fullstack_icrs.dec.rad,
    npt.assert_allclose(erfadct['alt'], aacoo.alt.radian, atol=1e-7)
    npt.assert_allclose(erfadct['az'], aacoo.az.radian, atol=1e-7)
Example #28
def fullstack_fiducial_altaz(fullstack_icrs):
    altazframe = AltAz(location=EarthLocation(lat=0 * u.deg,
                                              lon=0 * u.deg,
                                              height=0 * u.m),
    return fullstack_icrs.transform_to(altazframe)
Example #29
class TestManipulation():
    """Manipulation of Frame shapes.

    Checking that attributes are manipulated correctly.

    Even more exhaustive tests are done in time.tests.test_methods

    def setup(self):
        lon = Longitude(np.arange(0, 24, 4), u.hourangle)
        lat = Latitude(np.arange(-90, 91, 30), u.deg)
        # With same-sized arrays, no attributes
        self.s0 = ICRS(lon[:, np.newaxis] * np.ones(lat.shape),
                       lat * np.ones(lon.shape)[:, np.newaxis])
        # Make an AltAz frame since that has many types of attributes.
        # Match one axis with times.
        self.obstime = (Time('2012-01-01') +
                        np.arange(len(lon))[:, np.newaxis] * u.s)
        # And another with location.
        self.location = EarthLocation(20.*u.deg, lat, 100*u.m)
        # Ensure we have a quantity scalar.
        self.pressure = 1000 * u.hPa
        # As well as an array.
        self.temperature = np.random.uniform(
            0., 20., size=(lon.size, lat.size)) * u.deg_C
        self.s1 = AltAz(az=lon[:, np.newaxis], alt=lat,
        # For some tests, also try a GCRS, since that has representation
        # attributes.  We match the second dimension (via the location)
        self.obsgeoloc, self.obsgeovel = self.location.get_gcrs_posvel(
            self.obstime[0, 0])
        self.s2 = GCRS(ra=lon[:, np.newaxis], dec=lat,
        # For completeness, also some tests on an empty frame.
        self.s3 = GCRS(obstime=self.obstime,
        # And make a SkyCoord
        self.sc = SkyCoord(ra=lon[:, np.newaxis], dec=lat, frame=self.s3)

    def test_ravel(self):
        s0_ravel = self.s0.ravel()
        assert s0_ravel.shape == (self.s0.size,)
        assert np.all(s0_ravel.data.lon == self.s0.data.lon.ravel())
        assert np.may_share_memory(s0_ravel.data.lon, self.s0.data.lon)
        assert np.may_share_memory(s0_ravel.data.lat, self.s0.data.lat)
        # Since s1 lon, lat were broadcast, ravel needs to make a copy.
        s1_ravel = self.s1.ravel()
        assert s1_ravel.shape == (self.s1.size,)
        assert np.all(s1_ravel.data.lon == self.s1.data.lon.ravel())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_ravel.data.lat, self.s1.data.lat)
        assert np.all(s1_ravel.obstime == self.s1.obstime.ravel())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_ravel.obstime.jd1,
        assert np.all(s1_ravel.location == self.s1.location.ravel())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_ravel.location, self.s1.location)
        assert np.all(s1_ravel.temperature == self.s1.temperature.ravel())
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_ravel.temperature, self.s1.temperature)
        assert s1_ravel.pressure == self.s1.pressure
        s2_ravel = self.s2.ravel()
        assert s2_ravel.shape == (self.s2.size,)
        assert np.all(s2_ravel.data.lon == self.s2.data.lon.ravel())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s2_ravel.data.lat, self.s2.data.lat)
        assert np.all(s2_ravel.obstime == self.s2.obstime.ravel())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s2_ravel.obstime.jd1,
        # CartesianRepresentation do not allow direct comparisons, as this is
        # too tricky to get right in the face of rounding issues.  Here, though,
        # it cannot be an issue, so we compare the xyz quantities.
        assert np.all(s2_ravel.obsgeoloc.xyz == self.s2.obsgeoloc.ravel().xyz)
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s2_ravel.obsgeoloc.x,
        s3_ravel = self.s3.ravel()
        assert s3_ravel.shape == (42,)  # cannot use .size on frame w/o data.
        assert np.all(s3_ravel.obstime == self.s3.obstime.ravel())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s3_ravel.obstime.jd1,
        assert np.all(s3_ravel.obsgeoloc.xyz == self.s3.obsgeoloc.ravel().xyz)
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s3_ravel.obsgeoloc.x,
        sc_ravel = self.sc.ravel()
        assert sc_ravel.shape == (self.sc.size,)
        assert np.all(sc_ravel.data.lon == self.sc.data.lon.ravel())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(sc_ravel.data.lat, self.sc.data.lat)
        assert np.all(sc_ravel.obstime == self.sc.obstime.ravel())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(sc_ravel.obstime.jd1,
        assert np.all(sc_ravel.obsgeoloc.xyz == self.sc.obsgeoloc.ravel().xyz)
        assert not np.may_share_memory(sc_ravel.obsgeoloc.x,

