Example #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.zs_ = np.linspace(1e-3, 1, 1000)
     self.zs = xp.asarray(self.zs_)
     self.dvc_dz_ = (Planck15.differential_comoving_volume(self.zs_).value *
                     4 * np.pi)
     self.dvc_dz = xp.asarray(self.dvc_dz_)
     self.cached_dvc_dz = None
Example #2
 def __init__(self, z_max=2.3):
     self.z_max = z_max
     self.zs_ = np.linspace(1e-3, z_max, 1000)
     self.zs = xp.asarray(self.zs_)
     self.dvc_dz_ = Planck15.differential_comoving_volume(self.zs_).value * 4 * np.pi
     self.dvc_dz = xp.asarray(self.dvc_dz_)
     self.cached_dvc_dz = None
Example #3
def integrand(
):  # eq 31 in Regimbau 2012 https://journals.aps.org/prd/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevD.86.122001
    norm = R0 / rate_density_coalescence(0)
    R_local = norm * rate_density_coalescence(z)
    dv_dz = Planck15.differential_comoving_volume(z).to(u.Gpc**3 /
                                                        u.sr)  #dv_dz_interp(z)
    return 4 * np.pi * u.sr * dv_dz * R_local * u.yr  #1/(1+z) factor accounted for in rate_density_coalescence_integrand
Example #4
def total_four_volume(lamb, analysis_time, max_redshift=2.3):
    redshifts = np.linspace(0, max_redshift, 1000)
    psi_of_z = (1 + redshifts)**lamb
    normalization = 4 * np.pi / 1e9 * analysis_time
    total_volume = (np.trapz(
        Planck15.differential_comoving_volume(redshifts).value /
        (1 + redshifts) * psi_of_z,
    ) * normalization)
    return total_volume
def integrand(z, R0=BNSrate, z_max=20, sfr=sfrMD):
    norm = R0 / rate_density(0, z_max, sfr)
    R_local = norm * rate_density(z, z_max=z_max, sfr=sfr)
    dv_dz = Planck15.differential_comoving_volume(z).to(u.Gpc**3 /
                                                        u.sr)  #dv_dz_interp(z)
    return 4 * np.pi * u.sr * dv_dz * R_local * u.yr * 1 / (
        1 + z
    )  # 4*pi factor: dv/dz is given in per steridians and so we multiply by the whole sky
 def test_powerlaw_volume(self):
     Test that the total volume matches the expected value for a
     trivial case
     model = redshift.PowerLawRedshift()
     parameters = dict(lamb=1)
     total_volume = np.trapz(
         Planck15.differential_comoving_volume(self.zs).value * 4 * np.pi,
     self.assertEqual(total_volume, model.normalisation(parameters))
Example #7
    def rate_per_z(z):
        """ Equals rate as a function of z, multiplied by the differential
        comoving volume, multiplied by 4pi steradians for full sphere,
        multiplied by the neutrino-bright fraction, and then divided by (1+z)
        to account for time dilation which reduces the rate of transients at
        high redshifts.

        :param z: Redshift
        :return: Transient rate in shell at that redshift
        return rate(z) * cosmo.differential_comoving_volume(z) * \
               nu_bright_fraction * (4 * np.pi * u.sr) / (1+z)
Example #8
def comoving_voxel_volume(z, dnu, omega):
    Get comoving voxel volume in Mpc^3

    dnu = Channel width in Hz
    Omega = pixel area in steradian
    if isinstance(z, np.ndarray):
        if isinstance(omega, np.ndarray):
            z, omega = np.meshgrid(z, omega)
        elif isinstance(dnu, np.ndarray):
            z, dnu = np.meshgrid(z, dnu)
    elif isinstance(dnu, np.ndarray) and isinstance(omega, np.ndarray):
        dnu, omega = np.meshgrid(dnu, omega)
    nu0 = f21 / (z + 1) - dnu / 2.0
    nu1 = nu0 + dnu
    dz = f21 * (1 / nu0 - 1 / nu1)
    vol = cosmo.differential_comoving_volume(z).value * dz * omega
    return vol
Example #9
def multiple_injections(path="/Users/ilyam/Work/COMPASresults/popsynth/Arash/",
                        Tobs=1. / 365.25 / 24 / 60,
    input = open(path + filename, 'r')
    count = 0
    for line in input:
        m1, m2, z, rate = np.float_(line.strip().split("\t"))
        distance = cosmo.luminosity_distance(z).value
        dVcdz = cosmo.differential_comoving_volume(z).value * 4 * np.pi
        prob_injection = rate * (dVcdz * dz) / 1e9 * (Tobs / (1 + z))
        assert (prob_injection < 1)
        if (random.random() < prob_injection):
            one_injection(m1, m2, z, distance, T0, Tobs)
            count += count
    return count
Example #10
import numpy as np
from astropy.cosmology import Planck15 as cosmo

