Example #1
File: dust.py Project: rtanmay/sbpy
 def _observe_through_filter(bp, B, unit):
     if not synphot:
         raise AstropyWarning('synphot is required for bandpass filtering.')
     obs = Observation(B, bp)
     wave = obs.effective_wavelength()
     fluxd = obs.effstim(unit)
     return wave, fluxd
Example #2
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        from warnings import warn
        from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning

            AstropyWarning('The AltAz class currently does not support any '
                           'transformations.  In a future version, it will '
                           'support the standard IAU2000 AltAz<->ICRS '
        super(AltAz, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Example #3
File: dust.py Project: rtanmay/sbpy
    def _planck(Tscale, T, eph):
        """Planck function and temperature for dust thermal emission."""
        if not synphot:
            raise AstropyWarning(
                'synphot is required for blackbody calculations')

        if T is None:
            T = Tscale * 278 / np.sqrt(eph['rh'] / u.au) * u.K
        # Does not include the factor of pi:
        return SourceSpectrum(BlackBody1D, temperature=T)
Example #4
    def open(cls):
        """If the configuration setting ``astropy.utils.iers.conf.auto_download``
        is set to True (default), then open a recent version of the IERS-A
        table with predictions for UT1-UTC and polar motion out to
        approximately one year from now.  If the available version of this file
        is older than ``astropy.utils.iers.conf.auto_max_age`` days old
        (or non-existent) then it will be downloaded over the network and cached.

        If the configuration setting ``astropy.utils.iers.conf.auto_download``
        is set to False then ``astropy.utils.iers.IERS()`` is returned.  This
        is normally the IERS-B table that is supplied with astropy.

        On the first call in a session, the table will be memoized (in the
        ``iers_table`` class attribute), and further calls to ``open`` will
        return this stored table.

        `~astropy.table.QTable` instance
            With IERS (Earth rotation) data columns

        if not conf.auto_download:
            cls.iers_table = IERS_B.open()
            return cls.iers_table

        all_urls = (conf.iers_auto_url, conf.iers_auto_url_mirror)

        if cls.iers_table is not None:

            # If the URL has changed, we need to redownload the file, so we
            # should ignore the internally cached version.

            if cls.iers_table.meta.get('data_url') in all_urls:
                return cls.iers_table

            filename = download_file(all_urls[0], sources=all_urls, cache=True)
        except Exception as err:
            # Issue a warning here, perhaps user is offline.  An exception
            # will be raised downstream when actually trying to interpolate
            # predictive values.
                f'failed to download {" and ".join(all_urls)}, '
                f'using local IERS-B: {err}'))
            cls.iers_table = IERS_B.open()
            return cls.iers_table

        cls.iers_table = cls.read(file=filename)
        cls.iers_table.meta['data_url'] = all_urls[0]

        return cls.iers_table
Example #5
File: gas.py Project: rtanmay/sbpy
    def _integrate_volume_density(self, rho, epsabs=1.49e-8):
        """Integrate volume density along the line of sight.

        rho : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
            Projected distance of the region of interest on the plane of
            the sky in units of length.

        epsabs : float, int, optional
            Absolute and relative error tolerance for integrals.  See

        sigma : float
            Coma column density along the line of sight at a distance


        if not scipy:
            raise AstropyWarning(
                'scipy is required for integrating volume density.')

        if not rho.unit.is_equivalent(u.m):
            raise ValueError('rho must have units of length.')

        def f(s):
            r = np.sqrt(rho.to(u.km).value**2 + s**2)
            n = self.volume_density(r * u.km) * u.km
            return n.decompose().value

        # Using an upper limit of integration than 1e9 m makes the
        # integral divergent
        # sigma, err = quad(f, 0, np.inf, epsabs=epsabs)
        sigma, err = quad(f,
                          np.max((1.e6, 10 * rho.to(u.km).value)),

        # spherically symmetric coma
        sigma *= 2

        return sigma
Example #6
def test_import_error_in_warning_logging():
    Regression test for https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/2671

