Example #1
 def __call__(self, filename, *args, **kwargs):
     from ..stokes_spectral_cube import StokesSpectralCube
     if isinstance(filename, PosixPath):
         filename = str(filename)
     kwargs['target_cls'] = StokesSpectralCube
         return registry.read(StokesSpectralCube, filename, *args, **kwargs)
     except IsADirectoryError:  # See note above StringWrapper
         return registry.read(StokesSpectralCube, StringWrapper(filename), *args, **kwargs)
Example #2
    def read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read data for multiple bit vector channels into a `StateVectorDict`

        source : `str`, `~glue.lal.Cache`
            a single file path `str`, or a `~glue.lal.Cache` containing
            a contiguous list of files.

        channels : `~gwpy.detector.channel.ChannelList`, `list`
            a list of channels to read from the source.

        start : `~gwpy.time.LIGOTimeGPS`, `float`, `str` optional
            GPS start time of required data, anything parseable by
            :meth:`~gwpy.time.to_gps` is fine

        end : `~gwpy.time.LIGOTimeGPS`, `float`, `str`, optional
            GPS end time of required data, anything parseable by
            :meth:`~gwpy.time.to_gps` is fine

        bits : `list` of `lists`, `dict`, optional
            the ordered list of interesting bit lists for each channel,
            or a `dict` of (`channel`, `list`) pairs

        format : `str`, optional
            source format identifier. If not given, the format will be
            detected if possible. See below for list of acceptable

        nproc : `int`, optional, default: ``1``
            number of parallel processes to use, serial process by

            .. note::

               Parallel frame reading, via the ``nproc`` keyword argument,
               is only available when giving a :class:`~glue.lal.Cache` of
               frames, or using the ``format='cache'`` keyword argument.

        gap : `str`, optional
            how to handle gaps in the cache, one of

            - 'ignore': do nothing, let the undelying reader method handle it
            - 'warn': do nothing except print a warning to the screen
            - 'raise': raise an exception upon finding a gap (default)
            - 'pad': insert a value to fill the gaps

        pad : `float`, optional
            value with which to fill gaps in the source data, only used if
            gap is not given, or `gap='pad'` is given

        statevectordict : `StateVectorDict`
            a `StateVectorDict` of (`channel`, `StateVector`) pairs. The keys
            are guaranteed to be the ordered list `channels` as given.

        return io_registry.read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs)
Example #3
File: core.py Project: stefco/gwpy
    def read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read data into a `Spectrogram`

        Arguments and keywords depend on the output format, see the
        online documentation for full details for each format, the
        parameters below are common to most formats.

        source : `str`, :class:`~glue.lal.Cache`
            source of data, any of the following:

            - `str` path of single data file
            - `str` path of LAL-format cache file
            - :class:`~glue.lal.Cache` describing one or more data files,

        format : `str`, optional
            source format identifier. If not given, the format will be
            detected if possible. See below for list of acceptable

        specgram : `Spectrogram`

        return io_registry.read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs)
Example #4
File: core.py Project: jumbokh/gwpy
    def read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read data into a `Spectrogram`

        Arguments and keywords depend on the output format, see the
        online documentation for full details for each format, the
        parameters below are common to most formats.

        source : `str`, `~glue.lal.Cache`
            source of data, any of the following:

            - `str` path of single data file
            - `str` path of LAL-format cache file
            - `~glue.lal.Cache` describing one or more data files,

        format : `str`, optional
            source format identifier. If not given, the format will be
            detected if possible. See below for list of acceptable

        specgram : `Spectrogram`

        return io_registry.read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs)
Example #5
    def read(cls, source, flags=None, format=None, **kwargs):
        """Read segments from file into a `DataQualityDict`

        source : `str`
            path of file to read

        format : `str`, optional
            source format identifier. If not given, the format will be
            detected if possible. See below for list of acceptable

        flags : `list`, optional, default: read all flags found
            list of flags to read, by default all flags are read separately.

        coalesce : `bool`, optional, default: `True`
            coalesce all `SegmentLists` before returning.

        flagdict : `DataQualityDict`
            a new `DataQualityDict` of `DataQualityFlag` entries with
            ``active`` and ``known`` segments seeded from the XML tables
            in the given file.

        return io_registry.read(cls, source, flags=flags, format=format,
Example #6
    def read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read segments from file into a `DataQualityFlag`.

        filename : `str`
            path of file to read

        flag : `str`, optional, default: read all segments
            name of flag to read from file.

        format : `str`, optional
            source format identifier. If not given, the format will be
            detected if possible. See below for list of acceptable

        coltype : `type`, optional, default: `float`
            datatype to force for segment times, only valid for

        strict : `bool`, optional, default: `True`
            require segment start and stop times match printed duration,
            only valid for ``format='segwizard'``.

        dqflag : `DataQualityFlag`
            formatted `DataQualityFlag` containing the active and known
            segments read from file.

        return io_registry.read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs)
Example #7
    def read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read data into a `SpectralVariance`

        Arguments and keywords depend on the output format, see the
        online documentation for full details for each format, the
        parameters below are common to most formats.

        source : `str`, `list`
            Source of data, any of the following:

            - `str` path of single data file,
            - `str` path of LAL-format cache file,
            - `list` of paths.

            Other arguments are (in general) specific to the given

        format : `str`, optional
            Source format identifier. If not given, the format will be
            detected if possible. See below for list of acceptable

            Other keywords are (in general) specific to the given ``format``.

        return io_registry.read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs)
Example #8
    def read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read data into a `FrequencySeries`

        Arguments and keywords depend on the output format, see the
        online documentation for full details for each format, the
        parameters below are common to most formats.

        source : `str`, `list`
            Source of data, any of the following:

            - `str` path of single data file,
            - `str` path of LAL-format cache file,
            - `list` of paths.

            Other arguments are (in general) specific to the given

        format : `str`, optional
            Source format identifier. If not given, the format will be
            detected if possible. See below for list of acceptable

            Other keywords are (in general) specific to the given ``format``.

        return io_registry.read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs)
Example #9
    def read(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read and parse gridded N-dimensional data and return as an
        `~.NDDataBase`-derived object.

        This function provides the `~.NDDataBase` interface to the astropy
        unified I/O layer. This allows easily reading a file in the supported
        data formats.
        return io_registry.read(cls, *args, **kwargs)
Example #10
    def read(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        Read and parse gridded N-dimensional data and return as an
        NDData-derived object.

        This function provides the NDDataBase interface to the astropy unified
        I/O layer.  This allows easily reading a file in the supported data
        return io_registry.read(cls, *args, **kwargs)
Example #11
    def read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read a `ChannelList` from a file

        source : `str`, `file`
            either an open file object, or a file name path to read

        return io_registry.read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs)
Example #12
    def read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read a `ChannelList` from a file

        source : `str`, `file`
            either an open file object, or a file name path to read

        return io_registry.read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs)
Example #13
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        cls = self._cls
        out = registry.read(cls, *args, **kwargs)

        # For some readers (e.g., ascii.ecsv), the returned `out` class is not
        # guaranteed to be the same as the desired output `cls`.  If so,
        # try coercing to desired class without copying (io.registry.read
        # would normally do a copy).  The normal case here is swapping
        # Table <=> QTable.
        if cls is not out.__class__:
                out = cls(out, copy=False)
            except Exception:
                raise TypeError('could not convert reader output to {0} '
        return out
Example #14
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        from astropy.cosmology.core import Cosmology

        # so subclasses can override, also pass the class as a kwarg.
        # allows for `FlatLambdaCDM.read` and
        # `Cosmology.read(..., cosmology=FlatLambdaCDM)`
        if self._cls is not Cosmology:
            kwargs.setdefault("cosmology", self._cls)  # set, if not present
            # check that it is the correct cosmology, can be wrong if user
            # passes in e.g. `w0wzCDM.read(..., cosmology=FlatLambdaCDM)`
            valid = (self._cls, self._cls.__qualname__)
            if kwargs["cosmology"] not in valid:
                raise ValueError(
                    "keyword argument `cosmology` must be either the class "
                    f"{valid[0]} or its qualified name '{valid[1]}'")

        cosmo = io_registry.read(self._cls, *args, **kwargs)
        return cosmo
Example #15
    def read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read data into a `StarField`

