def __init__(self, data, XWIN_IMAGE, YWIN_IMAGE, FLUX_AUTO, FLUXERR_AUTO, zscaleNsamp=200, zscaleContrast=1., minGoodVal=None): self.XWIN_IMAGE = XWIN_IMAGE self.YWIN_IMAGE = YWIN_IMAGE self.FLUX_AUTO = FLUX_AUTO self.FLUXERR_AUTO = FLUXERR_AUTO = data self.minGoodVal = minGoodVal mask = np.ones(, dtype=bool) if self.minGoodVal is not None: w = np.where( < self.minGoodVal) mask[w] = 0 zscale = ZScaleInterval(nsamples=zscaleNsamp, contrast=zscaleContrast) (self.z1, self.z2) = zscale.get_limits([mask]) self.normer = interval.ManualInterval(self.z1, self.z2) self._increment = 0
def plotCutoutsClass(pred, pos_x, pos_y, data, ind=0, cutSize=25, show=True, title=None): ui = np.arange(len(pos_x)) w = np.where(pred == ind) ui = ui[w] nsp = int(len(ui)**0.5) if nsp * nsp < len(ui): nsp += 1 nsp = min(nsp, 10) print(nsp, len(ui)) fig = pyl.figure('cutouts_' + str(ind)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nsp, nsp) j = 0 k = 0 npl = 0 for ii in range(len(ui)): x = int(pos_x[ui[ii]]) y = int(pos_y[ui[ii]]) cut = data[y - cutSize:y + cutSize + 1, x - cutSize:x + cutSize + 1] (z1, z2) = numdisplay.zscale.zscale(cut, contrast=0.5) normer = interval.ManualInterval(z1, z2) Cut = normer(cut) sp = pyl.subplot(gs[j, k]) sp.imshow(Cut) if j == 0 and k == int(nsp / 2): sp.set_title(title) j += 1 npl += 1 if j == nsp: j = 0 k += 1 if npl == nsp * nsp: break if show:
def plotCutoutsTree(resu, stree, pos_x, pos_y, data, ind=7, cutSize=25, show=True): ui = [] for j in range(len(resu[ind])): i0 = int(stree[resu[ind][j]][0]) i1 = int(stree[resu[ind][j]][1]) ui.append(i0) ui.append(i1) ui = np.unique(np.array(ui)) nsp = int(len(ui)**0.5) if nsp * nsp < len(ui): nsp += 1 fig = pyl.figure('cutouts_' + str(ind)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nsp, nsp) j = 0 k = 0 npl = 0 for ii in range(len(ui)): x = int(pos_x[ui[ii]]) y = int(pos_y[ui[ii]]) cut = data[y - cutSize:y + cutSize + 1, x - cutSize:x + cutSize + 1] (z1, z2) = numdisplay.zscale.zscale(cut, contrast=0.5) normer = interval.ManualInterval(z1, z2) Cut = normer(cut) sp = pyl.subplot(gs[j, k]) sp.imshow(Cut) j += 1 npl += 1 if j == nsp: j = 0 k += 1 if npl == nsp * nsp: break if show:
def __init__(self,data,XWIN_IMAGE,YWIN_IMAGE,FLUX_AUTO,FLUXERR_AUTO,zscaleNsamp=200,zscaleContrast=1.,minGoodVal=None): self.XWIN_IMAGE=XWIN_IMAGE self.YWIN_IMAGE=YWIN_IMAGE self.FLUX_AUTO=FLUX_AUTO self.FLUXERR_AUTO=FLUXERR_AUTO self.minGoodVal = minGoodVal if self.minGoodVal is not None: mask = np.zeros( w = np.where(<self.minGoodVal) mask[w] = 1 (self.z1,self.z2)=numdisplay.zscale.zscale(,nsamples=zscaleNsamp,contrast=zscaleContrast,bpmask=mask) else: (self.z1,self.z2)=numdisplay.zscale.zscale(,nsamples=zscaleNsamp,contrast=zscaleContrast) self.normer=interval.ManualInterval(self.z1,self.z2) self._increment = 0
def __init__(self, data, XWIN_IMAGE, YWIN_IMAGE, FLUX_AUTO, FLUXERR_AUTO, zscaleNsamp=200, zscaleContrast=1.): self.XWIN_IMAGE = XWIN_IMAGE self.YWIN_IMAGE = YWIN_IMAGE self.FLUX_AUTO = FLUX_AUTO self.FLUXERR_AUTO = FLUXERR_AUTO = data (self.z1, self.z2) = numdisplay.zscale.zscale(, nsamples=zscaleNsamp, contrast=zscaleContrast) self.normer = interval.ManualInterval(self.z1, self.z2) self._increment = 0