redshifts = np.expm1(np.linspace(np.log(1.), np.log(1. + 3.0), 3000))
d_lum = cosmo.luminosity_distance(redshifts).value
dcovdz = cosmo.differential_comoving_volume(redshifts).value

def mch_bns():
    return 1.4 / 2**.2

def dlum_to_z(dl):
    ''' Get the redshift for a luminosity distance'''

    return np.interp(dl, d_lum, redshifts)

def z_to_dlum(z):
    ''' Get the redshift for a luminosity distance'''

    return np.interp(z, redshifts, d_lum)

def z_to_dcovdz(z):
    ''' Get the redshift for a luminosity distance'''

    return 4 * np.pi * np.interp(z, redshifts, dcovdz)

def get_dLdz(z):
Example #11
		while Mlist[i] <= M and i < NM-1:
			i += 1
	j = 0
	if z < zlist[0]:
		j = 1
		print "Warning - redshift below minimal redshift in function!"
	elif z > zlist[Nz-1]:
		j = Nz - 1
		print "Warning - redshift above maximal redshift in function!"
		while zlist[j] <= z and j < Nz-1:
			j += 1

	life = obslife[i-1][j-1] * (Mlist[i] - M) * (zlist[j] - z)
	life += obslife[i][j-1] * (M-Mlist[i-1]) * (zlist[j] - z)
	life += obslife[i-1][j] * (Mlist[i]-M) * (z - zlist[j-1])
	life += obslife[i][j] * (M-Mlist[i-1]) * (z - zlist[j-1])
	life /= (Mlist[i] - Mlist[i-1]) * (zlist[j] - zlist[j-1])
	return life

# Generate a vector of values which will be multiplied with the corresponding EMRI rate in each bin.
# These factors represent the differential comoving volumes and observable lifetimes.
volume_obslife_factors = list()
for k in range(lnM_nbins):
	for j in range(z_nbins):
		lnM_eff = lnM_lower + k*dlnM + dlnM/2 # add half of the bin width to get the midpoint
		z_eff = z_lower + j*dz + dz/2
		volume_obslife_factors.append(ObsLifeSpin4(lnM_eff, z_eff) * Planck15.differential_comoving_volume(z_eff).value / 10e9 * 4 * m.pi)

population_path = sys.argv[
    2]  ## path to directory of COSMIC populations at different metallicities
save_path = sys.argv[3]  ## path to directory to save population

all_COSMIC_runs = os.listdir(population_path)
mets = [float(x) for x in all_COSMIC_runs]

Zsun = 0.017
lowZ = Zsun / 200  #lower bound on metallicity
highZ = Zsun  #upper bound on metallicity
sigmaZ = 0.5  #sigma of the lognormal distribution about the mean metallicity

## grid of BBH formation redshifts
zf_grid = np.linspace(0, 20, 10000)
SFR = rates.sfr_z(zf_grid, mdl='2017')
dVdz = cosmo.differential_comoving_volume(zf_grid)
zf_weights = SFR * dVdz * (1 + z_f)**-1

zf_picks = np.random.choice(zf_grid,
                            p=zf_weights / np.sum(zf_weights))