    def test_flatten(self):
        s0_flatten = self.s0.flatten()
        assert s0_flatten.shape == (self.s0.size,)
        assert np.all(s0_flatten.data.lon == self.s0.data.lon.flatten())
        # Flatten always copies.
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s0_flatten.data.lat, self.s0.data.lat)
        s1_flatten = self.s1.flatten()
        assert s1_flatten.shape == (self.s1.size,)
        assert np.all(s1_flatten.data.lat == self.s1.data.lat.flatten())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_flatten.data.lon, self.s1.data.lat)
        assert np.all(s1_flatten.obstime == self.s1.obstime.flatten())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_flatten.obstime.jd1,
        assert np.all(s1_flatten.location == self.s1.location.flatten())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_flatten.location, self.s1.location)
        assert np.all(s1_flatten.temperature == self.s1.temperature.flatten())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_flatten.temperature,
        assert s1_flatten.pressure == self.s1.pressure

    def test_transpose(self):
        s0_transpose = self.s0.transpose()
        assert s0_transpose.shape == (7, 6)
        assert np.all(s0_transpose.data.lon == self.s0.data.lon.transpose())
        assert np.may_share_memory(s0_transpose.data.lat, self.s0.data.lat)
        s1_transpose = self.s1.transpose()
        assert s1_transpose.shape == (7, 6)
        assert np.all(s1_transpose.data.lat == self.s1.data.lat.transpose())
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_transpose.data.lon, self.s1.data.lon)
        assert np.all(s1_transpose.obstime == self.s1.obstime.transpose())
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_transpose.obstime.jd1,
        assert np.all(s1_transpose.location == self.s1.location.transpose())
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_transpose.location, self.s1.location)
        assert np.all(s1_transpose.temperature ==
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_transpose.temperature,
        assert s1_transpose.pressure == self.s1.pressure
        # Only one check on T, since it just calls transpose anyway.
        s1_T = self.s1.T
        assert s1_T.shape == (7, 6)
        assert np.all(s1_T.temperature == self.s1.temperature.T)
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_T.location, self.s1.location)

    def test_diagonal(self):
        s0_diagonal = self.s0.diagonal()
        assert s0_diagonal.shape == (6,)
        assert np.all(s0_diagonal.data.lat == self.s0.data.lat.diagonal())
        assert np.may_share_memory(s0_diagonal.data.lat, self.s0.data.lat)

    def test_swapaxes(self):
        s1_swapaxes = self.s1.swapaxes(0, 1)
        assert s1_swapaxes.shape == (7, 6)
        assert np.all(s1_swapaxes.data.lat == self.s1.data.lat.swapaxes(0, 1))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_swapaxes.data.lat, self.s1.data.lat)
        assert np.all(s1_swapaxes.obstime == self.s1.obstime.swapaxes(0, 1))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_swapaxes.obstime.jd1,
        assert np.all(s1_swapaxes.location == self.s1.location.swapaxes(0, 1))
        assert s1_swapaxes.location.shape == (7, 6)
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_swapaxes.location, self.s1.location)
        assert np.all(s1_swapaxes.temperature ==
                      self.s1.temperature.swapaxes(0, 1))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_swapaxes.temperature,
        assert s1_swapaxes.pressure == self.s1.pressure