def __call__(self, xi, yi, radius=4., l=5., a=0.01, width=20., skyRadius=8., zpt=27.0, exptime=1., enableBGSelection=False, display=False, verbose=False, backupMode='fraserMode', forceBackupMode=False, trimBGHighPix=False, zscale=True, zoomRegion=None): """ Perform the actual photometry. Important note: the background is taken as the output from bgfinder.smartBackground. First a Guassian is fit to the data. If the gaussian standard deviation / gaussian peak is larger than the variable gaussSTDlimit, or if forceBackupMode is set to true, the backup mode background value is returned. Otherwise, the peak of the gaussian fit is returned. angle in degrees clockwise +-90 degrees from +x Length in pixels. Coordinates are in iraf coordinates, not numpy. -width is the outer dimension of the image region considered. That is, 2*width*2*width is the image subsection size. set trimBGHighPix to some value ,x, to trim the background -this is done by first estimating the background. Then, it trims all pixels with value v>bg+x*bgstd. That is, it provides a rough sigma cut to get rid of glaringly bright sources that might affect the bg estimate. -the bg is then restimated. -when zoomRegion is set [x_low,x_high,y_low,y_high], a 4 int/float array, and enableBGSelection = True, the aperture panel will automatically zoom to the region of the image specified by the box coordinates in zoomRegion """ #Single-letter variables = super painful debugging #I'll leave them in the function call for backwards compatibility, #but will remove below. angle = a length = l del (a, l) #Set up some of the True/False statements that gets used repeatedly: singleAperture = isinstance(radius, (float, num.float64)) multipleApertures = isinstance(radius, num.ndarray) if not singleAperture | multipleApertures: raise Exception( 'Aperture size not understood. ' + 'It seems to be neither an array or a single value') if enableBGSelection: if zoomRegion is not None: if isinstance(zoomRegion, (list, num.float64)): if not len(zoomRegion) == 4: raise Exception( 'Need four values to specify the corners of the zoom box.' ) elif len(zoomRegion) == 4 and not isinstance( zoomRegion[0], (float, int)): raise Exception( 'zoomRegion takes floats or ints only.') else: raise Exception( 'zoomRegion is a 4 float/int array or list ') #Check whether aperture(s) is integer: if True convert to float. integerAperture = isinstance(radius, (int, num.integer)) if multipleApertures: integerAperture = issubclass(radius.dtype.type, num.integer) if integerAperture: radius *= 1. integerAperture = False if display: #setup the necessary subplots self.dispFig = pyl.figure('Image Display') if enableBGSelection: #dispFig.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0.0,hspace = 0.0) self.dispGS = gridspec.GridSpec( 1, 2) #, height_ratios = [3.5,1], width_ratios = [3.5,1]) self.dispAx = pyl.subplot(self.dispGS[0]) else: self.dispAx = self.dispFig.add_subplot(111) x = xi - 0.5 y = yi - 0.5 #if l+radius<width or l+skyRadius<width: # raise Exception("Width must be large enough to include both the full aperture, and the sky radius.") # if angle > 90 or angle < -90 or length < 0 or num.min(radius) < 0: if angle > 90 or angle < -90: angle = angle % 180. if verbose: print("Warning! You gave a bad angle. I'll fix it for you.") if length < 0: length = -length if verbose: print("Warning! You gave a bad length. I'll fix it for you.") if num.min(radius) < 0: raise Exception('Aperture radius must be positive!') if singleAperture: image = self.__lp__(x=x + 1., y=y + 1., radius=radius, l=length, a=angle, w=int(width)) mask = self.mask elif multipleApertures: image = [] mask = [] for jj in range(len(radius)): image.append( self.__lp__(x=x + 1., y=y + 1., radius=radius[jj], l=length, a=angle, w=int(width))) mask.append(self.mask) if display and self.l0 <> None: l0 = self.l0 l1 = self.l1 l2 = self.l2 l3 = self.l3 bgstd = -1. if skyRadius == None: if singleAperture: skyImage = image * 0.0 elif multipleApertures: skyImage = image[0] * 0.0 bg = 0.0 else: skyImage = self.