## sample a metallicity for each sampled formation redshift
Z_picks = []
for zf_pick in zf_picks:

    ### get metallicity weights for all drawn formation redshifts
    Z_weights = functions.metal_disp_z(zf_pick, np.array(mets), sigmaZ, lowZ,
Example #13
        if (sample_initC.shape[0] > 1):
            sample_initC = sample_initC.iloc[:-1]

        bpp, bcm, initC, kick_info = Evolve.evolve(

        merger_type = int(bcm['merger_type'].iloc[-1])
        bin_state = bcm['bin_state'].iloc[-1]

        z_f = sample_bpp['redshift'].iloc[-1]
        d_L = (1 + z_f) * cosmo.comoving_distance(z_f).to(
            u.cm).value  ## luminosity distance, in cm for flux calculation

        ## "cosmological weight" of the system using comoving volume element
        dVdz = cosmo.differential_comoving_volume(z_f)
        p_cosmic = dVdz * (1 + z_f)**-1

        ## get ZAMS masses for the binary
        ZAMS_mass_k1 = bpp['mass_1'].iloc[0]
        ZAMS_mass_k2 = bpp['mass_2'].iloc[0]

        ## get final COSMIC merge types for the binary
        final_k1 = bpp['kstar_1'].iloc[-1]
        final_k2 = bpp['kstar_2'].iloc[-1]

        ## count alive BBHs
        if (final_k1 == 14 and final_k2 == 14 and bin_state == 0):
            this_BBH = True

def flat_spectrum_skymodel(variance,
    Generate a full-frequency SkyModel of a flat-spectrum (noiselike) EoR signal.

    The amplitude of this signal is variance * vol(ref_chan), where vol() gives the voxel
    volume and ref_chan is a chosen reference point. The generated SkyModel has healpix
    component type.

    variance: float
        Variance of the signal, in Kelvin^2, at the reference channel.
    nside: int
        HEALPix NSIDE parameter. Must be a power of 2.
    ref_chan: int
        Frequency channel to set as reference, if using freqs.
    ref_zbin: int
        Redshift bin number to use as reference, if using redshifts.
    redshifts: numpy.ndarray
        Redshifts at which to generate maps.
        Optional if freqs is provided.
    freqs: numpy.ndarray
        Frequencies in Hz. Overrides redshifts, setting them to be
        the redshifts of the 21 cm line corresponding with these frequencies.
        Optional if redshifts is provided.

        A SkyModel instance corresponding a white noise-like EoR signal.

    Either redshifts or freqs must be provided.
    The history string of the returned SkyModel gives the expected amplitude.
    if freqs is not None:
        redshifts = f21 / freqs - 1
        ref_zbin = np.argsort(redshifts).tolist().index(ref_chan)
    elif redshifts is None:
        freqs = f21 / (redshifts + 1)
        raise ValueError("Either redshifts or freqs must be set.")

    npix = 12 * nside**2
    nfreqs = freqs.size
    omega = 4 * np.pi / npix

    # Make some noise.
    stokes = np.zeros((4, npix, nfreqs))
    stokes[0, :, :] = np.random.normal(0.0, np.sqrt(variance), (npix, nfreqs))

    ref_z = redshifts[ref_zbin]
    ref_zbin = np.where(np.isclose(redshifts, ref_z))[0][0]

    voxvols = np.zeros(nfreqs)
    for zi in range(nfreqs - 1):
        dz = redshifts[zi + 1] - redshifts[zi]

        vol = (Planck15.differential_comoving_volume(
            redshifts[zi]).to_value("Mpc^3/sr") * dz * omega)
        voxvols[zi] = vol
        nfreqs -
        1] = vol  # Assume the last redshift bin is the same width as the next-to-last.

    scale = np.sqrt(voxvols / voxvols[ref_zbin])
    stokes *= scale
    stokes = np.swapaxes(stokes, 1, 2)  # Put npix in last place again.

    if not isinstance(freqs, units.Quantity):
        freqs *= units.Hz

    # The true power spectrum amplitude is variance * reference voxel volume.
    pspec_amp = variance * voxvols[ref_zbin]
    history_string = (
        f"Generated flat-spectrum model, with spectral amplitude {pspec_amp:.3f} "
    history_string += r"K$^2$ Mpc$^3$"

    return SkyModel(
        stokes=stokes * units.K,
Example #15
def volume(z_list, ratio_list):
    return (4 * np.pi * ratio_list *
            cosmo.differential_comoving_volume(z_list).value /
            (1 + z_list)).sum()