    This test actually puts a goofy fake module into ``sys.modules`` to test
    this problem.
    class FakeModule:
        def __getattr__(self, attr):
            raise ImportError('_showwarning should ignore any exceptions '


    sys.modules['<test fake module>'] = FakeModule()
        warnings.showwarning(AstropyWarning('Regression test for #2671'),
                             AstropyWarning, '<this is only a test>', 1)
        del sys.modules['<test fake module>']
Example #7
    def _refresh_table_as_needed(self, mjd):
        """Potentially update the IERS table in place depending on the requested
        time values in ``mjd`` and the time span of the table.

        For IERS_Auto the behavior is that the table is refreshed from the IERS
        server if both the following apply:

        - Any of the requested IERS values are predictive.  The IERS-A table
          contains predictive data out for a year after the available
          definitive values.
        - The first predictive values are at least ``conf.auto_max_age days`` old.
          In other words the IERS-A table was created by IERS long enough
          ago that it can be considered stale for predictions.
        max_input_mjd = np.max(mjd)
        now_mjd = self.time_now.mjd

        # IERS-A table contains predictive data out for a year after
        # the available definitive values.
        fpi = self.meta['predictive_index']
        predictive_mjd = self.meta['predictive_mjd']

        # Update table in place if necessary
        auto_max_age = _none_to_float(conf.auto_max_age)

        # If auto_max_age is smaller than IERS update time then repeated downloads may
        # occur without getting updated values (giving a IERSStaleWarning).
        if auto_max_age < 10:
            raise ValueError('IERS auto_max_age configuration value must be larger than 10 days')

        if (max_input_mjd > predictive_mjd and
                (now_mjd - predictive_mjd) > auto_max_age):

            all_urls = (conf.iers_auto_url, conf.iers_auto_url_mirror)

            # Get the latest version
                filename = download_file(
                    all_urls[0], sources=all_urls, cache="update")
            except Exception as err:
                # Issue a warning here, perhaps user is offline.  An exception
                # will be raised downstream when actually trying to interpolate
                # predictive values.
                    f'failed to download {" and ".join(all_urls)}: {err}.\n'
                    'A coordinate or time-related '
                    'calculation might be compromised or fail because the dates are '
                    'not covered by the available IERS file.  See the '
                    '"IERS data access" section of the astropy documentation '
                    'for additional information on working offline.'))

            new_table = self.__class__.read(file=filename)
            new_table.meta['data_url'] = str(all_urls[0])

            # New table has new values?
            if new_table['MJD'][-1] > self['MJD'][-1]:
                # Replace *replace* current values from the first predictive index through
                # the end of the current table.  This replacement is much faster than just
                # deleting all rows and then using add_row for the whole duration.
                new_fpi = np.searchsorted(new_table['MJD'].value, predictive_mjd, side='right')
                n_replace = len(self) - fpi
                self[fpi:] = new_table[new_fpi:new_fpi + n_replace]

                # Sanity check for continuity
                if new_table['MJD'][new_fpi + n_replace] - self['MJD'][-1] != 1.0 * u.d:
                    raise ValueError('unexpected gap in MJD when refreshing IERS table')

                # Now add new rows in place
                for row in new_table[new_fpi + n_replace:]:

                    'IERS_Auto predictive values are older than {} days but downloading '
                    'the latest table did not find newer values'.format(conf.auto_max_age)))
Example #8
File: gas.py Project: rtanmay/sbpy
 def _K1(self, x):
     """Modified Bessel function of 2nd kind, 1st order."""
     if not scipy:
         raise AstropyWarning('scipy is not present, cannot continue.')
     return special.k1(x.decompose().value)
Example #9
File: gas.py Project: rtanmay/sbpy
 def _iK0(self, x):
     """Integral of the modified Bessel function of 2nd kind, 0th order."""
     if not scipy:
         raise AstropyWarning('scipy is not present, cannot continue.')
     return special.iti0k0(x.decompose().value)[1]
Example #10
File: gas.py Project: rtanmay/sbpy
    def _integrate_column_density(self, aper, epsabs=1.49e-8):
        """Integrate column density over an aperture.

