def LN_ICRS_to_AltAz(self,ra=None,dec=None,ln_pressure_qfe=None,ln_temperature=None,ln_humidity=None,obstime=None,mount_set_icrs=True): ln_pos_eq.ra=ra ln_pos_eq.dec=dec if mount_set_icrs: # libnova corrections for catalog data ... # ToDo missing see Jean Meeus, Astronomical Algorithms, chapter 23 # proper motion # annual paralax (0".8) # gravitational deflection of light (0".003) ln.ln_get_equ_prec(byref(ln_pos_eq), c_double(obstime.jd), byref(ln_pos_eq_pr)) ln_pos_eq_nut=self.LN_nutation_meeus(eq_pr=ln_pos_eq_pr,JD=obstime.jd) ln.ln_get_equ_aber(byref(ln_pos_eq_nut), c_double(obstime.jd), byref(ln_pos_eq_ab)) ln.ln_get_hrz_from_equ(byref(ln_pos_eq_ab), byref(self.ln_obs), c_double(obstime.jd), byref(ln_pos_aa_ab)) # here we use QFE not pressure at sea level! # E.g. at Dome-C this formula: # ln_pressure=ln_see_pres * pow(1. - (0.0065 * ln_alt) / 288.15, (9.80665 * 0.0289644) / (8.31447 * 0.0065)); # is not precise. if self.refraction_method is None: d_alt_deg=ln.ln_get_refraction_adj(c_double(ln_pos_aa_ab.alt),c_double(ln_pressure_qfe),c_double(ln_temperature)) else: d_alt_deg=180./np.pi* self.refraction_method(alt=ln_pos_aa_ab.alt,tem=ln_temperature,pre=ln_pressure_qfe,hum=ln_humidity) else: # ... but not for the star position as measured in mount frame ln.ln_get_hrz_from_equ(byref(ln_pos_eq), byref(self.ln_obs), c_double(obstime.jd), byref(ln_pos_aa_ab)); d_alt_deg=0. a_az=Longitude(,u.deg) a_az.wrap_at(0.* a_alt=Latitude(ln_pos_aa_ab.alt + d_alt_deg,u.deg) pos_aa=SkyCoord(az=a_az.radian,alt=a_alt.radian,unit=(u.radian,u.radian),frame='altaz',location=self.obs,obstime=obstime,obswl=0.5*u.micron, pressure=ln_pressure_qfe*u.hPa,temperature=ln_temperature*u.deg_C,relative_humidity=ln_humidity) return pos_aa
def LN_ICRS_to_AltAz(self, ra=None, dec=None, ln_pressure_qfe=None, ln_temperature=None, ln_humidity=None, obstime=None, mount_set_icrs=True): ln_pos_eq.ra = ra ln_pos_eq.dec = dec if mount_set_icrs: # libnova corrections for catalog data ... # ToDo missing see Jean Meeus, Astronomical Algorithms, chapter 23 # proper motion # annual paralax (0".8) # gravitational deflection of light (0".003) ln.ln_get_equ_prec(byref(ln_pos_eq), c_double(obstime.jd), byref(ln_pos_eq_pr)) ln_pos_eq_nut = self.LN_nutation_meeus(eq_pr=ln_pos_eq_pr, JD=obstime.jd) ln.ln_get_equ_aber(byref(ln_pos_eq_nut), c_double(obstime.jd), byref(ln_pos_eq_ab)) ln.ln_get_hrz_from_equ(byref(ln_pos_eq_ab), byref(self.ln_obs), c_double(obstime.jd), byref(ln_pos_aa_ab)) # here we use QFE not pressure at sea level! # E.g. at Dome-C this formula: # ln_pressure=ln_see_pres * pow(1. - (0.0065 * ln_alt) / 288.15, (9.80665 * 0.0289644) / (8.31447 * 0.0065)); # is not precise. if self.refraction_method is None: d_alt_deg = ln.ln_get_refraction_adj( c_double(ln_pos_aa_ab.alt), c_double(ln_pressure_qfe), c_double(ln_temperature)) else: d_alt_deg = 180. / np.pi * self.refraction_method( alt=ln_pos_aa_ab.alt, tem=ln_temperature, pre=ln_pressure_qfe, hum=ln_humidity) else: # ... but not for the star position as measured in mount frame ln.ln_get_hrz_from_equ(byref(ln_pos_eq), byref(self.ln_obs), c_double(obstime.jd), byref(ln_pos_aa_ab)) d_alt_deg = 0. a_az = Longitude(, u.deg) a_az.wrap_at(0. * a_alt = Latitude(ln_pos_aa_ab.alt + d_alt_deg, u.deg) pos_aa = SkyCoord(az=a_az.radian, alt=a_alt.radian, unit=(u.radian, u.radian), frame='altaz', location=self.obs, obstime=obstime, obswl=0.5 * u.micron, pressure=ln_pressure_qfe * u.hPa, temperature=ln_temperature * u.deg_C, relative_humidity=ln_humidity) return pos_aa
def plot(self): ra = Longitude([x.cat_ic.ra.radian for x in self.cats], unit=u.radian) ra = ra.wrap_at(180. * dec = Latitude([x.cat_ic.dec.radian for x in self.cats], unit=u.radian) import matplotlib.mlab as mlab import matplotlib # this varies from distro to distro: matplotlib.rcParams["backend"] = "TkAgg" import matplotlib.mlab as mlab import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ioff() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='mollweide') # eye candy mag_min = min([x.mag_v for x in self.cats]) mag_max = max([x.mag_v for x in self.cats]) npa = np.asarray([ np.power(2.512, (x.mag_v - mag_min) / (mag_max - mag_min)) * 5. for x in self.cats ]) ax.set_title( 'selected stars for observatory latitude: {0:.2f} deg'.format( ax.scatter(ra.radian, dec.radian, s=npa) ax.set_xticklabels([ '14h', '16h', '18h', '20h', '22h', '0h', '2h', '4h', '6h', '8h', '10h' ]) ax.grid(True)
def coordinates(self, coord_type='world', origin=0, mode='center'): """ Sky coordinate images. Parameters ---------- coord_type : {'world', 'pix', 'skycoord'} Which type of coordinates to return. origin : {0, 1} Pixel coordinate origin. mode : {'center', 'edges'} Return coordinate values at the pixels edges or pixel centers. """ if mode == 'center': y, x = np.indices( elif mode == 'edges': shape =[0] + 1,[1] + 1 y, x = np.indices(shape) y, x = y - 0.5, x - 0.5 else: raise ValueError('Invalid mode to compute coordinates.') if coord_type == 'pix': return x, y else: xsky, ysky = self.wcs.wcs_pix2world(x, y, origin) l, b = Longitude(xsky, unit='deg'), Latitude(ysky, unit='deg') l = l.wrap_at('180d') if coord_type == 'world': return, elif coord_type == 'skycoord': return l, b else: raise ValueError("Not a valid coordinate type. Choose either" " 'world', 'pix' or 'skycoord'.")