__lp__(x=x + 1., y=y + 1., radius=skyRadius, l=length, a=angle, w=int(width), retObj=False) bgmask = self.bgmask rebinnedSkyImage = num.zeros( num.array(skyImage.shape) / self.repFact) (aa, bb) = skyImage.shape for ii in range(0, aa, self.repFact): for jj in range(0, bb, self.repFact): n = num.sum(bgmask[ii:ii + self.repFact, jj:jj + self.repFact]) if n == self.repFact * self.repFact: rebinnedSkyImage[ii / self.repFact, jj / self.repFact] = num.sum( skyImage[ii:ii + self.repFact, jj:jj + self.repFact]) w = num.where(rebinnedSkyImage <> 0.0) bgf = bgFinder.bgFinder(rebinnedSkyImage[w]) if display and enableBGSelection: bgf.plotAxis = self.dispFig.add_subplot(self.dispGS[1]) if not trimBGHighPix: bg = bgf.smartBackground(display=display, backupMode=backupMode, forceBackupMode=forceBackupMode) bgstd = num.std(rebinnedSkyImage[w]) else: #trimming BG high pix bg = bgf.smartBackground(backupMode=backupMode, forceBackupMode=forceBackupMode) bgstd = num.std(rebinnedSkyImage[w]) W = num.where(rebinnedSkyImage[w] < bg + trimBGHighPix * bgstd) bgf = bgFinder.bgFinder(rebinnedSkyImage[w][W]) if display and enableBGSelection: bgf.plotAxis = self.dispFig.add_subplot(self.dispGS[1]) bg = bgf.smartBackground(display=display, backupMode=backupMode, forceBackupMode=forceBackupMode) bgstd = num.std(rebinnedSkyImage[w][W]) if singleAperture: W = num.where(mask != 0.0) flux = num.sum(image) - len(W[0]) * bg / (self.repFact**2) elif multipleApertures: flux = [] for jj in range(len(radius)): W = num.where(mask[jj] != 0.0) flux.append( num.sum(image[jj]) - len(W[0]) * bg / (self.repFact**2)) flux = num.array(flux) self.nPix = num.sum(mask) / (self.repFact**2) self.sourceFlux = flux = bg self.bgstd = bgstd self.exptime = exptime self.magnitude = zpt - 2.5 * num.log10(self.sourceFlux / self.exptime) if display: if trimBGHighPix: w = num.where( skyImage * (self.repFact * self.repFact) > (bg + trimBGHighPix * bgstd)) skyImage[w] = 0 if multipleApertures: im = skyImage + image[-1] elif singleAperture: im = skyImage + image if self.zscale: (z1, z2) = numdisplay.zscale.zscale(im) norm = interval.ManualInterval(z1, z2) self.dispAx.imshow(norm(im), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') else: w = num.where(im == 0.0) im[w] += * 0.7 / (self.repFact * self.repFact) im = num.clip(im, num.min(im), num.max(image)) self.dispAx.imshow(im, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') if self.l0 is not None: self.dispAx.plot(num.linspace(l0.xlim[0], l0.xlim[1], 100), l0(num.linspace(l0.xlim[0], l0.xlim[1], 100)), 'w-', lw=2.) self.dispAx.plot(num.linspace(l2.xlim[0], l2.xlim[1], 100), l2(num.linspace(l2.xlim[0], l2.xlim[1], 100)), 'w-', lw=2.) mx0 = (l0.xlim[0] + l2.xlim[0]) / 2 my0 = (l0.ylim[0] + l2.ylim[0]) / 2 a0 = num.arctan2(l0.ylim[0] - my0, l0.xlim[0] - mx0) a1 = num.arctan2(l2.ylim[0] - my0, l2.xlim[0] - mx0) a01 = num.linspace(a0, a1, 25) outerRadius = radius if singleAperture else radius[-1] semiCircX = num.cos(a01) * outerRadius * self.repFact semiCircY = num.sin(a01) * outerRadius * self.repFact mx1 = (l0.xlim[1] + l2.xlim[1]) / 2 my1 = (l0.ylim[1] + l2.ylim[1]) / 2 my0, my1 = ((my1, my0) if ((angle < 0) & (angle > -90)) else (my0, my1)) self.dispAx.plot(mx0 - semiCircX, my0 - semiCircY, 'w-', lw=2) self.dispAx.plot(mx1 + semiCircX, my1 + semiCircY, 'w-', lw=2) if enableBGSelection: print 'Current background value: %.3f' % ( self.dispAx.set_title( 'To improve background measurement, zoom on\na good background region, then close.' ) (ox0, ox1) = self.dispAx.get_xlim() (oy0, oy1) = self.dispAx.get_ylim() (A, B) = im.shape #all of these are needed in _on_lims_change self._bgFind = bgf self._rbsi = rebinnedSkyImage self._AB = im.shape self._bgm = backupMode self._fbgm = forceBackupMode if zoomRegion is not None: # Broad steps to zoom to a specific region self.dispAx.set_xlim(zoomRegion[0] * self.repFact, zoomRegion[1] * self.repFact) self.dispAx.set_ylim(zoomRegion[2] * self.repFact, zoomRegion[3] * self.repFact) self._on_xlims_change(self.dispAx) self._on_ylims_change(self.dispAx) self.dispAx.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed', self._on_xlims_change) self.dispAx.callbacks.connect('ylim_changed', self._on_ylims_change) (x0, x1) = self.dispAx.get_xlim() (y0, y1) = self.dispAx.get_ylim() x0 = max(0, x0) / self.repFact y0 = max(0, y0) / self.repFact x1 = min(B, x1) / self.repFact y1 = min(A, y1) / self.repFact self.bgSamplingRegion = [x0, x1, y0, y1] #need to clear the histogram first #need to update the positions so that the code below this ifstatement actualy fires if ox0 == x0 and ox1 == x1 and oy0 == y0 and oy1 == y1: return rebinnedSkyImage = rebinnedSkyImage[int(y0):int(y1), int(x0):int(x1)] w = num.where(rebinnedSkyImage <> 0.0) W = num.where(rebinnedSkyImage[w] < bg + trimBGHighPix * bgstd) bgf = bgFinder.bgFinder(rebinnedSkyImage[w][W]) bg = bgf.smartBackground(display=False, backupMode=backupMode, forceBackupMode=forceBackupMode, verbose=verbose) bgstd = num.std(rebinnedSkyImage[w]) if singleAperture: W = num.where(mask != 0.0) flux = num.sum(image) - len( W[0]) * bg / (self.repFact * self.repFact) elif multipleApertures: flux = [] for jj in range(len(radius)): W = num.where(mask[jj] != 0.0) flux.append( num.sum(image[jj]) - len(W[0]) * bg / (self.repFact * self.repFact)) flux = num.array(flux) self.nPix = num.sum(mask) / (self.repFact * self.repFact) self.sourceFlux = flux = bg self.bgstd = bgstd self.exptime = exptime self.magnitude = zpt - 2.5 * num.log10( self.sourceFlux / self.exptime) else: if verbose: print num.sum( image), self.sourceFlux,, zpt - 2.5 * num.log10(flux)
# bads[i][j] = False for i in range(h): for j in range(w): if n+j==len(unique_ims): break im = prefix+'-'+unique_ims[n+j]+'-'+chips[i]+postfix names[i][j] = im try: with as han: lu = han[0].data (z1,z2) = tzscale.zscale(lu,contrast = 0.5) normer = interval.ManualInterval(z1,z2) d = normer(lu) sps[i][j].imshow(d,interpolation = 'nearest') except: sps[i][j].imshow(np.zeros((30,30)),interpolation = 'nearest') n+=w if n==len(unique_ims): n = len(unique_ims) break print(n,len(unique_ims)) for i in range(len(bads)): for j in range(len(bads[i])): if bads[i][j]:
def blinky(event): global subplots, normed, patches, counter, nsp, ims, xs, ys, ras, decs, jds, X, Y, dist_low, dist_high, distantCandidate, corners, cut_widthx, cut_widthy, possCounter, possIms, possDrawing, fieldCuts, contrast if event.key == 'q': exit() if event.key in ['a', 'tab', 'd']: possIms = [] possDrawing = False possCounter = 0 for ii in range(len(patches)): if len(subplots) > 1: subplots[ii + 1].patches[-1].set_edgecolor('r') if event.key in ['a', 'tab']: counter += 1 counter = counter % len(normed) if len(subplots) > 1: subplots[counter + 1].patches[-1].set_edgecolor('y') elif event.key in ['d']: counter -= 1 counter = counter % len(normed) if len(subplots) > 1: subplots[counter + 1].patches[-1].set_edgecolor('y') if event.key in ['v']: comm = 'ds9 ' for ii in range(len(ims)): comm += '{} -pan to {} {} -regions command "circle({},{},10)" '.format( ims[ii], xs[ii], ys[ii], xs[ii], ys[ii]) print(comm) if event.key in ['a', 'tab', 'd']: draw(subplots, normed, counter, xs, ys, X, Y, cut_widthx, cut_widthy) pyl.draw() if event.key == 'g': print('Distant Object!', dist_low, dist_high) distantCandidate = True if event.key == 'c': print('Bad Object.') if event.key in ['g', 'c']: pyl.close() if event.key in ['b']: if len(possIms) == 0: print("Getting field image of ", ims[counter]) possImss = findBGImage([ras[counter], decs[counter]], jds[counter], corners) possIms = [] for k in range(len(possImss)): if possImss[k] not in ims: possIms.append(possImss[k]) print(' Have', len(possIms), 'images to choose from.