Example #1
    def __init__(self, key, mode, octave=4):

        if mode.lower() not in mode_map.keys():
            raise NotImplementedError("Currently only support the modes: {0}"
        self.mode = mode.lower()

        # parse key - note
        self.root_note = key.lower()

        if isiterable(octave):
            self._root_midi = _note_to_midi(self.root_note, octave[0])
            self.octave = map(int,octave)
            self._root_midi = _note_to_midi(self.root_note, octave)
            self.octave = int(octave)

        # get valid notes
        if isiterable(self.octave):
            self.midi_notes = np.array([], dtype=int)
            for octv in self.octave:
                these_notes = _note_to_midi(self.root_note, octv) + np.array(mode_map[self.mode])
                self.midi_notes = np.append(self.midi_notes, these_notes)
            self.midi_notes = _note_to_midi(self.root_note, self.octave) + np.array(mode_map[self.mode])

        self.notes = [_midi_to_note(x) for x in self.midi_notes]
Example #2
    def __init__(self, key, mode, octave=4):

        if mode.lower() not in mode_map.keys():
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Currently only support the modes: {0}".format(",".join(
        self.mode = mode.lower()

        # parse key - note
        self.root_note = key.lower()

        if isiterable(octave):
            self._root_midi = _note_to_midi(self.root_note, octave[0])
            self.octave = map(int, octave)
            self._root_midi = _note_to_midi(self.root_note, octave)
            self.octave = int(octave)

        # get valid notes
        if isiterable(self.octave):
            self.midi_notes = np.array([], dtype=int)
            for octv in self.octave:
                these_notes = _note_to_midi(self.root_note, octv) + np.array(
                self.midi_notes = np.append(self.midi_notes, these_notes)
            self.midi_notes = _note_to_midi(
                self.root_note, self.octave) + np.array(mode_map[self.mode])

        self.notes = [_midi_to_note(x) for x in self.midi_notes]
Example #3
def radec2lb(ra, dec, radian=False, FK5=False):
    Convert (ra, dec) into Galactic coordinate (l, b).

    ra : float or list or array
        RA Coordinates in degree
    dec : float or list or array
        DEC Coordinates in degree

    l : float or list or array
    b : float or list or array
    """ See if the input is number or array"""
    if not (isiterable(ra) or isiterable(dec)):
        returnScalar = True
        if not FK5:
            raDec = [SkyCoord(ra, dec, frame='icrs', unit='deg')]
            raDec = [SkyCoord(ra, dec, frame='fk5', unit='deg')]
        returnScalar = False
        if not FK5:
            raDec = [
                SkyCoord(ra, dec, frame='icrs', unit='deg')
                for rrr, ddd in zip(ra, dec)
            raDec = [
                SkyCoord(ra, dec, frame='fk5', unit='deg')
                for rrr, ddd in zip(ra, dec)
    """ Convert to galactic coordinates
        Currently, coordinates do not support arrays; have to loop.
    gal_l = np.empty(len(raDec), dtype=np.float)
    gal_b = np.empty(len(raDec), dtype=np.float)

    for ii, cc in enumerate(raDec):
        gg = cc.galactic
        # Hack to support both astropy v0.2.4 and v0.3.dev
        # TODO: remove this hack once v0.3 is out (and array-ify this
        # whole thing)
        if radian:
            gal_l[ii] = gg.l.radian
            gal_b[ii] = gg.b.radian
            gal_l[ii] = gg.l.degree
            gal_b[ii] = gg.b.degree

    if returnScalar:
        return gal_l[0], gal_b[0]
        return gal_l, gal_b
Example #4
def radec2lb(ra, dec, radian=False, FK5=False):
    Convert (ra, dec) into Galactic coordinate (l, b).

    ra : float or list or array
        RA Coordinates in degree
    dec : float or list or array
        DEC Coordinates in degree

    l : float or list or array
    b : float or list or array
    """ See if the input is number or array"""
    if not (isiterable(ra) or isiterable(dec)):
        returnScalar = True
        if not FK5:
            raDec = [SkyCoord(ra, dec, frame='icrs', unit='deg')]
            raDec = [SkyCoord(ra, dec, frame='fk5', unit='deg')]
        returnScalar = False
        if not FK5:
            raDec = [
                SkyCoord(ra, dec, frame='icrs', unit='deg')
                for rrr, ddd in zip(ra, dec)
            raDec = [
                SkyCoord(ra, dec, frame='fk5', unit='deg')
                for rrr, ddd in zip(ra, dec)
    """ Convert to galactic coordinates
        Currently, coordinates do not support arrays; have to loop.
    gal_l = np.empty(len(raDec), dtype=np.float)
    gal_b = np.empty(len(raDec), dtype=np.float)

    for ii, cc in enumerate(raDec):
        gg = cc.galactic
        # Hack to support both astropy v0.2.4 and v0.3.dev
        # TODO: remove this hack once v0.3 is out (and array-ify this
        # whole thing)
        if radian:
            gal_l[ii] = gg.l.radian
            gal_b[ii] = gg.b.radian
            gal_l[ii] = gg.l.degree
            gal_b[ii] = gg.b.degree

    if returnScalar:
        return gal_l[0], gal_b[0]
        return gal_l, gal_b
Example #5
    def to_tree_transform(cls, model, ctx):
        node = OrderedDict()
        node['no_label'] = model.no_label
        if model.inputs_mapping is not None:
            node['inputs_mapping'] = model.inputs_mapping

        if isinstance(model, LabelMapperArray):
            node['mapper'] = model.mapper
        elif isinstance(model, LabelMapper):
            node['mapper'] = model.mapper
            node['inputs'] = list(model.inputs)
        elif isinstance(model, (LabelMapperDict, LabelMapperRange)):
            if hasattr(model, 'atol'):
                node['atol'] = model.atol
            mapper = OrderedDict()
            labels = list(model.mapper)

            transforms = []
            for k in labels:
            if isiterable(labels[0]):
                labels = [list(l) for l in labels]
            mapper['labels'] = labels
            mapper['models'] = transforms
            node['mapper'] = mapper
            node['inputs'] = list(model.inputs)
            raise TypeError("Unrecognized type of LabelMapper - {0}".format(model))

        return yamlutil.custom_tree_to_tagged_tree(node, ctx)
Example #6
    def de_density_scale(self, z):
        """ Evaluates the redshift dependence of the dark energy density.

        z : array-like
          Input redshifts.

        I : ndarray, or float if input scalar
          The scaling of the energy density of dark energy with redshift.

        The scaling factor, I, is defined by :math:`\\rho(z) = \\rho_0 I`,
        and in this case is given by

        .. math::

          I = \\left(1 + z\\right)^{3 \\left(1 + w_0 + w_a\\right)}
          \exp \\left(-3 w_a \\frac{z}{1+z}\\right)

        if isiterable(z):
            z = np.asarray(z)
        zp1 = 1.0 + z
        aa = 1. / zp1
        return zp1 ** (3 * (1 + self._w0 + self._wa)) * \
            np.exp(-self._wa * (1 - aa) * (60*aa**6 - 430*aa**5 + 1334*aa**4 - 2341*aa**3 + 2559*aa**2 - 1851*aa + 1089) / 140.)
Example #7
    def invert(self, dispersion_values):
        if not hasattr(dispersion_values, 'unit'):
            raise u.UnitsException('Must give a dispersion value with a valid unit (i.e. quantity 5 * u.Angstrom)')

        if misc.isiterable(dispersion_values) and not isinstance(dispersion_values, basestring):
            dispersion_values = np.array(dispersion_values)
        return float((dispersion_values - self.dispersion0) / self.dispersion_delta) + self.pixel_index
Example #8
    def __getitem__(self, k):
        """ Passback abundance value as a float given an element input
        k: overloaded
          * int -- Atomic number (6)
          * str -- Element name (e.g. 'C')

        Abund or Abund difference for the ratio
        # Iterate?
        if isiterable(k) and not isinstance(k, basestring):
            out_abnd = []
            for ik in k:
            out_abnd = np.array(out_abnd)
            return out_abnd

        if isinstance(k, int):  # Atomic number
            mt = np.where(self._data["Z"] == k)[0]
            if len(mt) != 1:
                raise ValueError("Atomic Number not in Table: {:d}".format(k))
        elif isinstance(k, basestring):  # Name
            mt = np.where(self._data["Elm"] == k)[0]
            if len(mt) != 1:
                raise ValueError("Element not in Table: {:s}".format(k))
            raise IndexError("Not prepared for this type of input", k)

        # Return
        return self._data["Abund"][mt][0]
Example #9
def do_photometry(hdu, extensions=None, threshold=5, fwhm=2.5):

    if extensions is None:
        extensions = np.arange(1, len(hdu))
    if not isiterable(extensions):
        extensions = (extensions, )

    output = {}
    for ext in extensions:
        header = hdu[ext].header
        data = hdu[ext].data
        image_wcs = WCS(header)

        background = mad_std(data)

        sources = daofind(data, threshold=threshold * background, fwhm=fwhm)
        positions = (sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid'])
        sky_positions = pixel_to_skycoord(*positions, wcs=image_wcs)

        apertures = CircularAperture(positions, r=2.)
        photometry_table = aperture_photometry(data, apertures)
        photometry_table['sky_center'] = sky_positions

        output[str(ext)] = photometry_table

    return output
Example #10
    def to_tree_transform(cls, model, ctx):
        node = OrderedDict()
        node['no_label'] = model.no_label
        if model.inputs_mapping is not None:
            node['inputs_mapping'] = model.inputs_mapping

        if isinstance(model, LabelMapperArray):
            node['mapper'] = model.mapper
        elif isinstance(model, LabelMapper):
            node['mapper'] = model.mapper
            node['inputs'] = list(model.inputs)
        elif isinstance(model, (LabelMapperDict, LabelMapperRange)):
            if hasattr(model, 'atol'):
                node['atol'] = model.atol
            mapper = OrderedDict()
            labels = list(model.mapper)

            transforms = []
            for k in labels:
            if isiterable(labels[0]):
                labels = [list(l) for l in labels]
            mapper['labels'] = labels
            mapper['models'] = transforms
            node['mapper'] = mapper
            node['inputs'] = list(model.inputs)
            raise TypeError("Unrecognized type of LabelMapper - {0}".format(model))

        return yamlutil.custom_tree_to_tagged_tree(node, ctx)
Example #11
def subtract_background(data, background):
    Subtract background from data and generate a 2D pixel-wise
    background image.