        aper : `~sbpy.activity.Aperture`
            Aperture, in units of length.

        epsabs : float, int, optional
            Absolute and relative error tolerance for integrals.  See
            `~scipy.integrate.quad` (circular, annular, Gaussian) and
            `~scipy.integrate.dblquad` (rectangular) for details.


        if not scipy:
            raise AstropyWarning(
                'scipy is required for integrating column density')

        if not aper.dim.unit.is_equivalent(u.m):
            raise ValueError('aper must have units of length')

        if isinstance(aper, CircularAperture):
            # integrate in polar coordinates
            def f(rho):
                x = rho * self.column_density(rho * u.km) * u.km**2
                return x.decompose().value

            N, err = quad(f, 0, aper.radius.to(u.km).value, epsabs=epsabs)
            N *= 2 * np.pi
        elif isinstance(aper, AnnularAperture):
            # integrate in polar coordinates
            def f(rho):
                x = rho * self.column_density(rho * u.km) * u.km**2
                return x.decompose().value

            N, err = quad(f,
            N *= 2 * np.pi
        elif isinstance(aper, RectangularAperture):
            # integrate in polar coordinates
            def f(rho, th):
                x = rho * self.column_density(rho * u.km) * u.km**2
                return x.decompose().value

            shape = aper.shape.to(u.km).value

            # first "octant"; g and h are the limits of the
            # integration of rho
            def g(th):
                return 0

            def h(th):
                return shape[0] / 2 / np.cos(th)

            th = np.arctan(shape[1] / shape[0])
            N1, err1 = dblquad(f, 0, th, g, h, epsabs=epsabs)

            # second "octant"
            def g(th):
                return 0

            def h(th):
                return shape[1] / 2 / np.cos(th)

            th = np.arctan(shape[0] / shape[1])
            N2, err2 = dblquad(f, 0, th, g, h, epsabs=epsabs)

            # N1 + N2 constitute 1/4th of the rectangle
            N = 4 * (N1 + N2)
        elif isinstance(aper, GaussianAperture):
            # integrate in polar coordinates
            def f(rho):
                return (rho * aper(rho * u.km).value *
                        self.column_density(rho * u.km).to(u.km**-2).value)

            N, err = quad(f, 0, np.inf, epsabs=epsabs)
            N *= 2 * np.pi

        return N
Example #11
def spectral_density_vega(wfb):
    """Flux density equivalencies with Vega-based magnitude systems.

    Requires `~synphot`.

    Uses the default `sbpy` Vega spectrum.

    Vega is assumed to have an apparent magnitude of 0 in the
    ``VEGAmag`` system, and 0.03 in the Johnson-Morgan, ``JMmag``,
    system [Joh66, BM12]_.

    wfb : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, `~synphot.SpectralElement`, string
        Wavelength, frequency, or a bandpass of the corresponding flux
        density being converted.  See
        :func:`~synphot.SpectralElement.from_filter()` for possible
        bandpass names.

    eqv : list
        List of equivalencies.

    >>> import astropy.units as u
    >>> from sbpy.units import spectral_density_vega, VEGAmag
    >>> m = 0 * VEGAmag
    >>> fluxd = m.to(u.Jy, spectral_density_vega(5500 * u.AA))
    >>> fluxd.value   # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP

    [Joh66] Johnson et al. 1966, Commun. Lunar Planet. Lab. 4, 99

    [BM12] Bessell & Murphy 2012, PASP 124, 140-157


    # warn rather than raise an exception so that code that uses
    # spectral_density_vega when it doesn't need it will still run.
        import synphot
    except ImportError:
            AstropyWarning('synphot required for Vega-based magnitude'
                           ' conversions.'))
        return []

    vega = Vega.from_default()
    if isinstance(wfb, u.Quantity):
        wav = wfb
        fnu0 = vega(wfb, unit='W/(m2 Hz)')
        flam0 = vega(wfb, unit='W/(m2 um)')
    elif isinstance(wfb, (synphot.SpectralElement, str)):
        fnu0 = vega.filt(wfb, unit='W/(m2 Hz)')[1]
        flam0 = vega.filt(wfb, unit='W/(m2 um)')[1]

    return [(fnu0.unit, VEGA, lambda x: x / fnu0.value,
             lambda x: x * fnu0.value),
            (flam0.unit, VEGA, lambda x: x / flam0.value,
             lambda x: x * flam0.value)]
Example #12
File: dust.py Project: rtanmay/sbpy
def phase_HalleyMarcus(phase):
    """Halley-Marcus composite dust phase function.

    Uses `~scipy.interpolate` for spline interpolation, otherwise uses
    linear interpolation from `~numpy.interp`.

    phase : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, `~astropy.coordinate.Angle`
        Phase angle.

    Phi : float, `~np.ndarray`

    The Halley-Marcus phase function was first used by Schleicher and
    Bair (2011), but only described in detail by Schleicher and Marcus
    (May 2010) online at:


        "To distinguish this curve from others, we designate this as
        the HM phase function, for the sources of the two components:
        Halley and Marcus, where the Halley curve for smaller phase
        angles comes from our previous work (Schleicher et al. 1998)
        while Joe Marcus has fit a Henyey-Greenstein function to a
        variety of mid- and large-phase angle data sets (Marcus 2007);
        see here for details. Note that we do not consider our
        composite curve to be a definitive result, but rather
        appropriate for performing first-order adjustments to dust
        measurements for changing phase angle."

    Schleicher & Bair 2011, AJ 141, 177.
    Schleicher, Millis, & Birch 1998, Icarus 132, 397-417.
    Marcus 2007, International Comets Quarterly 29, 39-66.

    >>> from sbpy.activity import phase_HalleyMarcus
    >>> import astropy.units as u
    >>> phase_HalleyMarcus(0 * u.deg)                 # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
    >>> phase_HalleyMarcus(15 * u.deg)                # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP


            'Halley phase function': '1998Icar..132..397S',
            'Marcus phase function': '2007ICQ....29...39M'