\n') possDrawing = True if possDrawing and len(possIms) > 0: print('Loading', possIms[possCounter]) if len(fieldCuts) >= possCounter - 1: with[possCounter]) as han: fieldData = han[1].data fieldHeader = han[1].header fWCS = wcs.WCS(fieldHeader) (xx, yy) = fWCS.all_world2pix(ras[0], decs[0], 0) #print(fWCS.all_pix2world(xx,yy,0),possCounter,'&&') (A, B) = fieldData.shape bg = 0.0 big = np.zeros((A + cut_widthy * 4 + 1, B + cut_widthx * 4 + 1)).astype('float64') + bg big[cut_widthy * 2:A + cut_widthy * 2, cut_widthx * 2:cut_widthx * 2 + B] = fieldData cut = big[int(yy) + cut_widthy:int(yy) + 3 * cut_widthy, int(xx) + cut_widthx:int(xx) + 3 * cut_widthx] (z1, z2) = numdisplay.zscale.zscale(fieldData, contrast=contrast) normer = interval.ManualInterval(z1, z2) fieldCut = normer(cut) fieldCut[:5, :5] = 1.0 fieldCut[-5:, :5] = 1.0 fieldCut[-5:, -5:] = 1.0 fieldCut[:5, -5:] = 1.0 fieldCuts.append(np.copy(fieldCut)) else: fieldCut = fieldCuts[possCounter] draw(subplots, normed, counter, xs, ys, X, Y, cut_widthx, cut_widthy, fieldCut=fieldCut, fmt='w-') possCounter = (possCounter + 1) % len(possIms) pyl.draw() else: print("...No background images available!\n") else: possDrawing = False possIms = [] possCounter = 0 if event.key == 'h': print(' g - real object') print(' c - bad object') print(' a - blink backwards') print('d/tab - blink forwards') print(' q - quit without saving a candidates file.')
big = np.zeros((A + cut_widthy * 4 + 1, B + cut_widthx * 4 + 1)).astype('float64') + bg big[cut_widthy * 2:A + cut_widthy * 2, cut_widthx * 2:cut_widthx * 2 + B] = datas[i] cut = big[int(Y[i][0]) + cut_widthy:int(Y[i][0]) + 3 * cut_widthy, int(X[i][0]) + cut_widthx:int(X[i][0]) + 3 * cut_widthx] #cut = big[int(meanPos[1])+cut_width:int(meanPos[1])+3*cut_width,int(meanPos[0])+cut_width:int(meanPos[0])+3*cut_width] cutouts.append(np.copy(cut)) if len(cut) == 0: normers.append([]) normed.append(np.zeros((2 * cut_widthy + 1, 2 * cut_widthx + 1))) else: (z1, z2) = numdisplay.zscale.zscale(cutouts[-1], contrast=contrast) normers.append(interval.ManualInterval(z1, z2)) normed.append(normers[-1](cutouts[-1])) #findBGImage(np.array([ras[1],decs[1]]),jds[1],corners) #exit() #subplots[0].imshow(normed[0]) #subplots[0].plot([cut_width-20,cut_width-5],[cut_width,cut_width],'r-') #subplots[0].plot([cut_width+5,cut_width+20],[cut_width,cut_width],'r-') #ubplots[0].plot([cut_width,cut_width],[cut_width-20,cut_width-5],'r-') #subplots[0].plot([cut_width,cut_width],[cut_width+5,cut_width+20],'r-') #subplots[0].set_ylim(subplots[0].get_ylim()[::-1]) distantCandidate = False counter = 0 draw(subplots, normed, counter, xs, ys, X, Y, cut_widthx, cut_widthy)