    data : array_like or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The 2D data array from which to subtract ``background``.

    background : float, array_like, or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The background level of the input ``data``.  ``background`` may
        either be a scalar value or a 2D image with the same shape as
        the input ``data``.

    data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The background subtracted data.

    background : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The pixel-wise background array.

    if not isiterable(background):
        # NOTE: np.broadcast_arrays() never returns a Quantity
        # background = np.broadcast_arrays(background, data)[0]
        background = np.zeros(data.shape) + background
        if background.shape != data.shape:
            raise ValueError('If input background is 2D, then it must '
                             'have the same shape as the input data.')
    return (data - background), background
Example #12
    def w(self, z):
        """Returns dark energy equation of state at redshift ``z``.

        z : array-like
          Input redshifts.

        w : ndarray, or float if input scalar
          The dark energy equation of state

        The dark energy equation of state is defined as
        :math:`w(z) = P(z)/\\rho(z)`, where :math:`P(z)` is the
        pressure at redshift z and :math:`\\rho(z)` is the density
        at redshift z, both in units where c=1.  Here this is
        :math:`w(z) = w_0 + w_a (1 - a)^n = w_0 + w_a \\frac{z^n}{(1+z)^n}`.

        if isiterable(z):
            z = np.asarray(z)

        return self._w0 + self._wa * z**7 / ( (1.0 + z)**7)
Example #13
    def __getitem__(self, k):
        """ Return abundance given an element
        k : int or str or list/tuple
          * int -- Atomic number (6)
          * str -- Element name (e.g. 'C')

        Abund : float
        # Iterate?
        if isiterable(k) and not isinstance(k, basestring): 
            out_abnd = []
            for ik in k:
            out_abnd = np.array(out_abnd)
            return out_abnd

        if isinstance(k, numbers.Integral): # Atomic number
            mt = np.where(self._data['Z'] == k)[0]
            if len(mt) != 1:
                raise ValueError('Atomic Number not in Table: {:d}'.format(k))
        elif isinstance(k, basestring): # Name
            mt = np.where(self._data['Elm'] == k)[0]
            if len(mt) != 1:
                raise ValueError('Element not in Table: {:s}'.format(k))
            raise IndexError('Not prepared for this type of input', k)

        # Return
        return self._data['Abund'][mt][0]
Example #14
    def de_density_scale(self, z):
        """ Evaluates the redshift dependence of the dark energy density.

        z : array-like
          Input redshifts.

        I : ndarray, or float if input scalar
          The scaling of the energy density of dark energy with redshift.

        The scaling factor, I, is defined by :math:`\\rho(z) = \\rho_0 I`,
        and in this case is given by

        .. math::

          I = \\left(1 + z\\right)^{3 \\left(1 + w_0 + w_a\\right)}
          \exp \\left(-3 w_a \\frac{z}{1+z}\\right)

        if isiterable(z):
            z = np.asarray(z)
        zp1 = 1.0 + z
        return zp1 ** (3 * (1 + self._w0)) * \
            np.exp(1.5 * self._wa * z**2 / zp1**2)
Example #15
    def from_tree_transform(cls, node, ctx):
        inputs_mapping = node.get('inputs_mapping', None)
        if inputs_mapping is not None and not isinstance(inputs_mapping, models.Mapping):
            raise TypeError("inputs_mapping must be an instance"
                            "of astropy.modeling.models.Mapping.")
        mapper = node['mapper']
        atol = node.get('atol', 10**-8)
        no_label = node.get('no_label', np.nan)

        if isinstance(mapper, NDArrayType):
            if mapper.ndim != 2:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "GWCS currently only supports 2x2 masks ")
            return LabelMapperArray(mapper, inputs_mapping)
        elif isinstance(mapper, Model):
            inputs = node.get('inputs')
            return LabelMapper(inputs, mapper, inputs_mapping=inputs_mapping, no_label=no_label)
            inputs = node.get('inputs', None)
            if inputs is not None:
                inputs = tuple(inputs)
            labels = mapper.get('labels')
            transforms = mapper.get('models')
            if isiterable(labels[0]):
                labels = [tuple(l) for l in labels]
                dict_mapper = dict(zip(labels, transforms))
                return LabelMapperRange(inputs, dict_mapper, inputs_mapping)
                dict_mapper = dict(zip(labels, transforms))
                return LabelMapperDict(inputs, dict_mapper, inputs_mapping, atol=atol)
Example #16
def set_log_level(args, loggers):

    if args.verbosity == 1:
        log_level = logging.DEBUG

    elif args.verbosity == 2:
        log_level = 1

    elif args.verbosity == 3:
        log_level = 0

    elif args.quietness == 1:
        log_level = logging.WARNING

    elif args.quietness == 2:
        log_level = logging.ERROR

        log_level = logging.INFO  # default

    if not isiterable(loggers):
        loggers = [loggers]

    for logger in loggers:
Example #17
    def from_tree_transform(cls, node, ctx):
        inputs_mapping = node.get('inputs_mapping', None)
        if inputs_mapping is not None and not isinstance(inputs_mapping, models.Mapping):
            raise TypeError("inputs_mapping must be an instance"
                            "of astropy.modeling.models.Mapping.")
        mapper = node['mapper']
        atol = node.get('atol', 10**-8)
        no_label = node.get('no_label', np.nan)

        if isinstance(mapper, NDArrayType):
            if mapper.ndim != 2:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "GWCS currently only supports 2x2 masks ")
            return LabelMapperArray(mapper, inputs_mapping)
        elif isinstance(mapper, Model):
            inputs = node.get('inputs')
            return LabelMapper(inputs, mapper, inputs_mapping=inputs_mapping, no_label=no_label)
            inputs = node.get('inputs', None)
            if inputs is not None:
                inputs = tuple(inputs)
            labels = mapper.get('labels')
            transforms = mapper.get('models')
            if isiterable(labels[0]):
                labels = [tuple(l) for l in labels]
                dict_mapper = dict(zip(labels, transforms))
                return LabelMapperRange(inputs, dict_mapper, inputs_mapping)
                dict_mapper = dict(zip(labels, transforms))
                return LabelMapperDict(inputs, dict_mapper, inputs_mapping, atol=atol)
Example #18
    def __getitem__(self, k):
        """ Return abundance given an element
        k : int or str or list/tuple
          * int -- Atomic number (6)
          * str -- Element name (e.g. 'C')

        Abund : float
        # Iterate?
        if isiterable(k) and not isinstance(k, basestring):
            out_abnd = []
            for ik in k:
            out_abnd = np.array(out_abnd)
            return out_abnd

        if isinstance(k, numbers.Integral):  # Atomic number
            mt = np.where(self._data['Z'] == k)[0]
            if len(mt) != 1:
                raise ValueError('Atomic Number not in Table: {:d}'.format(k))
        elif isinstance(k, basestring):  # Name
            mt = np.where(self._data['Elm'] == k)[0]
            if len(mt) != 1:
                raise ValueError('Element not in Table: {:s}'.format(k))
            raise IndexError('Not prepared for this type of input', k)

        # Return
        return self._data['Abund'][mt][0]
Example #19
    def from_table(cls,
        Initializes a `Spectrum1D`-object from an `~astropy.table.Table` object


        table : ~astropy.table.Table object

        dispersion_column : str, optional
            name of the dispersion column. default is 'dispersion'

        flux_column : str, optional
            name of the flux column. default is 'flux'

        uncertainty_column : str, optional
            name of the uncertainty column. If set to None uncertainty is set to None. default is None

        flag_columns : str or list, optional
            name or names of flag columns. If multiple names are supplied a ~astropy.nddata.FlagCollection will be built.
            default is None

        flux = table[flux_column]
        dispersion = table[dispersion_column]

        if uncertainty_column is not None:
            uncertainty = table[uncertainty_column]
            if uncertainty.unit != flux.unit:
                    '"uncertainty"-column and "flux"-column do not share the units (%s vs %s) ',
                    uncertainty.unit, flux.unit)
            uncertainty = None

        if isinstance(flag_columns, basestring):
            flags = table[flag_columns]
        elif misc.isiterable(flag_columns):
            flags = FlagCollection(shape=flux.shape)
            for flag_column in flag_columns:
                flags[flag_column] = table[flag_column]
            raise ValueError(
                'flag_columns should either be a string or a list (or iterable) of strings'

        return cls.from_array(flux=flux.data,
Example #20
def wcs_from_spec_footprints(wcslist,
    Create a WCS from a list of spatial/spectral WCS.

    Build-7 workaround.
    if not isiterable(wcslist):
        raise ValueError("Expected 'wcslist' to be an iterable of gwcs.WCS")
    if not all([isinstance(w, WCS) for w in wcslist]):
        raise TypeError(
            "All items in 'wcslist' must have instance of gwcs.WCS")
    if refwcs is None:
        refwcs = wcslist[0]
        if not isinstance(refwcs, WCS):
            raise TypeError("Expected refwcs to be an instance of gwcs.WCS.")

