Example #1
def test_regression_futuretimes_4302():
    Checks that an error is not raised for future times not covered by IERS
    tables (at least in a simple transform like CIRS->ITRS that simply requires
    the UTC<->UT1 conversion).

    Relevant comment: https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/4302#discussion_r44836531
    from astropy.utils.compat.context import nullcontext
    from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning

    # this is an ugly hack to get the warning to show up even if it has already
    # appeared
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import utils
    if hasattr(utils, '__warningregistry__'):

    # check that out-of-range warning appears among any other warnings.  If
    # tests are run with --remote-data then the IERS table will be an instance
    # of IERS_Auto which is assured of being "fresh".  In this case getting
    # times outside the range of the table does not raise an exception.  Only
    # if using IERS_B (which happens without --remote-data, i.e. for all CI
    # testing) do we expect another warning.
    if isinstance(iers.earth_orientation_table.get(), iers.IERS_B):
        ctx = pytest.warns(
            match=r'\(some\) times are outside of range covered by IERS table.*')
        ctx = nullcontext()
    with ctx:
        future_time = Time('2511-5-1')
        c = CIRS(1*u.deg, 2*u.deg, obstime=future_time)
Example #2
def test_cirs_to_hadec():
    Check the basic CIRS<->HADec transforms.
    from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation

    usph = golden_spiral_grid(200)
    dist = np.linspace(0.5, 1, len(usph)) * u.pc
    cirs = CIRS(usph, obstime='J2000')
    crepr = SphericalRepresentation(lon=usph.lon, lat=usph.lat, distance=dist)
    cirscart = CIRS(crepr,

    loc = EarthLocation(lat=0 * u.deg, lon=0 * u.deg, height=0 * u.m)
    hadecframe = HADec(location=loc, obstime=Time('J2005'))

    cirs2 = cirs.transform_to(hadecframe).transform_to(cirs)
    cirs3 = cirscart.transform_to(hadecframe).transform_to(cirs)

    # check round-tripping
    assert_allclose(cirs.ra, cirs2.ra)
    assert_allclose(cirs.dec, cirs2.dec)
    assert_allclose(cirs.ra, cirs3.ra)
    assert_allclose(cirs.dec, cirs3.dec)
def test_cirs_to_altaz():
    Check the basic CIRS<->AltAz transforms.  More thorough checks implicitly
    happen in `test_iau_fullstack`
    from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation

    ra, dec, dist = randomly_sample_sphere(200)
    cirs = CIRS(ra=ra, dec=dec, obstime='J2000')
    crepr = SphericalRepresentation(lon=ra, lat=dec, distance=dist)
    cirscart = CIRS(crepr,

    loc = EarthLocation(lat=0 * u.deg, lon=0 * u.deg, height=0 * u.m)
    altazframe = AltAz(location=loc, obstime=Time('J2005'))

    cirs2 = cirs.transform_to(altazframe).transform_to(cirs)
    cirs3 = cirscart.transform_to(altazframe).transform_to(cirs)

    # check round-tripping
    assert_allclose(cirs.ra, cirs2.ra)
    assert_allclose(cirs.dec, cirs2.dec)
    assert_allclose(cirs.ra, cirs3.ra)
    assert_allclose(cirs.dec, cirs3.dec)
def test_regression_futuretimes_4302():
    Checks that an error is not raised for future times not covered by IERS
    tables (at least in a simple transform like CIRS->ITRS that simply requires
    the UTC<->UT1 conversion).

    Relevant comment: https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/4302#discussion_r44836531
    from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning

    # this is an ugly hack to get the warning to show up even if it has already
    # appeared
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import utils
    if hasattr(utils, '__warningregistry__'):

    with catch_warnings() as found_warnings:
        future_time = Time('2511-5-1')
        c = CIRS(1*u.deg, 2*u.deg, obstime=future_time)

    if not isinstance(iers.IERS_Auto.iers_table, iers.IERS_Auto):
        saw_iers_warnings = False
        for w in found_warnings:
            if issubclass(w.category, AstropyWarning):
                if '(some) times are outside of range covered by IERS table' in str(w.message):
                    saw_iers_warnings = True
        assert saw_iers_warnings, 'Never saw IERS warning'
def test_regression_futuretimes_4302():
    Checks that an error is not raised for future times not covered by IERS
    tables (at least in a simple transform like CIRS->ITRS that simply requires
    the UTC<->UT1 conversion).

    Relevant comment: https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/4302#discussion_r44836531
    from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning

    # this is an ugly hack to get the warning to show up even if it has already
    # appeared
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import utils
    if hasattr(utils, '__warningregistry__'):

    with catch_warnings() as found_warnings:
        future_time = Time('2511-5-1')
        c = CIRS(1 * u.deg, 2 * u.deg, obstime=future_time)

    if not isinstance(iers.IERS_Auto.iers_table, iers.IERS_Auto):
        saw_iers_warnings = False
        for w in found_warnings:
            if issubclass(w.category, AstropyWarning):
                if '(some) times are outside of range covered by IERS table' in str(
                    saw_iers_warnings = True
        assert saw_iers_warnings, 'Never saw IERS warning'
def test_cirs_itrs():
    Check basic CIRS<->ITRS transforms for round-tripping.
    ra, dec, _ = randomly_sample_sphere(200)
    cirs = CIRS(ra=ra, dec=dec, obstime='J2000')
    cirs6 = CIRS(ra=ra, dec=dec, obstime='J2006')

    cirs2 = cirs.transform_to(ITRS).transform_to(cirs)
    cirs6_2 = cirs6.transform_to(ITRS).transform_to(cirs)  # different obstime