def showSources(pred,catalog,data,c=8,returnCuts = False,snr=None,appended=''): X = catalog['X_IMAGE'] Y = catalog['Y_IMAGE'] (A,B) = data.shape (z1,z2) = numdisplay.zscale.zscale(data,contrast = 0.5) normer = interval.ManualInterval(z1,z2) w = np.where(pred == 1) nsp = int(len(w[0])**0.5) if len(w[0])>nsp*nsp: nsp += 1 if not returnCuts: fig = pyl.figure('good'+appended,figsize=(15,15)) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0,wspace=0) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nsp,nsp) else: cuts = [] snrs = [] for ii in range(nsp): for jj in range(nsp): if ii*nsp+jj<len(w[0]): x,y = int(X[w[0]][ii*nsp+jj])-1,int(Y[w[0]][ii*nsp+jj])-1 cut = data[y-c:y+c+1,x-c:x+c+1] if np.min(cut.shape)<3: continue if cut.shape[0]!=2*c+1 or cut.shape[1]!=2*c+1: cut = cutter(x,y,cut,A,B,c,returnCuts) if returnCuts: cuts.append(cut) snrs.append(snr[w[0]][ii*nsp+jj]) else: try: (z1,z2) = numdisplay.zscale.zscale(cut,contrast = 0.5) normer = interval.ManualInterval(z1,z2) Cut = normer(cut) sp = pyl.subplot(gs[ii,jj]) pyl.imshow(Cut) except: pyl.imshow(cut) w = np.where(pred == -1) #print(len(w[0])) nsp = int(len(w[0])**0.5) if len(w[0])>nsp*nsp: nsp += 1 fig = pyl.figure('bad'+appended,figsize=(15,15)) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0,wspace=0) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nsp,nsp) for ii in range(nsp): for jj in range(nsp): if ii*nsp+jj<len(w[0]): x,y = int(X[w[0]][ii*nsp+jj])-1,int(Y[w[0]][ii*nsp+jj])-1 cut = data[y-c:y+c+1,x-c:x+c+1] if np.min(cut.shape)<3: continue if cut.shape[0]!=2*c+1 or cut.shape[1]!=2*c+1: cut = cutter(x,y,cut,A,B,c,returnCuts) if returnCuts: cuts.append(cut) snrs.append(-snr[w[0]][ii*nsp+jj]) #negative for bad sources else: try: (z1,z2) = numdisplay.zscale.zscale(cut,contrast = 0.5) normer = interval.ManualInterval(z1,z2) Cut = normer(cut) sp = pyl.subplot(gs[ii,jj]) pyl.imshow(Cut) except: pyl.imshow(cut) if returnCuts: return (cuts,snrs)
def __init__(self, imagedata, header, imageSources, refSources, xo=512.0, yo=512.0, windowSize=13): if 'B_DEC_7' in header: self.b_ra = [] self.b_dec = [] for i in range(8): self.b_ra.append(header['B_RA_{}'.format(i)]) self.b_dec.append(header['B_DEC_{}'.format(i)]) self.b_ra = np.array(self.b_ra) self.b_dec = np.array(self.b_dec) if 'B_DEC_L5' in header: self.b_ra_low = [] self.b_dec_low = [] for i in range(6): self.b_ra_low.append(header['B_RA_L{}'.format(i)]) self.b_dec_low.append(header['B_DEC_L{}'.format(i)]) self.b_ra_low = np.array(self.b_ra_low) self.b_dec_low = np.array(self.b_dec_low) self.imageSources = imageSources self.refSources = refSources self._xo = xo self._yo = yo self.header = header self.header.set('RADESYSa', 'FK5') self.imagedata = np.copy(imagedata) #scratch crap pixel value fix mean = np.median(self.imagedata[::3, ::3]) w = np.where(self.imagedata < 0) self.imagedata[w] = mean (self._z1, self._z2) = numdisplay.zscale.zscale(self.imagedata, contrast=0.4) self._normer = interval.ManualInterval(self._z1, self._z2) self._wcs = WCS.WCS(header) if self.refSources is not None: self._refSourcePix = self._wcs.wcs_world2pix( self.refSources[:, :2], 0) (a, b) = self.imagedata.shape w = np.where((self._refSourcePix[:, 0] > -100) & (self._refSourcePix[:, 0] < b + 100) & (self._refSourcePix[:, 1] > -100) & (self._refSourcePix[:, 1] < a + 100)) self._refSourcePix = self._refSourcePix[w] self.refSources = self.refSources[w] self._initSourceSelection = None self._initRefSelection = None self.matches = [] self.windowSize = windowSize self._lastKilled = []