    # TODO: generalize an approach to do this for more than one wcs.  For
    # now, we just do it for one, using the api for a list of wcs.
    # Compute a fiducial point for the output frame at center of input data
    fiducial = compute_spec_fiducial(wcslist, domain=domain)
    # Create transform for output frame
    transform = compute_spec_transform(fiducial, refwcs)
    output_frame = refwcs.output_frame
    wnew = WCS(output_frame=output_frame, forward_transform=transform)

    # Build the domain in the output frame wcs object by running the input wcs
    # footprints through the backward transform of the output wcs
    sky = [spec_footprint(w) for w in wcslist]
    domain_grid = [wnew.backward_transform(*f) for f in sky]

    sky0 = sky[0]
    det = domain_grid[0]
    offsets = []
    input_frame = refwcs.input_frame
    for axis in input_frame.axes_order:
        axis_min = np.nanmin(det[axis])
    transform = Shift(offsets[0]) & Shift(offsets[1]) | transform
    wnew = WCS(output_frame=output_frame,

    domain = []
    for axis in input_frame.axes_order:
        axis_min = np.nanmin(domain_grid[0][axis])
        axis_max = np.nanmax(domain_grid[0][axis]) + 1
            'lower': axis_min,
            'upper': axis_max,
            'includes_lower': True,
            'includes_upper': False
    wnew.domain = domain
    return wnew
Example #21
 def invert(self, dispersion_values):
     if not hasattr(dispersion_values, 'unit'):
         raise u.UnitsException(
             'Must give a dispersion value with a valid unit')
     if misc.isiterable(dispersion_values) and not isinstance(
             dispersion_values, basestring):
         dispersion_values = np.array(dispersion_values)
     return float((dispersion_values - self.dispersion0) /
                  self.dispersion_delta) + self.pixel_index
    def test_properties(self):
        props = source_properties(IMAGE, SEGM)
        assert props[0].id == 1
        assert_quantity_allclose(props[0].xcentroid, XCEN * u.pix, rtol=1.0e-2)
        assert_quantity_allclose(props[0].ycentroid, YCEN * u.pix, rtol=1.0e-2)
        assert_allclose(props[0].source_sum, IMAGE[IMAGE >= THRESHOLD].sum())
        assert_quantity_allclose(props[0].semimajor_axis_sigma, MAJOR_SIG * u.pix, rtol=1.0e-2)
        assert_quantity_allclose(props[0].semiminor_axis_sigma, MINOR_SIG * u.pix, rtol=1.0e-2)
        assert_quantity_allclose(props[0].orientation, THETA * u.rad, rtol=1.0e-3)
        assert_allclose(props[0].bbox.value, [35, 25, 70, 77])
        assert_quantity_allclose(props[0].area, 1058.0 * u.pix ** 2)
        assert_allclose(len(props[0].values), props[0].area.value)
        assert_allclose(len(props[0].coords), 2)
        assert_allclose(len(props[0].coords[0]), props[0].area.value)

        properties = [
        for propname in properties:
            assert not isiterable(getattr(props[0], propname))

        properties = ["centroid", "covariance_eigvals", "cutout_centroid", "maxval_cutout_pos", "minval_cutout_pos"]
        shapes = [getattr(props[0], p).shape for p in properties]
        for shape in shapes:
            assert shape == (2,)

        properties = ["covariance", "inertia_tensor"]
        shapes = [getattr(props[0], p).shape for p in properties]
        for shape in shapes:
            assert shape == (2, 2)

        properties = ["moments", "moments_central"]
        shapes = [getattr(props[0], p).shape for p in properties]
        for shape in shapes:
            assert shape == (4, 4)
Example #23
    def evaluate(self, x, y):  #region=None
        x : float
            Input pixel coordinate
        y : float
            Input pixel coordinate
        region : int or str
            Region id
        #if region is not None:
        #if not np.isnan(region):
        #    return self._selector[region.item()](x, y)
        # use input_values for indexing the output arrays
        input_values = (x, y)
        idx = np.empty(x.shape, dtype=np.int)
        idy = np.empty(y.shape, dtype=np.int)
        idx = np.around(x, out=idx)
        idy = np.around(y, out=idy)
        result = self.regions_mask[idy, idx]
        if not isiterable(result) or isinstance(result, np.string_):
            if result != 0 and result != '':
                result = self._selector[result](*input_values)
                if np.isscalar(result[0]):
                    result = [np.array(ar) for ar in result]
                return result
                broadcast_missing_value = np.broadcast_arrays(
                    self.undefined_transform_value, input_values[0])[0]
                return [
                    broadcast_missing_value for output in range(self.n_outputs)
                ]  #input_values

        unique_regions = self.get_unique_regions(result)
        if unique_regions == []:
            warnings.warning('There are no regions with valid transforms.')
        nout = self._selector[unique_regions[0]].n_outputs
        output_arrays = [
            np.zeros(self.regions_mask.shape, dtype=np.float)
            for i in range(nout)
        for ar in output_arrays:
            ar[self.regions_mask == 0] = self.undefined_transform_value
        for i in unique_regions:
            transform = self._selector[i]
            indices = (self.regions_mask == i).nonzero()
            outputs = transform(*indices)
            for out, tr_out in zip(output_arrays, outputs):
                out[indices] = tr_out

        result = [ar[idx, idy] for ar in output_arrays]
        if np.isscalar(result[0]):
            result = [np.array(ar) for ar in result]
        return tuple(result)
Example #24
    def test_properties(self):
        with pytest.warns(AstropyDeprecationWarning):
            obj = source_properties(IMAGE, self.segm)[1]
            assert obj.id == 2
            assert_quantity_allclose(obj.xcentroid, XCEN * u.pix, rtol=1.e-2)
            assert_quantity_allclose(obj.ycentroid, YCEN * u.pix, rtol=1.e-2)
            assert_allclose(obj.source_sum, 16723.388)
                                     MAJOR_SIG * u.pix,
                                     MINOR_SIG * u.pix,
                                     THETA * u.rad,
            assert obj.bbox_xmin.value == 25
            assert obj.bbox_xmax.value == 77
            assert obj.bbox_ymin.value == 35
            assert obj.bbox_ymax.value == 70
            assert_quantity_allclose(obj.area, 1058.0 * u.pix**2)
            assert_allclose(len(obj.indices), 2)
            assert_allclose(len(obj.indices[0]), obj.area.value)

            properties = [
                'background_at_centroid', 'background_mean', 'eccentricity',
                'ellipticity', 'elongation', 'equivalent_radius', 'max_value',
                'maxval_xpos', 'maxval_ypos', 'min_value', 'minval_xpos',
                'minval_ypos', 'perimeter', 'cxx', 'cxy', 'cyy', 'covar_sigx2',
                'covar_sigxy', 'covar_sigy2', 'bbox_xmin', 'bbox_xmax',
                'bbox_ymin', 'bbox_ymax'
            for propname in properties:
                assert not isiterable(getattr(obj, propname))

            properties = [
                'centroid', 'covariance_eigvals', 'cutout_centroid',
                'maxval_cutout_pos', 'minval_cutout_pos'
            shapes = [getattr(obj, p).shape for p in properties]
            for shape in shapes:
                assert shape == (2, )

            properties = ['covariance', 'inertia_tensor']
            shapes = [getattr(obj, p).shape for p in properties]
            for shape in shapes:
                assert shape == (2, 2)

            properties = ['moments', 'moments_central']
            shapes = [getattr(obj, p).shape for p in properties]
            for shape in shapes:
                assert shape == (4, 4)

            assert obj.kron_radius.value < 1.3
            assert obj.kron_flux < 16700.
            assert obj.kron_fluxerr is None
def check_odd(val, name='value'):
    Raise Exception if  `val` is not odd.
    if isiterable(val):
        if np.any(np.asarray(val) % 2 == 0):
            raise Exception(f'{name} must be odd')
        if val % 2 == 0:
            raise Exception(f'{name} must be odd')
Example #26
 def _set_axis_physical_types(self, pht=None):
     Set the physical type of the coordinate axes using VO UCD1+ v1.23 definitions.
     if pht is not None:
         if isinstance(pht, str):
             pht = (pht,)
         elif not isiterable(pht):
             raise TypeError("axis_physical_types must be of type string or iterable of strings")
         if len(pht) != self.naxes:
             raise ValueError('"axis_physical_types" must be of length {}'.format(self.naxes))
         ph_type = []
         for axt in pht:
             if axt not in VALID_UCDS and not axt.startswith("custom:"):
         return tuple(ph_type)
     if isinstance(self, CelestialFrame):
         if isinstance(self.reference_frame, coord.Galactic):
             ph_type = "pos.galactic.lon", "pos.galactic.lat"
         elif isinstance(self.reference_frame, (coord.GeocentricTrueEcliptic,
             ph_type = "pos.bodyrc.lon", "pos.bodyrc.lat"
         elif isinstance(self.reference_frame, coord.builtin_frames.BaseRADecFrame):
             ph_type = "pos.eq.ra", "pos.eq.dec"
         elif isinstance(self.reference_frame, coord.builtin_frames.BaseEclipticFrame):
             ph_type = "pos.ecliptic.lon", "pos.ecliptic.lat"
             ph_type = tuple("custom:{}".format(t) for t in self.axes_names)
     elif isinstance(self, SpectralFrame):
         if self.unit[0].physical_type == "frequency":
             ph_type = ("em.freq",)
         elif self.unit[0].physical_type == "length":
             ph_type = ("em.wl",)
         elif self.unit[0].physical_type == "energy":
             ph_type = ("em.energy",)
             ph_type = ("custom:{}".format(self.unit[0].physical_type),)
     elif isinstance(self, TemporalFrame):
         ph_type = ("time",)
     elif isinstance(self, Frame2D):
         if all(self.axes_names):
             ph_type = self.axes_names
             ph_type = self.axes_type
         ph_type = tuple("custom:{}".format(t) for t in ph_type)
         ph_type = tuple("custom:{}".format(t) for t in self.axes_type)
     return ph_type
Example #27
    def fetch(self, jsoc_response, path=None, overwrite=False, progress=True,
              max_conn=5, downloader=None, sleep=10):
        Make the request for the data in a JSOC response and wait for it to be
        staged and then download the data.

        jsoc_response : `~sunpy.net.jsoc.jsoc.JSOCResponse` object
            A response object

        path : `str`
            Path to save data to, defaults to SunPy download dir

        overwrite : `bool`
            Replace files with the same name if True

        progress : `bool`
            Print progress info to terminal

        max_conns : `int`
            Maximum number of download connections.

        downloader: `~sunpy.net.download.Downloader` instance
            A Custom downloader to use

        sleep : `int`
            The number of seconds to wait between calls to JSOC to check the status
            of the request.

        results : a `~sunpy.net.download.Results` instance
            A Results object


        # Make staging request to JSOC
        responses = self.request_data(jsoc_response)
        # Make response iterable
        if not isiterable(responses):
            responses = [responses]
        # Add them to the response for good measure
        jsoc_response.requests = [r for r in responses]

        r = Results(lambda x: None, done=lambda maps: [v['path'] for v in maps.values()])

        for response in responses:
            r = self.get_request(response, path=path, overwrite=overwrite,
                                 progress=progress, results=r)

        return r
Example #28
File: jsoc.py Project: bwgref/sunpy
    def fetch(self, jsoc_response, path=None, overwrite=False, progress=True,
              max_conn=5, downloader=None, sleep=10):
        Make the request for the data in a JSOC response and wait for it to be
        staged and then download the data.

        jsoc_response : `~sunpy.net.jsoc.jsoc.JSOCResponse` object
            A response object

        path : `str`
            Path to save data to, defaults to SunPy download dir

        overwrite : `bool`
            Replace files with the same name if True

        progress : `bool`
            Print progress info to terminal

        max_conns : `int`
            Maximum number of download connections.

        downloader: `~sunpy.net.download.Downloader` instance
            A Custom downloader to use

        sleep : `int`
            The number of seconds to wait between calls to JSOC to check the status
            of the request.

        results : a `~sunpy.net.download.Results` instance
            A Results object


        # Make staging request to JSOC
        responses = self.request_data(jsoc_response)
        # Make response iterable
        if not isiterable(responses):
            responses = [responses]
        # Add them to the response for good measure
        jsoc_response.requests = [r for r in responses]

        r = Results(lambda x: None, done=lambda maps: [v['path'] for v in maps.values()])

        for response in responses:
            r = self.get_request(response, path=path, overwrite=overwrite,
                                 progress=progress, results=r)

        return r
Example #29
def abs_line_data(wrest, datfil=None, ret_flg=0, tol=1e-3 * u.AA):
    wrest : float or array
      -- Input wavelength (Ang)
    tol : float (1e-3)
      Tolerance for finding a match in wrest
    ret_flg : int (0)
      0: Return a dictionary
      1: Return an astropy Table
    # Data file
    if datfil == None:
        datfil = xa_path + '/data/atomic/spec_atomic_lines.fits'

    # Read
    data = Table.read(datfil)

    if not isiterable(wrest):
        wrest = [wrest]

    # Loop
    all_row = []
    for iwrest in wrest:
        mt = np.where(np.fabs(data['wrest'] - iwrest) < tol)[0]
        nm = len(mt)
        # Found?
        if nm == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'abs_line_data: {:.3f} not in our table {:s}'.format(
                    iwrest, datfil))
        elif nm == 1:
            # Grab
            raise ValueError(
                'abs_line_data: {:g} appears {:d} times in our table {:s}'.
                format(iwrest, nm, datfil))

    tab = data[all_row]

    # Return
    if ret_flg == 0:  # Dictionary(ies)
        adict = []
        for row in all_row:
            adict.append(dict(zip(data.dtype.names, data[row])))
        if len(wrest) == 1:
            return adict[0]
            return adict
    elif ret_flg == 1:
        return tab
        raise Exception('abs_line_data: Not ready for this..')
Example #30
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        if 'shape' in kwargs:
            self.shape = kwargs.pop('shape')
            if not isiterable(self.shape):
                raise ValueError("FlagCollection shape should be "
                                 "an iterable object")
            raise Exception("FlagCollection should be initialized with "
                            "the shape of the data")

        OrderedDict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
Example #31
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        if 'shape' in kwargs:
            self.shape = kwargs.pop('shape')
            if not isiterable(self.shape):
                raise ValueError("FlagCollection shape should be "
                                 "an iterable object")
            raise Exception("FlagCollection should be initialized with "
                            "the shape of the data")

        OrderedDict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
Example #32
    def __init__(self, P_min, P_max,
                 jitter=None, jitter_unit=None,
                 poly_trend=1, linear_par_Vinv=None,
                 anomaly_tol=1E-10, anomaly_maxiter=128):

        # the names of the default parameters
        self.default_params = ['P', 'M0', 'e', 'omega', 'jitter', 'K']

        self.poly_trend = int(poly_trend)
        self.default_params += ['v{0}'.format(i)
                                for i in range(self.poly_trend)]

        self.P_min = P_min
        self.P_max = P_max
        self.anomaly_tol = float(anomaly_tol)
        self.anomaly_maxiter = int(anomaly_maxiter)

        # K, then the linear parameters
        _n_linear = 1 + self.poly_trend
        if linear_par_Vinv is None:
            self.linear_par_Vinv = 1e-10 * np.eye(_n_linear)
            self.linear_par_Vinv = np.array(linear_par_Vinv)
            if self.linear_par_Vinv.shape != (_n_linear, _n_linear):
                raise ValueError("Linear parameter inverse variance prior must "
                                 "have shape ({0}, {0})".format(_n_linear))

        # validate the input jitter specification
        if jitter is None:
            jitter = 0 * u.km/u.s

        if isiterable(jitter):
            if len(jitter) != 2:
                raise ValueError("If specifying parameters for the jitter prior, you "
                                 "must pass in a length-2 container containing the "
                                 "mean and standard deviation of the Gaussian over "

            if jitter_unit is None or not isinstance(jitter_unit, u.UnitBase):
                raise TypeError("If specifying parameters for the jitter prior, you "
                                "must also specify the units of the jitter for "
                                "evaluating the prior as an astropy.units.UnitBase "

            self._fixed_jitter = False
            self._jitter_unit = jitter_unit
            self.jitter = jitter

            self._fixed_jitter = True
            self._jitter_unit = jitter.unit
            self.jitter = jitter
Example #33
def abs_line_data(wrest, datfil=None, ret_flg=0, tol=1e-3*u.AA):
    wrest : float or array
      -- Input wavelength (Ang)
    tol : float (1e-3)
      Tolerance for finding a match in wrest
    ret_flg : int (0)
      0: Return a dictionary
      1: Return an astropy Table
    # Data file
    if datfil == None:
        datfil = xa_path+'/data/atomic/spec_atomic_lines.fits'

    # Read
    global abs_data 
    if abs_data is None:
        abs_data = Table.read(datfil)

    if not isiterable(wrest):
        wrest = [wrest]

    # Loop
    all_row = []
    for iwrest in wrest:
        mt = np.where(np.fabs(abs_data['wrest']-iwrest) < tol)[0]
        nm = len(mt)
        # Found?
        if nm == 0:
            raise ValueError('abs_line_data: {:.3f} not in our table {:s}'.format(iwrest,datfil))
        elif nm == 1:
            # Grab
            raise ValueError('abs_line_data: {:g} appears {:d} times in our table {:s}'.format(

    tab = abs_data[all_row]

    # Return
    if ret_flg == 0: # Dictionary(ies)
        adict = []
        for row in all_row:
        if len(wrest) == 1:
            return adict[0]
            return adict
    elif ret_flg == 1:
        return tab
        raise Exception('abs_line_data: Not ready for this..')
Example #34
    def parallax_converter(x):
        x = np.asanyarray(x)
        d = 1 / x

        if isiterable(d):
            d[d < 0] = np.nan
            return d

            if d < 0:
                return np.array(np.nan)
                return d
Example #35
    def parallax_converter(x):
        x = np.asanyarray(x)
        d = 1 / x

        if isiterable(d):
            d[d < 0] = np.nan
            return d

            if d < 0:
                return np.array(np.nan)
                return d
Example #36
def get_m2_min(m1, mf):
    """Compute the minimum companion mass given the primary mass and the binary
    mass function.

    m1 : quantity_like [mass]
        Primary mass.
    mf : quantity_like [mass]
        Binary mass function.

    m2_min : `~astropy.units.Quantity` [mass]
        The minimum companion mass.
    from scipy.optimize import root

    mf = mf.to(m1.unit)
    if isiterable(m1) and isiterable(mf):
        m2s = []
        for x, y in zip(m1, mf):
                res = root(_m2_func, x0=10., args=(x.value, 1., y.value))
                if not res.success:
                    raise RuntimeError('Unsuccessful')
            except Exception as e:
        return m2s * m1.unit

        res = root(_m2_func, x0=10., args=(m1.value, 1., mf.value))

        if res.success:
            return res.x[0] * m1.unit
            return np.nan * m1.unit
Example #37
def get_m2_min(m1, mf):
    mf = mf.to(m1.unit)
    if isiterable(m1) and isiterable(mf):
        m2s = []
        for x, y in zip(m1, mf):
                res = root(m2_func, x0=10., args=(x.value, 1., y.value))
                if not res.success:
                    raise RuntimeError('Unsuccessful')
            except Exception as e:
                logger.debug('Failed to compute m2_min for sample: {0}'.format(
        return m2s * m1.unit

        res = root(m2_func, x0=10., args=(m1.value, 1., mf.value))

        if res.success:
            return res.x[0] * m1.unit
            return np.nan * m1.unit
Example #38
 def _quantitiesToValue(quantity):
     if isiterable(quantity):
         if isinstance(quantity[0], Quantity):
             value = np.array(
                 [quantity[i].si.value for i in range(len(quantity))])
             value = value = np.array(
                 [quantity[i] for i in range(len(quantity))])
         if isinstance(quantity, Quantity):
             value = quantity.si.value
             value = quantity
     return value
Example #39
def wcs_from_spec_footprints(wcslist, refwcs=None, transform=None, domain=None):
    Create a WCS from a list of spatial/spectral WCS.

    Build-7 workaround.
    if not isiterable(wcslist):
        raise ValueError("Expected 'wcslist' to be an iterable of gwcs.WCS")
    if not all([isinstance(w, WCS) for w in wcslist]):
        raise TypeError("All items in 'wcslist' must have instance of gwcs.WCS")
    if refwcs is None:
        refwcs = wcslist[0]
        if not isinstance(refwcs, WCS):
            raise TypeError("Expected refwcs to be an instance of gwcs.WCS.")
    # TODO: generalize an approach to do this for more than one wcs.  For
    # now, we just do it for one, using the api for a list of wcs.
    # Compute a fiducial point for the output frame at center of input data
    fiducial = compute_spec_fiducial(wcslist, domain=domain)
    # Create transform for output frame
    transform = compute_spec_transform(fiducial, refwcs)
    output_frame = refwcs.output_frame
    wnew = WCS(output_frame=output_frame, forward_transform=transform)

    # Build the domain in the output frame wcs object by running the input wcs
    # footprints through the backward transform of the output wcs
    sky = [spec_footprint(w) for w in wcslist]
    domain_grid = [wnew.backward_transform(*f) for f in sky]

    sky0 = sky[0]
    det = domain_grid[0]
    offsets = []
    input_frame = refwcs.input_frame
    for axis in input_frame.axes_order:
        axis_min = np.nanmin(det[axis])
    transform = Shift(offsets[0]) & Shift(offsets[1]) | transform
    wnew = WCS(output_frame=output_frame, input_frame=input_frame,

    domain = []
    for axis in input_frame.axes_order:
        axis_min = np.nanmin(domain_grid[0][axis])
        axis_max = np.nanmax(domain_grid[0][axis]) + 1
        domain.append({'lower': axis_min, 'upper': axis_max,
            'includes_lower': True, 'includes_upper': False})
    wnew.domain = domain
    return wnew
Example #40
    def from_table(cls, table, dispersion_column='dispersion',
                   flux_column='flux', uncertainty_column=None,
        Initializes a `Spectrum1D`-object from an `~astropy.table.Table` object


        table : ~astropy.table.Table object

        dispersion_column : str, optional
            name of the dispersion column. default is 'dispersion'

        flux_column : str, optional
            name of the flux column. default is 'flux'

        uncertainty_column : str, optional
            name of the uncertainty column. If set to None uncertainty is set to None. default is None

        flag_columns : str or list, optional
            name or names of flag columns. If multiple names are supplied a ~astropy.nddata.FlagCollection will be built.
            default is None

        flux = table[flux_column]
        dispersion = table[dispersion_column]

        if uncertainty_column is not None:
            uncertainty = table[uncertainty_column]
            if uncertainty.unit != flux.unit:
                log.warning('"uncertainty"-column and "flux"-column do not share the units (%s vs %s) ',
                            uncertainty.unit, flux.unit)
            uncertainty = None

        if isinstance(flag_columns, six.string_types):
            flags = table[flag_columns]
        elif misc.isiterable(flag_columns):
            flags = FlagCollection(shape=flux.shape)
            for flag_column in flag_columns:
                flags[flag_column] = table[flag_column]
            raise ValueError('flag_columns should either be a string or a list (or iterable) of strings')

        return cls.from_array(flux=flux.data, dispersion=dispersion.data,
                              uncertainty=uncertainty, dispersion_unit=dispersion.units,
                              unit=flux.units, mask=table.mask, flags=flags,
Example #41
def _constantrotating_static_helper(frame_r, frame_i, w, t=None, sign=1.):
    # TODO: use representation arithmetic instead
    Omega = -frame_r.parameters['Omega'].decompose(frame_i.units).value

    if not isinstance(w, Orbit) and t is None:
        raise ValueError("Time array must be provided if not passing an "
                         "Orbit subclass.")

    if t is None:
        t = w.t

    elif not hasattr(t, 'unit'):
        t = t * frame_i.units['time']

    if t is None:
        raise ValueError('Time must be supplied either through the input '
                         'Orbit class instance or through the t argument.')
    t = t.decompose(frame_i.units).value

    # HACK: this is a little bit crazy...this makes it so that !=3D
    #   representations will work here
    if hasattr(w.pos, 'xyz'):
        pos = w.pos
        vel = w.vel
        cart = w.cartesian
        pos = cart.pos
        vel = cart.vel

    pos = pos.xyz.decompose(frame_i.units).value
    vel = vel.d_xyz.decompose(frame_i.units).value

    # get rotation angle, axis vs. time
    if isiterable(Omega):  # 3D
        vec = Omega / np.linalg.norm(Omega)
        theta = np.linalg.norm(Omega) * t

        x_i2r = rodrigues_axis_angle_rotate(pos, vec, sign * theta)
        v_i2r = rodrigues_axis_angle_rotate(vel, vec, sign * theta)

    else:  # 2D
        vec = Omega * np.array([0, 0, 1.])
        theta = sign * Omega * t

        x_i2r = z_angle_rotate(pos, theta)
        v_i2r = z_angle_rotate(vel, theta)

    return x_i2r * frame_i.units['length'], v_i2r * frame_i.units[
        'length'] / frame_i.units['time']
Example #42
    def test_properties(self):
        props = source_properties(IMAGE, SEGM)
        assert props[0].id == 1
        assert_quantity_allclose(props[0].xcentroid, XCEN * u.pix, rtol=1.e-2)
        assert_quantity_allclose(props[0].ycentroid, YCEN * u.pix, rtol=1.e-2)
        assert_allclose(props[0].source_sum, IMAGE[IMAGE >= THRESHOLD].sum())
                                 MAJOR_SIG * u.pix,
                                 MINOR_SIG * u.pix,
                                 THETA * u.rad,
        assert_allclose(props[0].bbox.value, [35, 25, 70, 77])
        assert_quantity_allclose(props[0].area, 1058.0 * u.pix**2)
        assert_allclose(len(props[0].values), props[0].area.value)
        assert_allclose(len(props[0].coords), 2)
        assert_allclose(len(props[0].coords[0]), props[0].area.value)

        properties = [
            'background_at_centroid', 'background_mean', 'eccentricity',
            'ellipticity', 'elongation', 'equivalent_radius', 'max_value',
            'maxval_xpos', 'maxval_ypos', 'min_value', 'minval_xpos',
            'minval_ypos', 'perimeter', 'cxx', 'cxy', 'cyy', 'covar_sigx2',
            'covar_sigxy', 'covar_sigy2', 'xmax', 'xmin', 'ymax', 'ymin'
        for propname in properties:
            assert not isiterable(getattr(props[0], propname))

        properties = [
            'centroid', 'covariance_eigvals', 'cutout_centroid',
            'maxval_cutout_pos', 'minval_cutout_pos'
        shapes = [getattr(props[0], p).shape for p in properties]
        for shape in shapes:
            assert shape == (2, )

        properties = ['covariance', 'inertia_tensor']
        shapes = [getattr(props[0], p).shape for p in properties]
        for shape in shapes:
            assert shape == (2, 2)

        properties = ['moments', 'moments_central']
        shapes = [getattr(props[0], p).shape for p in properties]
        for shape in shapes:
            assert shape == (4, 4)
Example #43
def _constantrotating_static_helper(frame_r, frame_i, w, t=None, sign=1.):
    # TODO: use representation arithmetic instead
    Omega = -frame_r.parameters['Omega'].decompose(frame_i.units).value

    if not isinstance(w, Orbit) and t is None:
        raise ValueError("Time array must be provided if not passing an "
                         "Orbit subclass.")

    if t is None:
        t = w.t

    elif not hasattr(t, 'unit'):
        t = t * frame_i.units['time']

    if t is None:
        raise ValueError('Time must be supplied either through the input '
                         'Orbit class instance or through the t argument.')
    t = t.decompose(frame_i.units).value

    # HACK: this is a little bit crazy...this makes it so that !=3D
    #   representations will work here
    if hasattr(w.pos, 'xyz'):
        pos = w.pos
        vel = w.vel
        cart = w.cartesian
        pos = cart.pos
        vel = cart.vel

    pos = pos.xyz.decompose(frame_i.units).value
    vel = vel.d_xyz.decompose(frame_i.units).value

    # get rotation angle, axis vs. time
    if isiterable(Omega): # 3D
        vec = Omega / np.linalg.norm(Omega)
        theta = np.linalg.norm(Omega) * t

        x_i2r = rodrigues_axis_angle_rotate(pos, vec, sign*theta)
        v_i2r = rodrigues_axis_angle_rotate(vel, vec, sign*theta)

    else: # 2D
        vec = Omega * np.array([0,0,1.])
        theta = sign * Omega * t

        x_i2r = z_angle_rotate(pos, theta)
        v_i2r = z_angle_rotate(vel, theta)

    return x_i2r * frame_i.units['length'], v_i2r * frame_i.units['length']/frame_i.units['time']
Example #44
    def test_properties(self):
        props = source_properties(IMAGE, SEGM)
        assert props[0].id == 1
        assert_quantity_allclose(props[0].xcentroid, XCEN*u.pix,
        assert_quantity_allclose(props[0].ycentroid, YCEN*u.pix,
        assert_allclose(props[0].source_sum, IMAGE[IMAGE >= THRESHOLD].sum())
                                 MAJOR_SIG*u.pix, rtol=1.e-2)
                                 MINOR_SIG*u.pix, rtol=1.e-2)
        assert_quantity_allclose(props[0].orientation, THETA*u.rad,
        assert_allclose(props[0].bbox.value, [35, 25, 70, 77])
        assert_quantity_allclose(props[0].area, 1058.0*u.pix**2)
        assert_allclose(len(props[0].values), props[0].area.value)
        assert_allclose(len(props[0].coords), 2)
        assert_allclose(len(props[0].coords[0]), props[0].area.value)

        properties = ['background_at_centroid', 'background_mean',
                      'eccentricity', 'ellipticity', 'elongation',
                      'equivalent_radius', 'max_value', 'maxval_xpos',
                      'maxval_ypos', 'min_value', 'minval_xpos',
                      'minval_ypos', 'perimeter', 'cxx', 'cxy', 'cyy',
                      'covar_sigx2', 'covar_sigxy', 'covar_sigy2', 'xmax',
                      'xmin', 'ymax', 'ymin']
        for propname in properties:
            assert not isiterable(getattr(props[0], propname))

        properties = ['centroid', 'covariance_eigvals', 'cutout_centroid',
                      'maxval_cutout_pos', 'minval_cutout_pos']
        shapes = [getattr(props[0], p).shape for p in properties]
        for shape in shapes:
            assert shape == (2,)

        properties = ['covariance', 'inertia_tensor']
        shapes = [getattr(props[0], p).shape for p in properties]
        for shape in shapes:
            assert shape == (2, 2)

        properties = ['moments', 'moments_central']
        shapes = [getattr(props[0], p).shape for p in properties]
        for shape in shapes:
            assert shape == (4, 4)
Example #45
def _prepare_data(data, error=None, effective_gain=None, background=None):
    Prepare the data, error, and background arrays.

    If any of ``data``, ``error``, and ``background`` have units, then
    they all are checked that they have units and the units are the

    If ``effective_gain`` is input, then the total error array including
    source Poisson noise is calculated.

    If ``background`` is input, then it is returned as a 2D array with
    the same shape as ``data`` (if necessary).  It is *not* subtracted
    from the input ``data``.

    ``data``, ``error``, and ``background`` must all have the same units
    if they are `~astropy.units.Quantity`\s.

    If ``effective_gain`` is a `~astropy.units.Quantity`, then it must
    have units such that ``effective_gain * data`` is in units of counts
    (e.g. counts, electrons, or photons).

    inputs = [data, error, background]

    # generate a 2D background array, if necessary
    if background is not None:
        if not isiterable(background):
            background = np.zeros(data.shape) + background
            if background.shape != data.shape:
                raise ValueError('If input background is 2D, then it must '
                                 'have the same shape as the input data.')

    if error is not None:
        if data.shape != error.shape:
            raise ValueError('data and error must have the same shape')
        if effective_gain is not None:
            error = calc_total_error(data, error, effective_gain)

    return data, error, background
Example #46
    def check_request(self, requests):
        Check the status of a request and print out a message about it.

        requests :  `~drms.ExportRequest` object or
                   a list of  `~drms.ExportRequest` objects,
                   returned by `~sunpy.net.jsoc.jsoc.JSOCClient.request_data`

        status : `int` or `list`
            A status or list of status' that were returned by JSOC.

        # Convert IDs to a list if not already
        if not isiterable(requests) or isinstance(requests, drms.ExportRequest):
            requests = [requests]

        allstatus = []
        for request in requests:
            status = request.status

            if status == request._status_code_ok:  # Data ready to download
                print("Request {0} was exported at {1} and is ready to "
            elif status in request._status_codes_pending:
                print_message = "Request {0} was submitted {1} seconds ago, "\
                                "it is not ready to download."
                print_message = "Request returned status: {0} with error: {1}"
                json_status = request.status
                json_error = request._d.get('error', '')
                print(print_message.format(json_status, json_error))


        if len(allstatus) == 1:
            return allstatus[0]
        return allstatus
def _prepare_data(data, error=None, effective_gain=None, background=None):
    Prepare the data, error, and background arrays.

    If any of ``data``, ``error``, and ``background`` have units, then
    they all are checked that they have units and the units are the

    If ``effective_gain`` is input, then the total error array including
    source Poisson noise is calculated.

    If ``background`` is input, then it is returned as a 2D array with
    the same shape as ``data`` (if necessary).  It is *not* subtracted
    from the input ``data``.

    ``data``, ``error``, and ``background`` must all have the same units
    if they are `~astropy.units.Quantity`\s.

    If ``effective_gain`` is a `~astropy.units.Quantity`, then it must
    have units such that ``effective_gain * data`` is in units of counts
    (e.g. counts, electrons, or photons).

    inputs = [data, error, background]

    # generate a 2D background array, if necessary
    if background is not None:
        if not isiterable(background):
            background = np.zeros(data.shape) + background
            if background.shape != data.shape:
                raise ValueError('If input background is 2D, then it must '
                                 'have the same shape as the input data.')

    if error is not None:
        if data.shape != error.shape:
            raise ValueError('data and error must have the same shape')
        if effective_gain is not None:
            error = calc_total_error(data, error, effective_gain)

    return data, error, background
Example #48
File: jsoc.py Project: bwgref/sunpy
    def check_request(self, requests):
        Check the status of a request and print out a message about it.

        requests :  `~drms.ExportRequest` object or
                   a list of  `~drms.ExportRequest` objects,
                   returned by `~sunpy.net.jsoc.jsoc.JSOCClient.request_data`

        status : `int` or `list`
            A status or list of status' that were returned by JSOC.

        # Convert IDs to a list if not already
        if not isiterable(requests) or isinstance(requests, drms.ExportRequest):
            requests = [requests]

        allstatus = []
        for request in requests:
            status = request.status

            if status == request._status_code_ok:  # Data ready to download
                print("Request {0} was exported at {1} and is ready to "
            elif status in request._status_codes_pending:
                print_message = "Request {0} was submitted {1} seconds ago, "\
                                "it is not ready to download."
                print_message = "Request returned status: {0} with error: {1}"
                json_status = request.status
                json_error = request._d.get('error', '')
                print(print_message.format(json_status, json_error))


        if len(allstatus) == 1:
            return allstatus[0]
        return allstatus
Example #49
def ion_name(ion,flg=0,nspace=None):
    """ Convert ion into a string
    JXP on 16 Nov 2014

    ion: tuple (Z,ion)
    nspace: int  (0)
      Number of spaces to insert

    name : string
      e.g. Si II, {\rm Si}^{+}
    if isiterable(ion): 
        elm = ELEMENTS[ion[0]]
        str_elm = elm.symbol
        raise ValueError('ionization.ion_name: Not ready for this input yet.')

    # Ion state
    if flg == 0: # Roman
        if nspace is None: nspace = 0
        str_ion = roman.toRoman(ion[1]) 
        spc = ' '*nspace
        outp = str_elm+spc+str_ion
    elif flg == 1: # LaTeX
        if ion[1] == 0:
            raise ValueError('ionization.ion_name: Not ready for this input yet.')
        elif ion[1] == 1:
            str_ion = '^0'
        elif ion[1] == 2:
            str_ion = '^{+}'
        elif ion[1] == 3:
            str_ion = '^{++}'
            str_ion = '^{+'+str(ion[1]-1)+'}'
        outp = '{\\rm '+str_elm+'}'+str_ion
        raise ValueError('ionization.ion_name: Not ready for this flg.')

    return outp
Example #50
File: jsoc.py Project: lamby/sunpy
    def check_request(self, requestIDs):
        Check the status of a request and print out a message about it

        requestIDs : list or string
            A list of requestIDs to check

        status : list
            A list of status' that were returned by JSOC
        # Convert IDs to a list if not already
        if not isiterable(requestIDs) or isinstance(requestIDs,
            requestIDs = [requestIDs]

        allstatus = []
        for request_id in requestIDs:
            u = self._request_status(request_id)
            status = int(u.json()['status'])

            if status == 0:  # Data ready to download
                print("Request {0} was exported at {1} and is ready to "
            elif status == 1:
                print_message = "Request {0} was submitted {1} seconds ago, " \
                                "it is not ready to download."
                print_message = "Request returned status: {0} with error: {1}"
                json_status = u.json()['status']
                json_error = u.json()['error']
                print(print_message.format(json_status, json_error))


        return allstatus
Example #51
def abund(Z,dat_file=None,table=None):
    """ Report back the solar abundance

    Z: int or string (can be an array of either)
      Atomic number or name

    out_abnd : float (scalar or an array)
      Solar abundance.  Meteoritic if available.