    def test_reshape(self):
        s0_reshape = self.s0.reshape(2, 3, 7)
        assert s0_reshape.shape == (2, 3, 7)
        assert np.all(s0_reshape.data.lon == self.s0.data.lon.reshape(2, 3, 7))
        assert np.all(s0_reshape.data.lat == self.s0.data.lat.reshape(2, 3, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s0_reshape.data.lon, self.s0.data.lon)
        assert np.may_share_memory(s0_reshape.data.lat, self.s0.data.lat)
        s1_reshape = self.s1.reshape(3, 2, 7)
        assert s1_reshape.shape == (3, 2, 7)
        assert np.all(s1_reshape.data.lat == self.s1.data.lat.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_reshape.data.lat, self.s1.data.lat)
        assert np.all(s1_reshape.obstime == self.s1.obstime.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_reshape.obstime.jd1,
        assert np.all(s1_reshape.location == self.s1.location.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_reshape.location, self.s1.location)
        assert np.all(s1_reshape.temperature ==
                      self.s1.temperature.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_reshape.temperature,
        assert s1_reshape.pressure == self.s1.pressure
        # For reshape(3, 14), copying is necessary for lon, lat, location, time
        s1_reshape2 = self.s1.reshape(3, 14)
        assert s1_reshape2.shape == (3, 14)
        assert np.all(s1_reshape2.data.lon == self.s1.data.lon.reshape(3, 14))
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_reshape2.data.lon, self.s1.data.lon)
        assert np.all(s1_reshape2.obstime == self.s1.obstime.reshape(3, 14))
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_reshape2.obstime.jd1,
        assert np.all(s1_reshape2.location == self.s1.location.reshape(3, 14))
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_reshape2.location, self.s1.location)
        assert np.all(s1_reshape2.temperature ==
                      self.s1.temperature.reshape(3, 14))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_reshape2.temperature,
        assert s1_reshape2.pressure == self.s1.pressure
        s2_reshape = self.s2.reshape(3, 2, 7)
        assert s2_reshape.shape == (3, 2, 7)
        assert np.all(s2_reshape.data.lon == self.s2.data.lon.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s2_reshape.data.lat, self.s2.data.lat)
        assert np.all(s2_reshape.obstime == self.s2.obstime.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s2_reshape.obstime.jd1, self.s2.obstime.jd1)
        assert np.all(s2_reshape.obsgeoloc.xyz ==
                      self.s2.obsgeoloc.reshape(3, 2, 7).xyz)
        assert np.may_share_memory(s2_reshape.obsgeoloc.x, self.s2.obsgeoloc.x)
        s3_reshape = self.s3.reshape(3, 2, 7)
        assert s3_reshape.shape == (3, 2, 7)
        assert np.all(s3_reshape.obstime == self.s3.obstime.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s3_reshape.obstime.jd1, self.s3.obstime.jd1)
        assert np.all(s3_reshape.obsgeoloc.xyz ==
                      self.s3.obsgeoloc.reshape(3, 2, 7).xyz)
        assert np.may_share_memory(s3_reshape.obsgeoloc.x, self.s3.obsgeoloc.x)
        sc_reshape = self.sc.reshape(3, 2, 7)
        assert sc_reshape.shape == (3, 2, 7)
        assert np.all(sc_reshape.data.lon == self.sc.data.lon.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(sc_reshape.data.lat, self.sc.data.lat)
        assert np.all(sc_reshape.obstime == self.sc.obstime.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(sc_reshape.obstime.jd1, self.sc.obstime.jd1)
        assert np.all(sc_reshape.obsgeoloc.xyz ==
                      self.sc.obsgeoloc.reshape(3, 2, 7).xyz)
        assert np.may_share_memory(sc_reshape.obsgeoloc.x, self.sc.obsgeoloc.x)
        # For reshape(3, 14), the arrays all need to be copied.
        sc_reshape2 = self.sc.reshape(3, 14)
        assert sc_reshape2.shape == (3, 14)
        assert np.all(sc_reshape2.data.lon == self.sc.data.lon.reshape(3, 14))
        assert not np.may_share_memory(sc_reshape2.data.lat,
        assert np.all(sc_reshape2.obstime == self.sc.obstime.reshape(3, 14))
        assert not np.may_share_memory(sc_reshape2.obstime.jd1,
        assert np.all(sc_reshape2.obsgeoloc.xyz ==
                      self.sc.obsgeoloc.reshape(3, 14).xyz)
        assert not np.may_share_memory(sc_reshape2.obsgeoloc.x,

    def test_squeeze(self):
        s0_squeeze = self.s0.reshape(3, 1, 2, 1, 7).squeeze()
        assert s0_squeeze.shape == (3, 2, 7)
        assert np.all(s0_squeeze.data.lat == self.s0.data.lat.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s0_squeeze.data.lat, self.s0.data.lat)

    def test_add_dimension(self):
        s0_adddim = self.s0[:, np.newaxis, :]
        assert s0_adddim.shape == (6, 1, 7)
        assert np.all(s0_adddim.data.lon == self.s0.data.lon[:, np.newaxis, :])
        assert np.may_share_memory(s0_adddim.data.lat, self.s0.data.lat)

    def test_take(self):
        s0_take = self.s0.take((5, 2))
        assert s0_take.shape == (2,)
        assert np.all(s0_take.data.lon == self.s0.data.lon.take((5, 2)))
class TestManipulation():
    """Manipulation of Frame shapes.

    Checking that attributes are manipulated correctly.

    Even more exhaustive tests are done in time.tests.test_methods

    def setup(self):
        # For these tests, we set up frames and coordinates using copy=False,
        # so we can check that broadcasting is handled correctly.
        lon = Longitude(np.arange(0, 24, 4), u.hourangle)
        lat = Latitude(np.arange(-90, 91, 30), u.deg)
        # With same-sized arrays, no attributes.
        self.s0 = ICRS(lon[:, np.newaxis] * np.ones(lat.shape),
                       lat * np.ones(lon.shape)[:, np.newaxis], copy=False)
        # Make an AltAz frame since that has many types of attributes.
        # Match one axis with times.
        self.obstime = (Time('2012-01-01') +
                        np.arange(len(lon))[:, np.newaxis] * u.s)
        # And another with location.
        self.location = EarthLocation(20.*u.deg, lat, 100*u.m)
        # Ensure we have a quantity scalar.
        self.pressure = 1000 * u.hPa
        # As well as an array.
        self.temperature = np.random.uniform(
            0., 20., size=(lon.size, lat.size)) * u.deg_C
        self.s1 = AltAz(az=lon[:, np.newaxis], alt=lat,
                        temperature=self.temperature, copy=False)
        # For some tests, also try a GCRS, since that has representation
        # attributes.  We match the second dimension (via the location)
        self.obsgeoloc, self.obsgeovel = self.location.get_gcrs_posvel(
            self.obstime[0, 0])
        self.s2 = GCRS(ra=lon[:, np.newaxis], dec=lat,
                       obsgeovel=self.obsgeovel, copy=False)
        # For completeness, also some tests on an empty frame.
        self.s3 = GCRS(obstime=self.obstime,
                       obsgeovel=self.obsgeovel, copy=False)
        # And make a SkyCoord
        self.sc = SkyCoord(ra=lon[:, np.newaxis], dec=lat, frame=self.s3,

    def test_getitem0101(self):
        # We on purpose take a slice with only one element, as for the
        # general tests it doesn't matter, but it allows us to check
        # for a few cases that shapes correctly become scalar if we
        # index our size-1 array down to a scalar.  See gh-10113.
        item = (slice(0, 1), slice(0, 1))
        s0_0101 = self.s0[item]
        assert s0_0101.shape == (1, 1)
        assert_array_equal(s0_0101.data.lon, self.s0.data.lon[item])
        assert np.may_share_memory(s0_0101.data.lon, self.s0.data.lon)
        assert np.may_share_memory(s0_0101.data.lat, self.s0.data.lat)
        s0_0101_00 = s0_0101[0, 0]
        assert s0_0101_00.shape == ()
        assert s0_0101_00.data.lon.shape == ()
        assert_array_equal(s0_0101_00.data.lon, self.s0.data.lon[0, 0])
        s1_0101 = self.s1[item]
        assert s1_0101.shape == (1, 1)
        assert_array_equal(s1_0101.data.lon, self.s1.data.lon[item])
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_0101.data.lat, self.s1.data.lat)
        assert np.all(s1_0101.obstime == self.s1.obstime[item])
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_0101.obstime.jd1, self.s1.obstime.jd1)
        assert_array_equal(s1_0101.location, self.s1.location[0, 0])
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_0101.location, self.s1.location)
        assert_array_equal(s1_0101.temperature, self.s1.temperature[item])
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_0101.temperature, self.s1.temperature)
        # scalar should just be transferred.
        assert s1_0101.pressure is self.s1.pressure
        s1_0101_00 = s1_0101[0, 0]
        assert s1_0101_00.shape == ()
        assert s1_0101_00.obstime.shape == ()
        assert s1_0101_00.obstime == self.s1.obstime[0, 0]
        s2_0101 = self.s2[item]
        assert s2_0101.shape == (1, 1)
        assert np.all(s2_0101.data.lon == self.s2.data.lon[item])
        assert np.may_share_memory(s2_0101.data.lat, self.s2.data.lat)
        assert np.all(s2_0101.obstime == self.s2.obstime[item])
        assert np.may_share_memory(s2_0101.obstime.jd1, self.s2.obstime.jd1)
        assert_array_equal(s2_0101.obsgeoloc.xyz, self.s2.obsgeoloc[item].xyz)
        s3_0101 = self.s3[item]
        assert s3_0101.shape == (1, 1)
        assert s3_0101.obstime.shape == (1, 1)
        assert np.all(s3_0101.obstime == self.s3.obstime[item])
        assert np.may_share_memory(s3_0101.obstime.jd1, self.s3.obstime.jd1)
        assert_array_equal(s3_0101.obsgeoloc.xyz, self.s3.obsgeoloc[item].xyz)
        sc_0101 = self.sc[item]
        assert sc_0101.shape == (1, 1)
        assert_array_equal(sc_0101.data.lon, self.sc.data.lon[item])
        assert np.may_share_memory(sc_0101.data.lat, self.sc.data.lat)
        assert np.all(sc_0101.obstime == self.sc.obstime[item])
        assert np.may_share_memory(sc_0101.obstime.jd1, self.sc.obstime.jd1)
        assert_array_equal(sc_0101.obsgeoloc.xyz, self.sc.obsgeoloc[item].xyz)

    def test_ravel(self):
        s0_ravel = self.s0.ravel()
        assert s0_ravel.shape == (self.s0.size,)
        assert np.all(s0_ravel.data.lon == self.s0.data.lon.ravel())
        assert np.may_share_memory(s0_ravel.data.lon, self.s0.data.lon)
        assert np.may_share_memory(s0_ravel.data.lat, self.s0.data.lat)
        # Since s1 lon, lat were broadcast, ravel needs to make a copy.
        s1_ravel = self.s1.ravel()
        assert s1_ravel.shape == (self.s1.size,)
        assert np.all(s1_ravel.data.lon == self.s1.data.lon.ravel())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_ravel.data.lat, self.s1.data.lat)
        assert np.all(s1_ravel.obstime == self.s1.obstime.ravel())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_ravel.obstime.jd1,
        assert np.all(s1_ravel.location == self.s1.location.ravel())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_ravel.location, self.s1.location)
        assert np.all(s1_ravel.temperature == self.s1.temperature.ravel())
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_ravel.temperature, self.s1.temperature)
        assert s1_ravel.pressure == self.s1.pressure
        s2_ravel = self.s2.ravel()
        assert s2_ravel.shape == (self.s2.size,)
        assert np.all(s2_ravel.data.lon == self.s2.data.lon.ravel())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s2_ravel.data.lat, self.s2.data.lat)
        assert np.all(s2_ravel.obstime == self.s2.obstime.ravel())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s2_ravel.obstime.jd1,
        # CartesianRepresentation do not allow direct comparisons, as this is
        # too tricky to get right in the face of rounding issues.  Here, though,
        # it cannot be an issue, so we compare the xyz quantities.
        assert np.all(s2_ravel.obsgeoloc.xyz == self.s2.obsgeoloc.ravel().xyz)
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s2_ravel.obsgeoloc.x,
        s3_ravel = self.s3.ravel()
        assert s3_ravel.shape == (42,)  # cannot use .size on frame w/o data.
        assert np.all(s3_ravel.obstime == self.s3.obstime.ravel())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s3_ravel.obstime.jd1,
        assert np.all(s3_ravel.obsgeoloc.xyz == self.s3.obsgeoloc.ravel().xyz)
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s3_ravel.obsgeoloc.x,
        sc_ravel = self.sc.ravel()
        assert sc_ravel.shape == (self.sc.size,)
        assert np.all(sc_ravel.data.lon == self.sc.data.lon.ravel())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(sc_ravel.data.lat, self.sc.data.lat)
        assert np.all(sc_ravel.obstime == self.sc.obstime.ravel())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(sc_ravel.obstime.jd1,
        assert np.all(sc_ravel.obsgeoloc.xyz == self.sc.obsgeoloc.ravel().xyz)
        assert not np.may_share_memory(sc_ravel.obsgeoloc.x,