def removeTSF(data, xt, yt, bg, goodPSF, NAXIS1, NAXIS2, header, inputName, outfile=None, repfact=10, remove=True, verbose=False): '''Remove a TSF. If remove=False, will not remove, just saves postage-stamp around xt, yt.''' Data = (data[np.max([0, int(yt) - 200]):np.min([NAXIS2 - 1, int(yt) + 200]), np.max([0, int(xt) - 200]):np.min([NAXIS1 - 1, int(xt) + 200])] - bg) dtransy = int(yt) - np.max([0, int(yt) - 200]) - 1 dtransx = int(xt) - np.max([0, int(xt) - 200]) - 1 m_obj = np.max( data[np.max([0, int(yt) - 5]):np.min([NAXIS2 - 1, int(yt) + 5]), np.max([0, int(xt) - 5]):np.min([NAXIS1 - 1, int(xt) + 5])]) if remove: print("Should I be doing this?") fitter = MCMCfit.MCMCfitter(goodPSF, Data) fitter.fitWithModelPSF(dtransx + xt - int(xt), dtransy + yt - int(yt), m_in=m_obj / repfact**2., fitWidth=2, nWalkers=10, nBurn=10, nStep=10, bg=bg, useLinePSF=True, verbose=True, useErrorMap=False) (fitPars, fitRange) = fitter.fitResults(0.67) print("\nfitPars = ", fitPars, "\n") print("\nfitRange = ", fitRange, "\n") if outfile is not None: outfile.write("\nfitPars={}".format(fitPars)) outfile.write("\nfitRange={}".format(fitRange)) removed = goodPSF.remove(fitPars[0], fitPars[1], fitPars[2], Data, useLinePSF=True) (z1, z2) = numdisplay.zscale.zscale(removed) normer = interval.ManualInterval(z1, z2) modelImage = goodPSF.plant(fitPars[0], fitPars[1], fitPars[2], Data, addNoise=False, useLinePSF=True, returnModel=True) if verbose: pyl.imshow(normer(goodPSF.lookupTable), origin='lower') pyl.imshow(normer(modelImage), origin='lower') pyl.imshow(normer(Data), origin='lower') pyl.imshow(normer(removed), origin='lower') hdu = pyf.PrimaryHDU(modelImage, header=header) list = pyf.HDUList([hdu]) list.writeto(inputName + '_modelImage.fits', overwrite=True) hdu = pyf.PrimaryHDU(removed, header=header) list = pyf.HDUList([hdu]) list.writeto(inputName + '_removed.fits', overwrite=True) else: (z1, z2) = numdisplay.zscale.zscale(Data) normer = interval.ManualInterval(z1, z2) if verbose: pyl.imshow(normer(goodPSF.lookupTable), origin='lower') pyl.imshow(normer(Data), origin='lower') hdu = pyf.PrimaryHDU(goodPSF.lookupTable, header=header) list = pyf.HDUList([hdu]) list.writeto(inputName + '_lookupTable.fits', overwrite=True) hdu = pyf.PrimaryHDU(Data, header=header) list = pyf.HDUList([hdu]) list.writeto(inputName + '_Data.fits', overwrite=True) return
def chooseCentroid(data, xt, yt, x0, y0, bg, goodPSF, NAXIS1, NAXIS2, repfact=10, outfile=None, centroid=False, remove=False): ''' Choose between SExtractor position and predicted position. If desirable, use MCMC to fit the TSF to the object, thus centroiding on it. This is often NOT better than the SExtractor location, especially when the object is only barely trailed or when the sky has a gradient (near something bright). This fit is also used to remove the object from the image, later. fit takes time proportional to nWalkers*(2+nBurn+nStep). ''' if (x0 == xt) & (y0 == yt): # if SExtractor not find TNO, run centroid centroid = True SExFoundIt = False else: SExFoundIt = True Data = (data[np.max([0, int(yt) - 200]):np.min([NAXIS2 - 1, int(yt) + 200]), np.max([0, int(xt) - 200]):np.min([NAXIS1 - 1, int(xt) + 200])] - bg) dtransy, dtransx = (int(yt) - np.max([0, int(yt) - 200]) - 1, int(xt) - np.max([0, int(xt) - 200]) - 1) Zoom = (data[np.max([0, int(yt) - 15]):np.min([NAXIS2 - 1, int(yt) + 15]), np.max([0, int(xt) - 15]):np.min([NAXIS1 - 1, int(xt) + 15])] - bg) zy, zx = (int(yt) - np.max([0, int(yt) - 15]) - 1, int(xt) - np.max([0, int(xt) - 15]) - 1) m_obj = np.max( data[np.max([0, int(yt) - 5]):np.min([NAXIS2 - 1, int(yt) + 5]), np.max([0, int(xt) - 5]):np.min([NAXIS1 - 1, int(xt) + 5])]) xt0, yt0 = xt, yt while True: # Breaks once a centroid has been selected. (z1, z2) = numdisplay.zscale.zscale(Zoom) normer = interval.ManualInterval(z1, z2) pyl.imshow(normer(Zoom), origin='lower') pyl.plot([zx + x0 - int(xt0)], [zy + y0 - int(yt0)], 'k*', ms=10) if SExFoundIt: pyl.plot([zx + xt0 - int(xt0)], [zy + yt0 - int(yt0)], 'w+', ms=10, mew=2) if centroid or remove: print("Should I be