    JXP on 21 Nov 2014
    if table is None:
        # Data file
        if dat_file is None:
            dat_file = xa_path+'/data/abund/solar_Apslund09.dat'
        # Read table
        names=('name', 'abund', 'Z')
        table = ascii.read(dat_file, format='no_header', names=names) 

    # Iterate?
    if isiterable(Z): 
        out_abnd = []
        for iZ in Z:
        out_abnd = np.array(out_abnd)
        if isinstance(Z,int):
            idx = np.where( table['Z'] == Z )[0]
            if len(idx) == 0:
                raise ValueError('abund.solar.abund: Z={:d} not in {:s}'.format(Z,dat_file))
            out_abnd = table['abund'][idx[0]]
            raise ValueError('abund.solar.abund: Not ready for this input yet.')

    return out_abnd
Example #52
    def check_request(self, requestIDs):
        Check the status of a request and print out a message about it

        requestIDs : list or string
            A list of requestIDs to check

        status : list
            A list of status' that were returned by JSOC
        # Convert IDs to a list if not already
        if not isiterable(requestIDs) or isinstance(requestIDs, six.string_types):
            requestIDs = [requestIDs]

        allstatus = []
        for request_id in requestIDs:
            u = self._request_status(request_id)
            status = int(u.json()['status'])

            if status == 0:  # Data ready to download
                print("Request {0} was exported at {1} and is ready to "
            elif status == 1:
                print_message = "Request {0} was submitted {1} seconds ago, " \
                                "it is not ready to download."
                print_message = "Request returned status: {0} with error: {1}"
                json_status = u.json()['status']
                json_error = u.json()['error']
                print(print_message.format(json_status, json_error))


        return allstatus
Example #53
    def to_tree_transform(cls, model, ctx):
        node = OrderedDict()
        if isinstance(model, LabelMapperArray):
            node['mapper'] = model.mapper
        if isinstance(model, (LabelMapperDict, LabelMapperRange)):
            mapper = OrderedDict()
            labels = list(model.mapper)

            transforms = []
            for k in labels:
            if isiterable(labels[0]):
                labels = [list(l) for l in labels]
            mapper['labels'] = labels
            mapper['models'] = transforms
            node['mapper'] = mapper
            node['inputs'] = list(model.inputs)
        if model.inputs_mapping is not None:
            node['inputs_mapping'] = model.inputs_mapping

        return yamlutil.custom_tree_to_tagged_tree(node, ctx)
Example #54
    def physical_distance(self,z):
        """ Physical line-of-sight distance in Mpc at a given redshift.

        z : array_like
          Input redshifts.  Must be 1D or scalar.

        d : ndarray, or float if input scalar
          Physical distance in Mpc to each input redshift.

        from astropy import units as u
        from astropy import constants as const

        if not isiterable(z):
            return self.lookback_time(z) * const.c.to(u.Mpc/u.Gyr)

        out = ( [(self.lookback_time(redshift)*const.c.to(u.Mpc/u.Gyr))
                 for redshift in z] )
        return u.Mpc * np.array( [tmp.value for tmp in out] )
Example #55
def wcs_from_footprints(wcslist, refwcs=None, transform=None, domain=None):
    Create a WCS from a list of WCS objects.

    A fiducial point in the output coordinate frame is created from  the
    footprints of all WCS objects. For a spatial frame this is the center
    of the union of the footprints. For a spectral frame the fiducial is in
    the beginning of the footprint range.
    If ``refwcs`` is not specified, the first WCS object in the list is considered
    a reference. The output coordinate frame and projection (for celestial frames)
    is taken from ``refwcs``.
    If ``transform`` is not suplied, a compound transform comprised of
    scaling and rotation is copied from ``refwcs``.
    If ``domain`` is not supplied, the domain of the new WCS is computed
    from the domains of all input WCSs

    wcslist : list of `~gwcs.wcs.WCS`
        A list of WCS objects.
    refwcs : `~gwcs.wcs.WCS`, optional
        Reference WCS. The output coordinate frame, the projection and a
        scaling and rotation transform is created from it. If not supplied
        the first WCS in the list is used as ``refwcs``.
    transform : `~astropy.modeling.core.Model`, optional
        A transform, passed to :class_method:`~gwcs.WCS.wcs_from_fiducial`
        If not supplied Scaling | Rotation is computed from ``refwcs``.
    domain : list of dicts, optional
        Domain of the new WCS.
        If not supplied it is computed from the domain of all inputs.
    if not isiterable(wcslist):
        raise ValueError("Expected 'wcslist' to be an iterable of WCS objects.")
    if not all([isinstance(w, WCS) for w in wcslist]):
        raise TypeError("All items in wcslist are expected to be instances of gwcs.WCS.")
    if refwcs is None:
        refwcs = wcslist[0]
        if not isinstance(refwcs, WCS):
            raise TypeError("Expected refwcs to be an instance of gwcs.WCS.")

    fiducial = compute_fiducial(wcslist, domain)
    prj = np.array([isinstance(m, projections.Projection) for m \
                    in refwcs.forward_transform]).nonzero()[0]
    if prj:
        # TODO: Fix the compound model indexing with numpy integers in astropy.
        # Remove the work around this issues from here.
        prj = refwcs.forward_transform[int(prj[0])]
        prj = None
    trans = []
    scales = [m for m in refwcs.forward_transform if isinstance(m, astmodels.Scale)]
    if scales:
        trans.append(functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x & y, scales))
    rotation = [m for m in refwcs.forward_transform if \
                isinstance(m, astmodels.AffineTransformation2D)]
    if rotation:
    if trans:
        tr = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, trans)
        tr = None
    out_frame = getattr(refwcs, getattr(refwcs, 'output_frame'))
    wnew = wcs_from_fiducial(fiducial, coordinate_frame=out_frame,
                             projection=prj, transform=tr)

    #domain_bounds = np.hstack([gwutils._domain_to_bounds(d) for d in \
    #[w.domain for w in wcslist]])
    domain_footprints = [w.footprint() for w in wcslist]
    domain_bounds = np.hstack([wnew.backward_transform(*f) for f in domain_footprints])
    for axs in domain_bounds:
        axs -= axs.min()
    domain = []
    for axis in out_frame.axes_order:
        axis_min, axis_max = domain_bounds[axis].min(), domain_bounds[axis].max()
        domain.append({'lower': axis_min, 'upper': axis_max,
                       'includes_lower': True, 'includes_upper': True})

    wnew.domain = domain
    return wnew
Example #56
def animate_source(source, label=None, fps=30, length=20.,
                   phase_range=(None, None), wave_range=(None, None),
                   match_peakphase=True, match_peakflux=True,
                   peakwave=4000., fname=None, still=False):
    """Animate spectral timeseries of model(s) using matplotlib.animation.

    *Note:* Requires matplotlib v1.1 or higher.

    source : `~sncosmo.Source` or str or iterable thereof
        The Source to animate or list of sources to animate.
    label : str or list of str, optional
        If given, label(s) for Sources, to be displayed in a legend on
        the animation.
    fps : int, optional
        Frames per second. Default is 30.
    length : float, optional
        Movie length in seconds. Default is 15.
    phase_range : (float, float), optional
        Phase range to plot (in the timeframe of the first source if multiple
        sources are given). `None` indicates to use the maximum extent of the
    wave_range : (float, float), optional
        Wavelength range to plot. `None` indicates to use the maximum extent
        of the source(s).
    match_peakflux : bool, optional
        For multiple sources, scale fluxes so that the peak of the spectrum
        at the peak matches that of the first source. Default is
    match_peakphase : bool, optional
        For multiple sources, shift additional sources so that the source's
        reference phase matches that of the first source.
    peakwave : float, optional
        Wavelength used in match_peakflux and match_peakphase. Default is
    fname : str, optional
        If not `None`, save animation to file `fname`. Requires ffmpeg
        to be installed with the appropriate codecs: If `fname` has
        the extension '.mp4' the libx264 codec is used. If the
        extension is '.webm' the VP8 codec is used. Otherwise, the
        'mpeg4' codec is used. The first frame is also written to a
    still : bool, optional
        When writing to a file, also save the first frame as a png file.
        This is useful for displaying videos on a webpage.

    ani : `~matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation`
        Animation object that can be shown or saved.

