Example #1
import pandas as pd
import tarfile
import shutil

import astroquery
from astroquery.alma import Alma
from astropy.table import Table
alma = Alma()
alma.archive_url = 'https://almascience.nrao.edu'

def get_mous(science_keyword, save_file_path = None, min_year = None):
    """Get all mous IDs for a given science keyword
    Returns list of mous IDs as strings

    science_keyword: string search keyword
    save_file_path: optional path to save csv of results
    min_year: optional param to filter results to only those after a certain year;
        can be string or int;
        current min year in archive is 2011

    #query alma
    full_query = "select * from ivoa.obscore where science_keyword = '{}'".format(science_keyword)
    query_results = Alma.query_tap(full_query)

    #convert results to df and clean up
    result_df = query_results.to_table().to_pandas()
    result_df.loc[:, result_df.dtypes == object] = result_df.loc[:, result_df.dtypes == object].apply(lambda x: x.str.decode('utf-8'))

    #filter results if desired
    if min_year is not None: