Example #1
    def __init__(self, filename, distance):

        fits = pyfits.open(filename)
        # compress all images into one image by average all the pixels
        if len(fits[0].data.shape) == 3:
            print("Found {0} exposures. Averaging...".format(
            data = np.average(fits[0].data, axis=0)
            data = fits[0].data

        # create the wcs information
        w = WCS(naxis=2)
        w.wcs.crpix = [0, 0]
        plate_scale = foxsi_optics_calib.plate_scale(distance).to('arcsec')
        w.wcs.cdelt = plate_scale.value * np.ones(2)
        w.wcs.crval = [0, 0]
        w.wcs.ctype = ["TAN", "TAN"]
        CCDData.__init__(self, data, wcs=w, unit='adu',
        # save the name of the filename
        self.filename = os.path.basename(filename)

        x, y = np.meshgrid(*[np.arange(v) for v in self.data.shape]) * u.pixel
        self.xaxis, self.yaxis = self.wcs.wcs_pix2world(x, y, 1) * u.arcsec
        self.xlim = np.floor(
            [np.min(self.xaxis).value, np.max(self.xaxis).value])
        self.ylim = np.floor(
            [np.min(self.yaxis).value, np.max(self.yaxis).value])
Example #2
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        debug = kwargs.pop('debug', False)

        if debug:
            print("args=", *args)
            print("kwargs=", *kwargs)
        self._identifier = kwargs.pop('identifier', 'unknown')
        _beam = dict()
        _beam["BMAJ"] = self._beam_convert(kwargs.pop('bmaj', None))
        _beam["BMIN"] = self._beam_convert(kwargs.pop('bmin', None))
        _beam["BPA"] = self._beam_convert(kwargs.pop('bpa', None))
        self._restfreq = kwargs.pop('restfreq', None)
        self._filename = None

        #This won't work: On arithmetic operations, this raises the exception.
        #if self._identifier is None:
        #    raise ValueError("an identifier for Measurement must be specified.")
        #On arithmetic operations, this causes an annoying
        # log.info() message from CCDData about overwriting Quantity

        # This workaround is needed because CCDData raises an exception if unit
        # not given. Whereas having BUNIT in the image header instead would be
        # perfectly reasonable...
        # The side-effect of this is that Measurement not instantiated from
        # an image and with no unit given gets "adu" as the unit.
        self._defunit = "adu"
        _unit = kwargs.pop('unit', self._defunit)

        # Also works: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs, unit=_unit)
        CCDData.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs, unit=_unit)

        # If user provided restfreq, insert it into header
        # FITS standard is Hz
        if self._restfreq is not None:
            rf = u.Unit(self._restfreq).to("Hz")
            #print("new restfreq: %s Hz"%rf)
            self.header["RESTFREQ"] = rf
        # Set unit to header BUNIT or put BUNIT into header if it
        # wasn't present
        if "BUNIT" in self.header:
            self._unit = u.Unit(self.header["BUNIT"])
            if self.uncertainty is not None:
                self.uncertainty._unit = u.Unit(self.header["BUNIT"])
            # use str in case a astropy.Unit was given
            self.header["BUNIT"] = str(_unit)
        # Ditto beam parameters
        if "BMAJ" not in self.header:
            #print("setting BMAJ to ",_beam["BMAJ"])
            self.header["BMAJ"] = _beam["BMAJ"]
        if "BMIN" not in self.header:
            self.header["BMIN"] = _beam["BMIN"]
        if "BPA" not in self.header:
            self.header["BPA"] = _beam["BPA"]
Example #3
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        debug = kwargs.pop('debug', False)

        if debug:
            print("args=", *args)
            print("kwargs=", *kwargs)
        self._identifier = kwargs.pop('identifier', 'unknown')
        self._title = kwargs.pop('title', None)
        _beam = dict()
        _beam["BMAJ"] = self._beam_convert(kwargs.pop('bmaj', None))
        _beam["BMIN"] = self._beam_convert(kwargs.pop('bmin', None))
        _beam["BPA"] = self._beam_convert(kwargs.pop('bpa', None))
        self._restfreq = kwargs.pop('restfreq', None)
        self._filename = None

        #This won't work: On arithmetic operations, this raises the exception.
        #if self._identifier is None:
        #    raise ValueError("an identifier for Measurement must be specified.")
        #On arithmetic operations, this causes an annoying
        # log.info() message from CCDData about overwriting Quantity

        # This workaround is needed because CCDData raises an exception if unit
        # not given. Whereas having BUNIT in the image header instead would be
        # perfectly reasonable...
        # The side-effect of this is that Measurement not instantiated from
        # an image and with no unit given gets "adu" as the unit.
        self._defunit = "adu"
        unitpresent = 'unit' in kwargs
        _unit = kwargs.pop('unit', self._defunit)

        # Also works: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs, unit=_unit)
        CCDData.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs, unit=_unit)
        # force single pixel data to be interable arrays.
        # I consider this a bug in CCDData, StdDevUncertainty that they don't do this.
        # also StdDevUncertainty does not convert float to np.float!
        if np.shape(self.data) == ():
            self.data = np.array([self.data])
        if self.error is not None and np.shape(self.error) == ():
            self.uncertainty.array = np.array([self.uncertainty.array])

        # If user provided restfreq, insert it into header
        # FITS standard is Hz
        if self._restfreq is not None:
            rf = u.Unit(self._restfreq).to("Hz")
            self.header["RESTFREQ"] = rf
        # Set unit to header BUNIT or put BUNIT into header if it
        # wasn't present AND if unit wasn't given in the constructor
        if not unitpresent and "BUNIT" in self.header:
            self._unit = u.Unit(self.header["BUNIT"])
            if self.uncertainty is not None:
                self.uncertainty._unit = u.Unit(self.header["BUNIT"])
            # use str in case a astropy.Unit was given
            self.header["BUNIT"] = str(_unit)
        # Ditto beam parameters
        if "BMAJ" not in self.header:
            self.header["BMAJ"] = _beam["BMAJ"]
        if "BMIN" not in self.header:
            self.header["BMIN"] = _beam["BMIN"]
        if "BPA" not in self.header:
            self.header["BPA"] = _beam["BPA"]
        if self.wcs is not None: