Example #1
    def _get_site_registry(cls, force_download=False, force_builtin=False):
        Gets the site registry.  The first time this either downloads or loads
        from the data file packaged with astropy.  Subsequent calls will use the
        cached version unless explicitly overridden.

        force_download : bool or str
            If not False, force replacement of the cached registry with a
            downloaded version. If a str, that will be used as the URL to
            download from (if just True, the default URL will be used).
        force_builtin : bool
            If True, load from the data file bundled with astropy and set the
            cache to that.

        reg : astropy.coordinates.sites.SiteRegistry
        # need to do this here at the bottom to avoid circular dependencies
        from .sites import get_builtin_sites, get_downloaded_sites

        if force_builtin and force_download:
            raise ValueError(
                'Cannot have both force_builtin and force_download True')

        if force_builtin:
            reg = cls._site_registry = get_builtin_sites()
            reg = getattr(cls, '_site_registry', None)
            if force_download or not reg:
                    if isinstance(force_download, str):
                        reg = get_downloaded_sites(force_download)
                        reg = get_downloaded_sites()
                except OSError:
                    if force_download:
                    msg = ('Could not access the online site list. Falling '
                           'back on the built-in version, which is rather '
                           'limited. If you want to retry the download, do '
                    reg = get_builtin_sites()
                cls._site_registry = reg

        return reg
Example #2
File: main.py Project: pllim/saba
    def __init__(self, fitter, sampler='mh', walker='mh'):
        self._mcmc = MCMC()

        if hasattr(fitter.fit_info, "statval"):
            self._fitter = fitter._fitter

            if not hasattr(fitter.error_info, "extra_output"):
            self._cmatrix = fitter.error_info.extra_output
            pars = fitter._fitmodel.sherpa_model.pars
            self.parameter_map = OrderedDict(map(lambda x: (x.name, x),
            raise AstropyUserWarning("Must have valid fit! "
                                     "Covariance matrix is not present")
Example #3
File: main.py Project: pllim/saba
    def _astropy_to_sherpa_model(model):
        Converts the model using sherpa's usermodel suppling the parameter detail to sherpa
        then using a decorator to allow the call method to act like the calc method
        def _calc2call(func):
            """This decorator makes call and calc work together."""
            def _converter(inp, *x):
                if func.n_inputs == 1:
                    retvals = func.evaluate(x[0], *inp)
                    retvals = func.evaluate(x[0], x[1], *inp)
                return retvals
            return _converter

        if len(model.ineqcons) > 0 or len(model.eqcons) > 0:
            AstropyUserWarning('In/eqcons are not supported by sherpa these will be ignored!')

        pars = []
        linkedpars = []
        for pname in model.param_names:
            param = getattr(model, pname)
            vals = [param.name, param.value, param.min, param.max, param.min,
                    param.max, None, param.fixed, False]
            attrnames = ["name", "val", "min", "max", "hard_min", "hard_max",
                         "units", "frozen", "alwaysfrozen"]
            if model.name is None:
                model._name = ""

            pars.append(Parameter(modelname="wrap_" + model.name, **dict([(atr, val) for atr, val in zip(attrnames, vals) if val is not None])))
            if param.tied is not False:

        smodel = UserModel(model.name, pars)
        smodel.calc = _calc2call(model)

        for pname in linkedpars:
            param = getattr(model, pname)
            sparam = getattr(smodel, pname)
            sparam.link = param.tied(smodel)

        return smodel
Example #4
File: main.py Project: pllim/saba
    def set_prior(self, parameter, prior):
        Set the prior function to use with a parameter.
        The default prior used by the `SherpaMCMC` function call for each parameter
        is flat, varying between the minimum and maximum
        values of the parameter (as given by the ``min`` and
        ``max`` attributes of the parameter object).

        par : sherpa.models.parameter.Parameter instance
           A parameter of a model instance.

        prior : function or `sherpa.models.model.Model` instance
           The function to use for a prior. It must accept a
           single argument and return a value of the same size
           as the input.

        Create a function (``lognorm``) and use it as the prior the
        ``nH`` parameter

        >> def lognorm(x):
                sigma = 0.5
                x0 = 20
                dx = np.log10(x) - x0
                norm = sigma / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)
                return norm * np.exp(-0.5*dx*dx/(sigma*sigma))

        >> mcmc.set_prior('nH', lognorm)


        if parameter in self.parameter_map:
            self._mcmc.set_prior(self.parameter_map[parameter], prior)
            raise AstropyUserWarning("Parmater {name} not found in parameter"