        This utility is essentially a wrapper around
        `~astropy.table.Table.read` which populates a `StarField` from the
        data collected in a `Table`

        source : `str`
            path of a single data file from which to read

        *args : `tuple`, optional
            other positional arguments passed directly to the
            underlying reader method for the given format

        format : `str`, optional
            file format for input data; if not given, the data reader will
            attempt to automatically identify the format based on ``source``

        **kwargs : `dict`, optional
            other keyword arguments passed directly to the
            underlying reader method for the given format

        field : `StarField`

            if the `format` cannot be automatically identified

        # read as a table, then convert to a `StarField`
        data = registry.read(Table, source, *args, **kwargs)
        return cls(
Example #16
    def read(cls, source, format=None, **kwargs):
        """Read segments from file into a `SegmentList`

        filename : `str`
            path of file to read

        format : `str`, optional
            source format identifier. If not given, the format will be
            detected if possible. See below for list of acceptable

        segmentlist : `SegmentList`
            `SegmentList` active and known segments read from file.

        return io_registry.read(cls, source, format=format, **kwargs)
Example #17
 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     return registry.read(self._cls, *args, **kwargs)
Example #18
 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     return registry.read(self._cls, *args, **kwargs)
Example #19
    def read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read data into a `StateVector`

        source : `str`, `~glue.lal.Cache`
            source of data, any of the following:

            - `str` path of single data file
            - `str` path of LAL-format cache file
            - `~glue.lal.Cache` describing one or more data files,

        channel : `str`, `~gwpy.detector.Channel`
            the name of the channel to read, or a `Channel` object.

        start : `~gwpy.time.LIGOTimeGPS`, `float`, `str`
            GPS start time of required data,
            any input parseable by `~gwpy.time.to_gps` is fine

        end : `~gwpy.time.LIGOTimeGPS`, `float`, `str`, optional
            GPS end time of required data, defaults to end of data found;
            any input parseable by `~gwpy.time.to_gps` is fine

        bits : `list`, optional
            list of bits names for this `StateVector`, give `None` at
            any point in the list to mask that bit

        format : `str`, optional
            source format identifier. If not given, the format will be
            detected if possible. See below for list of acceptable

        nproc : `int`, optional, default: `1`
            number of parallel processes to use, serial process by

            .. note::

               Parallel frame reading, via the ``nproc`` keyword argument,
               is only available when giving a `~glue.lal.Cache` of
               frames, or using the ``format='cache'`` keyword argument.

        gap : `str`, optional
            how to handle gaps in the cache, one of

            - 'ignore': do nothing, let the undelying reader method handle it
            - 'warn': do nothing except print a warning to the screen
            - 'raise': raise an exception upon finding a gap (default)
            - 'pad': insert a value to fill the gaps

        pad : `float`, optional
            value with which to fill gaps in the source data, only used if
            gap is not given, or `gap='pad'` is given

        To read the S6 state vector, with names for all the bits::

            >>> sv = StateVector.read(
                'H-H1_LDAS_C02_L2-968654592-128.gwf', 'H1:IFO-SV_STATE_VECTOR',
                bits=['Science mode', 'Conlog OK', 'Locked',
                      'No injections', 'No Excitations'],

        then you can convert these to segments

            >>> segments = sv.to_dqflags()

        or to read just the interferometer operations bits::

            >>> sv = StateVector.read(
                'H-H1_LDAS_C02_L2-968654592-128.gwf', 'H1:IFO-SV_STATE_VECTOR',
                bits=['Science mode', None, 'Locked'], dtype='uint32')

        Running `to_dqflags` on this example would only give 2 flags, rather
        than all five.

        Alternatively the `bits` attribute can be reset after reading, but
        before any further operations.

        return io_registry.read(cls, source, *args, **kwargs)