doing this?") xcent, ycent, fitPars, fitRange = runMCMCCentroid( goodPSF, Data, x0, y0, m_obj, bg, dtransx, dtransy, repfact) print("\nfitPars = ", fitPars, "\nfitRange = ", fitRange, "\n") if outfile is not None: outfile.write("\nfitPars={}".format(fitPars) + "\nfitRange={}".format(fitRange)) pyl.plot([zx + xcent - int(xt0)], [zy + ycent - int(yt0)], 'gx', ms=10, mew=2) print("\n") print("MCMCcentroid (green) x,y = ", xcent, ycent) if SExFoundIt: print("SExtractor (white) x,y = ", xt, yt) print("Estimated (black) x,y = ", x0, y0) if SExFoundIt: yn = input('Accept MCMC centroid (m or c), ' + 'SExtractor centroid (S), or estimate (e)? ') else: yn = input('Accept MCMC centroid (M or c), ' + 'SExtractor centroid (s), or estimate (e)? ') if ('e' in yn) or ('E' in yn): # if press e/E use estimate xt, yt = x0, y0 break elif ('s' in yn) or ('S' in yn): break elif ('m' in yn) or ('M' in yn) or ('c' in yn) or ('C' in yn): xt, yt = xcent, ycent break else: if SExFoundIt: yn = 'S' # else do nothing, use SExtractor co-ordinates. else: yn = 'M' # else do nothing, use MCMC co-ordinates. xt, yt = xcent, ycent break else: # if not previously centroided, check whether needed if (x0 == xt) & ( y0 == yt): # if SExtractor not find TNO, run centroid centroid = True SExFoundIt = False else: # else pick between estimate, SExtractor and recentroiding print("SExtractor (white) x,y = ", xt, yt) print("Estimated (black) x,y = ", x0, y0) yn = input('Accept ' + 'SExtractor centroid (S), or estimate (e), ' + ' or recentroid using MCMC (m or c)? ') if ('e' in yn) or ('E' in yn): # if press e/E use estimate xt, yt = x0, y0 break elif ('m' in yn) or ('M' in yn) or ('c' in yn) or ('C' in yn): centroid = True print("Setting centroid={}, will re-centroid".format( centroid)) else: yn = 'S' # else do nothing, use SExtractor co-ordinates. break print("Coordinates chosen from this centroid: {}".format(yn)) if outfile is not None: outfile.write("\nCoordinates chosen from this centroid: {}".format(yn)) return xt, yt, yn
def runSex_sep(file, fn, chip, mask_file, showProgress=False): if path.isfile(mask_file): with as han: mask = han[0].data == 0 else: mask = None with as han: mask_data = han[2].data.astype('float64') header = han[0].header header1 = han[1].header WCS = wcs.WCS(header1) (A, B) = data.shape if A == 4716: bh = 72 bw = 64 else: bh = 64 bw = 72 if showProgress: pyl.imshow(data, interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray', origin='lower') pyl.colorbar() #t1 = time.time() bg = sep.Background(data, mask=mask, bw=bw, bh=bh) bg_im = bg.back() if showProgress: pyl.imshow(bg_im, interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray', origin='lower') pyl.colorbar() if showProgress: data_sub = np.copy(data) - bg_im (z1, z2) = numdisplay.zscale.zscale(data_sub) normer = interval.ManualInterval(z1, z2) pyl.imshow(normer(data_sub), interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray', origin='lower') pyl.colorbar() #print(bg.globalrms) obj = sep.extract(np.copy(data) - bg_im, 1.2, minarea=3, mask=mask, err=bg.globalrms) + fn.replace('.fits', '.sex_save'), obj) #t2 = time.time() #print(chip,t2-t1,len(obj),bg.globalrms) #print (ra, dec) = WCS.all_pix2world(obj['x'], obj['y'], 0) arr = np.zeros(len(obj['x']), dtype=[('x', 'float64'), ('y', 'float64'), ('ra', 'float64'), ('dec', 'float64'), ('flux', 'float64'), ('snr', 'float64'), ('fwhm', 'float64')]) arr['x'] = obj['x'] arr['y'] = obj['y'] arr['ra'] = ra arr['dec'] = dec arr['flux'] = obj['flux'] arr['snr'] = obj['flux'] #arr[:,1] = obj['y'] print(arr[0]) print(arr[0].shape) exit() exit() return obj