Example #1
    def columns(self):
        if self._has_data and hasattr(self.data, '_coldefs'):
            return self.data._coldefs

        format = self._bitpix2tform[self._header['BITPIX']]
        pcount = self._header['PCOUNT']
        parnames = []
        bscales = []
        bzeros = []

        for idx in range(pcount):
            bscales.append(self._header.get('PSCAL' + str(idx + 1), None))
            bzeros.append(self._header.get('PZERO' + str(idx + 1), None))
            parnames.append(self._header['PTYPE' + str(idx + 1)])

        formats = [format] * len(parnames)
        dim = [None] * len(parnames)

        # Now create columns from collected parameters, but first add the DATA
        # column too, to contain the group data.
        data_shape = self.shape[:-1]
        formats.append(str(int(np.prod(data_shape))) + format)
        parnames = _unique_parnames(parnames)

        self._data_field = parnames[-1]

        cols = [
            Column(name=name, format=fmt, bscale=bscale, bzero=bzero,
                   dim=dim) for name, fmt, bscale, bzero, dim in zip(
                       parnames, formats, bscales, bzeros, dim)

        coldefs = ColDefs(cols)
        return coldefs
Example #2
    def __new__(cls, input=None, bitpix=None, pardata=None, parnames=[],
                bscale=None, bzero=None, parbscales=None, parbzeros=None):
        input : array or FITS_rec instance
            input data, either the group data itself (a
            `numpy.ndarray`) or a record array (`FITS_rec`) which will
            contain both group parameter info and the data.  The rest
            of the arguments are used only for the first case.

        bitpix : int
            data type as expressed in FITS ``BITPIX`` value (8, 16, 32,
            64, -32, or -64)

        pardata : sequence of arrays
            parameter data, as a list of (numeric) arrays.

        parnames : sequence of str
            list of parameter names.

        bscale : int
            ``BSCALE`` of the data

        bzero : int
            ``BZERO`` of the data

        parbscales : sequence of int
            list of bscales for the parameters

        parbzeros : sequence of int
            list of bzeros for the parameters

        if not isinstance(input, FITS_rec):
            if pardata is None:
                npars = 0
                npars = len(pardata)

            if parbscales is None:
                parbscales = [None] * npars
            if parbzeros is None:
                parbzeros = [None] * npars

            if parnames is None:
                parnames = ['PAR{}'.format(idx + 1) for idx in range(npars)]

            if len(parnames) != npars:
                raise ValueError('The number of parameter data arrays does '
                                 'not match the number of parameters.')

            unique_parnames = _unique_parnames(parnames + ['DATA'])

            if bitpix is None:
                bitpix = DTYPE2BITPIX[input.dtype.name]

            fits_fmt = GroupsHDU._bitpix2tform[bitpix]  # -32 -> 'E'
            format = FITS2NUMPY[fits_fmt]  # 'E' -> 'f4'
            data_fmt = '{}{}'.format(str(input.shape[1:]), format)
            formats = ','.join(([format] * npars) + [data_fmt])
            gcount = input.shape[0]

            cols = [Column(name=unique_parnames[idx], format=fits_fmt,
                           bscale=parbscales[idx], bzero=parbzeros[idx])
                    for idx in range(npars)]
            cols.append(Column(name=unique_parnames[-1], format=fits_fmt,
                               bscale=bscale, bzero=bzero))

            coldefs = ColDefs(cols)

            self = FITS_rec.__new__(cls,

            # By default the data field will just be 'DATA', but it may be
            # uniquified if 'DATA' is already used by one of the group names
            self._data_field = unique_parnames[-1]

            self._coldefs = coldefs
            self.parnames = parnames

            for idx, name in enumerate(unique_parnames[:-1]):
                column = coldefs[idx]
                # Note: _get_scale_factors is used here and in other cases
                # below to determine whether the column has non-default
                # scale/zero factors.
                # TODO: Find a better way to do this than using this interface
                scale, zero = self._get_scale_factors(column)[3:5]
                if scale or zero:
                    self._cache_field(name, pardata[idx])
                    np.rec.recarray.field(self, idx)[:] = pardata[idx]

            column = coldefs[self._data_field]
            scale, zero = self._get_scale_factors(column)[3:5]
            if scale or zero:
                self._cache_field(self._data_field, input)
                np.rec.recarray.field(self, npars)[:] = input
            self = FITS_rec.__new__(cls, input)
            self.parnames = None
        return self