    Compare the salt2 and hsiao sources:

    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> ani = animate_source(['salt2', 'hsiao'],  phase_range=(None, 30.),
    ...                      wave_range=(2000., 9200.))  # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> plt.show()  # doctest: +SKIP

    Compare the salt2 source with ``x1=1`` to the same source with ``x1=0.``:

    >>> m1 = sncosmo.get_source('salt2')  # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> m1.set(x1=1.)                     # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> m2 = sncosmo.get_source('salt2')  # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> m2.set(x1=0.)                     # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> ani = animate_source([m1, m2], label=['salt2, x1=1', 'salt2, x1=0'])
    ... # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> plt.show()                        # doctest: +SKIP

    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib import animation

    # Convert input to a list (if it isn't already).
    if (not isiterable(source)) or isinstance(source, six.string_types):
        sources = [source]
        sources = source

    # Check that all entries are Source or strings.
    for m in sources:
        if not (isinstance(m, six.string_types) or isinstance(m, Source)):
            raise ValueError('str or Source instance expected for '
    sources = [get_source(m) for m in sources]

    # Get the source labels
    if label is None:
        labels = [None] * len(sources)
    elif isinstance(label, six.string_types):
        labels = [label]
        labels = label
    if len(labels) != len(sources):
        raise ValueError('if given, length of label must match '
                         'that of source')

    # Get a wavelength array for each source.
    waves = [np.arange(m.minwave(), m.maxwave(), 10.) for m in sources]

    # Phase offsets needed to match peak phases.
    peakphases = [m.peakphase(peakwave) for m in sources]
    if match_peakphase:
        phase_offsets = [p - peakphases[0] for p in peakphases]
        phase_offsets = [0.] * len(sources)

    # Determine phase range to display.
    minphase, maxphase = phase_range
    if minphase is None:
        minphase = min([sources[i].minphase() - phase_offsets[i] for
                        i in range(len(sources))])
    if maxphase is None:
        maxphase = max([sources[i].maxphase() - phase_offsets[i] for
                        i in range(len(sources))])

    # Determine the wavelength range to display.
    minwave, maxwave = wave_range
    if minwave is None:
        minwave = min([m.minwave() for m in sources])
    if maxwave is None:
        maxwave = max([m.maxwave() for m in sources])

    # source time interval between frames
    phase_interval = (maxphase - minphase) / (length * fps)

    # maximum flux density of entire spectrum at the peak phase
    # for each source
    max_fluxes = [np.max(m.flux(phase, w))
                  for m, phase, w in zip(sources, peakphases, waves)]

    # scaling factors
    if match_peakflux:
        peakfluxes = [m.flux(phase, peakwave)  # Not the same as max_fluxes!
                      for m, phase in zip(sources, peakphases)]
        scaling_factors = [peakfluxes[0] / f for f in peakfluxes]
        global_max_flux = max_fluxes[0]
        scaling_factors = [1.] * len(sources)
        global_max_flux = max(max_fluxes)

    ymin = -0.06 * global_max_flux
    ymax = 1.1 * global_max_flux

    # Set up the figure, the axis, and the plot element we want to animate
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = plt.axes(xlim=(minwave, maxwave), ylim=(ymin, ymax))
    plt.axhline(y=0., c='k')
    plt.xlabel('Wavelength ($\\AA$)')
    plt.ylabel('Flux Density ($F_\lambda$)')
    phase_text = ax.text(0.05, 0.95, '', ha='left', va='top',
    empty_lists = 2 * len(sources) * [[]]
    lines = ax.plot(*empty_lists, lw=1)
    if label is not None:
        for line, l in zip(lines, labels):
        legend = plt.legend(loc='upper right')

    def init():
        for line in lines:
            line.set_data([], [])
        return tuple(lines) + (phase_text,)

    def animate(i):
        current_phase = minphase + phase_interval * i
        for j in range(len(sources)):
            y = sources[j].flux(current_phase + phase_offsets[j], waves[j])
            lines[j].set_data(waves[j], y * scaling_factors[j])
        phase_text.set_text('phase = {0:.1f}'.format(current_phase))
        return tuple(lines) + (phase_text,)

    ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
                                  frames=int(fps*length), interval=(1000./fps),

    # Save the animation as an mp4 or webm file.
    # This requires that ffmpeg is installed.
    if fname is not None:
        if still:
            i = fname.rfind('.')
            stillfname = fname[:i] + '.png'
        ext = fname[i+1:]
        codec = {'mp4': 'libx264', 'webm': 'libvpx'}.get(ext, 'mpeg4')
        ani.save(fname, fps=fps, codec=codec, extra_args=['-vcodec', codec],
                 writer='ffmpeg_file', bitrate=1800)
        return ani
Example #57
def calc_total_error(data, bkg_error, effective_gain):
    Calculate a total error array, combining a background-only error
    array with the Poisson noise of sources.

    data : array_like or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The data array.

    bkg_error : array_like or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The pixel-wise Gaussian 1-sigma background-only errors of the
        input ``data``.  ``error`` should include all sources of
        "background" error but *exclude* the Poisson error of the
        sources.  ``error`` must have the same shape as ``data``.

    effective_gain : float, array-like, or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Ratio of counts (e.g., electrons or photons) to the units of
        ``data`` used to calculate the Poisson error of the sources.

    total_error : `~numpy.ndarray` or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The total error array.  If ``data``, ``bkg_error``, and
        ``effective_gain`` are all `~astropy.units.Quantity` objects,
        then ``total_error`` will also be returned as a
        `~astropy.units.Quantity` object.  Otherwise, a `~numpy.ndarray`
        will be returned.

    To use units, ``data``, ``bkg_error``, and ``effective_gain`` must *all*
    be `~astropy.units.Quantity` objects.  A `ValueError` will be raised if
    only some of the inputs are `~astropy.units.Quantity` objects.

    The total error array, :math:`\sigma_{\mathrm{tot}}` is:

    .. math:: \\sigma_{\\mathrm{tot}} = \\sqrt{\\sigma_{\\mathrm{b}}^2 +

    where :math:`\sigma_b`, :math:`I`, and :math:`g` are the background
    ``bkg_error`` image, ``data`` image, and ``effective_gain``,

    Pixels where ``data`` (:math:`I_i)` is negative do not contribute
    additional Poisson noise to the total error, i.e.
    :math:`\sigma_{\mathrm{tot}, i} = \sigma_{\mathrm{b}, i}`.  Note
    that this is different from `SExtractor`_, which sums the total
    variance in the segment, including pixels where :math:`I_i` is
    negative.  In such cases, `SExtractor`_ underestimates the total
    errors.  Also note that ``data`` should be background-subtracted to
    match SExtractor's errors.

    ``effective_gain`` can either be a scalar value or a 2D image with
    the same shape as the ``data``.  A 2D image is useful with mosaic
    images that have variable depths (i.e., exposure times) across the
    field. For example, one should use an exposure-time map as the
    ``effective_gain`` for a variable depth mosaic image in count-rate

    If your input ``data`` are in units of ADU, then ``effective_gain``
    should represent electrons/ADU.  If your input ``data`` are in units
    of electrons/s then ``effective_gain`` should be the exposure time
    or an exposure time map (e.g., for mosaics with non-uniform exposure

    .. _SExtractor: http://www.astromatic.net/software/sextractor

    data = np.asanyarray(data)
    bkg_error = np.asanyarray(bkg_error)

    inputs = [data, bkg_error, effective_gain]
    has_unit = [hasattr(x, 'unit') for x in inputs]
    use_units = all(has_unit)
    if any(has_unit) and not all(has_unit):
        raise ValueError('If any of data, bkg_error, or effective_gain has '
                         'units, then they all must all have units.')

    if use_units:
        count_units = [u.electron, u.photon]
        datagain_unit = (data * effective_gain).unit
        if datagain_unit not in count_units:
            raise u.UnitsError('(data * effective_gain) has units of "{0}", '
                               'but it must have count units (u.electron '
                               'or u.photon).'.format(datagain_unit))

    if not isiterable(effective_gain):
        effective_gain = np.zeros(data.shape) + effective_gain
        effective_gain = np.asanyarray(effective_gain)
        if effective_gain.shape != data.shape:
            raise ValueError('If input effective_gain is 2D, then it must '
                             'have the same shape as the input data.')
    if np.any(effective_gain <= 0):
        raise ValueError('effective_gain must be strictly positive '

    if use_units:
        source_variance = np.maximum((data * data.unit) /
                                     0. * bkg_error.unit**2)
        source_variance = np.maximum(data / effective_gain, 0)

    return np.sqrt(bkg_error**2 + source_variance)
Example #58
def read_spec(ispec, exten=None, norm=True, **kwargs):
    """Parse spectrum out of the input

    If 2 spectra are given, the 2nd is scaled to the first

    ispec : XSpectrum1D, str, list of files (ordered blue to red),
       or tuple of arrays
    exten : int, optional
      FITS extension

    spec : XSpectrum1D
    spec_file : str
    from linetools.spectra import xspectrum1d as lsx
    from linetools.spectra import utils as ltsu
    from astropy.utils.misc import isiterable
    if isinstance(ispec,basestring):
        spec_fil = ispec
        if 'rsp_kwargs' in kwargs.keys():
            spec = lsx.XSpectrum1D.from_file(spec_fil, exten=exten, **kwargs['rsp_kwargs'])
            spec = lsx.XSpectrum1D.from_file(spec_fil, exten=exten)
    elif isinstance(ispec, lsx.XSpectrum1D):
        spec = ispec
        spec_fil = spec.filename  # Grab from Spectrum1D
    elif isinstance(ispec,tuple):
        spec = lsx.XSpectrum1D.from_tuple(ispec)
        spec_fil = 'none'
    elif isinstance(ispec,list): # Multiple file names
        # Loop on the files
        for kk,ispecf in enumerate(ispec):
            if isiterable(exten):
                iexten = exten[kk]
                iexten = exten
            jspec = lsx.XSpectrum1D.from_file(ispecf, exten=iexten)
            if kk == 0:
                spec = jspec
                _, xper1 = ltsp.get_flux_plotrange(spec.flux, perc=0.9)
                # Scale flux for convenience of plotting (sig is not scaled)
                _, xper2 = ltsp.get_flux_plotrange(jspec.flux, perc=0.9)
                scl = xper1/xper2
                # Splice
                #from PyQt4 import QtCore
                spec = ltsu.splice_two(spec, jspec)#, scale=scl)
            # Filename
            spec_fil = ispec[0]
        raise ValueError('Bad input to read_spec: {}'.format(type(ispec)))

    # Normalize?
    if norm:
        if spec.co_is_set:

    # Demand AA for wavelength unit (unless over-ridden)
    if spec.wavelength.unit != u.AA:
        wvAA = spec.wavelength.to('AA')
        spec.wavelength = wvAA
    #from PyQt4 import QtCore

    # Return
    return spec, spec_fil