    def test_flatten(self):
        s0_flatten = self.s0.flatten()
        assert s0_flatten.shape == (self.s0.size,)
        assert np.all(s0_flatten.data.lon == self.s0.data.lon.flatten())
        # Flatten always copies.
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s0_flatten.data.lat, self.s0.data.lat)
        s1_flatten = self.s1.flatten()
        assert s1_flatten.shape == (self.s1.size,)
        assert np.all(s1_flatten.data.lat == self.s1.data.lat.flatten())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_flatten.data.lon, self.s1.data.lat)
        assert np.all(s1_flatten.obstime == self.s1.obstime.flatten())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_flatten.obstime.jd1,
        assert np.all(s1_flatten.location == self.s1.location.flatten())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_flatten.location, self.s1.location)
        assert np.all(s1_flatten.temperature == self.s1.temperature.flatten())
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_flatten.temperature,
        assert s1_flatten.pressure == self.s1.pressure

    def test_transpose(self):
        s0_transpose = self.s0.transpose()
        assert s0_transpose.shape == (7, 6)
        assert np.all(s0_transpose.data.lon == self.s0.data.lon.transpose())
        assert np.may_share_memory(s0_transpose.data.lat, self.s0.data.lat)
        s1_transpose = self.s1.transpose()
        assert s1_transpose.shape == (7, 6)
        assert np.all(s1_transpose.data.lat == self.s1.data.lat.transpose())
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_transpose.data.lon, self.s1.data.lon)
        assert np.all(s1_transpose.obstime == self.s1.obstime.transpose())
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_transpose.obstime.jd1,
        assert np.all(s1_transpose.location == self.s1.location.transpose())
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_transpose.location, self.s1.location)
        assert np.all(s1_transpose.temperature ==
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_transpose.temperature,
        assert s1_transpose.pressure == self.s1.pressure
        # Only one check on T, since it just calls transpose anyway.
        s1_T = self.s1.T
        assert s1_T.shape == (7, 6)
        assert np.all(s1_T.temperature == self.s1.temperature.T)
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_T.location, self.s1.location)

    def test_diagonal(self):
        s0_diagonal = self.s0.diagonal()
        assert s0_diagonal.shape == (6,)
        assert np.all(s0_diagonal.data.lat == self.s0.data.lat.diagonal())
        assert np.may_share_memory(s0_diagonal.data.lat, self.s0.data.lat)

    def test_swapaxes(self):
        s1_swapaxes = self.s1.swapaxes(0, 1)
        assert s1_swapaxes.shape == (7, 6)
        assert np.all(s1_swapaxes.data.lat == self.s1.data.lat.swapaxes(0, 1))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_swapaxes.data.lat, self.s1.data.lat)
        assert np.all(s1_swapaxes.obstime == self.s1.obstime.swapaxes(0, 1))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_swapaxes.obstime.jd1,
        assert np.all(s1_swapaxes.location == self.s1.location.swapaxes(0, 1))
        assert s1_swapaxes.location.shape == (7, 6)
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_swapaxes.location, self.s1.location)
        assert np.all(s1_swapaxes.temperature ==
                      self.s1.temperature.swapaxes(0, 1))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_swapaxes.temperature,
        assert s1_swapaxes.pressure == self.s1.pressure

