Example #1
        "replacing the column entirely with the new value when possible. "
        "This configuration option will be deprecated and then removed in "
        "subsequent major releases.")

conf = Conf()

from .column import Column, MaskedColumn, StringTruncateWarning, ColumnInfo
from .groups import TableGroups, ColumnGroups
from .table import (Table, QTable, TableColumns, Row, TableFormatter,
                    NdarrayMixin, TableReplaceWarning)
from .operations import join, setdiff, hstack, vstack, unique, TableMergeError
from .bst import BST, FastBST, FastRBT
from .sorted_array import SortedArray
from .soco import SCEngine
from .serialize import SerializedColumn, represent_mixins_as_columns

# Finally import the formats for the read and write method but delay building
# the documentation until all are loaded. (#5275)
from astropy.io import registry

with registry.delay_doc_updates(Table):
    # Import routines that connect readers/writers to astropy.table
    from .jsviewer import JSViewer
    from astropy.io.ascii import connect
    from astropy.io.fits import connect
    from astropy.io.misc import connect
    from astropy.io.votable import connect
    from astropy.io.misc.asdf import connect
    from astropy.io.misc.pandas import connect
Example #2
    # add primary hdu - critical to support compressed images later
    # minimum header with EXTEND will be provided if header is None
    primary_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=None, header=None)
    hdulist.insert(0, primary_hdu)

    # add flags hdu - 2nd extension after the image data
    if hdu_flags and spherex_image.flags is not None:
        hdr_flags = fits.Header()
        _add_flag_defs(spherex_image, hdr_flags)

        hdu = fits.ImageHDU(spherex_image.flags.data,
        hdulist.insert(2, hdu)

    hdulist.writeto(fileobj, **kwd)

# Register read/write methods for SPHERExImage
with registry.delay_doc_updates(SPHERExImage):
Example #3
    'PersistenceSatModel', 'PixelAreaModel', 'NirspecSlitAreaModel',
    'NirspecMosAreaModel', 'NirspecIfuAreaModel', 'FgsImgPhotomModel',
    'MirImgPhotomModel', 'MirLrsPhotomModel', 'MirMrsPhotomModel',
    'NrcImgPhotomModel', 'NrcWfssPhotomModel', 'NisImgPhotomModel',
    'NisSossPhotomModel', 'NisWfssPhotomModel', 'NrsFsPhotomModel',
    'NrsMosPhotomModel', 'PsfMaskModel', 'QuadModel', 'RampModel',
    'MIRIRampModel', 'RampFitOutputModel', 'ReadnoiseModel',
    'ReferenceFileModel', 'ReferenceCubeModel', 'ReferenceImageModel',
    'ReferenceQuadModel', 'RegionsModel', 'ResetModel', 'ResolutionModel',
    'MiriResolutionModel', 'RSCDModel', 'SaturationModel', 'SlitDataModel',
    'SlitModel', 'SpecModel', 'SourceModelContainer', 'StepParsModel',
    'StrayLightModel', 'SuperBiasModel', 'SpecwcsModel', 'ThroughputModel',
    'TrapDensityModel', 'TrapParsModel', 'TrapsFilledModel', 'TsoPhotModel',
    'WavelengthrangeModel', 'WaveCorrModel', 'WfssBkgModel'

# Initialize the astropy.io registry,
# but only the first time this module is called

except NameError:
    with registry.delay_doc_updates(DataModel):
        registry.register_reader('datamodel', DataModel, ndmodel.read)
        registry.register_writer('datamodel', DataModel, ndmodel.write)
        registry.register_identifier('datamodel', DataModel, ndmodel.identify)

_all_models = __all__[1:]
_local_dict = locals()
_defined_models = {k: _local_dict[k] for k in _all_models}
Example #4
        Default is ``UTYPE``.

        .. versionadded:: 3.1

    kwd :
        All additional keywords are passed to :py:mod:`astropy.io.fits`

        - If ``self.mask`` is set but not a `numpy.ndarray`.
        - If ``self.uncertainty`` is set but not a
        - If ``self.uncertainty`` is set but has another unit then

        Saving flags is not supported.
    hdu = ccd_data.to_hdu(hdu_mask=hdu_mask,
    hdu.writeto(filename, **kwd)

with registry.delay_doc_updates(CCDData):
    registry.register_reader('fits', CCDData, fits_ccddata_reader)
    registry.register_writer('fits', CCDData, fits_ccddata_writer)
    registry.register_identifier('fits', CCDData, fits.connect.is_fits)
Example #5

    :param kwd: Any additional keyword parameters are passed through to the FITS reader in :mod:`astropy.io.fits`

    :raises TypeError: If the conversion from CCDData to Measurement fails

    _id = kwd.pop('identifier', 'unknown')
    _squeeze = kwd.pop('squeeze', True)
    z = CCDData.read(filename, hdu, unit, hdu_uncertainty, hdu_mask,
                     key_uncertainty_type, **kwd)
    if _squeeze:
        z = squeeze(z)

    # @TODO if uncertainty plane not present, look for RMS keyword
    # @TODO header values get stuffed into WCS, others may be dropped by CCDData._generate_wcs_and_update_header
        z = Measurement(z, unit=z._unit)
    except Exception:
        raise TypeError(
            'could not convert fits_measurement_reader output to Measurement')
    # astropy.io.registry.read creates a FileIO object before calling the registered
    # reader (this method), so the filename is FileIO.name.
    z._filename = filename.name
    return z

with registry.delay_doc_updates(Measurement):
    registry.register_reader('fits', Measurement, fits_measurement_reader)
Example #6
        - If ``self.mask`` is set but not a `numpy.ndarray`.
        - If ``self.uncertainty`` is set but not a
        - If ``self.uncertainty`` is set but has another unit then

        Saving flags is not supported.
    hdu = ccd_data.to_hdu(
        hdu_mask=hdu_mask, hdu_uncertainty=hdu_uncertainty,
        key_uncertainty_type=key_uncertainty_type, hdu_flags=hdu_flags)
    hdu.writeto(filename, **kwd)

with registry.delay_doc_updates(CCDData):
    registry.register_reader('fits', CCDData, fits_ccddata_reader)
    registry.register_writer('fits', CCDData, fits_ccddata_writer)
    registry.register_identifier('fits', CCDData, fits.connect.is_fits)

    CCDData.read.__doc__ = fits_ccddata_reader.__doc__
except AttributeError:
    CCDData.read.__func__.__doc__ = fits_ccddata_reader.__doc__

    CCDData.write.__doc__ = fits_ccddata_writer.__doc__
except AttributeError:
    CCDData.write.__func__.__doc__ = fits_ccddata_writer.__doc__
Example #7
    """Writer function which writes the NDCube object to FITS file
    ndcube_data : `ndcube.NDCube` object
        NDCube object

    filename : `str`
        Name of the file

    hdu_mask, hdu_uncertainty : str, optional
        If it is a string append this attribute to the HDUList as
        `astropy.io.fits.ImageHDU` with the string as extension name.
        Default is `MASK` for mask, `UNCERT` for uncertainty and `None` for flags.
    key_uncertainty_type : str, optional
        Th header key name for the class name of the uncertainty (if any) that
        is used to store the uncertainty type in the uncertainty type in the
        uncertainty hdu.

    hdu = ndcube_data.to_hdu(hdu_mask, hdu_uncertainty, key_uncertainty_type)
    hdu.writeto(filename, **kwargs)

# Registering the writer function for writing NDCube files to fits format
# TODO: Implement fits reader for NDCube
with registry.delay_doc_updates(NDCube):
    registry.register_writer('fits', NDCube, fits_ndcube_writer)
    registry.register_identifier('fits', NDCube, fits.connect.is_fits)
Example #8

    return data

def identify_piic(origin, *args, **kwargs):
    data_file = Path(args[0])
    rgw_file = data_file.parent / (data_file.with_suffix("").name + "_rgw.fits")
    check = data_file.exists() & rgw_file.exists()
    if check:
        check &= fits.connect.is_fits("read", data_file.parent, data_file.open(mode="rb"))
        check &= fits.connect.is_fits("read", rgw_file.parent, rgw_file.open(mode="rb"))
    return check

with registry.delay_doc_updates(NikaMap):
    registry.register_reader("piic", NikaMap, piic_fits_nikamap_reader)
    registry.register_identifier("piic", NikaMap, identify_piic)

    registry.register_reader("idl", NikaMap, idl_fits_nikamap_reader)
    registry.register_writer("idl", NikaMap, idl_fits_nikamap_writer)
    registry.register_identifier("idl", NikaMap, fits.connect.is_fits)

class NikaFits(MutableMapping):
    def __init__(self, filename=None, **kwd):
        self._filename = filename
        self._kwd = kwd
        self.__data = {"1mm": None, "2mm": None, "1": None, "2": None, "3": None}
        with fits.open(filename, **kwd) as hdus:
            self.primary_header = hdus[0].header
Example #9
        "subsequent major releases."

conf = Conf()

from .column import Column, MaskedColumn, StringTruncateWarning, ColumnInfo
from .groups import TableGroups, ColumnGroups
from .table import (Table, QTable, TableColumns, Row, TableFormatter,
                    NdarrayMixin, TableReplaceWarning)
from .operations import join, setdiff, hstack, vstack, unique, TableMergeError
from .bst import BST, FastBST, FastRBT
from .sorted_array import SortedArray
from .soco import SCEngine
from .serialize import SerializedColumn, represent_mixins_as_columns

# Finally import the formats for the read and write method but delay building
# the documentation until all are loaded. (#5275)
from astropy.io import registry

with registry.delay_doc_updates(Table):
    # Import routines that connect readers/writers to astropy.table
    from .jsviewer import JSViewer
    from astropy.io.ascii import connect
    from astropy.io.fits import connect
    from astropy.io.misc import connect
    from astropy.io.votable import connect
    from astropy.io.misc.asdf import connect
    from astropy.io.misc.pandas import connect