    # just check round-tripping
    assert_allclose(cirs.ra, cirs2.ra)
    assert_allclose(cirs.dec, cirs2.dec)
    assert not allclose(cirs.ra, cirs6_2.ra)
    assert not allclose(cirs.dec, cirs6_2.dec)
def test_cirs_itrs():
    Check basic CIRS<->ITRS transforms for round-tripping.
    ra, dec, _ = randomly_sample_sphere(200)
    cirs = CIRS(ra=ra, dec=dec, obstime='J2000')
    cirs6 = CIRS(ra=ra, dec=dec, obstime='J2006')

    cirs2 = cirs.transform_to(ITRS).transform_to(cirs)
    cirs6_2 = cirs6.transform_to(ITRS).transform_to(cirs)  # different obstime

    # just check round-tripping
    assert_allclose(cirs.ra, cirs2.ra)
    assert_allclose(cirs.dec, cirs2.dec)
    assert not allclose(cirs.ra, cirs6_2.ra)
    assert not allclose(cirs.dec, cirs6_2.dec)
Example #8
def test_cirs_itrs():
    Check basic CIRS<->ITRS transforms for round-tripping.
    usph = golden_spiral_grid(200)
    cirs = CIRS(usph, obstime='J2000')
    cirs6 = CIRS(usph, obstime='J2006')

    cirs2 = cirs.transform_to(ITRS()).transform_to(cirs)
    cirs6_2 = cirs6.transform_to(ITRS()).transform_to(
        cirs)  # different obstime

    # just check round-tripping
    assert_allclose(cirs.ra, cirs2.ra)
    assert_allclose(cirs.dec, cirs2.dec)
    assert not allclose(cirs.ra, cirs6_2.ra)
    assert not allclose(cirs.dec, cirs6_2.dec)
Example #9
def test_cirs_icrs_moonish(testframe):
    check that something like the moon goes to about the right distance from the
    ICRS origin when starting from CIRS
    moonish = CIRS(MOONDIST_CART, obstime=testframe.obstime)
    moonicrs = moonish.transform_to(ICRS())

    assert 0.97 * u.au < moonicrs.distance < 1.03 * u.au
def test_cirs_icrs_moonish(testframe):
    check that something like the moon goes to about the right distance from the
    ICRS origin when starting from CIRS
    moonish = CIRS(MOONDIST_CART, obstime=testframe.obstime)
    moonicrs = moonish.transform_to(ICRS)

    assert 0.97*u.au < moonicrs.distance < 1.03*u.au
def test_cirs_altaz_nodist(testframe):
    Check that a UnitSphericalRepresentation coordinate round-trips for the
    CIRS<->AltAz transformation.
    coo0 = CIRS(UnitSphericalRepresentation(10*u.deg, 20*u.deg), obstime=testframe.obstime)

    # check that it round-trips
    coo1 = coo0.transform_to(testframe).transform_to(coo0)
    assert_allclose(coo0.cartesian.xyz, coo1.cartesian.xyz)
def test_cirs_altaz_nodist(testframe):
    Check that a UnitSphericalRepresentation coordinate round-trips for the
    CIRS<->AltAz transformation.
    coo0 = CIRS(UnitSphericalRepresentation(10*u.deg, 20*u.deg), obstime=testframe.obstime)

    # check that it round-trips
    coo1 = coo0.transform_to(testframe).transform_to(coo0)
    assert_allclose(coo0.cartesian.xyz, coo1.cartesian.xyz)
def test_cirs_altaz_moonish(testframe):
    Sanity-check that an object resembling the moon goes to the right place with
    a CIRS<->AltAz transformation
    moon = CIRS(MOONDIST_CART, obstime=testframe.obstime)

    moonaa = moon.transform_to(testframe)
    assert 1000*u.km < np.abs(moonaa.distance - moon.distance).to(u.km) < 7000*u.km

    # now check that it round-trips
    moon2 = moonaa.transform_to(moon)
    assert_allclose(moon.cartesian.xyz, moon2.cartesian.xyz)
def test_cirs_altaz_moonish(testframe):
    Sanity-check that an object resembling the moon goes to the right place with
    a CIRS<->AltAz transformation
    moon = CIRS(MOONDIST_CART, obstime=testframe.obstime)

    moonaa = moon.transform_to(testframe)
    assert 1000*u.km < np.abs(moonaa.distance - moon.distance).to(u.km) < 7000*u.km

    # now check that it round-trips
    moon2 = moonaa.transform_to(moon)
    assert_allclose(moon.cartesian.xyz, moon2.cartesian.xyz)
def test_cirs_to_altaz():
    Check the basic CIRS<->AltAz transforms.  More thorough checks implicitly
    happen in `test_iau_fullstack`
    from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation

    ra, dec, dist = randomly_sample_sphere(200)
    cirs = CIRS(ra=ra, dec=dec, obstime='J2000')
    crepr = SphericalRepresentation(lon=ra, lat=dec, distance=dist)
    cirscart = CIRS(crepr, obstime=cirs.obstime, representation_type=CartesianRepresentation)

    loc = EarthLocation(lat=0*u.deg, lon=0*u.deg, height=0*u.m)
    altazframe = AltAz(location=loc, obstime=Time('J2005'))

    cirs2 = cirs.transform_to(altazframe).transform_to(cirs)
    cirs3 = cirscart.transform_to(altazframe).transform_to(cirs)

    # check round-tripping
    assert_allclose(cirs.ra, cirs2.ra)
    assert_allclose(cirs.dec, cirs2.dec)
    assert_allclose(cirs.ra, cirs3.ra)
    assert_allclose(cirs.dec, cirs3.dec)