    def test_reshape(self):
        s0_reshape = self.s0.reshape(2, 3, 7)
        assert s0_reshape.shape == (2, 3, 7)
        assert np.all(s0_reshape.data.lon == self.s0.data.lon.reshape(2, 3, 7))
        assert np.all(s0_reshape.data.lat == self.s0.data.lat.reshape(2, 3, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s0_reshape.data.lon, self.s0.data.lon)
        assert np.may_share_memory(s0_reshape.data.lat, self.s0.data.lat)
        s1_reshape = self.s1.reshape(3, 2, 7)
        assert s1_reshape.shape == (3, 2, 7)
        assert np.all(s1_reshape.data.lat == self.s1.data.lat.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_reshape.data.lat, self.s1.data.lat)
        assert np.all(s1_reshape.obstime == self.s1.obstime.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_reshape.obstime.jd1,
        assert np.all(s1_reshape.location == self.s1.location.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_reshape.location, self.s1.location)
        assert np.all(s1_reshape.temperature ==
                      self.s1.temperature.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_reshape.temperature,
        assert s1_reshape.pressure == self.s1.pressure
        # For reshape(3, 14), copying is necessary for lon, lat, location, time
        s1_reshape2 = self.s1.reshape(3, 14)
        assert s1_reshape2.shape == (3, 14)
        assert np.all(s1_reshape2.data.lon == self.s1.data.lon.reshape(3, 14))
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_reshape2.data.lon, self.s1.data.lon)
        assert np.all(s1_reshape2.obstime == self.s1.obstime.reshape(3, 14))
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_reshape2.obstime.jd1,
        assert np.all(s1_reshape2.location == self.s1.location.reshape(3, 14))
        assert not np.may_share_memory(s1_reshape2.location, self.s1.location)
        assert np.all(s1_reshape2.temperature ==
                      self.s1.temperature.reshape(3, 14))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s1_reshape2.temperature,
        assert s1_reshape2.pressure == self.s1.pressure
        s2_reshape = self.s2.reshape(3, 2, 7)
        assert s2_reshape.shape == (3, 2, 7)
        assert np.all(s2_reshape.data.lon == self.s2.data.lon.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s2_reshape.data.lat, self.s2.data.lat)
        assert np.all(s2_reshape.obstime == self.s2.obstime.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s2_reshape.obstime.jd1, self.s2.obstime.jd1)
        assert np.all(s2_reshape.obsgeoloc.xyz ==
                      self.s2.obsgeoloc.reshape(3, 2, 7).xyz)
        assert np.may_share_memory(s2_reshape.obsgeoloc.x, self.s2.obsgeoloc.x)
        s3_reshape = self.s3.reshape(3, 2, 7)
        assert s3_reshape.shape == (3, 2, 7)
        assert np.all(s3_reshape.obstime == self.s3.obstime.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s3_reshape.obstime.jd1, self.s3.obstime.jd1)
        assert np.all(s3_reshape.obsgeoloc.xyz ==
                      self.s3.obsgeoloc.reshape(3, 2, 7).xyz)
        assert np.may_share_memory(s3_reshape.obsgeoloc.x, self.s3.obsgeoloc.x)
        sc_reshape = self.sc.reshape(3, 2, 7)
        assert sc_reshape.shape == (3, 2, 7)
        assert np.all(sc_reshape.data.lon == self.sc.data.lon.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(sc_reshape.data.lat, self.sc.data.lat)
        assert np.all(sc_reshape.obstime == self.sc.obstime.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(sc_reshape.obstime.jd1, self.sc.obstime.jd1)
        assert np.all(sc_reshape.obsgeoloc.xyz ==
                      self.sc.obsgeoloc.reshape(3, 2, 7).xyz)
        assert np.may_share_memory(sc_reshape.obsgeoloc.x, self.sc.obsgeoloc.x)
        # For reshape(3, 14), the arrays all need to be copied.
        sc_reshape2 = self.sc.reshape(3, 14)
        assert sc_reshape2.shape == (3, 14)
        assert np.all(sc_reshape2.data.lon == self.sc.data.lon.reshape(3, 14))
        assert not np.may_share_memory(sc_reshape2.data.lat,
        assert np.all(sc_reshape2.obstime == self.sc.obstime.reshape(3, 14))
        assert not np.may_share_memory(sc_reshape2.obstime.jd1,
        assert np.all(sc_reshape2.obsgeoloc.xyz ==
                      self.sc.obsgeoloc.reshape(3, 14).xyz)
        assert not np.may_share_memory(sc_reshape2.obsgeoloc.x,

    def test_squeeze(self):
        s0_squeeze = self.s0.reshape(3, 1, 2, 1, 7).squeeze()
        assert s0_squeeze.shape == (3, 2, 7)
        assert np.all(s0_squeeze.data.lat == self.s0.data.lat.reshape(3, 2, 7))
        assert np.may_share_memory(s0_squeeze.data.lat, self.s0.data.lat)

    def test_add_dimension(self):
        s0_adddim = self.s0[:, np.newaxis, :]
        assert s0_adddim.shape == (6, 1, 7)
        assert np.all(s0_adddim.data.lon == self.s0.data.lon[:, np.newaxis, :])
        assert np.may_share_memory(s0_adddim.data.lat, self.s0.data.lat)

    def test_take(self):
        s0_take = self.s0.take((5, 2))
        assert s0_take.shape == (2,)
        assert np.all(s0_take.data.lon == self.s0.data.lon.take((5, 2)))
Example #31
def test_against_hor2eq():
    """Check that Astropy gives consistent results with an IDL hor2eq example.

    See : http://idlastro.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftp/pro/astro/hor2eq.pro

    Test is against these run outputs, run at 2000-01-01T12:00:00::

      IDL> hor2eq, ten(37,54,41), ten(264,55,06), 2451545.0d, ra, dec, /verb, obs='kpno', pres=781.0, temp=273.0
      Latitude = +31 57 48.0   Longitude = *** 36 00.0
      Julian Date =  2451545.000000
      Az, El =  17 39 40.4  +37 54 41   (Observer Coords)
      Az, El =  17 39 40.4  +37 53 40   (Apparent Coords)
      LMST = +11 15 26.5
      LAST = +11 15 25.7
      Hour Angle = +03 38 30.1  (hh:mm:ss)
      Ra, Dec:  07 36 55.6  +15 25 02   (Apparent Coords)
      Ra, Dec:  07 36 55.2  +15 25 08   (J2000.0000)
      Ra, Dec:  07 36 55.2  +15 25 08   (J2000)
      IDL> print, ra, dec
             114.23004       15.418818

      IDL> hor2eq, ten(37,54,41), ten(264,55,06), 2451545.0d, ra, dec, /verb, obs='kpno', pres=0.0, temp=273.0
      Latitude = +31 57 48.0   Longitude = *** 36 00.0
      Julian Date =  2451545.000000
      Az, El =  17 39 40.4  +37 54 41   (Observer Coords)
      Az, El =  17 39 40.4  +37 54 41   (Apparent Coords)
      LMST = +11 15 26.5
      LAST = +11 15 25.7
      Hour Angle = +03 38 26.4  (hh:mm:ss)
      Ra, Dec:  07 36 59.3  +15 25 31   (Apparent Coords)
      Ra, Dec:  07 36 58.9  +15 25 37   (J2000.0000)
      Ra, Dec:  07 36 58.9  +15 25 37   (J2000)
      IDL> print, ra, dec
             114.24554       15.427022
    # Observatory position for `kpno` from here:
    # http://idlastro.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftp/pro/astro/observatory.pro
    location = EarthLocation(lon=Angle('-111d36.0m'),
                             height=2120. * u.m)

    obstime = Time(2451545.0, format='jd', scale='ut1')

    altaz_frame = AltAz(obstime=obstime,
                        temperature=0 * u.deg_C,
                        pressure=0.781 * u.bar)
    altaz_frame_noatm = AltAz(obstime=obstime,
                              temperature=0 * u.deg_C,
                              pressure=0.0 * u.bar)
    altaz = SkyCoord('264d55m06s 37d54m41s', frame=altaz_frame)
    altaz_noatm = SkyCoord('264d55m06s 37d54m41s', frame=altaz_frame_noatm)

    radec_frame = 'icrs'

    radec_actual = altaz.transform_to(radec_frame)
    radec_actual_noatm = altaz_noatm.transform_to(radec_frame)

    radec_expected = SkyCoord('07h36m55.2s +15d25m08s', frame=radec_frame)
    distance = radec_actual.separation(radec_expected).to('arcsec')

    # this comes from running the example hor2eq but with the pressure set to 0
    radec_expected_noatm = SkyCoord('07h36m58.9s +15d25m37s',
    distance_noatm = radec_actual_noatm.separation(radec_expected_noatm).to(

    # The baseline difference is ~2.3 arcsec with one atm of pressure. The
    # difference is mainly due to the somewhat different atmospheric model that
    # hor2eq assumes.  This is confirmed by the second test which has the
    # atmosphere "off" - the residual difference is small enough to be embedded
    # in the assumptions about "J2000" or rounding errors.
    assert distance < 5 * u.arcsec
    assert distance_noatm < 0.4 * u.arcsec