    th = np.arange(181)
    ph = np.array(
        [1.0000e+00, 9.5960e-01, 9.2170e-01, 8.8590e-01,
         8.5220e-01, 8.2050e-01, 7.9060e-01, 7.6240e-01,
         7.3580e-01, 7.1070e-01, 6.8710e-01, 6.6470e-01,
         6.4360e-01, 6.2370e-01, 6.0490e-01, 5.8720e-01,
         5.7040e-01, 5.5460e-01, 5.3960e-01, 5.2550e-01,
         5.1220e-01, 4.9960e-01, 4.8770e-01, 4.7650e-01,
         4.6590e-01, 4.5590e-01, 4.4650e-01, 4.3770e-01,
         4.2930e-01, 4.2150e-01, 4.1420e-01, 4.0730e-01,
         4.0090e-01, 3.9490e-01, 3.8930e-01, 3.8400e-01,
         3.7920e-01, 3.7470e-01, 3.7060e-01, 3.6680e-01,
         3.6340e-01, 3.6030e-01, 3.5750e-01, 3.5400e-01,
         3.5090e-01, 3.4820e-01, 3.4580e-01, 3.4380e-01,
         3.4210e-01, 3.4070e-01, 3.3970e-01, 3.3890e-01,
         3.3850e-01, 3.3830e-01, 3.3850e-01, 3.3890e-01,
         3.3960e-01, 3.4050e-01, 3.4180e-01, 3.4320e-01,
         3.4500e-01, 3.4700e-01, 3.4930e-01, 3.5180e-01,
         3.5460e-01, 3.5760e-01, 3.6090e-01, 3.6450e-01,
         3.6830e-01, 3.7240e-01, 3.7680e-01, 3.8150e-01,
         3.8650e-01, 3.9170e-01, 3.9730e-01, 4.0320e-01,
         4.0940e-01, 4.1590e-01, 4.2280e-01, 4.3000e-01,
         4.3760e-01, 4.4560e-01, 4.5400e-01, 4.6270e-01,
         4.7200e-01, 4.8160e-01, 4.9180e-01, 5.0240e-01,
         5.1360e-01, 5.2530e-01, 5.3750e-01, 5.5040e-01,
         5.6380e-01, 5.7800e-01, 5.9280e-01, 6.0840e-01,
         6.2470e-01, 6.4190e-01, 6.5990e-01, 6.7880e-01,
         6.9870e-01, 7.1960e-01, 7.4160e-01, 7.6480e-01,
         7.8920e-01, 8.1490e-01, 8.4200e-01, 8.7060e-01,
         9.0080e-01, 9.3270e-01, 9.6640e-01, 1.0021e+00,
         1.0399e+00, 1.0799e+00, 1.1223e+00, 1.1673e+00,
         1.2151e+00, 1.2659e+00, 1.3200e+00, 1.3776e+00,
         1.4389e+00, 1.5045e+00, 1.5744e+00, 1.6493e+00,
         1.7294e+00, 1.8153e+00, 1.9075e+00, 2.0066e+00,
         2.1132e+00, 2.2281e+00, 2.3521e+00, 2.4861e+00,
         2.6312e+00, 2.7884e+00, 2.9592e+00, 3.1450e+00,
         3.3474e+00, 3.5685e+00, 3.8104e+00, 4.0755e+00,
         4.3669e+00, 4.6877e+00, 5.0418e+00, 5.4336e+00,
         5.8682e+00, 6.3518e+00, 6.8912e+00, 7.4948e+00,
         8.1724e+00, 8.9355e+00, 9.7981e+00, 1.0777e+01,
         1.1891e+01, 1.3166e+01, 1.4631e+01, 1.6322e+01,
         1.8283e+01, 2.0570e+01, 2.3252e+01, 2.6418e+01,
         3.0177e+01, 3.4672e+01, 4.0086e+01, 4.6659e+01,
         5.4704e+01, 6.4637e+01, 7.7015e+01, 9.2587e+01,
         1.1237e+02, 1.3775e+02, 1.7060e+02, 2.1348e+02,
         2.6973e+02, 3.4359e+02, 4.3989e+02, 5.6292e+02,
         7.1363e+02, 8.8448e+02, 1.0533e+03, 1.1822e+03,

    _phase = np.abs(u.Quantity(phase, 'deg').value)

    if scipy:
        Phi = splev(_phase, splrep(th, ph))
            'scipy is not present, using linear interpolation.'))
        Phi = np.interp(_phase, th, ph)

    if np.iterable(_phase):
        Phi = np.array(Phi).reshape(np.shape(_phase))
        Phi = float(Phi)

    return Phi
Example #13
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import os
from warnings import warn

from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning

    from ginga.misc.Bunch import Bunch
except ImportError:
            'ginga is not present: sbpy.ginga_plugins will not run.'))

    Bunch = None

# path to these plugins
p_path = os.path.split(__file__)[0]

def setup_cometaryenhancements():
    spec = Bunch(path=os.path.join(p_path, 'CometaryEnhancements.py'),
    return spec
Example #14
With sbpy installed, this plugin should be automatically discovered by
Ginga and available in the Operations menu.

import os
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning

    from ginga.GingaPlugin import LocalPlugin
    from ginga.gw import Widgets
except ImportError:
        'ginga is not present: CometaryEnhancements will not run.'

    class LocalPlugin:
    Widgets = None

    import photutils
except ImportError:
        'photutils is not present: CometaryEnhancements centroiding disabled.'
    photutils = None

from sbpy.imageanalysis import CometaryEnhancement